Release Notes 16 - · SIEMENS PSS SINCAL...


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Release Information

April 2020 1/54

Release Information – PSS®SINCAL Platform 16.5

This document describes the most important enhancements and changes to the new program version. See

the product manuals for a more detailed description.

General Remarks 3

Licensing 3

System Requirements 3

Supported Hardware Platforms 4

Models 4

Example Networks 5


User Interface 7

Extended Functions for Diagrams 7

External Databases in the Table 14

Improved Path Management 15

Improved Password Entry 17

Extended License Information 17

Enhanced Tooltip in Screen Forms 17

Enhanced Functions for Scenarios 17

Enhancements for Determining Line Data 18

Enhanced Excel Import 19

Extended Symbols for Switches 19

Improvements for Annotation and Filter Dialog Box 20

Electrical Networks 21

Enhanced Protection Coordination 21

Enhancements for Protection Routes 24

Enhanced Protection Analysis 24

New Protection Devices 29

Short Circuit Result Display 29

Extended THD Calculation in Harmonics 30

Changes in Calculation Method Hosting Capacity 31

Extensions for Dynamics 31

Temperature-Dependent Utilization for Operational Devices 33

Asymmetrical Network Supply 35

Modified Limit Values for Supply Sources 36

Extended Power Control for Supply Sources 37

New Network Planning Tool for Determining the Earth Fault Compensation Data 38


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Improved Node Malfunction in Reliability Calculation 40

Pipe Networks 41

External Data 41

New Result for Mixing 41


User Interface 43

Improved Path Management 43

Source Editor 43

Extended Model Editor 44

Synchronization of Table with Network Browser 47

Enhancements for Diagrams 47

Extended Import of Project Data 48

Calculation Methods 48

New or Changed BOSL Blocks 48

Output of the Modal Torsional Torques and Angular Acceleration 51

Extended Transformer Controller with Time Constant 52

Advanced Plot Output 52


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General Remarks


PSS SINCAL 16.5 Platform uses the same license file as the preceding PSS SINCAL 16.0 version.

In order to activate the software, it is only necessary to assign the license file to the new version

using the PSS Tool utility program.

If you need a new license file or have any questions about the licensing, please contact the

PSS SINCAL Platform Support (phone +43 699 12364435, email

System Requirements

The following hardware and software requirements include the minimum requirements to operate an

application of the PSS SINCAL Platform 16.5.

Hardware Requirements

PC or notebook

CPU: x64, >= 2 GHz, MultiCore

RAM: >= 8 GB

Hard disk: >= 20 GB

Graphics card: >= 1920 x 1200, True Color

Mouse: 3 buttons (wheel mouse)

Operating Systems Supported

Windows 8

Windows 10

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Database Systems Supported

SQLite 3.x

Microsoft Access

Oracle 9i

Oracle 10g

Oracle 11g

SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Express 2008

SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server Express 2008 R2

SQL Server 2012, SQL Server Express 2012

SQL Server 2014, SQL Server Express 2014

SQL Server 2016, SQL Server Express 2016


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Supported Hardware Platforms

The PSS SINCAL Platform 16.5 is now only available as a 64-bit application. A 64-bit operating

system and suitable 64-bit drivers for the database system used are therefore necessary for use.

The standard database system used by the PSS SINCAL Platform is SQLite. All the necessary

components for this database system are already included in the installation structure and nothing

else needs to be installed and configured.

If the Microsoft Access database system is to be used, the 64-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine

Redistributables must be installed. These are also required if Excel import functions are to be used in

the PSS SINCAL Platform. The Redistributables of version 2016 or version 2010 can be installed


• Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable:

• Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable:

To use the SQL Server or Oracle database systems, these RDMBS must already be available in the

appropriate configuration. The necessary RDBMS client software must also be installed and

configured on the PCs on which the PSS SINCAL Platform is used. Other specific configurations are

also required, depending on RDBMS, in order to allow users to access the database systems.


New Models

The following new XMAC models, including the documentation, are provided:

Model Description

DER_A.xmac Generic model of distributed generating plants according to WECC/EPRI.

Storage_NVC.xmac Simplified simulation of an energy storage system to control a node voltage.

Storage_BLC.xmac Simplified simulation of an energy storage system to control a branch loading.

GovSteamEU.xmac Turbine and speed power control model according to IEC61970-302 (CIM).

IEEEG1D.xmac Modified IEEEG1 model with a deadband for speed input according to PSS E definition.

IEEEG1M.xmac Modified IEEEG1 model with two outputs with the option to address 2 generators.

PSS3C.xmac Simple power system stabilizer with two inputs according to IEEE 421.5-2016.

PSS6C.xmac Power system stabilizer with two inputs according to IEEE 421.5-2016.

PssWECC.xmac Power system stabilizer according to IEC61970-302 (CIM).

Modified Models

The following models were updated and documented:

Model Description

BBGOV1.xmac Revision in GMB.

BBSEX1.xmac Revision in GMB.

DC3A.xmac Revision in GMB.

DEGOV1.xmac Revision in GMB.

ESAC4A.xmac Revision in GMB.

EXAC2.xmac Revision in GMB.

HYGOV.xmac Revision in GMB.


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IEEEG1.xmac Update of the parameter definition and the block structure.

IEEEG2.xmac Update of the parameter definition and the block structure.

IEEEG3.xmac Update of the parameter definition and the block structure.

IVOEX.xmac Revision in GMB.

IVOGO.xmac Revision in GMB.

PssWSCC.xmac Revision in GMB.

TGOV2.xmac Correction of the behavior of the intercept valves and revision.

ST6C.xmac (old IEEEST6C.xmac)

Renaming according to the standard and adaptions in the implementation of excitation limits.

Removed Models

The following MAC models (old format) were removed from the model library as these are already

available as XMAC models (new format):

Model Description

BBGOV1.mac No longer included in model library.

BBGOV1a.mac No longer included in model library.

BBSEX1.mac No longer included in model library.

DC3A.mac No longer included in model library.

DEGOV1.mac No longer included in model library.

EXAC2.mac No longer included in model library.

ESAC4A.mac No longer included in model library.

HYGOV.mac No longer included in model library.

IEEEG1.mac No longer included in model library.

IEEEG2.mac No longer included in model library.

IEEEG3.mac No longer included in model library.

IVOEX.mac No longer included in model library.

IVOGO.mac No longer included in model library.

IVOGOa.mac No longer included in model library.

TGOV2.mac No longer included in model library.

EnergyStorage.mac Replaced by Storage_NVC.xmac.

EnergyStorage2.mac Replaced by Storage_BLC.xmac.

Example Networks


The following new or enhanced sample networks are available:

Model Description

Example LP The example replaces the previous network and shows the use of the operating point and time series calculation (load profile calculation).

Example LP BOSL The example shows a network model with the simulation of different battery storage systems using GMB models for user-defined extension of the model, distributed generating plants with their respective network control functionality and charging infrastructure.

Example AF The new example contains two independent subnetworks for arcing fault evaluation according to DGUV Information 203-077 and for arc flash analysis according to IEEE Std 1584-2018.

Example SAVNW New example of load flow, short circuit, stability, protection coordination (also with stability).

Example RED The new example shows the use of network reduction.


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The following new or enhanced sample networks are available:

Project Description

CaseStudy_12_SubsynchronousResonances Updated case study 12.

CaseStudy_13_TransientRecoveryVoltage Updated and extended case study 13.

Example_IEEE39BusSystem New example network for stability calculation (39 nodes, 10 machines).

Example_NordicTestSystem New example network for stability calculation (76 nodes, 20 machines).


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User Interface

Extended Functions for Diagrams

The network models to be calculated in PSS SINCAL are becoming larger and larger, and the

analysis range is also constantly increasing. In distribution networks, forecast calculations also

sometimes have to be carried out at hourly intervals over 10-year periods. This results in extremely

large amounts of data in the diagrams, which can no longer be efficiently processed and evaluated

with the existing implementation.

For this reason, the functionality of the diagrams in PSS SINCAL has been fundamentally expanded

to meet current requirements. The goals here were to improve performance, expand evaluation

functions and simplify operation by optimizing data structures and using new technologies.

Diagrams in External SQLite Database

The SQLite database system is now used for the persistent storage of diagram data. This can

manage very large amounts of data and also meets the performance requirements. Furthermore,

external applications can easily access the data stored in the SQLite database.

The diagram data is stored by the PSS SINCAL calculation methods directly in the SQLite database.

A separate SQLite database is generated for each variant. These databases are available in the

directory "xxx_files\DIA".

The diagrams in the SQLite database are connected as an additional option, i.e. the binary DIA file is

generated as before and is also used in the user interface. The new external diagrams can be used

for this in parallel. In the medium term, however, these will completely replace the binary DIA file.

The following advanced calculation settings are available to control the diagram generation (#1):

• Charts.DisableLP = ON

This allows the DIA diagrams for load profile calculation to be disabled. This is useful when

extensive diagram data is generated.

• Charts.DisableDB = ON

Completely disables the new SQLite diagrams in the external database.

• Charts.CompDB = ON|OFF

Enables or disables the RLE compression of the data stored in the external SQLite database.


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A special approach was chosen to store the complex and extremely diverse diagram data. This

approach allows efficient use and visualization of the data in the PSS SINCAL user interface, but can

also be used by external applications and automation solutions.

The following illustration shows the evaluation of the table structures in the SQLite database:

The "Parameter" table contains general information about the database, including version identifiers

and information about the available data and calculation times.

The tables with the prefix "DB_" contain information on the structure of the tables in the database.

They contain readable names of tables and their attributes, the units of the attributes and additional

information for visualizing the data.

The other tables contain the actual diagram data. These are marked with the prefix of the calculation

method. In the example shown this is the internal identifier "LF" for the load flow calculation. The

hierarchical structure here corresponds to the usual structure of diagrams in PSS SINCAL:

LFPage … Diagram page as container for the data

LFGraph … Graph as container for the data vectors

LFVecData … Additional data for data vector

LFVoltageCurveNode … Diagram data as simple table

LFVoltageCurveELement … Diagram data as simple table

The result data of the diagrams are stored in tables that are easy to read and evaluate. To illustrate

the principle, the following illustration shows the diagram data of the "LFVoltageCurveNode" table:

The table contains the attributes "Distance" with the distance to the start node in meters, the primary

key of the node "Node_ID" and the voltage at the node in percent. Information on the attributes is

available in the table "DB_ColumsDef".


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New Signal Explorer and New User-Defined Diagrams

A new signal explorer is provided in PSS SINCAL user interface, which operates in the same way as

in PSS NETOMAC. This can either be opened via the standard toolbar or via View – Signal Explorer.

The signal explorer allows access to all data available in the current network, which can be displayed

in diagrams. This includes the diagram data available in the new SQLite databases, but also the

result data of the load profile calculation, which can also be stored in external SQLite databases.

Furthermore it is possible to link external data sources in the signal explorer. The following file types

are supported here:

• CSV files

• PSS E result files in OUT format

• PSS NETOMAC result files with RES format


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All this different data can be combined in the new diagrams as desired. For this a new user-defined

diagram page is created first of all. For this purpose, the browser of the diagram window contains the

item User-Defined (#1). All new user-defined diagram pages are managed here. The pop-up menu

enables any folder structure and new diagram pages to be created.

After selecting the Customize Diagram Page (#2) menu item, the New Diagram Page dialog box is

opened where the page layout for the new diagram can be defined.

After closing the dialog box with OK the new diagram page is created and displayed. The signals can

now be dragged and dropped from the signal explorer onto the diagram page. There are no

restrictions which data is displayed on a diagram page at the same time, i.e. all data available in the

signal explorer can be used. However, only data with the same X-axis can be visualized within a

diagram. For example, the display of the voltage curve over a route cannot be combined with the

load profile results over different times in one diagram.

Display of Results from External LP Database in the Signal Explorer and in the Diagram

The signal explorer and the diagram system have been extended so that data from external result

databases can be visualized. This functionality is currently available for the results of the load profile

calculation, which can already be optionally provided in an external SQLite database. The results for


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the complete network for all calculated times are provided in the results database. This extensive

result data can be visualized and evaluated directly with the new function in diagrams in the user


To do this, the external LP results database is added to the display in the signal explorer via the pop-

up menu with the Open Signal File menu item (#1). This is then displayed like a normal diagram

result file in the signal explorer (#2). The signals can be transferred to user-defined diagrams by drag

& drop.

Wizard for New Diagram Pages in the Signal Explorer

A wizard is linked in the signal explorer, which enables you to fill predefined diagram pages with the

diagram data for selected calculation results. This is useful if, for example, different projections of a

signal are to be visualized. A typical example of this is the frequency response diagram page of the

harmonic calculation.

The wizard for creating the diagram page can be started via the Create diagram page pop-up menu

in the signal explorer (#1). This will open a dialog box (#2) in which the target folder and the name for

the new diagram page can be defined.

The wizard will then generate the following diagram page:


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The following diagram pages can currently be generated with the wizard:

• Load flow – Voltage curve

• Short circuit – Current curve

• Optimization – VoltVar

• Harmonics – Frequency response

• Harmonics – Node level

• Harmonics – Network level

• Motor start-up – Heyland circuit

• Motor start-up – Motor torque

• Motor start-up – Power over time

• Motor start-up – Voltage over time

• Pipe networks – Pressure curve

• Pipe networks – Operating points

• Pipe networks – Time series

New Evaluation Functions in the Diagram

The mode for displaying the signal position in the diagrams has been updated. Now two markers are

provided which can be positioned in the diagram. This enables differences between signals to be

determined and displayed.

The display of the signal position (#1) and also the new reference position (#2) are activated directly

via the toolbar provided in the diagram window.


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If the options are activated, the signal position is displayed as before directly in the diagram. An

extended display is also activated in the legend window. The reference position, the signal position

and the difference value between the two are then visualized for all signals.

Extended Format Diagram Dialog Box

The Format Diagram dialog box makes it possible to select several data series simultaneously. The

graphical attributes such as color, style, width, show legend and show label can then be changed

simultaneously for all selected data series.


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External Databases in the Table

PSS SINCAL uses external databases to store results whenever the results are too extensive to be

stored in the network database or simply do not fit the structure. The contents of external databases

are usually visualized in PSS SINCAL in the results view with a special implementation or are read

directly from the SQLite database with custom evaluations.

The tabular view has been extensively expanded in order to use the integrated evaluation and

analysis options of PSS SINCAL and also to evaluate the contents of external SQLite databases.

This can now display the results of an external results database.

For this purpose, the external results database contains special tables that contain meta information

about the stored data. This information is then used for visualizing the data in tabular view.

The following are examples with a direct view of the data in the SQLite database and the

corresponding representation in the PSS SINCAL user interface in order to illustrate the usability and


Display of the data in the SQLite database:


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Display of the same data in the PSS SINCAL user interface in tabular view:

As the example makes clear, the topology keys for nodes (Node_ID) and network elements

(Element_ID) are resolved. Name and short name are displayed here. The data columns are given

the names from the meta model with the appropriate units, i.e. instead of the field names "U" or

"U_Un", "U [kV]" or "U/Un [%]" is displayed here.

The topology keys of nodes and network elements also provide direct access to the corresponding

PSS SINCAL data. In other words, the screen forms with input data can be opened in tabular view

via the pop-up menu and selecting in the network graphic is also possible.

The data in the external databases is accessed directly via the tabular view browser. This

automatically lists all external databases (#1) that contain the representable data. The data to be

displayed can then be easily selected here.

Since external databases can become very large (many millions of data records per table), it is not

practicable to display all data completely in the PSS SINCAL table. As with most database

applications, a top-n representation is therefore provided. In other words, only the first n-data records

from the query are displayed. Scrolling through the data is possible via the toolbar (#2) and in

addition the limit value can be set for display in the table options.

Improved Path Management

The management of storage locations in the PSS SINCAL user interface has been revised and

extended in various places to improve usability.


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Environment Variables for Database Paths

It is now possible to use Windows environment variables (e.g. "%DataFiles%\xxx\GlobalStd.db") in

the Options dialog box for the paths of standard databases and model directories. This is designed to

simplify the exchange of PSS SINCAL files between different users if a relative path definition is not

possible or useful.

New Reference Directory

The relative paths in PSS SINCAL previously used to refer to the memory location of the SIN file.

This is impractical, because it is not reasonably possible to store data in the "_files" directory that is

actually intended for this purpose. The problem here is that this directory naturally also contains the

name of the network and if this is changed all relative paths are invalid.

To solve this problem, PSS SINCAL now uses the "_files" directory as a reference for relative path

definitions. This results in the following possibilities:

• Storage in the _files directory: ".\xxx"

• Storage parallel to the _files directory: ..\xxx"

All relative path definitions in existing PSS SINCAL files are automatically converted when they are

opened. This means that the adaption to the new reference directory is carried out automatically.

Extended File Browser

A new navigation option has been added to the file browsers in PSS SINCAL. In the browser on the

left PSS SINCAL also displays the "_files" directory of the currently open network (#1) in addition to

the standard storage location for PSS SINCAL documents.

This makes it very easy to access files that are stored in the "_files" directory. These include the

databases for diagrams, the external results databases, but also the LOGs and PSS NETOMAC

project data.


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Improved Password Entry

The input of the passwords in the user interface has been improved.

In all dialog boxes where passwords can be defined, a 2nd confirmation field is provided for the

password. This is designed to prevent unintentional typing errors when defining new passwords. The

password edit control has also been enhanced. A button has been provided in the control to make

the invisible password readable.

Extended License Information

The License Information dialog box has been extended. When listing the modules in the license file,

the dialog box also displays the short name. This short name is also used in the e-mails when license

files are delivered.

Enhanced Tooltip in Screen Forms

The tooltip for the input fields that can be optionally activated in the Options dialog box in the Forms

and Tabular View tab has been enhanced. An additional option enables the display of the database

attributes to be activated.

Enhanced Functions for Scenarios

The definition and administration of scenarios in the user interface have been extensively revised.

The scenarios can now be directly connected in the network browser. This allows interactive working

in the network with simultaneous display of the scenarios.


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The scenario display in the network browser is divided into three areas:

• List of scenarios:

All available scenarios are listed here. Above the list is also a filter field which enables the

amount of display to be reduced.

• List of scenario files:

This list contains all scenario files assigned to the selected scenario.

• Evaluation:

This area enables you to carry out an evaluation for a scenario, i.e. the elements assigned to the

scenario are displayed in color in the graphic editor.

The editing and administration functions are linked via the pop-up menu in the two lists. The

functions provided in this area include the creation of new scenarios, the assignment of scenario files

or the selection of network elements in the graphic editor. The dialog box for advanced scenario

editing can also be activated via the pop-up menu. The possibility was provided here to also change

the order of the scenario files manually.

Enhancements for Determining Line Data

The Determining Line Data dialog box now provides an option to optionally enable/disable the

consideration of connectors:


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Depending on the selected option, the data is then determined in the upper part of the dialog box and

also displayed appropriately in the table in the dialog box.

Enhanced Excel Import

The Excel Import is a frequently used function in PSS SINCAL because it makes it also very easy to

import extensive data from external sources. In response to several user requests, extensions were

implemented to further improve and simplify usability.

Topology for Additional Elements

The import of additional elements (operational devices assigned to a network element, such as

switches and protection devices) has been simplified. The topology was previously always defined by

element name and connection number. This makes it difficult to place additional elements on the

correct side of the network element (start, end) for branch elements. Another topology identification

with node names and element names is now provided in order to define the connection for the


Operating State

The import of the operating state (Out of service option) is now also possible for all network


Importing Zones

The import of network zones and the assignment of nodes and network elements to the network

zones is now also supported.

Extended Symbols for Switches

The switch symbols in the network graphic have been extended. A new symbol for the switch

disconnector is now available.


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The following illustration shows all implicit switch symbols in the open and closed state:

The symbols for the "real" switches have been extended in the same way as the implicit symbols:

A default symbol can now also be set for the real switches. The new setting is available in the

Options dialog box under View – Defaults – Add Element.

Improvements for Annotation and Filter Dialog Box

To simplify the definition of the visibility for displaying input data in the network graphic, the

Annotation and Filter dialog box has been enhanced. This now automatically displays the

appropriate data on opening when the input data is displayed in the network graphic. In other words,

if for example a line is selected in the network graphic, the Element Input Data – Line is

automatically pre-selected in the browser when the dialog box is opened:

The object type assigned to the network element is also taken into account here and is preselected

accordingly in the dialog box.


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Electrical Networks

Enhanced Protection Coordination

New Earth Fault Detection

With earth faults in compensated networks and in networks with an isolated neutral point, a fault (or

several in the same phase) does not necessarily have to be cleared immediately. Only a small

current which does not lead to destruction is present. If the network continues to operate, the earth

fault must be detected and indicated by the protection. The network operator then decides whether to

shut down or continue operation after the fault is detected.

Protection coordination in PSS SINCAL has been extended to detect such errors in the network and

to log or clear them according to the setting. There are new setting values (#1) for the protection

devices, by which the earth fault detection can be controlled.

The earth fault detection works according to the wattmetric method and can signal or switch off an

earth fault. The behavior is defined with the Operating selection field. It is possible here to select

between Trip and Detect.

To detect the earth fault, the magnitude of the zero voltage must first exceed the threshold value

Ve Lim to be exceeded. The voltage for earth fault detection can be provided by a separate ground


𝑉𝑒 = 𝑉𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑟

If this is not available, the voltage is calculated from the values of the phase transformer.

𝑉𝑒 = 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3


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As soon as an earth fault is detected, the angle φ is determined as the angle between zero voltage

and zero current.

The angle φ is used to determine the active or reactive part of the zero current, depending on the

method used.

The detection of the earth fault is controlled with the Detection Type selection field. Here you can

choose between Cosφ Method and Sinφ Method.

The Cosφ Method checks whether the active part of the zero current exceeds the set value for the

current. An additional directional determination checks whether a positive active power results from

the zero voltage and reactive part of the zero current. For this purpose, the angle φ must be in the

range of – 90 to + 90 degrees.

The Sinφ Method checks whether the reactive part of the zero current exceeds the set value for the

current. An additional directional determination checks whether a negative (capacitive) reactive

power results from the zero voltage and reactive component of the zero current. For this purpose, the

angle φ must be in the range of 0 to + 180 degrees.













set value


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Enhancements for Reclosers

The parameter setting of the reclosers in the protection device screen form has been extended. It is

now possible to set for the characteristic-curve tripping a Min. Response Time by which the

current/time characteristic is limited.

The new minimum response time is available for both recloser characteristic-curve trippings for

phase and ground.

Topology Filter for Reports with Protection Devices

The filters for topology data can now also be used for reports with protection devices. Only those

protection devices that match the filter criteria set in the Report Options (#1) are shown in the


Enhanced Display of Protection Coordination Input Data in Tabular View

The display of the Instrument Transformers in the tabular view has been extended. Only the name

of the transformer could be displayed here. However, this is not usually entered. For this reason

there is a special functionality in the screen form, by which a name is generated in the selection field.

This is composed of the transformer ratio of the transformer and its installation location. The function

is now also provided in tabular view.








set value


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The display of the Pickup in the tabular view has likewise been extended. The installation location of

the protection device is now available here and also the new fields "tu" and "tu un" for the UI

excitation for phase and earth.

Enhancements for Protection Routes

New Diagrams

The Tripping Characteristics diagram displays the actual tripping time of the devices over the

respective route. This diagram is very often interpreted by users as a grading diagram. For the first

protection zone, the diagram is also quite similar to a grading diagram, but here the impedance and

not the reactance is shown. For this reason, a further diagram was provided which visualizes the

actual tripping time over the line reactance.

Improved Route Determination

To visualize the complete range of a protection device in the network graphic, users like to look at the

maximum possible range of the device (up to the ninth nearest device). This results in a large

number of protection routes in meshed networks. With parallel lines, for example, there are already

thousands of possible protection routes per device after just a few nodes. Since this quantity cannot

be evaluated effectively manually, the determination is currently terminated after 250 routes. Further

routes are then ignored. This means that it is no longer possible to completely depict the protection

zone in the network graphic.

A completely new algorithm was therefore implemented in order to improve the calculation of the

protection route. After the maximum limit value has been exceeded, the routes are now not ignored,

but specially evaluated. This does not discard routes containing at least one network element that is

not yet contained in the stored routes. However, no diagrams are generated for these additional

routes, but they are used for highlighting in the network graphic.

Enhanced Protection Analysis

The protection analysis is a very efficient tool to check the correct clearing of faults in the main and

reserve protection area of protection devices. In this product version, a wide range of enhancements

have been implemented to further improve and also simplify usability.

Redesigned Wizard to Control the Protection Analysis

The wizard for controlling the protection analysis has been revised in order to make the input of the

various parameters clearer.

On the first page the Base Settings on the calculation method are made.


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The Simulation section defines which calculations are to be performed and how variable errors are

to be modeled. The Options selection field is a new feature here. Clicking the field opens a dialog

box in which the following options for the calculation method can be activated:

• BWD: Activate backward routes

• DIFF: DIFF Enable devices

• BUS: Enable busbar faults

• FRQ: Consider frequency protection

The Area to be checked section is used to define which part of the network is to be analyzed. The

Only consider machine protection within the protection area option is new here. This option only

considers machine protection for the selectivity analysis if the machines/generating plant are located

within the considered protection area. Machine protection involves protection devices that provide

frequency protection and/or voltage protection.

The second page in the dialog box contains Extended Settings for the calculation method. These

have been completely redesigned in order to provide simpler and clearer access to all extended

check options.


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The following malfunction types can be selected in the Malfunction selection list:

• None:

No malfunction is checked.

• Device:

Start and end devices of the route malfunction individually. These devices are therefore not

tripped and the tripping behavior of the backup protection can be examined. If the All devices

option is activated, additionally all devices malfunction at the start terminal, at the end terminal or

at the start and the end terminal.

• Breaker:

A circuit breaker malfunction is simulated for all devices that are located jointly on one terminal.

This applies both to the protection at the start and at the end of the protection zone. These

devices are therefore not tripped and the tripping behavior of the backup protection can be

examined. This communication connection is kept active if a signal comparison, e.g. a circuit

breaker malfunction protection, is present.

The right selection list makes it possible to select between the following backup modes:

• Default:

To determine the backup protection, a network trace is performed behind the protection device

required to malfunction so that all the devices for the backup or which have a backup protection

function for the fault location are obtained. Those devices not carrying current are then removed.

• Extended:

All devices at the same node and also those located opposite these devices, are considered as

backup protection.

The All devices option (protection device malfunction) makes it possible to specify if additional

routes are to be formed, at which all devices malfunction on a terminal. Up to 3 routes would be

added here:

• All devices at the start terminal malfunction.

• All devices at the end terminal malfunction.


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• All devices at the start and end terminal malfunction.

The Destruction selection list makes it possible to select the type of destruction to be determined:

• None:

No destruction is determined.

• In route:

For this the admissible short circuit current on all lines of the route is used in order to determine

the shortest time until an element is destroyed. If the clearing time of the fault is greater than this

determined time, the result is marked as Destruction in route. This selection value is not

available if the Consider frequency protection option is active.

• In network:

For this the admissible short circuit current on all lines of the network is used in order to

determine the shortest time until an element is destroyed. If the clearing time of the fault is

greater than this determined time, the result is marked as Destruction in network. This

selection value is not available if the Consider frequency protection option is active.

The following options can be selected in the Coordination time selection list:

• None:

No additional check is carried out.

• Switch off procedure:

The Switch off time is the circuit breaker delay time. The Reset time is the time required for the

excitation of a protection device to drop out after a power interruption.

The Safety contains the protection command time and a safety margin can be considered here.

These values are transferred to the corresponding values in Additional Data – Protection

Location in the section Switch Time. The grading time in the Protection Coordination –

Calculation Settings is set to 0.0.

Switch off and reset times specified locally in the protection device are treated as dominant,

which means that switch off and reset times specific to the protection device can be taken into


• Grading time:

The Grading time is applied to the Coordination time in the Protection Coordination –

Calculation Settings and taken into account accordingly in the simulation.

It is possible to choose between the following options in the Clearing time selection list:

• None:

No additional check is carried out.

• Maximum fault clearing time:

A maximum fault clearing time for the main protection and – if active – separately for the backup

protection can be entered here that is used for the check. If the clearing time of the fault is

greater than this specified time, the result is marked as an underfunction. This makes it possible

to identify fault locations with long clearing times.

The following options can be selected in the Reliability of Pickup selection list:

• None:

No additional check is carried out.

• Reliability pickup factor:

Here you can specify a pickup reliability factor for the main protection and – if active – separately

for the backup protection.


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Enhancements for Backup Protection

The manual definition of backup protection devices was simplified. The new Backup Protection

Devices function (#1) is provided for this purpose in the results view of the protection analysis via the

pop-up menu. This allows the backup protection devices determined by the calculation procedure to

be assigned directly to the malfunctioning device (#3) in the selected results row (#2).

The behavior of the manually defined backup protection devices can also be set with additional

parameters. The Protection Backup dialog box makes it possible to define for each device whether

it must trip.

If the option is activated and the corresponding protection device does not trip in the course of

backup protection, this is evaluated as a underfunction. If this option is not active, it is sufficient if the

fault is cleared by the permissible backup protection devices.

Checking of Time Selectivity

This new function enables the time selectivity to also be evaluated in the protection analysis. This

means that if this check is activated, falling below the specified grading times is shown as an

underfunction in the results view.


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Checking the Clearing Time

It is possible here to now define the times for clearing faults individually for primary and backup


Checking the Pickup Reliability

The factors for the pickup reliability for primary and backup protection are now preset directly in the

protection analysis wizard. The factor for arc flash data is therefore no longer taken into

consideration in the protection analysis and when recalculating faults.

New Protection Devices

The following new protection device models have been added to the global protection database for

overcurrent time protection devices.

Protection device Manufacturer






















Reyrolle 7SR11 SIEMENS

Reyrolle 7SR12 SIEMENS

Reyrolle 7SR45 SIEMENS

Short Circuit Result Display

The display of the short-circuit results has been extended. For the surge short-circuit current ip, "n/a"

is displayed in the network diagram instead of "0.0 kA", if the value was not calculated for this

element in accordance with the short-circuit calculation procedure specified (e.g. calculation of ip for

parallel fed short circuit in accordance with IEC 60909 – 2016).


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April 2020 30/54

Extended THD Calculation in Harmonics

An extended THD calculation has been provided for harmonics. The THD (total harmonic distortion)

is the ratio of the RMS value of the sum of all harmonic components Qh up to a defined harmonic

number H to the RMS value of the base component Q1.

𝑇𝐻𝐷 = √∑ (𝑄ℎ




Q … Represents either current or voltage

Q1 … RMS value of the base components

Qh … RMS value of the harmonic component of the harmonic number h

h … Harmonic number

H … Limit value for maximum harmonic number

Up to now, PSS SINCAL has used either the load current or the specification according to PCC as a

base Q1 for the current. However, the rated voltage was always used for the voltage. This is useful

for planning calculations, but not if the actual operating state of the network is to be analyzed.

For this reason, you can now set the following behavior parameters in the calculation settings for

Harmonics/Ripple Control.


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The new THD Calculation selection field (#1) is used to define which voltage is used to determine

the THD:

• Rated data:

The rated voltage of the node is used as the voltage value of the fundamental.

• Power flow result:

The voltage of the node result of the load flow calculation is used as a voltage value of the


Changes in Calculation Method Hosting Capacity

This calculation module enables the maximum possible decentralized feed power or consumption

power to be automatically determined in a selected subnetwork. This determines at all nodes of a

subnetwork the maximum power that can be fed/consumed without violating the limits of set

background conditions such as voltages, utilizations, voltage changes etc.

In order to simplify the use of the calculation method, the definition of the terminal power has been

made easier in the wizard. Now only active power range and power factor are specified.

The output of the results in the results view and the external results database has also been

changed. The active, reactive and apparent power determined for each installation location is now

available here.

Extensions for Dynamics

In response to user requests, the dynamics simulation has been extended to make it even more

useful in a wide variety of symmetrical and asymmetrical networks.

Extensions for Stability in Asymmetrical Networks

A special feature of the stability calculation (RMS) in PSS SINCAL is that, unlike many solutions of

competitors, it can also be used in asymmetrical networks. This means that the robust and


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comparatively simple stability calculation can be used to examine dynamic processes in the range of

seconds and milliseconds without using the complex EMT simulation.

With the extensions that have now been implemented, the definition of asymmetrical disturbance

criteria in the stability calculation has been improved. It is now possible for asymmetrical faults and

switching measures in the network to also be defined in the stability calculation.

Extended Modeling of Auxiliary Connectors

Auxiliary connectors are necessary in the dynamics calculation to carry out network changes and to

tap signals from the network. Since the auxiliary connectors are built directly into the admittance

matrix, they cannot be impedance-free. The auxiliary branches were previously built into the matrix

with a fixed impedance. Depending on the network model and the examination carried out, this can

have an undesirable effect on the results. In order to be able to control this effect better, it is now

possible to set the calculation settings for the dynamics of the Resistance Auxiliary Connector (#1)

to match the network model.

If 0.0 ohm is entered as a resistance for the auxiliary connector, the internal default value of 1e-6

Ohm is used in the dynamics simulation.

Extended Plot Output

The plotting of machine sizes has been made even more flexible. Now all sizes of a selected

machine can be plotted. To do this, simply select the All machine outputs entry in the data of the

machine in the Plot Definition for Dynamics dialog box.


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Temperature-Dependent Utilization for Operational Devices

The definition of the temperature of operational devices and the determination of temperature-

dependent permissible loads for lines, overhead lines and transformers has been redesigned.

As before, the operating medium temperature for lines and overhead lines is defined via the Network


The temperature of the operational devices is used to determine the resistance of cables and

overhead lines. The resistance R is determined here as a function of the operational device

temperature T.


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𝑅 = 𝑙 × 𝑟 × (1 + (𝑇 − 20) × 𝛼)

R … Resistance of the line in ohm

l … Line length in km

r … Resistance of the line in ohm/km

T … Operational device temperature Tline and Tcable in °C

α … Temperature coefficient in 1/°C

In addition, the ambient temperature (#2) for cables, overhead lines and transformers can also be

defined in the network level. The ambient temperature is used to determine the new temperature-

dependent element utilization.

For this a new characteristic curve for the temperature-dependent Element Loading can be

assigned for lines and transformers. This characteristic describes how the permissible utilization of

the operational device changes as a function of temperature. The characteristic curve can optionally

be defined as factor, power in MVA (for transformers) or current in kA (for cables and overhead


A more detailed definition of the temperature specifications for operational devices can be carried out

via the Network Area. The reason for this is because the temperature of the operational devices is

significantly influenced by the location or area in which the operational device is located. This spatial

assignment is described by the network area. The Network Area screen form is therefore provided

with the new Temperature tab. If the Use Temperature option is activated, the temperature

information of the network level is ignored and this data is used for all network elements assigned to

the network area. In addition to the temperature specifications for cables, overhead lines and

transformers. In addition, time-dependent and working point dependent temperature profiles can be

defined. These profiles are used by the load profile and operating point calculation.


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April 2020 35/54

Asymmetrical Network Supply

The network supply has been extended to allow an asymmetrical modeling with three phase voltages

and voltage angles. Like the symmetrical modeling, this defines for the load flow calculation the value

and angle of the node voltage at a node. There is no limit to the power difference between supply,

consumption and loss that the network element in the network can take on, i.e. it works as a "slack".


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The asymmetrical simulation can be assigned with the following option via the Load Flow Type

selection field (#1):

• |uq| and (asymmetrical) (source voltage and voltage angle asymmetrical)

• |ukl| and (asymmetrical) (terminal voltage and voltage angle asymmetrical)

𝐸 = −𝑉𝐺

𝑉𝑛𝑁 × √3× 𝑒𝑗𝛿

Modified Limit Values for Supply Sources

The definition of limit values for all supply sources has been redesigned. These are now defined in

the new Limits tab.

The Consider Limits option (#1) has been added here. This controls the testing of the power

specified at the operating point. It has the following selection options:

• Warning:

Operating point powers outside the limit values are displayed as a warning.

• Error:

Operating point powers outside the limit values cause a fault with an abort of the calculation.





V1 V





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The limit values can either be specified directly in the screen form or via a characteristic curve with

power limit values. An extension has also been provided for the Power Limit characteristic curve

(#2). Previously, a P/Q characteristic curve could only be stored for the rated voltage. It is now

possible for the P/Q characteristic to be defined for any voltage.

Before the calculation, PSS SINCAL checks the input data (from the working area) based on the

operating voltage (from the network level) at the connection node and the associated characteristic

curve. The characteristic curve that best matches the operating voltage at the connection node of the

network element is used to determine the permissible limit values for P and Q.

Extended Power Control for Supply Sources

Inverter-based supply sources (e.g. inverters) can have a current limit (e.g. for filters) to protect the

operational device. Depending on the specified power priority, either the fed active or reactive power

is then limited so that the rated current is not exceeded. This behavior can be simulated with power

priority in PSS SINCAL.

The power priority is available for the following network elements:

• DC infeeder

• Synchronous machine

• Power unit

The screen form for the Controller has been redesigned for all three network elements. The

following illustration shows an example of the screen form of the DC infeeder, the screen form of the

synchronous machine and the power plant unit are designed accordingly.

The new Power Priority selection field (#1) determines whether active or reactive power should be

fed in with priority:

• None:

The power is not checked against the maximum possible power.


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• Active power:

The power is checked against the maximum possible power. The reactive power is limited.

• Reactive power:

The power is checked against the maximum possible power. The active power is limited.

The apparent power from the load flow is obtained via the active and reactive power.

𝑆𝐿𝐹 = |𝑃𝐿𝐹 + 𝑗𝑄𝐿𝐹|

The maximum apparent power is derived from the rated current and the voltage from the load flow.

𝑆𝑀𝑎𝑥 = 𝐼𝑁|𝑉𝐿𝐹|

With active power priority, the specified active power is maintained, i.e. reactive power is limited.

𝑄𝐿𝐹 𝐿𝑖𝑚 = √𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥2 − 𝑃𝐿𝐹


With reactive power priority, the specified reactive power is maintained, i.e. active power is limited.

𝑃𝐿𝐹 𝐿𝑖𝑚 = √𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥2 − 𝑄𝐿𝐹


New Network Planning Tool for Determining the Earth Fault Compensation Data

PSS SINCAL now offers a new network planning tool for determining earth fault compensation data.

The idea here is to determine the compensation data for the most complete possible removal of the

fault currents present during 1-phase earth faults.

The new network planning tool can be started via Tools – Determining Data – Earth Fault

Compensation Data. This opens a special control dialog box in which the area of observation can

be defined for determining the compensation data.

Closing the dialog box with OK starts the calculation process. If this could be carried out

successfully, the results are shown in the result view.


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The results are displayed in tabular form. Each row in the table displays a node for which the earth

fault compensation data was determined. The first column of the table contains the node name. In

the following columns the values R0, X0, R0p, C0p as well as the compensation impedances REp

and XEp can be found as a parallel connection.

In the last column, the neutral point of the transformer connected to the nodes is listed if present. The

determined compensation data can then be transferred directly to the neutral point of the

transformer. The Apply neutral point function is provided for this in the pop-up menu of the table.

The function transfers the determined values for RE and XE to the neutral point and activates the

parallel circuitry, which is also required.


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Neutral point impedance ZE

with parallel circuit:

𝑍𝐸 = 3 ×(𝑅𝐸 × 𝑗𝑋𝐸)

(𝑅𝐸 + 𝑗𝑋𝐸)

Improved Node Malfunction in Reliability Calculation

Previously, if a node failure occurred in the reliability calculation, all connected elements were taken

out of service. With connected node elements and branch elements with two terminals, the shutdown

has practically no effect on the results. With three-end protection routes, i.e. three-winding

transformers and serial dual reactors, however, a complete shutdown leads to a supply interruption

on the third side. This is not optimal with a node malfunction, so a change has been made here.

Three-end protection routes are now switched on one side in the event of node failure and are no

longer taken completely out of operation.


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Pipe Networks

External Data

The External Data is now also available for pipe networks, in the same way as for electrical

networks. This function enables any external technical documents to be assigned directly to the

network elements. Only the reference to the document and the identification of the network element

in the new "FlowDataExt" table are stored in the network database.

The External Data pop-up menu of the network element enables the dialog box for managing

external data to be opened.

Any quantity of external data can be assigned to the network element in the dialog box. For

structuring purposes, a name and a category can be defined here. The File Name field is used to

define the name of the document which is to be assigned to the network element. Only the reference

to the document is saved here.

The external document is displayed by clicking the Open button. This automatically opens the

application that is registered in the Windows system for editing the document.

New Result for Mixing

In all pipe network calculations, results are already provided for the proportional supply of the nodes

from the various infeeders. These results are available at the nodes and are determined by the

steady-state calculation. The run times of the medium to the node are calculated for different supply

sources. The end time is determined here, i.e. when a complete mixing is present and also the

average time.

In order to be able to evaluate a change in media quality, however, the shortest time from which a

change in the mixture of the medium at the node occurs is also interesting. A practical example here

is a gas network which is operated alternately with low caloric gas and high caloric gas. It is essential

to know here the earliest time at which there is a change of the medium at the node.

This time is now available for the node results of the steady-state calculation in the Start Time field

in water networks, gas networks and district heating/district cooling networks.


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User Interface

Improved Path Management

New Option for Paths

The directory selection in PSS NETOMAC's file selection dialog box is similar to the one in

PSS SINCAL. The new Use individual directories for file input fields option is now available in the

Options dialog box on the Directories page. If this option is activated, the respective directory is

stored in the registry for each file selection dialog box. If this option is deactivated, only one directory

is stored in the registry, which is then used by each file selection dialog box.

Extended File Browser

A new navigation option has been added to the file browser. In the navigation area on the left-hand

side, under PSS NETOMAC, the directory of the currently open project is displayed (#1) in addition to

the default location of projects.

Source Editor

In order to make it easier to find the appropriate documentation in the complex input data, the

connection to Help has been extended in the source editor. Now the help which is matching the file

type is opening from the procedure manual:

• NET file: Network elements

• MAC file: Control modules (BOSL)


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• CTL file: Text and program control lines

• DIS file: Disturbance criteria and network change

• PLO/PZD file: Graphical output

Extended Model Editor

Definition of Variables and Debug Specifications

The definition of variables and the debug parameter for models have been extensively revised. Now

all functions are summarized in the clearly arranged and compact Variables dialog box.

The dialog box consists of two parts:

• the browser with the toolbar on the left hand

• the details area where information is displayed about the selected element on the right hand

In this dialog box the Variables for models can be defined as before. Here the definition of the

variables has been simplified. For each variable, the default value, minimum value, maximum value

and the debug value can be defined. Optionally, default value or debug value can be displayed in the


New functions are available via the pop-up menu in the browser, which allow, among other things,

the transfer of variables directly from the Windows clipboard.

The specifications for debugging the model can also be parameterized directly in the Variables

dialog box. All necessary data is available in the browser. The values of the Globals can be set, the

values of the inputs can be preset and Events can also be defined.

New Dialog Box for Defining Equations

The definition of equations has been revised. This is now done in a source editor dialog box,

analogous to the model initialization. This allows all equations of the model to be edited much more

easily and clearly.


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Improved Editing Functions

The Take Off Points have been completely reimplemented. Both the inputs and outputs are now all

connected to the symbol center. This makes the graphical display clearer and makes it easier to align

the connections.

The alignment of blocks in the model editor has also been improved. When aligning, only the blocks

and Take Off Points are taken into account while all connections are ignored.

Formatting for Multiple Selection

Multiple editing of selected blocks/graphic elements in the Properties window of attributes in the

model editor has been improved. You can now display and change the properties of several selected

elements simultaneously.

If several different blocks/graphic elements are selected, the system determines which attributes are

available for all selected elements (#1). These common attributes are then displayed in the

Properties window and can be changed there directly (#2). The change is then applied to the

selected blocks/graphical elements.


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Logical Blocks

The logical comparison functions ">", ">=", "==", "<" and "<=" are now also available in the model

editor in the form of the new CMP block. This new block can execute one of the above comparison

functions. The block has two inputs, a comparison function and an output.

For output y it can be defined which value is delivered for a positive comparison result (True value)

and which for a negative comparison result (False value).


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Synchronization of Table with Network Browser

In tabular view, the new function Sync to network browser (#1) is available in the pop-up menu.

This function selects (#2) the node in the network browser which is available in the selected row of

the table.

If a row in the table contains several topological data of nodes and elements, the pop-up menu can

be opened directly from a cell in the table. Then exactly that node or element is selected in the

network browser which is present in the cell.

Enhancements for Diagrams

New Evaluation Functions in the Diagram

As with PSS SINCAL, the evaluation functions in the diagrams in PSS NETOMAC have also been

enhanced. The new mode for displaying the signal position with two markers is also available here.

The new legend in the diagram view browser has been implemented as well. This makes it

particularly easy to read coordinates with the evaluation functions and furthermore other functions

can be called up from the pop-up menu.

Copy all Signals

In the pop-up menu of the diagrams the new function Copy all signals (#1) is available. With this

function all signals assigned to the diagram can be copied.


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Extended Diagrams of Variants Function

The Add Signals from Variant function available in the diagram pop-up menu has been enhanced.

This function can be used to automatically add signals from selected variants to an existing diagram

page. An option for configuring if the current diagram page should be duplicated before inserting the

variant data is now available in the control dialog box of the function.

Extended Import of Project Data

Importing diagram data has been improved in the Project Data Import wizard. Previously, when

importing, the signal data file had to be assigned individually for each diagram page. This has been

improved. If a signal file is reassigned once, this automatically applies for all diagram pages which

used the original signal file.

Calculation Methods

New or Changed BOSL Blocks

Extended DEADBAND and DEADBAND2 Block

Limits are now available for both blocks. This means that limits can also be simulated without

additional blocks.

The DEADBAND block was additionally extended with EPS option analogous to PSS E.


This is a new DEADBAND block with hysteresis according to CGMES.

Column Variable Unit Default Remarks


Name1 Output name y

Name2 Input name x Prev. output name


IDCOL Column 27: Identifier input format 0 = 0: no limiting = 1: no limiting at initial conditions, limiting at integration = 2: imiting at initial conditions, limiting at integration

HZ1 db1and EPS EPS = db1



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HZ8 MIN Fixed value or block name for limiting

HZ9 MAX Fixed value or block name for limiting


Functional principle:

New HYSTER Block

This block can be used to model a hysteresis behavior analogous to PSS E or IEEE.

Column Variable Unit Default Remarks


Name1 Output name y

Name2 Input name x Prev. output name


IDCOL Column 27: Identifier input format 0 = 0: no limiting = 1: no limiting at initial conditions, limiting at integration = 2: imiting at initial conditions, limiting at integration

HZ1 db2







HZ8 MIN Fixed value or block name for limiting

HZ9 MAX Fixed value or block name for limiting





HZ1 = EPS = db1



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Functional principle:

PARAM Block with Resistance of Lines

With the PARAM block parameters of network elements can be read out. This block has been

extended with a new functionality that allows to read the resistance of lines in the simulation. The

new functionality is activated with the IMPED keyword in HZ1 field.

Column Variable Unit Default Remarks


Name1 Output name y




HZ1 Keyword for type of network element

Keywords: IMPED (impedance of network elements)





HZ6 Branch name Name of branch

HZ7 Branch name continued Continuation of the branch name, if there are more than 6 characters

HZ8 Phase/System Phase: R, S, T or Blank System: 1, 2, 0




$1......12......23......3AA1....12....23....34....45....56....67...78...89...9ZZ EVALUATE TEST N IMP PARAM IMPED X0001e A TXT FORMAT UTIME IMP (F8.3,G) FEND ENDE $1......12......23......3AA1....12....23....34....45....56....67...78...89...9ZZ



db2 db2

db2 db2

db2 db2

HZ1 = db2


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April 2020 51/54

New Modulo Function

The basic mathematical functions in BOSL were extended by a modulo function MOD(). This can be

used analogous to the functions already available, such as SIN(), COS(), SIGN(), ..., in Fortran

Statements in BOSL. The syntax is as follows:


The function returns the rest of the division of A/P, that is: A – (INT(A/P) * P).

New Matrix Functions

In BOSL, two new functions for calculating with matrices are available: MATMUL() for multiplying a

matrix by a vector and INVERT() for inverting a symmetric matrix. Both functions use the arrays

available in BOSL as input and output parameters.

$ Allocate data ALLOCATE(Mat1(2,2)) ALLOCATE(Vec1(2)) $ Setup Matrix and Vector Mat1(1,1)=2 Mat1(1,2)=5 Mat1(2,1)=1 Mat1(2,2)=3 Vec1(1)=2 Vec1(2)=3 $ Multiplication $ 2 5 x 2 = 19 $ 1 3 3 11 a=MATMUL(Mat1,Vec1) !Multiply, result in Vec1 $ Invert $ 2 5 x 3 -5 = 1 0 $ 1 3 -1 2 0 1 a=INVERT(Mat1) !Invert, result in Mat1

Output of the Modal Torsional Torques and Angular Acceleration

The torsion calculation was extended. Now the torsional torques can also be output directly as modal

components, so that mono-frequency oscillations occur and can be analyzed more easily.

In addition to output of angle of each mass, the angular acceleration can also be output.

The following table shows the available plot sizes for the torsion calculation.

Column Variable Unit Default Remarks

Type M

Name1 Designator = EMK: Torsional torque [pu] = EMK_MOD: Modal torsional torque [pu] = EM: Driving torque [pu] = EM_MOD: Modal driving torque [pu] = YR: Physical torsion angle [rad] = OM: Angular velocity [rad/s] = pAcc: Angular acceleration [rad/s] = pAccMod: Modal angular acceleration [rad/s]

Name2 Machine name

Name3 Mass number



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HZ1 HZ1 – HZ9: User-defined alphanumeric text for plotter scale designation. (16 characters per line, 3 lines) line wraps through "||s" in case of free positioning









Izus Allocation number, column 77-80 Integer Employ free positioning for INPUT control block

Extended Transformer Controller with Time Constant

The controller of the transformer tap changer was extended with a time constant for the simulation,

which defines the response time.

For this purpose, the transformer tap changer for two-winding transformers and three-winding

transformers has a new subsequent line (+) in which the time constant can be defined in seconds.

The following example shows the new subsequent line for the tap changer of a two-winding


[[network]] $1......12......23......3AA1....12....23....34....45....56....67...78...89...9ZZ SGEN-HV ST1 1. TGEN-HV sternY TRAFO 405. 380. 100. .2 16. TGEN-LV 27. 27. 1 1.05 TRAFO .9 1.1 +1 -66 .00006 66 .6E-4 + 12 M TRAFO 2. 2. RGEN-LV NET SWITCH .001 .001 27. VNET GEN +80. +60. RGEN_HV GEN-LV BBB .001 .001 27 [[end network]]

Advanced Plot Output

Line m

The plotting of machine variables with the m-line has been extended. Now all sizes of a selected

machine can be plotted. For this purpose the Name2 field of the m-line is not filled and the name of

the machine is defined in the Name3 field. If no machine name is defined, all sizes for all machines

are output.

The following example shows the plot definition file with different outputs of machine variables with


$1......12......23......3AA1....12....23....34....45....56....67...78...89...9ZZ $ Plot definition file E NEWFORM $ Plot definitions $1......12......23......3AA1....12....23....34....45....56....67...78...89...9ZZ


Release Information

April 2020 53/54

m< NA All machines in NA (min) m> NA All machines in NA (max) m* NA All machines in NA (mean) m< NB All machines in NB (min) m> NB All machines in NB (max) m* NB All machines in NB (mean) m 101G1 101G1 m 3011G1 3011G1 m NA NA m NB NB m< All machines (min) m> All machines (max) m* All machines (mean) $1......12......23......3AA1....12....23....34....45....56....67...78...89...9ZZ

Line n

With the n-line, voltage magnitude, voltage angle as well as frequency of all nodes of a network or a

network area can be plotted easily. In order to be able to use this function in all simulation methods,

enhancements have been provided in the configuration and in the scope of output.

The following table shows the syntax of the n-line:

Column Variable Unit Default Remarks

Type n

Name1 B, W, O Possible suffix: ">" = Maximum "<" = Minimum "*" = Average value

B = Magnitude of voltage W = Angle of voltage O = Frequency deviation

Name2 Filter category from NZD

Name3 Filter category from NZD

IDCOL For calculation with symmetrical components: R, S or T phase quantities or 1, 2 or 0 symmetrical components

see detail description phase/system identifiers

HZ1 HZ1 – HZ9: User-defined alphanumeric text for plotter scale designation.










The size to be plotted is controlled via the column IDCOL. Here either the system (1, 2, 0) or the

phase (R, S, T) is selected. This selection is now available for all simulation methods. The sizes are

then determined appropriately for the plot output.

For stability simulation with symmetrical components as well as unbalanced stability simulation, the

following data can be output with the n-line:

Name1 IDCOL/column 26 Output

B 1 Voltage magnitude positive-phase system


Release Information

April 2020 54/54

B 2 Voltage magnitude negative-phase system

B 0 Voltage magnitude zero-phase system

W 1 Voltage angle positive-phase system

W 2 Voltage angle negative-phase system

W 0 Voltage angle zero-phase system

O 1 Frequency deviation positive-phase system

B R Voltage magnitude phase R

B S Voltage magnitude phase S

B T Voltage magnitude phase T

W R Voltage angle phase R

W S Voltage angle phase S

W T Voltage angle phase T

Stability simulation with sym. components

B Voltage magnitude positive-phase system

W Voltage angle positive-phase system

O Frequency deviation positive-phase system

Stability simulation unbalanced (RST)

B Voltage magnitude phase R

W Voltage angle phase R

O Frequency deviation positive-phase system

At EMT simulation the following data can be output with the n-line:

Name1 IDCOL/column 26 Output

I R Instantaneous value voltage phase R

I S Instantaneous value voltage phase S

I T Instantaneous value voltage phase T

I Instantaneous value voltage first phase

B 1 Voltage magnitude positive-phase system

B 2 Voltage magnitude negative-phase system

B 0 Voltage magnitude zero-phase system

W 1 Voltage angle positive-phase system

W 2 Voltage angle negative-phase system

W 0 Voltage angle zero-phase system

O 1 Frequency deviation positive-phase system

B Space phasor magnitude

W Space phasor angle
