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Global Chemical Database Renewal

Pinja Manninen

Master’s Thesis

October 2018

Master's Degree Programme in Information

Systems Competence



Tampere University of Applied Sciences


Project Management in SAP EHS Fiori Cloud Development

Master's thesis 45 pages, appendices 1 page

October 2018

This thesis was written for a company, which uses SAP ERP EHS (Environment, Health

and Security) component globally for storing and maintaining chemical data and docu-

ments. A need for renewing the current Chemical Database portal for displaying Material

Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Work Safety Cards (WSC) was faced since its mainte-

nance ended in December 2016.

The objective of this thesis was to raise questions about managing small projects and the

purpose was to provide a framework, a guide for Project Management in small projects.

Projects are commonly defined as ‘small’ based on their length, scope, and budget. This

thesis covers all the phases of a project lifecycle and reflects them to project management

methods such as waterfall, agile and hybrid. The hybrid project method offers the benefits

of defining project the same way as in waterfall, but is as flexible and iterative when

testing prototype as the agile method. In addition to the project management point of

view, this thesis provides an insight of the solution that was built on the new technology,

SAP Fiori Cloud platform, and its user experience and architecture.

Since user experience was one of the most important requirements in SAP EHS Fiori

Cloud project, research for usability of the old portal was conducted and analyses were

taken into consideration in the new solutions’ definition and design phase.

The purpose of the project was to provide a fast, user-friendly, and reliable new solution

for searching and displaying chemical documents for the end users working on mills glob-

ally. Another purpose was restricting the visibility to chemical documents, with authori-

zations based on plant and business areas.

SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project was completed with fulfilling most of the requirements

with some delays in the schedule and deviation of budget. The end-product, new applica-

tion for searching chemical documents, was implemented to the production system in

January 2018 and in the future its development will continue.

In the future, this thesis can be used as a project management guide and supporting doc-

ument for building structure to small projects.

Key words: SAP EHS, SAP Fiori, Cloud, Project management, UX



Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu

Tietojärjestelmäosaaminen, ylempi AMK


Projektinhallinta SAP EHS Fiori Cloud -kehitystyössä

Opinnäytetyö 45 sivua, joista liitteitä 1 sivua

Lokakuu 2018

Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yritykseen, joka käyttää toiminnanohjausjärjestelmässään SAP

EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) -komponenttia globaalisti kemikaalitietojen ja -

dokumenttien ylläpitoa varten. Kemikaalidokumenttien eli käyttöturvatiedotteiden ja

käyttöturvallisuuskorttien hakua ja katselua varten syntyi tarve uudistaa vanha portaali,

jonka ylläpitotuki oli päättynyt vuonna 2016.

Työn tavoitteena oli tuoda esille pienten projektien projektihallinnan kysymyksiä ja tar-

koituksena oli tuottaa pienten projektien hallintaa varten ohjeistus, jonka avulla projektin

hallintaa voidaan toteuttaa mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Yleisesti pienet projektit määri-

tellään niiden pituuden, laajuuden ja budjetin mukaan. Opinnäytetyö kattaa kaikki pro-

jektin vaiheet peilaten niitä eri projektimenetelmiin kuten vesiputous-, ketterä ja hybridi-

malli. Hybridimallissa projektin määrittelyvaihe toteutettiin samalla tavalla kuin vesipu-

tousmallissa, mutta testaus tehtiin iteroivasti kuten ketterässä menetelmässä. Opinnäyte-

työ tarjoaa myös näkökulman uuteen teknologiaan, SAP Fioriin, sen käyttäjäystävällisyy-

teen ja arkkitehtuuriin.

Koska yhtenä tärkeimmistä vaatimuksista SAP EHS Fiori -projektissa pidettiin sovelluk-

sen käyttäjäystävällisyyttä, projektin aikana toteutettiin tutkimus käyttäjäkokemuksista

nykyisestä portaalista ja tulosten analyysi otettiin huomioon uuden sovelluksen määritte-

lyssä ja suunnittelussa.

Projektin tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa loppukäyttäjille, eli kemikaaleja tehtailla käsittele-

välle henkilöstölle, käyttäjäystävällinen, nopea ja luotettava ratkaisu kemikaalien doku-

menttien hakua ja katselua varten. Uuden sovelluksen oli katettava kaikki tarvittavat kie-

liversiot, sillä sen tuli olla käytettävissä globaalisti. Tarkoituksena oli myös rajata loppu-

käyttäjien käyttöoikeuksia dokumenttien näkyvyyteen tehdas- ja liiketoiminta-alueittain.

SAP EHS Fiori Cloud -projekti toteutui lähes määriteltyjen tarpeiden mukaisesti jonkin

verran aikataulusta ja budjetista poiketen. Projektin lopputuote, uusi kemikaalitietodoku-

menttisovellus, otettiin käyttöön tammikuussa 2018, ja sen kehitystä jatketaan.

Tätä opinnäytetyötä voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää projektinhallintaan sekä sitä tuke-

vana dokumenttina pienissä projekteissa.

Avainsanat: SAP EHS, SAP Fiori, Pilvipalvelut, Projektinhallinta, Käyttäjäystävälli-




1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 7

2 SAP FIORI ...................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Cloud platform ......................................................................................... 10

2.2 User Experience (UX) ............................................................................. 11

2.3 SAP EHS Fiori Cloud Architecture ......................................................... 11

3 FROM PROJECT TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT ...................................... 13

3.1 Definition of a Project .............................................................................. 13

3.2 Project Management ................................................................................ 14

3.3 Project Management Life Cycle (Framework) ........................................ 18

3.4 Methodology ............................................................................................ 19

3.4.1 Waterfall Project Model ................................................................ 20

3.4.2 Agile Project Model ...................................................................... 21

3.4.3 Hybrid Model ................................................................................ 22


5 SAP EHS FIORI CLOUD PROJECT ............................................................. 27

5.1 Discovery and planning ........................................................................... 27

5.2 Definition and scope ................................................................................ 29

5.3 Design ...................................................................................................... 31

5.4 Build ......................................................................................................... 33

5.5 Testing ..................................................................................................... 34

5.6 Execution ................................................................................................. 34

5.7 Closing ..................................................................................................... 35

6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 38

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 42

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 45

Appendices 1. Questionnaire of EHS Portal and Fiori applications ............... 45



Agile Iterative project method that enables change in requirements,

adaptive planning, and continual improvement

Deliverable A produce of every project phase or project’s end-product

GCD Global Chemical Database, used in company for maintaining

and storing chemical information

IBM SPSS Software package used for statistical analysis by IBM

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet are chemical documents send by

chemical vendors and which are saved in SAP ERP EHS com-


PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge, a set of standard

terminology and guidelines. Guide to PMBOK 6th Edition

was released in 2017 and it is overseen PMI, Project Manage-

ment Institute

POC Proof of concept is a realization of certain method or theory

in real life. POC is usually small part of actual development

RACI Matrix RACI is acronym of words responsible, accountable, consult

and informed. RACI matrix can be used for ensuring roles and

responsibilities in project team.

SAP Cloud Platform Platform as a service developed by SAP AG for creating new

applications such as SAP Fiori

SAP EHS SAP Environment, Health and Safety comprises multiple

component such as Product Safety (EHS-SAF) that contains

the functions required to manage hazardous substances



SAP Fiori SAP Fiori application, a user interface that can be built on ex-

isting SAP ERP processes

SSO Single Sign-on authentication can be used when user is ac-

cessed to company intranet

UI User interface is the space between system and user. Interface

is usually aimed to be built as easy to use as possible

UX User experience is about human and computer interaction and

how user feels when he or she is using the system

Waterfall Sequential design project method that is more rigid than agile

method since it does not contain any iterations

WBS Work Breakdown Structure is hierarchical project model rep-

resenting activities that need to take place during project

WSC Work Safety Card is chemical document that is generated in

SAP EHS module to provide users the chemical information

about certain chemical released on plant and work area



This thesis describes the project management in small Fiori application project. It aims to

provide a framework for small projects and it was written to provide the best practises,

and useful methods for future small projects. This thesis can be used for benchmarking

with similar projects. Writer of this thesis worked as a project manager for this project.

In the case of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the purpose was to renew the old Global

Chemical Database (GCD) portal. The requirement for renewal was due to that SAP AG

had ended the maintenance and didn’t support the application from December 2016 on-


The GCD Portal was originally developed by TechniData AG, and it was acquired by

SAP AG in 2010 (Linke 2010). Global Chemical Database portal is part of SAP ERP’s

Environment, Health and Safety Product Safety (EHS-SAF) component. Company uses

the SAP EHS module globally to gather all chemical data for approximate 7000 chemi-

cals. Company stores over 15000 documents in SAP EHS system.

Chemical documents are used on every mill where chemicals are handled. Material safety

data sheets (MSDS) are documents, that contain the information about substance or mix-

ture, its properties, and its risks. It also includes the safe use in industrial, and in profes-

sional activities (Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency 2018).

Chemical documentation is controlled by the REACH regulation (no 1907/2006 ), which

is the European Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of

Chemicals. This regulation was entered into force in 2007. REACH regulations aim is to

guarantee the high level of protection and safety for human health, and for environment.

(European Commission 2018.)

In the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the requirement to renew the portal was identified

as mandatory development, because of the regulations, and the requirement to guarantee

the availability of the chemical documents on the mills to all chemical users. When re-

placing the old GCD portal, the new application, SAP EHS Fiori Cloud, should consider

the regulations, global requirements, and environmental aspects in the design. New solu-

tion also needed to be easy to use. One of the requirements was also language base since


chemicals are globally used. In the company, SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project was defined

as enhancement or as small project due to the company’s standard classifications. It was

considered rather small, and it didn’t have any dependencies to other solutions.

Project was initiated in 2017, as the old portals support had ended in December 2016.

Since SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project was considered as a small project in the company,

there wasn’t feasibility study phase required. Project life cycle contained phases such as

planning, initiation, definition, design and prototyping, building, executing, and closing.

As a project method, waterfall and agile was mixed and hybrid model was used. In this

hybrid model, definition was waterfall-like, but testing was iterative. Hybrid model made

it easier to do changes into the technical solution still in testing phase.

In the beginning of the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the interest of usability was raised.

It became useful to understand how often current portal is used, what are the search cri-

teria used, and how much can a user interface affect to user experience. For analysing this

information, a quantitative research study was conducted for end-users. Quantitative re-

search aims to answer questions what, where, how many and how often. However, it will

not provide an answer to question about the reason what lead into certain situation. Study

results gave important information about usage of the current portal. This information

was used in the project definition phase when defining the functional specification of SAP

EHS Fiori Cloud solution.

The requirements were based on definitions documented in the functional specification

document. Requirements could be classified into different categories: functional, tech-

nical, and security requirements. Also, other aspects such as project schedule, budget,

resources, and vendors were planned and documented into Service Now (Snow), which

is an IT Service Management (ITSM) tool used widely in the company.

The selection for build partner was based on proof of concept (POC). This became critical

selection criteria and it was needed because of complex and somewhat tailored system

solution. During the build phase, project team faced technical challenges caused by the

complex backend solution and this affected the schedule and budget. However, issues

were solved and build phase was finalized with integration testing by application vendor

and new solution was distributed to users.


In the project closure, lessons learned was documented, and project reflection was done.

In the evaluation of the project, success was measured by the requirements, and the out-

come of the project. The project was a success, since mainly all requirements were met,

but from project point of view schedule and budget were exceeded.



SAP Fiori is user interface that was developed by SAP AG to improve the user experience

and performance of the business processes. SAP provides a library of over ten thousand

readymade Fiori applications in reference library. Addition to readymade applications,

applications can also be personalized based on the needs and requirements of company.

SAP Fiori runs on top of existing SAP ERP and uses the transactions and processes main-

tained in the backend system.

2.1 Cloud platform

SAP Cloud Platform is cloud-based service that is provided and hosted by SAP AG. It

allows company to use SAP processes with applications that can be used on different kind

of devices, on PC’s, smart phones, and tablets. When applications are built on cloud plat-

form, there is no need to use SAP GUI for logon since it happens via single sign on (SSO)

when user opens application. SSO requires user to log into company internal network.

SAP Cloud provides the development for process-based tools, and e.g. Fiori applications

for users. Fiori is a concept that defines basic design rules for browser-based applications.

(Company info book on Fiori applications and architecture n.d.)

SAP Cloud Platform is described as an open platform, platform as a service (PaaS), which

provides customer in-memory capabilities, core platform services, and unique business

services for building, and extending personalized, collaborative, mobile-enabled cloud

applications. SAP promises customers to use Cloud platform without investing in on-

premise infrastructure. (SAP Cloud Platform n.d)

Benefits of cloud platform is that it makes developing easy since development environ-

ments can be built very quickly. Developers can also transfer development done in an-

other environment as long as they are built in cloud platform.


2.2 User Experience (UX)

SAP Fiori applications are user-friendly and can be designed freely if SAP ERP basic

business logic is followed. SAP EHS Fiori Cloud application was built as browser-based

application, which means that is can run basically on any device that has web browser.

Since Fiori’s are hosted on SAP Cloud platform, they are easy to develop, distribute and

consume. SAP offers several thousands of ready to use applications, but it is also possible

to tailor an application from the start as it was done with SAP EHS Fiori Cloud applica-

tion. (Company info book on Fiori applications and architecture n.d.)

Figure 1 presents how SAP Fiori considers peoples, business’, and technology (SAP

Cloud Platform n.d.).

Figure 1. SAP Fiori is focused on user experience (UX) (SAP User Experience Strategy


2.3 SAP EHS Fiori Cloud Architecture

SAP EHS Fiori Cloud landscape was designed based on other applications (figure 2) build

previously in the company. The SAP cloud contains the SAP EHS Fiori development and

code repository and is accessible from e.g. laptop. Connection to backend system happens

via cloud connector DMZ demilitarized zone and company’s intranet.


Figure 2. SAP EHS Fiori Cloud landscape (Fiori Design Guidelines 2018, modified).



PMBOK Guide includes a set of standard terminology and guidelines for project man-

agement. Guide is overseen by the Project Management Institute (PMI) which offers cer-

tificates for project management. PMBOK Guide 6th Edition explains the definition of

project and guides best practises of project management. This reference will be reflected

into managing small projects such as SAP EHS Fiori Cloud.

3.1 Definition of a Project

A project is defined as “a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product,

service, or result” (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 4). Project contains phases from

initiation to closing, and every project is unique based on its content, duration, and scope

(Martinsuo 2003, 19). Project life cycle contains phases (figure 3) and every phase is

different depending on the project.

Figure 3. Generic Phases of Project (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 9).

Small projects are mainly defined based on their short duration, less than 6 months, quan-

tity of team members, 10 or less, number of skills required is small, scope and definition

is narrow, and projects has low costs. (Rowe 2015, 6-7.)

One thing in common for all projects is that they all drive a change, and this change can

be an enhancement to existing item or build of completely new item. In the case of SAP


EHS Fiori Cloud project, the goal was to build a new solution with new technology but

at the same time, chemical maintenance and document storing processes weren’t affected

in the backend SAP system.

Since project always drives a change, there is always a factor or factors that initiate the

creation of project. (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 6.) There were several factors that

initiated SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project too. One factor was new technology: the require-

ment for creating a new solution was due to old portals ended support. There was also a

legal requirement, a regulation, that all chemical documents need to be accessible to those

who work with chemicals. One factor was also system harmonization, since this new Fiori

solution would fit to system landscape well since company had built multiple Fiori appli-

cations in the past.

Addition to driving a change, projects also increase business value. This value can be

tangible or intangible. In the case of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud application, the value creation

was mainly intangible since the benefit of this new application couldn’t be easily meas-

ured e.g. monetary assets. New solution would ensure users to access the chemical docu-

ments and have visibility to all required information and this would lead into more secure

chemical handling.

Projects are always temporary, and they will end when reaching all requirements, or when

not able to fulfil them. Sometimes lack of funding can lead to project ending (PMBOK

Guide 6th Edition 2017, 5). Projects are always limited by schedule with certain scope,

goal, resources, and budget and teamwork is required with all stakeholders involved.

3.2 Project Management

Project management is about managing all phases of project to be able to meet all require-

ments. Based on PMBOK Guide Project management is described as “the application of

knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project require-

ments”. (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 10). When project management is effective,

deliverables are created at the right time, predicting of changes, and adapting to them gets

easier. Effective project management also requires open communication, controlled

change management and monitoring of all project phases (Rowe 2015, 174).


For small projects, there are best practises that support the management work. These best

practises are the minimum tasks that should be conducted during the project. Best practice

tasks include creating a project charter, documenting project requirements, using a project

schedule to plan and monitor project activities, managing projects risks and communi-

cating to projects stakeholders. (Rowe 2015, 3).

Project management for small projects should cover:

- identification and documentation of requirements

- defining and planning the scope of the project

- creating a schedule

- integration and user acceptance testing and documenting test results

- implementation

- closing project and follow up.

Like major projects, small projects can also be part of a program. Program management

mean managing multiple projects. Programs can be formed standalone projects or pro-

jects that have dependencies to each other. Portfolio can contain a set of projects or pro-

grams, or it can contain both. Figure 4 presents the relations of project management, pro-

gram management and portfolio management.

Figure 4. Multiple projects can form a program and programs can form portfolio (Usmani



PMBOK Guide 6th edition divides the organizational project management into projects,

programs, and portfolios. Table 1 presents the differences between project, program, and

portfolio management. The variables are definition, scope, change, planning, manage-

ment, monitoring and the measurement of success.

Table 1. The differences of project, program and portfolio management (PMBOK Guide

6th Edition 2017, 13).

SAP EHS Fiori Cloud development project was implemented in a company, where pro-

jects are defined based on their classification criteria (table 2) into three different sizes.


Major and minor projects have their own project steering groups though for small projects

the need for steering is smaller. Major projects are approved and monitored in the project

portfolio steering meetings. Project portfolio steering controls and provides visibility

across business functions.

Table 2. Company’s classification criteria for projects and enhancements (Company’s

portfolio classification document).

Company uses the stage-gate model, similar to Coopers gate model (figure 5). In the

company gate model is used for all project sizes. Project portfolio manager is ensuring

that all major projects are following the gate model according to management require-

ments while minor projects are followed-up by individual businesses and functions own-

ing the business case. Each business and function management may define at which level

the common gate model follow-up is required to manage minor projects (Project Portfolio

Manager 2018).

Coopers stage-gate model was designed for larger, high risk new-product projects and

project breaks into five stages with an entry gate to each stage. During the stages project

team executes the key tasks that are vital for the decision at the next gate. At every gate,

a decision of the next phase will be made based on the information brought to the gate.

In the Cooper model, a project needs to pass all gates to be launched (Cooper 2015).


Figure 5. Robert Cooper’s Stage-gate model (Cooper 2015).

3.3 Project Management Life Cycle (Framework)

As stated earlier, every project contains phases. These phases form a series and the series

of phases form project life cycle that pass from initial to closure (Rowe 2015, 46). Re-

gardless of the project size, project always has a life cycle. The project management life

cycle, or project management framework, consists different phases to execute a project.

Figure 6 presents the life cycle of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project. As the life cycle contains

development of product, it is also called development life cycle (PMBOK Guide 6th Edi-

tion 2017, 19).

Process starts with project initiative, and in this phase the original problem needs to be

understood by the project team. In the case of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the problem

was discovered when old GCD portal was facing issues with performance and it wasn’t

supported by the provider, SAP AG anymore.

In the project life cycle, after initiation, definition phase follows. This phase covers doc-

umented requirements and definition of scope. SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project scope was

clear, and the requirements were documented. Some of the requirements were out scoped

since they were more needed in the future and they weren’t mandatory for the develop-

ment in the initial SAP EHS Fiori Cloud build.


Design and prototype phases are about bringing theory into realization with concrete ex-

ample. In the build phase technical solution is build and delivered for testing. If the testing

is approved, project phase execution, implementation will follow. As the last phase, pro-

ject closing will happen. The life cycle of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project can be used as a

framework for managing small development projects.

Figure 6. Life cycle of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project.

Development life cycles can be predictive, iterative, incremental, adaptive or hybrid. Next

chapters explain examples of predictive, adaptive and hybrid life cycles.

3.4 Methodology

There are multiple methodologies known in the project management area. This thesis

concentrates on agile and waterfall models comparing these to the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud

project. Commonly the chosen methodology for each project is based on size, complexity,


and industry. So not all methodologies suit all and they can and should be tailored and

mixed. (Whitaker 2012.)

3.4.1 Waterfall Project Model

Waterfall project model is also known as a “predictive life cycle where the project scope,

time and costs are determined in the early phases of life cycle” (PMBOK Guide 6th Edi-

tion 2017, 19). In the waterfall project model (figure 7) the requirements drive the lifecy-

cle and phases as the requirements are the basis for implementation and deliverables.

Waterfall is a predictive life cycle and it means that it is determined beforehand, and any

change to scope needs to be well managed (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 19). In the

waterfall model phases are in sequence. The design will be done based on requirements,

and implementation, testing and maintenance will follow as defined. This model is often

described as rigid model, and with a little possibilities to change during the project.

Figure 7. The waterfall project methodology (Alexander 2017).

For SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, this model was used in the planning and definition

phases. Design, and build progressed as waterfall, in sequences, but implementation and

testing were executed in rather agile way.


3.4.2 Agile Project Model

“Adaptive life cycles are agile, iterative or incremental. The detailed scope is defined

and approved before the start of an iteration. Adaptive life cycles are also referred to as

agile or change-driven life cycles.” (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 19.)

Agile project model provides more possibilities to iterate changes and change the require-

ments as well as the designed solution (figure 8). Agile project does not try to define the

scope but it’s flexible and iterative.

Figure 8. Agile project methodology (Alexander 2017).

In the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, it was useful to test the solution in iterative way.

Based on the test results some adjustments were done for technical build. Iterative testing

turned out to be useful with complex backend solution.


3.4.3 Hybrid Model

“A hybrid life cycle is a combination of predictive and adaptive life cycle. Those ele-

ments of the project that are well known or have fixed requirements follow a predictive

development cycle, and those elements that are still evolving follow an adaptive devel-

opment life cycle.” (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 19.)

In case of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, methodology was mixture of waterfall and agile

technique, so called hybrid model (figure 9). Project was first implemented in sequence

as in waterfall model where design phase follows the requirement definition phase. When

the actual development and testing started, project model was closer to agile, where de-

velopment and testing was done in sprints. Reason for this change of methodology was

found when the development phase matured and became familiar to developers and test-


Hybrid model is useful when requirements are clear, but the development work needs to

adjust based on technical solution. Hybrid model is more flexible that total waterfall, but

requirements remain the same.

Figure 9. Hybrid model (Alexander 2017).



In the beginning of a system development project, it is required that project team under-

stands the current issues and the perspective how to develop a system. One example to

investigate the current status is to perform a quantitative research study.

Quantitative research aims to provide answers to questions what, where, how many and

how often. To have reliable results from the research, the sample should be large enough.

Standardized forms for collecting information are usually used. These forms include op-

tions for answers. Quantitative research usually results into understanding of the existing

situation, but it won’t adequately determine the reasons for it. (Heikkilä 2012, 8.)

Quantitative research study was conducted during SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project and the

purpose of the study was to explore the current GCD portals usage: e.g. how often GCD

portal was used, what search criteria were used, and what would be the biggest improve-

ment for current portal. A form with questions and multiple option choices was created

with eLomake application (Appendix 1), and it was send to 63 GCD Portal users and

answers were collected 43. Some of the questions in the form were Likert scale questions

where user would need to answer in five-level answers:

• strongly agree

• somewhat agree

• somewhat disagree

• totally disagree

• neither agree nor disagree.

The last question about the biggest improvement for future solution was qualitative ques-

tion and answerer was allowed to write answer into a text box. The comments by the users

were considered in the analyse also.

Answer rate in the research was 69% and analysis was done with IBM SPSS tool by cross

tabulation. In the analysis Chi-squared (χ2) test was also run in SPSS to measure the sta-

tistical significance.

The questionnaire was sent to multiple plant users and answering rate was highest at River

valley mills (two mills) 32.6%. Based on the answers, most of the users were using the


portal few times a month or even more rarely and results show that portal doesn’t have

daily usage even the access should be available whenever it is needed. Figure 10 presents

the cross tabulation of portal usage on plant level.

Figure 10. Usability study was conducted in several mills.

When analysing the search criteria, it is apparent that specifications, or chemicals are

mainly searched by product name and work area (figure 11).

Figure 11. The most used search criteria on plant level.

Before the survey, there were noticed some issues with current portal functionality. It was

important to understand how widely issues were affecting. Results show (figure 12) that

users hadn’t faced issues as much as expected. On the other hand, this may be because of

rare usage and issues may not have been noticed. Only 33% of the users had faced issues

in the past 6 months.


Figure 12. Noticed issues in the portal and usage rate.

The statistical significance between the faced issues during the past six months and the

usage of the portal can be investigated with Chi-Square test. Chi-Square test (figure 13)

shows, that P (Pearson Chi-Square) value is 0,993 (99,3%). This means, that there isn’t a

statistical significance between the investigated criteria’s in the cross tabulation. The

larger the value is, the less there is statistical significance. If the value is less than 5,0%,

results are statistical significant.

Figure 13. Chi-Square test results.

Questions where Likert scale was used reviled that when documents are searched in GCD

portal, it is not easy to find the correct documents. Only six users answered that it is easy

to find chemical data in the existing portal (figure 14).


Figure 14. Diagram reveals that documents aren’t easy to find in the current portal.

Based on the results of the research study, SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project defined search

criteria that would serve the users. It was also considered that user interface should be as

simple as possible, and performance should be better than current portal. Navigation to

new solution was also paid attention since answers showed that navigation was time con-

suming since every plant had their own place where to maintain the link for current portal.

The link to new solution was added for all users so that it would be as easy as possible to

find in the company’s intranet. In the future, as the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud solution is

implemented, and users have been using the solution, a new research will be conducted.

Based on that new developments can be considered to SAP EHS Fiori Cloud solution.

Quantitative research study was valuable source when SAP EHS Fiori Cloud team was

defining the new application. Gathering information was effective and gave an insight of

the current state. In every system development, one important thing is to identify the cur-

rent state to be able to develop the system to match the required change.



SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project was initiated by the requirement of providing chemical

users the visibility to chemical documents. The requirement is also based by the REACH

regulation. The need was intangible, it can’t be measured in terms of money but it’s more

of regulation requirement that all users who work with chemicals need to have the access

to work safety cards and material safety data sheets.

Project started with initiation of project when it was discovered that old Global Chemical

Database (GCD) portal was no longer supported by supplier, SAP AG. There were issues

with system performance. These issues were severe, since the documents were incom-

plete when opened in the GCD portal. Some of the pictograms and phrases were not vis-

ible in the MSDS document and couldn’t be used when handling chemicals.

After initiation of project, in the definition phase, all requirements were gathered and

documented. After defining the requirements and designing the new solution, selected

vendors were asked a proof of concept (POC) since POC is a good way to demonstrate

that theory of solution can be built in practice. Vendor for building a new solution was

selected based on the POC outcome. Next sentences tell about SAP EHS Fiori Cloud

project and its phases. These chapters give insight of how project was managed.

5.1 Discovery and planning

In major projects, in the beginning of the discovery phase, project team needs to under-

stand the idea of the project and decide whether it is feasible or not. Decision of the project

can be made based on the documented sequence of events such as identifying the project,

documenting the idea, and requesting the approval from management after review. Man-

agement can either hold the project for future or authorize a feasibility study. If project is

approved, there should be sponsor, and project manager appointed. In smaller projects

discovery phase and decision of project can be made without formal documentation, ver-

bally or via emails. (Ajam 2018, 145-146.)


If project has been decided to start and management has approved it, planning of the

project may start. For small projects a planning tasks should include the following tasks

(Rowe 2015, 108):

- scope statement


- project schedule

- risk management plan.

Most of tasks mentioned above were taken into consideration during SAP EHS Fiori

Cloud project too. Company uses Service Now tool for managing small projects, also

known as demands and in this tool scope, project and risks are considered. A separate

work breakdown structure (WBS) was not created, as Service Now tool contains the tasks

for build, testing and implementation. Communication between stakeholders and team

members is important especially in the planning phase and it should be as clear as possi-


In the planning phase the roles and responsibilities need to be clear to ensure the collab-

oration between different stakeholders. An assignment matrix can be used to identify the

roles and responsibilities. This RACI matrix can be used to share the information who is

responsible, accountable, who should be consulted and who needs to be informed. RACI

matrix was not used in SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, but it would have been useful.

Matrix gives a clear view who is responsible on different areas.

In project planning phase, SMART method can be helpful to ensure all project goals. In

this method the goals should be specific and answer questions: who, what, where, when,

which, and why. Goals should be measurable, and they should create criteria that you can use

to measure the success of a goal. Goals should be attainable and identify the most important

goals and what it will take to achieve them. SMART (figure 15) goals should be realistic, and

you should be willing and able to work toward particular goals. Goals should be timely and

create a timeframe to achieve the goal. (Esposito 2015.)


Figure 15. SMART goals (Esposito 2015).

Sandra Rowe describes the PALM principle for processing small projects (Rowe 2015,


• Plan project activities

• Analyse the situation and ask questions

• Lead the project activities

• Monitor and control time and resources.

The PALM principle is suitable for small project processes since it requires minimum of

documentation. Addition to documentation, deliverable in this phase is plan of project

and schedule. Scope and requirements will be defined in the next phase.

5.2 Definition and scope

Project definition is about defining the scope, understanding the problem and identifying

the needs. Also, solution should be identified, all requirements should be documented,

and project implementation facilitation needs to be done. (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition

2017, 4.)

There are six processes for scope management based on PMBOK Guide. During SAP

EHS Fiori Cloud project, two of these were used: scope of the product was defined, and

requirements were collected (PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2017, 1). When defining the

project scope, requirements are viewed and documented. In SAP EHS Fiori Cloud case,

the scope was written together with the process owner and key users. The deliverable

from this phase was a document of definition of the new solution, also called functional



It’s useful to categorize the requirements in different areas (figure 16). In the case of SAP

EHS Fiori Cloud project there were three different categories where requirements were

divided: functional requirements, technical requirements and security requirements.

For SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, requirements were clear as the need for new portal was

inevitable. There were clear functional requirements of how the system should look like,

what search criteria should be available and what kind of result list should be visible for

user. Requirement was to have user friendly user interface and data to be accessible glob-

ally, multiple languages needed to be available. Functional requirements were partly gath-

ered based on quantitative research study that will be presented later in this thesis.

Security aspect needed to be considered as it was one of the requirements to have access

to chemical data in case of an accident. This meant that every user working with chemi-

cals, should have the visibility to document safety documents. This requirement was even

specified so that the requirement was to provide three different user groups with different

visibility to documents. These user groups should be plant level office users who would

have the visibility to only plant level documentation, business users with visibility to

business area related documents and global users who would have the visibility to all

documents. In the SAP ERP system released chemicals are maintained on work areas of

plants. Visibility to plant level chemical documents was aimed to be built with standard

authorization concept. However, since tailored system solution, restriction needed to be

done with combination of Fiori and backend roles. When restricting authorizations, con-

cept should be built in the backend since Fiori will call backend services and will check

the maintained authorizations. This way it could be ruled who could see documents that

were really needed at plant level. Part of the security aspect was to have authentication

that would happen with Single sign-on (SSO) which means that no separate logon is


From the technical point of view, company’s technical framework needed to be consid-

ered when choosing the solution. Company aims to have cloud platforms that work as

flexible environments.


Figure 16. Requirements for SAP GCD Fiori Cloud project.

The purpose of scoping is to identify the requirements that should and should not be added

in the original development. The “out scoped” requirements can form a project of their

own afterwards, when developing the existing application.

5.3 Design

In the earlier phases, project has been planned and requirements are documented. In the

following design phase project should be able to create an understanding how the solution

will be build, and design should work as basis for build partner for the technical solution.

In the design phase, SAP EHS Fiori’s technical solution and user interface was designed.

Design needed to consider how the new SAP EHS Fiori interface will look like, what

kind of search criteria’s it will include and what will the result list look like. The compar-

ison between old and new solution will be done and based on the requirements, and a

mock up can be sketched. SAP provides tools, design stencils, for designing custom Fiori

layouts. This way mock-ups of the solution can be designed without actual development

in Fiori. A mock up picture can also be sketched with other tools such as MS Excel.

Design phase will provide more insight to the becoming solution as the requirements will

be designed in sketches.


When comparing the GCD portal and SAP EHS Fiori, there are multiple differences.

GCD portal contains multiple search criteria’s and tree-like result list (picture 1), but the

SAP EHS Fiori was designed as simple UI as possible (picture 2-3).

Picture 1. Chemical database portal search criteria and result list.

SAP Fiori application is presented as tile (picture 2) where user can select the application

(in this case the Global Chemical Database application). After selection, search criteria

and result list are presented on the same screen (picture 3).

Picture 2. SAP Fiori tile was named Global Chemical Database.


Picture 3. EHS Fiori search and result on the same screen.

In the design phase of the project, the deliverable, the outcome, is the approved functional

specification document with sketched visual prototype of the solution to be built. This

specifies the upcoming solution and guide the following build phase. The design phase

also included the build partners technical view of how the solution will be built on cloud


5.4 Build

In build phase of project, technical solution will be build. For selecting a build partner for

SAP EHS Fiori Cloud application, the selection was done based on POC. POC is usually

a small part of the whole development and it realizes the theory of the specifications and

design in practice. POC also proofs that solution can be built as designed and that build

partner is able to build the solution as designed.

When the build partner for SAP EHS Fiori Cloud application was selected, the actual

solution build phase began. This phase is usually the most challenging and the longest.

The solution was built by the definition from the last phases but in the upcoming test

phase execution changed from technical and functional perspective as the testing moved

on. In this case the build became iterative and based on testing, some changes were made

in the technical solution. However, the requirements and scope remained the same during

the build phase.


5.5 Testing

Usually software development projects contain three testing: unit testing (UT), integra-

tion testing (INT) and user acceptance testing (UAT). In SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project

there were integration testing done by build partner and user acceptance testing by solu-

tions process owner.

SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project’s testing was iterative and done based on test scripts that

were created for testing. Test scripts are test cases where tester follows steps and adds all

results to document. After all test have passed, UAT is approved. Usually there is separate

system environment for UAT’s before implementing the new solution into production

environment. In the test phase errors are detected and in iterative testing some changes to

the technical solution can be made.

Testing new authorization roles in SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project needed to be taken care

very carefully since the authentication was done via Single Sign-on (SSO). When authen-

tication happens via SSO, test user ID needs to be maintained in the backend system since

SAP Fiori checks the authorizations in the backend. In this case user needs have the access

right to test system. To be able to have reliable test results, tester needs to have only SAP

EHS Fiori roles in the backend system and AD groups for cloud platform.

During the tests, challenges were faced, because of the backend solution, that was com-

plex and tailored in the company. In the end all requirements were implemented, and roles

were tested. Deliverable in testing phase is approved UAT documentation and in the case

of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the results were stored in Service Now tool.

5.6 Execution

The deliverable in case of SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project was new solution for chemical

document search. This solution was implemented into production system in January 2018

into production environment and trainings, followed implementation. Project deliverable

can be any unique and verifiable product, result, capability to perform a service that must

be produced to complete a process, phase, or a project (Rowe 2015, 48).


In the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the deliverable was the new solution build

for searching chemical information, hazardous products, pictograms, and other re-

quired information. The solution also provided a possibility to open materials

safety data sheets (MSDS) and work safety cards (WSC).

5.7 Closing

In the last phase of project life cycle, closing is about evaluating and reflecting the whole

life cycle of the project. Documenting a “lessons learned” for future projects should be in

place and it is the Project Manager’s task to check and ensure that all phases are closed,

and tasks are completed. The evaluation of the project should contain questions such as

was the project outcome according to plan and was the project successful. Figure 17 pro-

vides a task list for completing all needed tasks that needs to be completed when closing

the project.

Figure 17. Project Management chart for closing a small project (Rowe 2015, 138).

Every project should be also evaluated by its success. For small projects success can be

defined based on time, within budget, and meeting the requirements of the project stake-

holders. (Rowe 2015, 12.)


Success of project can be defined based on the outcome of:

- within the time allocated, schedule

- within the budget and costs

- at the performance level

- with acceptance by user or customer

- with minimum changes in scope

- without disturbing the main processes in the organization

- without changing the culture of the corporate.

(Kerzner 2017, 6.)

In small projects schedule is often short and even with all definitions, there can be devi-

ations that can lead to overrun in schedule. In SAP EHS Fiori project, the schedule did

not hold as the backend solution was complex, and lead into multiple iterative user ac-

ceptance test rounds. As the schedule stretched, also budget exceeded. Still if the perfor-

mance is high and the requirements defined in the scope meet, the success can be partly

fulfilled. Sometimes compromised needs to be made between the solution build and

schedule. It was also the case in SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project. The decision about the

final structure and functionality was agreed to be accepted as accomplished even if the

performance was not as planned. The most important thing was the usability when user

searched one document at a time.

In the year clock where SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project was planned, its visible that the

schedule was delayed almost six months. In the first plan the implementation was to ex-

ecute in September 2017, but it was postponed several times since the selection of vendor

was done after POC creation (figure 18).


Figure 18. Planning of the project was scheduled in year clock.

After implementation, the trainings were held, and next developments started. Projects

change management in this case was essential since there were user authorizations that

needed to be added and this caused some resistance among the users. Considering licenses

and the requirement of restricting visibility to plant level, changed the user’s way to ac-

cess the application instead of portal. This lead into resistance since all users needed to

be requested new authorizations for SAP ERP.



All projects are unique and methods for project management varies. Sometimes IT pro-

jects contain complex system development combined with new technology. Technology

itself is developing all the time and the capabilities are increasing, too. Project manage-

ment should be able to stay flexible and it should be ready for changes as the technology

and its potential increases.

The objective of this thesis was to provide a framework for other small IT projects in the

company. Small projects weren’t taken into project portfolio steering and for that reason

there wasn’t a formal guideline to manage smaller projects. This thesis provides guidance

for small projects and introduces the most important tasks that should be taken into con-

sideration when managing small projects. It also introduces way to understand current

status by using quantitative research study.

In the future, the guideline that this thesis provides, will be used in the company as guid-

ance for future project management in small system developments. Also, quantitative re-

search study can be rearranged since the template for questions is ready. The hybrid

project lifecycle used in SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project can be used as a benchmarking in

new projects especially with new Fiori cloud projects. Thesis also proves that no matter

how small projects may be, they should be managed to guarantee the best outcome of the


SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project and project management models presented in this thesis

can be used as benchmark and a reference for other companies also. The hybrid project

model is flexible, and testing and implementation complements each other. Figure 19

presents the roadmap that contains some of most essential tasks in every phase. These

phases are presented in the thesis’s chapters and they are compressed into one roadmap

figure. Tasks of the roadmap can be easily iterated as the hybrid model contains the early

project phases as waterfall model and later phases iterative as agile model. Team building,

communicating and having a clear understanding of the target of the project should be

done in the initial phase of the project. Comprehending these, will improve the projects

progress along the becoming process phases.


Figure 19. Small project roadmap where iterations happen during build phase and in test-

ing phase

In the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, user experience was one of the most important point

of view that drove the change. A quantitative research study that was conducted during

the project, was effective way of gather information and understanding the end users’ way

of working. A research study gave an insight of the overall usage of the current portal,

and the needs for future requirements, and desired features. Based on the study, there

were two most important things that rise to the top features. These top features were per-

formance speed and easy to use -application. The selected technology, SAP Fiori appli-

cation, was a suitable, since it provided the possibility to be developed based on the busi-

ness rules in the backend system.

When reflecting SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, and its success, there are multiple factors

that can be evaluated afterwards. Project schedule, budget, outcome of the solution, and

especially the fulfilment of requirements can be used for measuring the project success.


During the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud project, the objective was never lost. It was clear, that

this new application was required for users to access the chemical documentation on

plants where chemicals are handled. This requirement was fulfilled. The product (appli-

cation) fulfilled most of the defined requirements except the performance that still need

to be developed in the future. Performance issue was due to the complex backend solution

and improving this, development in the future is still needed. From the schedule and

budget point of view, the process did not succeed perfectly, but the deviation was reason-

able, and it did not overload the project team.

There are multiple researches conducted when trying to explain why IT projects fail.

Based on different researches (Neimat 2005, Marr 2016), there are some typical reasons

for IT project failure. Some common reasons are:

- poor planning

- unclear goals and objectives

- objectives changing during the project

- unrealistic time or resource estimates

- lack of executive support and user involvement

- failure to communicate and act as a team

- inappropriate skills.

I would also add to this list a clear defining of roles and responsibilities, lack of project

structure, and poor documenting. Roles and responsibilities should be divided in the pro-

ject team and one good tool is RACI matrix, to ensure that everyone knows their tasks is.

RACI matrix can be a chart that explains the roles and point out the person (by name)


SAP EHS Fiori Cloud application was built on top of a complex backend solution and

with new technology. Technical solution of the backend system was not clear in the be-

ginning of the project and this caused extra time for definition and build time. Testing

was iterative and took more time than expected but, in the end the application was ready

for implementation. After the implementation, all new users needed to request authoriza-

tions for the application. To simplify the authorization requests, it was decided to organize

a mass request for all SAP EHS Fiori Cloud users. A mass request was to help the users

to request the new required roles.


Even the SAP EHS Fiori Cloud projects schedule was delayed, and budget was override,

the focus of what was the meaning of the projects and the what was needed to be accom-

plished, was never lost. Focus was clear the whole time and the deliverable was as re-

quired in the initial phase of the project. Using new technology and performing a research

study about the user experience gave a good understanding about the user needs for de-

veloping a new application when renewing the old portal that had come to the end of its

life cycle.

The purpose of the project was to provide a reliable system that would provide global

view to chemicals used in the company. The aim was to replace the old system that had

come to the end of its life cycle. The development of the new application needed to take

consideration the complex backend solution as the Fiori application was built on top of

the existing functionality. In the end purpose of the project was fulfilled, and new appli-

cation was implemented into production in 2018. It has been used since then and improve-

ments are and will be done in the future. The requirement for renewing the old portal was

fulfilled with new technology and new application.



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Appendices 1. Questionnaire of EHS Portal and Fiori applications

River valley 1-2

Plant 3

Plant 4

Plant 5
