Reju Dosha


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Reju Dosha.

There are three methods used in analyzing reju dosha.

The following is the table of Nakshtras

Adi Reju Madhy Reju Anthya Reju---------------------------------------------------Aswathy-> Yama -> KrittikaArdra <- Mrigrasiras <- Rohini <-Punarvasu -> Pushya -> Aslesha Utra Phal <- Purva Phal <- Magha <-Hasta -> Chitra -> Swathy Keta <- Anuradha <- Vishakha <-Moola -> Purvashada -> UtrashadaSatabhishak<- Dhanishta <- Sravana<-Purva Badra-> Utra Badra-> Revathy

If the couple’s nakshatras fall in the same group, it is said be having Reju dosha. Middle group is considered to more potent in malefic influence and is “Madhyama Reju”. However, the affliction is considered less if the direction is different. That is (->) is called Arohi and (<-) is called avarohi. Both the nakshtras should not fall in the same type ie: Arohi or Avarohi.

The same classification is used in what is called as Nadi Dosha.

“adi reju” causes separation of couples, “Madhya reju” causes death of both “Anthya reju” causes death of one of the couple(Vaidhavya).

Note: there is an opinion that there is no reju dosha among (Yama, Purva Phal, Purvashada) and (Pushaya, Anuradha, Utra Phal) and (Mrigasiras, Chitira, Dhanishta) sets are not very inimical since their lords are same. 2) Anga Reju ClassificationArohi setPada Reju Aswathy Magha MoolaKati Reju Yama Purva Phal PurvashadaNaabhi Reju Krittika Utra Phal UtrashadaKanta Reju Rohini Hastha Sravana

Shiro Reju Mrigasira Chitra Dhanishta

Avarohi setKanta Reju Adra Swathy SatabhishekNaabhi Reju Punarvasu Vishakha Purva BadraKati Reju Pushya Anuradha Utra Badhra

Pada Reju Aslesha Keta Revathy

The nakshtras falling in the same group is considered to inauspicious. Ex: in the pada reju , aswathy with Magha, aswathy with moola or Magha with moola is considered to having reju dosha

However, if they fall in the different set (arohi / avarohi) the affliction is considered to be much less.Ex: Aswathy with aslesha or aswathy with keta etc is considered to less inimical.

Among the above Anga reju dosha, Kanta reju is considered to more inimical as it is supposed to cause death Kanta Reju – DeathPada Reju – Divorce or living separately, travelKati Reju – difficultiesNaabhi reju – Santha duritha, Santha VirahaShiro reju – Death - death of wife after the death of the husband.

There are also other conditions where reju or nadi dosha is considered to less inimical apart from what was mentioned above.

If both the nakshatras fall in the same sign. If the nakshtra lords are mercury, venus and JupiterIf the Chandra sign of one person is in the 7th of the other – called “sama sapthama”

If there is Reju dosha, classical works recommend doing Mrithyunjaya Havana and offer “dana” of gold and cow to Brahmins.

There could other methods and some more exceptions involved. If there are not other afflictions and if the reju is arohi & avarohi and if the lagna in both cases are strong, the horoscopes could be matched. If otherwise, it is not good to match the horoscopes ie: if there is madhyama reju dosha and also other afflictions like dasa sandhi, vedha, 88th navamsa, etc.

Hence, it is also balancing the afflictions between a set of worst kind of afflictions and strong benefic factors. In your case, your nakshatra is Utra Phalguni and your wife’s is Hastha. You can see that it falls in the Adi reju category but in different set (Arohi / Avarohi) and hence the affliction is only minimal.

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy
