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ABSTRACT. SupposeN is a compressible boundary component of acompact irreducible orientable 3-manifoldM and(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) isan orientable properly embedded essential surface inM in which someessential component is incident toN and no component is a disk. LetV andQ denote respectively the sets of vertices in the curve complexfor N represented by boundaries of compressing disks and by boundarycomponents ofQ.

Theorem: SupposeQ is essential inM, thend(V,Q) ≤ 1−χ(Q).

Hartshorn showed ([Ha]) that an incompressible surface in aclosed 3-manifold puts a limit on the distance of any Heegaard splitting. An aug-mented version of the theorem above leads to a version of Hartshorn’sresult for merely compact 3-manifolds.

In a similar spirit, here is the main result:

Theorem: Suppose a properly embedded connected surfaceQ is in-cident toN. Suppose further thatQ is separating and compresses on bothits sides, but not by way of disjoint disks. Then either

• d(V,Q) ≤ 1−χ(Q) or• Q is obtained from two nested connected incompressible boundary-

parallel surfaces by a vertical tubing.

Forthcoming work with M. Tomova ([STo]) will show how an aug-mented version of this theorem leads to the same conclusion as in Hartshorn’stheorem, not from an essential surface but from an alternateHeegaardsurface. That is, ifQ is a Heegaard splitting of a compactM then noother Heegaard splitting has distance greater than twice the genus ofQ.


SupposeN is a compressible boundary component of an orientable ir-reducible 3-manifoldM and(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) is an essential orientable

Date: January 5, 2005.1991Mathematics Subject Classification.57N10, 57M50.Key words and phrases.Heegaard splitting, strongly irreducible, handlebody, weakly

incompressible.Research partially supported by an NSF grant.



surface inM in which an essential component is incident toN and no com-ponent ofQ is a disk. LetV,Q denote sets of vertices in the curve complexfor N represented respectively by boundaries of compressing disks and byboundary components ofQ. We will show:

• The distanced(V,Q) in the curve complex ofN is no greater than1− χ(Q). Furthermore, if no component ofQ is an annulus∂-parallel intoN, then for each componentq of Q∩ N, d(q,V) ≤1−χ(Q).

A direct consequence is this generalization of a theorem of Hartshorn[Ha]:

• If S is a Heegaard splitting surface for a compact orientable mani-fold M and(Q,∂Q)⊂ (M,∂M) is a properly embedded incompress-ible surface, thend(S) ≤ 2−χ(Q).

Both results are unsurprising, and perhaps well-known (seeeg [BS] fordiscussion of this in the broader setting of knots in bridge position withrespect to a Heegaard surface).

It would be of interest to be able to prove the second result (Hartshorn’stheorem) forQ a Heegaard surface, rather than an incompressible surface.Of course this is hopeless in general: a second copy ofP could be usedfor Q and that would in general provide no information about the distanceof the splittingP at all. But suppose it is stipulated thatQ is not isotopicto P. One possibility is thatQ is weakly reducible. In that case (cf [CG])it is either the stabilization of a lower genus Heegaard splitting (which werevert to) or it gives rise to a lower genus incompressible surface and thisallows the direct application of Hartshorn’s theorem. So intrying to extendHartshorn’s theorem toQ a Heegaard surface, it suffices to consider the casein whichQ is strongly irreducible.

The first step in extending [Ha] toQ a Heegaard surface is carried outhere, analogous in the program to the first result above. Specifically, weestablish that bicompressible but weakly incompressible surfaces typicallydo not have boundaries that are distant in the curve complex from curvesthat compress inM.

• Suppose a properly embedded surfaceQ is connected, separatingand incident toN. Suppose further thatQ compresses on both itssides, but not by way of disjoint disks, then either

– d(V,Q) ≤ 1−χ(Q) or– Q is obtained from two nested connected boundary-parallel sur-

faces by a vertical tubing.


From this result forthcoming work will demonstrate, via a two-parameterargument much as in [RS], that the genus of an alternate Heegaard splittingQ does indeed establish a bound on the distance ofP.

Maggy Tomova has provided valuable input to this proof. Beyond sharp-ening the foundational proposition (Propositions 2.5 and Theorem 5.4) in avery useful way, she provided an improved proof of Theorem 3.1.


First we recall some definitions and elementary results, most of whichare well-known.

Definition 2.1. A ∂-compressing disk for Q is a disk D⊂M so that∂D is theend-point union of two arcs,α = D∩∂M andβ = D∩Q, andβ is essentialin Q.

Definition 2.2. A surface(Q,∂Q)⊂ (M,∂M) is essentialif it is incompress-ible and some component is not boundary parallel. An essential surface isstrictly essentialif it has at most one non-annulus component.

Lemma 2.3. Suppose(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) is a properly embedded surfaceand Q′ is the result of∂-compressing Q. Then

(1) If Q is incompressible so is Q′.(2) If Q is essential, so is Q′.

Proof. A description dual to the boundary compression fromQ to Q′ is this:Q is obtained fromQ′ by tunneling along an arcγ dual to the∂-compressiondisk. (The precise definition of tunneling is given in Section 4.) Certainlyany compressing disk forQ′ in M is unaffected by this operation near theboundary. SinceQ is incompressible, so then isQ′. This proves the firstclaim.

Suppose now that every component ofQ′ is boundary parallel and the arcγ dual to the∂-compression has ends on componentsQ′

0,Q′1 of Q′ (possibly

Q′0 = Q′

1). If γ is disjoint from the subsurfacesP0 andP1 of ∂M to whichQ′

0 andQ′1 respectively are parallel then tunneling alongγ merely creates a

component that is again boundary parallel (to the band-sum of the Pi alongγ), contradicting the assumption that not all components ofQ are boundaryparallel. So supposeγ lies inP0, say. If both ends ofγ lie onQ′

0 (soQ′1 = Q′

0)then the diskγ× I in the product region betweenQ′

0 andP0 would be acompressing disk forQ, which contradicts the incompressibility ofQ.

Finally, supposeQ′1 6= Q′

0, soP0 ⊂P1 andγ is an arc inP1−P0 connecting∂P0 to ∂P1. P0 is not a disk, else the arcβ in which the∂-compressing diskintersectsQ would not have been essential inQ. So there is an essentialsimple closed curveγ0 ⊂ P0 based at the pointγ∩P0. Attach a band to


γ0 along γ to get an arcγ+ ⊂ P1 with both ends on∂P1. Then the diskE1 = γ+ × I lying betweenP1 ⊂ ∂M andQ′

1 intersectsQ in a single arc,parallel inM to γ+ and lying in the union of the top of the tunnel andQ′

0.This arc dividesE1 into two disks; letE be the one not incident to∂M. Ethen has its boundary entirely inQ and since it is essential there,E is acompressing disk forQ, again a contradiction. See Figure 1. From thesevarious contradictions we conclude that at least one of the components ofQ′ to which the ends ofγ is attached is not∂-parallel, soQ′ is essential.

Definition 2.4. Suppose S is a closed orientable surface andα0, . . . ,αn is asequence of essential simple closed curves in S so that for each 1≤ i ≤ n,αi−1 andαi can be isotoped to be disjoint. Then we say that the sequenceis a length n path in the curve complex of S (cf[He]).

The distance d(α,β) between a pairα,β of essential simple closed curvesin S is the smallest n∈ N so that there is a path in the curve-complex fromα to β of length n. Curves are isotopic if and only if they have distance0.

Two sets of curvesV,W in S have distance d(V,W)= n if n is the smallestdistance from a curve inV to a curve inW.

Proposition 2.5.Suppose M is an irreducible compact orientable3-manifold,N is a compressible component of∂M and(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) is a properlyembedded essential surface withχ(Q) ≤ 1 and at least one essential com-ponent incident to N. LetV be the set of essential curves in N that bounddisks in M and let q be any component of∂Q.

• If Q contains an essential disk incident to N, then d(V,q) ≤ 1.• If Q does not contain any disk components, then d(V,q)≤ 1−χ(Q)

or Q is strictly essential and q lies in the boundary of a∂-parallelannulus component of Q.

Proof. If Q contains an essential diskD incident toN, then∂D ∈ V. q maybe∂D or it may be another component of∂Q but in either cased(V,q) ≤ 1.

SupposeQ contains no disks at all and thusχ(Q) ≤ 0. Let E be a com-pressing disk forN in M so that,|E∩Q| is minimal among all such disks.Circles of intersection betweenQ andE and arcs of intersection that areinessential inQ can be removed by isotopingE via standard innermost diskand outermost arc arguments, so this choice of E guarantees thatE andQonly intersect along arcs that are essential inQ. If in fact they don’t intersectat all, thend(∂E,q) ≤ 1 for everyq∈ ∂Q and we are done. Consider, then,an arcβ of Q∩E that is outermost inE, cutting off fromE a∂-compressingdiskE0 for Q that is incident toN. Boundary compressingQ alongE0 givesa new essential (by Lemma 2.3) surfaceQ′ ⊂ M which can be isotoped sothat each component of∂Q′ is disjoint from each component of∂Q. That



P 1γ+







is for each componentq of ∂Q and each componentq′ of ∂Q′ we have thatd(q,q′) ≤ 1.

The proof now is by induction on 1−χ(Q). As Q has no disk compo-nents, 1−χ(Q) ≥ 1. Suppose 1−χ(Q) = 1, i.e. all components ofQ areannuli, soQ is strictly essential. As we are not making any claims about thecurves inQ coming from∂-parallel annuli components, we may assume allannuli inQ are essential. ThenQ′ contains a compressing diskD for N (the


result of boundary reducing an essential annulus componentof Q alongE0)and∂D is disjoint from allq∈ ∂Q. As ∂D ∈ V, d(q,V) ≤ 1 = 1−χ(Q) asdesired.

Now suppose 1−χ(Q) > 1. If Q is not strictly essential, then it containsat least two non-annulus components and, since it is essential, at least oneessential component. Thus there is a componentQ0 of Q which is essentialand such that 1−χ(Q0) < 1−χ(Q). By the induction hypothesis, for eachcomponentq0 of ∂Q0, d(q0,V) ≤ 1−χ(Q0). Of course alsod(q,q0) ≤ 1.Combining these inequalities, we obtain the desired result.

Suppose next thatQ is strictly essential and again all∂-parallel annulihave been removed prior to the boundary compression described above. Ifthe boundary compression creates a disk component ofQ′ then it must beessential and incident toN so ∂D ∈ V and for everyq ∈ ∂Q, d(q,V) ≤d(q,∂D)≤ 1≤ 1−χ(Q) and we are done. Suppose then that no componentof Q′ is a disk andq1 is any boundary component of an essential componentQ1 of Q′. As 1−χ(Q1) ≤ 1−χ(Q′) < 1−χ(Q), the induction hypothesisapplies andd(q1,V) ≤ 1−χ(Q1) < 1−χ(Q). Since for every componentqof ∂Q, d(q,q1) ≤ 1, we have the inequalityd(q,V) ≤ d(q1,V)+d(q,q1) ≤1−χ(Q′)+1 = 1−χ(Q), as desired. �

In order to prove Hartshorn’s theorem on Heegaard splittings it will behelpful to understand what it takes to be an essential surface in a compres-sion body. Recall the definitions (cf [Sc]):

A compression body His a connected 3-manifold obtained from a closedsurface∂−H by attaching 1-handles to∂−H ×{1} ⊂ ∂−H × I . (It is con-ventional to consider a handlebody to be a compression body in which∂−H = /0.) Dually, H is obtained from a connected surface∂+H by at-taching 2-handles to∂+H ×{1} ⊂ ∂+H × I and 3-handles to any 2-spheresthereby created. The cores of the 2-handles are calledmeridian disksand acollection of meridian disks is calledcompleteif its complement is∂−H× I ,together perhaps with some 3-balls.

Suppose two compression bodiesH1 andH2 have∂+H1 ≃ ∂+H2. ThenglueH1 andH2 together along∂+Hi = S. The resulting compact 3-manifoldM can be writtenM = H1 ∪SH2 and this structure is called aHeegaardsplitting of the 3-manifold with boundaryM (or, more specifically, of thetriple (M;∂−H1,∂−H2)). It is easy to show that every compact 3-manifoldhas a Heegaard splitting.

The following is probably well-known:

Lemma 2.6. Suppose H is a compression body and(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (H,∂H) isincompressible. If∂Q∩∂+H = /0, Q is inessential. That is, each componentis ∂-parallel.


Proof. It suffices to consider the case in whichQ is connected. To beginwith, consider the degenerate case in whichH = ∂−H × I . Suppose there isa counterexample; letQ be a counterexample that maximizesχ(Q).

Case 1:H = ∂−H × I andQ has non-empty boundary.Q cannot be a disk since∂−H × I is ∂-irreducible, soχ(Q) ≤ 0. By hy-

pothesis,∂Q ⊂ ∂−H ×{0}. Chooseα ⊂ ∂−H ×{0} to be any curve thatcannot be isotoped off of∂Q and letA = α× I be the corresponding annu-lus in∂−H× I . ConsiderQ∩A and minimize by isotopy ofA the number ofits components. A standard argument shows that there are no inessential cir-cles of intersection and each arc of intersection is essential in Q. Since∂Q isdisjoint from∂−H×{1}, all arcs ofQ∩A have both ends in∂−H×{0}. Anoutermost such arc inA defines a∂-compression ofQ. The resulting surfaceQ′ is still incompressible (for a compressing disk forQ′ would persist intoQ) and has at most two components, each of higher Euler characteristic andso each∂-parallel into∂−H. If there are two components, neither is a disk,else the arc along which∂-compression was supposedly performed wouldnot have been essential. If there are two components ofQ′ and they are notnested (that is, each is parallel to the boundary in the complement of theother) it follows thatQ was∂-parallel. If Q′ had two nested components,it would follow thatQ was compressible, a contradiction. (See the end ofthe proof of Lemma 2.3 or Figure 1.) Similarly, ifQ′ is connected then, de-pending on whether the tunneling arc dual to the∂-compression lies insideor outside the region of parallelism betweenQ′ and∂M, Q would either becompressible or itself∂-parallel.

Case 2:H = ∂−H × I andQ is closed.Let A = α× I ⊂ ∂−H × I be any incompressible spanning annulus. A

simple homology argument shows thatQ intersectsA. After the standardmove eliminating innermost disks, all intersection components are then es-sential curves inA. Let λ be the curve that is closest inA to ∂−H×{0}. LetQ′ be the properly embedded surface (now with boundary) obtained fromQ by removing a neighborhood ofλ in Q and attaching two copies of thesubannulus ofA betweenα×{0} andλ. It’s easy to see thatQ′ is still in-compressible and its boundary is still disjoint from∂−H×{1}, and nowQ′

has non-empty boundary, so by Case 1,Q′ is ∂-parallel. The subsurface of∂M to whichQ′ is ∂-parallel can’t contain the neighborhoodη of α×{0} in∂M, else the parallelism would identify a compressing disk forQ. It followsthat the parallelism is outside ofη and so can be extended acrossη to givea parallelism betweenQ and a subsurface (hence all) of∂−H ×{0}.

Case 3:The general case.Let ∆ be a complete family of meridian disks forH, so whenH is com-

pressed along∆ it becomes a product∂−H× I . SinceQ is incompressible, astandard innermost disk argument allows∆ to be redefined so that∆∩Q has


no simple closed curves of intersection. SinceQ∩∂+H = /0 it then followsthatQ∩∆ = /0. Then in factQ⊂ ∂−H× I and the result follows from Cases1) or 2). �


Here we give a quick proof of Hartshorn’s theorem (actually,an extensionto the case in whichM is not closed) using Proposition 2.5. Recall that thedistanced(P) of a Heegaard splitting ([He]) is the minimum distance in thecurve complex ofP between a vertex representing a meridian curve on oneside ofP and a vertex representing a meridian curve on the other side.

Theorem 3.1.Suppose P is a Heegaard splitting surface for a compact ori-entable manifold M and(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) is a connected essential sur-face. Then d(P) ≤ 2−χ(Q).

Remark: As long asQ contains no inessential disks or spheres, and atmost one essential disk or sphere,Q need not be connected.

Proof. The following are classical facts about Heegaard splittings (cf [Sc]):If Q is a sphere thenP is reducible, henced(P) = 0. If Q is a disk thenP is ∂-reducible sod(P) ≤ 1. If neither occurs, thenM is irreducible and∂-irreducible, which is what we henceforth assume. Moreover, onceQ isneither a disk nor a sphere then 2− χ(Q) ≥ 2 so we may as well assumethatd(P) ≥ 2, ieP is strongly irreducible.

Let A, B be the compression-bodies into whichP dividesM and letΣA,ΣB

be spines ofA andB respectively. That is,ΣA is the union of a graph inAwith ∂−A andΣB is the union of a graph inB with ∂−B so thatM−(ΣA∪ΣB)is homeomorphic toP×(−1,1). We consider the curvesP∩Q asP sweepsfrom a neighborhood ofΣA (i. e. nearP×{−1}) to a neighborhood ofΣB

(nearP×{1}). Under this parameterization, letPt denoteP×{t}. Considerthe possibilities:

SupposeQ∩ΣA = /0. ThenQ is an incompressible surface in the compres-sion bodyclosure(Q−ΣA)∼= B. By Lemma 2.6,Q would be inessential, sothis case does not arise. Similarly we conclude thatQ must intersectΣB. Itfollows that whent is near−1, Pt ∩Q contains meridian circles forA; whent is near 1, it contains meridian circles forB. SinceP is strongly irreducible,it can never be the case that both occur, so at some generic level neither oc-curs. (See [Sc] for details, including why we can take such a level to begeneric.) Hence there is a generict0 so thatPt0 ∩Q contains no meridiancircles forP.

An innermost inessential circle of intersection inPt0 must be inessentialin Q sinceQ is incompressible. So all such circles of intersection can beremoved by an isotopy ofQ. After this process, all remaining curves of


intersection are essential inPt0. SincePt0 ∩Q contains no meridian circlesfor P, no remaining circle of intersection can be inessential inQ either.Hence all components ofPt0 ∩Q are essential in both surfaces; in particularno component ofQ−Pt0 is a disk. At this point, revert toP as notation forPt0.

If P∩Q = /0 then we are done, just as in the case in whichQ is disjointfrom a spine. Similarly we are done if the surfaceQA = Q∩A is inessential(hence∂-parallel) inA or QB = Q∩B is inessential inB. We conclude thatQA andQB are both essential inA andB respectively, and the positioning ofP has guaranteed that no component of either is a disk.

UnlessQA and QB are both strictly essential, the proof follows easilyfrom Proposition 2.5: Suppose, for example, thatQA is not strictly essentialand letU,V be the set of curves inP bounding disks inA andB respectively.Let q be a curve inP∩Q lying on the boundary of an essential componentof QB. Then Proposition 2.5 says thatd(q,U) ≤ 1−χ(QA) andd(q,V) ≤1−χ(QB) so

d(P) = d(U,V)≤d(q,U)+d(q,V)≤ (1−χ(QA))+(1−χ(QB)) = 2−χ(Q)

as required.The case in whichQA,QB are strictly essential is only a bit more difficult:

Imagine coloring each component ofQA (respQB) that is not a∂-parallelannulus red (resp blue). SinceQA andQB are both essential, there are redand blue regions inQ−P. SinceQ is connected there is a path inQ (possi-bly of length 0) with one end at a red region, one end at a blue region and nointerior point in a colored region. Since the interior of theentire path lies ina collection of∂-parallel annuli, it follows that the curves inP∩Q to whichthe ends of the path are incident are isotopic curves inP. Now apply theprevious argument to a curveq⊂ P in that isotopy class of curves inP. �


It is natural to ask whether Proposition 2.5 can, in any useful way, beextended to surfaces that are not essential. It appears to beunlikely. Ifone allowsQ to be ∂-parallel, obvious counterexamples are easy: take asimple closed curveγ in N that is arbitrarily distant fromV and use forQa ∂-parallel annulusA constructed by pushing a regular neighborhood ofγslightly into M. Even if one rules out∂-parallel surfaces but does allowQto be compressible, a counterexample is obtained by tubing,say, a possiblyknotted torus inM to an annulusA as just constructed.

On the other hand, it has been a recent theme in the study of embeddedsurfaces in 3-manifolds that, for many purposes, a connected separating


surfaceQ in M will behave much like an incompressible surface ifQ com-presses to both sides, but not via disjoint disks. Would sucha condition onQ be sufficient to guarantee the conclusion of Proposition 2.5? That is:

Question 4.1.Suppose M is an irreducible compact orientable3-manifold,and N is a compressible boundary component of M. LetV be the set ofessential curves in N that bound disks in N. Suppose further that(Q,∂Q)⊂(M,∂M) is a connected separating surface and q is any boundary compo-nent of Q. If Q is compressible into both complementary components, butnot via disjoint disks, must it be true that d(q,V) ≤ 1−χ(Q)?

In this section we show that there is an example for which the answer toQuestion 4.1 is no. More remarkably, the next section shows that it is theonly type of bad example.

A bit of terminology will be useful. Regard∂D2 as the end-point unionof two arcs,∂±D2.

• SupposeQ⊂M is a properly embedded surface andγ⊂ interior(M)is an embedded arc which is incident toQ precisely at∂γ. There is arelative tubular neighborhoodη(γ) ∼= γ×D2 so thatη(γ) intersectsQ precisely in the two disk fibers at the ends ofγ. Then the sur-face obtained fromQ by removing these two disks and attachingthe cylinderγ×∂D2 is said to be obtained bytubing alongγ.

• Similarly, supposeγ ⊂ ∂M is an embedded arc which is incident to∂Q precisely in∂γ. There is a relative tubular neighborhoodη(γ) ∼=γ×D2 so thatη(γ) intersectsQ precisely in the twoD2 fibers at theends ofγ andη(γ) intersects∂M precisely in the rectangleγ×∂−D2.Then the properly embedded surface obtained fromQ by removingthe twoD2 fibers at the ends ofγ and attaching the rectangleγ×∂+D2 is said to be obtained bytunneling alongγ.

Let P0,P1 be two connected compact subsurfaces in the same compo-nent N of ∂M, with each component of∂Pi , i = 0,1 essential in∂M andP0 ⊂ interior(P1). Let Q1 be the properly embedded surface inM obtainedby pushingP1, rel ∂, into the interior ofM. Let Q0 denote the properly em-bedded surface obtained by pushingP0 rel ∂ into the collar betweenP1 andQ1. Then the regionR lying betweenQ0 andQ1 is naturally homeomorphicto Q1× I . (Here∂Q1× I can be thought of either as vertically crushed to∂Q1 ⊂ ∂M or as constituting a small collar of∂Q1 in P1 ⊂ ∂M.) Under thehomeomorphismR∼= Q1× I the top ofR (corresponding toQ1×{1}) is Q1and the bottom ofR (corresponding toQ1×{0}) is the boundary union ofQ0 andP1−P0. The properly embedded surfaceQ0∪Q1 ⊂ M is called therecessed collardetermined byP0 ⊂ P1 boundingR.

Recessed collars behave predictably under tunnelings:


Lemma 4.2. Suppose Q0∪Q1 ⊂ M is the recessed collar determined byP0 ⊂ P1, and R∼= P1× I is the component of M−Q on whose boundaryboth Qi lie. Letγ ⊂ ∂M be a properly embedded arc in∂M−(Q0∪Q1). LetQ+ be the surface obtained from Q0∪Q1 by tunneling alongγ. Then

(1) If γ ⊂ (P1−P0) andγ has both ends on∂P0 or if γ ⊂ (∂M−P1), thenQ+ is a recessed collar.

(2) If γ ⊂ P0 then there is a compressing disk for Q+ in M−R.(3) If γ ⊂ (P1−P0) and γ has one or both ends on∂P1, then there is a

compressing disk for Q+ in R.

Proof. In the first case, tunneling is equivalent to just adding a band to eitherP1 or P0 and then constructing the recessed collar. In the second case, thedisk γ× I in the collar betweenP0 andQ0 determines a compressing diskfor Q+ (that is, for the component ofQ+ coming fromQ0) that lies outsideof R.

Similarly, in one of the third cases, whenγ ⊂ (P1−P0) has both ends on∂P1, γ× I in the collar betweenP1 andQ1 determines a compressing diskfor Q+ (this time for the component ofQ+ coming fromQ1) that this timelies inside ofR.

In the last case, when one end ofγ ⊂ (P1−P0) lies on each of∂P0 and∂P1 a slightly more sophisticated construction is needed. After the tunnelingconstruction,∂Q+ ∩ interior(P1) has one arc componentγ′ that consists oftwo parallel copies of the spanning arcγ and a subarc of the componentof ∂P0 that is incident toγ. This arcγ′ ⊂ ∂Q+ can be pushed slightly intoQ+. Then the diskγ′× I (using the product structure onR) determines acompressing disk forQ+ that lies inR. (The diskγ′× I looks much like thediskE in Figure 1.) �

One of the constructions of this lemma will be needed in a different con-text:

Lemma 4.3. Suppose Q0∪Q1 ⊂ M and Q1∪Q2 ⊂ M are the recessed col-lars determined by connected surfaces P0⊂ interior(P1) and P1⊂ interior(P2).Let R1,R2 be the regions these recessed collars bound. Furthermore, letγi ⊂ ∂M, i = 1,2 be properly embedded arcs spanning P1−P0 and P2−P1respectively. That is,γi has one end point on each of∂Pi ,∂Pi−1. Let Q+ bethe connected surface obtained from Q0∪Q1∪Q2 by tunneling along bothγ1 andγ2. Then either

(1) There are disjoint compressing disks for Q+ in R1 and R2 or(2) P0 is an annulus parallel in P1 to a component c of∂P1, and c is

incident to both tunnels.


In the latter case, Q+ is properly isotopic to the surface obtained fromthe recessed collar Q1∪Q2 by tubing along an arc in interior(M) that isparallel to γ2 ⊂ ∂M.

Proof. For P any surface with boundary, define aneyeglass graphin P tobe the union of an essential simple closed curve in the interior of P and anembedded arc in the curve’s complement, connecting the curve to∂P.

Let c1 ⊂ ∂P1 andc0 ⊂ ∂P0 be the components to which the ends ofγ1are incident. Letc2 be the component of∂P1 (note: not∂P2) to which theend of γ2 is incident. (Possiblyc1 = c2.) Let α be any essential simpleclosed curve inP0 and choose an embedded arc inP0 −α connectingαto the end ofγ1 in c0; the union of that arc, the closed curveα and thearc γ1 is an eyeglass curvee1 in P1 which intersectsP1−P0 in the arcγ1.Then the construction of Lemma 4.2, there applied to the eyeglassγ1∪c0,shows here that a neighborhood of the producte1× I ⊂ R1

∼= P1× I containsa compressing disk forQ+ that lies inR1 and which intersectsQ1 in aneighborhood ofe1×{1}.

Similarly, for β any essential simple closed curve inP1, and an embeddedarc inP1−β connectingβ to the end ofγ2 in c2 we get an eyeglasse2 ⊂ P2and a compressing disk forQ+ that lies inR2 and whose boundary intersectsQ1 only within a neighborhood ofe2 × {1}. So if we can find disjointsuch eyeglasses inP1 andP2 we will have constructed the required disjointcompressing disks.

Suppose first thatP0 is not an annulus parallel toc1. ThenP0 containsan essential simple closed curveα that is not parallel toc1. Sinceα is notparallel toc1, no component of the complementP1−e1 is a disk, so thereis an essential simple closed curveβ in the component ofP1− e1 that isincident toc2. The same is true even ifP0 is an annulus parallel toc1 solong asc1 6= c2. This proves the enumerated items. See Figure 2

The proof that in case 2),Q+ can be described by tubingQ1 to Q2 alongan arc parallel toγ2 is a pleasant exercise left to the reader. �


P 1












Now consider a particular type of tubing of a recessed collar. SupposeQ0∪Q1⊂M is the recessed collar boundingRdetermined byP0⊂P1⊂ ∂M.Let ρ denote a vertical spanning arc inR, that is, the image inR∼= P1× I ofpoint× I , wherepoint∈ P0. LetQ be the surface obtained fromQ0∪Q1 bytubing alongρ. ThenQ is called atube-spanned recessed collar.

A tube-spanned recessed collar has nice properties:

Lemma 4.4. Suppose Q is a tube-spanned recessed collar constructed asabove. Then

• Q is connected and separating and Q compresses in both comple-mentary components in M..

• If Q compresses in both complementary components via disjointdisks, then P1 ⊂ ∂M is compressible in M.

• If Q+ is obtained from Q by tunneling, then either Q+ is also a tube-spanned recessed collar or Q+ compresses in both complementarycomponents via disjoint disks. (Possibly both are true).

• If Q+ is obtained from Q by tunneling together Q and a∂-parallelconnected incompressible surface Q′, then either Q+ is also a tube-spanned recessed collar or Q+ compresses in both complementarycomponents via disjoint disks. (Possibly both are true).

Proof. The construction guarantees thatQ is connected and separating. Itcompresses on both sides: LetY denote the componentR−η(ρ) of M−Qand letX be the other component. A disk fiberµ of η(ρ) is a compressingdisk forQ in X. To see a compressing disk forQ in Y, start with an essentialsimple closed curve inQ0 containing the end ofρ in Q0. The correspondingvertical annulusA⊂ R includes the vertical arcρ ⊂ R. ThenA−η(ρ) is adisk inY whose boundary is essential inQ.

To prove the second property, suppose that there are disjoint compressingdisks,DX ⊂ X andDY ⊂Y. ∂DY cannot be disjoint from the meridianµ ofη(ρ) since if it were,∂DY would lie in either on the top or the bottom ofY ∼= (P1− point)× I , either of which is clearly incompressible inY. SoDXcannot be parallel toµ. A standard innermost disk argument allows us tochooseDX so thatDX ∩µ contains no circles of intersection, and an isotopyof ∂DX on Q ensures that any arc component of∂DX −µ is essential in oneof the punctured surfacesQ1∩Q or Q0∩Q. If DX is disjoint fromµ it liesonQ1, say, but in any case it determines a compressing disk forP1 in M, asrequired. IfDX is not disjoint fromµ then an outermost disk inDX cut offby µ would similarly determine a compression ofP1 in M.

The third property follows from Lemma 4.2. When the tunneling thereleavesQ+ as a recessed collar (option 1) then the operation here leavesQ+

a tube-spanned recessed collar. If the tunneling arcγ lies in P1−P0 andthereby gives rise to a compressing disk inR (option 3), the compressing


disk DY there constructed lies inY and so can clearly be kept disjoint fromthe vertical arcρ. ThenDY is disjoint from the compressing diskµ for X,as required. Finally, ifγ lies in P0 then the compressing diskDX in M−Rconstructed there lies inX and intersectsQ0 in a single essential arc. Thesimple closed curve inQ0 from which A is constructed can be taken tointersectDX in at most one point, so in the end the diskDY ⊂ Y intersectsDX in at most one point. Then the boundary of a regular neighborhood of∂X∪∂Y in Q is a simple closed curve that bounds a disk in bothX andY,as required.

The fourth property is proven in a similar way. Suppose first that∂Q′ isdisjoint from P1. If the regionP′ ⊂ ∂M to which Q′ is parallel is disjointfrom P1 then tunnelingQ′ to Q1 just creates a larger∂-parallel surface andQ+ is a tube-spanned recessed collar. IfP1 ⊂ P′ then the regionR′ betweenQ′ andQ1 is a recessed collar and according to option 3 of Lemma 4.2 thereis a compressing disk forQ+ in R′∩X that is incident toQ1 only in a collarof ∂Q1. In particular it is disjoint from a compressing disk forQ in R∩Yconstructed above from an annulusA that is incident toQ1 away from thiscollar.

Next suppose that∂Q′ lies in P1 −P0, so P′ ⊂ P1 −P0. If the tunnelconnectsQ′ to Q0 then tunnelingQ0 to Q′ just creates a larger∂-parallelsurface andQ+ is a tube-spanned recessed collar. If the tunneling connectsQ′ to Q1 then the argument is the same as whenQ+ is obtained fromQ bytunneling intoP1−P0 with both ends of the tunnel on∂P1.

Finally suppose that∂Q′ lies in P0, soP′ ⊂ P0. Then the tunneling con-nectsQ′ to Q0. The regionR′ betweenQ′ andQ0 is a recessed collar andaccording to option 3 of Lemma 4.2 there is a compressing diskfor Q+ inR′∩X that is incident toQ′ only in a collar of∂Q′. In particular it is dis-joint from the compressing disk forQ in R∩Y constructed above from anannulusA incident toQ0 in the image ofP′ ⊂ P1 away from that collar. �

Corollary 4.5. Suppose M is an irreducible compact orientable3-manifold,and N is a compressible boundary component of M. LetV be the set ofcurves in N that arise as boundaries of compressing disks of N. Then for anyn∈N there is a connected properly imbedded separating surface(Q,∂Q)⊂(M,N) so that Q compresses in both complementary components but not viadisjoint disks and, for any component q of∂Q, d(q,V) ≥ n.

Proof. Let A1 be an annulus in∂M whose core has distance at leastn fromV. Let A0 ⊂ A1 be a thinner subannulus and letQ be the tube-spannedrecessed product inM that they determine. The result follows from the firsttwo conclusions of Lemma 4.4.



It will be useful to expand the context beyond connected separating sur-faces.

Definition 5.1. Let (Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) be a properly embedded orientablesurface in the orientable irreducible3-manifold M. Q will be called asplit-ting surfaceif no component is closed, no component is a disk, and M is theunion of two3-manifolds X and Y along Q.

We abbreviate by saying that Q splits M into the submanifoldsX and Y.

The definition differs slightly from that of [JS, Definition 1.1], whichallowsQ to have closed components and disk components. Note also thatthe condition thatM is the union of two 3-manifoldsX andY alongQ isequivalent to saying thatQ can be normally oriented so that any orientedarc in M transverse toQ alternately crossesQ in the direction consistentwith the normal orientation and then against the normal orientation.

Definition 5.2. Suppose as above that(Q,∂Q)⊂ (M,∂M) is a splitting sur-face that splits M into submanifolds X and Y. Q is bicompressible if both Xand Y contain compressing disks for Q in M; Q is strongly compressible ifthere are such disks whose boundaries are disjoint in Q. If Q is not stronglycompressible then it is weakly incompressible.

Note that ifQ is bicompressible but weakly incompressible∂Q is nec-essarily essential in∂M, for otherwise an innermost inessential componentwould bound a compressing disk forQ in Y∩∂M (say). Such a disk, lyingin ∂M, would necessarily be disjoint from any compressing disk for Q in X.

There are natural extensions of these ideas. One extension that will even-tually prove useful is to∂-compressions of splitting surfaces:

Definition 5.3. A splitting surface(Q,∂Q)⊂ (M,∂M) is strongly∂-compressibleif there are∂-compressing disks DX ⊂ X,DY ⊂Y and∂DX ∩∂DY = /0.

Here is our main result:

Theorem 5.4.Suppose M is an irreducible compact orientable3-manifold,N is a compressible boundary component of M and(Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) is abicompressible, weakly incompressible splitting surfacewith a bicompress-ible component incident to N.

Let V be the set of essential curves in N that bound disks in M and letqbe any component of∂Q∩N. Then either

• d(q,V) ≤ 1−χ(Q) in the curve complex on N or• q lies in the boundary of a∂-parallel annulus component of Q or• one component of Q is a tube-spanned recessed collar; all other

components incident to N are incompressible and∂-parallel.


Note that in the last case,Q lies entirely in a collar ofN.

Lemma 5.5. Let (Q,∂Q) ⊂ (M,∂M) be as in Theorem 5.4, splitting M intoX and Y. Let QX be the result of maximally compressing Q into X. Then

(1) QX is incompressible in M and,(2) there is a compressing disk D for N in M, so that some complete set

of compressing disks for Q in X is disjoint from D and, moreover,Q∩D consists entirely of arcs that are essential in QX.

Proof. First we show thatQX is incompressible. This is in some sense aclassical result, going back to Haken. A more modern view is in [CG].Here we take the viewpoint first used in [ST, Prop. 2.2], whichadaptswell to other contexts we will need as well and is a good sourcefor detailsmissing here.

QX is obtained fromQ by compressing intoX. Dually, we can think ofQX as a surface splittingM into X′ andY′ (except possiblyQX has someclosed components) andQ is constructed fromQX by tubing along a col-lection of arcs inY′. Sliding one of these arcs over another or alongQXmerely movesQ by an isotopy, so an alternate view of the construction isthis: There is a graphΓ ⊂ Y′, with all of its valence-one vertices onQX.A regular neighborhood ofQX ∪Γ has boundary consisting of a copy ofQX and a copy ofQ. (This construction ofQ from QX could be called 1-surgery along the graphΓ.) The graphΓ may be varied by slides of edgesalong other edges or alongQX; the effect onQ is merely to isotope it in thecomplement ofQX.

Suppose thatF is a compressing disk forQX in M. F must lie inY′,elseQ could be further compressed intoX. Choose a representation ofΓwhich minimizes|F ∩Γ|, and then choose a compressing diskE for Q inY which minimizes|F ∩E|. If there are any closed components ofF ∩E,an innermost one inE bounds a subdisk ofE disjoint fromF, Γ andQ; anisotopy ofF will remove the intersection curve without raising|F ∩Γ|. Soin fact there are no closed curves inF ∩E.

The diskF must intersect the graphΓ elseF would lie entirely inY andso be a compressing disk forQ in Y that is disjoint from compressing disksof Q in X. This would contradict the weak incompressiblity ofQ. One canview the intersection ofΓ∪E with F as a graphΛ ⊂ F whose vertices arethe pointsΓ∩F and whose edges are the arcsF ∩E.

If there is an isolated vertex of the graphΛ ⊂ F (i. e. a point inΓ∩Fthat is disjoint fromE) then the vertex would correspond to a compressingdisk for Q in X which is disjoint fromE, contradicting weak irreducibility.If there is a loop inΛ ⊂ F whose interior contains no vertex, an innermostsuch loop would bound a subdisk ofF that could be used to simplifyE; thatis to find diskE0 for Q in Y so that|F∩E0|< |F∩E|, again a contradiction.


We conclude thatΛ has a vertexw that is incident to edges but to no loops ofΛ. Choose an arcβ which is outermost inE among all arcs ofF ∩E whichare incident tow. Thenβ cuts off fromE a diskE′ with E′− β disjointfrom w. Let e be the edge ofΓ which containsw. Then the diskE′ givesinstructions about how to isotope and slide the edgee until w and possiblyother points ofΓ∩F are removed, lowering|Γ∩F |, a contradiction thatestablishes the first claim.

To establish the second claim, first note that by shrinking a complete setof compressing disks forQ in X very small, we can of course make themdisjoint from anyD; the difficulty is ensuring thatQX∩D then has no simpleclosed curves of intersection.

ChooseD and isotopeQX to minimize the number of components|D∩QX|, then choose a representation ofΓ which minimizes|D∩Γ|, and finallythen choose a compressing diskE for Q in Y which minimizes|D∩E|. Ifthere are any closed components ofD∩E, an innermost one inE boundsa subdisk ofE disjoint from D,Γ andQ; an isotopy ofD will remove theintersection curve without raising either|D∩QX| or |D∩Γ|. So in fact thereare no closed curves inD∩E.

Suppose there are closed curves inD∩QX. An innermost one inD willbound a subdiskD0. SinceQX is incompressible,∂D0 also bounds a disk inQX; the curve of intersection could then be removed by an isotopy of QX, acontradiction.

From this contradiction we deduce that all components ofD∩QX arearcs. All arcs are essential inQX else|D∩QX| could be lowered by re-choosingD. The only other components ofD∩Q are closed curves, com-pressible inX, each corresponding to a point inD∩Γ. So it suffices to showthatD∩Γ = /0. The proof is analogous to the proof of the first claim, whereit was shown thatΓ must be disjoint from any compressing diskF for QXin Y′, but now forF we take a (disk) component ofD−QX.

If no component ofD−QX intersectsΓ there is nothing to prove, so letF be a component intersectingΓ and regardΛ = (Γ∪E)∩F as a graph inF, with possibly some edges incident to the arcsQX ∩D lying in ∂F. Asabove, no vertex ofΛ (i. e. point ofΓ∩F) can be isolated inΛ and aninnermost inessential loop inΛ would allow an improvement inE so as toreduceD∩E. Hence there is a vertexw of Λ that is incident to edges but noloops inΛ. An edge inΛ that is outermost inE among all edges incident tow will cut off a disk fromE that provides instructions how to slide the edgee of Γ containingw so as to remove the intersection pointw and possiblyother intersection points. As in the first case, some slidingof the end ofemay necessarily be along arcs inQX, as well as over other edges inΓ. �


Proof of Theorem 5.4:Just as in the proof of Proposition 2.5 the proof isby induction on 1−χ(Q). SinceQcontains no disk components, 1−χ(Q)≥1.

If compressing disks forQ were incident to two different componentsof Q, then there would be compressing disks on opposite sides incident totwo different components ofQ, violating weak incompressibility. So wededuce that all compressing disks forQ are incident to at most one com-ponentQ0 of Q. Q0 cannot be an annulus, else the boundaries of com-pressing disks inX andY would be parallel inQ0 and so could be madedisjoint. If Q also contains an essential componentQ′ incident toN then1−χ(Q′) ≤ 1−χ(Q−Q0) < 1−χ(Q) and so, by Proposition 2.5, for anycomponentq′ of ∂Q′ ∩N, d(q′,V) ≤ 1− χ(Q′) < 1− χ(Q). This impliesthatd(q,V) ≤ d(q′,V)+ d(q,q′) ≤ 1−χ(Q) as required. So we will alsohenceforth assume that no component ofQ incident toN is essential.

We can also assume that each component ofQ−Q0 is itself an incom-pressible surface. For supposeD is a compressing disk for a componentQ1 6= Q0 of Q, chosen among all such disks to have a minimal number ofintersection components withQ. If the interior ofD were disjoint fromQthenD would be a compressing disk forQ itself, violating weak incom-pressibility as described above. Similarly, an innermost circle of Q∩D inD must lie in Q0. Consider a subdiskD′ of D (possibly all ofD) withthe property that its boundary is second-innermost among components ofD∩Q. That is, the interior ofD′ intersectsQ exactly in innermost circlesof intersection, each bounding disks inX, say. If∂D′ is not inQ0 then it isalso a compressing disk forQX, contradicting the first statement in Lemma5.5. The argument is only a bit more subtle when∂D′ is in Q0, cf the NoNesting Lemma [Sc2, Lemma 2.2].

Let Q− be the union of components ofQ that are not incident toN. SinceQ− is incompressible, each compressing disk forN is disjoint from Q−.In particular, it suffices to work inside the 3-manifoldM −η(Q−) insteadof M. So, with no loss of generality, we can assume thatQ− = /0, ie eachcomponent ofQ is incident toN.

Since each component ofQ other thanQ0 is incompressible and not es-sential, each is boundary parallel. In particular, removing one of these com-ponentsQ1 from Q still leaves a bicompressible, weakly incompressiblesplitting surface, though each component ofM−Q1 in the region of paral-lelism betweenQ1 and∂M would need to be switched fromX to Y or viceversa. Since we don’t care about the boundaries of∂-parallel annuli, all suchcomponents can be removed fromQ without affecting the hypotheses orconclusion. If there remains a∂-parallel componentQ1 that is not an annu-lus, then considerQ′ = Q−Q1. We have 1−χ(Q′) < 1−χ(Q) so the induc-tive hypothesis applies. Then eitherQ0 is a tube-spanned recessed product


(and we are done) or for any componentq′ of ∂Q′, d(q′,V) ≤ 1−χ(Q′) <

1− χ(Q). This implies thatd(q,V) ≤ d(q′,V) + d(q,q′) ≤ 1− χ(Q) andagain we are done. So we may as well assume thatQ = Q0 is connectedand, as we have seen, not an annulus.

Claim: The theorem holds ifQ is strongly∂-compressible.Proof of claim: Suppose there are disjoint∂-compressing disksFX ⊂

X, FY ⊂ Y for Q in M. Let Qx,Qy denote the surfaces obtained fromQby ∂-compressingQ alongFX andFY respectively, and letQ− denote thesurface obtained by∂-compressing along both disks simultaneously. (Weuse lower casex,y to distinguish these from the surfacesQX,QY obtained bymaximally compressing Qinto respectivelyX or Y.) A standard innermostdisk, outermost arc argument betweenFx and a compressing disk forQ inX shows thatQx is compressible inX. Similarly,Qy is compressible inY.

Each ofQx,Qy has at most two components, sinceQ is connected. Sup-pose thatQx (say) is itself bicompressible. If it were strongly compressible,the same strong compression pair of disks would strongly compressQ, sowe conclude that the inductive hypothesis applies toQx, so we apply the the-orem toQx. One possibility is that one component ofQx is a tube-spannedrecessed collar and the other (if there are two components) is ∂-parallel.But by Lemma 4.4 this case implies thatQ is also a tube-spanned recessedcollar and we are done. The other possibility is that forqx a componentof the boundary of an essential component ofQx, d(qx,V) ≤ 1−χ(Qx) <

1− χ(Q). This implies thatd(q,V) ≤ d(qx,V) + d(q,qx) ≤ 1− χ(Q) andagain we are done. So we henceforth assume thatQx (respQy) is compress-ible intoX (respY) but not intoY (respX).

It follows that Q− is incompressible, for ifQ− is compressible intoY,say, then such a compressing disk would be unaffected by the tunnelingthat recoversQx from Q− andQx would also compress intoY.

On the other hand, ifQ− is essential inM then the claim follows fromProposition 2.5. So the only remaining case to consider in the proof of theclaim is whenQ− is incompressible and not essential, so all its componentsare ∂-parallel. SinceQ is connected,Q− has at most three components.Suppose there are exactly threeQ0,Q1,Q2. If the three are nested (thatis, they can be arranged asQ0,Q1,Q2 are in Lemma 4.3) then that lemmashows that the weakly incompressibleQ must be a tube-spanned recessedcollar, as required. If no pairs of the three components ofQ− are nested,thenQ itself would be boundary parallel and so could not be compressibleon the side towardsN. Finally, suppose that two components (Q0,Q1, say)are nested, thatQ2 is ∂-parallel in their complement, andQx, say, is obtainedfrom Q1,Q2 by tunneling betweenQ1 andQ2, so Qx is ∂-parallel. Qx isalso compressible; the compressing disk either also lies ina collar ofN,


or, via the parallelism to the boundary, the disk representsa compressingdisk D for N in M whose boundary is disjoint from∂Qx. In the latter casewe have, forqx any component of∂Qx, d(qx,∂D) ≤ 1. Then forq anycomponent ofQ, d(q,∂D) ≤ d(qx,∂D) + d(q,qx) ≤ 2 ≤ 1− χ(Q) and weare done. The former case can only arise if there are boundarycomponentsof Q1 andQ2 that cobound an annulus, and that annulus is spanned by thetunnel. Moreover, since a resulting compressing disk forQx lies inN and socannot persist intoQ, the tunnel attachingQ0 must be incident to that sameboundary component ofQ1. It is easy to see then thatQ is a tube-spannedrecessed product, where the two recessed surfaces areQ0 and the union ofQ1,Q2 along their parallel boundary components.

Similar arguments apply ifQ− has one or two components. This com-pletes the proof of the Claim.

Compressing a surface does not affect its boundary, so the theorem fol-lows immediately from Lemma 5.5 and Proposition 2.5 unless the surfaceQX, obtained by maximally compressingQ into X has the property thateach of its non-closed components is boundary parallel inM. Of coursethe symmetric statement holds also for the surfaceQY obtained by maxi-mally compressingQ into Y; indeed, all the ensuing arguments would ap-ply symmetrically toQY simply by switching labelsX andY throughout. Sohenceforth assume that all components ofQX are either closed or∂-parallel.There are some of the latter, sinceQ has boundary.

Let Q0 be an outermost∂-parallel component ofQX that is not closed.That is Q0 is a component which is parallel to a subsurface of∂M andno component ofQX lies in the regionR∼= Q0× I of parallelism. As inthe proof of Lemma 5.5, use the notationX′ ⊂ X andY′ ⊃ Y for the two3-manifolds into whichQX splitsM, noting that, unlike forQ, some com-ponents ofQX may be closed. Note also thatΓ ⊂Y′.

Case 1:Some such outermost regionR lies inY′

In this case the other side ofQ0 lies in X′, and so its interior is disjointfrom Γ. SinceQ is connected, this implies that all ofQ lies in R. In partic-ular, Γ ⊂ R, all compressing disks forQ in Y also lie inR, andQ0 = QX.Let D ⊂ M be a∂-reducing disk forM as in Lemma 5.5 so thatΓ is disjointfrom D andD∩Q0 consists only of arcs that are essential inQ0.

Any outermost such arc inD cuts off a∂-reducing diskD0 ⊂ D. Sup-pose first thatD0 lies in M −R and letQ′

0 be the surface created fromQ0by ∂-compressing alongD0. By Lemma 2.3Q′

0 is incompressible, so allboundary components ofQ′

0 are essential in∂M unlessQ0 is an annulusthat is parallel to∂M also viaM −R. The latter would imply thatQ0 isa longitudinal annulus of a solid torus,D is a meridian of that solid torusand we could have taken forD0 the half ofD that does lie inR. In the


general case, the union ofD0 with a disk of parallelism inR gives a∂-reducing disk forM that is disjoint from∂Q′

0 so for any boundary compo-nentq′ of Q′

0, d(q′,V)≤ 1. Then forq any component of∂Q= ∂QX = ∂Q0,d(q,V ≤ d(q′,V)+d(q,q′) ≤ 2≤ 1−χ(Q) and we are done. In any case,we may as well then assume thatD0 lies in R⊂Y′.

SinceΓ is disjoint fromD0, D0 is a∂-reducing disk forQ as well, lying inY. Then a standard outermost arc argument inD0 shows that a compressingdisk for Q in Y can be disjoint fromD0. Then ∂-reducingQ along D0leaves a surface that is still bicompressible (for meridians of Γ constitutecompressing disks inX) but with 1−χ(Q) reduced. The proof then followsby induction. (In fact, this argument can be enhanced to showdirectly thatCase 1 simply cannot arise.)

It remains to consider the case in which all outermost components ofQXare∂-parallel via a region that lies inX′. We distinguish two further cases:

Case 2:There is nesting among the non-closed components ofQX. Wewill prove then thatQ must be a tube-spanned recessed collar.

In this case, letQ1 be a component that is not closed (so it is∂-parallel)and is “second-outermost”. That is, the region of parallelism betweenQ1and∂M contains in its interior only outermost components ofQX; denotethe union of the latter components byQ0. Then the region betweenQ0 andQ1 is itself a productR∼= Q1 × I but one end containsQ0 as a possiblydisconnected subsurface. Since outermost components cut off regions lyingin X′, R⊂ Y′. We now argue much as in Case 1: SinceΓ ⊂ Y′ andQ isconnected, all ofΓ must lie inR, soQX = Q1∪Q0. Let D be a∂-reducingdisk for M that is disjoint fromΓ and intersectsQX only in arcs that areessential inQX. As in Case 1, each outermost arc ofD∩QX in D lies inQ0.

Choose a complete collection of∂-compressing disksF, in the region ofparallelism betweenQ1 and∂M, so that the complementQ1−F is a singledisk DQ. Each disk inF is incident toQ1 in a single arc. Now import theargument of Lemma 5.5 into this context: LetE be a compressing disk forY, here chosen so thatE∩F is minimized. This means first of all thatE∩F

is a collection of arcs. As in the proof of Lemma 5.5,Γ may be slid andisotoped so it is disjoint fromF. Γ is incident toQ1 sinceQ is connected.SinceDQ is connected, the ends ofΓ on DQ may be slid withinDQ so thatultimatelyΓ is incident toDQ in a single point.∂E is necessarily incidentto that end, sinceQ is weakly incompressible. It follows that∂E cannot beincident toQ only in DQ (else∂E could be pushed off the end ofΓ in DQ)so∂E must intersect the arcs∂F∩Q1. Let β ⊂ (F∩E) be outermost inEamong all arcs incident to components of∂F∩Q1. Let E0 be the disk thatβ cuts off fromE.


If both ends ofβ were inF∩Q1 then, since each disk ofF is incidentto Q1 in a single arc,β would cut off a subdisk ofF that could be used toalterE, creating a compressing disk forY that intersectsF in fewer points.We conclude that the other end ofβ is onQ0. Sinceβ is outermost amongthose arcs ofE∩F incident toDQ, ∂E0 traverses the end ofΓ onDQ exactlyonce. So, as in the proof of Lemma 5.5, it can be used to slide and isotopean edgeρ of Γ until it coincides withβ. Hence the edgeρ ⊂ Γ can be madeinto a vertical arc (i. e. anI -fiber) in the product structureR= Q1× I .

Using that product structure and an essential circle in the component ofQ0 that is incident toρ, ρ can be viewed as part of a vertical incompressibleannulusA with ends onQ1 andQ0. Now apply the argument of Lemma 5.5again:A−ρ is a diskE′. SinceE′ is a disk, use the argument of Lemma 5.5to slide and isotope the edges ofΓ−ρ until they are disjoint fromE′. Afterthese slides,E′ is revealed as a compressing disk forQ in Y. On the otherhand, if there is in fact any edgeγ in Γ−ρ, the compressing disk forQ in Xgiven by the meridian ofη(γ) would be disjoint fromE, contradicting weakincompressiblilty ofQ. So we conclude that in factΓ = ρ and so, other thanthe components ofQX incident to the ends ofρ, each component ofQX is acomponent ofQ; sinceQ is connected, there are no such other components.That is,Q is obtained by tubingQ1 to the connectedQ0 alongρ and so is atube-spanned recessed collar. This completes the argumentin this case.

Case 3:All non-closed components ofQX are outermost among the com-ponents ofQX. We will show that in this caseQ is strongly∂-compressible;the proof then follows from the Claim above.

We have already seen that all non-closed components ofQX are∂-parallelthroughX′. Choose a∂-reducing diskD ⊂ M as in Lemma 5.5 so thatDis disjoint from the graphΓ, intersectsQX mimimally and intersectsQ onlyin arcs that are essential inQX. Although there is no nesting among thecomponents ofQX, it is not immediately clear that the arcsD∩QX are notnested inD. However, it is true that each outermost arc cuts off a subdiskof D that lies inX′, as shown in the proof of Case 1 above. In what follows,D′ will represent eitherD, if no arcs ofD∩QX are nested inD, or a disk cutoff by a “second-outermost” arc of intersectionλ0 if there is nesting. LetΛ ⊂ D′ denote the collection of arcsD′∩Q; one of these arcs (namelyλ0)may be on∂D′.

Consider how a compressing diskE for Q in Y intersectsD′. All closedcurves inD′ ∩E can be removed by a standard innermost disk argumentredefiningE. Any arc inD′ ∩E must have its ends onΛ; a standard out-ermost arc argument can be used to remove any that have both ends on thesame component ofΛ. If any component ofΛ−λ0 is disjoint from all thearcsD′ ∩E, thenQ could be∂-compressed without affectingE. This re-duces 1− χ(Q) without affecting bicompressibility, so we would be done


by induction. Hence we restrict to the case in which each arc component ofΛ−λ0 is incident to some arc components ofD′∩E. See Figure 3.






λ+ D0




It follows that there is at least one componentλ1 6= λ0 of Λ with thisproperty: any arc ofD′∩E that has one end incident toλ1 has its other endincident to one of the (at most two) neighboring componentsλ± of Λ along∂D′. (Possibly one or both ofλ± areλ0.) Let β be the outermost arc inEamong all arcs ofD′ ∩E that are incident to the special arcλ1. We thenknow that the other end ofβ is incident to (say)λ+ and that the diskE0 ⊂ Ecut off by β from E, although it may be incident toD in its interior, at leastno arc of intersectionD∩ interior(E0) is incident toλ1.

Let D0 be the rectangle inD whose sides consist of subarcs ofλ1, λ+,∂D and all of β. Although E may intersect this rectangle, our choice ofβ as outermost among arcs ofD∩E incident toλ1 guarantees thatE0 isdisjoint from the interior ofD0 and so is incident to it only in the arcβ. Theunion ofE0,D0 alongβ is a diskD1 ⊂Y whose boundary consists of the arcα = ∂M∩∂D0 and an arcβ′ ⊂ Q. The latter arc is the union of the two arcsD0∩Q and the arcE0∩Q. If β′ is essential inQ, thenD1 is a∂-compressingdisk forQ in Y that is disjoint from the boundary compressing disk inX cutoff by λ1. So if β′ is essential thenQ is strongly∂-compressible and we aredone by the Claim.

Suppose finally thatβ′ is inessential inQ. Thenβ′ is parallel to an arcon ∂Q and so, via this parallelism, the diskD1 is itself parallel to a diskD′

that is disjoint fromQ and either is∂-parallel inM or is itself a∂-reducingdisk forM. If D′ is a∂-reducing disk forM, then∂D′ ∈ V, d(Q,V) ≤ 1 and


we are done. On the other hand, ifD′ is parallel to a subdisk of∂M, then anoutermost arc of∂D in that disk (possibly the arcα itself) can be removedby an isotopy of∂D, lowering|D∩Q|= |D∩QX|. This contradiction to ouroriginal choice ofD completes the proof. �


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