PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT - Higher Education Development … · Project Overview Project Basic...


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Cover Photo: 3rd E-Learning Conference in Higher Education, MoHE, February, 2016, HEDP and OBE-SCL Workshop, MoHE, November 2015, HEDP


September 15, 2015 to February 15, 2016

Date of Report Submission: February 20, 2016


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 1

PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 2

PROJECT BASIC INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................... 2 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Component 1: Higher Education Development Program ..................................................................................... 4 Component 2: Component Two: Program Operations and Technical Support .................................................... 4

PROGRESS OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 5

OVERALL PROGRESS TO-DATE [COMPONENT I] ......................................................................................................... 5 OVERALL PROGRESS TO-DATE [COMPONENT II] ........................................................................................................ 8

PROJECT ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 10

COMPONENT I .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Theme 1.1 - Increasing Access to Priority Degree Programs for Economic Development ................................ 10 Theme 1.2 - Modernizing and Enhancing the Quality of Teaching and Learning .............................................. 12 Theme 1.3 - Improving the Qualifications and Skills of University Staff Members ............................................ 14 Theme 1.4 - Strengthening Governance, Quality Assurance and Accreditation ................................................. 16 Theme 1.5 - Stimulating Development Oriented Research ................................................................................. 19

COMPONENT II ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Program Operation and Technical Support ....................................................................................................... 21 Environmental and Social Safeguard ................................................................................................................. 24


CONCLUDING NOTE: ............................................................................................................................................ 26

ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................................................. 27

ANNEX 1: REPORT OF OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION-STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING WORKSHOP ..................... 28 ANNEX 2: REPORT OF ELEARNING CONFERENCE HELD IN HERAT ........................................................................ 46 ANNEX 3: REPORT OF ELEARNING CONFERENCE HELD IN KABUL .......................................................................... 50 ANNEX 4: FIRST DRAFT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY MANUAL .................................. 63 ANNEX 5: ICT SCORECARD (ENGLISH VERSION) ................................................................................................. 171 ANNEX 6: LIST OF PRIORITY DISCIPLINES AND CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF FACULTY MEMBERS FOR MASTERS

SCHOLARSHIPS ....................................................................................................................................................... 174 ANNEX 7: GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROJECTS ................................ 176 ANNEX 8: HEDP INTERNAL AUDIT WORK PLAN (DRAFT) ......................................................................... 180 ANNEX 9: HEDP INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER (DRAFT) ....................................................................................... 190 ANNEX 10: TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE OBE-SCL TASK FORCE (DRAFT) .................................................... 195 ANNEX 11: QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ACCREDITATION DIRECTORATE PLAN (ENGLISH VERSION) ................... 198


AfgREN Afghanistan Research and Educational


APQN Asia Pacific Quality Assurance Network

APR Annual Progress Report

DLI Disbursement Linked Indicators

EEP Eligible Expenditures Programs

ESMF Environmental and Social Management


GoA Government of Afghanistan

GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism

HEDP Higher Education Development


ICT Information and Communication


IQAU Internal Quality Assurance Units

ISCED International Standard Classification

of Education

IT Information Technology

KMU Kabul Medical University

KU Kabul University

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MENA Middle East North Africa

MoF Ministry of Finance

MoHE Ministry of Higher Education

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

NA Need Assessment

NHESP National Higher Education Strategic


OBE Outcome-Based Education

OMST Operation Monitoring and

Support Team

PAD Project Appraisal Document

PPR Project Progress Report

QA Quality Assurance

QAAD Quality Assurance and Accreditation


RBF Results- Based Financing

SC Steering Committee

SCL Student-centered Learning

SDC Staff Development Center

SIDP Strategic Institutional Development


TNA Training Need Assessment

UTM University of Technology, Malaysia

USD United States Dollar

USWDP University Support & Workforce

Development Program

Executive Summary

This report examines the progress of the activities undertaken by the Higher Education Development Program

(HEDP)/ Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) since September 15th, 2015 to February 15th, 2016. In order to

increase access to higher education and enhancing the quality of it in Afghanistan, the HEDP/MoHE have been

facilitating the expansion of higher education in the country with a strategic focus on the future development.

With the coordination and support of HEDP, the highlights of MoHE’s achievements can be listed as of the

following: promotion and expansion of students’ enrollment especially females in priority degree programs;

facilitating the reformation of the educational model of Afghan Universities to an Outcome Based Education

(OBE) with a Student Centered Learning (SCL) philosophy by introducing the model to faculty members;

undertaking activities around framing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enhanced teaching and

learning; awarding Master’s level Scholarships to qualified university lecturers for the academic year 2016

considering 33% seats for women; and approving group and individual research proposals developed by eligible

researchers on the topics mainly from priority disciplines to promote the culture of research in the higher

education system of Afghanistan.

Similarly, in technical side of the project, the staff of Operation Monitoring and Support Team have been

providing HEDP/MoHE with technical support. Though the project’s activities are in accordance to the planned

targets, this project has faced particular challenges that are either implementation related, stakeholder related,

and/or are due to external factors. These challenges encompass, difficulty in confirming the accuracy of provided

data from MoHE; unavailability of data for need assessment required from MoHE; and mapping out the existing

programs and activities in MoHE prevent duplication of tasks. For such challenges, reanalyze of the data is

recommended to take place by the MoHE with the support of Operation Monitoring and Support Team (OMST).

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Project Overview

Project Basic Information

Project ID P146184

Project Duration September 15, 2015 – Dec 31, 2020

Total Project Budget US$ 50.00 million

(Component I :US$ 40 m + Component II: US$ 10 m)

Implementing Agency Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education

Donor The World Bank

Project Director Noor Ahmad Darwish

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Project Background

Afghan policy makers perceive higher education as a vital engine of growth and development. The

Government of Afghanistan (GoA) is fully aware of the strategic importance of human capital in the modern

global knowledge economy. The higher education system produces the pool of high level human resources,

such as policy makers, professionals, managers, academics and technical experts, who are essential for

economic development. Policy makers also recognize that the contribution higher education can make to the

promotion of civic values and attitudes needed for a modern, enlightened democracy, and the development

of a socially cohesive nation. In this context, the MoHE has prepared a second National Higher Education

Strategic Plan (NHESP II) to accelerate the development of higher education over the period 2015-2020.

The NHESP II outlines a broad development framework to be implemented through a multi-year rolling


Thus, the overall objective of the HEDP is to increase access to, and improve the quality and relevance of,

higher education. The HEDP supports the NHESP-II 2015-2020, which aims to develop the higher education

sector by expanding enrollment, improving quality, and orienting higher education to promote the future

economic and social development of Afghanistan.

The HEDP’s concept, design and components have been prepared through an extensive process of

consultation and collaboration with the MoHE, MoF, representatives of universities and higher education

institutions from the state and non-state sectors, public and private employers, the academic community, and

major development partners active in higher education in Afghanistan. There has also been close

collaboration and synchronization between the GoA team in charge of developing the NHESP-II, and the

Bank team responsible for designing the HEDP, to ensure alignment and consistency.

HEDP is organized into two components: (a) a Higher Education Development Program component; and

(b) a Program Operations and Technical Support component. These components are different in nature, but

complementary. The first component (US$ 40 million) is comprehensive and has been designed to directly

support NHESP-II. The flow of funds under this component follows a results-based financing arrangement.

Disbursements are linked to specific result that would contribute to the achievement of the overall objectives

of the NHESP-II and the HEDP. They finance Eligible Expenditures Programs (EEP) selected from the

MoHE’s budget, rather than against specific investments. The second component (US$ 10 million), assists

the implementation of the first component through coordination, technical assistance (TA), capacity

building, monitoring and evaluation, innovation and pilots, and research and communication. The flow of

funds under this component will be provided against specific investments, as normally done under the

Bank’s Investment Project Financing modality.

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Component 1: Higher Education Development Program

This component supports the implementation of the NHESP-II through a Results–Based Financing (RBF)

modality. Disbursements is associated with specific results called Disbursement Linked Indicators

(DLIs). Financing is provided against Eligible Expenditures Programs (EEPs) selected from annual

MoHE budgets, rather than against specific inputs. The following key themes are supported under the


Component 2: Component Two: Program Operations and Technical Support

This component strengthens the capacity of MoHE and universities to implement the reforms of the

NHESP-II. Support under this component covers coordination, capacity building, innovations,

monitoring and evaluation, research and communication. The technical assistance and capacity building

activities of this component assist the MoHE to implement the development initiatives of the NHESP-II.

Policy studies include beneficiary feedback surveys of staff and students of institutions and programs

supported by HEDP. Communication enables higher education authorities to disseminate development

initiatives to political authorities, policy makers, academics, students, and the general public. The

component also helps MoHE to support innovative approaches such as the orientation of the universities

in provincial towns to support the economic development of their provinces. This component also

finances incremental operating costs for an OMST in the MoHE.

Project Financing Modality

The HEDP uses an Investment Project Financing (IPF) instrument based on Results- Based

Financing (RBF) modality. Under the RBF component, Project funds are disbursed against

selected line items in MoHE’s annual budgets (EEPs) up to capped amounts and conditioned on

achievement of the agreed set of DLIs. This component supports the reforms initiated through

the NHESP-II, and focuses on outcomes and results rather than inputs. In case these indicators

are not achieved the World Bank will not grant the money allotted for that particular indicator.

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Progress Overview

Overall Progress to-date [Component I]

Overall, the Higher Education Development Project has had a decent progress in its relevant activities, where

more attention is concentrated on the achievement of the DLIs. This section of the report represents the

activities undertaken by the first component of the project, that is mainly the tasks performed by Academic

and Learning department of the project. The activities undertaken in the first two quarters of the project

under this department have been to facilitate access to and improvement of the quality of higher education

in Afghanistan. For instance, female education as it is called the “silver bullet” for empowerment and

progress, is receiving special attention by this project. In order to facilitate promotion and expansion of

students’ enrollment especially females in priority degree programs, as a first step, the student’s enrollment

in universities in priority degree programs were monitored and data have been collected on the new baseline

data for the year 2015; the data are confirmed by the Kankor directorate. The collected and confirmed data

displays that out of 58310 general seats filled by students in the year 2015, 5074 female students have been

enrolled in priority degree programs. As agreed, this number is going to be increased annually based on the

targets set. The other activities of the project to provide access for female students are bulleted along with

other HEDP activities, on the page 7 to 16 of this Project Progress Report (PPR).

Moreover, to facilitate reforming the

educational model of Afghan

Universities to an Outcome Based

Education with a Student Centered

Learning philosophy, 77 faculty

members have been introduced to

OBE and SCL model in a workshop

held in November 2015.

Through this model learning outcome assessment can provide evidence of students’ learning and progression

and prioritize recommendations for continuous curriculum improvement. A full report of the workshop is

available in the annex 1. The workshop was facilitated by coordination of Trainers from University of

Technology, Malaysia (UTM). MoHE is considering a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to be signed

with UTM.

Conducting advanced workshops in this regard are under progress to identify OBE and SCL champions,

with the coordination of the newly established Taskforce in MoHE. The Taskforce is comprised of four

Figure 1: OBE-SCL Training, MoHE, November 2015, HEDP

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senior academics, which is established to push the performance of the activities in the MoHE, as there is no

special department taking care of OBE and SCL related matters in the ministry.

Likewise, to enhance the quality of teaching and

learning in universities, and so to help learners to

achieve better outcomes, activities around framing

Information and Communication Technology

enhanced teaching and learning are undertaken by

HEDP. An e-learning conference in Herat was

conducted in Oct 2015, the report of which can be

found in the annex 2. The mentioned conference has

been followed up by another e-learning conference

in Kabul on February 6th and 7th, 2016. The copy of

the conference report is available in the annex 3.

Also an ICT training manual has been drafted for the universities where SDCs will be upgraded. A copy of

the first draft of ICT manual is available in annex 4. Additionally, ICT score cards have been prepared in

English language and is translated to national language. A copy of the English version of the scorecard is

attached to this report as annex 5.

Furthermore, to improve the qualification of the public universities’ academics, given 33% allocation for

women, MoHE awarded Master’s level Scholarships to 100 qualified university lecturers for the academic

year 2016; the awardees are formally informed by MoHE. The scholarships are concentrated in 9 priority

disciplines and sub-disciplines specified by the ministry; they are in the process of university verification

and processes of obtaining admissions from the well-known universities in different countries to include:

India, Malaysia, Thailand, Iran, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Germany. The list of priority disciplines as well

as criteria for selection of faculty members for Master’s scholarship are included in the annex 6.

Moreover, for Chancellors, Vice Chancellors or high level managements of universities to gain advanced

skills needed to make quality decisions and implement strategy through effective management of resources,

HEDP is in process of organizing leadership and management courses. So far, 8 universities are under plan

and data collections are going on to further attain knowledge on the areas where trainings are needed. Four

of these universities are Kabul based i.e. Kabul University, Kabul Medical University, Kabul Polytechnic

and Kabul Education University; the other four target are the universities in the four zones of Afghanistan,

Figure 2: E-learning Conference, Herat, OCT 2016, HEDP

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Herat University, Kandahar University, Nangarhar University and Balkh University. In addition to that short

term trainings and workshops are projected for the mentioned 8 universities’ technical staff members.

On the other hand, to improve the quality of

teaching and to promote economic and social

development and culture of research in

Afghanistan higher education system,

MoHE has received 102 group and

individual research proposals from

university academics based on the guideline

prepared by HEDP; see annex 7. The

responsible committee met twice a week and

screened all the proposals. At the initial

phase, the proposals were divided into three

categories: A, B, and C based on their

importance and economic and development

results. These proposals were reviewed with confidential coding system that was introduced, by the

committee’s members. Out of 102 proposals only 11 were approved at the initial phase, the rest of the

proposals were either rejected or were re-sent to the researchers to incorporate the comments provided by

the committee members or provide answers to the questions posed by the research committee members.

Finally, the committee proposed a total of 43 projects from which 22 are individual and 21 are group projects

proposals. After final screening of MoHE and World Bank, 20 individual research proposals and 10 group

research proposals will be finalized.

Besides this, to promote the culture of research, MoHE/HEDP is in the process of planning to construct two

centers in Kabul and Kandahar, where university academics can initiate and/or complete their researches

having access to computers, laboratories, and resources.

Furthermore, to manage the quality assurance activities at the university levels, actions are under progress

to establish Internal Quality Assurance Units (IQAUs). For the year 2016 in four universities i.e. Kabul,

Kabul Medical, Kandahar and Nangarhar Universities, the mentioned IQAUs will be established.

Nevertheless by the end of the project, 16 public universities will have IQAUs. Also, to assure the external

quality of the universities, being a member of Asia Pacific Quality Assurance Network (APQN), MoHE has

selected four public universities i.e. Kabul, Balkh, Kabul Polytechnics and Kandahar Universities; and four

private universities i.e. American University of Afghanistan, Kardan University, Khatam-ul-Nabiyeen

University and Katib University, in order to implement external reviews and self-assessments.

59 Rejected Proposals

20 Individual research

proposals to be approved

10 Group research

proposals to be approved

43under final review

Reseach Proposals Recieved

Figure 3: Approved research proposals' display graph

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Additionally, to improve the system within the higher education institutions, apart from quality tools, a

strategic planning is required to focus the efforts of each institution as a whole. In order to lend stability to

the Afghan universities, in spite of increasingly frequent leadership changes, HEDP has finalized Strategic

Institutional Development Plans (SIDP) and Annual Progress Report (APR) templates; also a relevant

workshop is planned for February 27th and 28th, 2016.

Taking into account the abovementioned activities, it is to be noted, to further facilitate the implementation

of the project, HEDP/MoHE held the first academic coordination meeting, where with the presence of

Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, World Bank, HEDP, and MoHE relevant Directorates’

representatives the issues related to the smooth implementation of the project were discussed.

Overall Progress to-date [Component II]

In the operation section of the project, the human resources and admin department is engaged in the

recruitment process, hitherto in respect to recruitment, most of the key positions in both program and

operations sections, OMST and HEDP

respectively. Besides that policy makings and

compliance -with Internal Controller being in

lead-, have been the activities undertaken in this

department apart from routine tasks.

As an admin related activity that altered the work

atmosphere in HEDP, was the office relocation.

The new office with some new facilities provide a

better working environment for the personnel of

the project.

Similarly the Information and Technology

department, has been active in purchasing the domain and registering a website for HEDP; creating shared-

folders and issuing official ID cards for HEDP’s staff are part of this department’s activities. IT department

is now in process of creating official email addresses for the staff, as well as to create logo and branding for

HEDP. Developing the website and developing IT policy are projected too.

Moreover by the coordination of operation section of the project, HEDP/MoHE established a steering

committee at MoHE level, which provides policy direction and project oversight. The mentioned committee

is chaired by the H.E. Minister of Higher Education; the members include Deputy Ministers, the Director of

Planning and Policy, the Director of Administration and Finance, and the OMST Director. Apart from this,

Figure 4: New office and facilities inaguration, MoHE, Dec 2015

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establishing universities steering committee for 24 public universities in Afghanistan is under plan, where

17 have formed the steering committees; and the rest are under process. These university level steering

committees are led by the Chancellor which will be responsible for overall planning, implementation,

decision making and monitoring and evaluation of project activities. Similarly out of 18 academic experts

to be assigned in the universities that have SIDP, CVs are received from 10 universities; follow ups on the

rest are going on. As recruitment of University Coordinators has been challenging for the project, the process

of assigning academic experts is not very expeditious.

The procurement department is following up with the program and operation’s related tasks, such as

compiling the developed training plans for the project (the project’s training plan is under process and will

be finalized by the end of February 2016), following up on the estimated costs, designs and characteristics

requested in respect to the assessments of dormitories, libraries, ICT lecture blocks, and etc. from the MoHE.

In this regard, the newly recruited Environmental Safeguard Specialist is working on his plan to have a

follow up once the physical upgrade of the aforementioned buildings, from an environment safety

perspective. It needs to be mentioned that environmental and social safeguard department’s activities as

crosscutting actions are implemented shoulder to shoulder to other activities of the project; nevertheless, the

department has also started planning for activities like capacity building to specific audiences as well.

Similarly, the Finance department apart from its routine activities, after submitting a request to the Ministry

of Finance (MoF), has withdrawn the initial deposit for Component II. Besides that an operational budget

breakdown for Component II for the year 2016 is created.

Apart from the aforementioned activities, the technical staff of the OMST, have prepared translations of

required documents, such as annexes 2 and 3 of project appraisal document, scorecards, official letters and

etc., and have shared with MoHE and other related agencies. The OMST is also working on developing a

work-plan for the project components.

Moreover to monitor and control the work of the project, the audit and control department of the project has

made effort to promote transparency during the implementation of activities. To increase the operational

efficiency of organizations, detecting and eliminating fraud and miss management and ensuring compliance

with relevant regulations; internal controller has been in charge of developing relevant policies and ensuring

compliance with them within the project. Similarly all results of the HEDP as given in the results framework

of PAD and included in PIM are being monitored and if required evaluated by this department. Additionally,

to internally audit the overall administration, finance and procurement documents, activities and procedures

under HEDP, an internal audit work plan has been developed. A copy is available in the annex 8. Also to

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further define the internal audit activity's purpose, authority and responsibility an internal audit charter have

been developed; a copy is available in annex 9 of this PPR.

Project Activities

The following is the details of activities undertaken from the beginning of the project to February 15th, 2016. Each

table encompasses the relevant theme and the activities under it, the accomplished activities, outputs, the activities

in progress, challenges encountered and the proposed solutions for each challenge is included in the table too.

Component I

Theme 1.1 - Increasing Access to Priority Degree Programs for Economic Development

With the activities being performed under this theme, MoHE/HEDP aims to expand enrollment in degree

programs that are of direct relevance for future economic development. Special attention is given to increase

female enrollment in priority degree programs.

1.1.1: Expanding Enrollment in Priority Degree Disciplines


The student’s enrollment in universities in priority degree programs are monitored and new

data are collected on the new baseline data for the year 2015; the data are confirmed by the

Kankor directorate. The collected and confirmed data displays that 5074 female students have

been enrolled in priority disciplines. It is to be mentioned that the previous data given as

baseline data are claimed to be incorrect.

Coding for all disciplines, particularly for nine priority disciplines and sub-disciplines, are


Number of seats available for new students separately for male and female students that will

enter universities in 2016 are listed.

Student orientation session material are developed.

Provided technical support to the Dormitories Directorate of MoHE for conducting female

residential facility review /inventory. An inventory checklist has been prepared and approved

by MoHE.

The mentioned checklist for the physical assessment of the dormitories is sent to 12

university’ dormitories in Badakhshan, Baghaln, Balkh, Faryab, Kunduz, Nangarhar, Paktia,

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Albiruni, Herat, Jozjan, Kabul, and Khost. Out of them 10 have officially responded. Strict

follow up via calls and emails on the letters sent to Kabul and Khost Universities is going on.

Activities in Progress:

Planning on the launch of the orientation is under process. The orientation will take place in

April 2016, after the announcement of Kankor results.

Report on the number of female students offered admission in priority degree programs in the

public universities for the new academic year 2016 is under consideration; the data are being


Finalization of student’s career planning orientation material is under process.

1.1.2: Promotion of Female Enrollment in Priority Degree Programs


HEDP-MoHE issued an official notification/letter for the selected universities for female

students’ transportation facility. This was the first step taken by the HEDP-MoHE for

preparing transportation plan for female students and faculty members to travel to and from

universities. The transportation plan will be prepared by end of February 2016 and is being

finalized in consultation with MoHE and universities officials.

A meeting of female students and teachers was held in Parwan University in which the

university existing Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and gender equity scheme were

reviewed and the meeting observation and finding were shared with MoHE and Parwan


Activities in progress:

Follow up of universities selection process of transportation services for female students and


Challenges and proposed solutions:

Although the project is on track to achieve its targets in the aforementioned theme, there are

difficulties in information and data collection. This can be solved through reanalyzing the

received data by Kankor directorate, policy and planning database technical team.

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Theme 1.2 - Modernizing and Enhancing the Quality of Teaching and Learning

HEDP/MoHE through the activities under this theme, assist universities in introducing modern OBE and

SCL in line with current international trends in higher education, and establish ICT centers and train faculty

members’ accordingly.

1.2.1: Outcome Based Education and Student Centered Learning


Term of Reference for the director of Staff Development Centers (SDC) and a description on

the function of the Staff Development Center is prepared

77 teachers trained on OBE-SCL through a workshop conducted in November, 2015

(part of DLI 2)

A workshop report is prepared and already share with the World Bank team, the report also

includes annexes on list of the academics trained as trainers (by their name, title, academic

degree, university, phone and email address).

Training material on OBE-SCL are documented and shared with all master trainers as well as

with the World Bank team

A draft training manual on OBE-SCL is completed and is under final review.

ToR for the OBE-SCL task force is prepared and two out of four members for the task team

are already agreed upon. A copy of the ToR is available in annex 10.

Activities in Progress:

Finalizing of OBE-SCL training manual expected by mid-February.

OBE-SCL implementation guideline (cookbook) is initiated, this will be used next to the

training manual and will work as a guide to design lectures/programs as per OBE-SCL


2 advance level training on OBE-SCL are planned for March as agreed in the Aide memoire.

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A format will be developed where all the master trainers will share their plan for giving further

training on OBE-SCL in their own universities/faculties

Monitoring mechanisms will be emplaced to track the progress in training of other staff by

master trainers and to see that OBE-SCL are practiced.

The training manual and implementation guideline on OBE-SCL will be revised by the Task


A good level of collaboration is developed with British Council and USWDP on better

aligning our activities, but yet to me materialized.

Good examples of OBE-SCL will be showcased on the MoHE website, the director of IT has

already agreed to it, so after the second workshop in Feb/March, this will be completed.

Pamphlets that will promote the implementation of OBE-SCL in the universities will be

developed and shared with all academic staff

An initiative is taken to integrate OBE-SCL in the scholarship program under HEDP, as well

as in the infrastructure development plan under HEDP

A refresher training on OBE-SCL will be organized by the end of 2016 and a review on the

implementation of OBE-SCL will be prepared.

Challenges and proposed solutions:

Large number of participants that are set as target affects the quality negatively.

Targeting all universities in Afghanistan at the same time is not practical, ideally our target

unit for such projects could be faculty/disciplines, or a university, and then gradually extend

it to other universities.

1.2.2: Information and Communications Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning


General specification for ICT centers has been completed.

ICT score card designed and approved by Ministry of Higher Education and World Bank

team. ICT score card are also translated into Dari and Pashto.

Plans of establishing ICT center for 12 universities are prepared.

The finalized ICT score card has been communicated with all 12 universities where an ICT

center will be established through the year 2020.

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A follow up e-learning workshop was held in Kabul on 6-7 February 2016.

First draft of basic ICT literacy manual is ready.

Activities in Progress:

MoHE’s IT Directorate is currently working on drafting initial ideas on how to strengthen

and sustain AfgREN. The document will be ready by first week of February.

Kabul Education University, Khost University and Faryab University ICT center

establishment design and implementation document in progress.

ICT technicians training will take place in April 2016.

The expected commencement of physical work for Kabul Education University’s ICT center

is May 2016.

Trainers for Kabul Education University, Khost University and Faryab University are in the

process of identification.

Challenges and proposed solutions:

Data for Assessment if not available is a challenge, if not found from IT directorate database,

a need assessment (NA) has to be conducted.

Technical Resources if not provided, will be a challenge, however Khost and Faryab

universities have committed to provide the ICT centers with technicians.

Theme 1.3 - Improving the Qualifications and Skills of University Staff Members

Under this theme, the number of academic staff members who are qualified to at least Master’s Degree level

are substantially increased. Special attention for support is given to: (a) academic staff from degree programs

identified as priorities for economic development; and (b) female academics. Scholarships target faculty

staff of public universities and are restricted to full-time, regularly employed faculty staff.

1.3.1: Scholarships for Masters Degrees in Priority Disciplines and sub-disciplines


Scholarship commission established and met trice in this regard

Seats for each priority discipline allocated

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256 applicants sat for British Council Test (Aptis), as per selection criteria, 165 applicants

passed the test.

Formally communicated the awarding of the 100 Master scholarships along with 56 list of

reserved after final review of Bank

Awardees are formally informed on their acceptance for the Masters scholarships.

So far universities in India, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Germany

are being contacted, for checking their criteria and further admission processes.

Activities in Progress

Following up English language capacity building course for 16 - 19 female academics.

Universities finalization for allocated seats of postgraduate scholarships is under process.

Arranging official records of these 100 scholarship applicants for verification record

Deciding on list of reserved applicants to be enroll in Masters’ scholarship

Data gathering on female academic in order to track young faculty members with bachelor


Application form and guidelines being draft for next phase of scholarship announcement.

1.3.2: Short Term Courses for Technical Staff

Output 3.2:

Letters are sent to 8 universities that include Kabul Education University, KU, KMU, Kabul

Polytechnics, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat and Balkh Universities, requesting a list of names,

positions, and qualifications of the technical staff, along with their ToRs, and the training

area they require. The mentioned letters also contained questions on the availability and the

status of SDCs functionality in the university level.

Activities in Progress

Strict follow ups on the responses from the universities are going on.

Selection of required disciplines and sub-disciplines/topics for trainings.

Data for technical staff from 8 universities is in the collection process. Four of these

universities are at Kabul level to include Kabul Education University, KU, KMU, Kabul

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Polytechnics University, and the other four includes the universities in four zones, i.e.

Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat and Balkh Universities.

After the data is collected, a committee will be formed to specify the training areas and the

participants for the training.

Theme 1.4 - Strengthening Governance, Quality Assurance and Accreditation

Through this theme, HEDP/MoHE promotes substantive and procedural autonomy of universities, and to

develop the quality assurance and accreditation system. Increased substantive autonomy empowers

universities to take greater initiative and responsibility for the development of academic programs, research

activities and community services.

1.4.1 Strategic Institutional Development Plans


The Strategic Institutional Development Plan (SIDP) Template has been finalized, approved

by the MoHE and sent to Kabul Education, Kabul Medical and Kabul University.

The Annual Progress Report (APR) Template has been finalized, approved by the MoHE and

sent to Kabul Education, Kabul Medical, and Kabul University.

Invitation Letters have been sent to the mentioned universities to show up for the workshop

on SIDP, planned for February 27 and 28, 2016.

The Trainers for the SIDP trainings have been confirmed. Professor Jawad and Professor

Rashiq will be leading the workshop. Deputy Minister, Prof. Baburi will take the lead in this


The MoHE has approved the potential participation of the mentioned three universities

representatives in the upcoming international governance benchmarking activities for the

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region universities.

Activities in Progress:

The materials for the training are being developed.

The training on SIDP and APR will be delivered as planned on February 27 and 28, 2016

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The universities will be contacted about their participation in the MENA benchmarking

activity this week.

1.4.2 Internal Quality Assurance


IQAU Performance scorecards are finalized.

Scorecards are translated into Dari and Pashtu.

Activities in Progress:

Assigning IQAU Directors for KU, KMU, Kabul Education University and Kandahar

University is under process.

1.4.3 External Quality Assurance


Apart from four public universities: Kabul, Kabul Polytechnics, Balkh and Kandahar

Universities, four private universities are considered for external quality assurance reviews,

i.e. American University of Afghanistan, Kardan University, Khatam-ul-Nabiyeen University

and Katib University.

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Directorate (QAAD) Plan is prepared. A copy is

available in the annexes 11.

Activities in Progress:

QAAD has informed Balkh, Kabul, Kabul Polytechnic and Kandahar universities and four

private universities to commence new QA self-assessment.

The plan on how to work with APQN is under review by QAAD.

A conference in respect to coordination of APQN with the members is going to be take place

in Fiji, in May 2016. In this conference Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, Director of

Quality Assurance and Accreditation, and OMST Director will represent Afghanistan.

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1.4.4: Leadership and Management Courses for Senior Managerial and Administrative Staff


Letters are sent to 8 universities that include Kabul Education University, KU, KMU, Kabul

Polytechnics, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat and Balkh Universities, requesting information on

the names, title, and qualifications of the universities’ chancellors, vice chancellors, deans,

head of departments, head of finance and two HR personnel.

Activities in Progress:

Collection of data from 8 universities is under process. Four of these universities are at Kabul

level to include Kabul Education University, KU, KMU, Kabul Polytechnics University, and

the other four includes the universities in four zones, i.e. Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat and

Balkh Universities.

Mapping existing training programs on leadership and management is under process via

meetings and contacts with University Support & Workforce Development Program


Selection of required disciplines for trainings is under process.

After the data is collected, a committee will be formed to specify the training areas and the

participants for the training.

Challenges and proposed solutions:

Lack of female applicants through competitive selection criteria; low level of English

proficiency test; in comparison to male have been challenges. Taking into account this

problem the commission decided to include level A2 for female in order to reach 33 % female-

DLI criteria. It was also suggested to have some capacity building in English for these ladies

be conducted. The issue was communicated with British Council and a study of 120 hours

was suggested for those female applicants stepping from A2 to B1. The suggested syllabus is

Headway. After Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs approval action will be taken.

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After first review of Bank, applicants who aged 40 were to be rejected and replaced in 1st

version of the list. After this screening, one lady who aged 51 was replaced with another lady

whose English proficiency level was A1 and was age-wise eligible.

Some applicants, especially female raises concern of their family (stay expenses and visa

process) to be with them in same country they will be studying. The MoHE would not assist

applicants with this concern, as the ministry has the experience of some faculties not returning

to country after the completion of their program.

Mapping of existing activities on leadership and management had been time consuming.

However it is now finalized.

Theme 1.5 - Stimulating Development Oriented Research

HEDP/MoHE by undertaking the activities under this theme, develop a research culture in universities. The

focus is on applied, development oriented research Projects, mainly from the priority disciplines. However,

research Projects from other disciplines, if clearly development oriented, are also eligible for resources. Both

group research Projects and individual research are supported.

1.5: Stimulating Development Oriented Research


The guidelines for the research proposals are developed.

The scoring sheet for the research proposal

The Conflict of Interest letter for the research committee is developed.

102 research proposals were received.

The coding pattern for the proposals are introduced

The research committee is reformed and new members are appointed.

After the initial screening followed by confidential evaluation of 102 proposals, a number of

the proposals were sent for resubmission. Finally 22 individual and 21 group projects are

approved by steering committee; that makes a total of 4. They are under final review, out of

them 10 group research proposals and 20 individual research proposals will be finalized.

List of the approved proposals is under final approval of MoHE.

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Trainings for Kabul Education, Nangarhar and Balkh Universities have been planned.

Activities in Progress:

The training materials are being developed.

The trainers are being hired.

A collective effort has been made with the research directorate, to conduct an assessment of

the universities in Afghanistan on the current research status, challenges and needs. The

assessment is in planning stage and will be completed later this year.

MoHE is in initial planning processes to construct two collaborative research centers in Kabul

and Kandahar to further ease the research processes among faculties and promote the culture

of research in Afghanistan.

Challenges and proposed solutions:

Lack of members of research committee from diverse disciplines. The need for reformation

of the committee is felt.

Committee Members demand incentives (such as approving their own projects, assigning

themselves as supervisors to get money from the researcher, or to give them extra salary) It

is to be noted that they are in coordination with USWDP to provide them incentives. The

issue has been shared with the research director.

The total cost of most of the proposals received are beyond our appropriated budget lines.

Next time, the guidelines should be revised as well as the budget should be announced in


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Component II

Program Operation and Technical Support

Human Resource and Admin Related Activities:


Completed recruitments procedure for the projects’ positions include:

o Director, Internal Controller, Teaching and Learning Manager, Education and

Technology Manager, Strategic Planning and Research Manager, Operation

Manager, Manager for University Operation, M&E Specialist, Social Safeguard and

Gender Development Specialists, Environmental Safeguard Specialist, Internal

Audit, Technical Assistant to Minister’s Office, OMST Office Assistant, IT Officer,

Human Resources and Admin Assistant, 2 Finance Officers, 2 Technical Officers,

Admin Officer, Procurement Officer, and 4 University Operations Coordinators for

KU, KMU, Kabul Education University and Kabul Polytechnics

o 17 steering committee out of 24 for public universities in Afghanistan are formed.

They include: Jozjan, Albiruni, Kunar, Takhar, Herat, Baghlan, Nangarhar,

Badakhshan, Faryab, Kandahar, Kabul Polytechnic, Bamyan, Balkh, Parwan, Kabul

Education University, KMU, and Kabul University. The rest are being followed up

through emails and phone calls by the project’s technical officer.

o For Assigning Academic Experts for 18 universities that have SIDP, letters are sent

to 18 eligible universities, to include: Kabul Polytechnics University, KU, KMU,

Kabul Education University, Albiruni, Balkh, Bamiyan, Herat, Kandahar, Khost,

Nangarhar, Paktia, Badakhshan, Baghlan, Faryab, Kunduz, Laghman, and Afghan

National Agriculture University.

o From 18 universities that received letters in respect to assigning academic experts,

CVs are received from 10 universities that include: Bamyan, Albiruni, Herat, Kabul

Polytechnic, Paktia, Albiruni, Kabul Medical, Balkh, Khust and Nangarhar

University. Follow up on the rest is going on via calls and emails.

Office relocated to the new location in the Ministry of Higher Education, where better

environment and facilities are provided for the staff.

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Human Resources and Admin related policies are developed; also Human Resources and

Admin related forms such as: personal information form, beneficiary designation form, and

transport request form, are prepared.

Activities in Progress:

Recruitments that are under process for the projects’ positions include:

o For the Academic and Managerial Development management position, the second

Candidate is being considered.

o Quality Assurance and Accreditation management position is going to be re-


o Financial Management Specialist and Procurement Specialist are in the approval


o Human Resources and Admin Specialist is under shortlisting process.

o From the total of 24 University Operations Coordinators positions, as mentioned

above 4 are hired, applicants for 11 positions are in interview stages and applicants

for the additional 9 positions are in the stage of taking the written test.

Strict follow up via email and phone calls is taking place in respect to the establishment of

university steering committee and assigning academic experts.

Challenges and proposed solutions:

Having insufficient time in hand, the department is excessively engaged with recruitment

processes. Some of the positions such as Quality Assurance and Accreditation Manager or

Strategic Planning and Research Manager requires highly technical and qualified candidates,

which is difficult to find in a short time as given. Additionally, the positon of HR and Admin

Specialist is being announced for the second time since the beginning of the project, while the

department has enormous loads of work. However, the team involved in this matters strives for

the betterment and effectiveness of the work of HR and Admin department.

For recruiting the University Operations Coordinators, presence of the relevant University’s

chancellors were required, this has been a challenge and the solution for that was to hold video

conferences, however, lack of proper internet still remains a challenge.

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Procurement Department:


Training plans are collected and cost breakdowns are prepared.

An infrastructure/ program cost and resources plan is created for the life of the project.

Activities in Progress:

Seeking clarification on the method of payment for the Master’s scholarships awarded to

full time faculty members. US$20K for each scholarship ~ US$1m in total)

Following up on need assessments of dormitories, water and latrines facilities for female

students, transportation for females, lecture blocks for OBE- SCL, library supports, and

research centers, for their design, estimated costs, and cost of required equipment.

Finance Department:


After requesting initial deposit withdrawal from MoF, the finance department has

withdrawn the deposit for the component II.

The operational budget for component II along with the budget breakdown for the year 2016

has been prepared.

Information Technology related activities:


Created and purchased a domain name.

Identity Cards for each of the project personnel have been issued and handed.

Shared-folders are created for the Staff of OMST/HEDP.

Registered a website for HEDP.

Activities in Progress:

Development of HEDP newly registered website is under process.

Logo and branding for HEDP is being developed.

Official email addresses for the staff of HEDP is being finalized.

IT policy development is projected.

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Environmental and Social Safeguard

Gender and Social Safeguard:


The training plan for the year 2016 in respect to the gender and social safeguard is completed

and shared with the procurement department for further processes.

Field visit from two universities in Parwan and Nangarhar in respect to gender related issues

and GRM took place in December 2015 and January 2016 respectively.

Activities in Progress:

Work/budget plan for the year 2016 is under progress for the social and gender related


Field visit from the universities at Kabul level is under plan. The recommendations for the

improvement of GRM in universities in Afghanistan is under process.

Environmental Safeguard:


In accordance to the ESMF, a training plan for the year 2016 in respect to the environmental

safeguard is completed and shared with the procurement department for further processes.

Some of the sessions of these planned trainings are designed to integrate both the

environmental and social safeguard aspects.

The translation of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been

circulated to the relevant staff and agencies. ESMF was developed by MoHE and outlines the

environmental impact assessment procedures, reporting systems, and responsibilities to be

adopted by the implementing agencies during NHESP II. It has also been distributed and

discussed with the engineering team of MoHE to be considered in the construction and

upgrading plans in the future.

Activities in Progress:

Work/budget plan for the year 2016 is under progress for the environmental safeguard related

activities. Material development for the trainings are in the initial phases.

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Progress towards Strategic Goals and Disbursement Linked Indicators

Three of the aforementioned activities are disbursement-linked. Overall, there are six DLIs monetized for

the course of five years of HEDP’s implementation. Nevertheless, according to plan of the project and what

has been reported in this PPR, three DLIs were to be implemented during the first year of the project.

HEDP/MoHE is pleased to announce that all three DLIs are achieved for the first year.

In respect to the first DLI, training of 70 full-time academic faculty staff for introducing and practicing OBE

and SCL, HEDP/MoHE has achieved the DLI by training 77 faculty members; a full report of the workshop

is available in the annexes. The relevant training manual, though already drafted, is under final review by

the newly established Taskforce in the MoHE. The mentioned Taskforce is comprised of four senior

academics, which is established within the MoHE to push the performance of the activities related to

implementation of OBE and SCL model, as there is no special department taking care of the matter.

The second DLI, i.e. awarding 100 scholarships to full time academic faculty staff for Master’s degrees in

priority disciplines and sub-disciplines, is achieved. 100 awardees out of which 33% are female have been

formally informed on receiving the award. For now MoHE with the coordination of HEDP is in the process

of university identification and admissions processes.

Furthermore, the third DLI that is awarding a number of group and individual research projects has been

achieved. From a total of 102 research proposals received, after confidential evaluation of the proposals

through coding system by the steering committee, 43 of them are approved. The list of the grantees will be

finalized and will be attached to the DLI verification report, once it passes through final screening of

Ministry of Higher Education and the World Bank team.

Thereabouts, MoHE giving a special attention to DLIs has achieved the targets set for the aforementioned

DLIs. A verification report of the aforementioned DLIs is under process in OMST and will be submitted by

end of February 2016 to the Bank as requested. The following table displays the set targets and actual

achieved targets for the three disbursement-linked indicators being implemented for the first year of the


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DLI activities performance table

S. #. Indicator Date/Deadline Target Actual

1 Indicator 1: Number of full time academic faculty staff trained in, and practicing, OBE

and SCL

1.1 Training manual February 15, 2016 Completed Under review

1.2 Full-time academic staff trained as

trainers for the Staff Development

Centers of universities

December 21, 2015 70 trained 77 trained

2 Indicator 2: Number of scholarships awarded to full time academic faculty staff for

Masters Degrees in priority disciplines and sub-disciplines

2.1 100 scholarships awarded to faculty December 21, 2015 100 100

3 Indicator 3: Number of research projects conducted at public and private higher

education institutions in priority disciplines and sub-disciplines

3.1 Research grants awarded for 10

group research Projects

January 31, 2016 10 10 under final


3.2 Research grants awarded for 20

individual research Projects

January 31, 2016 20 20 under final


Concluding Note:

Hitherto, with the coordination received from OMST, the HEDP/MoHE appears to have its steps on the journey

to success and effective project implementation. It has been heading toward success to increase access to higher

education especially among women and in priority disciplines and sub-disciplines. Additionally effective work

on rising the quality of the higher education system and facilitating the expansion of higher education in the

country with a strategic focus on the future development, has been going on. Overall, the HEDP/MoHE is on

target for its planned activities based on the shared aide memoires from the World Bank. The DLI targets set for

the year 2016 are all achieved; OMST is now in the process of verifying the achievements.
