Putting the Social in Social Media: How to Use the Social Web to Network and Boost Business




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Putting the SOCIAL in Social Media:

How to use social media to network and boost business

@Jacki_Halas and @Julian_Bond


A communications professional who knows how to leverage the Web well

and uses social media

to WIN



“Winning” in Social Media by Being SOCIAL

Don’t Be ‘Anti-Social’ with Social Media


•87% trust a friend’s recommendation over a review by a critic (Marketing Sherpa-Digital Influence Group)

•Users of social media channels are 3 times more likely to trust peer opinions over advertising when making purchase decisions(JupiterResearch-Digital Influence Group)

Avoid Being The “Mystery Man”

•It’s important for us not to hide behind technology, but use it to better understand each other’s needs…our focus should always be on people, not technology…(Brent Leary-Radian6 Report)

Be honest. Be open. Be yourself.

Being SOCIAL – Creation of DMC Social Media Team

Being SOCIAL With Employees

Social Media IS Social

One word-of-mouth conversation has the impact of 200 TV ads. ~BuzzAgent

Twitter = the digital golf course

I joined Twitter…

And all I got was everything I wanted.

Influence Takes Work

•Influence is the ability to cause desirable and measurable actions and outcomes. ~ @briansolis, Principal of FutureWorks

•Your influencers are your best brand representatives. Those people have the highest ability to impact the purchasing behavior of your greater brand community. ~ Radian6

Don’t Be Shy

Attend, Host…Make an Event of It

• Meetup.com, world's largest network of local groups. More than 2,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities.

• TweepML.org, share groups of Twitter users so you can connect and keep conversation going after meeting IRL

Get People Talking About Your Brand

• Are people talking about you? Listen. Find out.

30 free social media monitoring & listening resources from @kenburbary:

2. Jump in and join the conversation. 3. Move the discussion forward.

“No Press Release Required”

• News story had a media value of $24k and had over 153k total media impressions

• “A survey conducted in the fall of 2009 found that more than half of all journalists turn to sites like Twitter for story research.” (@prtini in Mashable)

Mixing Traditional and New Media

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

How to Make a Story “Social”

Live “Tweeting” at a Wedding

From YouTube to “The Today Show”

• “Walk for Love” YouTube video series has more than 65k views since Feb 2011 and around 2 million total media impressions from the Twitter and Facebook pages of local and national media who followed the story

• Series has help gained over $20k in referrals from patients who found out about the DMC thru watching the videos, friend recommendations, etc

Now, Get Out There And Get Social!

Julian Bond@Julian_Bond

Jacki Halas@Jacki_Halas

Thank You!