Ramaphosa HUTTEN UHDIENST Posbus 7234, · 2018-01-09 · die teks. Die boek bied iets vir almal ......


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Januar 2018

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Ramaphosa R. Hartley Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is credited with driving through the deal between the apart-heid government and the African National Con-gress that was at the heart of South Africa’s de-mocratic constitution. He was the ANC’s lead negotiator and the man who persuaded one of the most recalcitrant ra-cist governments in the world to buy into a settle-

ment based on one of its most enlightened bills of rights. But once the ink had dried on the constitution, Ramaphosa found himself po-litically sidelined. Before the negotiations he had been the head of the country’s largest mineworkers union. Afterwards, he went into business after concluding a landmark black empowerment deal. A talented negotiator capable of driving a hard bargain between implacable enemies, Ramaphosa has always been ‘the man in the middle’. Now, as Jacob Zuma’s presidency enters its final stretch, Ramaphosa has re-entered politics and is one of a handful of candidates to take over as ANC president and as president of South Africa. Should he succeed, he will take over a country that has been battered by years of corruption and misrule which flourished under Zuma. The question that everyone is asking is: can the man in the middle lead from the front? Ray Hartley, author and seasoned journalist, attempts to answer that question by looking at how Ramaphosa has handled the key challenges he has faced in the unions, in business and in politics. 280 p., SC, R 240

Op Pad in Suid-Afrika B.P.J. Erasmus Suid-Afrika se ontsaglike diversi-teit – van Pofadder en Haenerts-burg tot Cookhouse, Klipplaat, Maokeng en Taung – is wat mens besiel om die pad te vat en die land te verken. Die 37 hoofstukke is in ’n logiese volgorde gerangskik wat by Kaapstad begin en daarvandaan uitkring. Elke hoofstuk handel oor ’n gevestigde en samehangende geografiese of demografiese gebied. Duidelike, gede-tailleerde streekkaarte met bygewerkte plekname is ingesluit en word aangevul deur roete-aanwysings in die teks. Die boek bied iets vir almal – of dit die lieflike groen valleie van die Kaapse hinterland, die uitgestrek-te vlaktes van die Karoo, die kulturele en skilderagtige diversiteit van die Tuinroete en Wildekus, die geskied-kundige slagvelde van KwaZulu-Natal, die wildryke Lae-veld of die natuurwonders van die Bosveld is wat jou lok. Met die nuut hersiene en bygewerkte teks en meer as 500 foto’s bevat Op Pad in Suid-Afrika ’n verstom-mende rykdom inligting, wat dit die perfekte reisbe-

planner en reisgenoot maak. 400 bls., SB, R 300 also available in English

Frans David Oerder Anglo-Boereoorlogtekeninge & skilderye A.E. Duffey Hierdie publikasie gee ’n volledige beeld van die kunstenaar Frans David Oerder (1867–1944) se oeuvre – sy Anglo-Boereoorlog-tekeninge, landskappe, genrestukke, por-trette, blomstudies en stillewes, interieurs, dierestudies en grafiese werk. Geen moeite is ontsien om hierdie boek so volledig en betroubaar moontlik te maak nie. Argivale bronne in die Kunsargief van die Universiteit van Pretoria, die Ar-gief van die Johannesburg Kunsmuseum en die Nasionale Argief van Suid-Afrika in Pretoria het grootliks bygedra tot die toevoeging van inligting oor hierdie kunstenaar wat nie voorheen bekend was nie. Die plakboek van Gerda Oerder en ’n lang lesing met detail-inligting oor Oerder se vroeë lewe deur mev. Lorimer in die Kuns-argief van die Universiteit van Pretoria het bygedra tot ’n nuwe vertolking van die lewe en werk van hierdie belangrike Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar. Tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog was Oerder die enigste amptelike kunstenaar aan Boerekant, maar tot dusver is nog geen volledige geskiedenis van sy deelname aan dié oorlog geskryf nie. In hierdie boek word Oerder se Anglo-Boereoorlogtekeninge nou vir die eerste keer so volledig moontlik afgedruk en beskryf 250 bls., HB. R 395

Asterix in Helvesië René Goscinny Quaestor Claudius Sinusitus is op die punt om die Romeinse goewerneur Oppus Dissevirus se duistere geldsake aan die lig te bring, maar hy word vergiftig. Sinusitus roep Kas-terolix se hulp in en Asterix en Obelix moet na Helvesië reis om ’n skaars blom te gaan pluk

wat Sinusitus se lewe sal red. Bankkluise, koekkoekuur-glase, ’n gejodel en gate in die kaas sorg dat Asterix en Obelix die kultuur in Helvesië ten volle beleef. 48 bls., SB, R 130

Banking details: ABSA The Grove Hutten-Buchdienst Acc.nr 1630 350 480 Branch: 333 845

Some prices can change without prior notice.

The Genocide of the Boers S.M. Goodson The Genocide of the Boers: A Pictorial History & the Role Rothschild Greed Played in the Crime The Second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) remains unique in the annals of modern history. For the first time in the modern era, war was deliberately waged by a supposedly civilized nation on innocent wom-en and children. Not only were Dutch settler (Boer) homes destroyed by the British forces by means of a scorched earth policy, but the Boer women and wee ones were then herded into deplorable concentration camps. Women and children whose menfolk were still in the battlefield were subjected to starvation rations, which resulted in widespread disease and death. At the heart of the conflict was the desire of the Rothschild banking dynasty to control the mineral wealth of regions inhabited by the Dutch pioneers

who had tamed the wild lands of southern Africa. To fund the unending British atrocities, the Rothschilds dug deep 26 p., SC. R 90

Generaal De Wet in die Vredefortkoepel

V.E. d‘ Assonville

Generaal de Wet is ‘n naam wat weerklink het in die ore van die hele wêreld. Nie omdat hy dit so gewil

het nie. Niks was ons groot held vreemder as reklame nie. Hy was die man van die daad, en die oë van

die wêreld is op hom getrek deur die vonke wat vir drie jaar lank gedurig van sy harnas in sy heldestryd

vir vryheid gevlieg het. Dit groot figuur van Christiaan de Wet staan onuitwisbaar in die geskiedenis, nie

minder in die geskiedenis van Groot Brittanje as dié van Suid-Afrika nie. Onder die vryheidshelde sal hy

steeds onder die grootste getel moet word. Hy was die man van die daad. Gedrewe deur die

onuitbluslike liefde vir sy volk en sy hartstogtelike toewyding aan die vryheid het hy die man van stryd

geword... Die krag, die wil, die energie het hy steeds getrou, ja sonder om een keer te wyk, tot diens

von sy volk gestel. Op ‘n keer het hy uitgeroep: “ Liewer op ‘n ashoop in die midde van my volk, as met prinse in die vreemde


Generaal J.B.M. Hertzog by De Wet se begrafnis by die vrouemonument in Bloemfontein op 7 Februarie 1922

240 bls., SB, R 175

Mord an Rudolf Hess? W.R.Hess Nach über 46jähriger Haft mußte Heß in Spandau sterben. Der geheimmisvolle Tod des 93jährigen Rudolf Heß im alliierten Militärgefängnis von Spandau am 17. August 1987 wird in diesem sensationellen Buch anhand von Aussagen und Dokumenten enträtselt. Wer waren die Täter? Wer waren die Hintermänner? Mußte der greise Gefangene sterben, weil seine Entlassung bevorstand? Dies ist der lückenlose Bericht eines grausigen Verbrechens, begangen an einem hilf- und wehrlosen Greis. 255 S., geb. mit Schutzumschlag, R 250

Die Eckartschriften sind eine Taschenbuchreihe, herausgegeben von der Österreichischen Landsmannschaft zu unter- schiedlichen politischen, kulturellen und geschichtlichen Themen, die seit 1958 vierteljährlich erscheint. Die Schriften haben meist einen Umfang von 100 bis 120 Seiten. Die Preise bewegen sich zwischen R 120 und R 150. Wir haben die meisten der inzwischen 209 Titel vorrätig. Fragen Sie nach einem Verzeichnis oder kommen Sie selbst vorbei.

Availability is not guaranteed

Alle Wege führen nach Rom

M. de Semlyen

Ein hochinteressantes Buch – aus Liebe zum Volk Gottes und einem tiefen Verantwortungsbewußtsein heraus geschrieben – das hoffentlich zu einem Fanfarenstoß für die weiterhin schläfrigen und dahintreibenden Evangelikalen wird. Es geht um die Verteidigung des

reformatorischen Erbes und um den Wert des Evangeliums. Beides steht in Gefahr, durch die Dammbrüche in jüngster Zeit bedroht und überspült zu werden. Der englische Autor Michael de Semlyen fordert in seinem Buch heraus, den Wert dieses biblischen Erbes neu zu erkennen und gegen jeden Angriff neu zu verteidigen. 222S., SC, nur R 98 1993 erschienen

Hollow Planets J. Lamprecht The great English astronomer, Sir Edmund Halley first proposed the Earth might be hol-low. Later the great mathematician, Leonhard Euler speculated about this, as did the scien-tist, Sir John Leslie. Jules Verne's classic tale 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' was based on Leslie's ideas. Some religions maintain, to this day, that a vast Underworld exists inside the Earth. This is supported by a rich variety of legends and folklore from all continents. Sci-entists say all planets are solid. Could science be mistaken? This book is an in-depth review of many papers from sci-ence journals of the highest repute. It contains interviews with many top scientists in fields as diverse as seismology and astronomy. The results of this study will send your mind reeling. Do we live in a Solar System com-posed of Hollow Planets? This may well be the first scholarly & scientific investigation into a factual basis for the hollow planets, which were pre-viously only myths. This 600 page reference book has caught not only the attention of scientists around the world, but media stars such as Jeff Rense of Sighting and Art Bell. Perhaps based on the facts presented in this book, "everything we were ever taught is wrong!" 596 p., SC, R 480

Pippie Langkous - Omnibus A. Lindgren Pippie, die koddige klein heldin met die sproete en rooi vlegsels, vier haar 70ste bestaansjaar met hierdie spesiale omnibus-versameling. Pippie woon alleen in Huis Winderuis. Haar pa, die legendariese seekaptein Efraim Langkous, is iewers op 'n eiland,

maar Pippie word geselskap gehou deur haar perd en apie. Pippie versin kostelike stories, maar het 'n hart van goud, en omdat sy merk-waardig sterk is, sit sy booswigte gou-gou op hul plek. 358 bls. SB, R 195 also available in English

Slogging over Africa M. Barthorp Over 100 period photos, and an absorbing account by an expert on the British colonial wars, narrate the struggles that led to the creation of South Africa. When the Boer settlers left Cape Colony to conquer new ter-ritories, they did not expect to have to fight the British for their independence. The dis-covery of gold and diamonds in the Trans-vaal, however, changed everything. Almost no one thought these "farmers" could op-pose a modern European army. But they did,

and their initial victory ushered in an uneasy peace for the next decade. When war broke out again, the Boers had considerable international sup-port—including from the German Kaiser. Before the battle was won, the conflict saw the first use of armored trains...and the first concentration camps. 176 p., SC, R 360

Die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 100 Objekte Oorlogsmuseum van die Boererepublieke Die 25-jarige Lammie de Villiers van die Pretoria-kommando het op Spioenkop gesterf. Die leer-stewels wat hy gedra het – en ook generaal Chris-tiaan de Wet se saal, ’n rare velduniform van die ZAR Staatsartillerie, en die kerse wat die Boervrou Kotie Steenkamp by haar gehad het toe sy in die veld geleef het, is van die objekte in hierdie boek. Die volle drama van die Anglo-Boereoorlog word werklik en persoonlik in hierdie versameling ikoniese objekte uit die Oorlogsmuseum se versa-meling. Die boek volg grootliks die kronologiese verloop van die oorlog, maar lig ook sekere temas uit, waaronder Boere- en Britse wapens, mediese sorg en die vernaamste rolspelers in die konflik. Die 100 ikoniese items word aangevul deur aan-grypende historiese foto’s. ’n Verdere 200 bykomende objekte is ingesluit om die storie te help vertel van ’n oorlog wat ’n onuitwisbare merk op die Suid-Afrikaanse landskap gelaat het. 264 bls., HB, R 340

Note: Description text is mostly

obtained directly from the publisher.

out of print – vergriffen – uit druk, last copies or second hand German Cooking Today German Cooking Today, the recog-nized standard work that has had a fixed place in many households for generations, is now available for E-Book-readers. With many descriptive recipe photos, step-by-step-photographs and of course the pre-cise, detailed instructions of these recipes, the book is exceptionally

clear and user-friendly. In all, this will ensure that even the inexperienced cook will be certain of success in mak-ing the dishes. As well as many new recipes that arise from people´s ever-changing eating habits, you will of course still find such popular classics as Beef olives, Sauer-braten and Stuffed peppers in German Cooking Today. 303 p., HC, R 140 new : Euro 18.95

Das Familienkind L. Gast Die 10jährige Terry ist rothaarig, som-mersprossig und genauso tempera-mentvoll wie ihre schöne verwitwete Mutter, die plötzlich Hals über Kopf verreisen muß. So verbringt Terry die Zeit bei diversen Tanten, wo sie stets für ein heilloses Durchein-ander sorgt. Aber Terry ist ein Familienkind und hat das Herz auf dem rechten Fleck. Um das unter Beweis zu stellen, hat sie mehr als einmal die Gelegenheit.

342 S., HB, R 90 Der Roman “Bittersüß wie Schlehenduft” von der gleichen Autorin, ist auch im Buch enthalten

The Brotherhood S. Knight A classic and highly controversial exposé of the secret world of the Freemasons reissued with an introduc-tion by Martin Short, author of ‘Inside the Brotherhood’. The Freemasons have long fascinated outsiders. The subject of Dan Brown’s new novel – set for release in 2007 – this secret and exclusive society, thought to be the largest in Britain today, remains a mystery to the many excluded from its ranks. One would never know if a father or brother was a member due to the mandatory vow of secrecy. In this classic, controver-sial exposé, Stephen Knight talks to the men on the inside – those who have broken their vow of secrecy to reveal the darker side of the ‘brotherhood’. Do they influence the law? Is the KGB involved? And is there is a secret group of Masons running the country today, perhaps influencing every move we make? 326 p., SC, R 100 published 1983

Henry Kissinger Soviet Agent F.A. Capell

Goes into the background of Henry Kissinger starting about 1940. . . explaining exactly how he got to the point of being the Secretary of State in the Nixon Administration in the mid 1970's - - which essentially explains where he is today. Capell goes into detail about WHO Kissinger's mentors were. . . and his early progress through the ranks of the Secret Societies, reaching his SATANIC CULT LEADER STATUS that he holds today. Information re-garding the character and personality background of Kissinger is NOT available in ANY public libraries - - nor is it available in any biography for sale on the Internet or in any store. You have to have this slim 120-page volume written by Capell to understand the personal of Henry Kissinger. There is more background information in the 120 pages of this Capell book than in all 49 biographies that have been undertaken describing this internationally known political figure. 120 p., SC, R 80 published 1974

Berlin Calling J. Carver Edwards Expatriates posing as detached yet patriotic American commentators, and using the news-of-the-day voice of the stereotypical radio announcer, sought to turn U.S. opinion against the British and achieve the political objectives of their media-savvy employer--master propagandist Paul Josef Goebbels. Rive-ting biographies in Berlin Calling put real names and faces behind the voices of The Georgia Peach, Mr. O.K., Paul Revere, and others. Were they motivated by antipathy towards New Deal programs or were they simply hucksters in search of a payroll check? Ten years on historical research have culminated in a landmark book with intriguing answers to these puzzling questions. Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of America's entry into World War II, this volume chronicles the careers of eight U.S.A. Zone commentators who worked for Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels. Drawing upon a variety of documentary sources--letters written by the subjects to family, friends, and colleagues; treason trial transcripts; the contents of the BBC's wartime monitoring service; and FBI case files on the broadcasters--the author explores each broadcaster's political and personal motivations, and the influence of their broadcasts. 238 p., HC. Dustcover, R 200
