Reader's Digest -WAM Version-



WAM Magazine

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This series of Reader’s Digest includes Five Short Stories written and submitted by a 13 year old teen by the name of Martin Lee.


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Desc1. Science­Fiction  Title of Story: Planet Earth  Desc4. Plot Twist 

Desc2. Aliens  Character Name: Mark Twain 

Desc5. Planet Earth 

Desc3. Survival Camp  Character Picture:   [] ­­­­ \O   |\  / \ 

Desc6. Anti­climatic 


Title: Planet Earth  Rising Action:  Climax:  Falling Action: 

Author: Martin Lee  Mark joins a camp in which he learns to survive in day to day Planet Earth. 

He realizes the ‘managers’ in the camp aren’t alive. They are robots. 

His parents arrive and he realizes that this camp was all a hoax. It was to train him. 

Exposition: In a camp, in the middle of a city known as ‘Florida.’ 

He has to survive through many different trials and he has to learn to swim. He also learns to interact with fellow ‘humans’. 

He decides to check out their ‘main cabin’ in the middle of the night. He sneaks out but gets caught. He finds out about a secret evil plan. 

His parents tell him that he is to invade planet Earth and take control of it. He agrees. 

Resolution: Mark is an alien who is training to take over Earth. 

He starts making new friends along the way, but then he notices something in the camp is wrong. 

He gets tied up, but he makes it out and he uses a match to set fire to the ‘main cabin’, stopping the robot’s plan once and for all. 

He gets in his ship and flies off into space. Earth is in the distance and his spaceship flies into the distance. 


~Page III~

Planet Earth  

Dawn. I hopped out of the bus and felt the cold floor underneath my foot. I hussled to follow the crowd to the camp, through the thick, dense forest. The birds sang above us in the canopy, as we made our way down a hill, following the stream. The cabins were located at the foothold, as my cabin was a dark, oak wood shack, near the edge of the clearing. The tall trees’ shadows towered over it, giving it a luminous feel. Fast forward during camp, I learned to swim, and socialize with people. One night, I went to the bathroom, and I heard a quiet scuffle. I looked, and saw a shadow in the counselor’s cabin. I went inside, but a dark figure bound with with a red bandana at the throat, silencing me. I wiggled around, but soon realized by legs and arms were cuffed. I saw a gleam in the corner of my eye. The key was shining in the dark light by the fireplace.I scooted slowly towards it and made my way. I stretched my wrist and grabbed the key. Slowly, I unlocked the cuffs and stood up, stretching my tightened muscles.

I saw a spare piece of wood. I grabbed it and lit the end in the fireplace. I walked out carefully and threw the piece of wood back inside the  cabin and I ran. I smelled the smoke and heard the screams of the counselors as they saw their cabin burn. I saw one counselor burn up, and when he melted, inside, I saw metal. The counselors were machines! The next day, my parents 

came and explained everything. This wasn’t a regular survival camp. This was my special training course. I had passed, and since I did, they gave me my first important assignment. Go to a planet known as Earth and take over. I got into my spaceship and used my eight arms to steer, blasting off. I saw the planet Earth, and my three eyes registered an inhabited planet. Perfect. Time for me to take over planet Earth.

~Page IV~

Desc1. Biography  Title of Story: Millbrae Aliens  Desc4. Aliens 

Desc2. Non­Fiction  Character Name: Martin Lee  Desc5. Anti­climatic 

Desc3. Plot Twist  Character Picture:  [] ­­­­  O  /|\  / \ 



Title: Millbrae Aliens  Rising Action:  Climax:  Falling Action: 

Author: Martin Lee  Martin starts off in a room watching a video on an iPod. 

Dad tells Martin he got a new job. Martin is happy for him. 

Martin makes a lame “Aliens in Millbrae” excuse, but Dad dismisses it annoyingly. 

Exposition: Household in Fremont 

Dad comes in and scares Martin. He blocks Martin’s path. 

Dad then proceeds to tell Martin they have to move. Martin is astounded. 

Night continues on. 

Resolution: Dun Dun Dun! 

He tells Martin he has good news. Martin is very anxious and nervous. 

Martin tries to argue but Dad puts a firm hand on it. 

Dramatic cliche ending. 


~Page V~

Millbrae Aliens  

Title: The Lucky Day  Rising Action:  Climax:  Falling Action: 

Author: Martin Lee  The day starts off as a fine day, as Johnny McCain goes to the nearest community store to purchase milk. 

As he scratches, he sees a homeless man. He finishes scratching and sees he won $1000! 

Johnny is very sad now and he has no more money. 

Exposition: In a community corner store. 

He buys his milk and sees a scratchers card box. He decides to buy one just for the fun of it. 

He cashes it in and gets his $1000 happily. The homeless asks for a little money, and Johnny refuses unpolitely. 

Suddenly, he thinks, if he had helped the homeless, he wouldn’t have ran into that car and startled himself. 

Resolution: He loses all of his money due to greed. 

After purchasing his lottery ticket, he starts to scratch the stickers off the lottery card. 

Suddenly, as he is walking down, a car stops in front of him, and he gets startled, and drops the money, and it goes does the sewer. 

From then on, Johnny starts helping every homeless and donating to different charities like a new person. 


~Page VII~

The Unlucky Lucky Day   

I walked down the street towards the community corner store. I was out of milk and I needed to buy another gallon. I walked on the narrow concrete path and I saw a man sitting next to a column, looking up at him with large begging eyes. He whimpered and tried to speak, as if asking for money. I dismissed him assertively. I walked into the community corner store and searched for a gallon of milk, of which I needed. I quickly checked out and noticed a lottery ticket machines. I decided to purchase one for the fun of it.I bought one for three dollars and walked out. I sat down on the bench nearby and started scratching. My nails slowly filled with scratch material as the slots kept on revealing themselves. When I scratched off the last one, I closed my eyes and wished for the best. I opened my eyes, and behold, three of the same pictures, looking back at me. I stood there for a second, not believing what just happened. I quickly put it in my pocket and walked into the store, wanted to redeem the cash.

$1000. Beautiful green hundred dollar bills waving around in my hands. I counted it, making sure all $1000 were there. Yup. I walked out and started towards my car, when I suddenly heard a ragged voice. The homeless man looked at me, trying to ask for money. I waved him away, and continued to walk away, flipping the money in my hands. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car rushed in front of me, inches away from my nose. I got startled and jumped back, losing my grip on the money. I grappled for it, but it flew away in the breeze the car left, flying into the air and over the stores and buildings around me. I looked around frantic, looking for my beautiful money. But it was no where to be found. Then, I realized something. If I had took even one second to give to the homeless man, I would not have been as startled by the car, thus I would not have lost my money. From then on, I gave all the homeless people money.


~Page VIII~  

Desc1.  Title: The Higher Ground  Desc4. 

Desc2.  Character Name: Dave Davey 


Desc3.  Character Picture:  ^^ ^^^   O   /|\   / \  



Title: The Fine Day  Rising Action:  Climax:  Falling Action: 

Author: Martin Lee       

Exposition: Japan Neighborhood 

