Quizz the Reader


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1. What does Michael ask himself, sometimes, after Hanna's death? (from Part 3, Chapter 12)

a( ) If he was responsible.b( ) If he loved her enough.c( ) If he could have reduced her sentence.d( ) If she deserved it.

2. What sentences did the other defendants receive? (from Part 2, Chapter 17)

a( ) Life in prison.b( ) Terms in jail.c( ) They are acquitted of all charges.d( ) Execution.

3. What can the dead do, according to Hanna? (from Part 3, Chapter 8)

a( ) They can torment you.b( ) They can be happy.c( ) They can understand.d( ) They can be at peace.

4. What novel does Michael reread at the end of Part 3, Chapter 4? (from Part 3, Chapter 4)

a( ) The Odyssey.b( ) War and Peace.c( ) Crime and Punishment.d( ) Romeo and Juliet.

5. Where does Michael travel to in Part 3, Chapter 11? (from Part 3, Chapter 11)

a( ) France, by train.b( ) Boston, then by train to New York.c( ) Washington, D.C.d( ) Poland.

6. According to the prison warden, once Hanna learned to read, what did she

request? (from Part 3, Chapter 10)

a( ) Books about law.b( ) Literature on concentration camps.c( ) Greek classics.d( ) Plays by Shakespeare.

7. What is one area of Michael's specialty? (from Part 3, Chapter 4)

a( ) Pediatrics.b( ) Psychology of criminals.c( ) Divorce law.d( ) Law of the Third Reich.

8. What, at first, does Michael decide to be Hanna's motive? (from Part 2, Chapter 10 | Part 2, Chapter 11)

a( ) Fear of exposure as an illiterate.b( ) Fear of exposure as a criminal.c( ) Fear of exposure as a killer.d( ) Fear of exposure as a liar.

9. What does Hanna ask the presiding judge during the trial? (from Part 2, Chapter 6 | Part 2, Chapter 7)

a( ) "What was I supposed to do?"b( ) "What would you have done?"c( ) "Did I have a choice?"d( ) "Why are you punishing me?"

10. How do the other defense attorneys deal with Hanna's admissions? (from Part 2, Chapter 6 | Part 2, Chapter 7)

a( ) They try to claim their clients were never there.b( ) They try to exonerate their clients and incriminate Hanna.c( ) They try to incriminate a different defendant.d( ) They try to cast doubt on the survivor's testimony.

11. By what name is one of the guards known in the survivor's book? (from Part 2, Chapter 8 | Part 2, Chapter 9)

a( ) "Horse"b( ) "Mare"c( ) "Toad"d( ) "Maria"

12. As described in Part 2, Chapter 11, what does Michael feel he should do to help Hanna? (from Part 2, Chapter 10 | Part 2, Chapter 11)

a( ) Become a witness in the trial.b( ) Go to the judge and testify against Hanna.c( ) To go to the judge to tell him Hanna is illiterate and could not have written the report.d( ) Go to the judge to tell him Hanna is innocent.

13. At the beginning of Part 2, Chapter 16, what does Michael say he couldn't "make himself do"? (from Part 2, Chapter 16)

a( ) Visit Sophie.b( ) Talk to his father.c( ) Visit Hanna.d( ) Talk to the judge.

14. Why does Michael tell Hanna he is proud of her? (from Part 3, Chapter 8)

a( ) Because he had learned so much from her.b( ) Because she learned to read.c( ) Because she was very strong throughout her ordeal.d( ) Because she looks exactly the same.