Recycle 1 Let ’ s Take a Trip! 学校 : 望牛墩镇新联小学 执教者 : 陈介开


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Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip!

学校 : 望牛墩镇新联小学

执教者 : 陈介开

Xishuangbanna (西双版纳)

Yuewang Shrine( 岳王庙)

the West Lake( 西湖 )

Tiananmen Square( 天安门 )

the Great Wall

the Palace Museum (故宫)

the Bird’s Nest (鸟巢)

the Temple of Heaven (天坛)

Stone Forest (石林)

Qiantang River ( 钱塘江 )

Qiandao Lake

Leifeng Tower (雷锋塔)

E’Mei Mountain( 峨嵋山 )


If you do a good job,

you can get the beautiful pictures.

Sharp eyes , quick mouth and actions

row a boat singing and dancing

singing and dancing

take pictures

eating good food

see elephantsclimbing mountains

buying presents

row a boat

going skiing

go skating

learn English

make a snowman

I have a friend. He loves China very much. He comes from Canada. Who’s that?

How does he feel today?

Maybe today is a special( 特别的 )day.

He is going to take a trip.

What is Mike going to do on the holiday?

Trip plan( 旅行计划)

Do you have any questions about Mike’s trip plan( 计划) ?

take a trip






see folk dances

visit Stone Forest

快速帮 Mike 把他的假期计从选项中找到 , 并圈出对应的序号。

If you want to know more about Mike’s trip, please choose the answer for Mike quickly. Then you will get the answer.

Zhang Peng MikeA. I went to Xinjiang.

B. I am going to visit Kunming.

Who are you going with?

A. I’m going with my mom, my dad, and my sister Kathy.

B. I went there with my friends.

C. I often go with my sister.

What are you going to do there?

A. I saw pandas. I took many pictures.

B. I’m going to see folk dances. I’m going to visit Stone Forest too.

C. I am climbing mountains.

How is your family going to get there?

A. We usually go by train.B. We went there by ship. C. We are going by plane.

When are you going?

A. We went last month.

B. We go in the summer holiday.

C. We’re going this weekend.

Where are you going on your holiday?

Zhang Peng MikeA. I went to Xinjiang.

B. I am going to visit Kunming.

Who are you going (to go) with?

A. I’m going (to go) with my mom, my dad, and my sister Kathy.

B. I went there with my friends.

C. I often go with my sister.

What are you going to do there?

A. I saw pandas. I took many pictures.

B. I’m going to see folk dances. I’m going to visit Stone Forest too.

C. I am climbing mountains.

How is your family going to get there?

A. We usually go by train.B. We went there by ship. C. We are going (to go) by plane.

When are you going (to go)?

A. We went last month.

B. We go in the summer holiday.

C. We’re going (to go) this weekend.

Where are you going (to go) on your holiday?


in Kunming , Stone Forest

What are they doing? Please listen again and match.

eating good food

buying the folk clothes

taking pictures

singing and dancing





eating good food

buying the folk clothes

taking pictures

singing and dancing





Mike’s father is taking pictures.……


第一关 · · ·

Zoom 是一个粗心大意的小孩 , 写东西经常会丢三落四 , 请你当小老师帮他检查并改正以下句子。

1. Look! Mike is do homework.

2. I playing football now.

3. I am going to playing football tomorrow.

4. Amy going to sing and dance this Saturday.

5. What are you going to next weekend?

Look! Mike is doing homework.

I am playing football now.

I am going to play football tomorrow.

Amy is going to sing and dance this Saturday.

What are you going to do next weekend?


第二关 · · ·

Student 1 Student 2

A.I am in a park with my friends.B.I am going to Beijing.

A. Guess!B. I’m going to visit the Great Wall.

A. John and Mike are playing chess.B. Oh,it sounds good. Enjoy your trip.C. Why?

A. Yes,we are having a good time.B. When are you going to Yunnan?C. Yes, I am excited.

A. See you.B. Sunday is great.Have a good time.C. Goodbye.

A. What are you doing? B. What are you going to do?

A. What about your friends?B. No, I don’t. I am going to Xi’an.C. Sorry, I can’t go with you.

A. Because I am going to Yunnan.B. Thanks. You too.C. Are you happy?A. Next Sunday.B. Last Sunday.C. Bye.

A.Where are you going tomorrow? B. Hi, Amy. Where are you now?

A. Who are you going with?B. Are you catching butterflies?C. Are you going to visit the Great Wall?

A. I am going with my family. Do you want to go with me?B. Great! You’re right.C. No,I am picking up leaves.



第三关 · · ·

Blue Cat is a brave (勇敢的) boy. He likes travelin

g very much. He wrote a di

ary and an e-mail about his

trips. But they are in piece

s( 碎片) and in a mess

(零乱) . Can you help hi

m to rearrange( 重排 ) the d

iary and the e-mail?

Group work: Choose and rearrange

第 1组和第 2组合作,第 3组和第 4组合作,每人手持一张纸条,请根据句子的结构,快速在你们两侧的桌子上找到对应的时态 ,并重新组合两篇文本,看哪两组的同学能最快完成。


第四关 · · ·

1. 五一假期快到了,请你写一写你在假期打算去哪里,怎样去,准备参观什么景点,做些什么事情,心情会怎样。

2. 假设你和你的家人现在正在某个地方参观某个景点,请你描述一下现在的天气如何,大家都在做些什么事情,心情怎么样。

Choose some pictures and write a passage about your trips. (根据桌面上的图片素材或发挥想象进行写作,可任选以下其中一道题目。)

I am a little teacher 请做小老师,评改一下同学的作文。 可参考以下几点:• 1. 字体( Your handwritten is beautiful. )• 2. 作文格式 (form) 是否符合要求?• 3. 时态 - 动词形式( The tense is right/wrong )?• 4. 语句是否通顺 , 内容是否丰富?• 5. 犯了哪些错误,如何改正?• 6. 总体评价或建议 (Super,Great,Good,Try hard. Pay attention to… 要注意… ) 。

• Homework:

1.Finish your passage and check with your partner.

2.Make the picture book more beautiful and share it with your classmates.

“ 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。” —— 《沁园春 · 雪》毛泽东

