Procura-se | Publication 4 (english version)



Amarante From Location to Destination.

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where it originally began. The first step is the opening of the fair trade shop complimented by an awareness raising program and winning the city’s important stakeholders on our side. Which brings us to the final piece of the puzzle:


The more the merrier.

Committing to #fairness can be measured and it only takes 5 steps:

1. A resolution from the Local council to support Fair Trade, and serve Fair Trade tea and coffee at its meetings, offices, and canteens.

2. Fair Trade products available in the area. For Amarante this means two shops and two catering outlets—cafes, restaurants, etc.

3. Fair Trade products used by local work places like estate agents or hairdressers, and community organisations such as churches or schools.

4. Media coverage and popular support for the campaign.

5. A local Fair Trade steering group.

Some of the points are covered fully (point 5) or partially (point 2). As for the rest—time will show. One thing is for sure. The title ‘Portugal’s first Fair Trade Town’ will look good on Amarante.


• a vision for the future• 3 international volunteers• 1 place for a fair trade shop• 2 weeks of painting walls and

art direction• a range of great

#fairness products

DOLMENshort interview
