Raul In Cuba! Jefferson



My Children\’s Book project for A4 PAP World Geography

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One day, Raul was walking through the park, when he got a call from his

cousin Diego.




Diego lived in Cuba, and wanted to escape, but Castro wouldn't let him.

Raul wanted to help, so he bought a boat and sailed to Cuba.

Diego saw Raul was close, and swam as far as he could, but before he made it to

the boat, he was captured.


Raul tried to sail back, but his boat was destroyed by

another boat, in the middle of a drug deal.


Raul didn't feel like swimming all the way back to America, and Cuba had good warm

weather, at 77°F, so he swam to shore.

Raul liked that there were so many cool places to visit here like...

Crack houses…


Meth Labs…

and jungles!

Almost immediately after leaving the beach, Raul was kidnapped by a violent

drug cartel and held for 5 months!

After the 5 months was over, Raul was sold for a half a box of Cuban cigars, which are

illegal in America.

Raul loved all the nice people in Cuba, and they spoke Spanish like him.

Raul wanted to go to church, but couldn’t find any, even though the most popular religion of Cuba is Catholicism.

One day, Diego called Raul!He said that Raul was in


The night before he called, Raul had eaten at a nice restaurant. He had been infected with E. Coli and was near death.

Raul went to the hospital and was injected by a used needle

and is never seen again…

