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SPECIAL RELEASEUpdates on Philippine Palay, Rice, and Corn Prices

Week 2 of November 2020

Date of Release:Reference No. 2020-J39_7L _

A. Farmgate Price of Palay

Farmgate price of palay declines this week

Figure 1. Weekly Farmgate Prices of Palay (Dry)in the Philippines (in PhP per Kilogram)

VI.4<2, Nov 2019 1M<" Nov 2020(Previous Week)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority


WK 2, Nov 2020(Current Week)


The average farmgate price ofpalay dropped to PhP 15.38/kg or ?nee

by -0.2 percent during the period,from its level of PhP 15.41/kg inthe previous week. Likewise, itdecreased further at an annualrate of -1.5 percent, from itsaverage price of PhP 15.61/kg inthe same week of the previousyear. (Table 1 and Figure 1)

B. Farmgate Prices of Yellow and White Corngrains

Farmgate prices of yellow and white corngrains pick up during theweek


'1M<2, Nov 2020(Current Week)


INk.2, Nov 2019 \Nk " Nov 2020(Previous Week)

Sola'ce: Philippine Statistics Authority

The average farmgate price of Flgu •• Z.Weekly Fanngale Pnces 0' VellowComgraln In the Philippines (In PhP per Kilogram)

yellow corngrain went up further to Price

PhP 11.88/kg or by 0.5 percentthis week, from its previous week'slevel of PhP 11.82/kg. Similarly, ttincreased annually at a rate of0.6 percent relative to its averageprice of PhP 11.81/kg in the sameperiod of the previous year.(Table 2 and Figure 2)

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PSA Complex. East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101Telephone: (632) .._~.•..•..-

Figure 3. Weekly Fanngate Prices of WhiteComgraln In the Philippines (I" PhP per KIlogram)


Source: Philippine Statistics Authority


Wk 2. Nov 2020(Current We~J


Wk " NO\I 2020(Previous Week)


Wk 2, Nov 2019

The average farmgate price ofwhite corngrain likewiseadvanced to PhP 12.90/kg or by0.6 percent during the week, fromits previous week's level ofPhP 12.82/kg. Meanwhile, relativeto its average price ofPhP 13.46/kg during the sameperiod in 2019, it recorded adecline of -4.1 percent. (Table 2and Figure 3)

c.Wholesale and Retail Prices of Well Milled Rice

Wholesale price of well milled rice picks up while its retail pricecontinues to move downward this week

The average wholesale price ofwell milled rice inched up toPhP 37.56/kg or by 0.1 percentduring the week, compared withits previous week's level ofPhP 37.52/kg. Likewise, it went upfurther at an annual rate of0.9 percent, from its average priceof PhP 37.24/kg during the sameperiod of the previous year.(Table 1 and Figure 4)

Figure 4. Weekly Wholesale Prices of Well MilledRice in the Philippines (in PhP per Kilogram)

Price 37.24 37.52 37.56

lJVk2, Nov 2019 1M<1, Nov 2020 WK2. Nov 2020(PreviousWeek) (CurrentWeek)

Source Philippine Stati&tie& Autholity

'Me2, Nov2019 lJVk1, Nov2020(Pre ••..•oU& Week)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

On the other hand, the averageretail price of well milled rice went pOe.

down to PhP 41.29/kg or by-0.2 percent this week, relative toits level of PhP 41.38/kg in theprevious week. On an annualbasis, it dropped further at a rateof -0.6 percent, from its price levelof PhP 41.55/kg in the same weekin 2019. (Table 1 and Figure 5)

Figure 5. Weekly Retail Prices of Well MilledRice in the Philippines (in PhP per Kilogram)

41.55 41.38 41.29

WK 2. Nov 2020(Current Week)

Page 2014

Figure 6. Weekly Wholesale Prices of RegularMl1Ied Rice in the Philippines (in PhP per Kilogram)


v...'k2.Nov2019 Wk1.Nov2020 INk2, Nov2020(PreviousWeek) (CurrentWeek)

Source: Ph~ippine Statistics AuthOlity


D.Wholesale and Retail Prices of Regular Milled Rice

Price of regular milled rice is higher at the wholesale trade while itis lower at the retail trade during the week

Compared with its level ofPhP 33.43/kg in the previousweek, the average wholesale priceof regular milled rice picked up toPhP 33.46/kg or by 0.1 percentduring the week. Similarly, itadvanced at an annual rate of1.0 percent, from its average priceof PhP 33.12/kg in the same weekof the previous year. (Table 1 andFigure 6)

Figure 7. Weekly Retail Prices of Regular MilledRice In the PhllJpplnes (In PhP per Kilogram)

vw. 2, Nov 2019 \M<1. Nov 2020(Previous Week)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority


VVk 2. Nov 2020(Current Week)


The average retail price of regularmilled rice, however, went down Pn,.

further to PhP 36.37/kg or by-0.2 percent this week, from itsprevious week's level ofPhP 36.44/kg. Meanwhile, itmoved upward at an annual rate of0.3 percent, from its level ofPhP 36.27/kg in the same week ofthe previous year. (Table 1 andFigure 7)

E. Wholesale.and Retail Prices of YellowCorngrain

Opposite price movements between the wholesale and retailtrades of yellow corngrain are observed during the week

The average wholesale price ofyellow corngrain inched up toPhP 19.43/kg or by 0.2 percentduring the week, from its previousweek's level of PhP 19.39/kg. Onan annual basis, however, itdipped by -9.1 percent from itsaverage price of PhP 21.36/kgduring the same week of theprevious year. (Table 2 andFigure 8)

Figure 8. Weekly Wholesale Prfces of YellowCorngraln In the Philippines (in PhP per Kilogram)


21.3619.39 19,43

'INk 2. Nov 2019 Wk 1, Nov 2020 INK 2. Nov 2020(previous INeek) (CUTer1.Week)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

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INk 2. Nov 2020(ClJTel1 Week)


INk 2, Nov 2019 I/IIk 1. Nov 2020(Previous VYeek)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

On the contrary, the average retail Figure 9. Weekly Retail Prices 0' Yellow Comgraln

price of yellow corngrain dropped Price In the Philippines (In PhP per Kilogram)

to PhP 24.45/kg or by 25.81

-0.04 percent this week, relative toits previous week's level ofPhP 24.46/kg. From its averageprice of PhP 25.81/kg in the sameweek of the previous year, itsannual decrease was at -5.3percent. (Table 2 and Figure 9)

F. Wholesale and Retail Prices of White Corngrain

Wholesale price of white corngrain drops while its retail priceremains stable during the week

'INK2. Nov 2020(Curre •.••Week)

Wk 1, Nov 2020(Previous IJVeek)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

The average wholesale price of Figure 10. Weekly Wholesale Prices 0'WhiteComgraln In the Philippines (in Ph? per Kilogram)

white corngrain went down to Price 16.95 1614 '606

PhP 16.08/kg or by -0.4 percentthis week, from its previous week'slevel of PhP 16.14/kg. It alsodeclined at an annual rate of-5.2 percent, compared with itsaverage price of PhP 16.95/kg inthe same period of the previous ""2. Nov2019

year. (Table 2 and Figure 10)


WI< 2. Nov 2020(Current Week)


IJ\Ik2, Nov 2019 Wk 1, Nov 2020(Prevklus VVeek)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

During the week, the average Flgurel1.WeeklyRetall Prices of White Com grain

retail price of white corngrain Price In the Philippines (In PhP per Kilogram)

retained its previous week's level 2630

of PhP 25.01/kg. Its annual ratealso remained at -4.9 percent,relative to its average price ofPhP 26.30/kg in the same periodof the previous year. (Table 2and Figure 11)

~DENNIS S. MAPA, Ph.D.UndersecretaryNational Statistician and Civil Registrar General

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