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SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018

IRegional Edition United Kingdom & Ireland


EDITORIALWe are privileged to have five UK delegates in the OSAparliament representing us in Berne. Our five delegates arecommitted topublishing adetailed report for us covering allthe important issues for our community which have beentouched upon during the last main sessions. Their report isavailable on the FOSSUK website and I encourage you all toread it and send in any questions youmay have.■ Special thanks go toDaniel Pedroletti, hiswife Ester-Lou andto the entire outgoing committee for their effort andcommitment over many years to the New Helvetic Society and

theSwiss community inLondon. I knowtoo thatmanyof you do the same in other parts of the country.■ I invite you all to keep writing to me andcontinue sending your news and ideas. Yourcontributions help us to keep alive the highlyvalued «Continuity Dialogue» – recently under-lined byAmbassador Fasel – betweenour cultureand the British. In this issue, you will find manyexamples of this active collaboration and I verymuch hope they inspire and encourage everyone!


In February, at the 11th edition of the annualMusic Industry Awards, (the Swiss musicequivalent of the Grammy’s), the famousSwiss singer-songwriter and pianist, ElianeMüller, was crowned Best Female Solo Act forher last album, ‘Slowmotion’.

Eliane’s joywashuge – after threenominations and four albums shehasfinallymade it! The27-year-old singer composed ‘SlowMotion’withsongwriters from all over the world. Whilst writing the songs, Elianeexplored many new avenues and this has resulted in an incrediblycomplex album. In the fall of 2015, she spent half a year visitingNashville, New York, Berlin, and London, where she met several

SWISS MUSIC AWARDS: Big emotions at ‘Slow Motion’, a Swiss-British production.composers with whom she wrote ad hoc songs. One of the artists shemetwas Julian Simmons, amusic producer, engineer,mixer andwriter,who runs the London-based (JP)has special connectionswith Switzerlandand so SwissReviewmetbothartists to find out how this winning Swiss-British collaboration cameupwith the songs that gained them the prestigious award.

GP: Is it the first time that you have worked with a British producer?Whatwere themost positive vibes that you feltwhilstworkingwith Julian?

ELIANE: Yes, it was the first timewith a British producer. I co-wrotewith several songwriters in Germany and also the United States butJulian Simmons is the only British producer I’ve worked with so far.I’mreallyhappywithourcollaboration,whichworkedwell fromtheveryfirst moment wemet. I appreciate that he is truly interested in whereI wanna head to and what my thoughts and ideas are and tries tocombine themwith his own style, current vibes and trends, so that theoutcome is something ‘Eliane-like’, but more modern and with morecourage. Forme thiswas definitelymore than satisfying!

GP:Howdid you feelwhen two of the songs became Swiss national hitsand youwon at the SwissMusic Awards?

ELIANE: Naturally I felt surprised on the one hand, but proud andgrateful on theother. It’s a privilege forme toworkwith Julian Simmonsand to benefit fromhis know-how and experience in theUK.

GP:Howdo youmanage to combine your Swiss originswith singing inanother language, that is, in English?

ELIANE: It’s hard to say. Maybe it is a kind of space I create betweenmyself (and my songs or lyrics) and the audience. Songwriting is

Eliane and Julian Simmons.

MORE INFO:At the Swiss Music Awards three artists are nominated for eachof the ten categories at the annual ceremony. Decisions are basedon music sales and by jury and public vote.

British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran won the Best Solo ActInternational award and Best International Hit for his single‘Shape of you’. Imagine Dragons received the Best GroupInternational trophy and the Best Breaking Act Internationalaward went to the British band Rag’n’Bone Man.

Eliane Müller: elianemusic.comJulian Simmons:

SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018


Julian SimmonsGP: How did you meetEliane and how did youstart yourmusic projects?

JS: Actually Elianeand I met through afamily connection. My

wife, Carla Maurer, is the minister at theSwiss Church in London’s Covent Garden,where I’ve met lots of interesting Swiss folkfrom various backgrounds. Carla has a cousinwho is Eliane’s musical director and violinist/keyboard player (Michel Gsell, from Luzerne).Thanks to this special connection, Imet ElianeinZurich at the train station for a coffee,whilston one of my regular trips to Switzerland, andmade a plan for Eliane to come to my thenstudio in east London for three days ofwritingsongs and visiting London pubs in July 2016.

GP: How did you make up the two songs?What inspired you andwhy?

JS: The first song that we wrote togetheris called ‘Slow Motion’ and became the titletrack for the recently released album. Theinitial idea was something I’d been thinkingabout. As Eliane is a piano led pop singer-

songwriter, I was thinking along the lines ofthe greats of this genre such as Ray Charles,Billy Joel and Elton John. I wanted to make asong thatwas timeless and classic, and I hopedthat by drawing on some of those influenceswe could in some way achieve that. ThenEliane came up with the idea of savouring themoment, something that these days is so hardtodowith theplethoraofdigitaldistractionsatour fingertips. This seemed to fit really wellwith the feel of themusic, andwe expanded itfromthere – the concept being that itwouldbeamazing ifwecould see life in slowmotionandreally enjoy every second.

GP:YoualsowroteanotherofEliane’s famoussongs together, ‘Bittersweet’. How did you getstarted onwriting it?

JS: The second song we wrote was withMitsch Gsell too, about 9 months later.Eliane andMitsch came over for a few days tomy new studio in north London’s Crouch Endand we wrote ‘Bittersweet’. This is a songharking back to Eliane’s childhood, growingup in Switzerland. For this track we wereaiming to write something upbeat that could

become a single (in fact SRF1 chose the songthemselves toplayontheradiowithout itbeingreleased as a single). Mitsch came up with theinitial piano idea, and we built the track andarrangement around that. Again, this is quite anostalgic song,withElianedescribingher timeat school staring out the window when sheshould have been focusing on the lesson. Itdoesn’t look like being a dreamer has done hertoomuchharm!

GP: What kind of projects are ongoing atthemoment?

Luzia. Nextweek I’ll be puttingmywritinghat on again, as I try andfinish a few songs thatIbegan inZurichandVienna lastmonth.Whilstin Zurich I began a track with an artist calledKlainKaroo,whohad a single out last year andisdoingwell.He’s alsoplayingatM4Music andlooks to be on a good trajectory, so we arehoping we will be able to work onmore stufftogether. I also work regularly over at the newWarner Music Group studio in High StreetKensington, where recently I’ve beenworkingwith Liam Gallagher and Geri Halliwellamongstmany others.

something very personal and sensitive, so it might sometimes be easierif the listener doesn’t understand every single word directly. But thenI also think that English just sounds smoother and prettier thanGermanwithall its consonantsandsoon.And I love languages. I also singin Italian sometimes, the most beautiful language when it comes tomusic, I think. And lastly, you wouldn’t want tomiss out on the chanceof giving concerts outside of Switzerland just because of a languagenobodywould understand

GP: What are your future projects? Are you going to organise aconcert in the UK?

ELIANE: My current projects are concentrated within Switzerlandwith a lot of private gigs and public concerts, which is ok for now. Atthe moment, I’m planning a newwinter tour for November/December2018. But honestly, I consistently dream of giving concerts in otherplaces, other countries and travelling around with a band and a piano.I think I’d love it!

Eliane at Swiss Music Awards.

SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018


The London-basedassociationNewHelveticSociety (NHS), willrenew its committeemembers in September.Daniel Pedroletti has

been one of its hard-working presidents, and,along with his wife Ester-Lou, has presidedover anupsurge in the popularity of the club.

Daniel Pedroletti was working at theEmbassy in London as a specialist in Swisssocial security for the Swiss ForeignOffice andfor Swiss people living abroad. He startedgetting involved in the clubs by becoming amemberof theUnioneTicinese in the late ’80s.The committeeof theUnioneTicinese felt thatwith his last name, being a member was amust! As the cherry on the cake, themembersof the UT had many questions about the AVSbut did not like to go to the Embassy, so MrPedroletti as a member of the UT was able toeasily answer their questions on thematter.

Members of staff at the Embassy wereencouraged to attend and support eventsby the Swiss clubs. The AGM of the NewHelvetic Society was coming up and theCultural Counsellor,whowas on the commit-tee of the Society, invited Daniel to attend.In the blink of an eye, Daniel foundhimself elected to the committee. That wasin the early ’90s and was just the start ofthings! Around 2010 he found himself onfour different committees: the New HelveticSociety, the Unione Ticinese, FOSSUK andSNDL (SwissNationalDayLondon,whichwasan initiative of the Ambassador at the time,and on which Daniel and Marc, along withothers, were asked to work).

A fully commited coupleAt that time Esther-Lou was working full

time and looking after the family, so she couldnot attend Society events. People even beganto think that Daniel had made her up! Thensome years later, the Cercle Genevois askedEsther-Lou to prepare a menu and cook forthe Escalade. Since then shehas grown to lovecooking and the members have enjoyed tast-ing her delicious dishes.

This marked the start of this fantasticcouple’s dedication, which has continuedsince with the additional help of committeemembers, friends, family and variousmembers of the community. Along the road,the New Helvetic Society started workingon what they called ‘The Way Forward’. Adecision was made to have a new website,modern and up to date. The UT and the NSHjoined forces and to save costs they decided toshare a platform.

Someone recommended a Swiss onlinedesign company, headed by Marc and Ané-Mari Peter. Marc agreed to do the website,and has then, like Daniel, found himself onthe New Helvetic Society Committee!!! Hehas saidmany times: ‘Don't lookDaniel in theeyes, you'll land up on a committee!’. Sincethen, Marc has been the digital mind of theNewHelvetic Society, creatingbeautifulmodesof communicationwith themembers.

Biggest contributionsDaniel has introduced a number of new

events to theNewHelvetic Societywhichhavebeen very successful:

A series of free events offering an educa-tional and informative platform concerningmatters relevant to the Swiss in general and

more specifically to the Swiss in the UK, suchas theFORUMSand the January talk by a Swissdiplomat.

Jazz concerts, the first of which was byDana Gillespie who had met Daniel at aconference about AVS.

Swiss Film Nights, which promptedrumours that Daniel was showing risquémovies at the Embassy after an elderly ladyasked him what he was showing and hereplied, ‘The minimum age is 16, but there isno upper limit!’

Among themany successful eventswas thecelebration of the Escalade. One of the centraltraditions is to break theMARMITE. As it wasquite difficult and costly at the time to fly toSwitzerland specially to collect the Marmite,Esther-Lou decided to try to make it. As shewas concerned that it would be too thin andtoo fragile, shemade it very thick, to the pointthat the Ambassador could not even break itwithhis hands, so theyhad to fetch ahammer!She has not made once since, but there arerumours that shemightwant to give it anothertry! One of the most successful events Danielhas organised was a presentation of DicconBewes with his ‘Swiss Watching’, which thenbecame quite a hit. The challenge has alwaysbeen, and still is, to maintain a stable Societywhilst being innovative and continuing toprovide quality events that interest theSwiss community.

During these many years Daniel andEsther-Lou have been invaluable drivers ofa fantastic team effort creating wonderfulcultural and social events, where one canmingle, have a glass of Swiss wine and tastesome delicious canapés.

Now it is time for them to enjoy the eventsthemselves as guests! On behalf of the Swisscommunity in London and the UK, we wouldlike to thank themfor the greatwork theyhavedone, and we look forward to seeing themenjoying the future New Helvetic Societyevents! Butmore on that in the next issue.



NEW HELVETIC SOCIETY: The men, the couple and the committee who have made the club great again

NHS committeecelebrating theCentenary of theclub in London.


SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018

CARDIFF: Swiss writer Alexandra Lavizzari presented her latest bookUK-based Swiss writer Alexandra Lavizzarirecently presented her latest book ‘UndHarry?’ in Cardiff at two events.

The first was a reading and translationworkshop for students in the GermanDepart-ment at CardiffUniversity, and the secondwasa reading for the Cardiff-Stuttgart Associationand members of the public at Cardiff CityHall. Both were arranged by the Consulate ofSwitzerland in Cardiff and supported bythe SouthWales Swiss Society. Presenting hernovel in Wales was especially significant toAlexandra since itwasat theNationalMuseumin Cardiff that she first learnt about the oldWelsh New Year’s custom of ‘Y Fari Lwyd’,which during the course of the story becomesthe key to solving a crime committed inthe Ticino.



BOOK: ‘Und Harry?’: A seven-year-oldwitnessesher fatherbeing shot. Startledby theshot itself – it is hunting season in the Ticino –and then by the ensuing silence, she runs into

the garden of the holiday house where he liesdead by the bushes he has just cut. In his handhe holds a peculiar wooden horse, which shepicksup instinctivelyandkeeps fromthepolice.The murder remains unexplained and thetraumaof thegirl’s childhoodremainswithher.Long after she has grown up, she picks up thethread of the investigation into her father’smurder in Basel. The wooden figure and an

old photograph showing her father at a youngage with an unknown man entitled ‘WithHarry, Pentyrch/Cardiff 1949’, finally points toWales. Is the key to the crime there? Who isHarry? Does he know something andwhere ishe to be found?

The Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) had its Spring 2018meeting at Bern Town Hall (Rathaus) on Saturday, March10th, 2018.

Four of thefiveUKdelegateswere present: NathalieChuard,FranzMuheim (also a member of the Organisation of the SwissAbroad [OSA] committee), Alexandre Tissot andVincentCroset.The main themes discussed were E-voting, bank accounts forSwiss people abroad and cuts to supplementary benefits.

Franz Muheim presented a brief report from the commis-sion in charge of improving representation in the CSA. The goalis for more and more countries to elect their CSA delegatesdemocratically in the future. The Federation of Swiss Societiesin the UK (FOSSUK) has been a pioneer in this domain, as theUK was one of the first few countries where all Swiss citizenswere able to stand for the last 2017 CSA election, and to vote.Vincent Croset’s proposal to have representatives of the Swissabroad in the National Council is moving forward, and the CSAdelegates will debate this topic at the nextmeeting.

ThenextCSAmeeting, held togetherwith the 96thCongressof the Swiss Abroad, takes place from August 10th–12th inVisp/Viège. Registration is now open on this

OSA: Spring meeting 2018 – UK Delegates’ Reportnow published

Download the UK OSA delegates report

Franz Muheim, Nathalie Chaurdand Vincent Croset during the Spring

OSA meeting in Bern.

Cardiff City Hall.The lady next toMrs Lavizzari (in the middle)is Frau Christa Campigli,President of the Cardiff-Stuttgart Association.The gentleman on the rightis Rainer Arnold, thePresident of the SouthWales Swiss Society.


The Müller’s latest book isstill available on Amazon. If youwould like to purchase the book,but cannot buy it online,please contact Simone Mü

SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018


The picture ofClaire Parkes-Bärfuss,

Mara Truog.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Mara Truognominated for the Swiss DesignJournal AwardThanks to the availability of theSwiss Church in London and thecommitment of the Reverend CarlaMaurer, Simone Müller’s latest book,‘Alljährlich im Frühjahr schwärmenunsere jungen Mädchen nach Eng-land’, was presented to an audiencelast February (see SR Issue 2/2018).

Mara Troug – the Swiss photo-grapher who took the portraits ofthe ladies in the book – wasnominated in the Photography cate-gory of the prestigious SwissDesign Journal Award.

She has become well known inSwitzerland for various portraits ofelderly Swiss in the UK.

She also won 1st prize in thePortrait category for the Swiss pressphoto awards thanks to her pictureof Claire Parkes-Bärfuss, whosebiography has been included inSimone Müller’s first book, ‘ÜberLondonundNeuseelandnachEggiwil’.More information can be found

CINEMA: ‘Finding Camille’ a film of the Aglo-Swiss director Bindu de StoppianiThe Swiss film ‘Finding Camille’ hasrecently been screened in cinemasall over the country. This witty comedy-drama is the second feature film ofAnglo-Swiss writer and director, Bindude Stoppani and was first screened atthe 12th Rome Film Fest and continuesto be shown at film festivals all roundtheworld.

Bindu de Stoppani trained as anactress at the acclaimed Drama CentreLondon. In 2001 she founded a theatrecompany before writing and directingshort films herself.

Her experience as an actress and thenas a theatre and short filmdirector, ledherto write and direct her first feature filmcalled ‘Jump’ which went on to win fiveawards at the British Independent FilmFestival in London in 2012, including Best

Director and Best Feature Film. ‘FindingCamille’ is her second featurefilm: ‘Whendutiful and loyal Camille decides to go ona road trip down memory lane with herfather suffering from Alzheimer’s, shemust learn to let her father go or risklosing her own chance of a life of happi-ness.’ The film tells the moving and attimesheart-breakinglyhumorous story ofa father and his daughter’s journey to getto knoweach other and the opportunitiesthat life gives us to live for the moment,embracing love, adventure andhappiness.

EMBASSY NEWS: Opportunities for Swiss professionals in international organisationsInternational organisations offer a widevariety of jobs for mid and senior levelprofessionals. The Swiss government workswith the Centre for Information, Counsellingand Training for Professions relating toInternational Cooperation in Bienne to raiseawareness of career opportunities for Swisscitizens in an international environment.

The next information event will be held inLondon on 9 July 2018, in cooperation withthe European Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment (EBRD). For further details,updates and registration for this prestigiousevening event visit:

‘Finding Camille’(Cercando Camille) will be screened at KINO,HAWKHURST (Kent) on Monday 21st May 2018 at 2pmand will be followed by a Q&A with the writer/director. Places are limited so pre-booking isrecommended:

SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018

VI Regional Edition United Kingdom & Ireland

FOSSUK WEBSITEYou can find all the informationin one place: Club info, events,ASO news, Brexit info, etc. withone click of the mouse! Go

The World’s FinestSwiss Alpine Cheese.

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BELFAST: A Swiss artist as special guest for FOSSUK’s AGM audienceFrancesco Bernasconi was one of the artistsinvited to present his artworks during theFOSSUK AGM, which took place in Belfastfrom the 18th–20th ofMay. In the next issue ofthe SR we will fully report the event as wellas all the news concerning the meetingbetween theSwiss societies, theUKdelegatesof OSA and the Swiss authorities (see SRissue 1/2 2018).

Francesco Bernasconi was born in 1988 inFribourg, Switzerland and has Sicilian, GreekandGermanroots.At theageof threehemovedwith his family to Lugano, Switzerland.Whenhe was eighteen, he moved to Milan to studyadvertising, and, after a period ofwork experi-ence in Paris, he went back to one of his oldestinterests: cinema. With his Bachelor’s degreecompleted, he moved fromMilan to London,

where he shot a micro budget short film enti-tled ‘Rolpens’, (2013). He followed this up withanMAinDirectingat theMetFilmSchool, fromwhich he graduated in 2015 with a short filmentitled ‘Severing’.

In London, Francesco broadened his crea-tivevisionandstartedexploringwithstills andmoving images. In 2014, these experimentsgave birth to a collage project called ‘Sir Taki’.Thisproject allowedhimtobreak thosehard toavoid boundaries in narrative films. At the endof 2016, Francesco spent twomonths in Berlin,where he wrote a new short film, ‘Flesh andBlood’ TBA. In 2017 as Sir Taki, he participatedin a collective art exhibition in Chalais (CH)with his interactive installation, ‘Roberto’.

In2018, SirTakihadhisfirst soloexhibitionin Zürich where his installation ‘Lucia’ was on

view for onemonth at the gallery Die Diele. Atthe end of April 2018, Lucia was also exhibitedat Parco Ciani in Lugano during the Giardinodei Giusti inauguration in the presence of Fed-eralCouncillor IgnazioCassis.EightofSirTaki’scollages are featured in Issue 1 of the limitededition Edicola photo book, out in April 2018.

Sir Taki – Lucia (installation, 2018).

Find out more:


SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018

VIIRegional Edition United Kingdom & Ireland

on, andwherechildrenwillhaveplentyof space to explore. This is a great eventtomeetmembers of the SwissClub andsee what the Swiss Club is about. Moreinfo: :

4: Swiss in WalesAll SwissClubmembers, non-membersand friends are invited to our tradi-tional Swiss International Day gardenparty on 1st August from 2 pm untillate. The party will take place at Fron-haul, Little Newcastle, Pembrokeshire,where there are also enough coveredareas if theweather doesn’t play along.The celebration will start with a wel-comedrink followedby the traditionalCelebrationMenu,preparedandgrilledon the old original ‘Oil Barrel Barby’and served from 3pm to 5pm. Anybeverages andpuddings brought alongto share amongst the guests will begreatly appreciated. Children are verywelcome too and wurst and brot arefree for the under 6’s. The event willbe also enlived with entertainmentby the world-renowned house musi-cian, Mr. James McDonald, alias Macand the Abba. For more

On Saturday, 2nd June 2018, at 7 pmaCharityCandlelitDinnerwill beheldin support of the Starlight Charity. Itwill take place in The Clipper Cabin atFronhaul in Little Newcastle. Themoney raised will go towards a Star-light Fun Centre for the local hospitalor hospicewhich grantswishes to seri-ously and terminally ill children andentertains over half a million childrenevery year in hospitals and hospicesthroughout theUK. Formore infowriteto

5: Swiss Club ManchesterGreat food, great company and fun forall the family at our Sunday raclettelunch in March. Every month the clubinvites its members and interestedparticipants to join the Stammtisch,which usually takes place at The OldMonkey Pub in Manchester. For moreinfo about club events and news visitFB page@swissclubmanchester

ElisabethTomamichelat the Swiss


1: Unione TicineseRecently, we met on 8th of Februaryfor our Anniversary event, organisedin collaborationwith theNewHelveticSociety and commemorating thefoundation of the Unione Ticinese on8th February, 1874.

We used to call it ‘Carnevale’, butwenowprefer to emphasise thatwearean old but still thriving association,hence the change of name to ourAnniversary Evening. We were verylucky that a special Ticinese guest,Elisabeth Tomamichel, came fromZurich for the occasion. An artistherself, she tookus through the life andworks of her father Hans Tomamichel.We all knew one of his works, theKnorrli dwarf, which to this daycontinues to be printed onmost Knorrproducts in Switzerland. She broughther father’s art to life with an interest-ing and witty presentation, illustratedwith awealthof images, frompaintingsto sculptures, from graffiti to designsfor wood-inlay. According to the audi-ence, remarkablynumerousdespite thebleak London winter, it was one of thebest talks we had had in many years –perhaps even the very best.

2: SWISS CHURCHWe are going to show the Swiss gamesof the FIFA World Cup on our bigscreen! The Swiss team will play on17th June (Brasil), 22nd June (Serbia) and27th June (Costa Rica) at 7pm GMT.Doors open at 6:30pm. Swiss beer andsnacks will be on sale.

SignuponEventbrite ickets-44457623950 or just come along!

In addition, we are delighted toinvite the Swiss community oncemoreto celebrate the Swiss National Day atthe Swiss Church on 1st August from4–9pm. There will be activities forchildren, and Swiss food and drinkswill be on sale. The Swiss Ambassador,Alexandre Fasel, will speak at 6:30pm.

Please note: We are expecting ahigh number of people and cannotguarantee immediate access to the




FIFA WorldCup on Swissat the Swiss


event, even for those who have signed up on Eventbrite, sowe advise you to come early – first come, first served! Moreinformation will follow nearer the time of the event onour webpage and on theFOSSUKwebpage.

For both the football games and the Swiss National Daywe are looking for volunteers who can help us out with theplanning and running of the events! Please contact Carla( if you have alittle time at hand that you can dedicate to making acontribution to our lively Swiss community in London andthe UK.Wewould love to hear from you!

3: Swiss Club EdinburghOn the 29th of July, the Swiss Club will organise grilledsausages, bread and drinks at the Saughtonhall CommunityCentre, Edinburgh. With participants contributing eithersalad or dessert we can look forward to an afternoon ofdelicious food, being together and celebrating Switzerland!Weather permitting, we can enjoy the huge green spaceoutside SaughtonHallwhere all kindsof activitieswill be laid





Last year’s1st August

garden partyat Fronhaul.

The SeniorExecutive Bar

Manager Normangetting readyfor the crowd.

SWISS REVIEW / 03 2018

VIII Regional Edition United Kingdom & Ireland

IMPRESSUMHOW TO CONTACT THE EDITOR: Reports of Swiss society activities, news,coming events, correspondence, articles and advertising for the ‘Switzerlandin the UK & Ireland’ section of the Swiss Review, should go to the editor:GIOIA PALMIERI108 Anfield Road Tel: 077 10837735L4 0TE, Liverpool mail:

DESIGN:Implemented by Marc Peter – on-IDLE

The deadline for the next UK issue is: 20th of AugustDate of publication: 29th of Setptember

Next IssuesThe Swiss Review, with its ‘Switzerland in the UK & Ireland’ supplement,is published six times a year (four with the UK supplement)in February, April, June, August, October, December.

VIKI: A cartoon for the Swiss in the UK SWISS SAYINGS: Lost in translationsJedemTopf syn TeggelJeder Topf findet seinenDeckel

In English, you could say somethingalong the lines of: A soulmate exists foreverybody,meaning that there is a perfectpartner for every person. Every Jack willfind his Gill may also be understood as ashorter alternative to the above.

In French it is: Chaque personne asonâmesœuroràchacunsachacune, chaquepot a son couvercle.

In Italian it is: Ognuno ha la suaanima gemella.


FIONA: The view from the top

For more of her work,





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Did you know that the British edition of the Swiss Army Knife comes equipped with an umbrella?
