Report for OB


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  • 7/30/2019 Report for OB


    Whats the difference between the three.

    In Low Transverse, a transverse (horizontal) incision in the lower uterus, In Low Vertical, a vertical incision

    in the lower uterus and in Classical, a vertical incision in the main body of the uterus

    Umbilical hernia - an outward bulging (protrusion) of the abdominal lining or part of the abdominalorgan(s) through the area around the belly button

    Vaginal bleeding late in pregnancy often indicatesplacenta previa, a low-lying

    placenta that covers part or all of the inner opening of the cervix. If the bleeding does

    not stop with bed rest, the doctor probably will perform a cesarean, to prevent

    hemorrhage. Vaginal bleeding late in pregnancy also may indicate placental abruption,

    where the placenta separates from the uterine wall before delivery. In some cases of

    mild abruption, it may be possible to deliver vaginally. If there is heavy bleeding or fetal

    distress caused by abruption (abruption can lead to maternalshock, which, togetherwith a reduced amount of functioning placenta, can deprive the fetus of adequate

    oxygen), a cesarean generally is necessary.

    Causes of umbilical hernia during pregnancy

    Most umbilical hernias are congenital, meaning you have had the hernia since birth. The hernia

    may have been small or not caused any noticeable symptoms. Pregnancy or excessive weight gain can put

    stress on the defective or weak area of the abdominal wall causing the hernia to become more

    noticeable. Many adults have umbilical hernias that go unnoticed because the defect is so small that tissue

    cannot pass through it. Once the hole gets large enough that tissue can pass through, the hernia can

    become painful and you may see bulging around the umbilical area.

    Treatment of umbilical hernia during pregnancy

    In most cases it is best to wait until you are no longer pregnant before attempting to repair an

    umbilical hernia. However, if an umbilical hernia becomes incarcerated, meaning that tissue remains

    trapped in the defective area and cant be pushed back in, it will need to be repaired immediately. When

    a hernia becomes incarcerated the trapped tissue will not receive blood and will eventually die. An

    incarcerated hernia is generally painful and requires urgent surgical repair. As long as the umbilical hernia

    is not incarcerated, it is usually best to wait to have it repaired. If the hernia is bulging and uncomfortable,

    rest and gently massage the hernia until the bulging goes back in. If the umbilical hernia is painful or cannot

    be pushed back in seek immediate medical attention.
  • 7/30/2019 Report for OB


    NCP - because the intestine is handled during surgery, it takes approximately 24 48 hrs. before

    full peristaltic function is restored and oral intake is possible.

    - they are also kept NPO for a time after surgery to avoid paralytic ileum that occurs from bowelhandling. *Paralytic ileus - Obstruction of the intestine due toparalysisof the intestinal

    muscles- flatus is also monitored because it is another indication that intestinal function is again active.- if intestinal function is again active, IV fluid therapy is usually discontinued and the woman is

    allowed sips of fluid.

    - ensure that a woman is not experiencing nausea and vomiting because it might requirerestarting intravenous therapy.

    - introduce oral fluid slowly, for example ice chips first then sips of clear fluid .- gradually advance her diet to a soft and then a regular diet as prescribed.
