Public Document Pack Melksham Town Council


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Melksham Town Council

Town Hall, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6ES

Tel: (01225) 704187

Town Clerk and RFO Linda Roberts BA(Hons) PGCAP, FHEA,


Email: Web: Facebook:

To: Councillor J Hubbard (Chair)

Councillor V Fiorelli (Vice-Chair) Councillor P Aves Councillor S Brown Councillor K Iles Councillor C Jeffries Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Sankey Councillor T Watts

9 December 2019 Dear Councillors In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Sch 12, paras 10 (2)(b) you are invited to attend the Asset Management Committee meeting of the Melksham Town Council. The meeting will be held at the Melksham Town Hall on Monday 16th December 2019 commencing at 7.15 pm. A period of public participation will take place in accordance with Standing Order 3(F) prior to the formal opening of the meeting. The Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting. Yours sincerely

Mrs L A Roberts BA(Hons), PGCAP, FHEA, FSLCC Town Clerk and RFO

Public Document Pack

Email: Web:


Asset Management Committee Melksham Town Council

Monday 16 December 2019

At 7.15 pm at the Melksham Town Hall

Public Participation – To receive questions from members of the public. In the exercise of Council functions. Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, Human Rights and the need to conserve biodiversity. The Council also has a duty to tackle discrimination, provide equality of opportunity for all and foster good relations in the course of developing policies and delivery services under the public sector Equality Duty and Equality 2010.




PRESENT: Paul Carter (PC), Roy Dobson (RD), Andy Newman (AN),

Mat Bluitt (MB), Clair Bainton (CB).


PC outlined the reasons for the extraordinary meeting, that being to discuss,

propose and second the following applications to the Shurnhold Fields Working

Group (SFWG) for capital expenditure on the erection of a maintenance shed

within the car park, a bicycle stand and clearing the South Brook of overgrown

trees and scrub land.

Theses proposals had not been recorded properly in the minutes of past


so we were conducting this meeting to rectify the matter.

PC told the meeting that the shed had been discussed last year and Roy offered

his garage for the time being until a formal decision was made, but along the

way this had been forgotten.

The bicycle stand was discussed earlier in the year and was included in the plan

for the car park submitted to the office in June by PC and RD.

Last year Ali from the Bath and Avon River Trust (BART) produced a report on

the field and suggested the actions that were needed to clear the South Brook. I

told the recent site meeting attended by Danny Everett that clearing the South

Brook was our next big task and he agreed that the work could go ahead.

The members expressed a wish to go to the vote and the following was


PC proposed a bicycle rack for ten bikes to be erected at the entrance to the


AN second the proposal and was passed unanimously.

RD proposed a maintenance shed 4m x 3m to be placed within the car park at the

west end, PC seconded the proposal and was passed unanimously.

PC proposed the clearing of the South Brook of fallen trees with the committee

clearing the scrub land, MB seconded the proposal and was passed


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Agenda Item 3.3

The committee agreed that PC forward this record to the Shurnhold Fields

Working Group (SFWG) and the office. With no other business to transact PC

declared the

meeting closed.

Sunday 1st December


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Present: Councillor Richard Wood (MWPC) (Chair)

Councillor Paul Carter (MWPC) & Chair, Friends Shurnhold Fields

Teresa Strange, Clerk (MWPC)

Councillor Pat Aves (MTC)

Councillor Terri Welch (MTC)

Lorraine McRandle (MWPC)

1. To elect the Chair of the Working Party meeting (MWPC)

Paul Carter nominated Richard Wood, which was seconded by Pat Aves.

RESOLVED: Richard Wood was duly elected chair.

2. To note Apologies and any substitutes

Apologies were received from Councillors Sue Brown, Vanessa Fiorelli, Melksham

Town Council and Phil Mason, Friends of Shurnhold Fields.

3. To approve as an accurate record the Minutes of the last meeting held on

Wednesday 18 September 2019

The minutes were approved by Paul Carter and signed by the Chair, Richard Wood as

a correct record.

Matters Arising:

a) Highways Funding for Dunch Lane

Teresa raised that highways funding for Dunch Lane had been discussed at the

recent CATG meeting, where it was reiterated the Section 106 monies for George

Ward Gardens has to be spent on highway improvements associated with the

site, such as creating a footpath to Shaw School etc. However, monies could be

used to improve the visibility splay on the entrance to Shurnhold Fields.

AGREED: to ask that both Councils approve Section 106 funding for George

Ward Gardens being allocated towards improving the visibility splay on the

access to Shurnhold Fields.

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b) Update on LEMP

AGREED: Teresa to chase up Ali Rasey on this.

c) Watering Risk Assessment

As Shurnhold Fields is covered under MWPC’s public liability insurance it was

asked at the meeting on 18 September 2019 if Melksham Town Council could

provide their watering risk assessment for volunteers of Friends of Shurnhold

Fields to sign to demonstrate their agreement to adherence.

Lorraine explained she had had a quick look and could not find MTC’s watering

risk assessment, but had found a generic one, which could be used if necessary.

AGREED: Lorraine to forward the generic risk assessment to create a new

Watering Risk Assessment for volunteers to sign.

d) Additional Tree Planting

Councillor Carter explained he had asked for 50 trees from the ones Teresa had

recently ordered, however, he was still 32 short and these were not the same

variety as the ones previously ordered from the Woodland Trust. However, the

ones that have been received would be planted on Friday around the picnic area.

Teresa explained that grant funding for trees from the Woodland Trust was now

open and she had applied again and ordered the same variety as planted last


e) Soil Testing

It was noted the soil sampling was not required now as wildflower seeds had already been supplied.

f) Wildflower

This was planned soon, once the MWPC contractors had undertaken the scrape, which was weather dependent, now that Land Drainage consent had been received.

4. Update on Drainage Engineer Visit

Teresa provided an update on the recent visit by Danny Everett, Wiltshire Council

Drainage Engineer.

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A report on his visit had also been discussed at a meeting of Melksham Without

Parish Council on 21 October 2019. Extract from minutes below:

‘A site visit had been held earlier in the day with members of the Shurnhold Fields

Working Party, the Friends of Shurnhold Fields, contractor J H Jones and Wiltshire

Council’s Principal Drainage Engineer, Danny Everett to assess the forthcoming plans

for a car park, revised entrance, wildflower meadow and associated bunds from a

land drainage perspective.

The watercourses on the South West and West boundaries were fine to be cleared to

ensure a better flow of water, the Clerk confirmed that the standard ‘ditch

clearance’ letters would be sent to the relevant landowners under riparian


The Drainage Engineer also explained that Land Drainage Consent would need to be

sought for the work planned. This was to be done in two stages with an initial one to

be submitted for the scrape of top soil and construction of subsequent surrounding

bunds for the wildflower meadow as the seeds needed to be sown this year, ideally

before the end of November. The original design for the wildflower meadow, just to

the right of the existing entrance gate, was to be a triangle shape in the corner along

the rear boundary of the first house in Dunch Lane, but the Drainage Engineer

requested that the shape be rectangular so that the surrounding bunds (on the other

two boundaries) directed any surface water into the watercourse on the Southern


The Friends volunteer had helpfully left an unmown area to depict where the car park

was planned and the initial thoughts of the Friends and the Working Party were that

the car park would be formed by scraping the top soil (which would be used to form

surrounding bunds to stop vehicles accessing the fields) and then plainings from local

roadworks to be laid to form a usable surface (as done in Berryfield Allotment car

park). However, the Drainage Engineer was really not keen on this surface on this

piece of land, and plainings would not be allowed, as a more permeable covering

would be required which would involve a Type 3 sub base and membrane. He

suggested that grass matting would be a much better surface and therefore this

proposal would go back to the Shurnhold Fields Working Party as a fundamental

change and would also mean that bunds would not have top soil to build with. This

may affect the pre-planning application, although it was felt that the main point of

that would be more about the access than the car park construction.

Teresa explained that she had applied for the Land Drainage Consent for the scrape

which had been approved, therefore J H Jones had been ordered to do the scrape to

allow wildflowers to be planted. With the monies for the wildflowers coming from

the maintenance budget. £167.49 had originally been agreed and another £167.49

ordered to supplement as the area was now twice as big.

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Councillor Carter had asked if canes could be purchased in order to keep birds off

this area, this was approved and Teresa agreed to purchase these.

Councillor Carter explained the Friends Group wanted to purchase 10 sets of safety

equipment/clothing, such as gloves, saws, hi viz jackets and safety glasses, as well as

rubber hammers to assist with maintenance of the area and also requested if a

metal shed could be erected on the site in order to store this equipment.

Teresa explained that a pre-planning enquiry would need to be made to ascertain if

planning permission would be required for this. It was suggested that any storage

should not be erected near to residences in Dunch Lane, but at the end of the car

park. It was suggested that a combination lock would be better, rather than a key


It was suggested that a 1st Aid kit would need to be available, plus eye wash kit.

Teresa explained Wiltshire Council had free litter pick kits and agreed to apply for

these on behalf of the group.

Regarding the safety equipment this would be able to come out of the maintenance


RESOLVED, Teresa to undertake a pre planning enquiry regarding the erection of a

shed on this site and to purchase the equipment as requested by Paul Carter.

5. To note that Land Drainage Consent was required and has been granted for the

wildflower meadow area

Information in previous agenda item.

6. Car Park

a) Response to Pre-application enquiry and update on planning permission.

Teresa gave an update on this and explained it would be easier to supply one set

of drawings for everything currently being planned for the site and that Land

Drainage Consent was required for the car park and entrance.

b) To consider quotes for groundworks for the car park.

Teresa explained quotes had been received for two different types of surface

with quotes ranging from £8,276.00 + VAT to £11,985 + VAT.

It was noted the Land Drainage Engineer had been arranged to be on site at the

same time as the contractor and was able to discuss options. With the Land

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Drainage Engineer expressing a preference for quote 369 from a land drainage

point of view:

To excavate ditch approx. 44mm from gate.

To supply and build concrete sandbag wall along field side of ditch

To excavate where required to levels

To supply and lay approx. 470sqm of GridForce Mesh

To roll mesh to allow grass to fill mesh – to cover with sand and grass seed as


Total Cost £11,985 + VAT

This quote also included £1,180 + VAT to erect stock fencing around the car park

area North and West of the car park – 0.900mm high with single plain wire

0.100mm abaove stock fencing.

Paul Carter noted this quote did not include the installation of a gate.

Teresa suggested before putting in fencing all the way around, that gaps should

be left, even in the bund to allow easy access for pedestrians to the car park and


Terri asked if there had been any interest in allotments for this site, Teresa

explained there wasn’t much interest. The allotments would be located near the

car park, however, the ditch parallel to Bath Road would need to be dug out first,

which would be the riparian owners’ responsibility.

The Drainage Engineer would also like to see the ditch in this area cleared prior to

the car park and shed being installed.

Teresa agreed she would write to all the riparian owners on the other side to ask

that they clear the ditch their side.

Paul explained the ‘Friends of’ group could clear the ditch on the Shurnhold

Fields side. Terri explained that Lackham students might be able to help with this

as well, as they were often looking for projects to undertake as part of their

coursework and explained Kathy Iles had a contact there if required.

It was noted any costs associated with the car park, fence and improved entrance

would be charged 50/50 between both councils, however, Teresa would check

with Sarah Holloway, Section 106 officer to see if the maintenance budget could

be used for this.

It was noted that the group could apply to the Area Board for funding if


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RESOLVED: Subject to funding, to approve quote 369 at £11,985 + VAT for the

car park and £1,180.00 + VAT for fencing, with a suggestion that gaps be left by

the shed (if installed at the bottom on the car park) and half way up.

Regarding the entrance it was:

RESOLVED: Subject to funding, to approve quote 371 at £8,276 + VAT to remove

entrance gate and posts, to remove small section of hedge (approx. 2m), to

excavate area approx. 6m x 5m from back edge of pedestrian tarmac path, to

install kerb edging, to supply and install granular sub base and roll, to supply and

install 0.075mm (3”) os sub base tarmac and roll, to supply and install top coat

tarmac and roll.

c) Review research on height restriction barrier

Following a request for height restriction barriers, Teresa had undertaken some

research and explained adequate warning signage would also have to be

installed and received a quote for £2,190.00 (incl) VAT for a lockable barrier and

posts, with shroud lock and signage.

Paul explained the barrier was for the entrance to the car park and not the

entrance itself, with the ‘Friends’ group were keen for a height restriction


There had been discussion at a previous meeting to use old goal posts, but both

Clerks had concerns of using these for safety reasons.

Discussion ensued on a suitable barrier for this site, bearing in mind the height of

vehicles which may want access for maintenance purposes.

It was suggested to let the ‘Friends’ group know the group’s thoughts on height

restriction barriers, given the need for maintenance vehicles to access the site

and if they insist on having a height restriction barrier to look at one that could

unlatch at the top to allow maintenance vehicles through, with swing arm at top.

RESOLVED: To investigate quotes for a 4m wide, 2.1m high lockable height

restriction swing barrier at the top in yellow and signage.

7. To receive update from parish and town council reps on “Friends of Shurnhold

Fields” community group (activities to date and future plans)

Paul explained the ‘Friends’ Group at a recent meeting had asked if a bike rack could

be installed and had made some investigations on having a 10 space bike rack, with 5

hoops on a concrete base 10 yards x 2 at a cost of £2,100. The 5 hoops to be

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concreted into the ground with gravel over the top and to be installed near the

maintenance gate, along the tree line or near the noticeboard.

It was noted this was a capital spend and the group would need the minutes of the

‘Friends’ group, to authorise such expenditure.

It was asked if the ‘Friends’ could have an ExO meeting to discuss requirements in

order that this request could be officially recorded and forwarded to the working


Teresa asked for the plans (including the shed and cycle rack) to go to the ‘Friends

Group’ for their final input, prior to going to pre-planning.

a) To consider appointing professionals to clear away trees from Southbrook

Paul explained there was some work to be done to clear Southbrook and would

need a tree surgeon to assist with this, given the size of some of the trees and for

advice on how much to take out.

It was noted that consideration needed to be given to the flow rate against

encouraging wildlife, reducing canopy. It was suggested that some of the trees

could be pollarded.

Richard suggested that the advice of Bristol Avon River Trust (BART) would be

useful before the growing season.

Once the larger trees had been cleared the ‘Friends’ would be able to thin out,

including the Himalayan Balsam in order for the area to regenerate for next year.

Teresa suggested that it would be useful for the tree surgeon to go around with a

representative from BART and the Friends.

Teresa explained that MWPC use ACER who send any waste to biomass and

could approach then to undertake the work, it was suggested that ACER could

use a chipper, which the chippings being used as mulch for the site.

RESOLVED, to arrange a site visit with ACER to provide a quote and for a

representative from BART to attend at the same time.

8. Repairs to Chain Link Fencing. Following repair gaps have been left. To consider

what type of planting should be used in order to fill in the gaps.

It was explained following repairs to the chain link fencing, this had left gaps and

guidance was sought on what type of trees the group would like to see planted.

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Paul Carter explained that willow trees were being planted at the weekend and

suggested some of these could be planted in the gaps, which was agreed by the


Teresa produced a statement of accounts of expenditure to date and it was noted

£2,934.20 had been spent to date. There was also costs for the following to be


£167.49 for second batch of wildflower seeds

£395.00 for recent cut.repairs to fence by MTC

MWPC contractor concrete in assets and repair potholes

9. To agree date and venue of next meeting.

Wednesday, 29 January at 10.00am at the Town Hall.

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