Renfrew-Collingwood Community News, July 2013



July 2013 news stories from the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood in East Vancouver. Local news on events, arts & culture, history, people and more.

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July 2013

Proud to Be Canadian Page 3

Passion for India: Talented young photographer raises money and awareness by Alexis Seto Tessa Tham is 22 years old and a resident of

Renfrew-Collingwood. Her family moved here from Singapore when she was in grade 6. Last year she started a charity called Thread of Hope to raise money to build a vocational centre for the Dalit women of India. The goal is to raise $10,000, and they are currently nearing the $7,000 mark.

AS: Tessa, when did you become interested in photography?TT: I started in high school taking snapshots of everything here and there and I liked to compile little albums. My family loves keeping photo albums and we also have a huge box of black-and-white photos from the 1920s up to now. I discovered the box when we moved to Canada. I was really intrigued at how photography can tell a story, but at the same time it’s up to the each person to interpret that story.

AS: How do you get such candid shots of people? TT: It’s how you approach people. I think if you approach people by being genuine they can sense that. For example, in India, people in the village didn’t know what a camera was, I started by showing them the camera and smiling. It’s just being sincere in how you approach them.

AS: Tell us about your project Thread of Hope.TT: It was birthed from our [church] mission trip to India last year. Our purpose was to check on the school that we had built there. Prior to this our church [Basel Hakka Lutheran Church] went there wanting to help the kids break through oppression through education. Our timeline for the school was two years, but we raised $50,000 in about eight months. An anonymous donor was so impressed by our passion and drive that he offered to match the amount we raised by up to $50,000, for a total of $100,000. It was pretty awesome.

Continued on Page 2


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Beauty in sisterhood

Children of the light A friend in me

Cambodia Page 4 Eating Out in RC: The Tipper Page 5 Restaurant and Review Room

Green Thumb Page 9 Launches arts campus



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Continued from Page 1

AS: That’s an amazing amount for a small church!TT: With that fundraiser, the initial focus was on the kids and the school, but as we got to know the women, we saw how difficult it was for them. A lot of women are not given opportunities when they were younger, especially in a country like India. A lot of the women are oppressed and degraded to a certain type of job or status in their family—especially the Dalit women. They are not educated but they understand when you teach them to do something. So that’s why with this project, we wanted to build a centre so women will get the opportunity to learn a marketable skill set.

Thread of Hope will empower the Dalit women to build a support network, a community, and provide them with micro financing. They don’t need a lot to get by.

AS: Where is the project located?TT: Right now the area we are focusing on is in Punjab and the women from the neighbouring

villages. Dalit Freedom Network will be running the project. They’ve been around for a long time.

AS: How have you been raising money?TT: We have had a lot of fundraising efforts. We reached out to the youth, and held a concert at Windermere. We raised about $2,000 but the main goal was to raise awareness. We wanted to expose youth to what is going on in the world. It was really great to see the young people step up.

At Christmas I challenged the girls in my church and my friends to raise $100 each. We made a package of postcards of my photos of India to raise funds—and as a reminder to people of what they were donating to. We made our goal of $2,000, and more recently our Fashion Bazaar raised $4,500 by selling items that were generously donated by fashion bloggers, clothing stores and friends.

AS: What would you like people to know about India?TT: I would like people to not have this misconception of India as a poor country or dirty, which is true, but if you are open minded you can see the people and the culture that

makes up the country, Indian people are some of the most genuine, open and hospitable people I have ever met—they have so little, but they offer you whatever they have, to the best of their ability.

AS: What have you learned from your travels?TT: Travelling in India is a culture shock … it humbled me a lot. It made me think about what I spend my time with here, and also how I spend my money! Here we are constantly surrounded by materialism. We have so much but are not as willing to share. When I came back home it’s almost like reverse culture shock. I think, “why am I here living such a comfortable life, when there are people elsewhere just trying to survive?”

To see more of Tessa Tham’s work:Her blog: India photographs are for sale. Partial proceeds will go to Thread of Hope.

Alexis Seto is an artist/teacher/photographer and resident of Renfrew-Collingwood.


Proud to Be Canadian by Janet Lee

On September 18, 1956, my plane landed in Vancouver, B.C. I came on a student visa from Hong Kong as a high school graduate. Excited for this new adventure, I was full of mixed emotions, wondering what my life would be. I was happy to leave home as I did not have a happy childhood; however, I believed there might be a better future awaiting me. I knew I would do my very best.

Upon arriving at Queen’s University, I realized my English was not good enough. As a result I spent a year at Albert College, Belleville, Ontario, where I graduated and became a registered nurse at Montreal Hospital.

Tom and I met in Chinatown, Montreal. We fell in love and married in 1962 in Calgary, Alberta.

Becoming a Canadian citizenMy life changed after we moved to Vancouver in 1963. We started the process toward my Canadian citizenship. The requirements were:1) An adequate level of English2) A knowledge of Canada’s capitals and provinces3) Knowledge of Canada’s governmental political parties

I passed and was sworn in on November 27, 1963. We were all dressed our best, about 20 of us. We repeated the words of the judge. I remember the most important sentence was our promise of allegiance to the Queen of Canada, to do our best to be good Canadian citizens and to do our duty as Canadians. That was my promise and a certificate called the Commemoration of Canadian Citizenship was issued to me. Under this provision, a Canadian citizen is entitled to all rights and privileges, and is subject to all duties and responsibilities of being a citizen. This was a very exciting and proud moment for me.

Such a big and bountiful country and I am part of it, inherited, as long as I keep to my promise. It is an awesome gift. My husband always said, “It is an honour to pay tax.”

Canada’s gifts to meWe bought a three-bedroom house in Burnaby, B.C. My son Steven was born in 1964, followed by my three daughters: Sherry, (after 17 months), Charlene, (after another 17

months and Carol-Ann in 1970. We always had two sets of diapers in the household.

I was a stay-home mom while raising my first three children because I was allowed a leave of absence, from nursing for five years in good standing. I returned to work in 1970 when my third child was born. Back then there was no maternity leave. I worked at Lions Gate Hospital on night duty. Not too long after, we paid off our house mortgage.

All my children are married now. They each own their own house and I am blessed with 10 grandchildren. They all have post-secondary education and a good job. As for myself, I continued to work in the hospital and expanded myself by investing in real estate and starting my own company called Delectic Fruit Basket Service.

When Prime Minister Trudeau was in power, one of his policies was to promote heritage languages. Two friends and I decided to open a Chinese language program in public school to help kids learn about Chinese culture. The program consisted of two classes per week after regular school classes were over. We opened up five schools. Mr. Trudeau’s program gave us $10 per student per month. To this day those programs are still in operation. By 1986, our family had outgrown our house and began attending schools in Vancouver. We moved to a new house on West 49th Avenue. I was working at St. Vincent Hospital, and Tom owned a Shopper’s Drug Mart store on Fraser Street in Vancouver.

That same year the World Exposition came to Vancouver. This was a truly exciting once-in-a-lifetime experience. The City of Vancouver called for citizens of BC to offer accommodations to visitors and prepare to host the world at Expo ’86. I volunteered and ended up as one of the housing coordinators. We rented out our trailer, our downstairs bedroom and our basement suite. My whole family went to visit the expo every day. Many countries put on their best for us. We loved every minute.

In 1990, Tom died in his sleep. Oh, what a horrible bad dream. With four kids in school, what’s to become of me? I didn’t know about his business. I had to be both father and mother to my children. I told them they all must finish the highest education possible. Thank God they did not fail me. Steven, Computer Math, UBC; Sherry, HR Business BA, CHRP Western; Charlene, Family Medicine, UBC, and Carol-Ann, BA, UBC. To occupy the emptiness in my heart I took up oil painting, putting in much time and study. My thoughts were that one day I might have a legacy to leave behind when I die. I was invited to be a member of the International Art Club through arts competitions.

Now I am very active in the Collingwood Neighbourhood House. Exercises keep me fit and through volunteering I try to give back some of the bountiful blessings that I have received since coming to Canada. When I first arrived in Canada I only had one suitcase. Now I have a big family. Nineteen of us in all. I love Canada! It was the best thing that ever happened to me. The best decision of my life.

Canada gave me opportunities to learn, grow, make mistakes, to excel, to be happy, to be sad, to love, to forgive. Abundant opportunities to enjoy the benefits of being a senior… and to give back when I can.

I am proud to be a Canadian! Read about Janet Lee’s other passion, dragon boat paddling, in the June 2013 issue of the Renfrew-Collingwood Community News.

Janet Lee shows off one of her many medals won as part of the Grand Dragons team of False Creek.

Free family fun at Youth Celebrate Canada Day, July 1st

Over the Canada Day weekend, feel free to stop by the Youth Celebrate Canada Event on Monday, July the 1st, at Renfrew Park Community Centre from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. This youth-organized event combines multiculturalism and environmental awareness, featuring performers of all cultures and composting. There will be games and activities for the whole family, so bring everyone along!


The mission of this non-profit publication is to provide the residents, businesses and organizations of Renfrew/Collingwood with a medium for community communication.

Paul Reid: staff writer and layout coordinatorLisa Symons: sales and distribution coordinatorJulie Cheng: editorial coordinator

Contributors: Deanna Cheng, Robert Edwards, Beth Grayer, Ewa Jagla, Janet Lee, Paul Reid, Kathy Romses, Alexis Seto, Tessa Tham, Esther Yuen

Yes, You! Send comments, community events, press releases by regular post, fax or e-mail. Suggestions for improving the paper are welcome. We welcome appropriate, unsolicited editorial submissions if accompanied by the author’s real name, address and telephone number. The author should retain the original as we cannot return submissions without prior agreement nor does submis-sion guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.

Contact the RCCNews

Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261Fax: 604-451-1191

Editorial: rccnews-editorial@cnh.bc.caAdvertising: Phone Lisa Symons at 604.435.0323 email:

Renfrew/Collingwood Community NewsCollingwood Neighbourhood House5288 Joyce StreetVancouver, BC V5R 6C9

The Renfrew/Collingwood Community News is an initiative of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).


We want to hear from you!

Y o u C a n F i n d t h e RC Community News @

Libraries, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, The Italian Cultural Centre, Collingwood Policing Office, other organizations, religious institutions, schools, laundromats, Starbucks, Rona, Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway coffee shops, restaurants, markets, corner stores, other businesses, and coffee tables all over Renfrew-Collingwood.

Next submission deadline: July 10


Cambodia by Robert F. Edwards

My dear friends and readers, I would like to share with you my visit once again to Cambodia. This time I was not travelling alone as a single backpacker, but was with a group of well-established charity organizations. One charity was the Developing World Connections, and the other a worldwide organization known as World Vision.

During my time spent with Developing World Connections, I had the opportunity and privilege of working alongside tradesmen and farmers in the southern part of Cambodia around Kep. This area, like most of Cambodia, is extremely poor and the farmers have no electricity or toilet facilities, just to mention a few things which they lack. Through Developing World Connections built not only two latrines but then went on for an irrigation system and completed smaller diversions to irrigate fields for the crops that are desperately needed. One of the most important of these crops is rice. It was a wonderful experience to help these farmers have a better life in the bare essentials that we take for granted. The second part of my trip was equally, if not more rewarding for me personally. I was given the opportunity by World Vision to visit four of my sponsored children in Cambodia. Along with this opportunity, I also was able to share

some of the remarkable things that World Vision is doing. One was going to a school and talking to over 300 children about Canada. This general area has over 2,400 sponsored children through World Vision.

And now I’d like to share the most important part of my visit to Cambodia, to visit my wonderful sponsored children and their siblings as well as the mothers. My first child was from a district that the mother and daughter had to travel on one bicycle over eight kilometres with the temperature exceeding 34°C. I had a wonderful time (through an interpreter) sharing these precious moments with this wonderful girl and her mother. It made all of us realize and especially me this precious young girl was not

just a face on a photograph.

As the days followed, thanks again to World Vision’s help I visited my other three sponsored children who are much younger. The mothers and the siblings of these three children accompanied them on a long journey from one of the outposts in the district that World Vision was operating.

After sharing a considerable time with some of the things that I’d brought from Canada, the three children along with their mothers and siblings and World Vision personnel with myself all went to a Chinese smorgasbord. It was here when we sat down and started to enjoy the

food that one of the World Vision’s personnel said to me, “you have a large family.”

We all had a good laugh for I lost count of how many children along with the three mothers were gathered around me. Walking up to the buffet, the little girl grabbed my hand and the little boy took my other hand and led the way. I truly felt not as a sponsor but as a grandfather enjoying my grandchildren. The reason I’ve written this is not only to share sponsorships but relationships. Though these children and their parents were unable to communicate on a common language, we shared the most important thing that people can share in their lives together: happiness and love from all that were present.

Robert F. Edwards is a local resident who sometimes writes for RCCNews as The Other Guy.


This could be your ad.

For more information Contact Lisa Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261 or Email:

Traditional Japanese Food Udon, Sashimi, Maki Sushi, Bento Box

and Donburi

Lunch specials under $9.00Dinner specials under $12.00

Serving the Renfrew-Collingwood Community for over 20 years

Free Parking

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Tel: 604-433-1303Open 6 days a week (Closed Mondays)

11:30-2:30 and 5:00-9:00

Eating Out in RC: by Paul Reid


The Tipper Restaurant & Review Room 2066 Kingsway ( Kingsway & Victoria ).phone: 604-873-1010Hours are 8am-10pm

Greetings food fans – For the third time in a row now people we are venturing to that strip of Kingsway, between Nanaimo and Victoria, just in time to catcth the Tipper as it celebrates it fifth birthday (as of May 15). The Tipper is that little piece of coolness that somehow broke off from Main or Commercial and drifted East to an area much in need of such. If you haven’t checked out this East Side Eatery, featuring delicious West Coast Classics for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then you must.

So what has happened in five years? “We are much more tied in to the community now.” says Colin, “People have gotten to know us and they have witnessed the integrity. It hasn’t been easy though and we did not celebrate our 5th anniversary too much since we still have some things to iron out.” Always listen-

ing to feedback and changing accordingly, Colin does feel though that the Tipper

has worked past its initial growing pains, now with a steady clientelle of regulars who will swear, “The Tipper Rocks!”

A quick look to an online foodie forum such as reveals that the locals are lovin’ The Tipper. With an average of four stars (out of five), the reviewers appreciate the awesome food, attentive service and comfortable atmosphere. Here are some of their quotes: “best that it gets”; “Perfect little gem”; “Old school good service!”; “Great food and great service - definitely one of my fave spots in Vancouver.”; “I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect breakfast. Found it!”; “Good fla-vours with a feeling of home cook-ing. I’ve been satisfied every time!”; “Hands down the best omelet I’ve ever had and that’s saying quite a bit!”

I too love The Tipper. On this occa-sion, I acquainted myself with one of The Tipper’s Steak Sandwich with a side of those awesome fries, chipotle mayo and of course an ice cold pint to wash it down, a Red Truck lager. With pints going for $4 ($5 for a giant one!)- you can’t go wrong.

Aside from the awesome food, Colin has followed through with his initial vision to help local artists. The walls serve as a rotating gal-lery featuring local artists and the Review Room in the back is home for local musicians and perform-ers. (Visit the website for upcoming bookings). You too can book the back room with a quick call to the General Manager Cameron who handles the bookings. Way to go Tipper team!

2951 Kingsway Ave • Vancouver, BC • V5R 5J4604-775-6263 • •

Happy Canada Day!

Wishing you and your family a safe and fun Canada Day...

Don Davies, M.P.


Collingwood Neighbourhood House5288 Joyce Street at EuclidPhone: 604-435-0323

We are closed on Jul 1, Canada Day

Sundays, Jul 7, 14, 21, 28Badminton 19+, 10:15 am - 12:15 pm

Mondays, Jul 8, 15, 22, 29Seniors’ Yoga Drop-in, 9:15 - 10:15 amSeniors’ T’ai Chi (24 Form), 10:30 - 11:30 amSeniors’ T’ai Chi (48 Form), 11:45 am - 12:45 pmZumba, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pmSeniors’ Wellness Group, 1:00 - 3:00 pm (A variety of activities and trips. Times vary. Pick-up schedule at reception.)Jazzercise, 6:00 - 7:00 pmVolleyball/Soccer, 8:15 - 10:00 pm

Tuesdays, Jul 2, 9, 16, 23, 30Bellyfit, 9:30 - 10:30 amParent & Tots, 10:00 - 11:45 amJazzercise, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pmHatha Yoga, 6:45 - 8:15 pmZumba, 7:15 - 8:15 pm

Wednesdays, Jul 3, 10, 17, 24, 31Chinese Classical Dance, 9:30 - 11:00 am (Adults & Seniors)Seniors’ Strength & Stretch , 11:00 am - 12:00 noon32 Form T’ai Chi Sword, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm (Session 1)Zumba, 12:05 - 1:05 pm32 Form T’ai Chi Sword, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (Session 2)Jazzercise, 6:00 - 7:00 pmZumba, 7:15 - 8:15 pm

Thursdays, Jul 4, 11, 18, 25Seniors’ Yoga Drop in, 9:15 - 10:15 amParents and Tots, 10:00 - 11:45 amSeniors’ Coffee, 10:30 am - 12:00 noonJazzercise, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pmHatha Yoga, 6:45 - 8:15 pmDrop-in Badminton (Adult), 6:45 - 8:30 pmDrop-in Soccer (Adult), 8:30 - 10:00 pm

Fridays, Jul 5, 12, 19, 26Zumba, 9:30 - 10:30 amSeniors’ T’ai Chi (24 Form), 9:30 - 10:30 amSeniors’ T’ai Chi (48 Form), 10:45 - 11:45 amSeniors’ Strength and Stretch, 11:30 am - 12:30 pmChinese Classical Dance (Adults & Seniors) 12:00 noon - 1:30 pmZumba Gold, 12:40 - 1:40 pmBellyfit, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Saturdays, Jul 6, 13, 20, 27Jazzercise, 10:00 - 11:00 amZumba, 11:15 am - 12:15 pmSenior Drop-in Badminton, 2:30 - 4:15 pm


Events Calendar Get involved in Renfrew-Collingwood


Performance Arts Summer Camp

Ready for Still Moon Arts’ 9th Performance Intensive summer day camp? Learn the wonders of stilts, hooping, clowning, costume-making and how to work as a team to create great shows!

The camp offers three 75-minute classes with professional artists who have performed and taught world-wide. Graduates from the camp have been featured at the Children’s Festival, the Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival and community festivals throughout the year. For information on how to register or inquiries, visit

Camp DatesAugust 12th–16th and 19th–23rdAges: 8–17 through our tiered skill level structure

What’s happening at your local library Collingwood Branch, 2985 Kingsway at Rupert St., 604-665-3953 [head 2]

Want to know what library events are coming up? Looking for local tutors or childcare? Check out Collingwood library’s newly updated bulletin board located at our front entrance. Bring your flyer or notice to the information desk to see if we can share your local program with others.

Adult Summer Reading ClubJoin the Adult Summer Reading Club for a chance to win weekly book prizes and one grand prize of a Kobo Mini eReader! We will be having a Reading Circle on Tuesday, July 23 from 7:00-8:00 pm, so bring your book and your ideas for discussion!

Children’s Summer Reading ClubVisit the library and pick up your FREE summer reading club package.

Don’t forget to join us for these special events on Wednesdays at 2:00pm:July 10 – Paper Airplanes! Fold paper airplanes and fly them for a chance to win prizes! Ages 6+. Registration required.July 17 – Cinemazoo Animals in the library?! You’ll have to see it to believe it! All ages welcome.

Summer movies in the park 夏日公园电影展演

The Collingwood Community Policing Centre hosts the 1st Annual Collingwood International Film Festival in Aberdeen Park. This is a family event for people of all ages to meet your neighbours and celebrate the cultural diversity of our neighbourhood and our Collingwood businesses. Please bring your lawn chairs and blankets.

高岭活社区治安中心今年夏天将在阿伯丁公园 (Aberdeen Park) 电办第一届高岭活社区国电电影电。电上全家老少一起来参与这电


Where: Aberdeen Park – 3525 Foster Avenue地点:阿伯丁公园 (Aberdeen Park – 3525 Foster Avenue)When: Friday, July 5th – Filipino MovieFriday, July 19th - Vietnamese MovieTime: Movies will start at sunset at about 9:00 pmWeather permitting

Questions? Please contact the Collingwood CPC at 604-717-2935 or


July 24 – Button Making. Stop by anytime during the hour to create your own buttons.July 31 – Yoko Tomita Origami Workshop. Learn how to fold beautiful paper creations! Ages 7+. Registration required.

Renfrew Branch, 2969 East 22nd Avenue at Nootka, 604-257-8705

Sign up for French Storytime at Renfrew Lisez cet étéFrench Story ClubWednesdays | mercredisAugust 7 - 28 | 7 - 28 aôut10:30 am – 11 amAdmission is free | GratuitRegistration begins July 10 | L’inscription commence le 10 juillet Lisez cet été! Un club de lecture en français pour les enfants âgés de 6 à 10 ans. Voulez-vous pratiquer le français cet été? Inscrivezvous au club français du livre à la Bibliothèque de Renfrew. Il s’agit d’un programme de 4 semaines offrant récits, artisanat, et plaisirs For more information please contact the Renfrew Branch at 604-257-8705 | Téléphonez à la Bibliothèque de Renfrew au 604-257-8705 pour en savoir plus.


星期五 7月5日 –菲律电电影

星期五 7月19日 –越南电影

注:电影将在日落后 (电晚上9点) 电始放映,如果


Renfrew Ravine and Renfrew Park Master Plan moves forward Update from third open house


Still Creek is at the heart of

Renfrew Ravine Park. It is the

only creek in a natural ravine setting within

Vancouver’s park system.

by Deanna Cheng

Most residents are satisfied with the City of Vancouver’s master plan to improve Renfrew Community Park but with the Renfrew Ravine, many of them do not want extra paths going into the ravine itself.

That’s what the two dozen or so people who showed up on May 13 to the Slocan Park field house learned. They came to this third open house to review the updated plans and fill out feedback forms. A couple of them had ridden their bicycles through the light drizzle.

According to Ben Mulhall, landscape architect for Catherine Berris Associates, some people at the second open house held early March were against a path on the west side in fear of break-ins and the invasion of privacy. “It was about 50-50, for and against,” he said. “To compromise, we made the pathway only halfway through, ending it at 25th Avenue.”

Local resident Harvey Dueck said, “It’s great that they want to work on the park and restore natural areas in the park.”

When he first moved here, he remembered oil floating on the stream (part of Still Creek that runs into Burnaby), possibly from the decommissioned gas station at 22nd and Renfrew. “The ravine is relatively wild and a refuge in the city, especially for the birds,” Dueck noted. “A path along the stream would disrupt that.” Michelle Baudais, another resident, agrees with him. “Increasing access to the ravine park is not compatible with the vision to preserve wildlife and restore habitat.” She points to the number-one objective listed on the vision plan. “Protect, enhance and restore habitats and the ecosystem resilience of the creek and forest,” meaning to maintain and encourage the living trees, plants and animals in the area.

Further access to the ravine may lead to pollution and more coyote encounters with the public.

Another proposed change will create deeper ponds and put in culverts, channels or conduits for the drain crossing underneath the roads.

Mulhall said, “The fish and salmon can’t travel but with the local pools, small fish can live there. It will give greater diversity to the wildlife nearby. The insects, newts and salamanders.” For Renfrew Community Park, one third of the parking lot off Renfrew Street will be converted to an off-leash dog park. The wading pool will be converted into a water spray park with a small platform facing the sloped grass eating area.

On the south side of Renfrew Park Community Centre and Renfrew Branch library, there will be community garden plots.

For additional changes or more details, visit Deanna Cheng is a journalism student at Langara college.

July 2013


Monday, July 1st11 am to 1 pm





Presented by The Collingwood BIA

w w w . s h o p c o l l i n g w o o d . c a

Canada Day Cake C e l e b r a t i o n !



Safeway parking lot - 3410 Kingsway, corner of Kingsway & Tyne


The Green Thumb Theatre Campus was launched with an open house BBQ on June 8. The new arts centre is located at 5522 McKinnon Street, behind Sir Guy Carleton Elementary School and provides affordable access to new production spaces

“We’re thrilled about this collaboration with the Vancouver School Board,” says artistic director Patrick McDonald. “Green Thumb now has a beautiful home base of operations for at least the next 20 years, and limitless possibilities to share our work with students in Vancouver and beyond.”

An environmentally friendly retrofit project has given new life to the historic Carleton Hall, Vancouver’s oldest schoolhouse, nearly destroyed by fire almost five years ago. The former kindergarten building is now restored to its heritage character design on the outside, and features two large, modern rehearsal studios inside.

Renowned youth theatre company launches arts campus in CollingwoodGreen Thumb is already accepting rehearsal studio reservations for rent. Starting next year, the group will also offer classes to youth in dance, acting, playwriting, directing, set and costume design.

Patti Bacchus, chair of the Vancouver board of education, says, “Green Thumb Theatre is a welcome new addition to the neighbourhood. Their campus is going to provide arts and cultural activities for students throughout the province for generations to come.”

Green Thumb Theatre produces educational plays for elementary and high school audiences on topics like the environment, bullying, gang violence, addiction, racism, eating disorders, gender equality, and homophobia. The company tours across BC, Canada, the US and abroad, performing to more than 125,000

children annually. Operating since 1975, Green Thumb has received more than 70 awards for outstanding artistic achievement.

New project moves residents to connect through health and physical activity by Esther Yuen

Green Thumb staff welcome the community to their new arts campus at Carleton Hall: bookkeeper Susan Cai, capital campaign director Kari Gundersen, general manager Nadine Carew, artistic director Patrick McDonald, artistic associate Shawn Macdonald, fundraising and development coordinator Jessica Choi, sales and marketing coordinator Robyn Lamb, touring manager Michele Frazer, production manager Rachael King.

Renfrew-Collingwood community organizations and the University of B.C. Kinesiology Department partnered earlier this year to launch the Renfrew-Collingwood Interculturalism, Health and Physical Activity Initiative. The goal of this project is to promote interculturalism, defined as curiosity about people different from ourselves and a willingness to connect, through physical activity to increase social-connectedness, health and well-being in the community.

Residents of the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood are encouraged to participate in events associated with this initiative and are invited to share their learning experiences. This initiative is expected to continue indefinitely, but is also expected to launch and support other related projects and programs in the neighbourhood. To support the project, diverse teams made up of Renfrew-Collingwood

community leaders have been or are in the process of being established. The steering circle, responsible for giving direction to this initiative, consists of representatives from Collingwood Community Policing, Vancouver Coastal Health, Windermere Family of Schools, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, UBC and Collingwood Business Improvement Association. The Intercultural Communicators Circle disseminates stories and information, and the Intercultural Connectors Circle, once formed, will reach out to groups that are identified as low-participatory groups.

UBC faculty, staff and students will be working alongside the three circles as well as Renfrew-Collingwood residents or groups who are or will be involved in intercultural physical activities. Led by Dr. Wendy Frisby, the UBC group will act as an academic

resource to the community and assist the community in documenting the project. Their aim is to build capacity around the neighbourhood and, in the process, gain insight into real-life community development.

Between now and December 2013, all three circles and UBC representatives will work together to identify existing skills and to learn new skills, create a regularly updated map of intercultural physical activities in the community, promote and communicate about the initiative and document and review the project process.

Residents of the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood should contact Paula Carr at if they have questions or are able to contribute to the map or organize events and programs that promote community and intercultural physical activity. The Intercultural Communications Circle is also actively looking for motivational stories from community members that give insight into stories about community-based physical health initiatives.

Local residents and staff of Collingwood Neighbourhood House enjoy an intercultural bootcamp as part of the new Renfrew-Collingwood Interculturalism, Health and Physical Activity Initiative.


The Seniors Connection

H e l p i n g s e n i o r s l i v e w e l l i n R e n f r e w - C o l l i n g w o o d

Local seniors overcome loneliness by Ewa Jagla

London Square Dental Centre #220 3340 Kingsway Ph: 604.435.4545

Collingwood Insurance 5750 Tyne Street Ph: 604.438.9888

Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street 604.435.0323

E.41st Ave.

E.33rd Ave.




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E.29th Ave.


E.22nd Ave.

Boundary Rd.Nan


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Grandview Hwy.

Renfrew / Collingwood

The Tipper Restaurant 2066 Kingsway Ph: 604.873.1010








P & D Automotive Ltd 2895 E.22nd Ave.Ph: 604.438.5519






Joyce Hair Design 5156 Joyce St.

Papa John’s Pizza #300-3340 Kingsway Ph: 604.310.PAPA


Loneliness in the city is everywhere, especially among our most vulnerable members: seniors. In spite of efforts by government organizations, faith institutions, nonprofits and communities, why does loneliness still exist and what more could be done to prevent it?

The answer came to me recently when I visited the Odd Fellows Manor on Kingsway Street where Linda and Shirley, members of the local walking club, live.

The two seniors greeted me with fresh cinnamon rolls, pumpkin cookies and coffee. I felt welcome, cozy and happy. I observed the respectful relationship of the two ladies and I listened to their stories with contentment.

Linda, of Spanish and Chinese-Filipino descent, emigrated from the Philippines to Canada in 1984. She is a mother of three and a grandmother of seven. I met Linda over two years ago when she joined the walking club at the Collingwood Neighbourhood House. The walking

activities help Linda stay fit and fight her high blood pressure. Linda is a very social and sensitive person, who informed me that her house is everybody’s house. For her 70th birthday, Linda invited every senior from the Odd Fellows Manor for dinner and music. The invitation was very generous considering that the building contains 44 units, occupied mainly by seniors. Linda cooked and ordered a lot of food to be sure that every guest enjoyed the meal. I was there as well.

The party was packed and I thought that everybody knew each other, but I was mistaken. For many seniors, Linda’s birthday party was also a “get to know each other” party. Linda hasn’t forgotten those who were not able to come. She organized helpers and sent out plates full of food to those who were sick or immobile to come over.

Linda is a perfect community animator. I am sure that she does not realize how gifted she is with her easiness to befriend


Renfrew Collingwood Better at Home is currently seeking experienced housekeepers who speak Cantonese. Please phone 604-435-0375 for more information.

Papa John’s Pizza #300-3340 Kingsway Ph: 604.310.PAPA

people around her and with her ability to empower other seniors to take action and change their lives. By her involvement, Linda connected seniors who lived close to each other but did not know each other. She invited them to step out of their isolated apartments and participate. Consequently, she gave them a sense of belonging.

Meantime, the cinnamon rolls, freshly baked by Shirley, disappeared from the plate. They were delicious and I was not surprised to learn that Shirley is a professional cook. I hope that in the future she will exchange her gifts with others in the community. She also knows how to knit and crochet. Her problem with her knee and her low blood pressure do not keep her from being active and happy.

After Linda’s party, Shirley decided to join the walking club and get even more active. Shirley was born in Vancouver in St. Paul Hospital as the daughter of a Scottish mother and First Nation father. She has Apache, Inuit, Haida, Blackfoot, Scottish and Irish blood. She is a mother of eight children, 30 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Shirley is also a very sensitive person with compassion for other people. One day on Hastings Street she saw a person lying on the street. She realized that nobody was willing to help him. The man was invisible for passersby. She called for an ambulance. The man had a heart attack and Shirley was the one who saved him.

There was another heart-warming story. Last Christmas Shirley invited 10 seniors and

adults from the neighbourhood for dinner. She knew that they were lonely, abandoned by their families and would not have Christmas dinner at all. She did not hesitate to include all of them at her Christmas table.

Linda’s and Shirley’s stories have commonalities; both ladies act as community animators whose initiatives help seniors to overcome the social issue that is loneliness. Their actions promote companionship. They are strong and compassionate and the power is within them. The two Walking Club friends’ stories reveal that the senior-to-senior companionship idea could be practically used in our community and elsewhere as an additional and more sustainable way of saying NO to loneliness. I asked Shirley and Linda if they would be willing to contribute voluntary hours to the community and become part of the companionship program. Both ladies agreed with understanding.

As I left Linda’s place, I once again realized that my community is abundant with gifts. The only thing you have to do is to dig deep inside and pull out these gifts. With Linda and Shirley, I pulled out a box packed with gifts such as benevolence and compassion toward others. I felt blessed that I could witness their stories and learn from them.

Ewa Jagla leads the Walking Club at Collingwood Neighbourhood House.

Shirley and Linda relax at the neighbourhood house. Photo by Ewa Jagla

*This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Business Improvement Association

Bikram’s Yoga Metrotown is the studio of Brad Colwell. Brad started practising Bikram Yoga in Vancouver in December 1999 and completed the teacher training program under Bikram himself in 2000.

Brad’s vision for his studio is simple. “I believe that it should be a place for anyone, in any condition, of any age, of any fitness level, to be able to bring themselves back to a healthy living state. For me, this is the most rewarding job an individual can do for his community. I want to help ‘bring back the fire’ that might be missing in one’s life.”

It was a surprise encounter when Brad first met Bikram in August 2000. “I went to visit the new Bikram headquarter studio being built in Los Angeles. When I walked through the door I saw Bikram himself standing there. I remember how enthusiastic he was to meet me and give me a tour of the new studio. I consider Bikram as an inspirational friend with whom I can just hang out, anywhere we meet in the world. It’s also a great honour to represent him and to instill the values of his yoga method into the hearts and minds of every person I meet.”

Bikram’s Yoga is a series of 26 beginner’s postures performed in sequence in a heated room for 90 minutes. Bikram’s Yoga is suitable for all ages and levels of ability. Each posture stretches, strengthens and prepares the body to work every muscle, organ, gland and cell in the perfect order. The result is

100% exercise! Bikram scientifically designed the series to bring your body back to a healthy working order, to promote weight loss, prevent illness and limit the effects of aging. In addition, the series of postures combines skills of concentration, patience, determination and self-control, which lead to increased mental clarity and reduced stress.

“My favourite students are beginners. It is amazing to see their life reborn right in the class. I think the biggest benefit for a beginner student is a sense of relaxation and serenity they gain after their first classes. As students continue in their Bikram practice, new-found confidence is achieved. They feel better in their bodies, they feel lighter mentally, less burdened emotionally and more energized physically.”

“There is new class everyday at noon now that is a 60 minute ‘express class’ for people who are a little scared of the full 90 minutes. This allows former students to get back in to it or for new students to try with less time.”

In addition to running Bikram’s Yoga Metrotown, Brad Colwell keeps busy as the president of the Collingwood Business Improvement Association. Well done, Brad!

Brad Colwell wants to help bring back the fire that might be missing from your life.


l COLLINGWOOD FIRST INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL –The Collingwood BIA is partnering with the Collingwood Community Policing Centre in the first International Film Festival in the Park.

Location: Aberdeen Park 3525 Foster Avenue @ Aberdeen Street

Dates: June 21, 2013 Chinese CJ7 June 28, 2013 Bollywood 3 Idiots July 05, 2013 Filipino A Mother’s Story July 19, 2013 TBD

Movie titles to be confirmed. Call the CCPC office 604.717.2935 for more information. Titles will be posted on our Facebook wall.

l COLLINGWOOD CELEBRATES CANADA DAY 2013 – The Collingwood BIA will be hosting a cake cutting ceremony to wish Canada a Happy Birthday. The ceremony will take place in the Safeway parking lot (Tyne and Kingsway) between 11 am – 1pm. Drop by for cake,

coffee, and pick up your Canada flag.

l Road Road is Completed. Thank you your patience with the curb and road construction by the City of Vancouver. Kingsway will be back to normal traffic patterns.

l AGM will be held September 19th, 2013 from 5:30 – 7:00pm. Members will be receiving more information next month. Save the date.

l We want to hear from you. Post a comment on our Facebook wall or follow us on Twitter

l A big thank you to the Jr. BIA 2013 members, good luck to the graduates. The Jr. BIA are students from Windermere Secondary School who work with the Collingwood BIA in bridging the businesses with the community. We will be entering our third year in September.

The following is a paid advertisement by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver/Kingsway

Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your support and your vote of confidence in the May 14th election. It is my honour to represent Vancouver Kingsway in the legislature, and I am excited to keep working on your behalf for another four years. I’d like to thank the other candidates in the election, Gurjeet Dhillon and Greg Esau, for their contributions to the debate and for stepping forward to represent their parties. Our democracy thrives on healthy campaigns, and I respect everyone who steps forward to serve the community.

Congratulations to Gladstone, Windermere, and Killarney Graduating Students

I would like to congratulate all graduating students from Gladstone, Windermere, and Killarney secondary schools! Each year, I am proud to sponsor a scholarship at each school for students pursuing post-secondary education. Congratulations to all 2013 grads, and good luck in all of your future endeavors!

Welcome, Green Thumb Theatre!

From 1896 to March 2008 students learned at the historic Carleton schoolhouse in east Vancouver. But we came close to losing this remarkable place of learning and link to our past. After vandalism and arson destroyed parts of the heritage building in 2008 the schoolhouse faced demolition when its insurer, the provincial government, refused to restore it. They only had money to support a demolition.

But the students at Sir Guy Carleton School, their teachers and parents plus the broader Collingwood community, came together to rally support for protecting the heritage building. Students from grades K-7 raised the first money to fix the roof and in doing so they created the opportunity for the century-old schoolhouse to start a new, vibrant chapter in its history.

This week, it officially became the new home and rehearsal hall for the esteemed and award-winning Green Thumb Theatre, thanks to a partnership with the Vancouver School Board and a successful capital fundraising drive that raised funds to preserve the site.

I want to extend my congratulations, once again, to Carleton students, parents and residents and Green Thumb Theatre, whose combined efforts helped make this possible. The schoolhouse stands as a tribute to their determination to build a better community. Thanks as well to the VSB, the City of Vancouver, the federal and provincial governments as well, for stepping up to support this remarkable success story.

Youth Celebrate Canada Day

This July 1, from 1-5 pm, I’ll again be celebrating Canada Day at the Youth Celebrate Canada Day festival, organized by students from Windermere Secondary School. I’d like to encourage everyone to join me at Renfrew Park Community Centre for Canada day again this year, to join in what is sure to be another great festival. My thanks to the organizers for the time they dedicate each year to one of our community’s favourite annual events.

A Day at the Park


Read On!

A news page for Renfrew-Collingwood learners

Reading levels on this page

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Free ELSA English Classes!

CNH has level 3 and 4 classes in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood. Classes are Monday to Friday, 9-12 or 12:30-3. There is free childminding for children 18 months to 5 years old.

Classes are free for all permanent residents, convention refugees and people with some work and study permits.

To register or for more information, call 604-451-8321 and leave a message.

Read On! has a web page. You can:

Read the articles

Print worksheets Visit:

Fiona Huang playing in the water at Norquay Park

Norquay ParkThis is my favourite park in the Renfrew-Collingwood area. It is at Kingsway and Wales. Kids can run around in the water park on a hot day. The new playground has benches in the shade for parents and caregivers. There is a lovely paved area for doing tai chi and other martial arts. There is a grass soccer field, two softball fields and a basketball court.

Slocan ParkSlocan Park hosts the Art House in the Field Collective, who offer regular community art workshops and events. You can also join the Montagnard

Weekend by Susan Su Guest writer from the Collingwood Neighbourhood House ELSA Program

My friend’s family and my family went to a beach in Burnaby. We took food, snacks, water and a bag of charcoals. When we arrived there, we put some charcoals into the barbecue and prepared to ignite them.

Oh no! We forgot to bring a lighter, so we were a little sad. We saw a family whose

community for Gongs & Coffee at Slocan Park most Sunday mornings from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. They share their gong music, dances and traditional regalia.

barbecue fire was very hot. We went to borrow some burning charcoals. After 20 minutes, our charcoals burned. Everyone was happy.

We put some beef, pork and chicken on the barbecue then we went to catch crabs on the beach. We put some chicken necks into a special basket that we threw into the sea. We waited while we lay on the beach to enjoy the beautiful scenery from the sky. We pulled the rope back to see if some crabs went into the special basket.


This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Neighbourhood House

Collingwood Neighbourhood HouseH I G H L I G H T S

COMMUNITY LUNCHCollingwood Neighbourhood House invites you to lunch every Tuesday and Thursday. Please note that seniors are served at 12 noon; others are served at 12:10 pm. Full meal prices are $6.25 for adults, $5 for seniors, $4 for students and $3.25 for children under 12. Items can be purchased a la carte or “to go.”

Tue. 2 JulBroccoli and cheddar soup, Egg salad sandwich,Salad, Chocolate cookies

Thur. 4 JulPork chop with seasonable vegetables, Scalloped potatoes, Salad, Fruit salad

Tue. 9 JulTomato and lentil soup, Spinach or chicken pie, Salad, Coconut milk cookies

Thur. 11 JulChicken cacciatore on rice (vegetarian option), Salad, Ice cream

Tue. 16 JulVegetable soup, Sockeye salmon sandwich, Salad, Chocolate muffin

Thur. 18 JulBeef or vegetable kebab, Salad, Dried fruit tart

Tue. 23 JulZucchini and potato soup, Chicken salad or vegetable sandwich, Salad, Ice cream

Thur. 25 JulSpaghetti with meat balls, Salad and garlic bread, Blueberry parfait

Tue. 30 JulCauliflower soup,Grilled vegetable sandwich (chicken optional), Salad, Orange cinnamon slice


Terry Tayler Early Learning and Care Centre now open Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) has officially opened the new Terry Tayler Early Learning and Care Centre (TTELCC) in the back of the Kingsway and Nanaimo complex at 2355 East 30th Avenue.

On hand for the opening was the actual Terry Tayler, the founding president of CNH. As an area resident and mother of three children, Terry lobbied for more local services for residents, eventually pulling together enough people to help create CNH. She was and remains particularly interested in quality, affordable, local childcare.

The TTELCC offers toddler (18 months to three years) and three-year-old to five-year-old care in a high quality, licensed environment. Staff offer nurturing care that supports children’s early learning through arts and crafts, music, indoor and outdoor games, science, dramatic play and story telling.

Those who are interested in more information may call 604-412-3700.

Above/Left: The actually Terry Tayler, for whom the new centre is named.

Right: An overhead view of the new centre.

Above: Sharon Gregson, CNH Director of Child and Family Services (left) and Sabrina Bantog, TTELCC manager at the opening.


Renfrew Park Community Complex

will be closed for the Youth Celebrate Canada Day Event.

Join friends, neighbours and families in this fun event organized by Windermere students for the whole

community to enjoy. Entertainment, carnival games, crafts & prizes. Food vendors and refreshments

available. See you there Rain or Shine! Everyone is welcome.

Youth Celebrates Monday, July 1st 12:00-4:00pm

Drop-in FREE anytime, hours are subject to change, so check with your playground leader. Closed on August 5th. Subject to change due to weather.

Slocan Park Mon, Wed, Fri Jul 15-Aug 16 11am-5pm Collingwood Park Mon-Fri Jul 15-Aug 16 11am-5pm Renfrew Park Tue, Thu July 16-Aug 15 11am-5pm

Summer Fest (55+yrs) Come and celebrate the start of Summer. There will be a full lunch served, great entertainment and door prizes. Wed 12:00-2:30pm Jul 10 $9/person

Salt Spring Tuesday Market (55+yrs) Tue 7:00am-9:30pm Jul 16 $89/person

Picnic at Alice Lake (55+yrs) Thu 9:00am-4:00pm Jul 25 $20/person

Babysitting Training (11+yrs) First Aid Hero Babysitting with First Aid Hero emphasizes learning through real life scenarios. Su 9:00am-4:00pm Jul 7 $60/1 sess

Mindful Walking (19+yrs) Sung Yang Learn how to find peace and calmness while walking, whether you are walking within your home or walking in outdoor. This practice reduces stress and may improve quality of your life. Dress for outdoor conditions as program will be held outdoors. Su 11:00am-1:00pm Jul 7 Free

Interactive Agatha Christie Mystery (55+yrs) Bring out your inner actor/ actress in an interactive murder mys-tery party. We'll be doing several fun acting games and work-shops leading up to this event, so come out and have some fun! Mo 3:00-4:00pm Jul 8-Aug 12 Free/6 sess

Canning 101 (19+yrs) Stephanie Lim Learn to make jam from scratch using less (or no) sugar with wholesome seasonal fruits. Safe, fun, and delicious! FREE but registration is required. All levels welcome. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Mo 1:00-3:00pm Jul 15 Free

HUB - Streetwise Bicycling (16+yrs) VACC HUB This fun, practical and hands-on course is for anyone who’d like to be more comfortable riding in traffic. Courses is suitable to those 16 and up. Su 12:00-4:30pm Jul 21 $20/1 sess

Licensed Preschool Camp (3-5yrs) Alice, Henrietta Mo-Fr 9:00-11:30am Jul 2-Aug 23 $62.50/week Mo-Fr 12:30-3:00pm Jul 2-Aug 23 $62.50/week

Baby and Me Music (0-1yrs) Jennifer Hershman Simple songs to introduce your baby to music through song. A wonderful way to spend time with your newborn and develop their focus and social skills with music. Some percussion instru-ments will be introduced, as well as finger puppets with sto-rytime. $6.50/drop-in if space Tu 12:30-1:15pm Jul 9-Aug 13 $33/6 sess

Sing a Little Song (2-5yrs) Jennifer Hershman Simple songs to encourage sharing...this class also offers some movement and dance, and your child will be introduced to a wide range of percussion instruments. Parent participation is required. $6.50 drop-in if space Tu 1:30-2:15pm Jul 9-Aug 13 $33/6 sess

Enough food for everyone by Kathy Romses

To be healthy, people need access to safe, affordable and nutritious food. Many people struggle to get enough food for themselves or their family. Fortunately there are places to go when you or your family are hungry. If you want to help others in your community, contact the services below to find out how you can help. These are places close to Renfrew-Collingwood if you need help feeding your family.

Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, 5288 Joyce Street, 604-435-0323

The Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute works to bring neighbours together to find solutions to issues like hunger and isolation in our community. By gathering around food—growing it, cooking it, and sharing it—neighbours meet each other. This helps to make Renfrew-Collingwood a safe and welcoming place.

Activities include:• Public fruit and nut growing sites• Rooftop demonstration garden and community gardens

• Organic gardening and fruit tree care workshops• Low-cost community lunches• Morning Star breakfast and shower program• Food skills workshops including cooking classes for youth and seniors• Bulk Buying Club

Contact Stephanie Lim at or drop by Collingwood Neighbourhood House to pick up the latest activity schedule.

CityReach Care Society, 2650 Slocan Street, 604-254-CITY (2489)Food for Families is a weekly nutritious food bank for families with children living at or below the poverty line. Most of what you can receive here are fresh fruits and vegetables, along with staples like dairy, and local, organic produce. The food bank operates every Tuesday evening (Doors at 5:30 pm and food bank from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm), and Thursday morning (Doors at 9:00 am and food bank from 10:30 am to12 noon). Office hours are Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The Bulk Buying program allows families to access nutritious food at a very low cost. Families pay $13 for about two full bags of fresh produce. The pickup happens on the third Wednesday of every month, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Families are encouraged to pre-pay for the following month when they pick up their food so they don’t have to register again.

Contact Damaris or Aja or call 604-254-2489.

Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society, 1150 Raymur Avenue, 604-876-3601The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society (GVFBS) helps over 28,000 people weekly through 15 food depots and over 100 community agencies located in Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and North Vancouver. For more info, visit

Food Depots: Please phone the main office at 604-876-3601 to learn how to access food from the depot nearest you. Depots may be visited once per week, excluding social assistance cheque week.

Yummy One Pot Pasta and Veggies Here’s a quick and easy meal that can be cooked in one pot. If tuna or salmon is used, this dish has choices from all four Canada’s Food Guide food groups.

1 L / 4 cups pasta, e.g. macaroni, rotini 1 L / 4 cups fresh or frozen, chopped, mixed vegetables 45 ml / 3 tbsp flour 750 ml / 3 cups milk 7 ml / 1 1/2 tsp each dried basil and oregano2 ml / 1/2 tsp pepper2 cans / 170 g tuna or salmon, optional 175 ml / 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese 50 ml / 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, optional

Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water for 5 minutes. Add vegetables and cook for 2 minutes or until vegetables are warm and pasta is just tender. Drain well and return to pot. Whisk flour into milk and pour over pasta. Add dried basil, oregano and pepper. If using tuna or salmon, add with spices. Cook, stirring often, over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes or until thickened and tuna or salmon is heated. Remove from heat. Stir in cheese until melted.

Makes 6-8 servings.

Kathy Romses is a registered dietitian at Evergreen Community Health Centre.


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Live a Day the Greek Way!

June 27th to July 7th

(Corner of E. 29th Ave)4641 Boundary Road

Open daily at 12:00 pm

Featuring local Greek dance groups, a live band as well as other local and ethnic groups!

