Process Analysis




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2UCS101 ACADEMIC WRITING AND LEARNINGIntan Nurbaizurra binti Mohd Rosmi ( E30103110097 )______________________________________________________________________________________________________

QUESTION 2: ( Process Analysis Essay )

How to plant a garden.

Write an essay of not less than 500 words on the above topics.Flower gardening is an absolutely wonderful hobby for millions of people especially for ladies. Commonly, avid gardeners like planting flower seeds all over their yards, gardens, flower beds, and in fields. We ought to think of just a few dozen types of flowers that we typically grow but actually, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different varieties. Each species may have dozens of varieties .Its such a good news for the gardeners who like to try and grow new and unique varieties. Gardening is much easier than it seems. To begin gardening, what you need is to purchase a potted flower. You can easily get it at a retail store or a greenhouse or maybe from someone that you know. First of all, look over the plant well before purchase it, though, to make sure it doesnt have pests and the flower is healthy and vigorous. If a plant is wilted and has a lot of yellowed leaves, its best to look for a better specimen. You also have to check the label to ensure that youre buying a plant that suitable with the climate zone. Secondly, is the planting area. You have to choose your planting area according to the sun or shade requirements of the plant you purchased. Work the soil to a depth of at least 12-18 inches all around the planting area. If the soil is too hard or dry, you can amend it with peat moss, commercially bagged soil or compost to improve the texture. Powdery or extremely sandy soil may too fine or porous to hold water. The other extreme is heavy clay that holds too much water and can smother the roots. What you need are soil that is crumbly and soft. Next step, is the crucial part. You need to dig a hole, about twice as large as the diameter of the flower's pot. If the plant is root bound take a sharp garden knife and slit the side of the root from top to bottom on at least four sides, also slicing off the bottom of the root if it, too, tangled with roots. Place the plant in the center of the hole. Now, comes the hard part. If the roots are loose, spread the roots gently under and around the plant. Spread a layer of loose dirt around the base of the root. With your garden hose or bucket, add enough water to cover the dirt. Add another layer of dirt to the hole and more water to cover. Repeat until enough soil has been added to the hole. The soil may be soft and muddy. Let it sit for a bit until the water drains down, and then press down all around the edge of the root ball with your fist or your foot until the plant is tightly held in the hole. Then add dirt up to the point on the stem of the plant where its natural soil line would be. Do not add dirt above the soil line or the plant's roots may not survive. Press down again all around the root. Mulch the plant to a depth of about two inches with a good dense mulch, about two inches out from the stem to the edge of the outer leaves or branches. Don't mulch right next to the stem to reduce the possibility of insect or rodent activity. Press down again all around. To test whether the plant is securely in the hole, grab it at its base and gently tug. If the plant comes loose or wiggles around, you haven't packed the soil tightly enough. If it holds firm, the plant is situated correctly. Last but not least, you can add fertilizer if you want your plant to flower more vigorously. There are products that boost root growth that you can add at the time of planting. Make sure you read the label carefully for the appropriate dose and be sure not to over fertilize, which can burn the plant roots. Finally, Water your plant periodically every three or four days or so if you find that the soil is becoming dry. Remember! Don't overwater because that can drown the roots.In the end, with the little help of sun, warmth and the plants own energy will do all the work on out with just a little help from you because whats important is your garden is your satisfaction!