Reagan, National Debt, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Iron Contra Affair, As well as: Persian Gulf War...


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Reagan, National Debt, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Iron Contra Affair, As well as:Persian Gulf WarEconomy and Election of ClintonNAFTAContract with AmericaGeorge W.911

Most Missed Questions on RQ…

Malcolm X – why did he change? Not just because he saw people praying together – he converted to Islam and observed different groups praying together peacefully

Missed Q #2

Kent State University – what is important about it? NOT students throwing rocks!! The important part is that National Guard troops were there for the protest and that’s why students were shot – there’s a big difference!!

Missed Q #3

Cesar Chavez and United Farm Workers – Chavez called for a BOYCOTT OF CALIFORNIA GRAPES, NOT JUST CALIFORNIA…(compare to boycott by colonists if British goods – make connections)

Missed Q 4…

DÉTENTE – Nixon used peaceful diplomacy instead of a show of force….

Missed Q #5….

Why did OPEC put an embargo on oil to U.S.? Why a fuel Crisis? WE SUPPORTED ISRAEL during their war with Egypt and Syria – Pay attention people!! Next Question?

Question 6…

Again – why did Iranian students take hostages? Because the U.S. was supporting regimes or corrupt princes like the SHAH OF IRAN….when the Shah was deposed we let him come to U.S. – this made Iran mad – hence – they took hostages from our embassy (ARGO)

Reminder about President Carter

Camp David Peace Accords between Egypt and Israel

Reminder about Nixon’s P…

Congress Passed the “WAR POWERS ACT” after Johnson had committed so many troops to Vietnam

WAR POWERS ACT created to limit the President’s war powers

Reminder About Women…

This is the time period of the “Women’s Lib” movement

Organization called “N.O.W”

Reagan – Start writing for RQ

After the economic recession, high unemployment and lines at the gas pumps (MISSED Q: Carter – gas rationing)

We see the election of REPUBLICAN Ronald Reagan

ReaganomicsPresident Reagan introduced his economic plan for recovery

His CRITICS called it “Reaganomics” or “Voodoo” economics

He supported tax cuts, especially for businesses so this is called “trickle-down economics – if businesses do well, the good effects will “trickle down to consumers”

Reagan’s Goals

Decrease the size of the government

Strengthen the military

Good Effects

Tax Cuts were popular with everyone

Reagan got rid of government regulations in many areas – many people in business liked this as well

Strengthened the U.S. military – this was also popular

Negative Effects

National Debt – military spending combined with tax cuts created a large national debt

Reagan’s Foreign Policy

Reagan was convinced that the USSR could not afford an arms race and that if we were spending more on military and weapons, that would force them to try and keep up which would break their economy and bring about the collapse of communism

PerestroikaIn 1985, Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union

Gorbachev did not want an expensive arms race

Gorbachev and Reagan got along very well

Perestroika – G allowed free enterprise in the USSR

GlasnostGorbachev sponsored glasnost or political openness between the two countries

On November 9, 1989 The East German government allowed people to travel freely between East and West Germany

1990’s Cold War over, Berlin Wall came down

Iran – Contra Affair

Secret sale of arms to Iran in exchange for U.S. hostages

Money from that sale was funneled to the Contras (rebels) in Nicaragua so they could overthrow their government….

George H.W. Bush

After Reagan’s 2 terms – Republican G.H.W. Bush was elected President

Iraq under Saddam Hussein invaded their neighbor Kuwait and took control of the Kuwaiti oil fields

Hussein refused to leave Kuwait

Persian Gulf War

U.S. with United Nations help went to war to push Iraq out of Kuwait

42 days later Kuwait was liberated

Again, the U.S. had to face the concern that we were too dependent on foreign oil

Election of 1992

Democrat Bill Clinton realized that Democrats were seen as “tax and spend” liberals

Therefore, Clinton was very moderate

Clinton won the election of 1992

H. Ross Perot – 3rd Party

Republican Bush vs. Democrat Clinton with

3rd Party candidate Ross Perot who got many votes because people were unhappy with both parties

Still, Clinton won the election

Clinton’s Presidency

Under Clinton, the nation went from having a budget deficit to a budget surplus – a balanced budget! – this means the government was not in debt.


North American Free Trade Agreement

This agreement promoted free trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico

The Critics and the supporters

Critics of NAFTA said businesses would move to Mexico or other places and produce goods cheaper where there are no labor unions (outsourcing)

Proponents or supporters said it would create jobs because Canada and Mexico would not have to pay tariffs so goods would be cheaper, so then they would buy more American made products

Contract with America

In 1994 Republicans gained control of both the House and the Senate which made it hard for Democrat President Clinton to get things done

Clinton did get welfare reform passed – he placed new restrictions on welfare and entitlement programs

Clinton wins reelection

Clinton’s welfare reform and balanced budget was popular – he easily won reelection

Scandal taints Clinton’s Presidency

Clinton was thought to have had affairs in the past

When he was suspected of having relations with an intern, he swore under oath before a grand jury that he had never had a relationship with her

Evidence was uncovered that he lied under oath

Clinton Impeached

The House voted to impeach him – he was tried

But the Senate acquitted him and so he was not removed from office

Election of 2000


Republican George W. Bush, son of G.H.W. Bush won the election

History behind September 11

Since the founding of Israel, Arab and Persian Gulf countries that were mainly Muslim were unhappy that land that they viewed as rightfully Arab was in the hand of the Israelis

U.S. traditionally supported Israel

Growth of Al-Qaeda

Several radical Muslim groups became active during this time period

Attacks against the USS Cole in Yemen

U.S. embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania, Africa

September 911

Al Qaeda sponsored terrorists flew two planes into the two World Trade Center Towers in NY

One plane flew into the Pentagon

One plane went down in Pennsylvania

War on Terror

The U.S. has since been involved in an ongoing “war on terror” which has involved fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan

Afghanistan has been targeted because many Al-Qaeda training bases are there
