Remember….. Quiz #5 available until Monday at 11 pm


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Remember….. • Quiz #5 available until Monday at 11 pm

1. Where is this?

2. What is this?

3. What type of tissue is the nasopharynx lined with?

4. What type of tissue is the oropharynx lined with?

5. Define a pneumothorax.

• definition of the lymph system• lymph vessels• lymph nodes• lymph nodules• tonsils• spleen

Fig. 22.1(TE Art)Spleen


Thoracic duct

Lymphatic vessels

Palatine tonsil

Bone marrow

Lymph nodes

Functions of the lymph system

1. Fluid recovery2. Immunity3. Lipid absorption

Inversion of the ankle joint – ankle sprain

Anterior talofibular ligamentCalcaneofibular ligament

Edema and a typical ankle sprainEdema = increase in interstitial fluid in an organ

Peripheral edema

Fig. 22.3(TE Art)

Endothelial cell




Lymphatic duct

Tissue fluid

High pressure in tissues – low pressure in lymph vesselInterstitial fluid flows into lymph capillariesFlow: arterioles – capillaries – interstitial fluid – lymph capillaries

Larger lymph vessels….

1. Have valves2. Have tunica interna,

media and externa

Collecting ducts

Lymph node

Collecting vessel

Lymphatic capillaries

Flow of lymph – from tissues back to venous system

Fig. 22.6(TE Art)

L. subclavian v.

Thoracic duct

Cisterna chyli

Drainage of rightLymphatic duct

R. subclavian v.

R. lymphatic duct

Superior vena cava

Drainage of thoracicduct (left lymphatic duct)

Lymph drainage from left and right sides of the body is different

Thoracic duct

Left subclavian vein

Lymphatic vessels

Lymph nodes

Fig. 22.12a(TE Art)Lymphatic nodule





Lymph node

Inguinal lymph nodes

Cervical lymph nodes

Axillary lymph nodes

Lymph nodes

Axillary nodes




Thoracic duct

Lymphatic vessels

Palatine tonsil

Bone marrow

Lymph nodes

Lymphatic tissues• Diffuse lymphatic tissue• Lymph nodules

Lymphatic organs• Lymph nodes• Tonsils• Spleen • Red bone marrow• Thymus

Lymph nodule: dense mass of lymphocytes and macrophages come and go as pathogens invade

Fig. 22.14a(TE Art)





Tonsils: lymphatic nodules covered with an epithelium

Spleen: largest lymphoid organ• red pulp: erythrocytes (RBC’s)• white pulp: lymphocytes and macrophages• produce blood cells in fetus• monitor blood for antigens• RBC storage • “erythrocyte graveyard”• splenectomy

Remember….. • Quiz #5 available until Monday at 11 pm
