RapidRapport - Michael Bernoff...RapidRapport with Michael Bernoff Action Journal Rapport-building...


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RapidRapport with Michael Bernoff

Action Journal

Rapport-building acts as the foundation for the introduction of ideas, relationships, products and services.

Without establishing rapport, you are unlikely to get the results you desire.


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Human Communications Institute and its founder, Michael M. Bernoff, offers strategies and techniques for the betterment of the lives of our clients. HCI assists clients in clarifying personal or career goals and working out a plan of action, determined by clients, to help achieve said goals. HCI accomplishes this by carefully listening to client concerns, providing open, honest feedback, and asking questions intended to elicit responses from clients that will lead to decide what steps to take to achieve the desired goals. HCI will neither criticize nor judge clients. HCI is focused on results and is open to using any and all methods to assist clients in achieving your desired outcome(s). Any information divulged to HCI by clients shall remain completely confidential, except in the event of illegal activity by the client, or admission of the client of the intent to commit an illegal act. In the latter case, HCI will cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities.

Neither HCI, nor Michael M. Bernoff is in the business of providing advice, legal or otherwise, and clients seeking advice should retain the services of a qualified professional in that particular area. Furthermore HCI does not provide therapy or mental health counseling. Clients with major psychological problems should consult a mental health professional. Any action taken will be the sole decision and responsibility of the client, and HCI will not be held accountable for any consequences arising as a result.

Use of Language This event may contain adult language. Clinical psychology, and associated research, indicates that every language contains “taboo” words that produce strong emotional responses. This language is often considered generally unacceptable, yet when used for extreme restorative aim, is tremendously beneficial.

Michael will deliberately use outrageous language to establish an environment of total truthfulness. These words activate deep emotions and are used strategically to incite growth; not to bring harm or to offend anybody.

This language is used deliberately for each precise situation to inspire the participant to rise to a higher level of accountability.


| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


Dear Participant,

Welcome to RAPID RAPPORT, the course that will rapidly empower you to build instant connections with others. Learning to build rapport with others will create for you a life that is full of rewarding personal and professional relationships. The ability to make others comfortable with you will increase your credibility and in turn…your success.

Much of what is contained within this program is advanced strategies to assist you in excelling in your career, business or personal life. It requires practice, repetition and flexibility. You will not find any magic pills or potions while taking this course. What you will discover are cutting-edge techniques, strategies, and tools that will, when incorporated into your conversations, raise your value in the eyes of others.

Whatever reason it was that you decided to enroll in this course I challenge you to fully engage and give it your all. I am completely certain that within the short period of the next four days, you will expand your communication skills and sales techniques to create more options in your life. These options will offer you a future of endless possibilities.

From this moment forward I ask that you to kindly leave the past where it is and focus on your abundant future. This moment can be viewed as the first in a never ending series of fresh new transformations that will allow you to achieve anything you desire.

Let’s go build your dreams together!

Your Partner in success,

Michael Bernoff


| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


First Things First In order to get where you want to go you must know where you are and where you are going.

What was your initial reason for enrolling in this course?





What are you looking to gain from this course?





How are you looking to use this material in your life?





How would your life be enhanced with better rapport-building skills?






| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com



“The ability to build and maintain rapport in communication is one of the key skills of a master communicator.” Kevin Hogan

The art of building rapport is to learn the beliefs and strategies of a great communicator, not to just learn rapport skills. This course will not just teach you skills, it will teach you how to become a person that can apply these skills by using them yourself. In order to build powerful connections with others, you have to build your confidence. The only way to get good at rapport is to practice these techniques.

You have to willing to do not what makes sense, but what works.

What is your current definition of rapport? _____________________________________________________________________



Who is great at building rapport and how do they use it? _____________________________________________________________________



CONGRUENCY – You must be congruent and ethical yourself, and even persuade yourself to be congruent, before you can ever build a connection with anyone else. People connect with people they like, trust and respect. People may be persuaded by someone they don’t respect in the short term, but in the long term they must respect the individual to continue a relationship with them.

Rapport is:


| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


The Underground Psychological Principles

"There are three ways to make a sale: Rapport, Rapport and Rapport. No matter how good your product is, how good your questions are; if

you are out of Rapport with your buyer then there won't be a sale." Sharon Drew Morgan

Principle #1: Rapport is around you everywhere



Principle #2: Rapport is necessary



How people perceive us within the first few seconds of meeting has a major influence on whether they will trust us, be attracted to us, or want to do business with us.

To create a powerful first impression, we must know how to instantly connect with everyone regardless of gender, physical appearance gender, age, ethnicity, attitude, or circumstances in which you meet.


| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


The Rapport-Building Formula

There are 5 steps to build rapport with an individual.

"All things being equal, people buy from friends or people they like. All things NOT being equal, people buy from people they like."

Jeffrey Gitomer


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Step 1 The Meeting (Chemical Reaction)

People buy from people they like, trust and respect.




“If you wish to win a man over to your ideas, first make him your friend.”

Abraham Lincoln

Step 2 Evaluate (Sizing Up/First Impression)





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Step 3 Mirror (Matching & Making a Connection)

“Can you tell me what would happen if you were to walk up to someone as if you had more confidence and pretended to be an authority? Is it possible that they would simply accept you as being the authority you claimed to be and respond by trusting your judgment?”

3 ways to make a connection (mirror) with another person:

1. _____________________________________________________________________



2. _____________________________________________________________________



3. _____________________________________________________________________




| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


Step 4 Measure (Calibrate)

4 ways to make a connection (mirror) with another person:

1. _____________________________________________________________________



2. _____________________________________________________________________



3. _____________________________________________________________________



4. _____________________________________________________________________




| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


Step 5 Rapport Established (Raise your Own Value)

Rapport is the feeling of 'being on the same wavelength' or 'in tune' with another person. Once you build rapport with someone they start to have the feeling that you really understand where they are 'coming from'. This raises your value in their eyes. Once you make someone feel understood, they have a strong sense of connection with you.

Having a sense of connection means that we are more likely to listen to the person who has given us this feeling.

"The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates a personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked

and you will never want." Willy Loman


| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


The Down-Up Approach A true gentleman bodes well in any company.


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How Rapport Takes Place

Conscious Level




Unconscious Level _____________________________________________________________________



It is when you duplicate another person's behavior including movement and body language subtle enough that only their subconscious mind would detect what you're doing.


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Rapport-Building Strategies

Strategy 1 – Verbal







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Strategy 2 – Non-Verbal







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Strategy 3 – Pacing & Leading






Strategy 4 – Representational Systems






Strategy 5 – Physiology







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Virtual Rapport-Building Strategies













“That which we do not believe, we cannot adequately say; even though we may repeat the words ever so often.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


Where is Rapport going to take you?









“Socrates had a student named Plato, Plato had a student named Aristotle, and Aristotle had a student named Alexander the Great.”

Tom Morris


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| HCI Proprietary and Confidential Material – Not for Reproductionwww.michaelbernoff.com


For more information on Michael Bernoff’s courses, seminars and results coaching, contact us at 866.241.5111.

If you are would like to book Michael to speak on a complimentary conference call for your team, please contact info@michaelbernoff.com with subject line: Team Training.

Visit us online at www.call2actionnow.com to learn more about your Call2Action. 5 days to transform your life.

www.michaelbernoff.com mike@michaelbernoff.com 866.241.5111

The way you effectively communicate with yourself and

others will create unlimited possibilities in your own life and

the lives of those around you. The more you consistently work on yourself internally, and expand your mind, the more the positive results

will externally materialize in your life." Michael Bernoff
