Professional Diploma in Jewellery Design Research is Me-search


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Research is ‘Me-search’ Module 1 Lesson 3
Summary Notes
Introduction Design is all about concepts and ideas. To be successful as a designer it is imperative to develop your own subjects and
themes. A strong foundation is vital in developing your desired creative outcomes.
Therefore, research is essential in the design process as it will provide creative direction and a narrative for your designs.
Research is the backbone of great design. This lesson pays special attention to research and inspiration and the value it
adds to your design process.
In my opinion, research is ‘me-search’. Even though research is about exploring new knowledge, the data that resonates
with you is what will guide you in your journey.
We will kick things off with inspiration!
Inspiration station
Design Inspiration and research are an essential step in the design process. Before we get to process of inspiration and research,
we need to fully understand the term design.
How would you define design?
Design is a distinctive and crucial practice of analysis. Design is a very broad concept and is a very complex activity. As a
jewellery designer, you will deal with a lot of uncertainties. It is therefore important that designers embrace these
uncertainties to initiate optimal design solutions.
A common misconception about design is that it is only to make things pretty for the sake of it. To provide you with the
simplest explanation, design is a method of visual problem-solving. Let’s expand on that quickly.
Lesson outcomes By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
• Define design
• Explore research methodology
Practical lesson outcome:
Design is:
• It is a cognitive and holistic approach to a problem
• It is the first step to distinguish yourself from competitors
• It is not just about aesthetics
• It is an enquiry of how everything fits together
• It is a process of improving thing we observe
What is good design?
To define good design is not so simple. To assist on this matter, I would like to introduce the 10 commandments of good
design created by German industrial designer, Dieter Rams.
1. Innovation:
The first commandment of design is innovation. As a jewellery designer, you need to consistently be innovative and
develop new ideas that create value. To be innovative, you must be willing to take risks.
Like Theodore Levitt says: ‘Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.’
2. Must be useful:
The second commandment of design is it must be useful. Consumers buy products to be used and jewellery is bought to
be worn. Therefore, for optimal customer satisfaction, jewellery must be wearable.
As the words by Teresa Amabile – ‘To be creative, an idea must also be appropriate – useful and actionable.’
3. Must be visually pleasing:
The third commandment of design is it must be visually pleasing. The visual quality of jewellery is vital to its usefulness.
Only a well-executed design can be beautiful.
Like Bruno Minari says: ‘A designer is a planner with an aesthetic sense.’
4. Must be understandable:
The fourth commandment of design is it must be understandable. When looking at a jewellery design, the piece must be
self-explanatory with no explanation required.
Like Dieter Rams says: ‘Good design makes a product understandable.’
5. Must be unobtrusive:
The fifth commandment of design is it must be understandable. A jewellery design should be understated and
unassuming, leaving room for the user’s self-expression.
Like Jim Rohn says: ‘Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and
easier than you said.’
6. Must be honest:
The sixth commandment of design is it must be honest. Transparency is key. A design of a jewellery piece must not
attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.
Like Andy Rooney says: ‘Art is a by-product of an honest and successful attempt to do something well.’
7. Must be long-lasting:
The seventh commandment of design is it must be long-lasting. Investment buying is geared toward long-lasting products.
Jewellery must be designed with a long-lasting goal. Jewellery is an investment and bought to be worn for generations.
Life Steven Spielberg says: ‘Your job is to create a world that lasts forever.’
8. Must be thorough:
The eighth commandment of design is it must be thorough. Accuracy and attention to detail in the design process shows
respect toward the consumer.
Like Perry Paxton says: ‘Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence will come.’
9. Must be environmentally friendly:
The ninth commandment of design is it must be environmentally friendly. In the jewellery design process, it is important
to contribute to the preservation of the environment. The use of materials in your jewellery is an important factor to
minimize physical and visual pollution throughout the lifecycle of a jewellery piece. And if you will be using diamonds,
stick with conflict-free diamonds.
Like Livia Firth says: ‘Call it eco-fashion if you like, but I think it’s just common sense.’
10. As little design as possible:
The tenth commandment of design is as little design as possible. In jewellery design, this is an important factor. Just keep
it simple. But remember one thing – simple does not mean minimal in design. Simplicity is reduced complexity and
minimalism is a reduced quantity.
Like Leonardo Da Vinci says: ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.’
Design thinking Design thinking is an integral part of the design process. Design is an iterative process and design thinking is present in
each stage of the journey from the brief or problem to a design solution.
Even though the design process involves a large amount of creativity, this creativity is also confined by the process that it
is channelled towards a viable, practical solution to the problem. This process ensures that a design satisfies all
• Solution-based approach to solve design problems
• Hands-on method of thinking and working
• Practice of using your mind to consider design
• Moving between an analysis space and a synthesis space
• Taking stock and reflect on the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’
Design thinking has 3 stages:
• Understand
• Explore
• Materialise
As a designer, you must be able to gain an empathic understanding of the problem. To gain insights into users and their
needs, empathy is crucial to the design process and allows design thinkers to set aside their assumptions about the
Here you will put together the information you have gathered during the empathise process. You will analyse your
observations to define the core problem.
With a clear understanding of the problem, you can then start to explore. Research of the problem will be your guide in
developing your concepts.
Ideation is the result of the understanding phase with your research. Now you can start generating your ideas. This is
known as the brainstorming phase.
Now it is time to put your research and concepts to the test. This can be done by taking wax and carving the proposed
design solution or a CAD can be done and printing the 3D model to test measurements, proportions etc.
Lastly, any problems or challenges that came up in the prototype can now be implemented in the final design.
Inspiration Designers are generally very perceptive and therefore, a good designer can be inspired by absolutely everything. Almost all
designers will transform, combine, or adapt elements from previous designs and implement other elements from objects,
images, and themes.
Role of inspiration:
• Gives purpose to a designer – when you are inspired, you have purpose
• Fuels our creative fires
• Guides sketches of concepts
Inspiration is everywhere, but here are a few examples of sources for designing jewellery.
Natural sources:
Includes fauna, flora, birds, wildlife, butterflies, bees or even sea creatures.
Man-made sources:
great source of inspiration.
Creative block
Learn from other artists
Consistently study the work of others—and learn from it. It is important to consistently study other designers and
companies (not just jewellery).
• Keep track of new techniques
• But the purpose is not to copy – only to inspire new solutions
Surround yourself with great design
• Make your design space personal to you
• Use inspirational quotes around you
• Keep a box of cool ideas or pictures
• Collect fun, creative stationary or décor for your desk
Stay educated
• Consistently learn and educate yourself on a variety of topics
Design for yourself
Designing for a brand or clients can be creatively exhausting and sometimes you just reach that feeling that your work
does not inspire you anymore. Regularly take the time to just design for yourself!
• Design without any strings attached
• Does not have to be jewellery; it can be anything
• Just be creative and inspire yourself
Design is all about constant reflection and truly knowing yourself. But sometimes when we hit that uninspired wall, it’s
time to expand your visual library. Travel exposes you to new cultures, people, and experiences.
By immersing yourself in an area that is far from home, you break out of your comfort zone and open your eyes to new
possibilities in your creative projects.
Take walks
It is so easy to get lost in your head. To clear my head, I love to go for walks or even hikes to soak in new environments.
You never know where you will find new inspiration or the next “aha moment”. Graffiti on the wall could even strike a new
idea, or an old car that drives passed, or footsteps in the sand, random textures in a tree. It is everywhere; all you must do
is open your mind to it and lean into the unknown.
Random stores
Sometimes you find hidden gems at the most random places. Go in. Do not just walk by. It is a more personal experience
than doing internet research.
Antique stores are filled with unique items that are sure to spark your imagination. You can find items from decades ago
complete with old typography, illustrations, and designs. Visit a small town – they have the best random and unique
Inspiration feeds positivity
A final note: staying inspired is something you must constantly work on. It is a little flame that needs to be fuelled.
Inspiration feeds positivity. As designers, when we feel like a lack of fulfilment, it can be pulled back to the lack of
Research methodology Now we get to research! Do not fear the word research. I know it sounds so systematic and tedious. I invite you from now
on to always refer to research as “me-search”. You are in control of the direction of your research – it is your explorative
Research Design exists to solve problems. To see the problem and find a solution, designers rely on data. So, the toolset of the
designer is based on research, not prettification.
Let us define research:
• Either in a completely new field of interest
• Or building on older interests
• Research is the begin phase in the design process
• Inspiration is the outcome of research
• Research should be a consistent hobby as a designer
There are three types of investigation:
Visual research
Is what will inspire you in themes and concept developments to create your visual language in jewellery
Physical research
Is the fun part of research when gathering and sourcing materials for jewellery pieces like gemstones, organic stones or
unconventional materials like we discussed in lesson 2.
Trade research
Refers to the consumers for which you are creating your designs. It is essential to understand the target client and
understand their lifestyle. Here you will also explore what the competitors offer and find a niche market for you to fill.
Purpose of research • Inspire you as a designer
• Stimulate and guide you in new directions
• Shows the world how you think
• Differentiate yourself from other designers
Research gathering Now that we know the importance of research during the design process, it is worth looking at how to gather the research
and inspiration.
Research gathering
• A creative library of your investigation
• Start by collecting as much as possible
• Then find areas you want to focus on
Research methods
Fiction books
Nothing like a good fantasy book to spark a new idea for a collection or you could even find a solution to a creative
Jewellery books
There are an infinite number of books available that will always be of great value in research. Whether you are looking for
books on manufacturing techniques or new technologies, there are a lot of books available.
Movies, documentaries or even series provide amazing visuals and stories. It can either be inspiring or informative. Never
underestimate where your next spark of inspiration will come from.
I think this one is quite an obvious one, but art is a great way to study composition and expression. Go to art museums, art
exhibits, launches of new buildings or even photography exhibitions and even go look at sculptures.
Magazines cover hot topics on the latest trends and artists. Magazines are a great way to stay up to date and to get
knowledge on a wide variety of topics.
Social media
Social media like Pinterest, Tumblr and DeviantArt are a great source to research new designs, methods, and technology
progression in the industry.
Lastly, a great source on materials, techniques and innovative designs is Ganoksin and Klimt02.
Organising research
Collecting research and inspiration for a design is one thing, organising it and turning the inspiration into a more cohesive
foundation for creating a design is something entirely different.
Organising your research is simply creating a space to store your inspiration so that you can refer to it when you want to
use it for idea generation.
Organising methods
Information storing
Keep your research organized with the help of a binder, art journal or even a box to keep all those inspirations!
Digital storing
If you prefer to go paper-free, create folders on your computer or even make use of apps like Pinterest.
Inspo boards
Lastly, inspo boards (or more commonly known as mood boards) are a great way to visually organise your inspiration.
Ideation is the process of creating, developing, and communicating ideas, or designs. We are now going to look at some
forms of ideation. This is the fun part of the research.
Mind maps:
• Core idea in middle surrounded by related topics
• Branching out topics to more ideas
• Brainstorm tool to get ideas on paper
• Used to produce many ideas in a short period
• Brings forward new ideas that you might not have paid attention to or missed
• Fun way of expression
• You can always refer to your lesson 1 on sketching
Inspo boards
Introduction Have you ever tried to explain a design idea to someone, but found yourself struggling and searching for the right words to
convey it successfully? An inspo board can be a great tool to use when presenting your creative concepts or designs.
Inspo boards are:
• A collage of images to inspire creativity
• Used as a muse platform
• Great start of a project to present initial ideas to get on the same page
Inspo boards can serve a great purpose when beginning a new project or any time you find yourself in a creative funk—it
allows you to plot out ideas or to simply throw randomness together. An item may seem odd on its own, but it could spark
creativity once it is combined with other items of randomness.
Purpose of inspo boards
Inspo board can be made of literally anything, but first, let us look at why it can be a great addition to your design process.
Starting the design process with a mood board is a good idea for two reasons:
• It helps you by using your time efficiently and eliminate wasted time
• It helps clients with a visual representation to get everyone on the same page
Now that you have got a good grasp of how inspiration boards can be beneficial, let us take a look at some tips on how to
get the most out of the inspo boarding process.
Tips for the inspo boarding process Tips for the inspo boarding process
They help establish a strong foundation
Once the initial project has been set in motion, creating an inspo board helps you:
• Establish the basics of ideal result
• Used as visual inspiration
• Highlights various important elements of a project
They clarify the vision
• Once you start a project it is easy to forget the initial purpose
• Inspo board will help remind you of your goal and vision
• Remember to look at it regularly during the design process
They make collaboration easy
• It is often easier to present your ideas through visual examples
• Facilitates easy collaboration with a clear view of the team’s goal
They involve clients in the process early on
• Great way to ensure the client sees your vision and direction for the project
• Avoids wasting time by ensuring everyone is on the same page and have the same goal
Steps in creating an inspo board Step 1: Theme and style
Start with a clear view of the overall theme you want.
Without an idea of the general look, you might struggle later in the design process as you need to have a common thread
running through it.
Step 2: Explore
Now it is time to research and explore based on your theme. Using a variety of sources relevant to your concept or theme
is key and will boost your creativity and open more avenues for design.
Step 3: Content
Inpso boards are not only about images. Including other elements can help you convey your message more effectively.
Anything that will help you form a creative decision should be added like colour, texture, text, style, era, and shapes.
Step 4: Layout and composition
Here is where you can have some fun and play around a bit. Experiment and move the images around the board to create
different compositions until you are happy with what you have.
Your style will determine your layout, so choose one that best combines and present your elements. This process takes a
while, so be patient and enjoy the process.
Remember, the purpose of conducting and organising the research is to create something that YOU can draw inspiration
Step 5: Refine & complete
Once you are happy with your layout, do the last bit of tweaking. Add the last elements if it still needs anything.
Last few tips:
• Do not focus on being matchy-matchy – this is your inspo board! Add elements that inspire you and will help you
in developing your design. It is okay if all the elements do not match exactly – the board is your instrument to get
all those ideas in one place. You will declutter your thoughts once you start sketching.
• Do not be scared to add words or phrases that inspire you
• Lastly, if I tell you to go design a collection of flower jewellery – DO NOT go to research flower jewellery. Your
creativity will be limited by what is already there. Take initiative and go research flowers, look for unusual flowers,
go to a garden park, feel their textures, smell them, photograph them. Completely immerse yourself in the theme.
Only after you have come up with your ideas, then go research what is already out there and refine your concepts.
• A-Z Quotes. 2020. Andy Rooney Quote. [online] Available at:
• Decoholic. 2020. 14+1 Famous Home Decor Quotes That Will Inspire You | Decoholic.
[online] Available at:
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• Ideas. 2020. 29 Of The Best Innovation Quotes To Inspire Your Work. [online] Available
• Indie, V., 2020. What Are Your Ethics?. [online] The New Indie. Available at:
• 2020. Designers, Here's How To Stay Inspired. [online] Available at:
• 2020. Better Than You Quotes And Sayings. Quotesgram. [online]
Available at:
• 2020. Dieter Rams Quote: “Good Design Makes A Product
Understandable.”. [online] Available at:
• 2020. Teresa Amabile Quote: “To Be Creative, An Idea Must Also Be
Appropriate – Useful And Actionable. It Must Somehow Influence The Way Business
Get...”. [online] Available at:
• 2020. Quotes About Attention To Detail (92 Quotes). [online]
Available at:
References • Riley, W., 2020. Startups, This Is How Design Works. [online] Available at:
• The Interaction Design Foundation. 2020. 5 Stages In The Design Thinking Process.
[online] Available at:
• The Interaction Design Foundation. 2020. Dieter Rams: 10 Timeless Commandments
For Good Design. [online] Available at: https://www.interaction-
References •
