Ref ltr for Crystal Quinn


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July 30, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

Crystal has been a valuable asset to our company for many years. Due to the downsizing of our company, Crystal’s current position is being eliminated.

As Crystal’s supervisor, I watched her develop professionally over her many years with our company. I was Crystal’s supervisor while she was the Administrative Assistant in our Interface department. She was definitely a team player, professional and highly skilled in all our software. Crystal developed an Access database program to track all interface orders. It is a valuable database that saves us time and we still use it today.

She has a positive attitude and works well with others. I would highly recommend Crystal for future work with your company.

Linda Andrews

Senior Project Specialist

p: 800-274-7280 ext. 2452





400 SW 6th Ave Ste 200

Portland, OR 97204
