RELEASE• coyo-elk (separated into new ones) ......


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A brand new layout for your page overview: Users now see each page’s cover image as well as their description in the overview. But don’t worry: We have made it so that the same amount of pages fit on the users’ screens.



Admins can configure multiple designs for specific target groups. Each design can resemble a custom corporate design, even with custom logos and CSS rules.



Flexibly configure the languages of your network: Admins can define the languages they want to offer in the system. Additionally, admins can translate COYO’s user-interface into the activated languages.

Please note: COYO offers English and German as interface languages out-of-the-box.



Add translations for blog articles: When an admin has activated the multi-language support for a page, editors can start to translate their blog articles into the activated languages. Users will see the translation that best matches their personal account language.



Add translations for content apps: When an admin has activated the multi-language support for a page, editors can start to translate their content apps into the activated languages. Users will see the translation that best matches their personal account language.



Manage tasks in your team: The new tasks app allows you to quickly create and maintain tasks for you and your team. You can assign tasks to others in your network and they will receive notifications when their tasks are due. Please note: An admin has to activate the app before your users can start to use it.


★ Admins can activate certain apps and/or widgets for moderators only.

★ Users can define help texts for field in a list app.

★ Users can report content anonymously.

★ Users can change the title of the ”Suggested pages“ widget.

★ Notifications about new workspace members are now aggregated.

★ Users can filter the page list for their subscribed pages.





DROPPED CONTAINERS: • coyo-lb-internal (merged with coyo-lb)

• coyo-elk (separated into new ones)

NEW CONTAINERS: • coyo-es-logs: A separated elasticsearch instance for logs, so the logs do not slow down the application's elasticsearch instance • coyo-kibana: An interface to view logs, former integrated into coyo-elk • coyo-logspout: Collects the logs from docker daemons, pushes them to coyo-logstash

• coyo-logstash: Does basic filtering on the logs as well as formatting, pushes them into coyo-es-logs • coyo-telegraf: Collects metrics of all containers’ basic and custom stats of the apps running inside the containers (like postgres) • coyo-influxdb: A TSDB (time series database) which stores the metrics

• coyo-grafana: An interface to build dashboards based on the metrics stored in influxdb



A new open port 5602 which is running grafana (metrics dashboard). All ports except 80 and 443 are either doing authentication on their own or are protected by basic auth using management credentials.



Since there are new monitoring containers for the application consisting out of ELLK (ElasticSearch, Logspout, Logstash, Kibana) and TIG (Telegraf, Influx, Grafana), the minimum hardware requirements increased to at least 16GB memory and 8 cores respectively.

When those monitoring stacks are disabled you would loose the ability to do error analysis and error reporting completely but could stick to the existing hardware limits.



We have added additional parameters, that you need to add to your .env file.

// JVM options for the coyo-push containerCOYO_PUSH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1g -server

// JVM options for the coyo-backup containerCOYO_BACKUP_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1g -server

// Heap size for the coyo-es-logs containerES_LOGS_HEAP_SIZE=1g



✓ COYOFOUR-6190: Long page and workspace titles were not shown correctly in mobile resolutions.

✓ COYOFOUR-6287: Users sometimes experienced display issues within the overview of workspaces.

✓ COYOFOUR-6420: Users experienced that the date of a blog article in the single blog article widget was too long and overlapped other information.

✓ COYOFOUR-6464: The description fields for workspaces/events can only be expanded horizontally. When doing so the field can be pulled out of the form and behind the chat window.

✓ COYOFOUR-6544: Links to documents with long names will now fit into the widget layout.

✓ COYOFOUR-6727: Users always experienced line breaks not being applied correctly in the newest blog article widget.

✓ COYOFOUR-6526: Users rarely experienced problems when they changed the visibility of pages with a high number of members.



✓ COYOFOUR-6555: Users experienced that the headline widget was not rendered in the IE11 and a javascript error was shown.

✓ COYOFOUR-6752: Users always experienced they don't receive notifications if the global multi-language feature is activated.

✓ COYOFOUR-6776: Users commenting in the name of a page or workspaces actually commented in their own name [Not released to customer]

✓ COYOFOUR-6807: A user can not log in with a browser using a language other than German or English.

✓ COYOFOUR-6870: System admins experienced that COYO did not launch in a cluster environment due to problems in the cache invalidation configurations.



✓ COYOFOUR-5776: Following html5 tags now working within the HTML widget: article, aside, bdi, details, dialog, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, mark, meter, nav, progress, rp, rt, ruby, section, summary, time, wbr, datalist

✓ COYOFOUR-6197: Users rarely experienced an error when adding new posts to a private timeline.

✓ COYOFOUR-6386: If an AD user was deleted and anonymized some user information did not get anonymized.

✓ COYOFOUR-6460: Users sometimes experienced problem with video preview on page timeline

✓ COYOFOUR-6479: Users with single-sign-on experienced the possibility to login even if their account was inactive.

✓ COYOFOUR-6577: Admins were in some cases able to select deleted pages/workspaces when posting in the name of page/workspace.



✓ COYOFOUR-6680: Users always experienced non working link button widgets in the iOS app.

✓ COYOFOUR-6692: Users are always able to see the subscribe button for pages, even if no user specific subscriptions exist for the pages viewed.

✓ COYOFOUR-6696: Users always experienced that Office 365 SSO is not working.

✓ COYOFOUR-6697: Users rarely experienced that Office 365 SSO is linking to other companies Office 365 auth endpoint on cloud environment.

✓ COYOFOUR-6702: Users were able to sort wiki articles even though they did not have the permission.

✓ COYOFOUR-6710: Users experienced that they get a error message when they shared blog articles.

✓ COYOFOUR-6714: Users always experienced that a PDF attachment from a list app could be found although the page is deleted.



✓ COYOFOUR-6756: Users sometimes experienced problems when saving page or workspace categories in IE or Safari.

✓ COYOFOUR-6782: Admins always experienced missing group and role names in the user administration on mobile

✓ COYOFOUR-6790: "Users experienced that their presence status was shown as „Offline" even though they were "Online".

✓ COYOFOUR-6808: Admins sometimes experienced an issue when creating an event with a page as host. This issue only concerns admins assigned through a group to a page.

✓ COYOFOUR-5700: Image format JPEG2000 is now supported within PDF's.

✓ COYOFOUR-5787: Users experienced an issue with the validation of input fields of the poll widget.

✓ COYOFOUR-5981: Users on the iPad experienced that PDF previews were not displayed correctly.



✓ COYOFOUR-6120: Admins rarely experienced that the application became unresponsive if the Tika Server hung. A workaround was to restart the Tika server component.

✓ COYOFOUR-6180: Users sometimes first saw the default theme before the custom theme appeared.

✓ COYOFOUR-6225: In some cases, a long translation text was not readable on small screens.

✓ COYOFOUR-6283: Alignment of the profiles in the colleagues list has been improved.

✓ COYOFOUR-6376: Comment fields disappeared after editing a post.

✓ COYOFOUR-6442: Users experienced that the dialog for editing a widget was smaller than the one for creating a widget.

✓ COYOFOUR-6454: A user that does not have the permission to delete comments can still delete comments he made, or that were made under his posts.



✓ COYOFOUR-6473: Users always experienced a not working document preview on iPad in landscape mode.

✓ COYOFOUR-6506: Users experienced problems inserting hyperlinks in RTE fullscreen mode.

✓ COYOFOUR-6508: Users always saw the option to share folders, but this function was not implemented

✓ COYOFOUR-6516: The PDF Thumbnail is now shown correct background images. The image format JPEG2000 is now supported.

✓ COYOFOUR-6578: User always experienced that they could not use relative links within the teaser widget.

✓ COYOFOUR-6653: User experienced an empty result when requesting more than 1024 pages.

✓ COYOFOUR-6754: Users always experienced slow response and load times, when using the blog app with images, the blog article widget or the image widget.

✓ COYOFOUR-6767: Users always did not registered for push notifications after the app started.



✓ COYOFOUR-6768: Users always did not see the correct icon for push notifications

✓ COYOFOUR-6779: Users always experienced that the task form disappeared when closing the user chooser.

✓ COYOFOUR-6780: Users always experienced that the task form assignee didn't get cleared.

✓ COYOFOUR-6792: Users sometimes experienced incorrect dates in the message channel list when receiving a new message [bug not released to customer].

✓ COYOFOUR-6800: Users could reach the settings page of an event although they should not be allowed to.

✓ COYOFOUR-6821: Users received notifications that only contained a cryptic ID when new list entries were added to a list app.

✓ COYOFOUR-6832: Fixed links in documentation



✓ COYOFOUR-6839: User experiences poor performance when viewing pages in the page overview that had large cover images.

✓ COYOFOUR-6867: Users rarely experienced seeing widgets that have been deleted previously (e.g. when changing a content/blog app layout).

