Reconciliation - · helped 500 people. If those people continued paying it forward,...


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Every Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

120 South Eastmoor Drive Post Office Box 67 New Bremen, OH 45869 419.629.2543

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 a.m.

Monday 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday 12:05 p.m.

Thursday 7:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m.

Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Mon/Thu 6:15 – 6:45 p.m.

Tue/Fri 8:00 – 8:20 a.m.

Wed 11:30 – 11:50 a.m.

Phone: 419.629.2543 Office Hours: Mon-Thu 9 am – 4 pm

Friday 9 am – noon Pastor: Rev. Thomas Dorn

419.629.3031 [home]

Deacon: Greg Bornhorst

Accountant: Mary Eyink

419.629.2226 [home]

Coordinator of Elementary CCD:

Kathy Pape

Coordinator of JH/HS CCD:

Jenny Sailer Coordinator of Liturgy and Music: New Parishioners: We would love to officially welcome you into our family. Nick Wilker Registration forms are available in folders on the door in

the church entrance or by contacting the parish office. Coordinator of Youth/Young Adults: Baptism Prep: Required for all first-time parents. Scheduled on the 2nd Nick Clune Monday in March, July, and November. Baptism/Marriage/Hall Rental: Please contact the parish office. Pastoral Associate/Adult Faith/Tech: Pastoral Council: Chair: Jay McCollum, 419.953.2849 Brad Feltz

Co-Chair: Jonathan Dietz, 937.489.9008

Prayer Line: 419.778.3632, 419.629.2406, 419.629.2639

Mass Schedule:



Pastoral Staff:

January 13, 2019

POINSETTIAS may be taken home anytime after the 10:00 Mass on January 13th.

Copies of the winter volume of the Deanery’s “Northern Lights” are available in the media rack in the church entrance.

Feast Days, Holidays, & Memorials

January 13 to January 20

13 – The Baptism of the Lord

17 – St. Anthony, Abbot

18 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

20 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

EMAIL SCAM: If you receive an email claiming to be from Fr Dorn asking for iTunes cards or money, please do not reply, it is not legit. Fr Dorn, or anyone at Holy Redeemer, will never send an email requesting immediate money or gifts – if there is ever a question, please contact the parish office.


January 6

Total Budget* Over/(Under)

$6,483.10 $6,485.94 $(2.84) Envelopes Anonymous Students $5,824.00 $518.10 $11.00

Attendance: 918

Electronic Giving(Jan 5): $8,287.00

Mary, Mother of God (Jan 1): $2,195.00

December ** Budget Actual Over/(Under)

$42,788.45 $66,603.45 $23,825.00

YTD *** Budget Actual Over/(Under)

$231,057.66 $234,864.49 $3,806.83 * Weekly budget excludes monthly electronic giving.

** Monthly includes weekly collections & monthly electronic giving. *** YTD includes weekly, electronic, and special collections (July-Dec)

Don’t miss out on this incredible

opportunity, reserve your seat today. Dave

Ramsey’s Financial Peace University 9-week class,

led by Jim Kronenberger and Amy Fullenkamp, is

coming to Holy Redeemer, Sundays, February 10 thru

April 7 – 6:30-8:00 p.m. Learn practical ways to take

control of your money, create a budget, pay off debt,

make wise spending choices, save for the future, and

so much more. Contact the parish to register with the

group (based on available packages). We still have 1

packet available for $90. Or you can register online

at for $109. This pays for

the 9-week class, all class materials, and university

membership for a year.

INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK At the baptism of Jesus, a voice came from heaven saying,

"You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased."

Through Baptism, Jesus' identity as God's Son is revealed

and understood. He knows very clearly who he is. Baptism

does the same for us. It gives us our identity as daughters

and sons of God. We have the wonderful opportunity, given

to us as a gift, to share in the same intimate relationship

Jesus has with God his Father. Being a daughter or son of

God gives us a unique and focused mission to which we

must be faithful. Our identity, as with Jesus, is rooted in

God. This is a simple fact we all must accept. Through

Baptism, we are given the power and ability to see the world

as God sees and to think and act as God would think and act.

This is a tall order but one that will lead us to truth and

ultimately to happiness.

Religious Education: Prior to the Christmas break, the students were asked several questions, below are 2 more of those questions and some of the heartwarming and funny responses of the Elementary CCD students. QUESTION: If you could have visited Jesus at the manger on that First Christmas and asked him for one special favor that

would help all mankind, what would it have been and why?

• I would have asked for there to be no poverty so that no one is homeless or struggling to have everything that they need because they are poor. -- Emma Eshleman, 6th

• For there to be an infinite amount of resources. I said this because we will run out one day. When we run out all mankind will be at risk. -- Vince Wilker, 6th

• I would ask Jesus for everyone in the whole world to treat people nicely because it is not ok to treat people bad and then we would all be good to each other. -- Roman Spragg, 6th

• I would ask Jesus if he could solve world hunger and give homes to the homeless. I don’t like walking around a big city and seeing homeless and hungry people. I feel bad that they are having a hard time especially during the winter. I just don’t like the feeling that people are dying of starvation or freezing or other diseases while I’m in a house, school or at other activities. -- Annie Lefeld, 4th

• To bring us Joy and Peace. -- Becca Wilker, 4th

• For everyone to believe in God, because if so, everyone would go to Heaven. -- Emily Bambauer, 4th QUESTION: If you could have visited Jesus at the manger on that First Christmas and asked him one question, what would it

have been?

• Why did you make us? -- Brady Poeppelman, 3rd

• Is my sister in Heaven? -- Wyatt Weidner, 3rd

• When will you come to earth and judge the living and the dead? -- Quinten Spragg, 3rd

• When is your second coming? -- Alex Selhorst, 3rd

• I would ask him “How did God just appear out of nowhere?” -- Ryan Dwenger, 5th

• I would ask him when is his second coming? -- Nolan Eyink, 4th Did you notice there were several boys wondering about when Jesus was coming back for the second time? Well I think we all know the reason that we don’t know when. What would this world be like if everyone knew when the second coming would be? People would do whatever they felt like doing because they would know they had time to repent. God wants us always to be good, on our toes, and live like there is no tomorrow. We would all follow the ways of Jesus and be a loving servant to everyone.

-- Kathy Pape

This week both the junior high girls and high school Freshmen and Sophomores talked about Changing the World. Seems like a lofty goal for 2019 right? We used Matthew as our guideline for how to do this: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22;36-39) We talked about keeping our eyes open. It’s cold, so I explained to the students that I didn’t like going out in the cold so I’m sure there is an elderly person who won’t go out. Maybe they need milk or bread, but the weather scares them to go out. Maybe someone is having a bad day. Just a “It will get better" and smile may be all they need. We just need to keep our eyes open, and then when God shows us something, we should act. The students were challenged by thinking about it in this way: if every student in class would go out and do something for 10 people this year and then ask those people to go out and do something for 10 people the following year, if we had 50 students who did this, by the end of the year we would have helped 500 people. If those people continued paying it forward, by the end of the following year we would have helped 5,000 people. And in just 5 years, if this would continue, we could have started something that helped 5,000,000 people. What starts here should empower us to go out and change the world. "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 9)

-- Jenny Sailer

JUNIOR HIGH WINTER RETREAT: On January 20th and 21st, the Holy Redeemer Junior High Youth Group will be having a retreat! The overnight retreat will start at 7:00 pm on the 20th and continue on the 21st with NET ministries leading the second day. Youth who are involved in sports are still encouraged to attend. Permission to leave or return to the retreat can be given at any time for sports-related events and other activities. If you are interesting coming or chaperoning, please contact Nick Clune as soon as possible at or at 419-763-9571 for more information!

-- Nick Clune


Think of what it's like to wait a long time. Can you imagine what it would be like to wait for centuries? No one person lives that long, of course. But for the Israelites, they had heard the stories from generation to generation. They had been conquered time and time again, and now "the people were filled with expectation, and all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ." They had been waiting for a Messiah, one who did miraculous deeds and said profound things; someone aglow with the glory of God. We all know what it's like to hope and be disappointed. But what if your hopes were fulfilled? That day at the Jordan River, an audience had gathered. Among the crowd for baptism was an unknown man. Perhaps he was

dirty from weeks in the desert. His hands had the calloused palms of a tradesman, a carpenter. He and John the Baptist may have embraced with the familiarity of the cousins they were. This man wades into the Jordan for a good, solid dunking. As he rises from the water, the One who breathed life into Adam gasps for air like any other man. But then "heaven was opened." The clouds in the sky part miles above. "And the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove." An apparition with substance sails through the sky. It exudes gentleness and power all at once. "And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'" Can you imagine the sight? For the crowd, there is no doubting what they have seen, who they have seen. Can you imagine this encounter with our God who keeps His promises? What are you waiting for?


This Week: January 13 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

First Reading – Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7: Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the

LORD has spoken. (Is 40:5)

During Israel's darkest days in captivity in Babylon, the prophet Isaiah announced a comforting

message: "Prepare the way of the Lord!" How does God's presence in your life bring you comfort?

Second Reading – Acts 10:34-38:

He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. (Ti 2:5b)

St. Paul speaks of Baptism as "the bath of rebirth." What is your reaction to this image of Baptism?

Gospel – Luke 3:15-16, 21-22:

The Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, "You

are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." (Lk 3:22)

John the Baptist taught that the Messiah would baptize believers "with the Holy Spirit and fire." For

John, fire symbolized transformative power. In what ways could you witness to others how your faith

has transformed you?

Next Week: January 20 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Isaiah 62:1-5:

You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD,a royal diadem in the hand of your God. (Is 62:3)

Isaiah could not remain silent with his prophetic message. Who are the people in your faith community on fire for the Good News

of the Lord?

Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11:

To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. (1 Cor 12:7)

St. Paul teaches the Corinthians about the various gifts of the Holy Spirit? What would you

identify as your gifts from the Holy Spirit, and how do you use these gifts to benefit others?

Gospel – John 2:1-11:

When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." And Jesus

said to her, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come." His

mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you." (Jn 2:3-5)

The miracle at the wedding feast in Cana is the first sign of Jesus' divine identity in the

Gospel of John. We hear that after the disciples witnessed the water turn into wine, they

"began to believe in him." Do you recall when you first started to believe in Jesus?

Do you sense something is missing in your life? Do you feel that if you weren’t so busy you would be happier, healthier, more effective, more fulfilled, and maybe even a better person? Come to the next Men’s or Women’s Welcome Weekend! The Welcome Weekend is a retreat that provides an incredible experience that will help make sense of life, help you develop lasting friendships with others in the parish, and fill you with newfound energy and purpose. It’s held here at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, and it’s entirely free.

THE FOLLOWING is offered at the Shrine of the Holy Relics, 2291 St. Johns Road, Maria Stein OH. For more information or to register, please contact Susie Bergman by email at or 419-925-4532 or visit JANUARY: St. Mother Teresa Art Display, normal Shrine hours JANUARY 27: St. Dymphna Prayer Service, 2:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 10: Italian Night at the Shrine, 5:30 p.m. (RSVP required) FEBRUARY 17: Prayer for our Priests, 7:00 p.m. MARCH 5: Shrove Pancake Dinner, 5:30 p.m. (RSVP required)

All are welcome to a special meeting arranged by the Book

Club. Author Julia Monnin will be present to speak and sign

her books on Thursday, January 17, at 7:45 p.m. The book

selection for this month is: “The World Is Noisy God

Whispers”, it is a collection of over 190 thought provoking

journal reflections by author, speaker, and spiritual

companion Julia Monnin. From personal struggles to

triumphs, from periods of deep peace to periods of utter

confusion, from spiritual highs to spiritual lows, readers can

expect a raw honest look into the life of a girl who, for the

first time in her late 20’s began finding answers to some of

life’s biggest questions. Though the book tells the exciting,

true story of the author’s life unfolding in ways unimaginable,

the reader-friendly format makes for a one-of- kind prayer

companion for those looking to deepen their relationship with

Christ. Julia will be here to speak about the book and her

faith journey. This meeting is open to the public and all are

welcome. Please join us for what promises to be an

enlightening evening. Julia is a local author from Botkins,


Would you…

…Like to grow in a closer relationship with Christ &

the Blessed Mother? …Like to connect your faith with daily life?

Schoenstatt is a Catholic movement that strives to live the

Gospel through the example and guidance of

Mary. Schoenstatt has helped many to grow in a deeper

understanding of our faith! Classes begin on Sunday

February 3, 2019 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in St. Michael’s

Church, Fort Loramie. Contact Rose Meyer at or 937-295-2891, ext. 106 to

register. The same classes are offered on Tuesdays, starting

February 5, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Immaculate Conception

Church, Botkins. Contact Tim and Darla Dietz at 937-693-

2753 to register at Botkins. More information available on the

bulletin board in church entrance.

Thursday, January 17, 7:00 p.m. at St. Augustine Church, we

will have a send-off Blessing for Pilgrims preparing to travel to

the MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington DC. Following the

send-off will be an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, all night

Adoration, Pro- Life Stations, Pro-Life Rosary, and prayers.

Friday morning, January 18, 3:00 a.m. a Divine Mercy Chaplet

will be prayed. Eucharist Adoration will conclude with

Benediction at 7:00 a.m. Holy Mass at 8:00 am.

Jerry and Charlie's Helping Hands Foundation announces its annual BOWL-A-THON fundraiser scheduled for Sunday, February 17, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Pla-Mor Lanes in Coldwater, Ohio. Sign-in begins at 12:30 p.m. Register by February 15 by contacting Ryan Lefeld at 260-766-1300. For more information, check out our Facebook page or go to

ANCHORED: Young Adult Retreat: "Rather, living the truth

in love, we should grow in every way into him who is the

head, Christ." (Ephesians 4:15). Join us for an opportunity to

encounter the Lord and grow in the ability to share truth with

co-workers, family members, friends and peers out of a place

of love and become aware how the Sacraments strengthen you

in this mission.

Fr. Ethan Moore was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM but

rural Ohio became home right around high school. A

graduated from Franciscan University, Fr. Ethan became a

seminarian for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and in May of

2015 was ordained to the priesthood and is the Chaplin at

Write State University. Fr. Ethan is a huge fan of Chick-fil-a

sauce, skateboards, the Oh Hellos, but mostly living in the

Spirit all for the Lord.

Lunch is included, childcare is free and available for pre-

registrants. Retreat is catered towards ages 18-35. Cost is

$15.00 registration until January 26th! Register at

A new support group for anyone who has been widowed is starting

soon. The group will be called “REDISCOVERING JOY” and

will hold monthly meetings along with various other planned social

activities. The group will allow widows and widowers of all ages

to connect with others who understand what they are going through.

The meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month,

starting on Monday, January 14, 2019, and will be held in the

private dining room at Briarwood Village located at 100 Don Desch

Drive in Coldwater. Meeting times will be from 6:30-8:00 pm.

Locations and times of social events will vary. Judy Broering and

Mary Wenning, who are both widowed, will be facilitators for the

group. For information, please contact Judy at 419-733-5629 or

Mary at 419-678-8830 or at If you

are widowed, please come to meet others and to see if this new

group is for you.

When: Monday, December 17th Who: Everyone Where: St. Paul Assembly Room

Serving: 4:00pm-6:00pm Menu: Sausage and Kraut



Question: If Jesus didn't sin, why did he need to be baptized?

Answer: From the earliest days of St. John the Baptist, baptism has been a sign of repentance and forgiveness of sins. Now

Jesus has instituted it as a sacrament, with real power to cleanse us from original sin and adopt us as children of God. But if

Jesus wasn't affected by original sin, nor did he willingly choose sin, why would he need to be baptized?

The Catechism lists four primary reasons for the Incarnation. One is that "the Word became flesh to be our model of holiness"

(CCC 459). St. John Paul II wrote that "all of Christ's life was a continual teaching." In other words, many of Jesus' actions

were not only for the action itself, but to model certain things for us. In becoming man, Jesus is not so loft that he expects things

of us he isn't willing to do himself. We see this most poignantly in his passion and death. In his baptism, Jesus identifies with

sinners and gives us a model of what we ought to do - repent, be cleansed, and receive the grace of God!

MINISTRY SCHEDULES – January 14 to January 20:

Mon Jan 14

7:00 PM Tue Jan 15 8:30 AM

Wed Jan 16 12:05 PM

Thu Jan 17 7:00 PM

Fri Jan 18 8:30 AM

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Teresa Homan Gwen Staton

Deb Kruse Betty Wehrman

Shannon Craft Dot Schwartz

Mark Francis Gwen Staton

Brad Feltz Carol Opperman

Lector Amy Wellman Brad Feltz Jenny Sailer Doug Knapke Susan McDaniel

Servers Ella Kramer Ava Meyer

April Baker Madelyn Homan

Sat Jan 19 5:00 PM

Sun Jan 20 8:00 AM

Sun Jan 20 10:00 AM

Music Betsy Barhorst Tom Walter Sue Fark

CLOW Nancy Topp

Collection Counters Curt Anderson

Dick Bergman Bob Kruse

Deacon Deacon Greg Bornhorst Deacon Greg Bornhorst Deacon Greg Bornhorst

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Craig Broerman Katlyn Broerman Brad Feltz Linda Holdren Jane Homan Teresa Homan Alyssa Schrader Tracy Selhorst

Makenna Brackman Jonathan Dietz Ashton Heitkamp Deb Kruse Samantha Leudeke Sue McCollum Karen Paul Dot Schwartz

Shannon Craft Sharon Francis Kim Homan Pam Kaiser Rick Niekamp Susan Niekamp Taylor Paul Amy Speelman Laura Steineman Martha Subler

Greeters Andy & Kelly Bernhold Cindy Young Terry & Rhonda Bergman

Lectors John Homan Erin Niekamp

Dawn McNaughton Rodney Bertke

Janet Eshelman Casey Dues

Mass Coordinators Brad Feltz Deb Kruse Amy Speelman

Servers Patrick Bernhold Evan Eyink Tyler Lammers

Zach Bertke Megan Reinhart Grant Selby

Lillian Rindler Alana Speelman Marcus Speelman


Andy Bernhold Matt Campbell Tony Eyink Alan Kruse Mary Moeller Bill Schemmel

Craig Griesdorn Craig Hoffman Doug McNaughton Gary Nosek Larry Speelman

John Clune Steve Dwenger Teresa Wente Clyde Wessel NOT FILLED

January 14 to January 20


Mon 7:00 pm Rosemary Albers

Tue 8:30 am Ben Hemmelgarn

Wed 12:05 pm Eugene Heitkamp

Thu 7:00 pm Dorothy Bertke

Fri 8:30 am Louis & Rita Schwartz

Sat 5:00 pm Steve Kremer

Sun 8:00 am Holy Redeemer Parish

10:00 am Margaret Stueve

PARISH ACTIVITIES: Mon 7:45 pm Pastoral Council Mtg – Conf Rm

Tue 2:30 pm Mass at Elmwood

- Fr. Dorn presiding

Wed Morning Communion to the hospital

- by Ministers of the Eucharist





CCD Grades 1-6, Session A

CCD Grades 1-6, Session B

CCD Grades 7-8

CCD Grades 9-12

Thu 7:45 pm Book Club including Book


Fri 1:00 pm Rosary/Communion at Elmwood

- by Ministers of the Eucharist

Sun 9:30 am Communion Service at Elmwood

- by Ministers of the Eucharist

Morning Communion to the Sick, Shut-ins

- by Ministers of the Eucharist

10:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

10:00 am Nursery during 10am Mass

10:00 am Pre-K & K CCD during 10am Mass

11:15 am Baptism of Reid Lawrence Luthman

Son of Gregory & Trisha (Maurer)


Baptism of Jace Bennett Thornton

Son of Wayne & Karla (Heitkamp)


7:00 pm CRHP/Welcome Mtg – Conf Rm
