Religion as a Political Factor


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  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    Jewish dispersions, A.D. 70-1500. A revolt against Roman rule in A.D. 66 was followed by the

    destruction of the Jewish Temple four years later and an imperial decision to Romanize the city of

    Jerusalem. Judaism spread from the hearth region carried by its adherents dispersing from their

    homeland to Europe, Africa, and eventually in great numbers to the Western Hemisphere.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    Diffusion paths of Christianity, A.D. 100-1500. Routes and dates are for Christianity

    as a composite faith. No distinction is made between the Western church and the

    various subdivisions of the Eastern Orthodox denominations.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    The building of Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris begun in 1163 and took more than 100 years to

    complete. Perhaps the best known of the French Gothic churches, it was part of a great period of

    cathedral construction in Western Europe during the late 12th and the 13th centuries. Between 1170

    and 1270, some 80 cathedrals were constructed in France alone.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    The worlds largest

    Christian church. The

    Basilica of Our Lady Of

    Peace in Yamoussoukro,the Ivory Coast, is the

    worlds Christian church.

    The countrys first

    president, Felix

    Houphouet-Boigny (1905-

    1993), converted to RomanCatholicism as a teenager

    and he built the basilica as

    a pilgrimage center for

    Africas Catholics and a

    bulwark against Islam and

    native religions in his

    country. Ivory Coast isabout 12 percent Christian,

    60 percent Muslim and 28

    percent animist. The air-

    conditioned basilica can

    hold 18,000 people.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    Spread and extent of Islam. Islam predominates in over 35 countries along a band across northern Africa to Central Asia,Bnorthwestern China, and the

    northern part of the Indian subcontinent. Still farther east, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country. Islams greatest development is in

    Asia, where it si second only Hinduism, and in Africa, where some observers suggest it may be the leading faith. Current Islamic expansion is particularly

    rapid in the Southern Hemisphere.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    The early diffusion of Buddhism. Buddhism was localized near its hearth for hundreds of

    years, but it spread widely through the support of the third-century Indian emperor Asoka.

    It has largely been abandoned in India.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    Hinduism is today restricted almost exclusively to India, Nepal, and to places where Indians

    have migrated, including Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, and Fiji in the Pacific Ocean. Sikhs

    form a majority in the Indian state of Punjab, but smaller Sikh communities can be foundthroughout India. The regions Christian converted from animism in the 19th century.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    The Taj Mahal. A Muslim ruler built the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum in Agra, India,

    for his beloved wife, in 1648. Indias Muslim rulers were so rich and powerful

    that their name, Mughals, has come down to us in English as a word for a

    business executive: a mogul.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    Pilgrims at dawn worship in the Ganges River at Varanasi, India, one of the

    seven most sacred Hindu cities and the reputed earthly capital of Siva, Hindu

    god of destruction and regeneration. Hindus believe that to die in Varanasi

    means release from the cycle of rebirth and permits entrance into heaven.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor


    The Golden Temple in Amritsar.

    The Sikhs 400-year-old Golden

    Temple in Amritsar, India, standsin the middle of a sacred lake (in

    sanskrit amrita saras, pool of

    immortality. The building was

    occupied by armed Sikh

    extremists in 1983, and the

    following year Indian troops

    stormed it and drove out the

    occupants in a bloody

    encounter. Sikh fanatics

    retaliated by assassinating

    Indias Prime Minister Indira

    Gandhi. The worlds second

    largest Sikh temple, seating3,000 worshippers, opened in

    London in 2003.

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor



    Almost all countries guarantee freedom of religion and most governments

    observe a form of secularism. Theocracy is a form of government where a church rules directly (Vatican).

    In Israel, recent laws ban the production or sale of pork and prohibit

    activities on the Sabbath.

    In Christianity, it is accepted the idea that state and church, religion and

    politics must be separated. Despite the wide-spread Secularism, several

    countries are explicitly Christian supporting the established churches with

    public funds (Argentina, Peru, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Finland).

    In Islam, no distinction can be made between church and state, which

    teaches that the only purpose of government is to ensure that each person

    can lead a good Muslim life. Many countries with largely Muslim populations

    are officially Islamic (Mauritania, Afghanistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen,Oman, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia).

  • 8/14/2019 Religion as a Political Factor



    Max Weber (1904)The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

    Protestantism encourages individualism and the worldwide expansion of

    Protestantism might encourage individualistic capitalism.

    Universal Catechism (1992)Markets do not always meet human needs

    and governments should regulate markets according to a just hierarchy of

    values. Confucianism recommends societal leadership by an intelligent elite with

    the moral obligation to guide the people. It enhances the status of jobs in

    government bureaucracies. Diligence, obedience, and high savings rates

    characterize the peoples of neo-Confucian Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and

