Problem Solving Strategies




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PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES 1. Algoriths 2. Heuristic 3. Means-end analysis 4. analogical reasoning ALGORITHS is a step by step procedure that will always produce correct solutions. A mathematical formula is a good example of a problem solving algorithm. While an algorithm guarantee an accurate answers, it is not always the best approach to problem solving . This strategy is not practical for many situation because it can be too time consuming. For example if you were trying to figure out all of the possible number combination to a lock using an algorithm it would take a very long time.EXAMPLES 1. Binary arithmetic, converting from decimal to binary2. Tying shoes3. A recipe HEURISTIC is a mental rule of tumb strategy that may or may not work in certain situation. Unlike algorithms, heuristics do not always guarantee a correct solution. However, using this problem solving strategy does allow people to simplify complex problems and reduce the total number of possible solution to a more manageableEXAMPLES You are purchasing three items at the store, at these prices $19.95 $39.98 $29.97How much money are you spending? HERE ARE SEVERAL GENERAL PROBLEM SOLVING HEURISTICS THAT STUDENTS MAY FIND HELPFUL IN 1. Identify subgoals . Break a large complex task into two or more specific subtasks that can be more easily addressed.2. Use paper and pencil. Draw a diagram, list a problem components or jot down potential solution or approaches3. Draw an analogy. Identify a situation analogous to the problem and derive potential solution or approaches4. Brainstorm. Generate a wide variety of possible approaches or solution including some that might initially seem outlandish or absurd without initially evaluating any of them . Once a lengthy list has been created ,evaluate each item for its potential relevance and usefulness.5. Incubate the situation. Let a problem remain unresolved for a few hours or days allowing time for a broad search of long term memory for potentially productive approaches.MEANS-END ANALYSISis an approach that puts together aspects of both forward and backward reasoning in that both the condition and action portion of rules are considered when we decide which rules to applythe logic of the process takes into account the gap between the current situation and the desired goal-where we wish to get to and proposes actions in order to close the gap between the two

- The method uses a set of rules that enable the goal to be achieved iteratively . The rules consist of two parts : rules that are prerequisites and ones that show the changes to be implemented- MEA works by considering the present position as the current state and the objectives as the goal state. The differences between the desired and the goal state are considered and actions are proposed that reduce the gap between the initial and desired states.

- Since the process is working from the current state towards a goal it is said to be doing forward chaining which implies a search strategy and a procedure that regards goal achievement as success- or if the outcome of a sub-goal is failure a new search is begunAunt Agatha and the invite to teaAunt Agatha lives in Brighton and has invited me to tea this afternoon she has a lot of money which she may leave to me which is actually a longer term goal for this journey. I am sitting in my office in London and need to decide how to get to Brighton.Now there are lots of ways to do this: train, car, bus, on foot, private jet or roller blades but I subject myself to the following cost constraints:- I must arrive at Brighton today within three hours- the journey must cost no more than $100- any distance less than one mile must be walkedTo begin this process I consider the available means against my constraints and decide on taking the train via Victoria to Brighton. To do this I need to leave my office and travel to the main station at Victoria which is a new goal.To get to Victoria I can walk, take a taxi, bus or go by underground. Because of time constraints and cost I decide to take the underground to Victoria this becomes a new sub goal. The nearest tube station being less than one mile away I walk

On arrival at the station I find the line is down due to a breakdown (goal failure). I can return on foot to get my car to drive to Brighton but this moves me away from my goal on cost and distance. I decide to take the bus to Victoria which becomes a new goal and as the distance is less than one mile I walk to the bus station.I take the bus to Victoria alight and walk to the station office and purchase a ticket to Brighton. At Brighton I have to get to Agathas house I can use the Bus, Taxi or Walk. As the distance is less than one mile I walk and arrive at Aunt Agathas house the end goal.

ANALOGICAL REASONING - The subjects can use a previous problem to solve a new problem and bypass an increment search for the problem space
