Ratna shastra


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Ratna Shastra: The Mystery hidden in Gemstones

Vedic astrology or Jyotish is the ³Science of Light´, an ancient astrological discipline that

originated more than 5,000 years ago during the Pre-Vedic civilization of ancient India.

The ³Rishis´, a Sanskrit word meaning ³seers´ or high priests of the Vedas, cognized

through transcendental visions, the connection between the celestial bodies of our solar system and the human body.

The motion of the planets and their positions in relation to each other, acts upon us

throughout our lifetime, just as the lunar phases push and pull the oceans and the seas.

 According to the Vedic science of astrology, the planets and all the stars in our universe

represent certain energies, and, in fact, do emit magnetic and electric fields. Vedic

astrology held that each planet gives out its own, cosmic color, generating a particular 

energy and influence that propagates throughout the cosmos. The transmission of these

colored rays through space, accompanied by the energy-giving properties of heat,magnetism and electricity, have an influence on the life of every living creature.

³Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande´

³We, as microcosm, are just a reflection of the outer macrocosm.´

The location of the various planets during a person¶s birth, can be mapped scientifically

through an astrological horoscope.

 According to it, certain planets will be well positioned, some will be unfavorable and

some will give mixed results.

Every person¶s life is therefore, the result of this cosmic design, this planetary

arrangement seen in the sky at the time of our birth, which originated and resulted by

activities and actions during our previous lives.

Vedic astrology opines that karma is not eternal and can be changed. There are severalways to balance or enhance our planetary karma. Its methods include meditation (the

greatest balancing method), physical postures (yoga), medicine (ayurveda), wearing of 

gemstones, color therapy, mantras, prayers, rituals, herbs, food, etc.

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Vedic astrology deals with seven visible planets and two invisible ones: the SUN,

MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS, and SATURN, along with the two lunar 

nodes, RAHU (ascending lunar node) and KETU (descending lunar node). These nodes

are the two intersecting points of the solar and lunar planes as seen from the earth.

Nine astrological gemstones are associated with these planets. Associated with the Sun

is the RUBY, with the Moon is the PEARL, with Mars is the RED CORAL, with Mercury

the EMERALD, with Jupiter is the YELLOW SAPPHIRE, with Venus is the DIAMOND,

with Saturn the BLUE SAPPHIRE, with Rahu the HESSONITE GARNET, and with Ketu

is the CAT¶S EYE CHRYSOBERYL. Associated with the nine planets are also the days

of the week, different parts of the human body and different metals.

However,todays science has found there is a enoughf scientific truth behind Planetary



Our great sages and polymaths perfected the art and the science of astrology in ancient

times. As such astrology has witnessed continuous development and proliferated into

many branches and divisions, all of which are equal in importance. Gemmology or the

scientific and ethnic study of gemstones is an important and integral part of applied

astrology. It is so popular among the Indian public that no one is certain as to when it

had actually come into practice. Use of precious gems and stones has been an ancient

practice in India. Some people believe that it is one or two thousand years old science

while others maintain that science and art of gemmology originated about five or ten

thousand years ago. Scriptural evidences however show that concept of gemmology is

as old as the creation itself. A very famous hymn says:





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 Apart from many kinds of weapons, Lord Vishnu bears Kaustubha Mani (a gem named

Kaustubh) on his chest. This gem is most dear to Him. This hymn shows that even

before the whole universe came into being, Lord Vishnu did have an existence and the

gem Kaustubh also existed along with Him.

During medieval period also, various scholars shed light on the science of gemmology.

They authored many great scriptures as well. Acharya Varahmihir was the most

prominent of those great scholars. A scripture Vrihat Samhita written by Varahmihir still

has a wide recognition among the gemologists. It has a whole chapter, Ratnadhyay

devoted to the comprehensive description of the gemstones. Among Puranas,

 Agnipurana contains exhaustive description about gemmology.

In modern era also, countless scholars are continuously working with dedication in the

field of gemmology. Thanks to their efforts that the science of gemmology is scaling new


In the present discussion, we shall try to find out:

1) What are gems?

2) Is wearing a stone mere superstition or it really bears fruit?

3) What is the chemical composition of the gemstones?

4) In what circumstances should the gemstones be worn?

5) In which circumstances should the gemstones not be worn?

6) Which person should wear which stone?

7) Which person should not wear which stone?

8) How did the gemstones originate as per the religious scriptures of India?

9) Stones of which planets can be worn together?

10) Do the gemstones have medicinal use also? What is the gemopathy?

11) What are the 6 jewels and how did they originate?

12) How can the gems and jewels be classified?

13) What is the total number of the gemstones and what are their names?

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Let us first try to understand what a gem is. We are all familiar with the adjective use of 

the words gem, jewel etc. Any dear one or prominent one is addressed as a µgem¶ or 

µjewel¶ in colloquial terms. Similarly anything that is rare in qualities, availability or virtues

is also referred to as a gem or jewel. But literally, a gem is something that has been dugout from earth or deep sea and has many rare but miraculous qualities. A gem is unique

and often rare because of its specific composition. It may differ in effects, colour, tinge

and hues. Similarly, prices of the same stone, may also vary with slight difference in


 All the gems and jewels however have one thing in common i.e. their hue. A jewel has a

distinct hue that differentiates it from the rest of the commonly available materials. Our 

learned sages have described eighty-four different kinds of gems and jewels amongwhich nine are most important. Because of it, titles like Navratna (nine most precious

gems) came into practice. But being superior in designation does not mean that the

remaining seventy-five gems are totally worthless or not in common use. They too have

their distinct appearance, beauty, hues and effects and are important accordingly. Their 

uses are also wide and varied such as personal beautification, adornment, house

building, idol construction, exhibition of wealth and luxury etc. Thus, there are totally

eighty-four gems and jewels of which nine are main (or more popular) and seventy-five

are less popular.

Though there are different classes and categories of the gems that distinguish them

from one another, but gemstones belonging to the same category resemble one another 

to a great extent with slight variations in hues and appearance.

Some of the stones have uniform colours like yellow, green, red, blue, violet, black or 

golden while many have a mixed hue of different colours. Each gem has its own

importance. Regardless of category, a gemstone is priced according to its beauty,

brilliance, appearance and purity. Lacking these qualities, a gemstone has no worth inthe eye of a connoisseur. Diamond, sapphire, topaz, emerald and ruby belong to the

category of most precious stones. All of them have their distinct chemical composition

and are priced accordingly.

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Thus now we may say that-

1) Gemstones are harder than ordinary stones.

2) Gemstones are more brighter and smoother than ordinary stones.

3) Distinct hue is the main feature of a gemstone.

4) Usually, each gemstone radiates rays similar to its colour.

5) Radiation effect of the gemstones is controlled and affected by the light and rays of 

the planets and group of stars situated in space.

6) Gemstones have both positive and negative capacities.

7) A particular gemstone prescribed for a particular planet receives the rays from that

planet and facilitates them to enter our body.

ORIGIN OF JEWELS: Experts have a difference of opinion regarding the origin of 

 jewels. Researchers tell that many kinds of jewels are manufactured within the body of 

living organisms from the various actions and reactions of their blood, marrow, flesh etc.

Some of the jewels are produced in nature through the reactions and combinations of 

different chemical compounds. Still some jewels are obtained from specific vegetation,

plants and rocks.

Like gems, jewels too can be classified into different categories according to their 

appearances, effects and the compounds present within them. But before going through

their physical classification, lets be familiar with the classification of jewels as has been

mentioned in Indian scriptures. Through the origin of jewels as given in Indian

mythology appears more like fantasies in the present scientific age, but it may have

some degree of truth. Besides, it is relevant here to learn about the origin of jewels as

described in mythology for various reasons. Hymns and other descriptions of Indian

religious scriptures are more cryptic in nature and need proper deciphering for who

knows what is hidden in them. Gemmology is no exception in this context.

 According the great astrologer Varahmihir, jewels are of three kinds

1) Jewels of the sky or heaven.

2) Jewels of the earth.

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3) Jewels of the nether world.

Thus, in all the three worlds, superior gems are found and the excellent among them

are known as jewels.

 According to mythology, jewels found in heaven are-

1) Kaustubh Mani.

2) Chinta Mani.

3) Syamantak Mani.

4) Rudra Mani.

1) Kaustubh Mani: It has a deep blue colour like a blue lotus and a radiance equal to the

sun. It was obtained during the churning of the sea. According to Hindu mythology, Lord

Vishnu wears Kaustubh Mani in a garland on his chest. This is said to be a powerful

 jewel and bestows fortune, luxuries as well as invincibility on to its wearer besides

extremely beautiful and imposing.

2) Chinta Mani: Name of this jewel is self-explicit. The wearer is freed from all the

worries and fretting. It is white in colour and has a brilliant hue. It gives its wearer allkinds of wealth and comforts.

3) Syamantak Mani: It is a common belief that this jewel adorns the necklace of Lord

Surya (the sun god). It is said to have a brilliant blue hue that instantaneously blinds the

onlooker. If it is taken in darkness, it fills the ambience with day-like light. There is an

interesting tale related to this jewel.

In the Dwapar Yuga, Lord Surya had presented the Syamantak Mani to his devotee

Prasanjit as he was pleased by his devotion. Prasanjit visited the court of Lord Krishna

wearing the jewel. All the courtiers were amazed by the brilliance of this jewel and said

to Prasanjit that he did not deserve the jewel, so he should present it to none other than

Lord Krishna. But Prasanjit did not want to present the jewel to Lord Krishna and

stealthily left the court. Later on, Prasanjit¶s brother whose having the Mani in his

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possesion went to the forests on a hunting excursion and was killed by a lion. The lion

took the jewel with it but was killed by Jambvant, the ursine aid of Lord Rama. Jambvant

took the jewel to his cave and gave it to his daughter.

Back there in the kingdom, when Prasanjit¶s brother did not return for many days,

suspicious fingers began to point at Lord Krishna. So, Lord Krishna set out to search

Mani. Following the footmarks of Prasanjit brother, the lion and Jambvant, Lord Krishna

reached the den of Jambvant and saw Jambvant¶s children playing with the jewel. As

soon as Lord Krishna took the jewel in this possession, Jambvant also arrived there and

a fierce duel followed between them. At last Jambvant recognized Lord & presented

Lord Shri Krishna the Mani with his daughter Jambvati . Thus recovering the jewel

Syamantak, Lord Krishna returned to Dwarka and washed the blemish. It is believed

now that Lord Krishna himself wears the jewel Syamantak.

Rudra Mani: Nobody will be unaware of the bounty of Lord Shiva. His costumes as well

as ornaments are strange. He wears only tiger¶s skin and formidable black snakes

around his shoulder. The gods presented Lord Shiva with a jewel that came to be

known as Rudra Mani. Lord Shiva threadened the jewel among the beads of His rosary.

The jewel has a brilliant, golden hue and three stripes on it. Like Lord Shiva, the jewel

Rudra Mani is also benevolent in virtues.

Thus, according to Hindu mythology, only four jewels come in the category of heavenly

 jewels. Now, lets understand something about the jewels that belong to the nether 


Paatal of Hindu mythology is known by different names such as Nagaloka, Rasatala,

Bhugarbh loka etc. According to mythology, it is inhabited not by humans but by great

snakes as its name Naga loka shows. While discussing about the jewels of the nether 

worlds, Nagas are regarded as the inhabitants of the Paatal and Vasuki was their monarch. Some of the prominent and popular jewels of Naga Loka or are the following-

Naga Mani: It is said that this jewel is present on the head of a snake. Its light shows the

snake its way even in pitch darkness. When the snake senses some danger, it at once

swallows the jewel. But it is said that all the snakes do not have this jewel. Only a few,

privileged ones have it on their hoods. Naga Mani is said to be extremely rare.

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Only nine kinds of snakes are regarded as the wearer of this mysterious jewel called

Naga Mani. It is said that the colour of the jewel exactly matches the colour of the snake

and the jewel emits light of the same colour. These nine kinds of the snake are:

1) Black snake.

2) Blue snake.

3) Yellow snake.

4) Gray snake.

5) Red snake.

6) White snake.

7) Green snake.

8) Copper-coloured snake.

9) Milky snake.

 According to the scriptures all of these snakes wear jewels that exactly match their body

colour. It is also a coincidence that the number of planets in the solar system is also

nine. The colours of these planets more or less match with the colours of these jewels.

That is why, the practice of wearing a jewel, whose colour exactly matches with that of 

the planet came into being. But these jewels (Naga Manis) are not easily available. Thatis why practice of wearing gems and stones in place of the jewels became popular.

Now is the time to take a detailed look at the gems and jewels found on the earth.

Though, not innumerable kinds of gems and jewels are found on earth but according to

Puranas and other authentic sources following kinds of gems and jewels are


1) Manikya (Ruby).

2) Moti (Pearl).

3) Mungaa (Coral).

4) Panna (Emerald).

5) Pukhraj (Yellow Sapphire).

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6) Neelam (Blue Sapphire).

7) Heera (Diamond).

8) Gomed (Hassonite).

9) Lahsumiya (Cat¶s eye).

10) Phiroza (Turquoise).

11) Chandrakant (Moon stone).

12) Ghrit Mani.

13) Tail Mani.

14) Bheeshmak.

15) Upalak Mani. (Opal)

16) Sphatic Mani. (Rock Crystal)

17) Paras Mani.

18) Ulook Mani.

19) Larvart. (Lapis Mani)

20) Masar Mani.

21) Ishiv.

Lets first understand the scriptural basis of classification of the gems and jewels.

 According to Vishnu Purana and Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana, Bali, the grandson of 

Prahlad was a great king of the demons. With a resolution of dethroning Indra as the

king of heaven, Bali organized a hundred Ashwamedha Yagyas. On the appeal of Indra,

Lord Vishnu decided to stop the hundredth Ashwamedha Yagya of Bali and arrived

there in the guise of Vamana (a dwarf Brahmin) and begged him to donate landmeasuring three steps. In two steps, Lord measures entire earth and heaven. Since

there was not room then to put the third step, Bali offered his head for the Lord to put

his third step. Thus, Lord Vishnu sent Bali direct to the Paatal & offered him to rule the

Whole nether World. With the touch of the Lord¶s foot, Bali¶s earthy body converted into

Gem stones.

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Thus, origin of different gems and jewels is as follows:

Manikya or Ruby: It originated from the Heart of Bali, hence it has red or pink colour 


Moti or Pearl: It is believed to have originated from the mind or Manas of Raja Bali.

Munga or Laal Mooga or Pavizham or Coral: It is orginated from the Blood of Mahabali

Pushyaraag or Peela Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire: It originated from the flesh of Bali.

Indraneela or Blue Sapphire: It originated from the eyes of the King Bali.

Vajra or Heera or Diamond: It originated from the pieces of Bali¶s brain.

Hassonite or Gomet: This gem originated from the fat of the demon king.

Vaidurya or Lasouniya Cat¶s Eye: This jewel originated from the Yagyopavit (sacred

thread) of Bali.

Hara Panna or Maradaka Mani or Emreld: It originated from the nervous system of the

demon king Bali.

Chandrakanth or Moonstone: It originated from the radiance of the eye¶s pupils.

Ghrit Mani: This jewel originated from the pieces of the waist.

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Tail Mani: Skin of the king Bali formed this jewel.

Bheeshmak: This gem was produced from the head pieces of Bali.

Upalak Mani: phlegm of Bali produced this jewel.

Sphatik Mani (Rock Crystal): This jewel was formed from the sweat of Bali.

Paras Mani: Pieces of Bali¶s heart formed Paras Mani.

Ulook Mani: This jewel was formed from the pieces of Bali¶s tongue.

Lapis Lazuli: Bali¶s hair formed this jewel.

Masar Mani: This jewel was produced from the faeces of Bali.

Ishiv Mani: This jewel is believed to have from the semen of King Bali.

Thus in all, eighty four different parts and constituents of the demon king MahaBali. Of 

them, only twenty-one are described as gems or jewels due to peculiar brilliance they

possess. Of these twenty-one gems, only nine are most famous for their radiance &

special powers and are hence known as Navaratna.

Thus, there are nine main gems or jewels, twelve common gems and sixty-three

ordinary gems which are also known as sub-gems.


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Total Main Jewels Common Jewels Ordinary Gems


This origin of gems as given in the scriptures may appear not more than a mere high

flight of imagination to the modern physicists, but no one can refute the logic behind this

origin. Even the modern science describes about the existence of eighty-four different

kinds of specific stones in nature. Now their existence is a universal truth regardless of 

how these stones came into being. The earth is the mine of all the gems and jewels

hence it is also called as Ratnagarbha (mother of all the jewels).


Gems and jewels are basically stones but they are not easily and universally available

as ordinary stones are. From time immemorial, stones have been affecting our life either 

directly or indirectly. Building of temple, idols of the deity, near the railway tracks and

the building of our own house we see scores of varied uses of stones. This is a world of 

stones literally.

There will hardly be a country in the world where stones are not found. Now even theordinary stones come in scores of varieties. Some are highly expensive while others are

comparatively cheap. But each of them has their own independent existence. Not one

stone can be given a lower value and that is why every kind of stone has its own use.

Gemstones are inherently expensive and cannot be put in menial uses. Almost all of 

them have some latent power often called divine power. These gemstones are not

universally available also. Due to their peculiar appearance, brilliance and colour, these

gemstones draw our attention and tempt us to wear or possess them.

Even the experts world over agree regarding the total number of gemstones and

recognize eighty-four kinds of different gemstones. But only nine of them are recognized

as the main gems, while the rest seventy-five gems come under the sub-gem category.

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But those seventy-five minor kinds of gems too have some latent power. Often some

sub-gems surpasses the main gems in qualities.

In India, nine major types of gems have been used more traditionally. But as the tradeand commerce of our country increased with others, we gained more knowledge about

lesser varieties of gemstones as well. Our learned experts analyzed them deeply and

discovered many practical applications of these jewels. Thus, the use of seventy-five

lesser kinds of stones also saw a fare and square increase. Lets first of all be familiar 

with the names of these gemstones.

The names of these gemstones:









Casoti (Touch stone)



Kataila (Amethyst)




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Gomed (Hassonite)




Cheeta (Vyaghraksha or Tiger¶s eye)

Chumbak (Magnet)

Jaharmohara (Soap stone)

Jaje Mani.

Jaharat (Dugdh pashan or milk stone)

Jabar jad.




Tamara (Garnate)


Turmali (Tourmaline)

Dana firang.







Neelam (Blue Sapphire)

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Panna (Emerald)




Pukhraj (Yellow Sapphire)

Phiroza (Turquoise)





Marmar (Marble stone)




Manikya (Ruby)


57) Muvenazaf.

Moonga (Coral)

Moti (Pearl)

Mritangar (cinder stone)

Yashab (jade)




Lahsuniya (Cat¶s eye)

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Lajvard (Lapis Lazuli)









Sinduria (carnelian)


Sulemani. (onyx)

Sunahala (Citrine)

Sona Makkhi.




Heera. (Diamond)


 Apart from these eighty-four stones, more kinds of stones have been described:

Paras (Philosopher¶s stone).

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Thus there are a total of eighty-eight different kinds of gemstones. Of these, existence

of Paras (Philosopher¶s stones) has never been found except folklore.

Many experts do not regard magnet as a stone.

Traditionally none major gems and jewels that belong to the category of Navaratna have

been given more importance .


Great Indian mathematician and astrologer of the yore, Varahmihir has written profusely

about the gemstones in his famous treatize Vrihatsamhita.

Following is the names of the gemstones described in Vrihatsamhita.

Vajramani (Heera) Diamond.

Padma r 


Marakat (Panna) Emerald.

Vaidurya (Lahsunia) Cat¶s eye.

Sphatic (Rock Crystal)


Indraneel Mani (Neelam) Blue Sapphire.


Raja Mani.

Gomed (Gomedak) Hassonite.

Pushprag (Pukraj) Yellow Sapphire.

Mukta (Moti) Pearl.

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Brahmin Mani.

Praval (Munga) Coral.

Thus, only twenty-two gemstones have been described in Vrihatsamhita. You may ask:

Why? It can only be said about it that during the period of Varahmihir only these twenty-

two gemstones could have been in fashion.


Many elemental impurities that are present in the crystal lattice of a gemstone not only

increases its density but also makes it opaque to light. Though presence of these

impurities does not affect the utility of the stone. Akik and Phiroza (turquoise) are the

famous example of opaque gemstones. These two stones are regarded particularly



These fall between the transparent and opaque categories. Many important gemstones

come under the category of translucent stones. These stones are not as clear as the

transparent stones nor as filthy as the opaque ones. Hence, the translucent gemstones

can aptly be described as dim gemstones.

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Regardless of the category, gemstones have more importance than the ordinary stones

and are hence more in demand despite their high value. To be valuable a gemstone

should fulfill some conditions like smoothness, better cut, brilliance etc. Apart from these

hardness is another condition that a gemstone should comply to be designated as a jewel. Gemstones are invariably harder than the ordinary stones.


Composition of the chemical compounds, their mixture, relative density, crystal lattice

etc. together determine the hardness of a gemstone. Since the chemical composition

varies from stones to stones hence each and every gemstone has its unique hardnesswhich commonly does not match with that of the other. Hardness is the main property of 

a gemstone. Diamond is the hardest gemstone. In fact, it is the hardest substance in the

world. Besides it, emerald, blue and yellow sapphires and ruby are also hard. Coral is

also hard but interestingly it is not a true stone. It is in fact a fossil and organic in origin.

Next to hardness it is specific density that differentiates one gemstone from another.


Gemstone Sp.Density

TOPAZ 3.53




OPAL 2.60



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GAMET 4.07

 Apart from brilliance, hardness is the second distinguishing feature of the gemstones.

Hardness of one gemstone differs from that of the other. On the hardness scale, talc

represents the softest substance while diamond is the hardest material known to


Following is a hardness scale to compare the hardness of gemstones with one another.

Sequence of Hardness Material/Gems

1 Talc

2 Gypsum

3 Calcite

4 Spar 

5 Apatite

6 Foldspar 

7 Rock Crystal

8 Topaz (Yellow)

9 ( Sapphire)

10 Blue Sapphire


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 All the gemstones have some amount of latent electricity which can be experienced in

different ways. This latent form of electricity is basically of static in nature and an be

produced in three different ways:

1) Friction

2) Heat

3) Pressure

1) Electricity produced by friction or Frictional Electricity: When a gemstone is rubbed

with a cotton or woolen cloth, some electric charge is produced in the gem. In some

stones the charge is so intense that it can even burn the cloth that causes it to appear.

Diamond is such a stone that produces intense electric charge on rubbing. Besides

diamond, topaz, Shobha Mani, Trinakant Mani etc are some other jewels that produce

intense electric charge.

2) Thermal Electricity: Heating a gemstone also produces some electric charge in it. But

there is a threshold limit below which heating does not produce any charge in the stone.

Rock crystal is the prominent gemstone that produces intense charge upon heating.

3) Piezo Electricity or charge due to pressure: If a certain amount of pressure is applied

on a crystal, it begins to act like a battery cell and produces electric charge. With the

removal of pressure, the crystal regains its original state. Rock crystal is again an

efficient gemstone to produce electric charge under pressure.

 Alexandrite: It is an extremely beautiful gem and like Opal it is also very sensitive to

light. It glows like a rainbow of colours. Hence it is also known as colour changing stone.

It is found in Sri Lanka and Africa. Mostly, Alexandrites with deep indigo colour areavailable with the jewellers. It is regarded as a potential substitute for blue sapphire.

Katiala: It belongs to crystal category and is found in deep and light voilet colours. In

common parlance and the jewellers terms it is called as Jamuniya (amethyst). It is used

as a substitute for blue sapphire. It is mostly found in Hampshire (England), Germany,

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Iran, Balkan countries, Madagascar, Mexico and some parts of India. It also changes its

colour when heated in fire.

Kaharava: It is mostly found in brown colour. It is opaque like amber. Kaharava is also afossilized resin of pine that has metamorphosed into stone. It may be found in many

colours like yellow, blue, white, red and green. It has a sweet, camphor-like smell. Due

to its property to attract grass, paper etc. when charged, Kaharava is also known as

Trinakant Mani or Trinakarsh. It is mostly found in Thailand, Romania, Myanmar, Brazil

and some parts of India. Madagascar and Peru are the regions where Kaharava is

found aplenty. But it has more medicinal uses than astrological.

Kasoti (Touch stone): Jewellers use this stone to test the purity of gold. It is mostly used

in making crockery, utensils and mortar etc.

Calamine: Some crafty jewellers sell it as a substitute for blue sapphire but in fact it

cannot replace blue sapphire. It is known as black star and presents a complete

rainbow of colours in flood light.

Kurund: This stone is found in many colours like violet, brown, blue, white, green, red,

black and pink. It is mostly used to make the grinding stone that the jewellers use to

scourge gemstones. It is mostly found in Thailand, lower regions of Russia, Myanmar,

Srilanka, Canada, Australia and India.

Kakarnili: Due to its deep blue colour, many astrologers prescribe it as a substitute for 

blue sapphire. It is indeed effective but not as much as blue sapphire. But there is no

guarantee that you get genuine Kakarnili in the market because most jewellers sell

synthetic stone instead. Kakarnili is mostly found in Kashmir.

Kudaratta: It is black stone that has mote decorative uses than astrological ones. It is

cheaper and appears attractive due to yellow-black spots on it.

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Khara: It is an ordinary stone available in black colour. It radiates green light. It is also

mostly used in medicines.

 Agate: It belongs to the Navaratna category of the gemstones. It is mostly used toplease the shadow planet Rahu. It is known as Gomed in Hindi, Gomed Mani,

Gomedak, Tapo Mani, Peet Mani, Peet Sphatic in Sanskrit. In Arabian and Persian it is

known as Zargun, Hazarya Mani, Siduri etc. In Marathi it is known as µGomed Mani¶. In

colloquial terms, it is called zircon, but it is a misnomer. Even in common English its

often referred to as Zircon. But the correct term for it is Hassonite or Agate.

 A transparent Agate is regarded as the best. But it is available in many colours: black,

reddish brown, red, orange and occasionally green. Despite being cheap, it is an

extremely effective gemstone. It is found in the Orissa province of India besides

Myanmar, China, Arab, Florida, South Africa and Sri Lanka. Best Agates come from Sri

Lanka. Agate is prescribed by the astrologers for the people to get rid of many kinds of 

problems. It has profound effect on the diseases also. But one should imperatively get

his horoscope scrutinized by an able astrologer.

Moonstone: It is an inexpensive stone. It resembles with the teeth of a cow in

appearance. It is prescribed as a substitute for pearl. It is found in small bits in

Myanmar, India, North America and Sri Lanka. It is also found in Brazil and Switzerland.

Gauri: It is brown or green coloured stone that belongs to Akeek category. Streaks of 

many colours are present on it. Hence it is also known as rainbow stone. It gives mental

peace besides riches and repute. It can be worn on any auspicious day.

Tiger¶s Eye: It is a yellow stone that closely resembles the eye of a tiger. It is also

known as cat¶s eye and proves specially beneficial for the fearful people.

Magnet: This term conjures up a figure of metallic magnet. But here we are talking

about a stone and not about a metal. The stone does have some magnetic properties

and is beneficial in correcting bodily disorders caused by wind. It is said that this stone

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is particularly present in huge quantities in certain regions like Bermuda Triangle and

causes Shipwrecks and plane accidents there.

Jaje Mani: The same stone is called as Yaje Mani. It is actually an Akeek with prominentstreaks. Its surface is commonly brown, yellow or white, black or brown streaks. It is

mostly found on the banks of Narmada and Indus. It has miraculous virtues.

Jahar Mohara (Soap stone): This yellow coloured stone has green radiance. It is mostly

used to make utensils. It is a strange kind of stone that destroys the effects of poison. It

is found in Tibet, India and Iran.

Jarahat (Milk stone): It is an ordinary stone not commonly used for astrological

purposes. It is mostly used in cosmetics and to make utensils and idols. It has a peculiar 

smoothness. Many experts do not regard it as a true gemstone.

Peridot: This parrot-green coloured stone is prescribed as a substitute for emerald. It is

found in Norway, Arizona (USA), Mexico, Myanmar and the island of St. John.

Jharana (Fountain): It is a pastel coloured stone not frequently used for astrological

purposes. Water kept in the utensil made of Jharana doe not stay in it but finds a way

out and seeps out.

Thedi: It is also an ordinary stone, black in colour and mostly used in making utensils.

Dur: It is a strong, smooth stone mostly used in utensil making due to its high density

and opaque appearance.

Garnet: It is mostly used as a substitute for ruby. It is bright red or pink in colour. In

Sanskrit it is known as µTamra Mani¶.

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Tursava: This pink coloured stone is mostly used in making utensils.

Tourmaline: This semi-stone is available in many colours, but white tourmaline is most

common and used as a substitute for diamond though it has less density than diamond.

Kidney stone: Mostly found in green colour and resembles pistachio. It is highly

beneficial in the diseases of kidney and urinary bladder. Hence it is known as kidney


Sardonyx: This brown stone appears to have a dual structure. It has white or brown

streaks on the surface.

Smoky Quartz: This transparent stone is mostly available in smoky colours besides

black, yellow and brown. It is mostly found in Switzerland and North Carolina (USA) and

is mostly used in making idols, toys and goggles.

Spinel Ruby: This stone is mostly found in pink colour though shades like green, yellow,

orange, blue and violet are also common. It is used as a substitute for ruby. It is found in

Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, USA and India.

Blue Sapphire: This highly famous stone is composed of aluminum oxide. It is regarded

as the most respected as well as the most dangerous stone. Its positive as well as

negative effects are manifested from within hours to days. Though found in many

countries like USA, Java, Thailand, Australia, Sri Lanka etc. but the sapphire found in

Kashmir province of India is the most beautiful and expensive. Sapphire is often

compared with notorious anti-biotic penicillin because of its accelerated effects. In

Sanskrit it is known as Neel Mani, Indraneel Mani, in Urdu it is known as Yakoob,Kabood. Blue Sapphire is one of the Navratna.

Emerald: This green coloured stone is used to please mercury. It is bright, transparent

stone with brilliant green colour and is very expensive. The best grade of emerald

comes from South American countries, Columbia and Brazil.

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Panghat: This translucent stone is found in white, black and green colours. It appears to

contain water inside it and hence looks very attractive. It is mostly used in making

ornaments and toys.

Blood stone: This opaque, green stone has a number of small red dots on it hence its

named as blood stone. It is found in India and Siberian region of Russia.

Sang-e-panni: This green coloured stone is a potential substitute for emerald. It is

available both in transparent and opaque forms and is used in making utensils also.

Pukhraj (Topaz or Yellow Sapphire): This rare, beautiful and expensive jewel is one of 

the Navratna. The best type of topaz has a brilliant yellow colour like the flowers of 

mustard or amaltas (Cassia fistula) and is transparent. This stone is worn to please

Jupiter. In Sanskrit, topaz is known as Pushparaj, Pushparag, Peet Mani; in Gujarati it is

known as Peeluraj. In Arabic and Persian it is Jard Yakoot and Asper.

Rock Crystal: This white coloured hard, transparent stone is universally available and

appears like an ice crystal. It is used as a substitute for the pearl and the diamond andis worn for an increment in fortune and knowledge.

 Aquamarine: This transparent stone is available in blue and green colours. People who

undertake frequent voyages mostly wear it for good fortune. And indeed aquamarine is

believed to enhance fortune.

Baansi: This opaque and soft stone has a colour like under-sea vegetation. It is mostlyused in making utensils.

Marble: Hardly anybody will be unaware of this famous stone. White marble is mostly

used in the construction of buildings and statues. Besides white, marble is available in

slaty, green and black colours also.

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Marium: This stone also resembles marble closely and is used in the manufacture of 

household items.

Flint stone: This seemingly ordinary stone had sustained human life in primitive era

when people used this stone to make fire. In Sanskrit it is known as µAgni Paashaan¶.

Rubbing of brown, black or pastel flint stones produces sparks.

Tiger¶s Eye: It is a yellow stone that closely resembles the eye of a tiger. It is also

known as cat¶s eye and proves specially beneficial for the fearful people.

Magnet: This term conjures up a figure of metallic magnet. But here we are talking

about a stone and not about a metal. The stone does have some magnetic properties

and is beneficial in correcting bodily disorders caused by wind. It is said that this stone

is particularly present in huge quantities in certain regions like Bermuda Triangle and

causes Shipwrecks and plane accidents there.

Jaje Mani: The same stone is called as Yaje Mani. It is actually an Akeek with prominent

streaks. Its surface is commonly brown, yellow or white, black or brown streaks. It ismostly found on the banks of Narmada and Indus. It has miraculous virtues.

(Soap stone): This yellow coloured stone has green radiance. It is mostly used to make

utensils. It is a strange kind of stone that destroys the effects of poison. It is found in

Tibet, India and Iran.

(Milk stone): It is an ordinary stone not commonly used for astrological purposes. It ismostly used in cosmetics and to make utensils and idols. It has a peculiar smoothness.

Many experts do not regard it as a true gemstone.

Peridot: This parrot-green coloured stone is prescribed as a substitute for emerald. It is

found in Norway, Arizona (USA), Mexico, Myanmar and the island of St. John.

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(Fountain): It is a pastel coloured stone not frequently used for astrological purposes.

Water kept in the utensil made of Jharana doe not stay in it but finds a way out and

seeps out.

Thedi: It is also an ordinary stone, black in colour and mostly used in making utensils.

Dur: It is a strong, smooth stone mostly used in utensil making due to its high density

and opaque appearance.

Garnet: It is mostly used as a substitute for ruby. It is bright red or pink in colour. InSanskrit it is known as µTamra Mani¶.

Tursava: This pink coloured stone is mostly used in making utensils.

Tourmaline: This semi-stone is available in many colours, but white tourmaline is most

common and used as a substitute for diamond though it has less density than diamond.

Kidney stone: Mostly found in green colour and resembles pistachio. It is highly

beneficial in the diseases of kidney and urinary bladder. Hence it is known as kidney


Sardonyx: This brown stone appears to have a dual structure. It has white or brown

streaks on the surface.

Smoky Quartz: This transparent stone is mostly available in smoky colours besides

black, yellow and brown. It is mostly found in Switzerland and North Carolina (USA) and

is mostly used in making idols, toys and goggles.

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Spinel Ruby: This stone is mostly found in pink colour though shades like green, yellow,

orange, blue and violet are also common. It is used as a substitute for ruby. It is found in

Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, USA and India.

Blue Sapphire: This highly famous stone is composed of aluminum oxide. It is regarded

as the most respected as well as the most dangerous stone. Its positive as well as

negative effects are manifested from within hours to days. Though found in many

countries like USA, Java, Thailand, Australia, Sri Lanka etc. but the sapphire found in

Kashmir province of India is the most beautiful and expensive. Sapphire is often

compared with notorious anti-biotic penicillin because of its accelerated effects. In

Sanskrit it is known as Neel Mani, Indraneel Mani, in Urdu it is known as Yakoob,

Kabood. Blue Sapphire is one of the Navratna.

Emerald: This green coloured stone is used to please mercury. It is bright, transparent

stone with brilliant green colour and is very expensive. The best grade of emerald

comes from South American countries, Columbia and Brazil.

Panghat: This translucent stone is found in white, black and green colours. It appears to

contain water inside it and hence looks very attractive. It is mostly used in making

ornaments and toys.

Blood stone: This opaque, green stone has a number of small red dots on it hence its

named as blood stone. It is found in India and Siberian region of Russia.

Sang-e-panni: This green coloured stone is a potential substitute for emerald. It is

available both in transparent and opaque forms and is used in making utensils also.

Pukhraj (Topaz or Yellow Sapphire): This rare, beautiful and expensive jewel is one of 

the Navratna. The best type of topaz has a brilliant yellow colour like the flowers of 

mustard or amaltas (Cassia fistula) and is transparent. This stone is worn to please

Jupiter. In Sanskrit, topaz is known as Pushparaj, Pushparag, Peet Mani; in Gujarati it is

known as Peeluraj. In Arabic and Persian it is Jard Yakoot and Asper.

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Rock Crystal: This white coloured hard, transparent stone is universally available and

appears like an ice crystal. It is used as a substitute for the pearl and the diamond and

is worn for an increment in fortune and knowledge.

 Aquamarine: This transparent stone is available in blue and green colours. People who

undertake frequent voyages mostly wear it for good fortune. And indeed aquamarine is

believed to enhance fortune.

Baansi: This opaque and soft stone has a colour like under-sea vegetation. It is mostly

used in making utensils.

Marble: Hardly anybody will be unaware of this famous stone. White marble is mostly

used in the construction of buildings and statues. Besides white, marble is available in

slaty, green and black colours also.

Marium: This stone also resembles marble closely and is used in the manufacture of 

household items. Flint stone: This seemingly ordinary stone had sustained human life in

primitive era when people used this stone to make fire. In Sanskrit it is known as µAgniPaashaan¶. Rubbing of brown, black or pastel flint stones produces sparks.

1 This black stone has a structure that resembles the web of a spider. It is mostly used

in manufacturing purposes.

Margaz: This stone is regarded as a potential substitute for emerald because of its

bright green colour. It is also available in violet, white and black shades. Margaz isfound aplenty in Tibet, Greece, Myanmar, Siberia and New Zealand.

Ruby: This jewel also belongs to Navratna category. This highly expensive and

transparent stone is available in red and pink colours. It is the main stone of the sun.

Though found in many countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka and China but the best type of 

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rubies come from Myanmar. In Sanskrit ruby is known as Padmaraag and Kuruvind

while in Urdu it is Surkh Yakoot.

This black stone has a structure that resembles the web of a spider. It is mostly used inmanufacturing purposes. Margaz: This stone is regarded as a potential substitute for 

emerald because of its bright green colour. It is also available in violet, white and black

shades. Margaz is found aplenty in Tibet, Greece, Myanmar, Siberia and New Zealand.

Ruby: This jewel also belongs to Navratna category. This highly expensive and

transparent stone is available in red and pink colours. It is the main stone of the sun.

Though found in many countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka and China but the best type of 

rubies come from Myanmar. In Sanskrit ruby is known as Padmaraag and Kuruvind

while in Urdu it is Surkh Yakoot.

Jet: This black coloured smooth and shining stone has both astrological as well as

construction uses. Often, this stone is also called as black marble.

Coral: Coral is infact fossilized rocks formed from the sedimentation of dead tiny

organisms named coral. It is mostly red in colour though white and pink corals are also

common. The best type of coral comes from Italy. In Sanskrit. Coral is known as

µPravaal¶, µVidram¶, µAngaarak Mani¶. In Urdu, it is known as µMirjaan¶ or µMarjaan¶.

Pearl: Pearls also have an organic origin counted among stones because of their 

miraculous properties. Now a days culturing of pearls is a popular business. Pearl is

worn to please the moon and correct mental disturbances and abdominal diseases.

Mostly pearls are in white in colour though shades of yellow, blue, black and pink are

also common. Excellent pearls come from Basra, a traditional centre of pearl trade in

Iraq. In Sanskrit, pearl is known as Muktak, Muktaa, Mauktik while in Arabian and Urduit is known as Gauhar.

Mritangaar: It is a solid isotrophe of carbon that begins to glow like fire when rubbed or 

polished and appears like cinder.

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Jasper: This opaque stone is available in red, blue, white, yellow and green colours. It is

mostly found in Myanmar, Egypt, Iran, China and North America.

Jew stone: This stone has more medicinal than astrological uses. It is effective in the

treatment of respiratory disorders, asthama and renal diseases.

Carnelian: This red coloured stone is mostly used in the treatment of fevers.


Cat¶s eye: This stone is available in white, brown, black and green colours and appears

like the eyes of a cat. This also belongs to Navratna category and is worn to please the

shadow planet Ketu. It has distinct streaks known as cosmic threads that appear to

move when the stone is seen from different angles in flood light. In Sanskrit it is known

as Vadurya Mani and Vidalaaksh while in Gujarati it is Lassuniyo and in Bangla it is

known as Sutra Mani.

Lapis Lazuli: This blue coloured, transparent stone has brilliant golden spots on it. In

ancient times Lapis Lazuli was regarded as Sapphire. Even today it is used as a

potential substitute for the true Sapphire. It is mostly found in Afghanistan, Chile and


Spinel: This pink stone is powerful substitute for ruby. Occasionally it is found in black,

green and white shades also. It is mostly mined in Brazil, Myanmar, India and Australia.

Ludhia: This red coloured opaque stone is universally available and is used in

construction purposes mostly. It is mainly quarried near Chitrakoot on the border of 

Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

Seezari: Being green in colour, this stone is used as a substitute for emerald.

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Twinkling stone: Known as Sang-E-Sitara in Persian, this ochre colour stone has a

number of twinkling dots. But you can hardly find a genuine twinkle stone in the market

and as long as it is not genuine it cannot produce its effects.

Sangi: This beautiful stone is available in almost all colours. And mostly found in the

rivers of Himalayas. It is mostly used to make decorative items and utensils.

Sargahi: Naturally this stone is found in triangular shape and white and brown colours

carried mostly in the Persian Gulf.

Simac: This white spotted and dull stone is mostly used in making mortars and


Singli: This opaque stone is available in red and pink colours and regarded as a

substitute for ruby. Mostly quarried in Mysore region of Karnataka.

Vermilion stone: Though ordinary in appearance this stone has tremendous astrologicalimportance. It is mostly available in pink colour.

Citrine: This transparent, lime coloured stone is regarded as a substitute for topaz.

Often known as golden quartz, this stone sometimes appears more beautiful than true


Gold fly: This white coloured stone has a tinge of red and is used more as medicinethan for pleasing the planets.

Sun stone: This strange stone is available in orange, red and yellow colours and

appears like a cinder. In Sanskrit it is known as Angar Mani in Persian as Sand-e-atash.

It is mostly found in Norway and Siberia.

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Cibar: This opaque stone belongs to the jewel category. Available in green, this stone

has almond-coloured streaks.

Hawas: This ordinary stone is available in golden colours.

Halan Larza: This pink stone has strange brilliance. When moved in flood-light waves

appear to rise in this stone.

Diamond: Hardly anybody will be unaware of this famous jewel. This brilliant, attractive

and transparent stone has white, blue and reddish hues. It has miraculous. Latent

powers which are both constructive as well as destructive. It is the hardest substance

known to man. It is a precious stone very dear to Venus.

Philosopher¶s stone: Real existence of this stone is i except in folklore. Hence,

describing its physical properties is very difficult job. It is a common belief that any metal

can be turned into gold by a mere touch of philosopher¶s stone.

Since the beginning of civilization, gemstones have always been thought to possess

metaphysical powers. All the main ancient cultures, Vedic Aryan, Egyptian, Mayan, and

Greek, had used these colorful and shiny pebbles for ritualistic, sacramental and

healing purposes. The idea of using gemstones as solely item of adornment and wealth

was a later development; yet, even this shift of perception, had originally an occult

reason behind it.

Gems seems to have a special power, a transcendental quality that go beyond their 

colorful mirror, the thought of far away lands and mysterious places.

In ancient India, a number of Sanskrit texts on gems have been written.

Of a purely scientific, gemological knowledge are works like ³Ratnapariksa´ (literally

µGemology¶), and ³Mani-Mala´. More specifically, the ³Graha-Gocara Jyautisha´, the

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³Garuda Purana´, the ³Brhat Samhita´, the ³Agni Purana´ are the texts dealing with

planetary gemology.

 As we already know, according to Vedic astrology, nine main gemstones are associatedwith nine planets. Associated with the sun is the RUBY, with the moon is the PEARL,

with mars is the RED CORAL, with mercury is the EMERALD, with Jupiter is the

YELLOW SAPPHIRE, with Venus is the DIAMOND, with Saturn is the BLUE

SAPPHIRE, with Rahu is the HESSONITE GARNET, and with Ketu is the CAT¶S EYE


It is clearly stated in many passages of the different Vedic texts that ³inward luster,

transparency, illumination with rays, sparkle, free from impurities and good formation of 

the shape are the characteristics of good gems´ (Agni Purana, 246.13-14).

³Gems are not good if they are sandy, cracked within, scratched, stained, if they are

lusterless, rough, dull or mixed with mineral substances even though they may have all

the characteristic features of their family´ (Garuda Purana, 70.18).

³Since a jewel (gem) endowed with good characteristics ensure good luck, prosperity

and success to kings, and one with bad ones, disaster and misfortune, connoisseurs

ought to examine their fortune depending on jewels (gems)´ (Brhat Samhita, 80.1-3).

³If anyone wears a gem of many flaws out of ignorance, then grief, anxiety, sickness,

death, loss of wealth and other evils will torment him´ (Garuda Purana, 70.19).

 A special attention needs to be addressed to the always-included emeralds. References

from the Sanskrit texts claim that emerald inclusions are accepted, as far as the

inclusions are not detracting from the overall transparency and beauty of the gem.

³Experts in gems are inclined to say that the following types of emeralds are of good

potency: Emerald that has dark green color or the color of a spring meadow, a soft

glow, that is not highly complicated (referring to inclusions), hewn in different ways and

appear to be stuffed with gold dust (still referring to very small inclusions); emerald that

is endowed with qualities of shape, even shade all over, sufficient heaviness and shoots

diffusion of light when sun¶s rays fall on it´ (Garuda Purana, 71.12-15)

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To summarize, a planetary Jyotish gem should possess an eye flawless clarity,

appealing color, good cutting, and a sweet feeling or ³life´ that will undoubtedly be felt

by the person choosing that particular gem. As a general rule, it is advisable that the

gem be of the finest quality affordable, and«the larger the better.

The use of alternative gemstones is practiced as well, especially for those gems whichcan be expensive over two carats sizes, such as diamonds and rubies. It is found,

however that the alternative gem has a milder effect than the correspondent main gem.

See in the table below the alternative gems, metals, and fingers used to wear rings

related to the main gem and the correspondent planet.




Main Gem






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Rhodolite, red tourmaline, red spinel










Topaz, Heliodor, citrine



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White gold



Orange zircon





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Tourmaline, peridot, chrysophrase, jade





White sapphire, damburite, white zircon


White/yellow Gold



 Amethyst, blue spinel, iolite


White Gold

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Opal or tourmaline cat¶s eye


 Almost all the gems have some kind of medicinal properties. But the jewels that belong

to Navratna category are famous for their medicinal properties as well besides their 

divine virtues.

Treatment of a particular disease with the help of a gemstone is known as Gemopathy.

It is very wide subject. Following is a brief description of the medicinal values of the

 jewels that belong to the Navratna category.

GEMstones for curing various diseases.

Ruby: Heart disorders, hallucination, fear, confusion, eye disorders etc.

Pearl: Blood disorders, semetic disorders, mental instability, abdominal diseases.

Coral: Insanity, epilepsy, coma, hallucinations and disorders of the brain.

Emerald: Loss of voice, insomnia, effects of poison, skin diseases and insomnia.

Yellow Sapphire: Lethargy, heaviness, liver disorders, breast-related diseases.

Diamond: Mouth diseases, impotency, loss of voice, semetic disorders etc.

Blue Sapphire Insanity, wind diseases, abdominal disorders, infertility.

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 Almost all the gems have some kind of medicinal properties. But the jewels that belong

to Navratna category are famous for their medicinal properties as well besides their divine virtues.

Treatment of a particular disease with the help of a gemstone is known as Gemopathy.

It is very wide subject. Following is a brief description of the medicinal values of the

 jewels that belong to the Navratna category.

With the development of science, gemstones have been subjected to detailed scientific

scrutiny and their chemical composition has been revealed. Following is a brief 

discussion of chemical composition of the jewels that belong to Navratna category.

1) Ruby: This is the stone of the sun and hence has a supreme position among the

Navrartnas. The sun is the centre of the solar system. Ruby is an extremely expensive

and rare stone. It has a hardness of 9 and a refractive index of 1.716 to 1.77 and a

specific density of 4.03. Aluminum oxide (AlO) is the main constituent of ruby. Pink

colour of the ruby is due to the presence of chromium oxide (CrO).

Ruby is next to diamond only in hardness. Sometimes it surpasses even diamond in

beauty and value. All types of rubies appear similar superficially but a deep scrutiny

reveals many distinct differences among them. These are as follows-

1) Kuruvind Manikya.

2) Neelgandh Manikya.

3) Padma Manikya.

4) Jamuni Manikya.

5) Saugandhik Manikya.

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Pearl: This gem of the moon is at the second position among Navratnas. It is both

natural as well as cultured. Both kinds of pearls impart mental peace in the wearer.

Pearl is basically not a stone. It has organic origin and develops inside the sea-shells.

Cultured pearls are produced by artificially inseminating the shells. This method has

been perfected in Japan. Chemically, pearl has calcium carbonate and an organic

compound named conchiolin. It has a hardness of 3.5 to 4.0 and a specific density of 

2.50 to 2.75. It is opaque and cannot be burnt. Excellent pearls come from the Persian

gulf. Following are the kinds of pearl-

1) Shankmukta (Conch Pearl)

2) Gajamukta (Elephant Pearl)

3) Shukarmukta (Boar Pearl)

4) Sarpamukta (Snake Pearl)

5) Abhramukta (Mica Pearl)

6) Meenmukta (Fish Pearl)

7) Bansamukta (Bamboo Pearl)

 As per the qualities pearl has following types-

1) Dhanmukta.

2) Snigdhmukta.

3) Asphutitmukta.

4) Suvritmukta.

5) Sutarmukta.

6) Nirmalmukta.

7) Succhmukta.

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8) Sudhamukta.

Coral: Like pearl, Coral also is not a true stone. In fact it is fossilized from a tiny sea

creature known as corals. Coral is worn to please the Mars. Heat and light of the sunplay a major role in the formation of coral. Its specific density is 2.65; refractive index

1.486 to 1.66 and hardness is 4.0. Coral reacts with hydrochloric acid to form froth.

When touched by a hot wire coral smells like burning hair. Coral has following types-

1) Brahmin coral.

2) Kshatriya coral.

3) Vaishya coral.

4) Shudra coral.

Emerald: This green coloured stone is also a prominent jewel among the Navratnas. It

is worn to please Mercury. It has a specific density of about 3.0; hardness 8.0 and

refractive index of 1.6. Emerald is usually transparent in appearance and is composed

of aluminium and berilium silicate. Some people incorrectly call it as aquamarine. Often

emerald is more expensive than diamond. As per the appearance, colour, clarity and

radiance, emerald has following types-

1) Brahmin emerald.

2) Kshatriya emerald.

3) Vaishya emerald.

4) Shudra emerald.

Yellow Sapphire (Topaz): This yellow coloured transparent jewel is the main stone of Jupiter. It is extremely expensive, rare and enchanting gem. Some experts regard

yellow sapphire as a crystalline mineral. Chemically it is aluminum fluorosilicate. It has

the hardness of 8; refractive index 1.63 and specific density of 3.5 to 3.6.

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Diamond: It is regarded as the µking of the gems¶. This white coloured transparent and

radiant stone is worn to please Venus. Chemically, diamond is a crystalline isotrophe of 

carbon and with a hardness of 10, it is the hardest known substance on earth. It has a

specific density of 3.15 to 3.55 and a refractive index of 2.5. Diamond has following

types as per the colour-

Brahmin diamond.

Kshatriya diamond.

Vaishya diamond.

Shudra diamond.

 Apart from these, on the basis of clarity, diamond has following types-

1) Polluted diamond.

2) Crow-foot diamond.

3) Dotted diamond.

4) Blemished diamond.

5) Grained diamond.

6) Streaked diamond.

7) Cursed diamond.

There are many evidences in the history that show the profound creative as well as

destructive qualities of the diamond. Many diamonds like Kohinoor, Calinen, King Orloff 

are very famous in human history.

Blue Sapphire: It is the most talked about gem that belongs to Navratna category. This

beautiful attractive and transparent gem is the main stone of Saturn and has

tremendous powers. Basically, sapphire, topaz and ruby belong to same class of 

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stones. A slight variation in colour differentiates them from one another. Aluminum oxide

is the main constituent of blue sapphire. In hardness, specific density and refractive

index sapphire is similar to topaz and ruby.

 Agate (Hassonite): This stone also belongs to Navratna category and is available in

black, light brown and amber colours.

Cat¶s eye: This opaque but miraculous stone also belongs to Navratna category. It is

available in many colours like white, sky blue, black and green. Green cat¶s eye is the

most expensive. It is worn to please Ketu.


Questions related to importance of gemstones and their effects on the well being of the

wearers have always stirred the thoughts of human beings. Does the wearing of 

gemstones have any scientific basis or is it mere superstition?

The answer is simple as that ´ All the energy present in the the world comes from one

source that is our Sun Surya this same energy is found in different forms mainly

distributed in five elements, nine planets, etc

 A specific gemstone absorbs the energy fom the sun as battery and transform the

energy to a dif forms of energy depending on their respective planets .the Metal of the

ring or chain acts like electric connection between the specfic points in the hands or the


the part of energy of the respective planets which is needed by the person is thusregained by the help of the Gem stone.

Gemmology is an important part of astrology and it has never been mentioned in it that

one, who wants good fortune, should give up his efforts and come to depend upon the

fortune entirely. In fact, both fate and action are two sides of the same coin and have

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their own importance. Neither of them is complete alone. Only working together action

and fate can give synergic results.


We have so far clarified that every gemstone has some kind of miraculous powers

which is often referred to as divine powers. According to its colour, every gem

represents a planet of the matching colour. As for example, Venus has white colour 

hence it is represented by diamond. Red or pink ruby similarly represents the sun and

yellow sapphire represents Jupiter.

Every gemstone has the power to draw energy or beams from its respective planet and

channelise it into the wearer¶s body. This property of a gemstone is helpful in exerting

its influence in miraculous ways.

Each gem of the Navratna category represents a planet of the solar system. When we

wish to enjoy the favourable effects of a particular planet, we wear the stone

representing that planet on our fingers, neck or arm. It is also important here to know

that stone of a particular planet must be worn on the finger that represents it. In

astrology, every finger is believed to represent a particular planet viz. Thumb represents

Venus, index finger represents Jupiter, middle finger represents Saturn, ring finger 

represents the sun and little finger represents Mercury.

Suppose a particular planet is not strong enough in the horoscope of a person and a

person was hence suggested to wear the stone that represents that planet. The stone

draws positive energy from the planet and channelises it into the body of the wearer.

The planet, since then, begins to bestow its good effect on the person who then climbs

the ladder of success quickly, reaps great benefits and enjoys good food. Now even if the person doesn¶t make fervent efforts, the luck still gives him strong support.

Effects of the stones can be compared with the way modern medicine employs to

remove the deficiency of vitamins in body. As for example green vegetables are

prescribed to remove the deficiency of vitamin A and iron and basking is suggested to

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correct the disturbances in the level of vitamin D. Similarly stones are suggested to

remove the deficiencies in the influence of particular planet.

People blinded by the dazzles of modernity do not reject the prescription of modernmedicine. In fact they cannot do so. Thus, they have no moral right to reject the science

that had helped since millenia, millions of people to live a healthy life and reap good


There are many more reasons behind the gemstones being effective to channelise the

influence of a particular planet. Each of the nine planets represents many fields of 

activity, things and human conditions

Let us see now which planet governs which of the fields-


LEO LORD Right eye, nervous system, heart diseases,Medicines, prestige, technology.

Cancer Moon Mind, water, cough, arts, silver, romance,`Water-borne diseases, feminity,

left eye.

 Aries/Scorpio Mars Blood, blood disorders, firework, army,land, credit, anger, copper,


Gemini/Virgo Mercury Neuterity, singing, mathematics, Accounts, share market,

brokerage,Bronze, disorders related to voice.

Sagittarius/Pisces Jupiter Son, spirituality, gold, politics, study of Vedas, teaching,

writing, jaundice.

Taurus/Libra Venus Cotton, luxury, silver/platinum, poetry,Acting, dancing, venereal

diseases and Physical strength.

Capricorn/ Aquarius Iron, indifferences, pettiness, technology, wind-borne diseases,

service, forgery.

Rahu Gambling, smuggling, Arabian countries,Drinking of wine, abdominal

diseases,Anal disorders.

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Ketu Skin diseases, mica, ghosts, poltergeists,impracticality.

The specific studies on this matter has shown that the cosmic color spectrums

emanated by the different planets, are very similar to the color spectrums of thecorrespondent gems.

The cosmic energy of the planet is reflected on the human body through the gem and

creates an effect by absorption and reflection of the rays and vibrations.

The gem acts as a filter and produces good or evil effect, depending on the need of the


Like the crystals used in radio technology are the fundamental constituents of 

transmitting, receiving and transforming invisible energy into sound, thus the crystalline

structure of gemstones attract and condense the cosmic, planetary energies that rainfrom sky to earth and transform them for use by the human physiology.

By keeping the proper gemstones in touch with the body, profound and significant

changes can take place overtime.

To conclude, now more than any other period in history, where the knowledge and

technology of natural gemstones has reached a peak, a divine science is again made

available to anyone to fulfill mankind¶s dream of life free from problems and negativity.

Natural, very effective and magnificent gemstones that demand no will power or effort

whatsoever, are available now to transform our lives radically.



When your astrologer forbids you from wearing a stone, you should follow his advice byall means. Secondly, if you are not having full faith in the gems and their powers, you

should not go for them. This point is more psychological than astrological. We are all

aware of the positive and negative thoughts and their consequences. Any of these two

types of thoughts, when developed beyond a certain limit, comes to dominate the life of 

a person. If a person has more negative thoughts, his whole outlook for life becomes

highly pessimistic. Such a condition is recognised as a mental disorder described as

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µinferiority complex¶. Similarly, if your whole thinking about the gemstones and their 

influence is negative and still you decide to wear the gemstone, the probability is that it

will manifest more negative influences than positive. It is therefore highly imperative to

cultivate positive attitude for the gemstones before deciding to wear one.



That means, pilgrimage, Brahmin, mantra, gemstones, medicines and teacher give the

same result as one has feelings about them.

No matter how beautiful and attractive it might appear. Besides, if a particular gemstone

is specially forbidden for you, you should not wear it in any circumstance because such

a gemstone may prove lethal for you. This fact particularly applies to diamond and blue

sapphire. These two stones are particularly notorious for ruining the life of even a

person of kingly status.


Three questions are naturally linked with everything we do : Why? When? And How?

These questions also arise in the case of gemstones. We have already discussed about

the first two questions. Let us now consider the third question How? How should a

gemstone be worn?

There is no single basis for wearing a gemstone. According to their experience and

knowledge, experts express different opinions regarding wearing of stones. In different

communities, there are different religious reasons for wearing the stones. Our learnedsages and savants have proposed different provisions to wear a particular gemstone.

Many of these provisions are universally accepted and there is no difference of opinion

about them. Astrologers and experts from ancient as well as modern ages seem to have

similar opinions about these provisions.

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Deep scrutiny of your horoscope may reveal more than one reason why you should

wear a gemstone. But the most important and fool-proof reason is the position of ascendant house in your horoscope and position of its ruling planet. If the ruling planet

of the ascendant house is in a weak position, the whole horoscope can be safely

designated as weak. In such a horoscope, other planets too cannot show their full

influence no matter how powerful they are.

The most important logic behind this provision is that, the ascendant house is the most

important factor in one¶s horoscope. It actually represents the soul of the person in

question. Its position is akin to that of heart. If the heart is weak, the whole body suffers

from many kinds of ailments and other parts appear quite helpless.

If the ascendant house is weak in a horoscope, wearing of gemstones are related to

planets other than the ruler of the ascendant house proves fruitless. All the experts

therefore unanimously opine in favour of a strong ascendant house even if reaping of 

benefits from other well placed planets is desirable. Almost all the astrologers therefore

suggest to wear the stone that is related to the ruling planet of the ascendant house. Let

us see now which gem is related to which of the ascendant houses. In a horoscope,

there are twelve houses that represent all the twelve zodiac signs. In the horoscopegiven here, fifth house is ascendant. It represents the zodiac sign Leo. In other words, in

the given horoscope, Leo is the ascendant house. Sun is the lord of this house. We

have already discussed that ruby is the stone for the Sun. Hence, the person who has

Leo as his ascendant house in his horoscope must wear ruby.

Similarly, people with ascendant house Aries should wear coral, those with ascendant

house Taurus should wear diamond, those with Gemini must wear emerald, those with

Cancer must wear pearl, those with Leo should wear ruby, those with Virgo should wear emerald, those with Libra must wear diamond, those with Scorpio must wear coral,

those with Sagittarius must wear topaz, those with Capricorn and Aquarius must wear 

blue sapphire and people with ascendant house Pisces must wear topaz.

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 Ascendant house Aries: Mars is the ruling planet of this house. It will be beneficial for 

the people with Aries as the ascendant house to wear coral but such people may also

wear ruby, pearl or topaz and reap rich benefits. Such people may also go for the

following combinations of the gemstones: coral, pearl and ruby; coral, ruby and topaz or 

coral, topaz and pearl. These combinations prove extremely beneficial for such people.

 Ascendant house Taurus: Venus is the ruling planet of this house. It will be beneficial for 

the people with Taurus as their ascendant house to wear diamond. But such people

may also wear blue sapphire for Saturn and emerald for Mercury. They may also go for 

the various combinations of these gemstones.

 Ascendant house Gemini: Mercury is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people

who have Gemini as the ascendant house must wear emerald. They may also wear 

diamond or both of the gems together.

 Ascendant house Cancer: Moon is the lord of this house. Hence the people with Cancer 

as the ascendant house must wear pearl. They may also wear coral. In the opinion of 

some experts, such people may also wear ruby and topaz.

 Ascendant house Leo: Sun is the lord of this house. Hence, the people with Leo as the

ascendant house must wear ruby. Besides it, they may also wear coral, pearl and topaz

as well either alone or in combination. However, among these stones, coral will yield

highest benefit while pearl and topaz may exert somewhat weaker influence.

 Ascendant house Virgo: Mercury is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people

with Virgo as ascendant house must wear emerald. Some experts however believe that

such people may also be benefited from pearl.

 Ascendant house Libra: Venus is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with

Libra as the ascendant house must wear diamond. Apart from it, they may also wear 

and reap benefits from blue sapphire and emerald.

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 Ascendant house Scorpio: Mars is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with

Scorpio as the ascendant house must wear coral. They may also wear ruby, pearl and


 Ascendant house Sagittarius: Jupiter is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the

people with Sagittarius as the ascendant house must wear topaz. They may also wear 

ruby because the position of sun in their horoscope is usually strong.

 Ascendant house Capricorn: Saturn is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people

with Capricorn as the ascendant house must wear blue sapphire. They may also wear 

diamond and pearl, if the position of moon is strong in their horoscope.

 Ascendant house Aquarius: Saturn is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people

with Aquarius as the ascendant house must wear blue sapphire. They may also wear 


 Ascendant house Pisces: Jupiter is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people

with Pisces as the ascendant house must wear topaz. They may also wear pearl. Some

experts suggest that such people may also wear ruby and emerald but the beneficial

influence of these two gems is doubtful.


People with a particular zodiac sign as ascendant house in their horoscope may wear 

different gemstones in combination, similarly there is a complete list of gemstones that

are forbidden for the people with a particular ascendant house. Wearing of such stones

may lead to relegation and the wearer may have to suffer serious losses instead of reaping rich benefits.

 Aries: People with ascendant house Aries should not wear diamond and emerald. Many

experts forbid even blue sapphire for these people. But they believe that if the position

of Saturn is strong in horoscope, such people can safely wear blue sapphire.

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Taurus: Due to mutual hostility between Venus, lord of Taurus, and Jupiter, topaz is

forbidden for people with Taurus as the ascendant house. Some experts even forbid

coral and ruby for such people.

1 Gemini: People with Gemini as the ascendant house must not wear coral, pearl, ruby

and topaz. Some experts forbid even blue sapphire for such people but allow it in

combination with emerald.

Cancer: People with Cancer as the ascendant house must not wear emerald, diamond

and blue sapphire.

Leo: Diamond, blue sapphire and pearl are strictly forbidden for the people with Leo as

the ascendant house.

Virgo: Coral, ruby and blue sapphire is forbidden for such people.

Libra: Wearing of ruby, coral and topaz may prove harmful for the people with Libra asthe ascendant house. They may wear pearl only when suggested by some expert

astrologer to channelise the influence of moon. Scorpio: People with Scorpio as the

ascendant house must not wear diamond, blue sapphire and emerald. Sagittarius:

Diamond, blue sapphire, pearl and emerald prove extremely harmful for the people with

Sagittarius as the ascendant house. Capricorn: Wearing ruby, pearl and topaz may

prove to be torturous for the people with Capricorn as the ascendant house. Coral

however proves beneficial. Aquarius: Ruby, pearl, coral, emerald and topaz are

particularly harmful for the people with Aquarius as the ascendant house. Pisces: Ruby,

emerald, diamond and blue sapphire are forbidden for the people with Pisces as the

ascendant house.


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Ruby: This is a gemstone of the Sun. Hence it should be worn on Sunday. The time

before 8 a.m. in the morning on any Sunday during the brighter phase is the most

auspicious moment for wearing ruby. At this moment, ruby must be given a bath in

Panchamrit or raw milk. Thereafter wash it with holy water. Now put it before the Sun

yantra or the idol of your tutelary deity in the place of your worship. Carry out usual

worship rituals and recite the hymn of Sun 7,000 or 108 times. Then with full faith and

devotion, wear the ruby-containing ring on the ring finger of your right hand. Ruby is

especially beneficial if worn in gold. Ruby remains effective for up to 4 years from the

day of wearing it.






If a learned Brahmin carries out the whole ritual and he is given proper donations, the

effect of the gem increases manifold due to the blessings of the Brahmin.

Pearl: Pearl is the gem for the Moon. Hence it should be worn on Monday. Full moon

night on any Monday is the most auspicious day to wear pearl. Alternatively, Monday

falling during brighter phase of the moon is also auspicious. Before wearing the pearl,

give it a bath in Panchamrit (Milk, curd, ghee, sugar and honey) or raw milk. Then wash

it with holy water and put it before the Moon yantra. In the absence of Moon yantra,place it before the idol of tutelary God in your place of worship. Offer then unbroken

rice, sandal paste, incense sticks etc. and carry out usual worship rituals. Recite the

hymn of Moon 11,000 times. If it is not possible, recite it 108 times. Then with full faith

and devotion, wear pearl on the ring finger of your right hand. Pearl should be worn in

silver for maximum benefits. Pearl remains effective for a period of 4 years from the day

of wearing it.

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Coral: This is the stone of Mars. Hence it should be worn on Tuesday. Select any

Tuesday in the darker phase of the month. Time of 11 a.m. is the most auspicious

moment for sanctifying this stone. First of all, wash it in µPanchamrit¶ or raw milk and put

it before Mangal Yantra or the idol of your tutelary deity or in the place of worship in

your house. Now carry on as usual rituals of worship. If possible recite the hymn of Mars

ten thousand times. If it is not possible, recite it one hundred and eight times. Then with

devotional feelings, wear coral in the ring finger of your right hand.

If it is Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanishta Nakshatras during that moment, wearing of coral

gives specially beneficial results. Coral should be worn in copper or gold ring. It can also

be worn in silver. Wearing of it in an alloy of all these three metals gives quick results.Coral remains effective for three years.

The hymns for Mars are as follows:




Emerald: It is the stone of Mercury. Hence it is worn on Wednesday. It should be worn

in gold or silver but wearing of it in bronze or an alloy of two metals gives quick results.

If it is worn during Ashlesha, Jyeshtha or Revati Nakshatras on Wednesday after proper 

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worship at about 11 a.m., it proves specially beneficial. Emerald should be worn on the

little finger of the right hand.

First of all give the emerald-bearing ring a bath in Panchamrit or raw milk and wash itwith the holy water of the Ganges. Put it then before yantra or picture of Mercury or 

before the idol of deity at the place of worship. Worship the ring then properly.

Then recite the hymn of Mercury four thousand times or one hundred and eight times

and ultimately wear the stone. Emerald remains effective for three years.





Topaz: Topaz is the stone of Jupiter. Hence it should be worn on Thursday. On any

Thursday at about 11 a.m. give a topaz-bearing ring a bath in Panchamrit or in raw milkand wash it in holy water of the Ganges. Put the ring then in the place of your worship

and carry out usual worship rituals. Then pray Brihaspati and Lord Vishnu and wear the

ring on the index finger of your right hand. Under some circumstances, it can be worn

on the ring finger also. Topaz must necessarily be worn in gold. If you cannot afford

gold, you can opt for silver as well. If it is Pushya Nakshatra on Thursday, it will be

extremely auspicious conjugation for wearing Topaz. Topaz remains effective for more

than four years.




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Diamond: Diamond is the main stone from Navratna category. It¶s a stone of Venus.

Hence it is worn on any Friday. Time of 11 a.m. on any Friday during the darker phaseof the month is the most auspicious moment for wearing diamond. First of all, wash the

diamond ring with Panchamrit or raw milk, then with holy Ganges water. Worship the

ring properly thereafter and recite the hymn of Venus (Shukra) 16,000 or 108 times.

Then praying and begging pardon for any shortcoming in the rituals wear the ring on the

ring or middle finger of your right hand. Diamond is specially beneficial in silver ring. It

can also be worn in platinum ring but never in gold or other metals. Diamond remains

effective for about seven years. If diamond is worn during Bharani, Purva Phalguni or 

Purva Sharh Nakshatra, it gives extremely beneficial results.






Blue Sapphire: This is the stone of Saturn, hence it should be worn on Saturday. On

any Saturday, during the darker phase at the time of 12 p.m. is the most auspicious for 

wearing blue sapphire. Wash the sapphire ring in Panchamrit or raw milk and then in

holy water. Put it in the place of worship and carry out worship rituals properly. Recite

the hymn of Saturn 23,000 or 108 times. Then praying and begging pardon for 

shortcomings committed, wear it on the middle finger of your right hand. Sapphire can

be worn in gold, silver or steel but it is especially beneficial in an alloy of five metals.



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Gomed (Agate): This is the stone of Rahu. In astrology, Rahu is considered similar to

Saturn in virtues, hence Agate is worn on any Saturday. Alternatively, it can also be

worn on Wednesday or Friday. Time of 12 p.m. on any Saturday during the darker 

phase is considered as the most auspicious moment. Wash the ring in Panchamrit or 

raw milk and then in holy water and worship it properly. Thereafter, recite the hymn of 

Rahu 18,000 or 108 times. Praying and begging pardon then for any shortcomings

committed, wear the ring on the middle finger of your right hand. Agate is specially

beneficial in an alloy of five or eight metals. It can be worn in silver also. Agate remains

effective for about three years. Swati, Shatabhisha or Aardra Nakshatras on Saturdays

or Wednesdays are considered specially auspicious for wearing Agate.






Cat¶s eye: This inexpensive but extremely effective stone is worn to please Ketu. It can

be worn on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. On any of these days during the darker 

phase of a month, evening time is the most auspicious moment for wearing Cat¶s eye.

Wash it in Panchamrit or raw milk and then in holy water and worship it properly. Recitethe hymn of Ketu 17,000 or 108 times. Then with devotional feelings, wear it on the little

finger of your right hand. Cat¶s eye is beneficial only if worn in silver or an alloy of five

metals. It remains effective for about three years. If it is worn during Ashwini Magha or 

Moola Nakshatra cat¶s eye proves especially beneficial.

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1) If the position of Sun is in the ascendant house or in the second, third, fourth,

seventh, eleventh or twelfth house, ruby must be worn.

2) If the position of Moon is in the ascendant house or in the sixth, eighth, twelfth or in

the Scorpio, one should wear pearl. If Moon is positioned with Rahu and Ketu or is

retrograde or in setting position one should necessarily wear pearl.

3) If Mars is positioned with Rahu, Ketu or Saturn in the ascendant house or in the third,

fourth, seventh, twelfth house one should wear coral. If it is present in the sixth, twelfthor eighth house with Moon or Sun, one should wear coral.

4) If Mercury is in sixth, eighth or twelfth house or in the Pisces with Rahu, Ketu, Saturn

and Mars or is seen by them one should wear emerald.

5) If Jupiter is present in fifth, sixth, eighth or twelfth house or in Aries, Taurus, Leo,

Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius and Scorpio, one should at once wear topaz.

6) If Venus is present in sixth, eighth house or is retrograde, weak, or seen by some

sinister planet, one should wear diamond.

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7) If Saturn is present in fourth, fifth, tenth or twelfth house with Sun or in the Aries or is

retrograde or weak, one should immediately wear sapphire.

8) If Rahu is present in the ascendant house or in the third, fourth, ninth, tenth, eleventhor twelfth house or in Sagittarius seen by Sun, one should wear Agate.

9) If Ketu is present in the ascendant house or in the third, fourth, ninth, tenth, eleventh

or twelfth house or in Sagittarius in conjugation with Mars, Sun, Jupiter or Venus, one

should wear cat¶s eye.

 Apart from these situations, stones of a particular planet are especially beneficial during

Mahadasha\Antardasha period of that planet.

Impotant Note :

1.A gemstone must be be worm only after examnination of the persons horsecope .

2. The weight of the Gem stone doesnot matter more than its purity in Astrology

because the main pupose iof gemstone is to transform energy which it absobs from the

sun but the weight of the gemstones is considered very important while dealing with

gemstones in Auyrveda.

mainly from www.urday.in


Pushyaraag for Guru , Moti for Chandra ,Vajra for Shukra,

Maradakam for Buddha , Manikya for Surya , Moonga for Mangal ,

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Gomet for Rahu , Indra Neela for Shani , Vaidoorya for Ketu

Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter , Pearl for Moon , Diamond for Venus,

Emreld for Mercury , Ruby for Sun ,Red coral for Mars,

Hassonite for Rahu , Blue Saphire for Saturn ,Catseye Stone for Ketu