RBCA Newsletter #5, Sept-Oct, 2015



The Riviera Bay Civic Association Newsletter is a 55 year old community publication hand delivered to 1300 homes and businesses in Northeast St. Petersburg, FL. For advertising information, call 727-577-5500. RBCAnews@aol.com

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“It’s Another Great Day in Riviera Bay!”55th YEAR • SEPT / OCT 2015 ISSUE www.rbcanews.com

FROM PREZ DAVE: I hope this newsletter finds you and your family all healthy and happy and starting to get ready for the many events coming up this holiday season. It will be here before you know it.

We have finally worked out a tentative date of Nov 7 (rain date Nov 8) at Riviera Bay Park for our “Police & Fire Hero/Neighborhood picnic/Family Fun Day/Vehicle show,” which will be sponsored mostly by RBCA resident, Brad Bess, Realtor. We will be thanking our Police & Fire Heroes for their service by asking them and their families (off duty or on duty that have the time) to join us for a family fun day at Riviera Bay Park. This will be FREE for our Heroes and current RBCA members, $5 each for non-members, or you and your family can join us that day for only $10, which will include your RBCA membership for 2016. We are asking neighbors to please bring a side dish to share with a few other residents such as baked beans, potato salad, potato chips, filet mignon, Maryland Crab Cakes, etc. For me, massive quantities of desserts will be appreciated. More details inside—please double-check date on our website or contact me before attending.

Gary West and I would also like to organize a “Show & Shine” vehicle get together just south of the park


Next RBCA General Meeting: Tues, October 202 SPEAKERS: TOdd YOST – Codes director and MIKE dOVE – Administrator of Neighborhood Affairs

(Doors Open 6:30 for Social, Meeting at 7pm)LOCATION: HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL, 250 78th AVE N.

(East on 76th Ave N, straight at stop sign to 2nd left, then right into parking lot, enter on west side of 2 story bldg.)

along 81st Ave NE. No judging, just a fun gathering of vehicle enthusiasts. There are many very nice motorized vehicles hiding in garages all over this neighborhood that want to be admired out in the

sunlight. No set hours for participation. If interested, please email Gary at westech8383@gmail.com

We missed it, but I’ve heard from many that Hal Hammer’s Labor Day concert was the best ever.

If you missed our July 21st meeting, you missed some very valuable information you need to know about the flood insurance rate hike that affected everyone on April 1st. My grandmother would say, “That’ll learn ya, dern ya,” but I’m hoping the

city will record Noah Taylor’s presentation to make it available for everyone that hasn’t heard it. How appropriate for flood info that his name is Noah. (Some notes are inside.)

I’ve received many questions about codes lately so I am having

Codes Director, Todd Yost, speak at our Oct. 20 meeting, as well as Mike Dove, Director of Neighborhood Affairs. (I know when we offer free pizza that they’ll be there.) If you have any codes or city questions, one of these guys can answer them, or will find the answer and get back to you.

Hope to see ya Tuesday evening, Oct 20 or just the next time I look at ya!

On T he Riviera

Riviera Bay Park, Macoma Dr ive NE • 12:30 TO 4:30PM





Oct 2, 3 & 4FALL


(see article for details)

Sat, Nov 7Raindate Nov 8

(rbcanews.com for any changes)





Macoma drive NE12:30 to 4:30






ARt in thE PARkEarlier this year, the City of St. Petersburg began

requesting applications from artists for art at Riviera Bay Park. A Project Committee was formed to collaborate on the type of artwork that will reflect the heart of the community and relate to the nature and wildlife that is native to the area. There were many talented art proposals received. However. after careful discussion and deliberation, the Project Committee awarded the commission to Tom Pitzen, a Gulfport artist, who will create mosaic sculptured animals. The timeline should allow the artwork to be installed in early 2016, following approval by City Council. Mr. Pitzen created the notable Gulfport Waterfront District signage that appears along 22nd Avenue South at the the entry point to Clymer Park in Gulfport, Florida.

RiViERA BAY PARk UPDAtESThe shade structure for the exercise zone has been

installed and I hope everyone is enjoying that amenity while maintaining your fitness goals.

UPCOMinG EVEntSOctober 2 - Get Downtown First

FridayCentral Avenue, between 2nd &

3rd Street. 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

October 3 - Saturday Morning Market Opening Day

AI Lang Stadium Parking Lot. 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

October 4 - 10 - Fire Prevention WeekOpen Houses at local Fire Stations

October 13 - “this is my city: St. Pete Stories”Sunken Gardens, 1825 4th St. No., 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Council Member Kennedy’s Corner


It’s time once again for our “WORLD FAMOUS RIVIERA BAY YARD SALE”, where strangers buy

what you don’t want and block the streets by parking their vehicles anywhere they want to.

To have your location marked on the 500+ maps we distribute and have your street marked with a sign on 4th St and/or 83rd Ave, you can either email Donna Hoover at daybugme2@yahoo.com or call 579-3644 before Wednesday Sept 30th and leave your name, contact number and address of sale. Since RBCA funds are being spent to advertise & print, you must be a current RBCA member to get marked on the map. Membership is only $10 per household and runs from Jan-Dec. A convenient membership form is printed on the back page of this newsletter for you to mail in with your $10 check, made out to the RBCA.

RBCA FALL YARD SALE Fri, October 2nd thru Sun, October 4th

The RBCA places ads in the Tampa Bay Times, St Pete Patch, The Flyer and our Face book page. The ad reads Fri-Sun 8AM-2PM and dates and times may vary for each location. You are welcome to set your own days and hours for that weekend. If we get rained out 2 of the 3 days we will put the signs out for the following weekend, but we won’t have time for the advertising.

The RBCA will also put up the large “Neighborhood Yard Sale Signs” along 4th Street & 83rd Avenue on

Thursday evening. We place these signs based on the people who contact us for the map. If you don’t call or email, your street may not be marked with one of the large sign. We also have a few smaller signs that we can place inside the neighborhood if we have time, but all other signage directing people to

your location is up to you. Please be a good neighbor and remove any signs that you have posted when your sale is finished. We will pick-up all of the RBCA signs by Sun night, and remember, junk is something you’ve kept for years and throw away just before you need it.


Noah Taylor, City of St Petersburg Community Rating System Coordinator in the Construction

Services & Permitting Division (727-893-7283, Noah.Taylor@stpete.org) was one of the speakers at our last meeting had an excellent presentation concerning Flood Insurance. Below are some of his notes:

Flooding is the #1 disaster and weather related killer in the USA.

1 inch of water in a 1,000 sq. ft home can cost $10,600 in damages.

51% of St. Petersburg is in a Special Flood Hazard Area.

There are only 3 flood zone designations:X Zone - Minimal Flood Area (No Insurance

Required)A Zone - 1% annual chance or base flood. V Zone - Velocity zone due to wave action.Flood Insurance is required on all federally backed

mortgages.Elevation Certificates can save you $$ on your

insurance premiums.

FLOOD HAZARD INFOElevation Certificates identify your Base Flood

Elevation.The higher above the Base Flood Elevation the less

insurance you pay yearly.Stormwater Runoff is a big factor in flood hazards.The more pavement and less green space, the greater

chance of flooding.Keeping gutters and drains clear of debris can divert

water away from home.Premium Discount through the Community Rating

System.All insurance premiums in St. Petersburg receive a

20% discount!!Floodplain Management by the City helps reduce

premiums.Rising flood insurance rates can be offset by the

premium discount. Flood Insurance pays you $$ quickly vs. government

assistance.Flooding from a hurricane or tropical storms can be

costly.Insurance will pay quickly when faced with major

flood events.For more information visit the St. Petersburg website:http://www.stpete.org/emergency/flooding/


Police & Fire Hero Appreciation / Neighborhood Picnic / Family Fun Day / Vehicle Show

Tentative Date: Sat, Nov 7 (Check Website)Sponsored By: Brad Bess, Realtor

This year the RBCA, along with Brad Bess, will be hosting our

neighborhood picnic and family fun day to show our Appreciation & Thanks to our Police and Fire Heroes for everything they do for us in District 2. This is a free event for all District 2 Police and Fire personnel (on & off duty) and their families and for all current RBCA members. To help defray expenses, non-members will be charged $10

per family which includes all-you-can-eat food and all-you-can-enjoy fun for the day.

The RBCA will provide burgers, hot dogs, wings, BBQ, chicken

strips, pizzas, sodas, water, band, inflatable bouncy house, obstacle course, volleyball, badminton, Police & Fire vehicles, and a police dog demonstration. All guests who aren’t with the Police or Fire Dept are asked to bring a side dish to share with a few others.

Any food left over after any of our events is always donated to

Beacon House or Pinellas Hope homeless shelters.

Prez Dave GUARANTEES that you will have a great time at this event, so please join us on Nov 7 to greet, eat, maybe compete with, and say “THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH TO OUR LOCAL HEROS”

For more info or to make a donation, or set up a company table, please contact Dave Hoover at daybugme2@yahoo.com or at 727-579-3644.


By Prez Dave

Starting in January, our

publisher will no longer be able to provide our top quality newsletter with the existing ad revenue and the increase in printing prices, and suggests we change to the internet only.

We feel our award-winning newsletter is one of the main things people like about their neighborhood, and what’s holding this great neighborhood association together since 1960, so we are exploring all options at this point.

We edit and print 1,300 newsletters 6 times a year for 1,250 homes, our advertisers, selected city personnel, and a few other nearby neighborhood presidents.

Changing from color to just black and white and eliminating 4 pages doesn’t save enough money. POSSiBlE OPtiOnS:

1. Internet only and no printed newsletter. The advantage of the internet is that we will be able to be right up to date with neighborhood information – news as it happens and event date changes. The disadvantage is some people in the neighborhood may not use the internet.

2. Do you know of any businesses that would like to advertise?

3. Do you know a publishing business willing to take the newsletter over?

Starting With The New Year, No Future Printed


4. Do you know a business that would like to sponsor the newsletter?

5. Pay the extra $500 out of the RBCA treasury?

6. Go to Quarterly issues?7. Edit and print by someone in

the neighborhood? Please email ANY opinions

and suggestions to Prez Dave at daybugme2@yahoo.com____________________________

Rbca E-Mail Alerts: Finally?

We have been trying to set up an e-mail blast for the

neighborhood for a while, but a lot of email addresses that were provided are no longer valid and get bounced back to us. Debby Obst has volunteered to help with setting this up, so even if you have provided it before, please e-mail your contact info to: rbca1960@gmail.com

We know everybody gets more than enough email, so we will only email you if we have to communicate urgent neighborhood news and/or events and your info will not be used for anything other than neighborhood news. I want to thank Debby in advance for taking on this monumental task.


The floating Labor Day concert was a great success! It was

the largest crowd we have ever experienced for a Labor Day Concert.

Burton Young, a neighborhood resident who owns a professional

video company, “Flying Phish,” came out and did both land-based and drone-based video for a documentary for us. He did the unedited, fly-over, after the rain on at the Memorial weekend Concert and so he decided to do something special for us. We should see the post production edit soon.

David Strong, from Treasure

Lane NE, recorded the Memorial weekend concert in 16 track audio format, LIVE, at the sandbar. We had Brian at Paradise Studios mix and master it for CDs. We picked up the CDs from Paradise Studios, literally hours before the concert. But we had them and the crowd was

pleased, cheering loudly when the event went off perfectly, right down to the last tune from the 4th band, The Gearz.

Just then, the breeze began to blow, heavy thunder rolled across the sky, and the lightning flashed. There was some light rain with all of this

but the Grand Finale was a dark sky that spawned a huge water spout and the lightning show silhouetted the rest of the sky for an extremely dramatic look. The tide went out faster than everyone noticed and the St. Petersburg police boats lent a hand, pulling people’s boats off the sand to free them up in the channel. All in all, it was a glorious event for

my Swan Song! It looks like Ken Keller will

take over a lot of the responsibility for future concerts. David Strong, Frank King, George Meigel, and Joe Zamrin have also indicated that

they will take over the Band Barge and equipment, to relieve me of that work and responsibility. Joe has a wine store in Tampa, on S. McDill and we have been asked to play for the store’s 4th Anniversary wine tasting event, in the shopping center parking lot. It is on Sunday, November first, just a few days before my 73rd birthday. We will tow the Band Barge to the parking lot, place a skirt around the bottom, and BINGO! . . . An instant stage!

The 8th Annual Labor Day Weekend “Floating Concert” was a Success!

By hal hammer


Riviera Bay Park Community Garden

By Donna hoover

With all this rain, our

Community Rose Garden at the south east side of Riviera Bay Park is giving us a challenge keeping the weeds under control. Our once a quarter weeding and dead-heading the roses is not often enough. We have had to go in several weekends to get the weeds under control and try and keep ahead of it. I want to thank everyone who has come out to help.

If you have some extra time and enjoy gardening, please come out and help whenever you can. All we ask is that you let us know how much time you spent in the garden so we can report our volunteer hours to the City.

If you are interested in helping with a group, please call or email me and I’ll let you know our next date. daybugme2@yahoo.com or 727-579-3644.____________________________________________

Candle Distributors

We are looking for a few volunteers to help with the Christmas Eve Candle deliveries. Some

people have a large route that we’d like to split up or some people would just like to have someone along to help them. Please call Jean Tyack 727-576-9300 to see what you can do to help with this long standing Riviera Bay tradition.____________________________________________

St. Pete OpenGov

In an effort to continue a commitment to “Government in the Sunshine,” and to enhance transparency in

financial reporting, the City of St. Petersburg is offering an interactive reporting tool that allows citizens to explore budget and other financial data online in various graphical formats selected by the user. Visit www.OpenGov to get started.


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CODES During a recent CONA meeting

we were informed that the city will be enforcing the codes, and FINES WILL START AT THE TIME THE VIOLATION IS NOTICED for repeat offenders. Especially Yard Parking, Tree removal, Trailers out during the week and Trash Can/Recycle cans left at the curb on non-trash or recycle dates. Todd Yost, Codes Director will be one of our Tues, Oct 20 speakers. ____________________________

What is a Civil Citation?

A Civil Citation is a written charging document issued by a code enforcement inspector.

A Civil Citation includes a fine amount.

Prior to issuing a Civil Citation,

written notice is provided to establish a reasonable cure time.

Civil Citations may be issued without notice for repeat violations or irreversible violations.

What Happens if I Receive a Civil Citation?

Pay the Civil Citation amount within 15 days.

Payment will occur through Billing & Collections in person, by mail or online.

Appeal the alleged violation within 10 days.

Appeals will be heard by a Special Magistrate.

There is a $50 appeal fee added to the Civil Citation amount if the alleged violator loses the appeal.

What are the Civil Citation Fine Amounts?

There are four (4) classifications for fine amounts. CLASS 1 fines start at $40 and increase for repeat violations.

Typical Class 1 violations are:

• Yard Parking. • Domestic Equipment in front

yard. • Commercial Equipment on

residential property.CLASS 2 fines start at $100 and increase for repeat violations.

Typical Class 2 violations are: • Inoperative Motor Vehicles. • Junk/Rubbish/Outdoor Storage. • Peeling Paint.

CLASS 3 fines start at $300 and increase for repeat violations.

Typical Class 3 violations are: • Permit Required. • Illegal Dwelling Units.

CLASS 4 fine is $500 for each violation.

Class 4 includes one violation:Illegal Tree Removal. What Happens if I Don’t Pay

the Civil Citation? Unpaid Civil Citations will

be converted to liens against the property and the owner.


If you find or lose something,

please contact daybugme2@ya-hoo.com or call 7 2 7 - 5 7 9 - 3 6 4 4

with a picture and/or description, and your contact info and we will try to reunite it with its owner.

lOSt: nikOn camera in a backpack looking bag must have fallen out back of vehicle heading west along 98th Ave to south on 2nd St, over the hump bridge, to west on 96th Ave to 4th St N. Lost around 4:30pm, Sunday afternoon on Aug 23rd. Reward offered. Please contact Chip at 727-415-2850

Member Classifiedi Will REMOVE AnYthinG MEtAl

YOU hAVE FOR FREE - Appliances, old car parts, window frames, any kind of wire, cans, anything metal. Email Prez Dave at daybugme2@yahoo.com or leave message at 727-579-3644.

VARiOUS itEMS: Office chairs (some never used) various size tables and desks, heavy duty shelving units and lateral files, weight scales, small & reg size refrigerators. Great prices. Email Prez Dave at daybugme2@yahoo.com or leave message at 727-579-3644.

UtilitY tRAilER - enclosed with A/C and interior electricity. External dimensions 6’ wide, 8’ high, 14’ long. Heavy duty construction and in great shape. $5,000. obo. Call and leave message at 727-576-3323

nEiGhBORS!Make sure you likE us

on FaceBook!You can see what your neighbors

are up to, post pictures, events, etc. You can find us going to FaceBook and typing in:

Riviera Bay Civic Association

Adopt A Mile Clean-UpBy Donna hoover Our next scheduled

“Adopt A Mile” clean-up of 83rd Avenue N/NE is Sat, Nov 14th. We meet at the St Pete Presbyterian Church at 600 83rd Ave NE at 8:30 AM. The RBCA will supply the gloves, pickers, buckets, trash bags and water. We do this in conjunction with Keep Pinellas Beautiful’s Adopt a Mile Program. We had five helpers on our August 8th clean-up collecting four bags of trash.____________________________________________


Residents and visitors to St. Petersburg are now able to conduct

their metered parking transactions by mobile phone, a revolutionary new service that will allow residents and visitors in downtown St. Pete to save time and money by using their mobile phone to pay for parking. To use the new Parkmobile system, customers register for free at www.Parkmobile.com/


OFFiCERSPRESiDEnt: David Hoover ............................. 579-3644 / daybugme2@yahoo.comViCE PRESiDEnt: VacantSECREtARY: Lori Intravichit ......................................................................576-2903tREASURER: Donna Hoover .............................579-3644 / donna.rbca@yahoo.comChAiRMAn OF thE BOARDSean Singh .................................570-8458 - seanbsingh@gmail.comBOARD MEMBERS:Shawn Hannan ..........................542-7988 / Shannan160@yahoo.comJenny Healy ...........................................................................576-2765 Toby Issacson .......................................................................................Dave Kandz .........................................642-8567 / dave@rbdigital.bizToni Michalove .....................727-492-5682 / reddogs02@gmail.comChristian Rodgers ............812-243-9568 / crodgers4077@gmail.comAndrew Smith ............. 813-453-3407 / andrewacs@tampabay.rr.com

MEMBERShiP: Donna Hoover .............................579-3644 / donna.rbca@yahoo.comnEWSlEttER EDitOR: Missy Martino ............................... 577-5500 / RBCAnews@aol.comnEWSlEttER ADVERtiSinG:Al Martino ...................................... 577-5500 / RBCAnews@aol.comnEWSlEttER DEliVERY: David Hoover .............................579-3644 / daybugme2@yahoo.comCOnA REP: David & Donna Hoover .............579-3644 / daybugme2@yahoo.com

COMMittEES83rd AVE/SAn MARtin BRiDGE: Lance Obst .......................................... 578-9718 - dobst@verizon.netAndrew Smith ................ 813-453-3407 / andrewacs@tapabay.rr.comRoy O’Neil ......................................576-8754 / royoneil@verizon.netGRAntS: Donna & David Hoover ..............579-3644 / donna.rbca@yahoo.comDebby Obst ......................................... 578-9718 - dobst@verizon.netCAnAl:Dave Kandz .........................................642-8567 / dave@rbdigital.bizRoy O'Neil ......................................576-8754 / royoneil@verizon.netAndrew Smith ......................... 813-453-3407 / andrewacs@msn.com

EntERtAinMEnt:Jenny Healy ..........................................................................576-2765Donna & David Hoover .............579-3644 / daybugme2@yahoo.comChRiStMAS EVE lUMinARiES:Jean Tyack, Chairperson ......................................................576-9300 ChRiStMAS EVE BOAt PARADE:Jim Williams .....................................Jimmy.B.Williams@gmail.com

USEFUl PhOnE nUMBERSMAYOR'S ACtiOn linE ................................................ 893-7111(locate any dept and phone number in the city)nOn-EMERGEnCY POliCE ..........................................893-7780COMMUnitY POliCE SERViCE SQUAD ..................551-3182(For ongoing problems and response within 24 hours)Mayor Rick kriseman ...................... Mayor@stpete.org / 893-7201District 2 Councilman Jim Kennedy .....................................893-7117council@stpete.orgPublic Service Rep Debbie larson ....................................893-4138deborah.larson@stpete.orgPOliCE COnFiDEntiAl tiP linE .............................893-4138St PEtE MARinE PAtROl ............................................892-5247Fl StAtE MARinE PAtROl ................................. 888-404-3922Animal Control ....................................................................582-2600Chamber of Commerce ........................................................821-4069CODES inSPECtOR: Thaddeus (Thad) Mitchell ............551-3171Codes Compliance ................................................................893-7373Curb, Street, Sidewalk Repair ...............................................551-3151Neighborhood Partnership ....................................................892-5141Public Utilities ......................................................................893-7761Reclaimed Water ...................................................................892-5111Sanitation ..............................................................................893-7398Sewer Repair .........................................................................893-7261Street Light Outage ....................................................... 800-228-8485Street Signs/Traffic Signals ...................................................893-7421Water Resources: ext. 0 ........................................................893-7261Water and Navigation ...........................................................453-3385(Dock permits, report Mangrove cutting, etc.)Weedon Island Preserve ........................................................453-6500

The Riviera Bay Civic Association is not responsible for any dissatisfaction with any work or experiences

with any of our newsletter advertisers.website:www.RBCAnews.com

Membership Renewal infoWe are your neighborhood civic association and we work for you to maintain and improve your neighborhood. If

you have not joined or renewed your membership in the Riviera Bay Civic Association, please take a moment to fill out this membership form and bring it to the next meeting or send your dues to the address below. Please show your support by sending in at least $10.00. (A larger amount would be appreciated!) One association membership per household includes your spouse and children, to be purchased each calendar year.

I would like to join/rejoin the Riviera Bay Civic Association. Enclosed please find at least $10.00 (more is always appreciated) association dues for our family for January through December.Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________Please make checks payable to: Riviera Bay Civic AssociationMail to: Riviera Bay Civic Association, 163 87th Ave. North, St Pete, FL 33702 (727) 579-3644