Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism -...


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1Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan00

Protein and Amino Acid


All images were taken from McMurry et al

except where noted

Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan, DDS, PhD


Digestion of Protein

2Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan




pH 1-2

pH 7-8

Amino Acid Metabolism

3Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Amino Acid Metabolism

4Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Each of the 20 amino acids is degraded via its own unique pathway

General scheme for amino acid catabolism:

• Removal of the amino group

• Use of nitrogen in synthesis of new nitrogen compounds

• Passage of nitrogen into the urea cycle

• Incorporation of the carbon atoms into compounds that can enter the

citric acid cycle

Amino Acid Catabolism: The Amino Group

5Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Transamination The interchange of the amino group of an amino acid and the α-keto group of an acid.

Glutamate fate

6Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

The glutamate from transamination serves as an amino group carrier.

Glutamate provides amino groups for the synthesis of new amino acids

Most of the glutamate formed is recycled to regenerate α-ketoglutarate

(oxidative deamination)

Oxidative deamination oxidatively removes the glutamate amino group as

ammonium ion and recycle α -ketoglutarate:

To urea cycle to be eliminated

in the urine as urea

Pathway of nitrogen from an amino acid to urea

7Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

The fate of carbons and nitrogens in from amino acid metabolism

8Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Our bodies do not store nitrogen-containing compounds and

ammonia is toxic to cells.

The amino nitrogen must either:

1. Be incorporated into urea and excreted

2. Be used in the synthesis of new nitrogen-containing compounds

Carbon from amino acids enter Kreb’s cycle and the excess is

stored as TAGs (via lipogenesis), glycogen (via gluconeogenesis

and glycogen synthesis), or converted to ketone bodies.

(Nitric oxide (NO, a chemical messenger), Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Heme, Purine and pyrimidine bases (for nucleic acids), Nicotinamide (in NAD+ and NADP+))

Amino Acid Catabolism: The Carbon Atoms

9Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

The carbon atoms of amino acids arrive by

distinctive pathways at pyruvate, acetyl-SCoA,

or one of the citric acid cycle intermediates.

All amino acid carbons can be used to generate

energy either by:

1. The citric acid cycle

2. Gluconeogenesis pathway to form glucose

3. Ketogenesis pathway to form ketone bodies

Amino Acid Catabolism: The Carbon Atoms

10Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Both ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids are able to enter

fatty acid biosynthesis via acetyl-SCoA

The Urea Cycle

11Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Urea cycle is the cyclic biochemical pathway that produces urea

for excretion (the conversion of ammonium ion to urea). The cycle

takes place in the liver)

Ammonia is highly toxic and large amount of water is needed to

dilute it, thus it is converted to non-toxic urea via urea cycle.

An energy-rich

phosphate-like ATP

In the mitochondrial matrix:

From oxidative

deamination of amino acids

From CO2 from the Kreb’s cycle

The Urea Cycle

12Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

STEPS 1 and 2:

Building Up a Reactive


STEPS 3 and 4:

Cleavage and Hydrolysis

of the Step 2 Product

The Net Result of the Urea Cycle

13Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Formation of urea from the carbon of CO2 and NH4+ and one nitrogen

from the amino acid aspartate, followed by biological elimination

through urine.

Breaking of four high-energy phosphate bonds to provide energy

Production of the citric acid cycle intermediate, fumarate

Diseases associated with ammonia

14Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Hereditary diseases resulting high levels of ammonia in the

blood (hyperammonemia) cause vomiting in infancy, lethargy,

irregular muscle coordination (ataxia), and mental retardation.

Immediate treatment consists of transfusions, blood dialysis

(hemodialysis), and use of chemical agents to remove


Long-term treatment requires a low-protein diet and frequent

small meals to avoid protein overload

Essential Amino Acids

15Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Humans are able to synthesize about half of the 20 amino acids found in proteins

(nonessential amino acids) because they do not have to be supplied by our diet.

The essential amino acids are synthesized only by plants and microorganisms.

Biosynthesis of Nonessential Amino Acids

16Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Reductive deamination is the conversion of an α-keto acid

to an amino acid by reaction with NH4+

All of the nonessential amino acids derive their amino groups

from glutamate

Biosynthesis of Nonessential Amino Acids

17Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Diseases associated with AA synthesis Phenylketonuria (PKU)

18Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Failure to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine causes PKU

PKU causes mental retardation by the second month of life

Treatment consists of a diet low in phenylalanine by eliminating

meat and using low-protein grain products.

Foods sweetened with aspartame (a derivative of phenylalanine)

should be avoided.


19Dr. Diala Abu-Hassan

Gout is a severely painful condition

caused by the precipitation of sodium urate crystals in joints

Anything that increases the

production of uric acid or

inhibits its excretion in the urine is a possible cause of gout
