Recce pictures


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Below, are a number of different pictures that we

thought would be a great location to our film. After

deciding to centre most of our location within the

school grounds and a graveyard, we thought it would

be a good idea to get a feel of the types of particular

places which would be best to film and a create a

spooky atmosphere. By getting a feel of the location, it

also benefitted us to think about the types of shots we

could use, in relation to what will be included in the


This is the entrance to the graveyard. Without filmimg the house, next to the

gates, I think it will create a much more spookier feeling. We could work on the

action of the killer stalking the young girl by watching her walking into grave

yard, maybe him standing next to the gates, as if they are hiding him, while he

watches her every move. I think it will be important involving this particular

area in the filming stage, mainly because it introduces the graveyard, and adds

more build of fear for the young girl. Having a grave yard in this type of film

furthermore conveys something bad may happen, and the shadows on the

floor, of the gates also add to this fear as they become across spooky and

creepy, when the sun starts to go down. Having the chapel in the background,

also creates the idea of death and sadness to the audience, which will highten

the antisipation to what will happen next.

We also thought a shot with the killer standing behind a tree, looking upon the

little girl would also be a very spooky shot. We decided this particular tree

would really create the tension that we wanted to make, as it looks old- one of

them trees that look extremely scary at night! Having a picture with the grave

stones in front and the tree in the back ground, really gave us some great ideas

such as filming the girl in front of a grave stone, with the killer behind her

standing next to the tree, with the camera facing both of them. We thought

this would be a great shot as it shows how naïve she is, and it also connects the

audience to the film by showing them what she can’t see nut they can- it

creates that feeling when you just want to shout at the screen to tell her

what’s happening to her.

Not knowing that there was a chapel in this grave yard, before taking our recce

pictures has given us some ideas that we didn’t think off before. For example,

the chapel could be linked to man’s killings, he could off killed all of his other

killings here and could be the reason for killing them, as he may see them

visiting family or friends, and not like it- he could have family issues which has

made him into this way. Having this as a bonus, we thought to include the

chapel in the film, even if there isn’t a reason behind it, as it creates and

increases that spooky feeling.

Obviously, having the young girl visiting her mother’s grave, we thought it was

important to pick a grave stone that was a females name even if we don’t use a

close up it. We also had to pick one that had a good location, and where on

camera could create a creepy atmosphere, so having it under the trees with

the sun beams shining through suggested the sun could be going down and the

night was approaching. This is important for us, as we want to make sure we

produce a spooky atmosphere, for the audience, as much as possible in the



Altogether, I think it has been very beneficial taking recce pictures of the location we want to film in. This is mainly because we have had a chance to think about particular ideas, instead of just seeing it for the first time before you’re about to film. It has also given us a chance to look around and have a look at certain parts we would rather film in to create the feelings we want to create.