RECONSTRUCTIVE - Jeffrey E. Janis, MD, FACS...experienced chronic migraine headache, 79.5 percent...


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The Zygomaticotemporal Branch of theTrigeminal Nerve: Part II. Anatomical Variations

Jeffrey E. Janis, M.D.Daniel A. Hatef, M.D.

Hema Thakar, M.D.Edward M. Reece, M.D.

Paul D. McCluskey, M.D.Timothy A. Schaub, M.D.

Cary Theivagt, M.D.Bahman Guyuron, M.D.

Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio,Texas; and Cleveland, Ohio

Background: Musculofascial and vascular entrapments of peripheral branchesof the trigeminal nerve have been thought to be trigger points for migraineheadaches. Surgical decompression of these sites has led to complete resolutionin some patients. The zygomaticotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve hasbeen shown clinically to have sites of entrapment within the temporalis. Acadaveric study was undertaken to elucidate and delineate the location of thisnerve’s foramen and intramuscular course.Methods: The periorbital and temporal regions of 50 fresh cadaveric hemi-heads were dissected. The deep temporal fascia and lateral orbital wall wereexposed through open dissection. The zygomaticotemporal nerve was locatedand followed through the temporalis muscle to its exit from the zygomatic bone.The muscular course was documented, and the nerve foramen was measuredfrom anatomical landmarks.Results: In exactly half of all specimens, the nerve had no intramuscular course(n � 25). In the other half, the nerve either had a brief intramuscular course(n � 11) or a long, tortuous route through the muscle (n � 14). The foramenwas located at an average of 6.70 mm lateral to the lateral orbital rim and 7.88mm cranial to the nasion-lateral orbital rim line, on the lateral wall of thezygomatic portion of the orbit. Two branches were sometimes seen.Conclusions: The zygomaticotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve is a sitefor migraine genesis; surgical decompression or chemodenervation of the sur-rounding temporalis can aid in alleviating migraine headache symptoms. Ad-vances in the understanding of the anatomy of this branch of the trigeminalnerve will aid in more effective surgical decompression. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg.126: 435, 2010.)

In the late 1990s, neurologists seeking a newtreatment paradigm for headaches began touse botulinum toxin type A to paralyze or relax

the pericranial musculature.1–4 These efforts weremet with good clinical success. At the same time,it was found by one of the senior authors of thisarticle (B.G.) that a number of patients who werechronic migraine sufferers had amelioration oftheir condition following aesthetic rejuvenation ofthe brow.5 A retrospective survey study was per-formed to examine this effect in greater detail,

and it was found that of almost 40 patients who hadexperienced chronic migraine headache, 79.5percent experienced improvement in their symp-toms immediately after surgery; 38.5 percent ofthese previous migraine sufferers saw a total elim-ination of headaches. This inspired a prospectivelook into the possibility of permanent migrainerelief through surgical decompression of the su-praorbital nerve by complete resection of the cor-rugator muscles. In that investigation, over 55 per-cent of patients with migraine experienced acomplete resolution following corrugator remov-al; another 28 percent of patients saw partial im-provement in their symptoms.6

Subsequent to these findings, efforts weremade to discover why some patients were only

From the Departments of Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology,University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; the De-partment of Plastic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine; theHand Center of San Antonio, University of Texas HealthSciences Center at San Antonio; and the Department ofPlastic Surgery, Case Western Reserve University.Received for publication February 4, 2009; accepted Novem-ber 23, 2009.Copyright ©2010 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181e094d7

Disclosure: The authors have no financial interestto declare in relation to the content of this article. 435

seeing partial improvement and why others didnot receive any lasting benefit at all. Previous the-ories on migraine genesis expounded a central,vascular cause for migraine headaches7; the treat-ment of migraine headaches with decompressionof peripheral nerves in the head and neck was acompletely new paradigm. Although the classicmigraine theories could not be discounted as anexplanation for why there were some patients whodid not respond, it was realized that perhaps re-lease of the supraorbital nerve was anatomicallyincomplete or inadequate, as there may be othertrigeminal nerve branches that were contributingto the causation of migraine headaches.8–12 Tothat end, other peripheral nerves in the head andneck region were investigated. One of the firstareas to be explored was that of the occipital re-gion—specifically, the greater, lesser, and thirdoccipital nerves—as many patients related thegenesis of their symptoms to be in close geo-graphic proximity to these nerves’ territories.13–16

Out of these studies, surgical techniques weredeveloped that subsequently resulted in clinicalimprovement that was more complete and moredurable. Since that time, the understanding ofmigraine genesis and its surgical treatment hasadvanced greatly. Four “trigger regions” are nowrecognized: frontal, occipital, temporal, and nasal.10

Botulinum toxin type A is used not only as treat-ment but also as a diagnostic tool to prognosticatewhether a patient might respond to surgical de-compression of the respective injection site, inthe same way that steroid injections are used todiagnose which patients might benefit from carpaltunnel release.17

Two of the senior authors (J.E.J. and B.G.) haveadded decompression of the zygomaticotemporalbranch of the trigeminal nerve to their methods fortreatment of frontal migraine headaches. It is feltthat this branch is a culprit in some migraines, andbotulinum toxin injection of the temporalis in theregion of its exit from the deep temporal fascia hasbeen shown to be clinically effective. Intraopera-tive dissection of this nerve demonstrated that pre-vious studies may not have addressed the intra-muscular course of the nerve accurately enough,and that the location of the nerve foramen was stillnot properly elucidated. Furthermore, botulinumtoxin injection into the temporalis has led to tem-porary lateral rectus palsy in four patients of oneof the senior authors (J.E.J.); because the injectionsite is located far lateral to the lateral rectus (andclearly outside of the orbit), it was also felt thatthere may be multiple foraminae in the lateralorbit, conveying the toxin into the orbit where it

might affect the lateral rectus. These questionswere addressed in an anatomical dissection studyin fresh cadavers.

RELEVANT ANATOMYThe zygomaticotemporal branch is a terminal

branch of the maxillary division (V2) of the tri-geminal nerve. The zygomatic nerve arises fromthe maxillary division and enters the orbit throughthe inferior orbital fissure; along the lateral wallof the orbit, it divides into the zygomaticotempo-ral and zygomaticofacial nerves. The zygomatico-temporal branch is a sensory nerve that providessensation to the skin of the temple region.18 Thezygomaticotemporal branch is not a widely dis-cussed structure within the literature; a PubMedsearch using “zygomaticotemporal nerve” yieldedjust 18 results.19

Recently, interest in the anatomical course ofthis nerve has increased. This may be attributable tothe realization that the nerve may be involved inmigraines11 and posttraumatic pain syndromes.20

Because of this resurgent interest, some surgeonsand anatomists have delved into its study. A groupfrom Korea demonstrated that the nerve emergedfrom the orbit into the temporal fossa at approx-imately 14 mm inferior to the zygomaticofrontalsuture and 10 mm lateral to the lateral margin ofthe orbit.21 They also demonstrated that the nerveran within the deep temporal fascia in between thesuperficial and deep layers. In an article publishedin Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2005, Toton-chi et al.11 took an in-depth look at the anatomicalsite where the zygomaticotemporal branch exitsthe deep temporal fascia to arborize within thesubcutaneous tissues to provide sensation to theskin in this region. In that study, the lateral pal-pebral fissure was used as a landmark from whichto topographically locate the site in question; itwas found that the branch exited the deep fasciaat 17 mm posterolateral and 6.5 mm cephalad tothe commissure.

MATERIALS AND METHODSA cadaveric investigation was designed to elu-

cidate the pertinent anatomy on fresh tissue ca-daver heads. Twenty-five fresh cadaveric headswere obtained from the Willed Body Program atthe University of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenter in Dallas, Texas. The mean age of thecadaveric donors was 61 years; donors were be-tween the ages of 42 and 86 years. All bodies weretested for human immunodeficiency virus andother communicable diseases before commence-ment of dissection. Heads were placed supine in

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a Mayfield neurosurgical headrest. Dissectioncommenced through an extended bicoronal in-cision, an extended upper blepharoplasty inci-sion, and an incision over the caudal aspect of thezygomatic arch. Dissection over the forehead pro-ceeded in a subperiosteal plane down to the or-bital rim; dissection over the arch and temporalregion proceeded above the deep temporal fascia,where the zygomaticotemporal nerve was identi-fied. At this point, the exit of the nerve from thedeep temporal fascia was noted; the nerve wascarefully dissected down into the temporalisand/or the temporal fossa, to its exit from theforamen in the zygomatic bone of the lateral or-bital wall. The course (intramuscular versus non-muscular), its length, and the number of brancheswere noted. The position of the foramen was mea-sured cranially from a horizontal line drawn fromthe nasion through the lateral orbital rim andlaterally from the lateral orbital commissure. Alldata were entered into a Microsoft Excel database(Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash.), and meanswere calculated for the distances from the hori-zontal line through the protuberance and fromthe midline.

RESULTSA total of 25 heads were dissected bilaterally.

Eight of these heads were from female cadav-eric donors and 17 were from male donors;mean age was 61 years. The zygomaticotemporalbranch of the trigeminal nerve was found in all50 hemiheads.

Intramuscular CourseThe nerve was easily located perforating the

deep temporal fascia, typically found within theregion previously described in part I of thisproject.11 From here, the nerve was traced down toinvestigate its course. In 50 percent of the speci-mens, the nerve was found to have an intramus-cular course (Fig. 1). Specifically, the nerve typi-cally took one of two routes through thetemporalis. The first one, which was found in 11specimens (22 percent), was a very short intra-muscular course where the nerve pierced the mus-cle after exiting the foramen in the lateral orbit.The second type was a longer course that was moretortuous through the muscle, from the forameninto the temporal fossa, and farther laterally to exitthrough the deep temporal fascia. This patternwas found in 14 specimens (28 percent) (Table 1).In the other half of the investigated specimens, itwas found that the nerve did not travel through

the temporalis muscle, but instead was located inbetween the temporalis and the lateral orbital rim,running strictly on top of the periosteum. It wouldthen pierce the fascia within the temporal fossa, torun along the deep temporal fascia before enter-ing more superficial layers (Fig. 2).

Multiple BranchesIn 15 of the cranial halves, two branches were

found (30 percent). In three of these (6 percent),there were two separate foramina, out of which aseparate branch exited. In the other 12 specimenswith multiple branches (24 percent), the nerveeither arborized in the temporal fossa after exitfrom the bone or arborized within the belly of thetemporalis.

Zygomaticotemporal Branch ForamenDissection down into the temporal fossa re-

vealed the foramen of the zygomaticotemporal

Fig. 1. View from above demonstrating a branch exiting the zy-gomaticotemporal foramen and the relevant anatomy. Thisbranch had a short intramuscular course.

Table 1. Nerve Course in Relation to theTemporalis (n � 50)

Nerve Course No. (%)

Short, straight, intramuscular 11 (22)Long, tortuous, intramuscular 14 (28)Extramuscular 25 (50)

Volume 126, Number 2 • Entrapment of Peripheral Nerve Branches


branch. In 47 specimens, there was one foramen(94 percent); in three, there were two foramina.The foramen had a mean � SD location of 6.70 �6.12 mm lateral to the lateral orbital rim and7.88 � 6.90 mm cranial to a horizontal line fromthe nasion through the lateral orbital commiss-ure. The foramen was always found posterolateralto the edge of the lateral orbital rim (Figs. 3 and 4).

DISCUSSIONMigraine headache is a debilitating chronic

condition, with different authors stating that thecondition affects between 12 and 28 percent of thegeneral population.22,23 Migraine headache notonly has a severely limiting effect on the patient’slife, but it also drains a great deal of productivity

from society, as migraine sufferers are typicallyadults in their prime earning years.24,25 Surgicaldecompression treatment for migraines is an ex-citing clinical reality, as it represents the possibilityof bringing permanent relief to these patients.26

This paradigm is what has spurred this investiga-tion into the anatomy of a potential trigger pointfor migraine headaches.

Migraineurs typically complain of pain inthree regions (either alone or in combination)—the periorbital region, the temple, and the backof the neck.10 We know from anatomical studiesthat there are peripheral nerves that underliethese regions; specifically, the supraorbital andsupratrochlear nerves in the periorbital re-gion5,6,8 –10; the zygomaticotemporal branch ofthe trigeminal nerve in the temple11,12; and thegreater, lesser, and third occipital nerves in theposterior neck.13–16 Investigation into these areashas uncovered anatomical variations that may ormay not be responsible for migraine headaches insome patients. What is known is that surgical de-compression of these nerves has led to successfuloutcomes in terms of amelioration or completeelimination of migraine headaches in these pa-tients whose treatment was guided by chemo-denervation of the muscles surrounding thesenerves.26 What is important to investigate, though,is not only the successful treatments, but moreimportantly, the failures. If “diagnostic chemod-enervation” was successful in the temporary ame-lioration of the migraine but the surgical decom-pression was not, it can be assumed that there hasbeen an incomplete release of the nerve. There-fore, this study was designed to elucidate furtherthe anatomy of the zygomaticotemporal nerve todetermine whether anatomical variations in itscourse from its exit from its foramen through to

Fig. 2. Image demonstrating the surface anatomy of the impor-tant points where the nerve in this hemiface exits its foramen (#1),and then where it pierces the frontalis (#2). Unlike the hemifacedepicted in Figure 1, this branch took an intramuscular course.

Fig. 3. The hemiface shown in Figure 2, with flap pulled down, re-vealing the zygomaticotemporal branch (blue arrow) taking a longintramuscular course.

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its superficial/distal extent could explain nonre-sponders to current surgical treatment.

In this anatomical dissection study of 50 ca-daveric hemiheads, it was found that the zygomat-icotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve has avariable course, number of branches, and foram-ina. In 50 percent of the facial halves investigated,the nerve took an intramuscular course from itsforamen in the lateral orbital wall to its exit fromthe deep temporal fascia; in the other half, thenerve exited the periorbital fascia and entered thetemporalis fascia without entering the temporalismuscle (Fig. 5). Contrary to what is typically illus-trated, it was seen that the zygomaticotemporalnerve foramen is not on the surface of the lateral

orbit, but posterolateral to the edge of the lateralorbital rim (Figs. 6 through 8).

These anatomical discoveries are important,because they may explain some clinical findings.That the zygomaticotemporal branch of the tri-geminal nerve takes an intramuscular course halfthe time shows that the path through the tempo-ralis may potentially be a site of entrapment. If apatient has the temple as a trigger region for theirmigraine headaches, and the nerve entry or exitfrom the muscle is not decompressed, this mayresult in no relief. It could be possible that in thosepatients where there is an intramuscular course, oreven more specifically a long/tortuous intramus-cular course, that these patients are more prone/

Fig. 4. Close-up view of the hemiface shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 5. Illustrations depicting the zygomaticotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve taking anintramuscular course after it exits from its foramen.

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susceptible to migraines compared with those withno intramuscular course or a short course. Itwould be interesting to somehow corroborate theincidence of migraine headache patients with aprimary genesis of pain in the temple region with

the incidences described in this study. Furtherstudy to examine for clinical correlations is cur-rently under way.

One of the most debilitating complications isdiplopia after botulinum toxin type A injection

Fig. 6. Image demonstrating the zygomaticotemporal branch of the tri-geminal nerve exiting the anterior portion of the temporal fossa behindthe frontal process of the zygomatic bone. In this hemiface, the branchexits through the foramen in the zygomatic bone, travels between theperiosteum and the bone, and then exits directly into the temporal fatpad between the deep temporal fascia and the temporoparietal fascia.

Fig. 7. View from above the temporal fossa demonstrating the anat-omy of the zygomaticotemporal branch as it exits from its foramen,traveling behind the frontal process of the zygoma, and its relation-ship to the temporalis muscle, the deep temporal fascia, and the zy-gomatic process of the frontal bone. In this hemiface, the branch takesan extramuscular course.

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which, based on physical examination and oph-thalmologic consultation, was in fact weakening orparalysis of the ipsilateral lateral rectus extraocu-lar muscle. Anecdotally, this has been seen inthree patients by one of the senior authors (J.E.J.).Although the effects of this were temporary, it wasextremely debilitating to the patients for the du-ration of their symptoms, which ranged from 6weeks to almost 3 months. It is believed that thereason for this complication was inadvertent in-filtration of the botulinum toxin through the fo-ramina of the zygomaticotemporal branch of thetrigeminal nerve. This is quite plausible, and thishas been considered as a route of infection trans-mission previously.22 Therefore, if we understoodthe anatomy of the zygomaticotemporal nerve bet-ter in this region, we could modify injection tech-niques to avoid this rare complication. Based onour findings, we believe that injection of botuli-num toxin type A should be performed superfi-cially into the temporalis muscle at a point welllateral to the lateral orbital rim.

Another important elucidation in this studywas the presence of multiple branches of the zy-gomaticotemporal nerve. This is important tonote to aid in more complete surgical decompres-sion (avulsion) of this particular trigger point.Perhaps some of the failures could be attributedto incompletely addressing the nerve(s) in thisarea, much like incomplete carpal tunnel releaseof the median nerve, or even incomplete corru-gator resection in the frontal trigger point

group—this point has been shown by recent an-atomical studies that demonstrated that the truedimensions of the corrugator supercilii musclewere previously underestimated.27,28

CONCLUSIONSCombining the results of this study and pre-

vious anatomical work, the course of the zygomat-icotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve fromits branch point off of the zygomatic nerve withinthe zygomatic bone, through the orbital region,into the temporal fossa, to finally arborize abovethe deep temporal fascia, is now fully understood.The nerve has three potential paths from the orbitto its exit from the deep temporal fascia: one that islong and intramuscular; another that is short andintramuscular; and finally, one that is completelyextramuscular. It will be interesting to see whetherthe epidemiology of nonresponders to treatmentcorresponds with the frequencies of intramuscularcourses uncovered in this investigation.

The results found in this study further ourdetailed understanding of the anatomy of the zy-gomaticotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve.The elucidation of this anatomy is important todetermine whether anatomical variations in itscourse from its exit from its foramen through itsdistal extent could explain nonresponders to cur-rent surgical treatment for migraine. It is also im-portant to investigate complaints of treatment—not only unwanted side effects from attempts atchemodenervation, but also recurrence of mi-

Fig. 8. View from above and posterior to the temporal fossa. Dissectionin this hemiface revealed two branches, both taking extramuscularcourses. Note tight fascial encasements of the nerve, between the peri-osteum overlying the zygoma and the deep temporal fascia.

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graine headaches, which we believe are likely torepresent failures of surgical treatment because ofinadequate decompression. Understanding thedifferent potential compression sites will aid us inaccurate diagnosis of where to focus clinical treat-ment. Further clinical study should enable us toachieve optimal surgical results.

Jeffrey E. Janis, M.D.Department of Plastic Surgery

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center1801 Inwood Road

Dallas, Texas

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