Q.4 Evaluation NEW




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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The questionnaire I produced was aimed at people in our target audience range which was 16 – 18. I used survey monkey to make it. It was filled out by some people from this college and some friends who do not go to this college. The questionnaire included questions about all three products and this is the feedback I received.


The first question if after the first five minutes of the documentary would you want to watch rest. From this question we had many positive results and 100% of people we asked said yes. This means that our documentary was interesting and engaging if people wanted to watch all of it which suggests that it was conventional. The second question we asked was weather people’s opinions have changed about technology. I got a wide range of answers as this was an open question. I found out that many people agree with the points mentioned in the documentary and that they share the same opinion about the topic, which was, do we take technology for granted. A few people said their opinion hasn’t changed about the subject and some also disagree with some points in the documentary, such as technology being addictive. However over all, majority of people felt as though they weren’t surprised about some of the facts and statistics presented, and were already knowledgeable about this topic. I also asked about the sound levels in the documentary. When making the production we had quite a lot of problems with sound levels, so I was wasn’t sure what to expect. However no one said that it was poor. As you can see a few people said it was Satisfactory. I agree with this, as some of our vox pops are filmed in noisy locations so it was hard to reduce the background. But most people found the sound levels good which I’m pleased about.




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I also asked the music used in the documentary. The music we used was quite upbeat, and everyone we asked thought the music was appropriate and also it wasn’t too quite or too loud, and they said that it was easy hearing what people were saying even with the background music. Another question I asked was what could we change or add to improve our documentary. The main response was nothing, which was good as it shows we have done things right. However a few people said they were too many interviews, and another suggested that we could use more statistics.

Double Page Spread

The first question I asked was, was the article interesting and draws your attention. I had a positive response from this question. Many people thought it was well written, and didn’t give too much away about the documentary but said enough to make you want to watch. They also said it was very informational and provided a lot of relevant context relating to the topic of technology. I asked whether people thought the images were relevant to the documentary. Since the images were all take from the documentary I found out that the main response was yes. People said they like how they got insight into the experts before watching the documentary. They also liked the main image and thought the picture of the smart phone was appropriate to the topic. The next question I asked was do you think it looks like a professional magazine. I got mixed responses from this question. Some people thought yes and that it was very conventional of a standard and typical magazine. Some people said the layout was too basic and that they expected more colour and Varity. However majority of people I asked were pleased with the double page spread and thought it was well done.

Radio Advert

For the radio advert, when asked about the music everyone thought that the music was appropriate and suited the topic of technology. The music was similar to our music used in the documentary so for both, thought the music was relevant. I also asked if the purpose of the radio advert was clear. I got a very positive response from this question and everyone said yes. They knew that what the documentary was about, when it was on and were also informed about the “30 day without technology” challenge which was the main selling point. When asked about the sound level, most people said they found it fine, and had no problems with it. One person thought it was hard to understand what was said at the very beginning but the rest was excellent.

Finally the last three questions I asked were how would you rate the documentary, double page spread and radio advert. For the documentary everyone said it was excellent. From the feedback I have gotten about the docuemtnary I have learned that some things can be tweaked to make it a little bit better but the majority of feedback I have received about our doucmentary is mainly positive. For the double page spread most people thought it was excellent. From the feedback I have received about this I have learnt that maybe our double page spread is a bit too conventional and basic, and that maybe I could’ve added a but more vairity and colour to make it better. For the radio advert again, most people thought it was excellent, and the feedback for this was mainly positive as well. At the end of the questionnair I asked about how well these three products go well each other

and almost everyone said that it does and that all three appealed to them which means that it attracts my target audience.




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How would you rate the Double Page Spread?

How would you rate the documentary?

How would you rate the radio advert?