Report To North Area Planning Sub-Committee Applications...


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Report To North Area Planning Sub-Committee – List A – Applications For Decision

Application No: 2015/0888 Application Type: FULL

Case Officer: Tom Scriven

Ward: Walton North

Expiry Date: 15/05/2015

Location: 3 Sunbury Lane Walton-On-Thames Surrey KT12 2HX

Proposal: Two storey infill side extension and single storey rear extension

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Collacott


Miss K Bassett 101 Palm Avenue Sidcup Kent DA14 5JG

Decision Level: If Permit – Sub-Committee If Refuse – Sub-Committee

Recommendation: Permit

Representations: One letter of objection was received from a neighbouring dwelling the contents of which can be summarised as follows:

Site plan not accurate and site visit required to assess impact upon neighbour

Loss of light to kitchen

This application has been promoted by Cllr Cross if the recommendation is to permit

R e p o r t


1. The application site relates to a two storey semi-detached dwelling located to the south of Claremont Close, a residential cul-de-sac in Hersham.


2. The relevant planning constraint is:

Flood Zone 2 Policy

3. In addition to the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Practice

Guidance, the following local policies and guidance are relevant to the determination of this application: Core Strategy 2011 CS3 – Walton on Thames CS17 – Local Character, Density and Design CS26 - Flooding Development Management Plan 2015 DM1 – Presumption in favour of sustainable development DM2 – Design and amenity Design & Character SPD 2012 Home Extensions companion guide

Relevant Planning History

4. None


5. This is a planning application for a two storey infill side extension and single storey rear

extension. The two storey infill extension would have a length of approximately 4.4m and a width of some 1.2m to align with the existing furthest side and rear elevation. It would be of flat roof design with a height to match the existing eaves. To the rear the proposed single storey extension would project approximately 3m beyond the rear of the dwelling and be of shallow mono-pitched roof design with an eaves height of some 2.6m and a ridge height of approximately 2.8m.


6. None Positive and Proactive Engagement

7. In assessing this application, officers have worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner consistent with the requirements of 186-187 of the NPPF by making available pre-application advice to seek to resolve problems before the application was submitted and to foster the delivery of sustainable development.

8. No formal pre-application advice was sought prior to the submission of this application.

Planning Considerations

9. The main planning considerations in the determination of this application are:

The design of the proposal and its impact on the host dwelling, the character of the area and the streetscene

The impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties

The impact on garden space

Impact on flood risk

The design of the proposal and its impact on the host dwelling, the character of the area and the streetscene

10. The proposal would be sited to the rear of the dwelling with limited views from the public domain. The two storey element would be of flat roof design with a height to match the existing eaves whilst the single storey element would be of mono-pitched roof design. While the flat roof design is not normally supported, it is noted that the neighbouring dwelling at No.5 benefits from a similar part two-storey part single storey extension. Therefore it is considered that given its siting, scale and design the proposal would appear subservient to the existing dwelling and would not have a significant adverse impact upon its character, the street scene or the wider character of the area. The impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties

11. The neighbours potentially impacted by the proposal are the adjoining dwelling No.1 and the adjacent No.3 located to the south and north respectively. In relation to No.1 the proposed single storey extension would not project more than 3m beyond this neighbour. The Council’s Design and Character SPD Companion Guide on home extensions states that where a single storey extension does not project more than 3m rearwards the effect on natural light is minimal. As such it is considered that the proposal would not have a significant adverse impact upon this neighbour in terms of loss of light or overbearing impact. There are no concerns with regards to loss of privacy to this neighbour.

12. In relation to No.5 the proposal would result in the two storey flank wall of the property being

approximately 1.2m closer to the boundary with this neighbour. In addition there would be an additional rearward projection of approximately 3m at ground floor level. This would have a similar rear projection to this neighbour and as such there are no concerns with regards to the impact upon rear facing habitable room windows or this neighbour’s immediate amenity space.

13. However it is noted that this neighbour does benefit from side facing windows which would be

impacted by the proposal. At first floor level there is a secondary window serving a bedroom, however given that this is not the primary light source to this room it is not considered that the proposal would have a significant adverse impact upon this room in terms of loss of light or overbearing impact. Turning to the side facing kitchen window it is noted that this is the primary light source to this room. The proposal will result in the two storey flank wall being located approximately 1.2m closer to the boundary with this neighbour. Whilst this would result in some loss of light and outlook it is considered that given the very limited existing outlook from this window that it would not result in a significant loss of light or overbearing impact which would result in harm to neighbouring amenity which would warrant refusal in this instance.

14. The proposal does include side facing windows at ground and first floor level. However the new kitchen window would replace an existing window and given the boundary fence between the properties would not result in any significant loss of privacy. At first floor level whilst there would be two windows replacing the existing one it is considered that given the existing situation and the limited outlook from these windows there would not be a significant loss of privacy to the neighbour at No.5. The insertion of the window to Bedroom 2 could be carried out under permitted development subject to being obscure glazed and fixed shut. As there is already a window to Bedroom 3 facing No.5 which is clear glazed, on balance it is considered that the enlarged window would be acceptable subject to condition requiring both windows to be obscure glazed with non-opening principle lights. The impact on garden space

15. The retained amenity space is considered adequate and commensurate to the size of the

dwelling and complies with the recommended standards set out in the Council’s adopted SPD on ‘Design and Character’. Impact on Flood Risk

16. The Flood Risk Assessment details that the floor levels of the proposals would be set no lower than the existing property and flood proofing would be incorporated where appropriate. This is considered acceptable and accords with the flood risk compatibility table in the NPPG which concludes that development is appropriate for ‘more vulnerable’ proposals, including extensions to dwelling houses, in Flood Zone 2. As such it is not considered that the proposal would have a material increase in flood risk.

Matters Raised in Representations

17. The material planning issues have been fully assessed in the planning considerations above.

18. A site visit was carried out as is required as part of the application process. As such the

impact upon neighbouring amenity could be fully assessed.


19. On the basis of the above, and in light of any other material considerations, the proposal is considered to be in accordance with the development plan. Accordingly, the recommendation is to grant permission.

Case Officer Checklist

Neighbour Notifications 28/05/15 TS

Consultations 28/05/15 TS

Drawings 28/05/15 TS

Site Visit Notes 28/05/15 TS

Recommendation: Grant Permission


The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 51 of Part 4 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following list of approved plans: Proposed Plan & Elevations received on 20 March 2015.

Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in a satisfactory manner.


The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension shall match as nearly as is practically possible those of the existing building to which it is attached, in colour, type, finish and profile.

Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory external appearance is achieved of the development in accordance with Policy DM2 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.


The first floor bedroom windows on the north-west elevation of the development hereby permitted shall be glazed with obscure glass and fitted with non-opening principal lights, such that no part of the window which can be opened is 1.7m or less above the floor of the rooom in which the window is installed, and subsequently maintained in this form. Such glass shall be sufficiently obscure to prevent loss of privacy. The affixing of an obscure film will not be sufficient.

Reason: To preserve the reasonable privacy of neighbouring residents in accordance with Policy DM2 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.


All flood mitigation measures shall be carried out in accordance with approved details set out in the Flood Risk Assessment received on 20 March 2015.

Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding and to satisfy Policy CS26 Flood Risk of the Elmbridge Borough Core Strategy (2011) and the NPPF.

Informatives 1 NO ENCROACHMENT

This permission confers no authority for any part of the development including foundations or guttering to encroach upon the adjoining property.
