Purchasing Online Advertising Best Practices



ExecSense webinar presentation providing Online Advertising tips including information about online display ads, social media advertising, search engine marketing, mobile advertising, and local advertising.

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011 ���

Carole Keller!Material in this seminar is for reference purposes only. This seminar is sold with the understanding that neither any of the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment, medical or any other professional service directly through this seminar. Neither the publisher nor the authors assume any liability for any errors or omissions, or for how this seminar or its contents are used or interpreted, or for any consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this seminar. For legal, financial, medical, strategic or any other type of advice, please personally consult the appropriate professional.!

About the Webinar Speaker���

Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

Carole Keller, President, Awareness Creation, Inc!

•  During 13 years of building her Internet Marketing expertise Carole has been a consultant to a variety of companies around the world in diverse industries including Legal, Financial, Travel, Construction, Medical, Telecommunications, Technology & Non-Profits. !

•  Internet Marketing Strategist for a national Law Firm PR Agency and its clients. !

•  Developed and taught college-level Internet Marketing courses for Colorado Community Colleges.!

•  Developed and Managed Online Advertising & SEO Campaigns as Consulting Internet Marketing Manager at Qwest Communications (a national telecommunications company).!

•  Global Digital Strategies Manager for StorageTek (an international storage technology enterprise).!

Slide 2 !

Online Advertising - Why Now?���

•  Slow recovering, weakened economy continues to demand budget efficiency and accountability. !

•  The Internet Advertising market is growing at an annual rate of 30% reaching more than 200 million U.S. Internet users. !

•  Even though Internet Advertising is complex and fragmented, rapid technological advances and increasing options for Advertising and Branding opportunities are available and growing.!

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

Overarching Principles���Slide 4 !

Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

Traditional Media and Print Advertising Strategies Do Not Transfer to Online Advertising !

Before You Make a Move Into Online Advertising, Establish a Digital Advertising Strategy!

Know Where Your Customers Are Looking For You !

Have a Clear Understanding of Your Objectives: Sales and/or Brand Lift.!

Do Not Ignore the Metrics.!

A Word About ROI���

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!


Online Advertising Placement Considerations ���

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

•  Audience targeting!

•  Contextual Targeting!

•  Efficiency Pricing!

•  Premium Pricing!

•  Retargeting!

•  Run-of-Network (RON)!

Online Advertising Channels���!1. Online Display Ads!

!2. Social Media!

!3. Search Engine Marketing!

!4. Mobile!

!5. Local!

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

Online Display Ads Snippets ���

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

•  Determine the Best Placement Strategy !

•  Determine the Pricing Structure (CPC, CPM, CPC, etc.)!

•  Rich Media Ads Outperform Standard Ad!

“Be bold enough to challenge every assumption. Make sure inertia hasn’t set it. Have the courage to boldly assess what your consumer is telling you about your brand, and have the courage to change. .”!

Michael Francis!Executive VP-CMO, Target!

Online Display Ads Tips���

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

•  Prevent “Ad Blindness” by Changing Ads!

•  Use Tracking URLs!

•  Understand the Audience of the Channel!

•  Place Ad Above the Fold!

•  Don’t Forget About the Value of Branding!

Social Media Ads Snippets ���

1. Budget Considerations !

2. Bidding Strategy!


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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

“There is no panacea or silver bullet to manage the confluence of forces in marketing today. You need as robust a toolkit as possible. Five years ago, it was all about branded entertainment. Today it is all about

social media, it will save your business. But all these disciplines are but one arrow in your quiver.”!

Joe Tripodi!Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer, Coca-Cola!

Search Engine Ads Snippets���

•  Successful Campaign Goes Beyond Buying!

•  Highest Bidding ≠ Most Effective Strategy!

•  The Rise of Bing!

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

“Most of the time what stands in our way is not lack of knowledge or tools, it is conviction – the will and desire to take big steps, not small ones.”!

John Adams!Chairman-CEO, Martin Agency!

Mobile Ads Snippets���

•  Get Professional Help!

•  Mobile Apps or Mobile Sites? Both?!

•  Video!

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

“Find out what the emotional connection your brand has to consumers is. And learn how to use mobile. It will be the medium of choice whether it is through iPads, the phone, laptop. Discover how to tap into

the mobile personal experience.”!

Marilyn Mersereau!Senior VP-Corporate Marketing, Cisco Systems!

Mobile Phones vs. PC Growth���

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

“Mobile marketing [is] the most underrated technology right now… People are spending hours on their devices [with]

all this cool data and content and we’re not part of the conversation… There hasn’t

been this kind of moment in modern marketing since TV in the 1950s. We

haven’t seen such a quick flip of media consumption like that, and we as

marketers haven’t caught up. The smart companies, like General Mills, are going to

application people and making it work.”!

Jim Farley, !VP-Global Marketing Sales & Service Ford

Group!ANA “Marketer of the Year”!

Local Ads Snippets���

•  Google!

•  Local Newspapers Websites!

•  Online Radio (Pandora)!

Slide 14 !

Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

“Here’s what we did wrong. The Internet is dynamic – I don’t need to see anything I don’t want to see – yet we use the linear [TV] model of interruptive advertising. Patently illogical.”!

Scott Kurnit!Founder-Chairman-CEO, AdKeeper, Inc. !

Online Advertising Tenets of Success���

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Best Practices for Purchasing Online Advertising in 2011���Carole Keller, Awareness Creation, Inc.!

www.ExecSense.com © ExecSense, Inc.!

1.  Marketing Must Become Increasingly Targeted, Focused & Personal.!2.  Marketing Must Build Real Tangible & Enduring Brand Value.!3.  Marketing Must Become More Effective – More Creative, Insightful & Accountable.!4.  Marketing Must Become More Integrated & Proficient in Managing Expanding Media

Platforms.!5.  The Marketing Supply Chain Must Become More Efficient & Productive.!6.  The Marketing Ecosystem – Including Agencies, Media & Suppliers – Must Become

Increasingly Capable.!7.  Marketing Professionals Must Become Better, Highly Skilled, Diverse Leaders.!8.  Marketing Must Be Indisputably Socially Responsible.!9.  Marketing Must Be Unencumbered by Inappropriate Legislation or Regulation.!10. The Marketing Discipline Must Be Elevated & Respected. !

Association of National Advertisers (ANA)!Marketer’s Constitution !