Renegade Visions Photography Magazine. Issue #1



Curated and published by Australian photographer David Collier. “I want to showcase photographers from around the world, especially relatively unknown people who have a unique style and look to their work. There is no set theme or format but photos that evoke emotion in the viewer.” Benedetta Falugi, Ché Parker, Matt Lief Anderson, Katja Kremenic, Julianne Popa, Richard Hughes, Sophie Fontaine, Angela Stella Boyias, Ian Flanders, Beata Ryden, Patrick Joust, William Broadhurst, Claudia Cosetino, Kelseyy Taylor

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Renegade VisionsMagazineIssue #1

A Photographic magazine created by David Collier -

Renegade;‘“An individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior”

http://renegadevisions.tumblr.comThis version available on HP Magcloud, Print and Digital

Curated and published by Australian photographer David Collier. “I want to showcase photographers from around the world, especially relatively unknown people who have a unique style and look to their work. There is no set theme or format but photos that evoke emotion in the viewer.”

We are always interested in new submissions for possible inclusion:

We also publish weekly on Tumblr.

David Collier’s photography.

Front cover photo: Sophie FontaineInside front and back cover photos: David Collier

Renegade VisionsIssue #1

Benedetta Falugi - 2-5Ché Parker - 6-9Matt Lief Anderson - 10-13Katja Kremenic - 14-17Julianne Popa - 18-21 Richard Hughes - 22-25Sophie Fontaine - 26-29Angela Stella Boyias - 30-33Ian Flanders - 34-37Beata Ryden - 38-43Patrick Joust - 44-49William Broadhurst - 50-53Claudia Cosetino - 54-57Kelseyy Taylor - 58-61

Benedetta Falugi - Tuscany, ItalyWhere do you live?, Follonica, Tuscany, Italy.

What is life like living there?, Good!, I love living by the sea.

What got you started into photography?Just for fun, then I discovered the potential of the photographic means.

Camera gear?Eximus 22mm, a plastic underwater camera, lc-a, Olympus OM1, Leica mini II, Yashica t4, Contax t2, Canon 5D Mark II

What do you like to photograph?Mainly people, either people I know or strangers, and also places and lights that I am attracted to.

Could you give us some details about these photographs and your work?I can only say that my work is directed by spontaneity and emotion

Exhibitions/Articles/Awards?The last exhibition is a collective for vogue italia: also an article on witness journal with the series “a summer” : also please take a look at my site.

What other photographers do you admire? William eggleston, Lukasz Wierzbowski and many many others

Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Yes, there’s something moving in my head

What do you think of phone photography? mmmh.. I don’t like it at the moment.

Where can we find you? site:

Benedetta Falugi - Renegade Visions Magazine


Benedetta Falugi - Renegade Visions Magazine


Benedetta Falugi - Renegade Visions Magazine Benedetta Falugi - Renegade Visions Magazine


Ché Parker - Perth, Western Australia Where do you live?In a quiet inner-city suburb on a street lined with flame trees (currently in bloom and by christ it's magnificent) in Perth, Western Australia.

What is it like living there?Heaps good, in spite of what you'll hear from a multitude of brats bellyaching about not being spoon fed a social life. Sure, it can be rough, P!nk only played four shows in Perth in 2009 to Melbourne's 19, and just this year Justin Bieber passed us by entirely, but hey, surround yourself with some motivated and imaginative people and you'll get by in this sun-drenched city in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.

What got you started into photography?Compliments, travelling, my sister and being surrounded by talented musos when I can barely keep a beat.

Camera gear?I've got an M6, but the shutter jammed a couple weeks back in the bush, now I'm paranoid about letting anyone pull it apart. That, my Olympus Mju II and as of recently a Vivitar Mariner make up the go-to kit.

What do you like to photograph? People when they're not looking…

Could you give us some details about these photographs?That they probably don't really reflect my answer to the last question, hah. I'd say they're more a product of habitual camera toting, whether I be at work, on holiday, commuting, surfing, or just piss-farting around.Also, that big fat mottled grey thing is a fish, not a whale. Trust me, I have a (un-utilised) degree in marine science.

What other photographers do you admire?Larry Clark and Alex Webb. What they do with natural light blows my mind. Not a big fan of the flash aesthetic, not to say that I never use it, though.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I've got a small exhibition of my own coming up in Melbourne early next year as part of the Independent Photography Festival, and I'm spitballin' and plotting a project that's probably way too big for my britches.

With the advent of millions of people shooting digital and phone photography, where do you think this is headed?To more sniggers and rolled eyes when I tell people I'm a photographer…

What are you listening to?Truthfully, my drunken housemates. But, I'm gonna just fib and say <a href=">Snowman>/a> because they're a shit-hot - but now defunct - Perth band that few people would have heard of.

What do you do for fun? Argue with my mates, surf, ride my motorbike, drive out of town, chop wood.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc)<a href="">Blog</a><a href="">Flickr</a><a href="">Website</a> (there's not much going on on there atm, should probably fix that…)

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?What? Make some dollars 'cause I am well broke, work on that exhibition and the like… I should be spending a month on the NW coast of Australia doing some turtle research around summertime, so it'll be nice - however briefly - to lay claim to the title of prac-ticing marine scientist. Where? Indonesia or Casablanca, yeah.


Ché Parker - Renegade Visions Magazine


Ché Parker - Renegade Visions Magazine


Ché Parker - Renegade Visions Magazine Ché Parker - Renegade Visions Magazine


Matt Lief Anderson - USA-UKWhere do you live? Right now it’s complicated. I’m from Amend I was living in Chicago, but I moved to Asia for three years to work and travel. I just returned this week and I plan to travel around the country for the next two months before I move to England.

What is life like living there? Asia is insane. It requires an infinite amount of patience, but moving there was the best decision I ever made.

What got you started into photography?I bought a digital SLR with my first month’s pay when I lived in Korea. National Geographic was my original influence. I gravitated to Avant-garde photography when every photo I took looked like every other travel photo you see. Flickr was a revelation. It gave me access to the work of all these emerging artists. That’s why I started shooting 35mm. I’m also really into films. Cinematog-raphy certainly played a role in getting me started.Camera gear?My Yashica T5 and Fujifilm X-100 are my go-to cameras. I also have a Canon F-1, Canon EOS-3 and Contax G-1 that I plan to sell so I can buy a Mamiya or Pentax medium format camera.

What do you like to photograph?I love trekking to remote places that tourists rarely visit. I have had the opportunity to shoot some rarely traveled locales over the last three years. My favorite place was Burma. I could sleep in monasteries and homes for a dollar per night in the North. They had just opened up that part of the country. That was two years ago. It’s starting to boom now. It’s the missing puzzle piece that was connect-ing India to Southeast Asia and it’s going to explode with tourism. It was certainly my favorite place I ever photographed.

Exhibitions/Articles/Awards?While I was living in Vietnam, I shot for AsiaLIFE magazine for four months. It was different than what I was used to doing, but I certainly learned a lot. I have had some work in various other magazines, and I have some work being published in a book by Elias Carlson and Tim Gatto. I’m looking forward to that. Getty keeps contacting me about a few of my photos, but I’m not sure how I feel about stock photography yet. Now that I’m back in America, I plan to get more work to galleries.

What other photographers do you admire?Most of my inspiration comes from films. Badlands by Terrence Malick and There Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson are two of my favorites. As far as photographers go, I really love the work of Luke Byrne and Randy Martin.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I just had the opportunity to work with a model from The Netherlands while I was in Laos. She was great to work with. I’m planning on shooting some friends in America and seeing what materializes.

What do you think of phone photography?I’m not a purist. I have an iPhone and love Instagram, but I can’t believe how huge it is. It’s probably another factor that’s slowly kill-ing off film. That’s tragic. What are you listening to?Lately, a ton of podcasts. I like comedy, so I listen to The Nerdist and WTF with Marc Maron a lot. The Ricky Gervais Show and Ricky Gervais Guide To are some of my favorites as well. As far as music goes, my favorite musician is Jim O’Rourke. I have been listening to the albums Eureka, Bad Timing, and Insignificance a lot lately. I just listened to the new Dan Deacon and Dirty Projectors and liked both albums. I’m anticipating that Animal Collective album that drops next month too.Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc)@mattliefanderson on Instagram,,,, In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I’m moving to England. I’m not sure how easy it will be for an American on a tourist visa to find work. I may end up in Italy, Spain, Prague, or The Middle East working to keep traveling. Anything Else?Yes. I can’t believe the young talent I keep stumbling across. I keep finding amazing photos taken by random 15 or 16 year old kids. It’s incredible.

Matt Lief Anderson - Renegade Visions Magazine


Matt Lief Anderson- Renegade Visions Magazine


Matt Lief Anderson- Renegade Visions Magazine Matt Lief Anderson - Renegade Visions Magazine


Katja Kremenic - Ljubljana, Slovenia.Where do you live? In Ljubljana. Slovenia.

What is life like living there?Both good and bad. I was raised in Croatia, but moved to Ljubljana some years ago because of studies. Almost all my closest friends are here too, so I love Ljubljana a lot. The most beautiful ting about Ljubljana is that is very green and everything is just a bike ride away. I will avoid talking about the side of it I don’t like. Lets just say i’m starting to realize there are many other places I’d like to experience as I did this one.

What got you started into photography?This is an interesting question for me, I got asked this question a lot lately.I was always drawn towards anything visual, drawing, video, film as well. Photography just happened to me. Like a fluke. I could not say there was a special event captured me to actually grab a camera. Perhaps because I am a self thought, I’ve spent a long time experimenting and learning that I’ve come to believe that I need photography. It helps me focus, document and remember and I can also used it in everything else I do creatively.

Camera gear? I shoot primarily with film. I love all those beautiful imperfections of shooting with film. But other than that necessity I care little about what kind of camera it is. I have a wide range of cameras but at the moment I shoot mostly with Canon SLR and my tiny Yashica.

What do you like to photograph?I usually take pictures of my very close personal life surroundings . I don’t see photography as my work. At least not yet. It’s more like a pleasure. Somehow i like to collect all of it and transfer it to a certain feeling that hopefully shows in the end result. That’s why I have troubles selecting images because I like them all, they are all my memories of something and often very personal. But again, when I get asked to do it as work, I like that a lot, too. Luckily my personal and commissioned work will go hand in hand with one another and I’ll never make a big difference between the two.

Could you give us some details about these photographs and your work?All this photos you chose are quick moments captured without thinking too much. Ohh, and my two very best friends..

What other photographers do you admire?There are too many photographers I love. I can name a few though, Hasisi Park, Charlie Engman and so on so on. I have a secret wish list of few names I’d like to have a long chat, dinner and some wine with.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?Yes I have. There are a few of them, quite small actually but they make me excited. But at the moment I’m enjoying summer, which for me means a bunch of small pleasures and new material to work with.

What do you think of phone photography?I don’t really thing about it. I had mild flirtations with my phone in the past but the aesthetics of image is quite important for me and for now only a good use of a film roll fulfils the criteria.

What are you listening to?I’ve just spent few days camping without phone, computer, ipod. Just the sound of waves and wind. Fabrizio de Andre I listened to today for breakfast.Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc)Website: the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?Somewhere sunny and warm. For a longer period of time. I hate winter. At the end of the year i'm looking forward to make a move and change a scenery for a while which already gives me thrillsAnything else?Enjoy summertime.

Katja Kremenic - Renegade Visions Magazine


Katja Kremenic - Renegade Visions Magazine


Katja Kremenic - Renegade Visions Magazine Katja Kremenic - Renegade Visions Magazine


Julianne Popa - GermanyWhere do you live?I am currently living in a small town in the south of Germany.What is life like living there?It is pretty boring. The only thing I like about this town is the beautiful river and the woods. When I lived in a big city in Spain there was no wood and I felt away from nature so now I am happy to have it so nearWhat got you started into photography?When I was in high school, I dont remember exactly when but I started to need a visual beauty in the morning, something that would inspire me for the day. So I started grabbing mum’s magazine in search of some appealing and inspiring images. Then I thought of searching for them in the internet. And after a time looking at photos I realized that, that was my thing. I even start to take photos in my mind and I was really looking forward to have a camera so I bought my first film one and since then I kept shooting. Now its something vital, something that makes me happy.Could you give us some details about these photographs and your work?In this selection of photographs, there are some self-portraits which I take just because its something I feel like doing. There is a photo of some kids playing in a fountain in London. In this photo I actually just wanted to capture the boy that is sitting. The framing and everything was perfect, he was going to be like the main character but just before pressing the shutter, there came these other kids and they are all part of it now and I like it better this way. I love the joyful smile of the little girl in the back.Exhibitions/Articles/Awards?One of my photos was published for the first time in a magazine called Carpaccio magazine then, there are a few blogs and online magazines which have featured my work. On the profile of my flickr, you can find a list with the links to all of them.Some weeks ago I was part of a “Followers” female collective exhibition where I am showing one photo. It opened a few weeks ago and I am really glad. It’s the first time I am showing a photograph! Also in a month, on the 18th of July, there is going to be a Vernissage with my work and me and some nice music at a bar called “At einem Sonntag im August” in Berlin. So if anyone who reads this is from Berlin, I am happy to invite you!What other photographers do you admire?Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ata Kando, Noboyushi Araki, Miroslav Tichy, Francesca Woodman, Wolfgang Tillman and Ryan McGinley to name but a few. There are also many young photographers from flickr which I like alot.Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I have various ideas but at the moment I am focusing on a project that I called “habitat”. What do you think of phone photography?Well, there are many ways of taking a photo and even if I prefer film, I think that the camera isn’t the most important so if you have something to express or show, anything might work. There were moments when I wanted to capture something and had no camera with me so I grabbed a friend’s mobile to do it. But I am not into phone photography. I like more complex things and I am an anti-phone person, so it is not something for me.What are you listening to?Right now while writing this, nothing. But I listen to alot of Pink Floyd (always) The Beatles and Django Reinhardt and lately to Six Organs of Admittance, The Magic Carpathians Project, Камни and Morgen.Where can we find you?Flickr: the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I want to see Vietnam with my boyfriend and then come back home and maybe be the apprentice of a bird keeper for a while and then I think I am going to move to a big city and spend a few months by myself. Then I want to go to Nepal and trek the An-napurna, it is something that I wanted to do for a few years now and there was always something that made me not be able to do so. And between all of these things, I want to photograph people so I will be looking for models.Anything else?Umm…no. I want to wash my face and have that cup of tea that has been waiting for me for a while now.


Julianne Popa - Renegade Visions Magazine


Julianne Popa - Renegade Visions Magazine


Julianne Popa - Renegade Visions Magazine Julianne Popa - Renegade Visions Magazine


Richard Hughes - Sydney AustraliaWhere do you live?Darlinghurst, Sydney. Australia

What is life like living there?It’s the inner-city, so it can get a bit up-tight and gritty, but largely Sydney is a relaxed place - arty and outdoorsy. Definitely not a war-zone!What got you started into photography?

I’ve always had a camera since I was a kid - it seemed so natural. But I first considered photography seriously during design college at East Sydney Tech in the 80s. Also I was sharing a house with a girl who worked at Coles so I got all the film for free…

Camera gear?Fuji X-Pro1, Fuji X100, Nikon D90

What do you like to photograph?Portraits, street life, observational/narrative situations, reportage, abstract…

Could you give us some details about these photographs and your work?The ones in this selection are all quite old and most were taken with 35mm B/W film.

What other photographers do you admire?Diane Arbus, Brassai, Nan Goldin, Mitch Epstein, Sebastiao Salgado, Henri Cartier-Bresson, of course…

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I have an on-going project of scanning my old negatives and bringing them back to life.You work as a professional photo retoucher, what is that like?

It’s a good job. I know how to retouch an image seamlessly and naturally, which is great for fixing my old pics. If a picture is obvi-ously retouched, then the image has potentially failed, in my mind (unless of course, that’s the original intention; e.g. David LaChappelle, Pierre et Giles). The corporate side of retouching is quite boring, though.

What do you do for fun?Reading, Cinema, Graphic Design, Pubs!Where can we find you?

Only Facebook and Flickr at the moment. I’m in the middle of creating a blog, but I haven’t figured out what and how I want to present.

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I’d like to get my images out there, with an exhibition or two, perhaps.Also, I’d like to come back to Renegade Visions with a selection of my current stuff!


Richard Hughes - Renegade Visions Magazine


Richard Hughes - Renegade Visions Magazine


Richard Hughes - Renegade Visions Magazine Richard Hughes - Renegade Visions Magazine


Sophie Fontaine - Nancy, FranceWhere do you live?I live in Nancy, in the North East of France.

What is life like living there?For my part, life in this region is divided between urban energy of the city and peace of the surrounding countryside. Nancy has also a rich and elegant architectural and cultural heritage,which is very inspiring,and the proximity of the German, Belgian, Swiss and Italian borders offers travel opportunitiesWhat got you started into photography?

I’ve always loved photography and visual arts,but I started taking a real interest in photography about two years ago, during a time when I needed a new artistic direction. Analog photography brought me a revitalised desire to express and share my inspirations.Camera gear?I use mainly different analog cameras (Canon Prima, Zenit-B, Holga 135, Diana F+, polaroid).What do you like to photograph?I like to explore our relationship to the Earth, using natural scenes and lights,but also a certain nostalgia,reinterpreting the fine line between dream and reality,when emotions are raw.

Could you give us some details about these photographs and your work?Anything can take shape from a blurred idea,and then I adapt it with the means and conditions at my disposal.These photographs are, in most cases, the results of a sudden inspiration: a place,a light,a song.

Exhibitions/Articles/Awards?My work has been featured in several magazines (online and paper), and last summer,I exhibited my first works in a small gallery.What other photographers do you admire?

There are so many artists I admire: Ellen Rogers, Sarah Moon, Neil Krug, Alison Scarpulla, Aëla Labbé, Ricor, Laureen Treece, Rebecca Cairns, to name just a few!Do you have any upcoming projects planned?

I would also like to exhibit my works soon,and maybe feature them in a book project.For the moment,I continue to work on new series,experimenting new things as often as possible.

What do you think of phone photography?I don’t use the phone photography,and know little about it.It is certainly amusing, maybe practical, but that has nothing to do with traditional photography processing…What are you listening to?I keep being guided by my mood,It can vary from a very heavy and somber rock/metal to a light folk music

Where can we find you?You can find my portfolio on Flickr: my full series and updates on my Facebook page: can also find me on Tumblr: the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I think I’ll try to work on my book project and make a prototype….Exhibit,whenever possible.Where I would like to be? I hope to have the opportunity to travel in Europe,or to a lesser extent,return to Brittany or seeing again my favourites places:the green mountains,the lost abbeys,the deep forests.Anything else?Continue to learn every day and enjoy every moment.


Sophie Fontaine - Renegade Visions Magazine

Sophie Fontaine - Renegade Visions Magazine


Sophie Fontaine - Renegade Visions Magazine Sophie Fontaine - Renegade Visions Magazine


Angela Stella Boyias - Los Angeles, California, USAWhere do you live?Suburbs of Los Angeles / San Fernando Valley , Cali

What is life like living there?Through my eyes ~ good times.alotta people i know who live here want to get out, which is understandable. we all need some change and to move on from this bubble.. but this is my nest and i make the most of it for now. Im not much of a city person so I enjoy exploring the hills and beach mostly. topanga cyn cruisin, stoney point hiking, finding abandon houses, taking buses downtown, going to shows. there’s usually always some kind of fun show happening. tonight im taking the metro to staples center and sneaking into redhotchilipeppers. next week rock the bells is in san bernandino and im planning on sneaking into that too.

What got you started into photography?My Aunt Angela comes from Greece every winter since i was a baby. She was always video taping & taking photos of my siblings & I on her film camera. Then as I grew up I fell in love really easily and wanted to pause those moments in time and share.

Camera gear?I was shooting with a canon rebel t1i, it got stolen. I recently bought another canon rebel & that got stolen too. So just currently just shooting with whatever film I can get my hands on & saving up for something new.

What do you like to photograph?My soul sisters, lovers, new friends, musicians, trips, rolling hills, the ocean.

In high school my art teacher Ms. Serra assigned me a project to capture death as beautiful & life as grotesque. This is the photo I captured for death as beautiful. Its been published on a book cover called The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan.

What other photographers do you admire?All the young photographers who document their lives and share on the internet. they totally inspire me. you risk your photos float-ing all around tumblr or wherever , screen shotted, printed out and hung in stores ..not getting recognition. Ive been following artists on flickr for a few years now and its amazing to see their work transform.

What do you do for fun?‘mad explosive spontaneity’

What are you listening to?one of my playlists named ----cruisin: deltron 3030, black keys, living legends, fugazi, sublime, dynospectrum, 13th floor elevators, howlin wolf, curtis mayfield, aesop rock, fugees, jimi henrix, funkadelic, madlib

Favorite Movie?Black Snake Moan w Christina Ricci & Samuel L. JacksonNatural Born Killers w Juliette Lewis & Woody HarrelsonCandy w Heath Ledger & Abbie Cornish,ima sucker for those fucked up love stories.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) (needs updating) facebook: angela stella boyiasmaybe a blog soonIn the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?Have my first exhibitionPhotograph more live shows, meet more artists.Ive always wanted to go to Jamaica, that would be sweet.Move up north ~Anything else?Much love

Angela Stella Boyias- Renegade Visions Magazine


Angela Stella Boyias- Renegade Visions Magazine


Angela Stella Boyias- Renegade Visions Magazine Angela Stella Boyias- Renegade Visions Magazine

Ian Flanders - Sydney Australia

Where do you live?Ian Flanders: Sydney

What got you started into photography?To fill a void I guess.. and it certainly has..

What do you like to photograph? In one word; People. As to the themes I choose, they are determined from the feelings and emotions I get from the subjects. It sim-ply comes down to ‘I know it’s for me when it feels right’.

What other photographers do you admire?Not many. Photography isn’t my major influence for my work. The three photographers I continually keep an eye on are Stephen Dupont, Daido Moriyama and Antoine D’Agata

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?Yes, ‘By the River’ a long term project in Phnom Penh.With the advent of millions of people shooting digital and phone photography, where do you think this is headed? Is it a good thing?

What are you listening to?Smashing Pumpkins, Grinderman and Gorillaz

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?Somewhere with a camera around my neck…

Where can we find you?


Ian Flanders - Renegade Visions Magazine


Ian Flanders - Renegade Visions Magazine


Ian Flanders - Renegade Visions Magazine Ian Flanders - Renegade Visions Magazine


Beata Ryden- Gothenburg Sweeden


Beata Ryden- Renegade Visions Magazine


Beata Ryden- Renegade Visions Magazine


Beata Ryden- Renegade Visions Magazine



Beata Ryden

Where do you live?I live in the next biggest town in Sweden, called Gothenburg.

What is life like living there?It is cosy and windy and it’s raining all the time. Gothenburg has a nice atmosphere, and it is also my hometown, but I am longing for a house in the country where I can be closer to nature!

What got you started into photography?I have a deep need to express myself. I started with poetry, when I was around 5 years old! Then I started painting, dancing, playing music. When I grew older, I started do develop a secret dream to become a photographer, though I never dared to believe it. I decided to attend school to become a Cultural Project Manager. After two years and an exam I realized that I needed to go for my dream and start creating the pictures I wanted to create. A year and a half ago I finally started to take my passion seriously and now my goal is to be a full-time artist.

Camera gear?Canon 5d mark II with a Sigma 50 mm 1.4. That´s definitely my favorite lens right now, though I also have a Tamron 28-75 2.8.

Where or what do you get your inspiration from?My work is inspired by the psychological struggles that we all have to go through in life. Our inner worlds can be hard to talk about, and sometimes hard to understand. That´s why I´m trying to put it into my art, to take something that feels diffuse and create an image that maybe makes it a little bit clearer.

Your work shows great imagination and is quite dreamlike, could you tell us more about it?Yes, I often describe my work as dreamlike, imaginative and surrealistic. The stories I want to tell is about the courage it takes to dream, the fears that we all struggle with in life, and about how we are able to protect ourselves from a some-times chaotic world. By using the power of imagination I want to create worlds that may change our belief in what´s possible and inspire people to look inside themselves.


Exhibitions:Group exhibition in Vrångsholmen, Sweden, 2010, Group exhibition in Hammarkullen, Sweden, 2011, Group exhibi-tion in Vrångsholmen, Sweden, 2011

Magazine feautures:#Photography no 2, Illusory Magazine no 3, We see it Magazine no 1, Golden Age Magazine no 1, Feautured at Get Inspired Magazine 2012,Feautured at Photo Donuts 2011

Other:Photo of the day, Italian Vogue, 2011,Winner of contest at, 2012


Beata Ryden

What other photographers do you admire?Brooke Shaden, Helena Blomqvist, Lovisa Ringborg, Loretta Lux, ParkeHarrison, Vee Speers, Lissy Elle and Karrah Kobus.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I´m constantly creating new work and my plan is to create more pictures for my series Finding Peace, where I use a bubble to symbolize the importance of integrity. I believe that we all need a safe place within where we feel that no one can harm us.

What are you listening to?I recently fell in love with the swedish band First Aid Kit. I´m inspired by their self-confident in what they do, they create beautiful music without any doubt!

Where can we find you?





What are your other interests apart from photograph? What do you do for fun?I love to meet up with a good friend at some nice coffee-shop and talk about life! The swedish word for that is “fika”. I also play the piano. I love to sleep a lot when I get the chance, and I´m a hopeless dreamer.

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I am attending a school of photography for one year. My plan is to make connections with other people and network in the photography world. As I’m mostly self-thought, I look forward to be surrounded by other like-minded creatives! After that, my goal is to start exhibit my work in galleries and become a full-time fine art photographer!

Anything else? You don´t need anyones approval to do what you want to do, but you need to give yourself permission to go after your dream.

Patrick Joust - Baltimore Maryland USA



Patrick Joust- Renegade Visions Magazine


Patrick Joust- Renegade Visions Magazine


Patrick Joust- Renegade Visions Magazine

Patrick JoustWhere do you live? Baltimore, Maryland.

What is life like living there?Baltimore is famous for its problems, which are profound, but it’s also an underrated city. I’ve written before about how I see Baltimore as a microcosm of America. It can be very nice with the amenities and rich cultural life that exists here, but it all depends on which neighborhood you can live in. I happen to live in a relatively safe and prosperous part of town, and even though I explore the whole city through my photography, I always have a comfortable place to return to. Anyone who has watched “The Wire” knows something about what life is like here, but I think it would be a mistake to assume that Baltimore is completely unique. The inequities that exist in Baltimore are prevalent throughout the U.S. Some of the contrasts between rich and poor may be more obvious, but it can be found everywhere.

What got you started into photography?Basically it started as something to do when I first moved to Baltimore. It took me quite a few years before I developed a style and a sense of purpose for my work. What started as a hobby has become an integral part of my life.

Camera gear?I’ve gone a little bit overboard through the years in acquiring camera equipment. Some of that has been due to a fascination on my part with mechanical cameras as objects, but it also relates to my explorations of film photography and different ways to take pictures. While I use a lot of different cameras to achieve different things, cameras like my Leica M3, Super Ricohflex, Yashica Mat, Rolleiflex and Airesflex have been used most over the last couple of years. I recently acquired a Mamiya C330 that I plan to use more for night photography.

Do you do your own film processing?I do my own black and white at home. Another Baltimore film photographer, Jeffrey Lash, showed me how to develop my own e-6. While I loved seeing the positives come out of the development tank, the extra work/money involved versus the relative ease and reasonable cost of getting my film processed by a professional lab, has prevented me from doing my own color. Perhaps in the future I will, but for now I’m satisfied with just sticking to black and white and sending the rest to the professionals.

What do you like to photograph?A lot of things. My favorite kind of work involves a conscious participant or a surreptitious capture. I like the challenge of isolating someone in a public setting and attempting to create an interesting impression. A lot of the pictures in this selection show my night work, which is something I also enjoy. I have mostly taken pictures in urban/suburban environments but I also enjoy getting out to the country. I recently took a trip to Acadia in Maine as well as the Gaspésie in Quebec and was inspired by what I saw there. I’ve uploaded some of those shots to my flickr page and there are more to come. These selections show some of my work in Baltimore, Pennsylvania, Buenos Aires and Quebec. All of these were shot on film. Mostly medium format of various kinds but there is also a Polaroid from my time in the Gaspésie.

Exhibitions/Articles/Awards?I was lucky enough to win a Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award this year. I’ve had my photos published here and there on book covers and in a couple magazines. I’ve also had a few online features like this one. My favorites include interviews with American Elegy and Amerikana.

What other photographers do you admire?

There are quite a few. I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration and influence from my contemporaries on flickr. Tim Castlen and Michael Wriston are the first to come to mind. Mando Alvarez, Steven Brooks and Kurt Manley for their great night work. Dave Glass and Christopher Hall have really inspired my interest in car photography and city scapes. Chuck Patch, Gary Gumanow and Mike Peters for their great “street” photography. Dan Wetmore and I have had the chance to shoot together a couple of times now and I definitely feel a kindred connection between the work we’re both doing. Marcelo Montecino, Michael Cinque and a lot of others as well. I’m not doing justice to them all. If anyone reading this is not familiar with these photographers and those I mention in my other answers, you should really take the time to check them out.


Do you have any upcoming projects planned?Nothing that is specific or well defined at this point. I’d like to push myself to just get out more on the streets on a regular basis. Bal-timore has a lot of festivals that can be great for photography, but I’d like to do more just walking around and engaging people on my own. This is tricky though as I get a lot more rejection, asking to take people’s pictures, than I do when there is more of a crowd of people mulling about.

What do you think of phone photography?It’s an oft repeated cliché, but I do think there is a lot of truth to the notion that “the best camera is the one that you have with you.” Obviously a lot of really bad phone pictures are being taken every second of the day but that doesn’t mean some good work isn’t also being produced. A lot of really bad film, P&S, Polaroid, etc. pictures have and are being taken as well. I tend to like the kind of phone photography that is comfortable with itself and isn’t trying to pretend to be something else. In other words, I’m not the biggest fan of the fake film borders and the iHolga, iPolaroid, etc., types of shots. The convenience and increasingly good quality of phone photography can surely stand on its own at this point. Jesse Wright and Misho Baranovic are a couple of photographers who I think use this tool especially well. It’s also important to remember that everyone takes pictures. Everyone who can afford some kind of camera in the entire world takes pictures at some point or another. The convenience of phone photography is fantastic for the vast majority of people who just want to take quick snapshots. I can get all snobby on them and talk about how my medium format camera is better, but that’s beside the point. My Yashica Mat, with 12 frames can not hold up to the mighty iphone and it doesn’t need to. They’re both cameras in the strictest sense of the word but obviously they are very different things. I know a lot of people who take photography seriously and shoot on film or with full or large frame digital sensors, but still use their iphones for convenience and creativity. There’s room for it all.

I have an ancient flip phone and haven’t done much with phone photography myself, but I think it’s a medium that shouldn’t be marginalized just because it’s popular and seemingly easy. No, you’re not going to get the same kind of thing as you would get with a Hasselblad, but 35mm photography (small format) is also a compromise for the sake of speed and convenience. Photography has been chasing the rewards of convenience ever since the beginning. I think a lot of creativity can be found within the liberties and constraints of phone photography and since it’s a relatively new thing I’m sure we’ll see more exciting applications for it in the future.

What are you listening to?I’m a big fan of the Magnetic Fields and just about anything that Stephin Merritt is involved with. I’m also often listening to Deer-hoof and Arcade Fire. Woody Guthrie, Robert Johnson, David Bowie and a lot of the classics of rock, folk, blues, etc. are often on my ipod. I also listen to a lot of classical music. I’ve been playing Beethoven’s 6th symphony (my favorite of his) and Rimsky Korsa-kov’s “Antar Symphony” a lot lately.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc)flickr and tumblr. I also have a web page. Of those three I spend the most time on flickr.In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I’m not sure... In 6 months I’m going to be a father and I’m excited about taking pictures of my child and maybe focusing my cam-era a little bit more towards the domestic. Don’t worry though, I’m not going to have a bunch of pictures of my kid within various fruit bowl and vegetable arrangements, though there may be some baby in cute animal costume photos ;) Cynthia Henebry is one of my favorite photographers and she has done a marvelous job of capturing her family and surroundings in an interesting way. I don’t think I can quite measure up to that, but her work has inspired me to focus a little more inward. Of course I’ll still be taking pictures at night and on the street, but I’m excited to capture my kid on film (and maybe a little digital too). In 12 months I just want to be taking good pictures and not limit myself too much by artificial constraints or comfort levels that I can sometimes put on myself. I’ve definitely gotten to a point where I’m pretty happy with a lot of my work, but I’m also all the more aware of my limi-tations and I want to keep pushing myself to improve.

Anything else?Nope. Thanks for the opportunity to share my work!


William Broadhurst - Melbourne Australia

Where do you live?I live in Melbourne, Australia

What is life like living there?I’m very happy here. I’d never want to be anywhere else for too long.

What got you started into photography?I found an old Minolta Srt 101 at the op shop a few years back and took it home determined to find out how the thing worked. Lots of trial and error followed and it’s still very much that way.

Camera gear?I quickly realised how much nicer medium format looked compared to 35mm so I immediately went out and got a second hand Mamiya RZ67. That’s my primary camera now. I collect cameras when I can though and have around 40 to 50 pieces hanging from the ceiling in my room. All film.

What do you like to photograph?I like to photograph my Girlfriend and anything to do with summer. I’m attracted to dusk light and lately have been interested in photo-graphing through that into night stuff. Things such as vintage cars, industrial landscapes etc. Also Taking along a little point and shoot on road trips with groups of friends is also extremely pleasurable.

Could you give us some details about these photographs?They were mostly taken on the Mamiya. None of them are really premeditated. I’ve come across them while driving and happened to have the camera with me. Except for the gas station photograph with the 2 silhouettes, where I got my friends to stand in to hopefully add another dimension to something pretty mundane.

What other photographers do you admire?Even though it’s far from what I’ve been doing, my favourite photographers have always been 60’s fashion photographers such as Jeanloup Sieff, Sam Haskins and David Bailey. I’d love to primarily Photograph girls one day. Who wouldn’t I say. Relating to what I’ve been trying my hand at lately, photographers like Stephen Shore, William Eggleston and Australian Painters like Jeffrey Smart.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I’m in my last year of studying at the moment, however a few friends of mine and I have been making some short films which have been an absolute blast to make. We’ve just completed our first and are already planning our next one.What do you do for fun?I love fixing things, doing up old bicycles etc. Anything mechanical that involves the hands.What are you listening to?Any album by The Band and lately lots of 50’s Doo wop. Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen I grew up on.

Favorite Movie?I always come back to Blade Runner (Directors Cut). Nothing else like it. Paris Texas also deserves a mention.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc)

On flickr: on Tumblr:

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I’m going to get out of uni and travel with my girlfriend and see a bit of the world. The rest will happen when it happens. I’d like to drive across the American continent in a clapped out muscle car.


William Broadhurst- Renegade Visions Magazine


William Broadhurst- Renegade Visions Magazine


William Broadhurst- Renegade Visions Magazine

Claudia Cosetino - Siena, Italy

Where do you live?Siena, Italy

What is life like living there?Siena is a small city and at the beginning I was really bored, I wanted to move out and I was complaining all the time. But at some point I figured out that my main problem was my attitude and I’ve changed it but now I’m totally fine here, I have a load of friends and i hang out in a lot of different places too.

What got you started into photography?I’ve always been into photography but I wasn’t a photographer. While I was studying art history at university I collected tons of books of amazing artists and at some point I decided to try to do what they were doing. Since I was still a student I was free to prac-tice as much as I wanted to, so i did it and now here I am.

Camera gear?Ii have a canon eos 600D (one day i will improve with a more professional one) witha bunch of lenses. Then some analog ones, a polaroid camera, a holga, an underwater lomo, a minolta hi-matic g and a canon 500Could you give us some details about these photographs and your work?

There is not much to say about my work, I mostly portray people and myself. And we all look the way I want. Often totally different from what we are in real life, but lies are a cool thing about art, right?

Exhibitions/Articles/Awards?You can find me in the book “Nude Close-Up” by E.G. Irwin and there are words about me in some website like, and Oh, and I won the Focus Project as the most clicked artist in 2010.

What other photographers do you admire?A lot. Really, a lot. I have a crush on Brian Duffy by the way. Then there are a lot of young photographers that I find so good but i don’t want to start namedropping.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?Yes, it’s still about portraits but let’s say that i will have a wider range of subjects.What are you listening to?Babyshambles, Pulp and Blur. Very british, right?Where can we find you?

I even have a personal website but I have to hire someone next month to make it all pretty…so, you will see it in August and I will link it from facebook and all the others.In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow but I hope to be working a lot. And to be happy, it doesn’t matter where.What do you think of phone photography?

I’m awful with phones but i have to admit that hipstamatic makes magics. At the same time I don’t understand some good photogra-phers that decide to abandon their awesome and expensive gear to use an iphone. There are quite a few which is sad.

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow but I hope to be working a lot. And to be happy, it doesn’t matter where.



Claudia Cosetino - Renegade Visions Magazine


Claudia Cosetino - Renegade Visions Magazine

Claudia Cosetino - Renegade Visions Magazine

Kelseyy Taylor - Alabama USAWhere do you live?I currently live in Alabama.

What is life like living there?Life here is very quiet, it gives you to discover yourself, whether that be your dreams, your likes or dislikes. SomedayI plan on heading out of here and I don’t think I’ll need to come back.

What got you started into photography?I had always been interested in it ever since i was a little kid. It always felt so natural to pick up a camera and take photos. I found it amazing that you could produce an image of somethingin ways that you wanted it to be.

Camera gear?My first & only DSLR camera is the Nikon D50. I work with these two lenses: Nikon 35mm f/1.8 DX (I’ve had this one since June ‘12 and I am in love.) Nikon 18-55mm DX (even though this one is broken she still works wonders.)I would love to work with more but it is all just money issues.

What do you like to photograph?Photography for me is a way to express myself and so everything is a viable option to photograph. It all looks like art to me.I love Flickr because it is such a good source of diversity and inspiration. So many different people with each their own point of view. It is astounding to come here and be able to witness that right from my computer chairor my bed. :)

Could you give us some details about these photographs?Oh wow, okay… Well the images that you chose happen to be all very experimental for me(especiallythe light painting ones) But I guess that happens to hold true with all of my work. I never know what I am going to do before I do it, I just go out and start discovering. It is one of my greatest joys at the moment. To just go out and.. well be.What other photographers do you admire?On the note of photographers that I admire I hope it is okay to mention those I’ve seen on Flickr. Lulu Lovering, would be one of them she has an incredible way with the world. It seems everything she puts her hands towill glow and shine. Jennifer Wall, who I found from Flickr as well. She has a beautiful way with expressing herselfall her work stays true to the person that she is. And at the same time discovering new things about herself, and I love that.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned?I am planning on starting a photo journalist project with a good friend of mine. I’ve never done this before and neither has she, but we are very excited for the places it might take us.

What do you do for fun?Painting, drawing, cooking spending time with other people, I love to get to know others and I love being around my family. I also enjoy playing certain video games and I’ve recently taken up disc golf. :)What are you listening to?I honestly have never been one to stick to one genre, I choose and pick here and there. I am always on the lookoutfor something different. I’ll list a few of my favorites: Moon river (Audrey Hepburn) Colorblind (Between the Buried and me’s rendition) Jesus Christ (Brand New)Favorite Movie?My favorite movie wouldhave to be The Princess Bride.I hate choosing favorites but if you make me pick, I’d go with that.

Where can we find you?You can find me on Flickr Facebook the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?I’d like a lot of my life to be different.I am working towards making a lot of changes in my life all for the better.


Kelseyy Taylor - Renegade Visions


Kelseyy Taylor - Renegade Visions

Kelseyy Taylor - Renegade Visions

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