Proposal for Emerging Opportunities Program Fall 2016...An emerging leadership series featured in...


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Proposal for Emerging Opportunities Program Fall 2016

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Deadline: 12:00 pm (noon) on Friday, March 18, 2016

LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please limit your proposal and responses to the form and space provided. Any materials submitted in addition to this application form will not be considered in the evaluation of the proposal. Do not attempt to unlock or alter this form. If you need assistance with this proposal or are unclear about how to respond to any questions please contact CDD staff at 266­6520.

Agency or Group: Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin (HCCW)

Amount Requested: $15,000.00

Title of Proposal: HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series Contact Person: Joanna Cervantes

Address: 1 S Pinckney Street Suite LL45, Madison, WI 53713

Telephone: 608­225­6962


Is this Group a 501 (C) (3)?

Yes or No Yes

If no, applicant will need to secure a fiscal agent with 501 (C) (3) status

Applicant Organization founded (Year): 1972

Name of Fiscal Agent (if Applicable): N/A

Fiscal Agent Contact Person: N/A

Project Description: ( Approx. 20 Words)

An emerging leadership series featured in English, Spanish, Hungarian and Hmong to empower women in business, at home, and in the community.

1. Emerging Need or Opportunity: (5000 characters) Please describe the emerging need or unanticipated

opportunity that warrants City resources and attention at this time:

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin (HCCW) strongly believes that fostering leadership at all professional levels is what creates flourishing communities and strong women leaders. By focusing especially on women as underrepresented business owners and aspiring community leaders within the City of Madison, the HCCW will raise up women of color, english learners, and low to moderate income community members as innovators striving towards a more representative workforce.


The story of unanticipated opportunity in this case is, at first glance, optimistic. Recently, on March 8, 2016, PEW Research released an article to celebrate International Women’s Day and emphasized the strong global support for gender equality, especially among women. This celebration acknowledged the social, economic, cultural, and political advances of women. In congruence with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, the HCCW Women “Mujer (Spanish), Nők (Hungarian), Cov Poj Niam (Hmong)” Leadership Series is focused on women empowerment. The series are provided by multilingual HCCW staff and volunteers who proficiently speak English, Spanish, Hungarian and Hmong. The City of Madison has emerged as a leader in driving racial equity and social justice within the city and throughout its neighboring municipalities. Advancements in women entrepreneurship are evident to the statistics shown on the 2012 U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Small Business Owners highlighting the current 9.9 million women owned businesses, a 28% increase from 7.8 million in 2007. Furthermore, African American women’s rate of starting businesses was nearly seven times as high as their white counterparts and Hispanic women nearly nine times as high. Here locally, the Department of Civil Rights has documented growth in the emergence of over 60 minority and women­owned businesses. Upon further examination however, it becomes apparent that women­owned businesses are typically smaller than male­owned businesses and that the amount of businesses above the $1 million revenue mark actually decreased between 2007 and 2012. Additionally, women owners still face enormous obstacles relating to acquiring capital and find themselves often resorting to entrepreneurism out of necessity rather than opportunity, further decreasing their likelihood of sustainability. If in fact, women entrepreneurs who are growth­oriented and have employees are among the happiest people in the world­as documented by the 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) U.S. ­why not strive for this on a City­wide scale? If in fact, as Sallie Krawcheck, a former investment analyst and chair of Ellevate, a global professional women’s network said, “If women were as economically engaged as gentlemen in the economy, our GDP would be 7 to 9 points larger”­why not prove this economic theory here locally? Clearly, what is good for women, is good for the economy. The HCCW acknowledges that demonstrated leadership in the workforce, at home and in the City at large are paramount to fostering equity throughout our community. When more marginalized voices are brought to leadership positions, new innovations and approaches to entrenched issues become available. The HCCW wishes to capitalize on the entrepreneurial spirit embodied in so many marginalized residents and engage their energy as an asset to addressing deep­rooted needs that have become so well­known in the City of Madison. The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series emerged as a new opportunity to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin to expand in the City of Madison. The leadership series is currently offered throughout the state in a manner that best fits within their respective community. In the Madison Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Region, the HCCW has secured multilingual staff and volunteers who proficiently speak English, Spanish, Hungarian and Hmong. The City's resources will assist in the expansion of this program to City of Madison residents.

2. Applicant Organization or Group: (5000 Characters) Please briefly describe the history and structure of your organization. Include information about staffing, your board and/or volunteers. Please describe any successes you have had in the areas of programming or the project described in this proposal.


The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin (HCCW), a 501 (c)(3) community development non­profit organization established in 1972, represents the interests of over 600,000 Hispanics and 10,000 Hispanic owned businesses throughout the State of Wisconsin. The mission of the HCCW, with a regional office based in Madison, is to advocate and promote the business development and advancement of Hispanic and other small – to mid­sized enterprise businesses and the development of Hispanic and non­Hispanic workforce. The HCCW provides education, advocacy, training, networking, personal empowerment, workforce development and public policy services. As a statewide expert in community development programming, the HCCW provides the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series to empower women to flourish as leaders in the workforce, family and in the community.

In 2014, the HCCW began its physical expansion to 16 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) to ensure its services and programs were accessible to low­ and moderate (LMI) income Hispanic and non­Hispanic residents throughout the state. The HCCW has been highly regarded and recognized nationally, especially for the success achieved in workforce development activities. The HCCW Legislative & Regulatory Leadership Center of Excellence ­ Capitol Square Office under direction of the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Jorge Franco and the HCCW Dane County Advisory Board has identified the emerging opportunity to expand the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series into the City of Madison to increase the population served. The HCCW Legislative & Regulatory Leadership Center of Excellence ­ Capitol Square is located in the heart of downtown Madison on 1 S Pinckney Street Suite LL45 Madison, WI 53703. The HCCW, through its recruitment process, has secured experienced staff and volunteers who are diverse in their education and experience as well as linguistic abilities. The languages currently spoken within the staff and volunteers are English, Spanish, Hungarian, and Hmong.

The HCCW Women, “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series, led by the HCCW Senior Regional Director Joanna Cervantes, has identified the need to provide multilingual programming to serve women with an emphasis on empowerment and case management to support their work within the community. The HCCW has expertise in working with these populations which typically face unique challenges and barriers such as: English language limitations and lack of transportation and childcare, among others. Through group consultative services, the HCCW will link innovators and participants to needed resources through holistic approach of innovation readiness. As participants are developed and prepared to emerge into the City of Madison as community leaders, the HCCW will leverage existing relationships with other organizations to create a foundation of support for each participant.

The Madison MSA region is aided by the HCCW Street Team ­ Madison with experienced outreach personnel to deploy a grassroots strategy on recruitment. The street team members are diverse, primarily Madison­based residents, experts in case management who through their linguistic abilities are able to reach unique populations throughout the City of Madison.

The HCCW, with its extensive background and experience in empowering women to be active advocates in their respective communities, has engaged in various successful leadership series followed by an annual women’s conference. The annual women’s conference, in 2015, hosted over 500 women of diverse backgrounds and invited key community leaders; such as the Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, Representative Zamarripa and Representative Rodriguez. Success was measured by the distinctive


actions each participant engaged in to accomplish their leadership goals after attending the conference. Utilizing this tested and successful format in the City of Madison, will empower women to accomplish their leadership goals within a multicultural and multilingual setting.

3. Intended Service Population: (2500 characters) Please describe the intended service population (e.g.,

where they are located, ages, ethnicities, income ranges, English language proficiency etc.).

The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series will deliver the programming to participants who are predominantly low­ to moderate (LMI) income Madison residents. The intended service population are women from diverse backgrounds (ages, ethnicities, and experiences) who aspire to be leaders within their communities. These participants would linguistically understand one of the following languages: English, Spanish, Hungarian, and Hmong. As the leadership series are presented in various venues, (e.g. Catholic Multicultural Center, American Family Dream Bank, Iglesia Restauracion Y Vida, and other locations) the leadership series will serve the residents in their respective neighboring communities.

The presenters will be linguistically diverse and will work and/or reside primarily in the City of Madison. These presenters will have an extensive amount of experience in empowering women to fortify their inner self and create a foundation within the community to bridge their long­term goals and their abilities to successfully accomplish them in a manner that will ultimately benefit the community as a whole. The diversity in speakers will facilitate a unique learning environment thus maximizing the participants’ success. The HCCW staff will connect and engage with community presenters and resources to fully achieve the goals outlined in the series.

4. Innovation: (5000 characters) How does this proposal reflect a new or innovative approach to the stated


The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series has identified the need to provide programming in numerous languages in a single setting. Often times programming is established in a single language, thus minimizing the exposure to diversity within the program. The HCCW staff and volunteers understand problems and issues outlying within our community and take the role as community leaders who empower others. The empowerment created throughout the leadership series will arise from the unique approach of keeping women as the focal point, not only as participants, but as crafters and as common resources for one another. Each session will contribute to the following session through evaluation and participation. Women from previous series will be invited to share their professional and personal experiences with women who follow in later series. The participants who continue onward with case management with the HCCW staff will provide feedback and suggestions for future leadership series. By creating the space for women to shape the course of the presentations and activities, the HCCW will ensure women are the focus of this endeavor and will ensure they are the ones to implement both community collaboration and input into the subject of each leadership workshop.


In unity with the Dane County Race to Equity goals, the HCCW will assist the participants in sharing in the County’s economic prosperity. The participants will have access to HCCW resources such as: HCCW Business Technical Assistance, HCCW Entrepreneurial Business Workshops, Access to Capital via the HCCW Revolving Loan Fund, and assistance in contracting and procurement in the City of Madison.The statewide HCCW provides numerous opportunities to network with community leaders and the participants will have access to the HCCW Signature Events, HCCW Monthly Membership Networking Meetings, and its experienced multilingual staff and mentors. This innovative approach will complement ongoing services in the City of Madison and will serve as a referral when communicating with other organizations.

5. Project/Program Goals: (5000 characters) Please describe the specific goals, objectives and intended

measurable impacts of this program/project. Include the number of people you expect will benefit from this project. A primary goal of the HCCW is to expand and to provide the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series to City of Madison residents. The leadership series will provide a unique programming setting in which multiple languages would be available to the participants and language exposure to diverse populations. The objective of the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series is to include community collaboration and input in the strategy planning and development of this programming.

Objectives: Each participant will identify in which area they would like to strengthen their leadership goals:

workforce, family, and community To encourage a multilinguistic opportunity for participants in which they can indulge in various cultural

experiences To empower women to be leaders in the workforce, with their family and in their community.

Measurable impacts: 45 unduplicated participants will engage in the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership

Series A minimum of 20% of participants (9 participants) will continue in additional programming with

the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin Each participant will outline a strategy action plan to accomplish their leadership goals and will

demonstrate achievable actions required A minimum of 80% of participants (36 participants) will continue to engage in case management

throughout the remainder of the leadership series workshops Coupled with the vast resources and community partnerships with the HCCW, this series will directly contribute to the women and minority­owned demographic in the City of Madison.

6. Program/Project design: (5000 characters) Please describe structure of proposed program or project, hours of service/schedule, staffing, curriculum or project/service structure, etc.

The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series has emerged as an idiosyncratic leadership series program to empower women to be strong leaders in the workforce, within their family and in the community. The leadership series was designed in a unique manner that numerous languages are


available during the series monthly workshops. This 6­month leadership series provides relationship building, access to community resources, individualized personal empowerment, and planning goals for advancement and personal economic mobility. The guest speakers at the series are selected to present about the unique monthly topic and to provide interactive dynamics and goal alignment to create the most fruitful partnerships possible. The HCCW Staff and volunteers are trained in the techniques of language acquisition, motivational coaching, and goal setting. The curriculum is customized to each monthly topic and encourages the deployment of S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time­bound) long­term goals to sustain and encourage goal development and confidence. The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series connects all 45 unduplicated participants to community resources and the opportunities therein by referring participants to key resources and programs that add value and assist in achieving their leadership goals: in the workforce, within their family and in the community. The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series is designed to accommodate a serie workshop each month from July to December. The workshop is hosted in a venue throughout the City of Madison and encompasses a new 2 hours topic discussion. A community impact of 45 unduplicated City of Madison residents will participate in the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series during July to December 2016. This program will complement existing community services by increasing services to parents, employees and to the underserved population.

The Senior Regional Director, Associate Director, and Program Coordinator will oversee the operations

of the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series and will work with the statewide HCCW Director of Operations to ensure proper delivery of the program. The Senior Regional Director will collaboratively work with community organizations, corporate partners and the City of Madison to successfully deliver the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series. The Senior Regional Director, Associate Director and Program Coordinator will be responsible for the day to day recruitment, empowerment and case management of the participants and community mentors. The HCCW tracks Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor the efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of programming and training initiatives. The HCCW KPI report will be submitted monthly to the Community Development Division to show progress being made.

­The HCCW has established and continues to cultivate close working relationships with community organizations and community leaders to assess the needs and receive feedback on participants’ performance. ­The participants will provide feedback on workshops, procedures and overall assessment of the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series

The Program Coordinator will secure information from each participant assisted through the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series. The information collected will include their leadership goals (workforce, family, and community) , and if appropriate the social and economic benefits to Madison as a result of their participation in the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series.

­The Senior Regional Director will work with Madison­based organizations in conjunction with the Client Relationship Manager to meet Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and report monthly to the Community Development Division.


The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin has a proven track record of providing community development programming to minorities and women throughout the State of Wisconsin. The collaborations within our organization, will contribute to the success of this project and to the higher success rate of the participants. The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series looks forward to working with the City of Madison in its goal to provide community development programming to its residents. 7. Community Engagement: (2500 characters) Please describe how community, residents and program and/

or project participants were engaged in the development of this proposal.

The HCCW has collaboratively communicated with other organizations to play a key role in the development of the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series. These community organizations will assist as a referral venue to further the participants short and long term goals. As the strategic planning and deployment of the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series is established, input from the community is imperative to ensure the programming is relevant to the communities’ needs. Upon discussion with several Madison residents, a theme of providing linguistic opportunities for various groups to meet and collaborate on a common goal emerged. An assessment highlighting the continued discussions and surveying of programming offered throughout the City of Madison, identified the need for HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series. The participating residents are enthusiastic that their suggestions were acknowledged and that a distinctive leadership series is in progress. Throughout the series, these residents will be asked to contribute to the structure and featured concepts. Ensuring wide­reaching and deep resident and participant engagement will increase the successful implementation of this proposal.

8. Collaboration: (2500 characters) Please describe the level of involvement with other service providers,

schools, funders, government bodies, or other public or private stakeholders in the development of this proposal and its expected implementation.

The HCCW will collaborate with community resource centers and various organizations as core recruitment partners. The HCCW currently is partnered with Catholic Multicultural Center, US Bank, American Family Dream Bank, Iglesia Restauracion Y Vida (IRYV), Center for Resilient Cities as collaborators and referral venues and resources for participants desiring to continue with their long­term goals.

The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series will engage with other community leaders throughout the City of Madison to ensure a strong foundation and formation of leaders within the City of Madison. 9. Proposed Timeline for Implementation:

Activity Estimated Start and Completion Dates

Planning and recruitment, July 21st series kick­off  May 20 ­ July 21 Case Management with participants, August workshop­Aug18th   July 21­August 18


Case Management with participants, September workshop­Sept 22nd      August 19­September 22

Case Management with participants, October workshop­Oct 20th     September 23­October 20 Case Management with participants, November workshop­Nov 17th      October 21­November 17 Case Management with participants, December workshop­Dec 15th, complete program evaluation and analysis  November 18­December 31

10. Funding: (500 characters each)

a) What other funding have you sought and/or received to support this project?

The HCCW has received in­kind donations from US Bank and IRYV to support the operation of the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series. The HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series does generate program revenues to assist in the cost of materials per student. The HCCW staff will use the funding provided by the EOP grant to attract and leverage other private­public funding to support the HCCW Women “Mujer, Nők, Cov Poj Niam” Leadership Series in the City of Madison. The HCCW has sought additional private­public funding to support this project and will disclose those additional supporters upon confirmation of funds received.

b) Do you anticipate future funding needs from City sources associated with this proposal? Please


At this moment there are no anticipated future funding needs from the City sources associated with this proposal.

c) Has your organization received funding from the City of Madison Community Development Division, City of Madison CDBG office, Community Services, the Emerging Opportunities Program or the former Emerging Neighborhoods Program in the last 5 years?

Yes No The checkbox function did not work, the HCCW has not received funding. 11. Budget:

Summarize your project budget by estimated costs, revenue, and fund source.









A. Personnel Costs (Complete Personnel chart below)


1. Salaries/Wages (show detail below) $13,289.60 $8,000.00 $5,289.60 HCCW 2. Fringe Benefits and Payroll Taxes $3,760.00 $2,480.00 $1,280.00 HCCW

B. Program Costs 1. Program supplies and equipment $2,174.00  $1,700.00 $474.00 HCCW 2. Office Supplies $456.00    $0 $456.00 HCCW 3. Transportation $750.00  $750.00 $0 4. Other (explain): Administrative

Costs $4,112.02 $2,070.00 $2,042.02 HCCW

C. Space Costs

5. Rent/Utilities/Telephone $6,983.87 $0    $6,983.87 US Bank and HCCW

6. Other (explain):                        

D. TOTAL (A + B + C) $31,525.49  $15,000.00 $16,525.49

Explanation of “Other” expenses: (500 characters) B. Program Costs

4. Other (explain): Administrative Costs The administrative costs would cover the leadership, accounting and legal expenses associated with this project.

12. Personnel Chart: Please list all paid staff that will be working on the proposed program/project.

Title of Staff Position F.T.E.* Proposed Hourly Wage* Street Team Member 0.06 $     12.83 Program Coordinator 0.15   $     15 Associate Director 0.10    $     19 Senior Regional Director and Funding Development Coordinator

0.05      $     24

            $      TOTAL    0.36   $

*FTE =Full Time Equivalent (1.00, .75, .50, etc.) 2080 hours = 1.00 FTE Please identify FTE that will be spent in this project.

*Note: All employees involved in programs receiving City of Madison funds must be paid the established Living Wage as required under City of Madison Ordinance 4.20. Effective January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016, the Living Wage is $12.83 per hour.


13. Fiscal Agent Relationship (if applicable): If applicant organization is not a 501c (3) this section must be completed. If applicant is a 501c (3) please skip to the Signature Page.

Fundamental expectations of the Fiscal Agent and Applicant relationship: The Fiscal Agent should read the EOP application and have some confidence that the applicant agency will be able to successfully implement the proposed project or program. The Fiscal Agent will accept allocated funds from the City of Madison for the identified program or project and reimburse the applicant for expenses incurred performing the work of the contracted program. The Fiscal Agent and the applicant agency will decide who will provide and purchase the necessary insurance coverage for the identified program. The Fiscal Agent will ensure that the funded project or program is in compliance with City of Madison Purchase of Service Contact requirements, including but not limited to Living Wage requirements, Non Discrimination and Affirmative Action, and equal benefits protections.

Applicant is expected to provide the Fiscal Agent with the Fiscal Agent Commitment Form. Please indicate date and staff person that received this form. Date:      

Staff person:      


Telephone Number:      


­SIGNATURE PAGE­ City of Madison Contracts:

The following information is provided in order to outline city requirements that will apply if your proposal is funded. All allocated funds will be administered through contracts with the City of Madison, community Development Division. If funded, the City of Madison reserves the right to negotiate the final terms of a contract with the selected organization. If funded, applicants will be expected to attend a mandatory meeting on contracting requirements the week of November 17. City purchase of service contracts include requirements regarding non discrimination, and consideration of vulnerable populations along with specific requirements regarding the following three areas: 1. Affirmative Action:

If funded, applicant hereby agrees to comply with City of Madison Ordinance 39.02 and file either an exemption or an Affirmative Action Plan with the Department of Civil Rights. A model Affirmative Action Plan and instructions are available at

2. Living Wage Ordinance:

All employees involved in programs supported by City of Madison funds must be paid the established Living Wage as required under City of Madison Ordinance 4.20. The Living wage effective January 1, 2016 is $12.83 per hour. For more information on Living Wage requirements, go to 3. Insurance

If funded, applicant agrees to secure insurance coverage in the following areas to the extent required by the office of City Risk Management:

Commercial General Liability Automobile Liability Worker’s Comp Professional Liability

The cost of this coverage can be considered in the request for funding. The Certificate of Insurance that will be required at the time of contracting is available on the City of Madison Risk Management website. A sample contract that includes standard provisions may be obtained by contacting the Community

Development Division at (608) 266­6520.

4. Signature: (Any applications submitted without a signature will be considered incomplete and will not be considered for funding.) Applicant Signature:


Enter Name:     Joanna Cervantes 

Date: 3/18/2016    

By entering your initials in the box,


You are electronically signing your name and agreeing to the terms above.

