Problem solving, abstraction, and design using C++ · Contents chapter zero ComputerScienceas a...


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chapter zero Computer Science as a Career Path 35

chapter one Introchiction to Computers, Problem Solving,and Programming 49

1.1 Overview of Computers 50

Early Computers 50

Categories of Computers 51

Sharing Computer Resources 52

1.2 Computer Hardware 52

Memory 54

Main Memory 55

Secondary Memory 56

Central Processing Unit 58

Input/Output Devices 58

Computer Networks 59

The World Wide Web 61

1.3 Computer Software 62

Operating System 62

Application Software 64

Programming Languages 65

Object-Oriented Programming 66

1.4 Processing a High-Level Language Program 69

Executing a Program 71

1.5 The Software Development Method 72

Caution: Failure Is Part of the Process 75

1.6 Applying the Software Development Method 75

case study: Converting Miles to Kilometers 76

18 Contents

1.7 Professional Ethics for Computer Programmers 79

Privacy and Misuse of Data 79

Computer Hacking 79

Plagiarism and Software Piracy 80

Misuse of a Computer Resource 80

Chapter Review 81

Quick-Check Exercises 82

Review Questions 83

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 84

Bjarne Stronstrup 85

chapter tWO Overview of C++ 87

2.1 C++ Language Elements 88

Comments 88

Compiler Directive #include 89

Namespace std 90

Function main 90

Declaration Statements 91

Executable Statements 92

Reserved Words and Identifiers 94

Reserved Words 94

Identifiers 94

Uppercase and Lowercase Letters 95

Data Types and Declarations 97

Data Types 97

string Class 100

Purpose of Data Types 101

Declarations 101

Constant Declarations 102

Executable Statements 105

Programs in Memory 105

Assignment Statements 105

Input/Output Operations 108

Input Statements 108

Program Output 110

The return Statement 112

General Form of a C++ Program 114

Comments in Programs 115

Arithmetic Expressions 117

Operators / and % 118





Contents 19

Data Type of a Mixed-Type Expression 120

Mixed-Type Assignment Statement 120

Expressions with Multiple Operators 121

Writing Mathematical Formulas in C++ 125

case study: Supermarket Coin Processor 127

Interactive Mode, Batch Mode, and Data Files 132

Input Redirection 132

Output Redirection 134

Common Programming Errors 135

Syntax Errors 136

Run-Time Errors 137

Undetected Errors 138

Logic Errors 139

Chapter Review 140

Quick-Check Exercises 142

Review Questions 143

Programming Projects 144

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 147

Josee Lajoie 149

chapter three Top-Down Design with Functions and Classes 151

3.1 Building Programs from Existing Information 152

case study: Finding the Area and Circumferenceof a Circle 153

case study: Computing the Weight of a Batch

ofFlat Washers 155

3.2 Library Functions 160

C++ Library Functions 162

A Look Ahead 164

3.3 Top-Down Design and Structure Charts 166

case study: Drawing Simple Figures 166

3.4 Functions without Arguments 168

Function Prototypes 170

Function Definitions 170

Placement of Functions in a Program 172

Order of Execution of Functions 172

Advantages of Using Function Subprograms 174

3.5 Functions with Input Arguments 178

void Functions with Input Arguments 180



20 Contents

Functions with Input Arguments and a Single Result 180

Functions with Multiple Arguments 185

Argument/Parameter List Correspondence 186

The Function Data Area 187

Testing Fttnctions Using Drivers 187

3.6 Scope of Names 188

3.7 Extending C++ through Classes-Using Class string 191

The string Class 191

Declaring string Objects 193

Reading and Displaying string Objects 193

String Assignment and Concatenation 194

Operator Overloading 194

Dot Notation: Calling Functions length and at 194

Member Functions for Word-ProcessingOperations 195

Assigning a Substring to a string Object 196

3.8 Introduction to Computer Graphics (Optional) 198

Composition of a Window 198

Some Common Graphics Functions 199

Background Color and Foreground Color 201

Drawing Rectangles 202

Drawing Circles, Ellipses, and Arcs 203Pie Slices and Filled Ellipses 210

Adding Text to Drawings 212

3.9 Common Programming Errors 215

Separately Testing Function Subprograms 217

Chapter Review 218

Quick-Check Exercises 219

Review Questions 220

Programming Projects 221

Graphics Projects 225

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 226

Mark Hall 228

chapter four Selection Structures: if and switch Statements 231

4.1 Control Structures 232

4.2 Logical Expressions 232

Logical Expressions Using Relational and EqualityOperators 233

Contents 21

Logical Expressions Using Logical Operators 234

Operator Precedence 236

Writing Conditions in C++ 238

Comparing Characters and Strings 240

Boolean Assignment 241

Writing bool Values 242

Using Integers to Represent Logical Values 242

4.3 Introduction to the if Control Statement 243

if Statement with Two Alternatives 244

if Statement with Dependent Statement 245

if Statement Conditions with Characters

and Strings 245

Format of the if Statement 247

if Statements with Compound Alternatives 249

Tracing an if Statement 250

Decision Steps in Algorithms 253

case study: Payroll Problem with Functions 253

A Reminder about Identifier Scope 261

Adding Data Flow Information to Structure Charts 261

Commentary—The Software DevelopmentMethod 262

Checking the Correctness of an Algorithm 263

Nested if Statements and Multiple-Alternative Decisions 265

Comparison of Nested if Statements and a Sequenceof if Statements 266

Writing a Nested if as a Multiple-AlternativeDecision 266

Order of Conditions 268

Short-Circuit Evaluation of Logical Expressions 271

The switch Control Statement 273

Proper Use of break 276

Comparison of Nested if Statements and the switch

Statement 276

Using a switch Statement to Select Alternative

Functions 276

4.9 Common Programming Errors 278

Chapter Review 279

Quick-Check Exercises 282

Review Questions 284

Programming Projects 285

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 290





22 Contents

chapter five Repetition and Loop Statements 293

5.1 Counting Loops and the while Statement 294

The while Statement 295

Syntax of the while Statement 296

5.2 Accumulating a Sum or Product in a Loop 299

Multiplying a List of Numbers 302

Compound Assignment Operators 303

5.3 The for Statement 305

Increment and Decrement Operators 307

Increments and Decrements Other than One 309

Displaying a Table of Values 310

5.4 Conditional Loops 313

A Loop with a Decreasing Loop Control

Variable 314

case STUDY: Monitoring Oil Supply 314

Zero Iteration Loops 316

More General Conditional Loops 318

5.5 Loop Design and Loop Patterns 320

Sentinel-Controlled Loops 321

Calculating an Average 324

Flag-Controlled Loops 325

5.6 The do-while Statement 327

5.7 Review of while, for, and do-while Loops 333

5.8 Nested Loops 335

5.9 Debugging and Testing Programs 340

Using a Debugger 340

Debugging without a Debugger 341

Off-by-One Errors 342

Testing 343

5.10 Loops in Graphics Programs (Optional) 343

Animation 346

5.11 Common Programming Errors 350

Chapter Review 353

Quick-Check Exercises 355

Review Questions 356

Programming Projects 358

Graphics Projects 364

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 364

Mike Weisert 365

Contents 23

chapter six Modular Programming 367

6.1 Value and Reference Parameters 368

Call-by-Value and Call-by-Reference Parameters 370

void Functions Can Return Results 372

When to Use a Reference or a Value Parameter 372

Comparison of Value and Reference Parameters 373

Protection Afforded by Value Parameters 373

Argument/Parameter List CorrespondenceRevisited 374

6.2 Functions with Output and Input Parameters 378

6.3 Stepwise Design with Function 385

case study: General Sum and Average Problem 386

Multiple Declarations of Identifiers in a

Program 393

6.4 Using Objects with Functions 395

6.5 Debugging and Testing a Program System 397

Top-Down Testing and Stubs 397

Bottom-Up Testing and Drivers 398

Debugging Tips for Program Systems 399

Identifier Scope and Watch Window Variables 400

Black-Box versus White-Box Testing 400

6.6 Recursive Functions (Optional) 402

6.7 Common Programming Errors 405

Chapter Review 406

Quick-Check Exercises 408

Review Questions 409

Programming Projects 410

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 418

Robert Sebesta 419

chapter seven Simple Data Types 421

7.1 Constants Revisited 422

The #define Compiler Directive 422

7.2 Internal Representations of Numeric Data Types 423

Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Data Types 423

Integer Types 424

Floating-Point Types 425

Types of Numeric Literals 425

24 Contents

Value Ranges for Integer and Floating-Point Types 425

Numerical Inaccuracies 425

Mixing Types: Promotions 427

Type Conversions 427

Type Casting 428

7.3 Character Data and Functions 430

Some Useful Character Functions 431

7.4 Type bool Data and Logical Expressions 435

Complementing Logical Expressions 435

Type bool Functions 437

Input and Output of Type bool Data 437

7.5 Enumeration Types 439

Characters as Enumerator Values 441

Comparisons Involving Enumeration Types 442

Distinctions among Integral Types 442

Reading and Writing Enumeration Type Values 442

Placement of Enumeration Type Declarations 445

Enumeration Types as Cast Operators 445

7.6 Iterative Approximations 448

Function Parameters 449

case study: Bisection Method for Finding Roots 450

7.7 Using Type char Data to Control a Graphics Program(Optional) 456

Generating Random Numbers 459

Seeding the Random Number Generator 460

7.8 Common Programming Errors 461

Chapter Review 463

Quick-Check Exercises 464

Review Questions 465

Programming Projects 466

Graphics Projects 475

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 475

jhapter eight Streams and Files 477

8.1 The Standard Input/Output Streams 477

Reading One Character at a Time 482

8.2 External Files 486

Interactive versus Batch Processing 486

Directory Names for External Files 487

Attaching Streams to External Files 487

Contents 25

Function copyLine 491

More on the Newline Character 491

Using getline with a File Stream 493

8.3 Using External Files for Communication between

Programs 495

case study: Preparing a Payroll File 495

8.4 More on Reading String Data 501

Using ignore to Advance Past the Newline

Character 502

8.5 Input/Output Manipulators 504

8.6 Common Programrning Errors 507

Chapter Review 508

Quick-Check Exercises 510

Review Questions 510

Programming Projects 511

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 518

Anita Borg 519

chapter nine Data Structures:Arrays and Structs 521

9.1 The Array Data Type 522

Array Declaration 522

Array Initialization 525

Array Subscripts 526

9.2 Sequential Access to Array Elements 529

Strings and Arrays of Characters 532

9.3 Array Arguments 534

Array Elements as Arguments 535

Passing an Array Argument 536

9.4 Reading Part of an Array 541

9.5 Searching and Sorting Arrays 544

Finding the Smallest Value in an Array 544

Array Search 546

Sorting an Array in Ascending Order 547

9.6 Analyzing Algorithms: Big-0 Notation 551

Analysis of a Search Algorithm 551

Analysis of a Sort Algorithm 552

9.7 Multidimensional Arrays 554

Declaring Two-Dimensional Arrays 554

Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays 556

26 Contents

Nested Loops for Processing Two-Dimensional

Arrays 556

Two-Dimensional Arrays as Function

Arguments 557

Arrays with Several Dimensions 558

9.8 The Struct Data Type 560

Declaring a Struct Type and Struct Variables 561

Accessing Members of a Struct 563

9.9 Structs as Operands and Arguments 564

Struct Copy or Assignment 564

Passing a Struct as an Argument 564

Reading a Struct 566

A Struct as a Function Result 567

Efficiency of Reference Arguments 567

9.10 Arrays of Structs 569

9.11 Strings as Arrays of Characters (Optional) 572

Declaring and Initializing an Array of Characters 572

Reading and Writing Character Arrays 573

Some Useful Functions for Character Arrays 574

9.12 Graphics Programs with Arrays (Optional) 576

Drawing a Polygon 576

Drawing a Grid 578

9.13 Common Programming Errors 583

Chapter Review 585

Quick-Check Exercises 586

Review Questions 588

Programming Projects 590

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 597

chapter ten User-Defined Classes 599

10.1 Class Definition and Use 600

The counter Class 600

Class Definition for the counter Class 601

Compiler Directives in File counter. h 604

Using the counter Class 605

Compiler Directives in File CounterTest. cpp 606

10.2 Class Implementation 607

Constructors 609

Accessor and Modifier Functions 610

Compiler Directives in File counter. cpp 611

Contents 27

10.3 Summary of Rules for Use of Classes and Objects 612

Objects as Class Instances 612

Public versus Private Access 612

Syntax for Class and Member Function Definitions 613

Comparing Structs and Classes 615

Project Files and Separate Compilation 615

Combining Arrays, Structs, and Classes 616

Function Overloading and Polymorphism 616

10.4 Classes as Operands and Arguments 617

10.5 A Fraction Class 619

Design of fraction Class 619

Using Class fraction 621

Implementation File for Class fraction 623

10.6 A Circle Class 627

Design of circle Class 627

Using Class circle 629

Implementation File for Class circle 631

10.7 A Simple String Class 633

Design of Class simpleString 633

Definition of Class simpleString 634

Testing Member Functions of Class simpleString 635

Implementation File for Class simpleString 637

10.8 A Savings Account Class 641

case study: Using the Savings Account Class 641

10.9 Common Programming Errors 648

Chapter Review 650

Quick-Check Exercises 651

Review Questions 652

Programming Projects 653

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 657

Timothy Budd 659

C h Q pte r el eveII Data Abstraction and Obj ect-Oriented Design 661

11.1 Template Classes 662

Definition of a Template Class 662

Implementation of a Template Class 665

Compiler Instructions to Support SeparateCompilation 668

11.2 The Indexed List Abstract Data type 669

Need for an Indexed List Class 669

28 Contents

Analysis and Design of an Indexed List Class 670

Using the indexList Class 673

11.3 Implementing the Indexed List Class 676

11.4 Illustrating Object-Oriented Design 683

Object-Oriented Design Methodology 683

case study: An Address Bookfor an Email Provider 683

11.5 Operator Overloading and Friends 699

Operator Overloading 699

Friends 701

11.6 The vector Class 703

Vectors and Arrays 705

Vector Functions 705

Accessing a Vector through an Iterator 706

Standard Algorithms 707

Using a vector in the Email Address Book Case

Study 708

11.7 Common Programming Errors 712

Chapter Review 714

Quick-Check Exercises 714

Review Questions 715

Programming Projects 716

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 721

John Lakos 723

chapter twelve Recursion 725

12.1 The Nature of Recursion 726

Properties of Recursive Problems and Solutions 727

12.2 Tracing Recursive Functions 729

Tracing a Recursive Function 729

Displaying Characters in Reverse Order 730

Stack for Function Calls 733

Implementation of Argument Stacks in C++ 735

12.3 Recursive Mathematical Functions 736

12.4 Recursive Functions with Array Arguments 742

case study: Binary Search 744

12.5 Problem Solving with Recursion 749

case study: The Towers ofHanoi 749

Comparison of Iteration and Recursive

Functions 755


12.6 Common Programming Errors 755

Chapter Review 757

Quick-Check Exercises 757

Review Questions 757

Programming Projects 758

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 760

Marshall Cline 761

er thirteen Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures 763

13.1 Pointers and the new Operator 764

Accessing Data with Pointers 765

Pointer Operations 766

Pointers with Arrays 766

Pointers to Structs 767

13.2 Manipulating the Heap 771

Effect of the new Operator on the Heap 771

Returning Cells to the Heap 772

13.3 Linked Lists and the list Class 773

Declaring Nodes 773

Connecting Nodes 774

Inserting a Node in a List 775

Insertion at the Head of a List 776

Insertion at the End of a List 777

Deleting a Node 778

Traversing a List 778

Circular Lists and Two-Way Lists (Optional)The list Class 781

13.4 The Stack Abstract Data Type 784

The C++ stack Class 785

Implementing a stack Template Class 789

Implementing the Stack Operators 789

Testing the Stack ADT 792

13.5 The Queue Abstract Data Type 794

The C++ queue Class 795

Implementing a Queue ADT 795

13.6 Binary Trees 801

Binary Search Tree 802

Searching a Binary Search Tree 802

Building a Binary Search Tree 804

Displaying a Binary Search Tree 805

30 Contents

13.7 Binary Search Tree Abstract Data Type 807

Design of Binary Tree Class 807

Implementation of Binary Tree Class 810

13.8 Efficiency of a Binary Search Tree 815

13.9 Common Programming Errors 817

Syntax Errors 817

Run-Time Errors 817

Chapter Review 818

Quick-Check Exercises 819

Review Questions 821

Programming Projects 823

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises 827

chapter fourteen Multiprocessing Using Processes and Threads 829

14.1 Multitasking 830

Linear versus Parallel Programming 830

Multitasking as Time Sharing 831

Preemptive Multitasking 832

Time Slices and Parallelism 832

Concurrent Programming 834

14.2 Processes 835

Creating a Process 836

Waiting for a Process 838

Executing Another Program from a Process 840

14.3 Interprocess Communications and Pipes 842

Pipes 842

Using Pipes 844

Interprocess Communications Using Standard

Input 846

Illustrating Communication between a Parentand a Child Process 847

14.4 Threads 851

Creating a Thread 852

Thread Synchronization 855

Mutual Exclusion Locking 856

Deadlocks 859

case study: Threads Illustrated 863

14.5 Common Programming Errors 877

Chapter Review 877

Review of C++ Constructs 878


Quick-Check Exercises 880

Review Questions 881

Programming Projects 881

Answers to Quick-Check Exercises

Index 885

The following are available online:

Append iX A ASCII Character Set

Appendix B Reserved Words and Special Characters

Appendix C Selected C++ Library Facilities

Appendix D Operators

AppendiX E A Brief Introduction to Inheritance

and Polymorphism

E.l Subclassing for Specialization

E.2 Subclassing for SpecificationCASE study: Areas and Perimeters

of Different Figures

E.3 Commentary

E.4 Polymorphism

Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions
