REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL · 2020. 6. 30. · Time to be of the Essence ... selected the rooftop of the...


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Procurement Services 450 Cowie Hill Rd. Halifax, NS B3K 5M1 Telephone: (902) 490-4998



75 kW Solar PV

Bids submitted electronically on the included bid form only via email marked:

RFP# P23.2020 – “75 kW Solar PV”

Addressed to:

Halifax Water Attn: Brent Hickman Procurement Officer

Will be received until 2:00 p.m. Atlantic Time, Friday July 17, 2020 for the above RFP as per the specifications and terms and conditions.

Check for changes to this request – Before submitting your bid, visit the Provincial Government Web Portal at to see if any Addenda detailing changes have been issued on this proposal. Changes may be posted up until the proposal closing time. It

is the bidders’ responsibility to acknowledge and take into account all Addenda.

Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their proposals in the manner and time prescribed. Proposals received after the date and time specified shall be rejected.

Hard Copy and facsimile proposals are not accepted.

The lowest or any submission will not necessarily be accepted.

RFP Issue Date – June 30, 2020

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The undersigned hereby acknowledges to Halifax Water that he/she, as an officer of the stated corporation, has read and understands the specifications, requirements, and proposed agreement included within RFP # P23.2020 – 75 kW Solar PV. The undersigned further acknowledges that the seller’s proposed product, equipment, materials, and services fully meet or exceed those as specified in Halifax Water’s Request for Proposal. Additionally, the undersigned agrees that all its bid documents and responses to the aforementioned Request for Proposal will, at the option of Halifax Water, become a legally binding and essential portion of the final contract between the successful Proponent and Halifax Water.

The following information must be completed to ensure proposal acceptance.

*ADDENDA No. ______________ to ______________ INCLUSIVE WERE CAREFULLY EXAMINED.


PROPONENT’S COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________


CITY/ PROVINCE: ____________________________ POSTAL CODE: ________________

PHONE NO.: ______________________ FAX NO.: ___________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

WEBSITE: _____________________________________________________________

CONTACT NAME (please print): _________________________________________________________________

TITLE (please print): ________________________________ PHONE NO.: _____________________

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________

HST REGISTRATION NO: _________________________________________________


* The proponent shall list and initial all addenda received during the period and shall take them into considerationwhen preparing their bid submission. A signed copy of each Addendum must be included with the bid submission.Failure to comply may be cause for rejection of bid submission.




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1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 5

2.0 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 5 Background Information ........................................................................................... 5

2.0 Non – Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference ............................................................. 5

3.0 SCOPE OF WORK................................................................................................................. 6 General ...................................................................................................................... 6 Major Activities: ....................................................................................................... 6 Key Deliverables: ..................................................................................................... 7

4.0 GOALS AND SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 7

5.0 SAFETY 6.0 INFORMATION FOR PROPONENTS ............................................................................... 8

Proposal Submission ................................................................................................. 8 Confidentiality .......................................................................................................... 8 Insurance ................................................................................................................... 8 Contract Agreement .................................................................................................. 8 Acknowledgement .................................................................................................... 8 Assumptions .............................................................................................................. 8 Digital Copies ........................................................................................................... 9 Informal or Unbalanced Proposals ........................................................................... 9 Late Submissions ...................................................................................................... 9 Addendums to the Request for Proposal ................................................................... 9 Request for Clarification ........................................................................................... 9 Address for Submission ............................................................................................ 9 Negotiations ............................................................................................................ 10 Period of Submission Validity ................................................................................ 10 Award ...................................................................................................................... 10 The Contract ........................................................................................................... 11

7.0 PROPOSAL AND FINANCIAL EVALUATION CRITERIA .................................... 11 Stage 1: Evaluation of Technical Proposals ........................................................... 11 Stage 2: Examination of Financial Proposals ......................................................... 12 Proposal Submission Debrief .................................................................................. 12 Evaluation Criteria .................................................... ..............................................12 RFP Checklist ......................................................................................................... 13 7.5.1 Technical Proposal ....................................................................................... 13 7.5.2 Financial Propsal.......................................................................................... 13

8.0 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................... 13 Proponent Invoicing and Payment .......................................................................... 13

9.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 13 Proponent Responsible for Proposal / No Reliance on Halifax Water ................... 13 Rights of Halifax Water .......................................................................................... 14 No Liability ............................................................................................................. 14

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Disclosure of Information and Communication Procedures ................................... 15 9.4.1 Disclosure by Halifax Water........................................................................ 15 9.4.2 Disclosure by the Proponent ........................................................................ 15 Costs and Expenses of the Proponent ..................................................................... 15 Clarification of Proposals ....................................................................................... 15 No Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................ 16 No Interest in another Proponent ............................................................................ 16 Proponents to Ensure They Understand the Contract ............................................. 16 Waiver / No Reliance .............................................................................................. 16 False or Misleading Information ............................................................................. 17 Compliance with Applicable Law .......................................................................... 17 Time to be of the Essence ....................................................................................... 17 Governing Law ....................................................................................................... 17 Confidentiality ........................................................................................................ 17 Police Record Check ............................................................................................... 18

Staff Signature Date

Director of Engineering and IS

Director of Wastewater and Stormwater Services

Manager of Energy & WWTF Infrastructure Engineering

Project Engineer

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The Halifax Regional Water Commission (Halifax Water or Owner) is soliciting proposals to supply and install a 75 kW AC Solar PV System at our Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility located at 2180 Upper Water Street, Halifax, NS. This installation is part of the Solar Energy for Community Buildings Pilot Program establish by the Nova Scotia Department of Energy.


Background Information With the completion of over ten years of operation as an integrated water, wastewater and stormwater utility, Halifax Water continues its environmental stewardship mission by investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency related capital projects. After submitting an application and being selected to participate in the Nova Scotia Department of Energy’s Solar Energy for Community Buildings Pilot Program, Halifax Water has selected the rooftop of the Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility as an ideal location.

Halifax Water has solicited Woods Engineering Inc. to prepare a conceptual design and the minimum technical specifications for the project as included in this document. Proponents are encouraged to submit their proposals based on the indicated products/system or propose their own design and components – but only where such design and products meet or exceed the specifications and conform strictly with requirements of the Solar Electricity for Community Building Pilot Program and NSPI’s Interconnection Guideline for Generation Capacity Not Exceeding 100kW.

2.2 Non – Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference

Each Proponent must completely satisfy itself as to the exact nature and existing conditions and for the extent and quality of work to be performed. Failure to do so will not relieve the successful Proponent of its obligation to carry out the provisions of the contract.

Proponents are welcome to attend a Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal conference to be held at the Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility at 2180 Upper Water Street, Halifax, NS on July 6, 2020 by appointment only. Halifax Water will not be answering questions during the site visit. Note: All questions are to be submitted by email by the end of day July 8, 2020 and will be posted with responses to the Provincial Government Web Portal by July 10, 2020. All proponents interested in participating in this conference will be required to confirm and schedule by July 3, 2020 prior to attending by emailing

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The following identifies restrictions that may impact the scheduling or execution of the work. This does not purport to identify all potential disruptions, but rather it is meant to assist the Contractor to understand that the project requires a level of experience and effort in planning.

• The Contractor shall be fully aware that the Halifax WWTF must remain in fulloperation throughout execution of the project.

• The Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to provide safe clean access for theHalifax WWTF staff and other vehicular traffic to the existing facility. Traffic controlmay be required. At the end of each day, the site must be safe and clean. Barricadesand caution tape needed as a minimum for any open excavation. Security of site mustbe maintained.

• Normal working hours for this project are anticipated to be 8:00 AM to 4:30 PMMonday to Friday, but will be flexible based on facility staff availability. TheContractor shall provide a minimum of 48 hours prior notice of disruptions that mayimpact normal facility operations. Operation of the Halifax WWTF takes precedenceover construction. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Halifax WWTF staff anyactivities that may impact operation of the facility.

• The Contractors may make an inspection of the site of this work during the non-mandatory site visit and may include in their price allowances for any difficulties thatmay be encountered with regards to the work. No additional charges shall be allowedfor extra work that could have been observed or foreseen by such a site visit.

• The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all permits to complete the work.• All aspects of the project shall, when and where applicable, meet the requirements of

the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), theNational Building Code, the NS Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Nova ScotiaSolar Energy for Community Buildings Program, and the Interconnection GuidelineGeneration Capacity Not Exceeding 100 kW.

• The Contractor shall provide a warranty letter to certify the work completed for thisproject for one (1) year from the Commercial Operation date.

• The Specifications and Drawings relevant to this RFP are in Appendix B.

Major Activities:

• Confirm client requirements and objectives at project outset.• Meet on site with Halifax Water staff to collect necessary measurements, and to

confirm details of installation.• Initiate meetings as necessary and participate in meetings scheduled by Halifax Water.• Maintain all project documentation.• Identify & manage risks associated with the project.• Proactive and thorough communication with Halifax Water staff throughout the

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duration of the project. • Manage overall project scope, schedule, budget & quality control.• Submit shop drawings for review by Halifax Water and their consultants.• Apply for and maintain all necessary electrical and municipal permits required for

construction.• Ensure all project changes are discussed with and approved by Halifax Water in

advance of proceeding with the work.

Key Deliverables:

• Design, Procurement, supply, delivery, installation, performance testing, andcommissioning of all necessary components, hardware and materials including themechanical, electrical, and Solar PV related components identified in the ProjectDocumentation.

• All applicable recorded information including technical manuals, equipment operationand maintenance manuals, project reports, project CD/DVD, templates, surveys,calculations, photos, sketches, plans, meeting minutes & correspondence and permits(as applicable).

• Documentation of any project changes (scope, schedule, budget & quality impacts)including correspondence reflecting Halifax Water’s approval prior to proceeding withthe proposed changes.

• Submissions, for review, shop drawings for all products and system designed under theseal of an engineer licensed in Nova Scotia to provide engineering services. This shallinclude electrical system design and racking system design.


It is expected that final commissioning will occur prior to October 15, 2020.


Working safely and in compliance with all N.S. Safety regulations is a priority at Halifax Water. A safe workplace for our staff is a top priority for Halifax Water. Proponents are advised that it is their responsibility to ensure that the personnel assigned to this work are familiar with and fully knowledgeable and comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of Nova Scotia, the Halifax Water Safety Policy and Procedures Manual, and other Provincial and Municipal safety requirements.

Proponents shall abide by Halifax Water’s Contractor Health and Safety Policy(Appendix D).

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Proposal Submission The response to this RFP shall be submitted using the two-file system (electronic submissions only) as follows:

• The technical proposal shall include an unencrypted searchable PDFelectronic file. All copies of the technical proposal are to be clearly markedas “TECHNICAL” and Financial information shall not be included in theTechnical portion of the submission.

• Although there is no page limit for the technical proposal, Proponents arerequested to be concise, and as appropriate, include supporting informationin appendices.

• Multiple proposals will not be accepted. Only one submission, which meetsthe minimum technical requirements described herein shall be accepted.

• The financial proposal shall be submitted in a separate PDF file and clearlylabeled “FINANCIAL”.

• The Financial submission shall consist of one completed Bid Form(included in Appendix A of this RFP Document). Multiple submissionsfrom one proponent will not be accepted.

Confidentiality Submit confidentiality statement (See Section 9.15).

Insurance Insurance requirements shall be as per those stated in the RFP document including the requirement for the Proponent’s design engineer to carry professional liability insurance covering the services described in the agreement and the insurance policy is to provide coverage for an amount not less than $2,000,000. The policy shall be continuous from the commencement of the services and continue for 12 months following completion of the services.

Contract Agreement The contract agreement for any resulting contract shall be as per Appendix C.

Acknowledgement A complete acknowledgement, in the form set forth in Proponent Submission Sheet confirming that the Proponent acknowledges and agrees to all the conditions of participation in the RFP.

Assumptions The Proponent shall clearly identify all assumptions made in the preparation of the proposal. Additionally, the Proponent is encouraged to outline other work considered by the proponent to be essential to the successful completion of this project that was not identified by Halifax Water in this RFP.

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Digital Copies All proposals must be in Digital (PDF) form. No facsimile transmissions or hard copies will be accepted.

Informal or Unbalanced Proposals Proposals which in the opinion of the Owner are considered to be informal or unbalanced may be rejected.

Late Submissions The date and time of receipt of a Proposal shall be the received date and time indicated by Halifax Water’s receipt of the email.

Addendums to the Request for Proposal All revisions to this RFP will be posted in the form of an addendum to the Nova Scotia Procurement Services Web Portal,\tenders. Prior to the Submission Closing Date, Halifax Water may revise any provision or part of the RFP. Any changes or revisions to this RFP will be in writing as a formal addendum to this RFP. Prior to the Submission Closing Date, Halifax Water may modify any provision or part of the RFP at any time. Halifax Water will provide a reasonable time for the proponents to respond to such modifications including, without limitation, the opportunity to make any necessary revisions to their respective proposals.

Request for Clarification Any Proponent who has questions as to the meaning or intent of any part of this RFP or of the project, or who believes this RFP contains an error, inconsistency or omission, should submit a request for clarification. All requests for clarification or inquiries concerning this RFP should be forwarded by email no later than one week prior to the Submission Closing Date, to the Halifax Water representative identified below:

Brent Hickman Procurement Officer

Halifax Water Office: 902-490-4998


All clarifications to this RFP will be posted to the Nova Scotia Procurement Services Web Portal.

Halifax Water will assume no responsibility for verbal instructions or suggestions. Halifax Water core hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Address for Submission The proposals shall be emailed to with the subject line “P23.2020 - 75 kW Solar PV”, no later than 2:00 pm, Atlantic Time, Friday July 17,

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2020, to:

Halifax Water Attn: Brent Hickman Procurement Services

Under no circumstance will proposals received after the submission closing date be accepted. The date and time of receipt of a Proposal shall be the date and time indicated by Halifax Water’s email servers’ date and time indicated on the email header.

Negotiations Halifax Water reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the Preferred Proponent regarding any and all aspects of their Proposal. Halifax Water is under no obligation whatsoever to enter into negotiations with either the Preferred Proponent, or any other Proponents who respond to this RFP.

Should negotiations with the Preferred Proponent fail to result in the formalization of an agreement, Halifax Water may, in its sole and absolute discretion, enter into negotiations with the second ranked Proponent. Should those negotiations fail, the next ranked Proponent may be invited to participate in negotiations. This sequence could continue until either an agreement is finalized or Halifax Water decides not to proceed with the project.

Period of Submission Validity Proposals will be binding for ninety (90) Days: Unless otherwise specified, all formal proposals submitted shall be irrevocable for ninety (90) calendar days following proposal opening date, unless the Proponent(s), upon request of Halifax Water, agrees to an extension.

Award Provided that at least one of the received proposals meets the approval of the Evaluation Team, a recommendation on contract award will be made on the basis of the evaluation. All awards are subject to the approval of Halifax Water senior management and the availability of funds. No announcement concerning the successful proposal(s) will be made until a complete report is prepared and approved by the appropriate bodies. The Proponents submitted bids will not be publicly disclosed. The Financial submissions of the proposals that have met the approval of the Evaluation Team as determined by Halifax Water’s evaluation process will be opened (refer to Section 7.0)

Written communication to the Successful Proponent of notification of award before the time of expiration specified by Halifax Water shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Halifax Water may accept an offer whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt. Negotiations conducted after receipt of an offer do not constitute a rejection or counteroffer by Halifax Water.

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Neither acceptance of a proposal nor execution of a contract will constitute approval of any activity or development contemplated in any proposal that requires any approval, permit or license pursuant to any federal, provincial, regional or municipal statute, regulation or by-law.

The Contract Should this RFP process result in a contract the contract document shall consist of the Tender Document and, as an attachment, the successful proponent’s proposal submission. Thus the information contained within the successful proponent’s proposal submission will be contractual.

7.0 PROPOSAL AND FINANCIAL EVALUATION CRITERIA Responses to this RFP will be reviewed by Halifax Water in two stages.

Stage 1 will be the evaluation of the technical proposals to determine which proposals are approved by the Evaluation Team. Only those proposals that have received this approval as determined by the Halifax Water’s evaluation process will proceed to Stage 2.

Stage 2 will be an examination of costs to determine the overall best value proposal for only those proposals that are approved by the Evaluation Team.

Stage 1: Evaluation of Technical Proposals General All Proposals will be initially reviewed to determine compliance with the RFP requirements. Any Proposal not complying with the requirements of the RFP may not be accorded any points or evaluated further, subject to the exercise by Halifax Water, in its absolute discretion, of any right or privilege it may have in this RFP, including without limitation its right to waive irregularities. Halifax Water may exercise its rights and privileges under the Proposal and reject a RFP in accordance with same notwithstanding that it may be compliant.

The Evaluation Team will evaluate compliant (or deemed compliant as a result of the waiver by the Halifax Water of any non-compliance) Proposals, which have not been rejected by Halifax Water in accordance with a right or privilege of Halifax Water, in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out herein, and determine which Proposals will proceed to Stage 2.

An initial determination of compliance (including deemed compliance at Stage 1) shall not preclude a finding by Halifax Water of non-compliance at Stage 2, particularly with respect to non-compliance with the requirements for the financial proposal (Stage 2) or any other discovered non-compliance with the Proposal requirements.

See Sections 7.4 and 7.5 for more information on format and evaluation criteria.

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Stage 2: Examination of Financial Proposals Stage 2 is reserved for only those Proposals that have passed the Stage 1 Evaluation. No Stage 2 consideration will commence until all Stage 1 Evaluation is final.

The Financial Proposal shall be submitted in a separate PDF file, clearly marked “Financial Proposal”.

Those Proponents whose Proposals pass Stage 1 Evaluation will have their Financial Proposal opened.

The Financial Proposals including the Bid Form in Appendix A and other requirements of this RFP will be checked to ascertain compliance with the RFP requirements.

Halifax Water reserves the right not to award the contract to any Proponent and reserves the right not to award the work should the Financial proposal exceed the project funding.

Proposal Submission Debrief Upon request, Proponents can receive a debrief specific to their proposal evaluation criteria scoring and ranking of their proposal submission.

Evaluation Criteria The Proposal shall be submitted as two separate PDF files, clearly marked “Technical” and “Financial”.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

.1 Proponent’s Experience in Similar Work: include three projects similar in size and scope. For each project, include date completed, location, size, design information, and customer contact information. Include a detailed description of each team member’s (including staff, suppliers and/or subcontractors) experience in the noted projects;

.2 Proponent’s Project Work Plan: include the proposed project schedule, milestone dates, resource allocation, listing of all staff and/or subcontractors anticipated and/or required to complete the project. Include any assumptions and associated risk responses;

.3 Technical Specifications and Drawings: Refer to Appendix B of this RFP for details.

.4 The ability to meet minimum required generating capacity (kWh), overall production (kWh/kW) and resilience for the 25-year project design life.

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Evaluation of proposals will be weighted 60% on technical criteria and 40% on financial criteria. Halifax Water reserves the right to prioritize the technical and financial evaluation criteria confidentially per its discretion.

The successful Proposal shall be the Proposal that:

(a) provides the overall best value to Halifax Water per its discretion; and

(b) is in substantial compliance with the RFP submission requirements.

RFP Checklist7.5.1 Technical Proposal

The Proposal shall include the following completed items as part of the submission:

Proponent Submission Sheet, Confidentiality statement; Written proposal with technical information.

7.5.2 Financial Proposal

The Proposal shall include the following completed items as part of the financial submission:

One completed Bid Form (Appendix A)


Proponent Invoicing and Payment The successful Proponent shall submit invoice for services rendered and receive payment in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract Agreement document (see Appendix C).


Proponent Responsible for Proposal / No Reliance on Halifax Water The Proponent accepts sole responsibility for the preparation and submission of its Proposal including satisfying itself as to the requirements of all documents and the submission of materials and the Proposal within the required time frames.

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Rights of Halifax Water

The issuance of this RFP constitutes only an invitation to submit Proposals. It does not commit Halifax Water to enter into an Agreement with any of the Proponents. Halifax Water is not bound to accept any Proposals and may proceed as it, in its sole discretion, determines on receipt of Proposals. The rights reserved by Halifax Water include the right at any time and for whatever reason and without liability to any Proponent to:

(a) conduct investigations with respect to the qualifications and experience of the Proponent and its members;

(b) require one or more Proponents to supplement, clarify, provide additional

information in order for Halifax Water to evaluate the Proposal submitted;

(c) waive any defect or technicality in any Proposal received;

(d) reject the Proponent as organized and suggest changes to the Proponent's members prior to the execution of any Agreement;

(e) terminate, in its sole and absolute discretion, any and all subsequent consideration

of, or Agreement with, any Proponent, if it believes a change in the membership of the Proponent, from that described in its Proposal, adversely affects the scoring of the Proponent's Proposal or the Proponent's ability to carry out the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein;

(f) supplement, amend, substitute or otherwise modify any part or all of this RFP

including by extending any schedule or period of time;

(g) issue one or more addenda to this RFP;

(h) reject any or all Proposals or any portion thereof;

(i) disclose to the public information contained in the Proposals;

(j) suspend, postpone or cancel this RFP in whole or in part with or without substitution of another RFP or proposal process;

(k) take any action affecting this RFP, the RFP process or the contract that would be in

the best interests of Halifax Water; and

(l) use any concept or approach suggested in any Proposal including its use in negotiating an agreement with the Successful Proponent or any other Proponent.

No Liability Halifax Water, its management, employees, Proponents and agents accepts no liability for any costs, expenses, damages or otherwise of any Proponent for the proposal response to this RFP.

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Halifax Water, its Board of Directors, officers, employees, Proponents and agents accept no liability for any costs, expenses, damages or otherwise of any Proponent in the event the Successful Proponent selected fails to comply with any terms, conditions or requirements of the RFP, any addenda to the RFP or the contract Agreement.

Disclosure of Information and Communication Procedures 9.4.1 Disclosure by Halifax Water Halifax Water will consider all Proposals as confidential, subject to the disclosure requirements imposed by applicable law. Halifax Water will, however, have the right to make copies of all Proposals received for its internal review process and to provide copies to its staff, technical and financial advisors and representatives.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Proponent acknowledges and agrees that Halifax Water will not be responsible or liable in any way for any losses that the Proponent may suffer from disclosure of information or materials to third parties.

9.4.2 Disclosure by the Proponent The Proponent shall not disclose any details pertaining to its Proposal or any part of the selection process to anyone not specifically involved in its Proposal, without the prior approval of Halifax Water. The Proponent shall not issue a news release or other public announcement pertaining to details of its Proposal or the selection process without the prior approval of Halifax Water.

Costs and Expenses of the Proponent Halifax Water accepts no liability for any costs or expenses incurred by the Proponent in responding to this RFP, responses to clarification requests and re-submittals, potential meetings, tours and interviews, subsequent negotiations, or any other cost incurred prior to the execution of the Agreement by Halifax Water and the Successful Proponent. By submitting a Proposal, the Proponent agrees that it shall prepare the required materials and undertake the required investigations at its own expense and with the express understanding that it cannot make any claims whatsoever for reimbursement from Halifax Water for any costs and expenses associated with the RFP process in any manner whatsoever or under any circumstances including, without limitation, the rejection of all or any of the Proposals or cancellation of the RFP or the contract.

Clarification of Proposals Halifax Water is not obliged to seek clarification from the Proponent regarding any aspect of its Proposal. Halifax Water shall have the right to request the Proponent to submit information to clarify or interpret any matters contained in its Proposal and to seek the Proponent's written

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acknowledgement of that clarification or interpretation. In addition, Halifax Water may request supplementary documentation from the Proponent when there is an irregularity or omission in its Proposal or the documents submitted therewith. The Proponent should not assume Halifax Water will request clarifications. Supplementary documentation accepted by Halifax Water and written interpretations that have been supplied or acknowledged by the Proponent shall be considered to form part of the Proposal.

No Conflict of Interest The Proponent and members of the Proponent are requested to disclose any conflict of interest, real or perceived, which exists now or which may in the opinion of the Proponent exist in the future. Halifax Water reserves the right to disqualify the Proponent if, in the opinion of Halifax Water acting reasonably, it has a conflict of interest, whether such conflict exists now or arises in the future.

No Interest in another Proponent The Proponent shall not have any interest whatsoever in any other Proponent or in the Proposal of any other Proponent nor enter into any arrangement, agreement or understanding either before or after the submission date that would have that result. Provided however, after the closing date, the unsuccessful Proponents or members of the unsuccessful Proponents may, with the consent of Halifax Water, become involved in the contract, provided such involvement is limited solely to acting as a subcontractor to the Successful Proponent.

Proponents to Ensure They Understand the Contract It is the Proponent's responsibility to ensure that it has all the necessary information concerning the intent and requirements of this RFP and the contract. The Proponent is solely responsible for examining and reviewing all documents and information provided or required pursuant to this RFP and for satisfying itself as to all other matters which may in any way affect the contract or the cost or time required to complete the contract. Nothing contained in this RFP or in any communications from Halifax Water shall constitute any express or implied warranty or representation by Halifax Water, except as explicitly stated herein and therein.

Waiver / No Reliance Halifax Water does not accept responsibility for any information, advice, errors or omissions which may be contained in this RFP or its appendices or any addendum. Halifax Water makes no representation or warranty, either express or implied, in fact or in law, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of this RFP or its appendices or any addendum and Halifax Water shall not be responsible for any action, cost, loss or liability whatsoever arising from the Proponent's reliance on or use of such information or any other technical or historical schedules, data, materials or documents provided by Halifax Water. The Proponent is responsible for obtaining its own independent financial, legal, accounting,

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engineering and technical advice with respect to any information included in this RFP, its appendices or any addenda or in any documents provided by Halifax Water.

False or Misleading Information If there is any evidence of misleading or false information in any Proposal, Halifax Water may reject that Proposal.

Compliance with Applicable Law The Proponent shall be responsible, at its expense, for complying with all applicable laws relating to the contract and, except as explicitly stated in this RFP, for obtaining, maintaining and complying with all / any approvals required for the contract.

Time to be of the Essence Time shall be of the essence of this RFP and all Proposals.

Governing Law This RFP and all activities connected therewith shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia and the laws of Canada applicable therein.

Confidentiality (a) "Confidential Information" means all information, whether transmitted orally,

electronically or in written form, which the Proponent or the Proponent'srepresentatives have received and may receive from Halifax Water for the purposesof the Project and which may include, but is not limited to, all data, reports,interpretations, statements (financial or otherwise), specifications, performanceinformation and records containing or otherwise reflecting information concerningHalifax Water's systems, proprietary designs, equipment, products and / ortechnical information which the Proponent or the Proponent's representatives havereceived and may receive in the course of completing the Project.

(b) Halifax Water may, at its sole discretion, disclose Confidential Information to theProponent or the Proponent's representatives for the purposes of (1) the RFPprocess and / or (2) the project. Notwithstanding any such disclosure, theConfidential Information shall remain the sole and exclusive property of HalifaxWater and Halifax Water shall retain all right, title and interest in and to theConfidential Information. The Proponent and the Proponent's representatives shalluse the Confidential Information solely and exclusively for purposes of (1) the RFPprocess and / or (2) the Project.

(c) Without limiting the generality of the permitted use of the ConfidentialInformation, neither the Proponent nor the Proponent's representatives shall use theConfidential Information for the purpose of achieving any commercial or financialbenefit. In addition, neither the Proponent nor the Proponent's representatives shallpublish, reproduce, copy, disseminate or disclose the Confidential Information toothers without Halifax Water's prior written consent, which consent may be

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withheld for any reason.

(d) The Proponent's completed report shall be exempt from disclosure under theFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act on the basis that it willinclude information about Halifax Water's security systems and its disclosure hasthe potential to pose a significant risk to public health and safety.

(e) The Proponent shall keep a record of all Confidential Information furnished to itand to its representatives and of the location of such Confidential Information. TheProponent shall make every reasonable effort to secure the ConfidentialInformation and the Proponent shall return all Confidential Information providedto the Proponent and its representatives immediately to Halifax Water upon requestand in any event immediately upon completion or cessation of the Project. TheProponent shall submit a statement in this RFP explicitly detailing themeasures proposed to achieve this confidentiality and confirming acommitment to Halifax Water's information security. The Proponent'sstatement shall include a commitment to ensuring that all its representativeswill comply with and are bound by the terms and conditions of thisconfidentiality commitment.

Police Record Check All contractors, Proponents and their employees working for Halifax Water must obtain a “Police Record Check” (PRC). Please note: The PRC’s are not to be submitted with the proposal submission. PRC’s will be required by the successful proponent upon award of the work. In the event that you are successful, the PRC’s will be required by yourself and the assigned subcontractors working at the site on Halifax Water infrastructure. Police checks are confidential information and when requested will only be forwarded directly to the Halifax Water Safety and Security Department for review.

The process for obtaining PRCs is outlined within the RFP document (Appendix E).

75 kW Solar PV June 2020 P23.2020 Page No. 19



P23.2020 June 30, 2020 July 17, 2020 Brent Hickman


Design, Supply, Installation, commissioning, performance testing and training for a 75 kW Solar PV System

TOTAL (not including HST)

HST Extra – Do Not Include In Your Tender Price. All prices should be shown in Canadian Dollars.

Proposal Submission:

Proposals must be designated P23.2020 and received electronically by email, to the attention of:

Halifax Water Attn: Brent Hickman Procurement Services Email: Phone: (902) 490-4998

On or before 2:00 PM (Atlantic Time), Friday July 17, 2020.


75 kW Solar PV June 2020 P23.2020 Page No. 20

APPENDIX B: Specifications & Drawings

2020-06-26 Section 01 11 00 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 4 Summary of Work


1.1 Format and Regulatory Compliance A. Request for Proposal documents must be submitted as noted in the RFP

document.B. Demonstration of compliance with Nova Scotia Department of Energy Solar

Electricity for Community Building Pilot Project program requirements. Alsoreferred to herein as the “Program”.

C. Demonstration of compliance with Nova Scotia Power Interconnection GuidelineCustomer Generation Capacity Not Exceeding 100kW version 2.0, requirementsdated May 11, 2020.

1.2 Work Covered by Contract Documents A. Work of this Contract comprises a total “turnkey” project including all necessary

equipment, materials, design, manufacturing and installation services for theinstallation of a 75 kWac (maximum) utility-interactive photovoltaic system thatis designed to produce a minimum 100,000 kWh AC per year, in the first year, atthe point of interconnection.

B. The Solar Contractor, also referred to herein as the Contractor, shall perform allprofessional services as necessary to provide the Owner with a complete designpackage including the requirements outlined in this Specification. The contractorshall supply and install the Work such that the completed system is operationaland compliant with the Program requirements and all applicable standards,building codes, Nova Scotia Power Inc. interconnection requirements, province ofNova Scotia and City of Halifax requirements. The Contractor to includecalculations, drawings and product literature for the complete system and submitit to the Project Manager for review within two weeks of award of contract.

1.3 Schedule

A. The Solar Contractor to submit, and keep up to date weekly, a Project Schedulefor the entire installation including milestone dates for:

1. Procurement, Shop Drawings and other Submission Dates noted2. On-site Mobilization3. Delivery of major components; racks, PV modules and microinverters4. Start of rack/ballast installation5. Installation of panels, modules and wiring7. Rough-in and Final Inspection dates for the Work under this contract8. Testing, Commissioning and Training9. Proposed In-Service Date10. Commercial Operation Date (no later than October 15, 2020 11.

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Anticipated Substantial Completion date 12. Final wrap-up of site and Operation and Maintenance documents

D. Consider and include in the Project Schedule:

.1 Update or confirm the Project Schedule, submitted with Proposal,within one week of Contract Award.

.2 Submit the following for review, at least one week before on-site mobilization: (a) Safety Plan(b) Waste Management Plan(c) Site Utilization and Lifting Plan

.3 Submit the following for review, within two weeks of Contract Award: (a) Final Design and the production/yield calculations(b) Shop Drawings(b) Testing and Commissioning Plan and schedule(c) Training Plan

.4 Submit for review within one week of Shop Drawing acceptance: (a) Operations and Maintenance Manual, leaving place holders for finalequipment naming, array and final device data (serial numbers).(b) Preliminary As-built drawings.

.5 Submit within two weeks of Commercial Operation date: (a) Finalized Operations and Maintenance Manuals(b) Final As-built drawings

1.4 Owner Occupancy A. Owner will occupy premises during entire construction period for execution of

normal operations.

1.5 Work on and Around Existing Building A. Execute work with least possible interference or disturbance to building

operations, and normal use of premises. Arrange with the Project Manager tofacilitate access to the site, parking, and for any necessary fencing or secure areasduring construction or when lifting equipment on to the roof.

B. The Owner will make available to the successful Contractor as-built drawings ofthe roof system and wall system, to allow final coordination of the Work.

C. Methods to access the roof of the building for moving workers and material shallinclude:.1 A safety plan for Fall Arrest and worker safety.

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.2 Protection of the exterior walls as required during the work.

.3 Provision of suitable ladders and lifting stages as required.

.4 Acceptance of all liability for damage, safety of equipment and overloading of existing parking, paved and grassed areas.

D. Washroom facilities, lunchrooms and offices are not available on site. TheContractor shall arrange for temporary facilities – as required – and coordinate thelocations on site with the Project Manager.

E. The Contractor must save and protect the existing roof system from damageduring construction, including during off-hours. The ballast stone on EPDM roofsystem is intended to remain intact – with no penetrations for the PV System.The Contractor shall use care in temporarily moving the stones, to expose themembrane – to allow the PV system racking system new safety membrane locatedbelow the concrete paver stones to be placed in direct contact with the existingmembrane. Where blocking is required for equipment spacing, use UHMWpolyethylene placed on neoprene safety membranes.

F. Any deficiency found in the existing roof membrane must be reported to theProject Manager immediately and a request made for further instructions beforeproceeding. Schedule work such that any areas exposed during the workday arecompleted or restored to initial condition before the end of the day.

G. The Contractor enlist the assistance of a reputable roofing contractor to assist inthe Work on the roof. The Contractor warrants that any roof leaks during, or for aperiod of one year from the project Turnover Date, will be attended to by aroofing contractor familiar with the building and repairs completed without delay.

H. The Contractor to identify the existing roof drains and lightning protectiongrounding conductors as a first priority and arrange the new PV system racklayout to avoid conflict or impingement on the systems. The roof has severalslopes to these drains. Arrange the PV racks, and provide inorganic shims orspacers as required to assure the top of the rows are level.

I. The rows of modules must be arranged in neat and parallel rows, for asymmetrical final array or arrays. Where required, to meet electrical coderequirements, rows may be split, at or near the middle.

1.6 Electrical Service A. The electrical service for the PV Solar generation system will be interconnected

with the existing building electrical system by the Owner.B. The Work in this contract to include all electrical work up to and including an AC

panelboard (Main AC Combiner Panel) complete with a main breaker and mainbus sized to suit the complete generated power. Bus and main breaker sized to125% of the calculated maximum current from the system. The panel and mainbreaker must have a minimum 25 kA (symmetrical) short-circuit current ratingand interrupting capacity, respectively.

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C. Include provisions for the Owner’s forces to make connection to the Main ACCombiner Panel main breaker – and coordinate this installation.

D. The complete Main PV Panel and generation system components shall beinstalled under an electrical permit as part of the Work and inspected by theelectrical authority before the service will be connected. Include all costs for thispermit.

E. Costs for the service entrance, and interconnections costs by the Utility will be bythe Owner.

1.7 Documents Required A. Maintain at job site the following documents:

.1 Contract Drawings.

.2 Specifications.

.3 Addenda and Change Orders.

.4 Reviewed Shop Drawings.

.5 Current Work Schedule (updated weekly).

.6 Health and Safety Plan and Daily Hazard Assessments.

.7 Rigging and Lifting Plan and Equipment Certifications

.8 Proof of individual worker’s fall arrest, rigging and lifting training as required.


Not Used


Not Used


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1.1 General

A. The final design of the solar PV system will be the responsibility of the SolarContractor; however, the system must comply with this specification and relatedspecifications and instruction to bidders provided by the Halifax Regional WaterCommission (hereafter referenced as Owner). This specification outlines theoverall system requirements, and certain minimum product or equipmentrequirements.

B. The Solar Contractor (also referred to as the Contractor) is the legal respondent tothe RFP prepared by Halifax Water and attached hereto. This includes thecomplete design, supply and installation of a complete roof-mounted PV Solarsystem, nominal nameplate of 75 kW, and including a Main AC Combiner Panelto allow interconnection to the building electrical system by the Owner.

1.2 Other

A. This project is delivered under the Nova Scotia Solar Electricity for CommunityBuildings Pilot Project (referred to hereinafter as the Program). All products andwork shall conform with and be compatible with the Program’s most current guidedocument. Notwithstanding that the Program duration is 20 years, all Work related tothis project shall be designed for 25 years.

B. Province of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Renewable Electricity Regulations made underSection 5 of the Electricity Act.

C. Nova Scotia Power Inc. (also referred to as NSP) Interconnection Guideline CustomerGeneration Capacity Not Exceeding 100 kW ver. 2.0, dated May 11, 2020 Hereinafterreferred to as the “NSP Guideline”.

D. The generation system shall be, at the Main PV Combiner Panel, a balanced threephase system at 208VAC, 480VAC or 600VAC. Where voltages in the remainder ofthe Contractor supplied system exceeding 600V (ac or dc), the Contractor to provideall necessary and permanent safety structures, guards, and fencing as may be requiredunder the Canadian Electrical Code and as may be required by Nova Scotia Power orthe municipal electrical inspection authority; at no extra cost to the project.

E. Halifax Water is the Owner of the system to be delivered and will enter into a PowerPurchase Agreement with NSP, in accordance with the Solar Electricity forCommunity Buildings Pilot Project and subject to an associated Standard GeneratorInterconnection and Operating Agreement.

F. The Owner will provide relevant information, with respect to arrangements for and

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payment of Utility Service contributions, for a new dedicated service to the site. However, it is within the Contractor’s Scope of Work to coordinate their installation with Owner and NSP in order to meet the scheduled in-service date.

G. The Contractor will be responsible for Scheduling the Work in accordance withHalifax Water’s requirements and in all cases advise the Project Manager of all workto be carried out at the site at least 1 week ahead of time.

H. Include rodent and vermin protection for all un-armored cables not located withinenclosures or panelboards. Coordinate all requirements with module, inverter,microinverter bus cable, RPV cable and racking system suppliers for a completesystem.

I. Arrange for and attend a year-end inspection, one year (on nearest week-day) fromthe date of Substantial Performance. Review and respond to any identifieddeficiencies on an as-reported basis, and confirm with Owner that any deficiency orwarranty claim has been satisfactorily addressed.


2.1 General:

A. Refer to Section 01 11 00 Summary of Work.

B. Submit Shop Drawings for modules, micro-inverters or inverters and MLPE,racking system, electronic control and measurement system (ECU), proprietarycabling, racking, ballasts, roof protection materials, and balance of systemcomponents.

C. The warranty on all products and equipment shall be a minimum of ten (10)years from Commercial Operation Date – or the date the Work is declared to beSubstantially Complete by the Owner’s consultant.

D. All manufacturers warranties, and guarantees shall be obtained in writing by theContractor and turned over to the Owner before the Work will be consideredSubstantially Complete.

E. The system shall be complete, and turn-key, and include but is not limited to thefollowing:

1. Final design of system components in accordance with the applicableCodes and consistent with the design intent expressed herein.

2. Submit documents, and obtain a permit, from Nova Scotia Power for theinstallation up to and including the Main PV Combiner Panel. Submit acopy of the permit to the Project Manager, as well as posting on site as

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3. Both 60 or 72 cell modules, all identical (same manufacturer, model, sizeand physical aspects) are allowed. Each module to be complete withthree diodes, DC connection cables with MC4 connectors. Wherenecessary, provide factory-made and pre-tested extension cables, red andblack, to extend wires. Contractor-constructed cables are not acceptable.

4. Microinverter or string inverters, a sufficient number of each, all identical(same manufacturer, model, size and physical aspects), to provide ageneration system with 75 kWac maximum nameplate rating.

5. Microinverters to provide inherent rapid-shut-down capability.Microinverters to be supplied with proprietary integrated “bus” cable,with molded plastic connectors to allow microinverters to be daisy-chained. Include all necessary clips and termination caps for a completesystem.

6. String inverters, minimum size 15 kW per inverter. For a string invertersolution, module level power electronics is required for each PV moduleto satisfy Rapid Shutdown requirements and minimize loss due toadjacent building shadow.

7. An integrated power, electrical metering and real-time monitoring systemto be supplied by the inverter manufacturer, with all associated softwareand setup. Include real-time measuring, monitoring and reporting of thesystem status and generated power, including cell/mobile transmissioncapability and web-based access to status and generated power at themodule level.

8. A complete self-ballasted aluminum racking system, including all ballastand protection for the existing roof membrane. Rack to includegrounding clips (for each module), grounding and bonding lugs and alljumpers necessary for a complete system. Each rack, row or array shallhave at least two bonding connections to ground.

9. A 3 phase 4 wire 25 kA I.C. exterior-rated CSA Type 4X (316) stainlesssteel enclosed panelboard with a gasketed lockable door, to act as a MainAC Combiner Panel. Panel to include a 100kA Class C Surge ProtectiveDevice, and three metering level CTs for customer metering providedunder this contract.

10. Disconnects and AC or DC combiner panels to receive circuits from rowsor strings of modules as required.

11. All other AC junction boxes, wiring and installation as required for acomplete and operating system, in complete conformance with CSA

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C22.2 Part 1 Section 64.

12. Provide all warning labels, as required and as directed by Halifax Waterand Nova Scotia Power. Refer to Section 26 05 00 and submit acomplete list of labels along with equipment and panel shop drawings forreview before manufacture.

13. Testing and Commissioning of the complete system. The finalAcceptance Testing shall be performed a minimum of one week after thesystem is interconnected and operational – to ensure any powerelectronics or cables which fail early are detected and repaired beforefinal Acceptance Test and turn-over.

14. The power metering device(s) supplied with the system shall be set-up,tested and commissioned before final Acceptance Testing to allow fortrouble shooting and repair/replacement of field or non-performingequipment. In preparation for final Acceptance Testing, the systemoutput shall be observed and recorded (at noon) every day for seven days.These results will be submitted for review before the Acceptance Testcan be performed.

15. Preliminary As-builts and Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall besubmitted after shop drawing review, and final versions before finalAcceptance Testing, and every device identified and confirmed, withcorrelated naming between the As-builts and software monitoringsystem.

16. Include all costs to arrange, test and demonstrate system to thesatisfaction of Nova Scotia Power ahead of In-Service date.

F. The system must include all the hardware needed for the solar PV. This includesconduits, cable tray, clips, rodent protection and other wireways as required.

G. All systems must be installed in accordance with all applicable requirementsof local electrical codes including 2018 CSA C22.1 Section 64. Systemsmust be designed and installed using CSA, cUL or ULC listed components,including mounting systems, wiring and connectors.

H. All Balance of Systems (wiring, component, wiring, conduits, and connections) mustbe suited for conditions for which they are to be installed.

I. System shall be supplied with lockable AC disconnect switches.

J. The AC panel connected to the PV system, as well as the main switchboard and allbranch circuits feed from the same circuit breaker as the PV system shall be clearlylabeled with CSA compliant weather-proof labels indicating the possible dangerfrom alternate power sources, and “Photovoltaic Sources” as required.

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K. Modules, inverters, balance of system equipment, and metering and measurementequipment must comply with the Program requirements.

2.2 PV Modules:

A. Module certifications

1. IEC 61215 / IEC 61730-1, IEC 61730-22. UL 17033. CSA / IEC 61701 salt mist corrosion test4. CSA, cUL or ULC listed and labeled

B. The guarantee of performance, for solar modules:

1. Initial rated efficiency 19.0 % or greater2. No more than 0.55% loss of rated maximum power per year,3. No less than 84% of rated maximum power output after 25 years4. Linear performance of maximum power output from year 2 to 255. Warranty for material and labour 10 years

C. Rated for snow loading up to 5400 Pa, wind loading 3600 Pa

D. Acceptable products to be listed as Tier 1 in at least one of the past threeBloomberg New Energy Finance PV Module Tiering System Reports and/orplacement in DNV GL Reliability Scorecard since 2018. Submitdocumentation verifying the listing(s) with the system Design summary.

2.3 Inverters:

A. Inverters and micro inverters:

1. String inverters must generate three phase AC power, at 208V,480V or 600V, and include matching module-level powerelectronics for optimizing MPPT and to provide rapid shut-down.

2. Micro inverters may be three phase or single phase, but must becertified for, and installed in a three-phase configuration.

3. CSA certified and meet the functional requirements of CSA C22.3No. 9:20 “Interconnection of distributed energy resources and electricitysupply systems” and meet all requirements of Section 6.17 of the NSPGuideline.

4. Grid compliance with IEEE 1547.

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5. Where settings are required to be provided by Nova Scotia Power, thesettings, hardware or software, and the system to be in completeconformance with the requirements of the Standard GeneratorInterconnection and Operating Agreement. This includes any and allfirmware adjustments by the inverter or microinverter manufacturer.

B. Acceptable microinverter manufacturers are AP Systems and Enphase , supplied withproprietary bus cables with integrated grounding conductor, connectors andterminations for a complete system.

C. Acceptable string inverter manufacturers are three-phase units by: SMA, Solar Edge,Fronius, Canadian Solar and ABB. Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE) to belisted as compatible with the selected inverter. . CSA certified and meet the functionalrequirements of CSA C22.3 No. 9:20 “Interconnection of distributed energy resourcesand electricity supply systems” and meet all requirements of Section 6.17 of the NSPGuideline.


E. System shall be complete with Energy Communication Unit (ECU) for measuringpower produced and real-time status and information from each micro inverter orMPPT string inverter input. The unit will automatically communicate with everymicroinverter or inverter. The system to include CT’s and a cellphone-based modemto communicate with and allow access to the internet.

F. Include Energy Monitoring Software (EMA) for web-based connection to the ECU,and all necessary software.

G. Inverters to be Grid-connected, Non-Islanding type designed to shut down on loss ofutility power.

H. Inverters to be installed in all-weather enclosures (CSA Type 4 or 3R) suitablefor exterior location. Include all necessary racking, either at the end of the PVarray(s) or near the parapet. Any roof-mounted rack to be installed so as toprotect the roof membrane, consistent with details described hereafter for the PVrack system.

I. Micro-inverters to be located in an easily accessible location under the modules.

J. Provide all necessary controls, wiring and pushbuttons for ground-level Rapid ShutDown – acceptable to Nova Scotia Power.

2.4 Ballasted Roof-mount Rack System

A. The rack system for the PV modules to be custom designed for the project. The

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complete array to be arranged to face due south.

B. Designs which include array tilt angles less than 15° above horizontal to include inthe calculations all production losses including estimates of standing snow for theHalifax area. Designs which include array tilt greater than 15° above the horizontalto allow for increased row spacing to ensure modules do not form shadows on thetrailing row of modules on December 21. Additional shadowing from the adjacentbuilding must be considered in the monthly and yearly production models.

C. Provide all standoffs required such that the lowest edge of the PV modules are aminimum of 150mm above the top of the existing stone roof ballast layer.

D. The complete rack and all supports to be self-ballasted and not require anypenetration of the existing roof EPDM membrane. Provide all required ballastblocks and 50mm thick concrete pavers to support rack, each with a protectionmembrane below to protect to existing roof membrane.

E. Protection membrane under all rack and ballast equipment to be compatible with theexisting EPDM roof membrane. Minimum 12.7mm thick or thicker as required bythe load. UV resistant and thermally stable for use on a roof in exposed sun.Complete with ribs or dimples to allow the even distribution of weight.

F. Refer to CSA SPE-900 for flat roof design criteria and National Building Code ofCanada climate and environmental data for Halifax. As a minimum, the designto use wind velocity pressure from NBCC Table C-2 and a Post Disaster buildingimportance factor. Other factors are to be determined by the design engineer.The design engineer shall be a professional engineer licensed to practice in NovaScotia.

G. The successful Contractor shall submit shop drawings of complete rackingsystem, showing all wind, snow and ice load assumptions and ballastcalculations. Shop drawings shall bear the seal of a professional engineer(structural) licensed to practice in Nova Scotia.

H. All rack components to be aluminum or stainless steel.

I. Include module grounding clamps for every module. Clamps to incorporatepointed projections which penetrate any anodized coating on aluminum.

J. Grounding clamps for each rack to be provided as an integral part of the racksystem.

2.5 Structural Requirements:

A. All structures, including array structures, to be designed to resist dead load, liveload, plus wind and seismic loads to the geographic area.

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B. Thermal loads caused by fluctuations of component and ambient temperatures mustbe combined with all the above load combinations.

C. All structural components, including array structures, to be designed in a mannercommensurate with attaining a minimum 25-year design life. Particular attention tobe given to the prevention of corrosion at the connections between dissimilarmetals.

D. The structural design to provide for easy and cost-effective repair orreplacement of the roof.


3.1 Installation:

A. Prior to installation, all design drawings, specifications and Shop Drawings shallbe submitted and reviewed by the Project Manager.

B. Installer shall coordinate all work with the Project Manager.

C. The Solar Contractor shall avoid, wherever possible, any roof and wall penetrationassociated with PV system.

D. Where equipment is shown for wall mounting use GPR before drilling any hole toensure suitable location. All holes shall be watertight and not adversely affect theexisting structure.

E. Installer is responsible for removing all unused material and restoring the location toacceptable condition.

3.2 Testing and Commissioning

A. A performance test shall be used to verify system operation. Solar Contactor shallsubmit an Acceptance Test procedure to the Project Manager for review at leasttwo weeks prior to the scheduled Acceptance Test date.

B. The Contractor shall arrange for and coordinate all necessary testing and inspectionsrequired by Nova Scotia Power for Acceptance Testing and Commissioning.

C. Every module, micro-inverter, MLPE or inverter shall be 100% operational before theContractor requests that the final acceptance test be witnessed by the ProjectManager. The ECM and EMA must be fully functional to ensure complete operation.

D. Acceptance testing shall be done near mid-day in sunny conditions. If any module orinverter is non-functional (non-reporting) or if any module or inverter is generating

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10% less than the average of the two nearest neighbors, the test will not proceed until such conditions are corrected. A screen shot of the EMA software demonstrating the correct operation is required.

E. Acceptance testing shall verify that every component is functioning correctly, andthe system will produce at least 90% of the expected output for solar conditions atthe time of the test.

F. At or before the final Acceptance the Contractor shall submit a written statement ofconformance that they have used a torque wrench and torqued every bolt in the racksystem to meet the manufacturer’s instructions. Ten percent of the bolts shall betorque tested by the Contractor three months after the Acceptance Test date, and ifmore than one is inadequately torqued, all bolts shall be checked by the Contractor,and a new letter of conformance issued, at no cost.

3.3 Operation and Maintenance

A. The Solar Contractor will provide a complete manual for Operation andMaintenance for review following review of Shop Drawings. Where necessary,placeholders shall be indicated for final information to be inserted at a later date. Forexample, each module serial number, and each micro inverter or MLPE device andinverter shall be indicated as described below.

B. Manual shall include any necessary testing of mechanical strength, for example bolttightness – torque testing after one year. Include all necessary software upgrades atno cost (for metering and monitoring) for a period of five years from finalAcceptance Test.

C. Test sheets, showing every module, micro-inverter, MLPE and inverter, by way ofbar code serial number stickers arranged to reflect the physical location in the arrayis required. Suggested array and row numbers are indicated on the drawings. Thecontractor may adjust the numbering, but each device shall be identifiable using thefixed weather-proof labels provided on row disconnect switches, ac-combiners andarray letters. This numbering shall be verified, and consistent in the Operations andMaintenance Manual data, the As-builts drawings and in the EMA software.

D. As-built drawings shall be kept on site and submitted for final review andincorporation into Record Drawings by the Project Manager.

E. The Contractor shall include two training sessions, to inform the Owner of systemoperation, maintenance requirements and demonstrate how to de-energize thesystem and Make Safe. Submit a plan for the training in accordance with the Projectschedule.

F. Training shall include loading and setting up of the EMA software on a computer atthe Site, or computer designated by the Project Manager. A second training sessionshall be provided after the one-year warranty period has expired – to update the

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software and respond to any questions related to year-end reporting.

G. The Work shall not be deemed to be substantially complete until the As-builtdrawings and Maintenance Manuals are received in acceptable form by the ProjectManager, the EMA software is fully operational, and initial training is complete.


2020-06-26 Section 26 05 00 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 5 Common Work Electrical


1.1 Reference Standards A. CSA Group

.1 CSA C22.1-18, Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 (24th Edition), Safety Standard for Electrical Installations.

.2 CSA SPE-900-13 Solar photovoltaic rooftop-installation best practices guideline

.3 CSA C22.3 No 9:20 Interconnection of distributed energy resources and electricity supply systems

B. Province of Nova Scotia Electrical Bulletins currently in force.

1.2 Definitions A. Electrical and electronic terms: unless otherwise specified or indicated, terms

used in these specifications, and on drawings, are those defined by IEEE SP1122.

1.3 Submittals A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 11 00 and Section 01 31 00.B. Submit a Construction Waste Management Plan for review by the Owner (Halifax

Water) before construction commences.C. Product Data:

.1 Submit manufacturer's instructions, printed product literature and data sheets for all electrical equipment.

D. Submit for review with design summary a single line electrical diagram.E. Submit for review a conduit layout for roof-mounted conduits and homeruns.F. Final layout diagram, in elevation, of the ground-mounted electrical equipment

for Service Entrance, Metering and main AC Combiner Panel, including racking.G. Shop drawings:

.1 Submit single line and module racking ground system drawings stamped and signed by professional engineers registered and licensed in Nova Scotia, Canada.

.2 Submit wiring diagrams and installation details of equipment indicating proposed location, layout and arrangement, control panels, accessories, solar equipment and other items that must be shown to ensure co-ordinated installation.

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.3 Identify on wiring diagrams circuit terminals and indicate internal wiring for each item of equipment and interconnection between each item of equipment.

.4 Indicate of drawings clearances for operation, maintenance, and replacement of operating equipment devices.

1.4 Closeout Submittals A. Submit in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Request for Proposal

Documents.B. Operation and Maintenance Data: submit operation and maintenance data for

panelboards, relays, disconnect switches, inverter, ECU, and EMA.C. As-built drawings indicating wiring, wire and cable sizes and equipment locations

on the initial PV drawings.

1.5 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written

instructions.B. Delivery and Acceptance Requirements: deliver materials to site in original

factory packaging, labelled with manufacturer's name and address.C. Storage and Handling Requirements:

.1 Store materials in dry location and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations in clean, dry, well-ventilated area.

.2 Store and protect modules, inverters and cables.

.3 Replace defective or damaged materials with new. D. Follow the accepted Construction Waste Management Plan.

Part 2 Products

2.1 Design Requirements A. Operating voltages: to CAN3-C235.B. Control and distribution devices and equipment to operate satisfactorily at 60 Hz

within normal operating limits established by above standard.C. Design shall meet all requirements of the Solar Electricity for Community

Buildings Pilot Program.D. Follow CSA SPE-900 Solar Photovoltaic Rooftop-Installation Best Practices

Guideline.E. Ensure that all materials and methods are consistent with CSA C22.1-18 24th


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2.2 Materials and Equipment A. Material and equipment to be CSA certified.B. Factory assembled control panels and component assemblies.

2.3 Warning Signs A. Warning Signs: in accordance with requirements of CEC Section 64, Nova Scotia

Power and as directed by the Owner (Halifax Water).

2.4 Wiring Terminations A. Ensure lugs, terminals, screws used for termination of wiring are suitable for

either copper or aluminum conductors.

2.5 Equipment Identification A. Identify electrical equipment with nameplates labels as follows:

.1 General Equipment nameplates: lamacoid 3mm black face, white core, mechanically attached with self tapping screws.

.2 PV Solar Equipment warning signs, lamacoid 3mm red face, white core, mechanically attached with self tapping screws

.3 Sizes as required by CEC. B. Labels: embossed plastic labels with 8 mm high letters unless specified otherwise.C. Wording on nameplates to be reviewed by the Project manager prior to

manufacture.D. Allow for minimum of twenty-five (25) letters or ten words per nameplate.E. Nameplates for terminal cabinets and junction boxes to indicate system and/or

voltage characteristics.F. Disconnects, starters and contactors: indicate equipment being controlled, voltage

and full load current.G. Terminal cabinets and pull boxes: indicate system and voltage.H. Transformers: indicate capacity, primary and secondary voltages.

2.6 Wiring Identification A. Identify wiring with permanent indelible identifying markings, coloured plastic

tapes numbered, on both ends of phase conductors of feeders and branch circuitwiring.

B. Maintain phase sequence and colour coding throughout.C. Colour coding: to CSA C22.1.D. Use colour coded wires in communication cables, matched throughout system.

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A. Metal enclosures shall be CSA Type 4X stainless steel 316. B. Use 316 stainless steel clips, fasteners and bolts for attaching equipment.

Part 3 Execution

3.1 Examination A. Verification of Conditions: verify that the site conditions are suitable for the work

intended and report any hazard or unexpected condition to the Project Manager immediately.

3.2 Installation A. Do complete installation in accordance with CSA C22.1 as a minimum, and as

shown. B. Do overhead and underground systems in accordance with CAN/CSA-C22.3 No.1

except where specified otherwise.

3.3 Nameplates and Labels A. Ensure manufacturer's nameplates, CSA labels and identification nameplates are

visible and legible after equipment is installed.

3.4 Conduit and Cable Installation A. Install conduit in a neat and workman like manner, parallel and perpendicular to

building lines. B. Cables to have suitable support on vertical and horizontal runs on the roof. C. Use Dura-Block roof-top supports or equal. Do not run conduit or cables in direct

contact with roof materials. D. The Contractor to determine, in accordance with their final design the optimum

number of conduits for homeruns to the ground-located panelboard.

3.5 Co-Ordination of Protective Devices A. Ensure circuit protective devices such as overcurrent trips, relays and fuses are

installed to required values and settings.

3.6 Field Quality Control A. Load Balance:

.1 Measure phase current to panelboards with normal loads operating at time of acceptance; adjust branch circuit connections as required to obtain best balance of current between phases and record changes.

2020-06-26 Section 26 05 00 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 5 of 5 Common Work Electrical

B. Conduct following tests in accordance with Section 26 31 00 and as normallyexpected for inspection authority approval..1 Power generation, distribution system including phasing, voltage,

grounding and load balancing. .2 Ground resistance to new ground grid .3 Insulation resistance testing:

.1 Megger circuits, feeders and equipment up to 350 V with a 500 V instrument.

.2 Megger 350-600 V circuits, feeders and equipment with a 1000 V instrument.

.3 Check resistance to ground before energizing. C. Provide instruments, meters, equipment and personnel required to conduct tests

during and at conclusion of project.

3.7 System Startup A. Start-up complete system and operate for a minimum of one week after system

energization, and before Final Commissioning.B. At or before final turn-over, instruct operating personnel in the care and

maintenance of systems, system equipment and components.

3.8 Cleaning A. Leave Work area clean at end of each day.B. Final Cleaning: upon completion remove surplus materials, rubbish, tools and

equipment in accordance with the Construction Waste Management Plan and theOwners requirements.

C. Waste Management: separate waste materials for reuse and recycling as per theConstruction Waste Management Plan.

D. Remove recycling containers and bins from site and dispose of materials atappropriate facility.


2020-06-26 Section 26 05 21 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 3 Wires and Cables (0-1000 V)

Part 1 General

1.1 Related Requirements A. Section 26 05 34 Conduit and Raceways

1.2 Product Data A. Submit shop drawings for cables, including TECK90, RPVU90 jumper cables and

grounding conductors.

Part 2 Products

2.1 Building Wires A. Conductors: stranded for 10 AWG and larger. Minimum size: 12 AWG.B. Copper conductors: size as indicated, with 600 V insulation of cross-linked

thermosetting polyethylene material rated RW90 XLPE jacketed.C. Conductors to be run in galvanized rigid steel conduit where not specified as

TECK90 cable.D. Aluminum or NuAl conductors are not acceptable for any wiring.

2.2 TECK 90 Cable A. Cable: in accordance with Section 26 05 00 Common Work Results for

Electrical.B. Conductors:

.1 Grounding conductor: copper.

.2 Circuit conductors: copper, size as indicated. C. Insulation:

.1 Cross-linked polyethylene XLPE.

.2 Rating: RW90, 600V. D. Inner jacket: polyvinyl chloride material.E. Armour: interlockingF. Overall covering: thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride.G. Fastenings:

.1 Two hole galvanized steel straps or clamps for cables.

.2 Channel type supports for two or more cables.

2020-06-26 Section 26 05 21 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 2 of 3 Wires and Cables (0-1000 V)

H. Connectors: .1 Watertight approved for TECK cable.

2.3 Cables for Photovoltaic wiring type RPVU90 A. Cables used for DC solar circuits shall be certified for this use. B. Flame retardant cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulation. C. Single conductor, sunlight-resistant D. photovoltaic wire rated 90°C wet or dry E. minimum 2000 V rated F. Red or black in colour as required. G. Pre-terminated in MC4 style connectors and factory tested. H. Cables made on-site are not acceptable.

2.4 Control and Instrument Cables A. To CSA C22.2 #239 Control and Instrument Cables B. Stranded copper, XLP/PVC 90°C C. Sunlight and oil resistant. D. Provide CAT6E Ethernet patch cable between modem and ECU.

Part 3 Execution

3.1 Field Quality Control A. Perform tests in accordance with Section 26 05 00 Common Work Results for

Electrical. B. Perform tests before energizing electrical system.

3.2 General Cable Installation A. Cable Colour Coding: to Section 26 05 00 Common Work Results for Electrical. B. Conductor length for parallel feeders to be identical. C. Lace or clip groups of feeder cables at distribution centres, pull boxes, and

termination points. D. Provide numbered wire collars for control wiring. Numbers to correspond to

control shop drawing legend. Obtain wiring diagram for control wiring.

3.3 Installation of Building Wires A. Install wiring as follows:

2020-06-26 Section 26 05 21 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 3 of 3 Wires and Cables (0-1000 V)

.1 In rigid steel, threaded conduit systems in accordance with Section 26 05 34 Conduits, Conduit Fastenings and Conduit Fittings.

.2 Overhead service conductors in accordance with Utility’s requirements and Bulletins.

3.4 Installation of TECK90 Cable A. Group cables wherever possible on channels.B. Install cable exposed, securely supported by hangers and clamps.

3.5 Cable ProtectionA. Provide all required rodent and vermin protection for cables not installed in conduit or

having an integral metal armour.


2020-06-26 Section 26 05 34 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 3 Conduits, Conduit Fastenings and Conduit Fittings

Part 1 General

1.1 Reference Standards A. Canadian Standards Association (CSA International)

.1 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 18, Outlet Boxes, Conduit Boxes, Fittings and Associated Hardware, A National Standard of Canada.

.2 CSA C22.2 No. 45, Rigid Metal Conduit.

1.2 Submittals A. Product data: submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and

datasheets..1 Submit Shop Drawing for Conduit elbows and expansion fittings.

B. Quality assurance submittals:.1 Instructions: submit manufacturer's installation instructions.

Part 2 Products

2.1 Cables and Reels A. Provide cables on reels or coils. Mark or tag each cable and outside of each reel or

coil, to indicate cable length, voltage rating, conductor size, and manufacturer'slot number and reel number.

B. Each coil or reel of cable to contain only one continuous cable without splices.C. Identify cables for exclusively dc applications.

2.2 Conduits A. Rigid metal conduit: to CSA C22.2 No. 45, galvanized steel threaded.

2.3 Conduit Fastenings A. Two hole galvanized steel straps for all conduits.B. Beam clamps to secure conduits to exposed steel work.C. Channel type supports for all conduits.

2.4 Conduit Fittings A. Fittings: to CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 18, manufactured for use with conduit specified.

Coating: same as conduit.B. Ensure factory "ells" where 90 degrees bends for 25 mm and larger conduits.

2020-06-26 Section 26 05 34 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 2 of 3 Conduits, Conduit Fastenings and Conduit Fittings

C. For turning conduit runs on to building at parapet, use Mogul Pulling Elbows,Crouse-Hinds Condulet or equal. Model LBNEC7, 8, 9, 10 depending ondiameter.

2.5 Expansion Fittings for Rigid Conduit A. Weatherproof expansion fittings with internal bonding assembly suitable for

100mm linear expansion.B. Weatherproof expansion fittings for linear expansion within 500mm of entry to

panel.C. Weatherproof expansion fittings in vertical portion at 90 degree turns to roof,

within 500mm of roof line and above final wall support bracket.

Part 3 Execution

3.1 Manufacturer's Instructions A. Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or

specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage andinstallation instructions, and datasheets.

3.2 Installation A. Surface mount conduits neat and plumb.B. Use rigid galvanized steel threaded conduit except where TECK90 cable is

specified.C. Do not use TECK90 cable for homeruns to panels or circuits mounted on building

walls. Use suitably sized rigid steel conduit.D. Bend conduit cold. Replace conduit if kinked or flattened more than 1/10th of its

original diameter.E. Mechanically bend steel conduit over 19 mm diameter.F. Field threads on rigid conduit must be of sufficient length to draw conduits up

tight with a minimum of four threads engaged.G. Dry conduits out before installing wire.H. At building edge, use Condulet mogul pulling elbows to allow 90 degree turn of

circuits over top of parapet. Arrange Condulet such that it rest minimally on theparapet top, provide neoprene protection pad minimum 12.7mm thick. Secure padto prevent dislodging.

2020-06-26 Section 26 05 34 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 3 of 3 Conduits, Conduit Fastenings and Conduit Fittings

3.3 Surface Conduits A. Run parallel or perpendicular to building lines.B. Group conduits wherever possible on surface channels.

3.4 Stand-offs and Blocks A. Provide galvanized steel Unistrut or equal to support rigid conduits on wall and

stainless-steel bolts and clamps.B. On roof, provide rubber DURA-BLOK Rooftop Supports or equal for conduit and

cables. Located as per manufacturer’s instruction and support each length ofconduit in at least two locations per 3m section.


2020-06-26 Section 26 24 16 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 4 Panelboards Breaker Type

Part 1 General

1.1 Related Specifications A. Section 01 31 00 System SpecificationB. Section 26 05 00 Common Work ElectricalC. Section 26 27 25 Hangars and Supports for Electrical Systems

1.2 Reference Standards A. CSA International

.1 CSA C22.2 No.29, Panelboards and Enclosed Panelboards.

1.3 Submittals A. Submit in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Request for Proposal

Documents.B. Product Data:

.1 Submit manufacturer's instructions, printed product literature and data sheets for panelboards and include product characteristics, performance criteria, physical size, finish and limitations.

C. Shop Drawings:.1 Include on drawings:

.1 Electrical detail of panel, branch breaker type, quantity, ampacity interrupting capability and enclosure dimensions.

.2 Include coordination curves for main breaker, fuses and branch breakers.

.2 Submit all information as may be required for Owner’s Arc Flash report including AC circuit cable lengths.

1.4 Closeout and Submittals A. Submit in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Request for Proposal

Documents.B. Operation and Maintenance Data: submit operation and maintenance data for

panelboards for incorporation into manual.

1.5 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written

instructions.B. Delivery and Acceptance: deliver materials to site in original factory packaging,

labelled with manufacturer's name and address.

2020-06-26 Section 26 24 16 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 2 of 4 Panelboards Breaker Type

C. Storage and Handling Requirements:.1 Store materials in dry location and in accordance with manufacturer's

recommendations in clean, dry, well-ventilated area. .2 Store and protect panelboards from nicks, scratches, and blemishes. .3 Replace defective or damaged materials with new.

Part 2 Products

2.1 Panelboards A. Panelboards: to CSA C22.2 No.29 and product of one manufacturer.

.1 Install circuit breakers in panelboards before shipment.

.2 In addition to CSA requirements manufacturer's nameplate must show fault current that panel including breakers has been built to withstand.

B. 250V or 600V panelboards: bus and breakers rated for minimum 25,000 Asymmetrical interrupting capacity, 3 phase, 4 wire.

C. Where applicable, 480V systems to use 600V rated equipment, with appropriatenameplate markings to describe system voltage.

D. Each breaker identified by permanent number identification as to circuit numberand phase.

E. Panelboards: mains, number of circuits, and number and size of branch circuitbreakers as indicated.

F. Main PV Combiner Panel panelboard to have a segregated main breaker sectionand meter-accuracy CT’s for customer metering.

G. Two keys for each panelboard and control panel, key alike.H. Copper bus with neutral of same ampere rating of mains.I. Mains: suitable for bolt-on breaker.J. Trim with concealed front bolts and hinges.K. All panels, backbox, trim and door finish 316 stainless steel. Supply a pre-

manufactured 316 stainless steel sloped top cover to deflect snow and leaf litter.L. Weatherproof gasketted overall door. Main PV Panel door complete with a

lockable single handle activating top and bottom latches on quarter turn.M. Include grounding busbar minimum 100mm long with 3 of terminals for bonding

#1/0 conductor and terminals for ten #6.N. Include Surge Protective Device, 100 kA 3 phase 4 wire all modes, located in

Main PV Combiner Panel, include suitable breaker.

2020-06-26 Section 26 24 16 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 3 of 4 Panelboards Breaker Type

2.2 Branch Breakers A. Breakers: to CSA C22.2 No. 5, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case

Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures.B. Breakers with thermal and magnetic tripping in panelboards.C. Breakers 2P and 3P, sizes and number as required.D. Interrupting capacity to match panelboard.

2.3 Main Breaker A. Main breaker to be a molded case breaker rated for 25kA I.C. minimum. Provide

trip to allow coordination with main fuses in Owner’s main service disconnect.Breaker to protect the Owner supplied 75kVA dry-type transformer – having a90A Class J fuse protecting the 600V side.

B. Breaker to be certified for reverse feeding of power, and so marked and identifiedon the shop drawings.

2.4 Equipment Identification A. Provide equipment identification in accordance with Section 26 05 00 Common

Work Results for Electrical.B. Nameplate for each panelboard as indicated.C. Complete circuit directory with typewritten legend showing location and load of

each circuit, mounted in plastic envelope at inside of panel door.

Part 3 Execution

3.1 Installation A. Locate panelboards as indicated and mount securely, plumb, true and square, to

adjoining surfaces. Coordinate installation with the Owner’s adjacent electricalequipment for a neat and organized installation.

B. Mount panelboards to height indicated.C. Connect loads to circuits.D. Connect neutral conductors to common neutral bus with respective neutral


3.2 Cleaning A. Clean panelboard thoroughly by wiping down the inside with residue-free

cleaning fluid and a clean rag. Vacuum inside of panel before final closing.

2020-06-26 Section 26 24 16 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 4 of 4 Panelboards Breaker Type 3.3 Protection

A. Protect installed products and components from damage during construction. B. Repair damage to adjacent materials caused by panelboards installation.


2020-06-26 Section 26 27 25 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 5 Hangars and Supports for Electrical Systems

PART 1 General

1.1 Work Included

A. This section sets out specifications to furnish and install slotted channel,accessories and fasteners as required.

B. This includes on-site constructed racks, and supports for conduit, cables, electricalpanels, switches and metering equipment. Free standing racks and those anchoredto exterior walls.

C. Strut system and components must be supplied by a single manufacturer.

1.2 Related Work

A. This section to be used in conjunction with the following other specifications andrelated contract documents to establish the total requirements for the referencedslotted channel framing systems.

B. Not every instance of support is indicated on the drawings. The Contractor todetermine the final layout of all channel supports, and mounting details based ontheir final layouts.

C. Submit shop drawings for all supplied products in accordance with the Terms andConditions of the Request for Proposal Documents and for panelboards,disconnects and service entrance equipment mounting include:

1. Description of design criteria.

2. Stress and deflection analysis.

3. Selection of framing members, fitting and accessories.

4. Assembly drawings.

1.3 Delivery, Storage and Handling

A. All material to be delivered to the work site in original factory packaging with tagsor labels calling out manufacturer and product.

B. All material to be protected from the elements at the work site by a shelter or othercovering.

2020-06-26 Section 26 27 25 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 2 of 5 Hangars and Supports for Electrical Systems

1.4 Warranty

A. Manufacturer shall warrant for 1 year from the shipment date that products will befree from defects in material or manufacture. In the event of any such defect inviolation of the warranty, Manufacturer shall repair or replace any such defectiveproduct.

B. Installer shall warrant for 1 year from the date of completion of work that the workwill be free of defects in installation. In the event of any such defect in violation ofthe warranty, Installer shall repair or replace any such defective product.

1.5 Submittals

A. Submit shop drawing for all strut and racks in accordance with Section 01 31 00.

B. Shop drawing to indicate the general size and location of all supports, the weightthey are intended to support and the number and size of anchor bolts.

C. Shop drawings to indicate bolt lengths, drill bit size and depth of penetration, andnumber of bolts per segment of strut.

D. For service entrance attachment point, include force resistance calculationspublished by the prospective fastening manufacturer and/or registered professionalengineer.


2.1 Acceptable Manufacturers

A. Where meeting all other aspects of this specification, acceptable manufacturers are:

1. HILTI Inc.

2. Unistrut (Atkore International)

3. Superstrut (Thomas & Betts)

2.2 Materials

A. All slotted channel to be fabricated from Stainless Steel: ASTM 240 (Type 316).

B. All fitting and accessories to be Stainless Steel. ASTM 240 (Type 316).

C. One exception is support from PV module racking system. For these instances,where conduits, disconnect switches or other equipment is in direct contact withaluminum rack, fiberglass strut components to be used, with suitable matching

2020-06-26 Section 26 27 25 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 3 of 5 Hangars and Supports for Electrical Systems

metal fastenings to eliminate corrosion due to dissimilar metal. Confirm use with rack supplier before installing.

2.3 Accessories

A. Channel manufacturer to provide all fitting, nuts and other accessories.

B. All bolts and accessories to be stainless steel type 316.

2.4 Anchoring

A. Channels to be anchored to the concrete block wall using epoxy set, pre-drilled anchors.

1. Anchor bolts system to be Hilti HIT-HY 270 for masonry.

2. Minimum bolt size for strut supports is 14.3mm (9/16”), length to suit.

2.5 Fabrication

A. Channel Requirements:

1. Section shall be ‘C’ type. 2. Minimum width: 41mm x 41mm (1 5/8 inches), or to suit application. 3. Lips shall be in-turned and serrated.

B. Fitting requirements:

1. Minimum width: 41mm. 2. Minimum thickness: 4mm.

C. Slotted channel shall conform accurately to the required shape and allowable tolerances indicated on the shop drawings.

D. Cut edges to be square and true, and free of any projections.


3.1 Examination

A. Areas and conditions under which work is to be performed to be examined to identify conditions detrimental to proper or timely completion.

B. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions.

2020-06-26 Section 26 27 25 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 4 of 5 Hangars and Supports for Electrical Systems

3.2 Erection and Installation

A. Slotted channel to be located and installed true to line, level, and plumb so as toconform accurately to the drawings. Connections and splices not shown on thedrawings to be subject to prior review by the Project Manager.

B. Cutting of slotted channel to be performed using a chop or skill saw. Flame cuttingis not permitted.

C. Fabrication (holes, notches, etc.) not shown on the drawings to be subject to priorreview by the Project Manager.

D. Connection parts to be properly drawn together and tightly fitted, and the boltstightened to the snug-tight conditions using proper torque in accordance with themanufacturer’s written instructions and specifications.

E. Use a minimum of two anchor bolts for every strut and support mounted on thewall. More as indicated on the reviewed shop drawing.

F. Provide strut sections every 2m and as required for support of vertical conduit runs.Group conduits wherever possible.

G. When anchoring into concrete clock wall:

1. No more than one bolt in any single block

2. Arrange strut and bolts so that bolts are in the center 25% of the block area,vertical and horizontal.

3. Do not install anchors at a vertical or horizontal block joint.

H. Before drilling any hole in the building, layout the proposed location of strut andholes with chalk, and review with the Project Manager. Use GPR to ensure thatpenetrations do not damage sub-surface elements or reduce strength of fastening.

3.3 Cleanup

A. All packaging materials and debris to be removed upon completion of work inaccordance with the Construction and Waste Management Plan.

B. Any damage due to installation of slotted channel framing systems shall berepaired.

2020-06-26 Section 26 27 25 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 5 of 5 Hangars and Supports for Electrical Systems

3.4 Protection

A. The installer to be responsible for protecting the work from damage during theinstallation process. This includes any discoloration resulting from hole drillingprocedure.

B. The Contractor to be responsible to repair and replace any masonry block whichcracks as a result of the installation of anchor bolts.

C. Once installation has been completed, the general contractor to be responsible forprotecting the work from damage for the remainder of construction on the project.


2020-06-26 Section 26 28 23 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 1 of 2 Disconnect Switches - Fused and Non-Fused

Part 1 General

1.1 Related Specifications A. Section 26 05 00 Common Work Electrical

1.2 Reference Standards A. CSA Group

.1 CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.4, Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches

.2 CSA C22.2 No.39, Fuseholder Assemblies.

1.3 Action and Informational Submittals A. Submit in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Section 01 31 00.B. Product Data:

.1 Submit manufacturer's instructions, printed product literature and data sheets for disconnect switches - fused and non-fused and include product characteristics, performance criteria, physical size, finish and limitations.

1.4 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written

instructions.B. Delivery and Acceptance: deliver materials to site in original factory packaging,

labelled with manufacturer's name and address.C. Storage and Handling:

.1 Store materials in dry location and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations in clean, dry, well-ventilated area.

.2 Store and protect disconnect switches - fused and non-fused from nicks, scratches, and blemishes.

.3 Replace defective or damaged materials with new.

Part 2 Products

2.1 Disconnect Switches A. Non-fusible, Fusible, disconnect switch in CSA enclosure Type 4X, 316 stainless

steel to CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.4B. Provision for padlocking in off switch position.C. Mechanically interlocked door to prevent opening when handle in ON position.D. Quick-make, quick-break action.

2020-06-26 Section 26 28 23 Halifax Water 75 kW PV Solar Page 2 of 2 Disconnect Switches - Fused and Non-Fused

E. ON-OFF switch position indication on switch enclosure cover.

2.2 Equipment Identification A. Provide equipment identification in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Common

Work Results for Electrical.B. Indicate name of load controlled on size 4 nameplate.

Part 3 Execution

3.1 Installation A. Install disconnect switches complete with fuses if applicable.

3.2 Cleaning A. After complete installation, and before fuses are place, wipe down the inside of

the switch and vacuum to ensure no shavings or particles are present.B. Removal all packaging and materials in accordance with the Construction Waste

management Plan.


75 kW Solar PV June 2020 P23.2020 Page No. 21

APPENDIX C: Contract Agreement


THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 202X (“Effective Date”) between


(“Halifax Water”)



(the “Contractor”)

(Halifax Water and the Contractor hereinafter collectively referred to as the

“Parties” and individually as the “Party”)


A. Halifax Water issued RFP PXX.202X ( “RFP”) regarding XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;

B. The Contractor carries on the business of XXXXXXXX and was the successful proponent resulting from the RFP; and

C. The Parties now wish to formalize this relationship via the execution of this Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises, the mutual promises hereinafter

set forth and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are



1.1 In this Agreement, including the Schedules and Exhibits attached hereto, the following

expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings

respectively assigned to them:

(a) “XXXXXXXXXXXX Project” means the implementation of XXXXXXXXXX by Halifax


(b) “Communications” means the communications as contemplated by Section


(c) “Equipment” means the XXXXXXXXXXXX and related equipment specified in

Halifax Water’s RFP.

2 6646035 v4

(d) “Pricing Schedule” means the pricing annex contained in the Contractor’s Submission, as amended and supplemented by the products and prices listed in Appendix A attached hereto.

(e) “Project Authority” means the representative designated by Halifax Water to act on its behalf;

(f) “RFP” means the request for proposals issued by Halifax Water, being RFP PXX.202X, together with all associated addendums, inclusive of Halifax Water’s Procurement Policy.

(g) “Contractor’s Submission” means the Contractor’s submission to the RFP dated the XXth day of XXXXXX, 202X.


The documents listed below form part of this Agreement. If there is any discrepancy between

the wording of one document and the wording of any other document that appears on the

documents listed below, the wording of the document which appears first on such listing shall


2.1 This Agreement, including all Schedules and Appendixes hereto.

2.2 The Contractor’s Submission.

2.3 The RFP.


The Agreement shall commence on the XX day of XXXXXX, 202X and be for a term of XXXXXXXXXX.


4.1 The Pricing Schedule for XXXXXXXXX shall be as set out in Schedule ‘A’ hereto.

4.2 Payment shall be based on Net 30 Days from date of invoice or receipt of goods /

services, whichever is later. If special payment terms or schedules are required, these

must have been specified in the Bid submission; otherwise, Halifax Water payment

terms (net 30 days) will apply.

Invoices are to be emailed to

Halifax Water administers its payables via an electronic payment process known as

EDI payment. Payments for this contract will be administered via the electronic

payment process.

3 6646035 v4


5.1 Please refer to Schedule B for Scope of Work along with the Contractor’s Submission

to the RFP.


The Contractor covenants with and represents and warrants that:

(a) the Contractor is properly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing

under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia and has the full capacity and

authority to enter into this Agreement;

(b) the Contractor has all necessary approvals, licenses, registrations and permits

required by law for the Contractor to conduct and perform the services

contemplated herein;

(c) the Contractor has the necessary knowledge, experience and skills to perform

and discharge its obligations hereunder in a timely and efficient manner.

(d) the information provided in the Contractor’s Submission is true, accurate and

complete in all material respects.


Halifax Water covenants with and represents and warrants to the Contractor that:

(a) Halifax Water is duly constituted, validly existing and in good standing under the

laws of the Province of Nova Scotia and has the full capacity and authority to

enter into this Agreement; and

(b) Halifax Water has all necessary approvals, licenses, registrations and permits

required by law for Halifax Water to perform and discharge its obligations



(a) Halifax Water may terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days’ notice to

the Contractor and the termination shall be effective in accordance with the


(b) The Contractor, upon receiving notice of termination from Halifax Water, shall

immediately cease its activities under this Agreement.

(c) If the Agreement is suspended or terminated pursuant to Section 8, Halifax

Water shall pay the Contractor for work performed to the date of termination,

but shall not be responsible for any other losses or damages, including any

incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages, suffered by the


4 6646035 v4


9.1 If the Contractor fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement in

accordance with this Agreement or if any of the following occurs:

(a) the Contractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent, makes a general assignment for

the benefit of creditors, a receiver is appointed for all or any substantial part of

the assets of the Contractor and is not removed within 30 days or proceedings

are begun to wind up or dissolve the Contractor.

(b) the Contractor has made an assignment of this Agreement without the required

consent of Halifax Water.

(c) if there is repetitive failure to meet times and milestones for carrying out the

terms of the Agreement;



Halifax Water may notify the Contractor in writing that the Contractor is in default.

If Halifax Water considers that a default is correctable, acting reasonably, Halifax Water

shall so state in its default notice and the Contractor shall complete the correction of

the default within ten (10) days or such longer period of time as may be specified by

Halifax Water, acting reasonably with regard to the time necessary to cure the

particular default. If following such notice the Contractor fails to immediately

commence to correct the identified default or to complete the correction of the

default within the stipulated time, or if the default is not correctable, Halifax Water

may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have, terminate this


If Halifax Water fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, in

accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor may notify Halifax Water in writing

that Halifax Water is in default. If the Contractor considers that a default is

correctable, acting reasonably, the Contractor shall so state in its default notice and

Halifax Water shall complete the correction of the default within ten (10) days or such

longer period of time as may be specified by the Contractor acting reasonably with

regard to the time necessary to cure the particular default. If following such notice

Halifax Water fails to immediately commence to correct the identified default or to

complete the correction of the default within the stipulated time or if the default

is not correctable, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any right or remedy it

may have, terminate this Agreement.


Neither Party shall be considered in default of its duties or obligations hereunder or

liable for any damages if delay of such default, damages or delays is a result of an

event beyond the control of such Party that could not have been reasonably foreseen

and against which it could not have protected itself, such as, without limiting the

generality of the foregoing, natural disasters, epidemics, fires, accidents, acts of war,

insurrections, riots, acts of terrorism, wildcat strikes, partial or total work stoppages,

slowdowns or lock outs. The Party claiming force majeure shall give notice, as soon as

5 6646035 v4

practical, to the other Party and shall use all reasonable efforts to avoid or mitigate the

effect of the force majeure event. If the force majeure event continues for more than

ninety (90) calendar days, either party may give notice to the other to terminate this



11.1 The Contractor indemnifies Halifax Water from and against all actions, proceedings,

liability, loss, damage, cost and expenses whatsoever, including without limitation,

legal costs and expenses, on a solicitor-client basis and any fines, penalties, levees

and charges that may be brought against it or that they may suffer or incur as a direct

result of the Contractor’s breach or non-compliance with any provisions of this

Agreement or its negligent acts or omissions or anyone for whom the Contractor may

be liable or any infringement of the trademarks or other intellectual property rights

whatsoever of any person by any of them resulting from the performance of this

Agreement or otherwise arising out of Halifax Water’s entering into this Agreement with

the Contractor this Agreement.

11.2 Halifax Water indemnifies the Contractor from and against all actions, proceedings,

liability, loss, damage, cost and expenses whatsoever, including without limitation,

legal costs and expenses, on a solicitor-client basis and any fines, penalties, levees

and charges that may be brought against it or that they may suffer or incur as a direct

result of the Halifax Water’s breach or non-compliance with any provisions of this

Agreement or its negligent acts or omissions or anyone for whom Halifax Water may

be liable or any infringement of the trademarks or other intellectual property rights

whatsoever of any person by any of them resulting from the performance of this

Agreement or otherwise arising out of the Contractor’s entering into this Agreement

with Halifax Water.

11.3 The within indemnities shall not extend to incidental, consequential, indirect or

punitive damages or loss of profits.


12.1 Successor. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and their

respective successors and permitted assigns.

12.2 Status of the Contractor. The Contractor is engaged as an independent contractor for

the sole purpose of carrying out the terms of this Agreement. Neither the Contractor

nor any of its personnel is engaged as an employee, servant or agent of Halifax Water.

12.3 Currency. Any reference to currency shall be to Canadian dollars unless otherwise

stated in the pricing annex in Appendix A.

12.4 Assignment. The Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by the

Contractor without the prior consent in writing of Halifax Water and any purported

assignment made without that consent is of no effect.

6 6646035 v4

12.5 Notice. Any notice shall be in writing and may be delivered by hand or by courier, by

registered mail, or by facsimile or other electronic means that provides a paper record

of the text of the notice, addressed to the Party for whom it is intended at the address

in the Agreement or at the last address of which the sender has received notice

in accordance with this section. Any notice shall be deemed to be effective seven (7)

days from the day it is delivered, mailed or electronically sent:

To the Contractor:




To Halifax Water:

Halifax Regional Water Commission

450 Cowie Hill Rd.

P.O. Box 8388, RPO CSC

Halifax, NS B3K 5M1

Attention: Brent Hickman, Procurement Officer

12.6 Survival. All of the Contractor's representations and warranties set out in the

Agreement as well as the provisions concerning indemnity against third Party claims

and accounts and audit and confidentiality shall survive for a period of two (2) years

from the expiry of the Agreement or the termination of the Agreement, as shall any

other provision of the Agreement which, by the nature of the rights or obligations set

out therein, might reasonably be expected to be intended to so survive.

12.7 Severability. Severability of any term, condition or covenant of this Agreement shall be

found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable the

remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on the Parties hereto.

12.8 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts by

facsimile or electronic signature, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of

which together constitute one and the same instrument.

12.9 Entire Agreement. The Agreement constitutes the entire and sole agreement between

the Parties with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement and supersedes all

previous negotiations, communications and other agreements, whether written or oral,

relating to it, unless they are incorporated by reference in the Agreement. There are no

terms, covenants, representations, statements or conditions binding on the Parties

other than those contained in the Agreement.

7 6646035 v4

12.10 No Promotion of Relationship.

(a) The Contractor will not disclose or promote its relationship with Halifax Water,

including by means of any verbal declarations, announcements, sales,

marketing or other literature, letters, client lists, websites, internet domain

names, press releases, brochures or other written materials (the

“Communications”) without the express prior written consent of Halifax Water

(except as may be necessary for the Contractor to perform its obligations under

this Agreement).

(b) The Contractor undertakes and will cause all of its sub-contractors, if any, to

undertake not to disclose or promote its relationship with Halifax Water in any

Communications in a manner which could suggest or create an association,

express or implied, between the Contractor and Halifax Water,

12.11 Governing Law. This Agreement and all matters related thereto shall be governed by

and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the Province of Nova Scotia and

the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, without reference to conflict of law rules.

The Parties hereby irrevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of

Nova Scotia.

12.12 Dispute Resolution. The Contractor and Halifax Water shall use reasonable

commercial efforts to amicably resolve any dispute arising under or in any way related

to this Agreement. In the event the Contractor and the Halifax Water Manager

of Procurement fail to resolve such dispute within ten (10) days, the Manager

of Procurement may wish to escalate it to the Director of Corporate Services. If they

fail to resolve such dispute within ten (10) days, either Party may refer the dispute to

non-binding arbitration, mediation or a court of law in a competent

jurisdiction for resolution. Any non-binding arbitration, mediation or court

proceeding shall take place in Halifax. Except where clearly prevented by a dispute,

the Parties shall continue to perform their obligations under this Agreement while

such dispute is being resolved in accordance with this Section.

12.13 Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and upon agreement

of the Parties.

[Remainder of page intentionally left blank.

Signature page to follow.]

8 6646035 v4


in the presence of: ) HALIFAX REGIONAL WATER ) COMMISSION )) Per: ) ●) [Title] )) Per: ) ●) [Title] ))) ●[NTD: NAME OF CONTRACTOR]))) Per: ) ●) [Title] ))) Per: ) ●) [Title] )

75 kW Solar PV June 2020 P23.2020 Page No. 22

APPENDIX D: Health & Safety Policy

The contractor co

Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)

Program Manual


June 9, 2020

Version 1.1


SECTION 05: CONTRACTOR HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY ______________________________ 1

5.01 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 1 5.02 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 1 5.03 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 1 5.04 Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 2 5.05 Implementation ..................................................................................................................... 3 5.06 References.............................................................................................................................. 6 5.07 Forms ..................................................................................................................................... 6




Page 5.1


5.01 Purpose

To promote the health and safety of both Halifax Water Employees and Contracted personnel at all times when conducting Work on behalf of Halifax Water. This policy supplements but does not relieve Employees or Contracted personnel from adhering to the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act (“NSOHSA”).

5.02 Scope

This procedure applies to all Halifax Water administered work completed by Contractors or Sub-Contractors.

5.03 Definitions

“Cleared Employee” – a Contractor’s or Consultants' Employee that has completed the Police Record Check process and has been accepted by Halifax Water’s Safety & Security Department. A Cleared Employee will appear on the Contractor Clearance List, located on the Safety and Security intranet site. “Contractor” - a person or entity who contracts for work to be performed. “Contractor Site Supervisor” - A person on site who has the highest degree of control of the workplace. “Incident” - The outcome of a series of conditions, circumstances, acts or other events that result in harm to people, harm to the environment, property damage, impact to production/processes, or other losses, whether immediate or future. “Near Miss” - Is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage but had the potential to do so. “Project Consultant” - means a professional engineer, architect or other specialist duly registered or licensed under laws of Nova Scotia engaged directly by Halifax Water. “Project Manager” - This definition applies to Capital Projects only. Project Manager means any Halifax Water Employee who represents the owner and has administrative control of the project.




Page 5.2

“Project Safety Checklist” - Is a list of safety related items to be discussed at the pre-construction meeting. “Project Technologist” - A Halifax Water Employee who performs inspection, record collection and quality control measures of installed infrastructure as well as monitors capital project activities under the direction of the Project Manager. “Operations Technologist” - A Halifax Water Employee who performs inspection, record collection and quality control measures of installed infrastructure under the direction of the Supervisor/Engineering Approvals Project Manager. “Regulatory Inspections” – Inspections completed by any regulatory body with jurisdiction in Halifax Regional Municipality, ie. Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Nova Scotia Department of Environment, etc. “Site Specific Safety Plan” - Is a plan provided by the Contractor that will include a hazard analysis for each task that will be performed during the duration of the project. This plan will identify the controls the Contractor will be putting in place to address the hazard(s) and shall be kept up to date throughout the duration of the work. “Supervisor” - A Halifax Water Employee who represents the owner and has the highest level of authority at the workplace during the work. “Work Commencement Form” – Form used by Project Technologist to document the Hazard Assessment completed when commencing work on capital project sites.

5.04 Roles and Responsibilities


Contractors must comply with this Policy at all times and are responsible to ensure their Employees, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers and Agencies comply with this Policy at all times.

Halifax Water Supervisor

The Supervisor is responsible to ensure the implementation of and adherence to this Policy at all times, which includes monitoring the work.

Project Consultant

On projects where a Consultant is responsible for construction related contract administration and/or inspection, they must also ensure the work is completed in a safe manner and adheres




Page 5.3

to the NSOHSA. Consultants must communicate all safety concerns, deficiencies, Near Misses and/or Incidents to the Project Manager.

Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible to ensure the implementation of and adherence to this Policy at all times, which includes monitoring the work.

Project Technologist

Project Technologist must adhere to workplace health and safety rules, procedures and practices. Project Technologist must communicate all safety concerns, deficiencies to the Contactor Site Supervisor. All Near Misses and/or Incidents are to be reported to the Project Manager.

5.05 Implementation

Capital Projects (non-Facilities)

The Contractor must adhere to the following after securing the Contract with Halifax Water:

Pre-Construction Meeting i. A preconstruction meeting will be held prior to work commencing. At this

meeting a Project Safety Checklist must be reviewed and signed by the Contractor. All items discussed must be documented in the minutes of this meeting.

ii. The purpose of the Project Safety Checklist is to generate discussion and ensure that the Contractor is made aware of hazards that the owner could reasonably be expected to know and are necessary to identify, eliminate or control hazards to the health and safety of persons at the workplace.

Prior to Work Commencing

i. The Contractor must provide to the Project Manager a Site Specific Safety Plan for the project.

ii. The Contractor must provide a list of all Cleared Employees required to be onsite for the project.

Work Commences i. Near Misses must be reported by the Contractor to the Project Technologist and

corrective actions must be provided to the Project Manager within 24 hours.




Page 5.4

ii. Incidents must be reported by the Contractor to the Project Manager immediately. Any subsequent follow-up and/or investigations must be provided upon completion.

iii. Throughout the duration of the Contract, the Contractor is to provide the Project Manager with copies of any Regulatory Inspections within 24 hours.

iv. If a Project Consultant, Project Technologist or Employee is onsite and they identify a safety deficiency they must immediately notify the Contractor Site Supervisor to address the issue. The Halifax Water Consultant or Project Technologist will notify the Project Manager who will issue a Safety Deficiency Notice for Contractors form to document the deficiency. The Contractor will be required to respond to this notice within 24 hours indicating how they corrected it and how they will ensure it will not happen again.

v. Halifax Water may conduct a field level safety audit at any time during the project. The Project Manager will share findings of this audit with the Contractor and the Contractor will be required to provide a response within 24 hours of receipt of the findings.

Capital Projects within Halifax Water Facilities

The Contractor must adhere to the following after securing the contract with Halifax Water:

Pre-Construction Meeting i. A preconstruction meeting will be held prior to work commencing. At this

meeting a Project Safety Checklist must be reviewed and signed. All items noted and discussed must be documented in the minutes of this meeting.

ii. The purpose of the Project Safety Checklist is to generate discussion and ensure that the Contractor is made aware of hazards that the owner could reasonably be expected to know and are necessary to identify, eliminate or control hazards to the health and safety of persons at the workplace.

Prior to Work Commencement

i. The Contractor must provide to the Project Manager and/or Supervisor a Site Specific Safety Plan for the project.

ii. The Contractor must provide to the Project Manager and/or the Supervisor a list of all Cleared Employees required to be onsite for the project.

iii. The Project Manager and Supervisor must ensure a Contractor Orientation Sign-Off has been completed for all Contractor Employees prior to work beginning at a Halifax Water controlled facility. This will ensure the Contractor has all site information that is necessary to ensure the health and safety of workers on a




Page 5.5

Halifax Water workplace. The Supervisor or designate can complete the Contractor Orientation Sign-Off.

iv. The Supervisor must post the Site Specific Safety Plan on their Contractor Safety Board to ensure that other Contractors working at the facility are aware of the work.

v. The Contractor must complete and sign the Contractor Safety Orientation Sign-Off sheet before work commences and when the information identified on the sign-off sheet changes.

vi. The Contractor must elect a safety representative or Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee member, when required.

Work Commences

i. Near Misses must be reported by the Contractor to the Project Manager and/or Supervisor and corrective actions must be provided within 24 hours.

ii. Incidents must be reported by the Contractor to the Project Manager and/or Supervisor immediately. Any subsequent follow-up and/or investigations must be provided upon completion.

iii. Throughout the duration of the Contract, the Contractor is to provide the Project Manager and/or the Supervisor with copies of any Regulatory Inspections within 24 hours.

iv. If a Project Consultant, Project Technologist or Employee notice a safety deficiency they must immediately notify the Contractor Site Supervisor to address the issue. The Project Consultant, Project Technologist or Employee will immediately notify the Project Manager or Supervisor who will issue a Safety Deficiency Notice for Contractors form to document the deficiency. The Contractor will be required to respond to this notice within 24 hours indicating how they corrected it and how they will ensure it will not happen again.

Halifax Water Contracted Service Providers

Prior to Work Commencement

i. Supervisors must confirm the Contractor has assigned Cleared Employees for work by confirming that their name appears on the Contractor Clearance list

ii. When working within a facility, the Supervisor must ensure a Contractor Orientation Sign-Off has been completed for all Contractor Employees. This will ensure the Contractor has all site information that is necessary to ensure the health and safety of workers on a Halifax Water workplace. The Supervisor or designate can complete the Contractor Orientation Sign-Off.




Page 5.6

iii. When working within a facility, the Contractor must complete, post and adhereto the Halifax Water Safe Work Permit. The Halifax Water Safe Work Permitmust be posted on the facilities Contractor Safety Board.

iv. Contractors working under the direct supervision of a Supervisor mustparticipate in the Field Level Hazard Assessment process.

v. Contractors completing incidental repair work on behalf of Halifax Water asapproved service providers under a standing offer, are required to participate inan annual pre-construction meeting with Supervisors. At this meeting a ProjectSafety Checklist must be reviewed and signed. A Supervisor, ProjectTechnologist or Operations Technologists will be required to attend theworkplace from time to time to confirm adherence to all related safety practices.

Work Commences

i. The Contractor must comply with all Halifax Water policies and procedures whenunder the direct supervision of Halifax Water.

ii. The Contractor must provide to the Supervisor notification of all Near Misses andcorrective actions must be provided within 24 hours.

iii. Incidents must be reported by the Contractor to the Supervisor immediately.Any subsequent follow-up and/or investigations must be provided uponcompletion.

iv. If a Halifax Water Employee notice a safety deficiency, they must immediatelynotify the Contractor who must immediately correct the deficiency. TheSupervisor will issue a Safety Deficiency Notice for Contractors form todocument the deficiency. The Contractor will be required to respond to thisnotice within 24 hours indicating how they corrected it and how they will ensureit will not happen again.

5.06 References

Nova Scotia Occupational Health & Safety Act Occupational Safety General Regulations.

5.07 Forms

Contractor Orientation Sign-Off Project Safety Checklist Safety Deficiency Notice for Contractors Safe Work Permit Work Commencement Form Field Level Hazard Assessment

75 kW Solar PV June 2020 P23.2020 Page No. 23

APPENDIX E: Police Record Checks



1. All contractors, consultants and their employees working for Halifax Water must obtain a “Police Record Check” (PRC). Questions about this process may be directed to

2. It is the responsibility of the Halifax Water staff member that engages a contractor/consultant to ensure that a PRC is conducted.

3. To obtain a PRC, contractors or consultants will follow one of the approaches below:

a) Online using “Backcheck” (Preferred Approach):

i. Go online to and create a personal account with mybackcheck.

ii. The contractor or consultant must verify their identification by: • verifying their ID either online by answering a questions regarding their credit

history; or, • in person at any of the 5000 participating Canada Post locations nationwide.

iii. Once identification is verified, the Police will complete the PRC. iv. The individual will receive an email indicating the results are in. They must login to

their mybackcheck account and choose to “Share” the results with Halifax Regional Water Commission, indicating:

• the organization that employs them; • the Halifax Water Project Manager • the name of the project to which the PRC relates.

b) Alternate paper-based approach (Not Preferred):

v. The contractor or consultant must book an appointment to visit their local Police Department to request a PRC.

vi. Once completed, the result of the PRC should be sent via mail to the address below indicating:

• the organization that employs them; • the Halifax Water Project Manager; and, • the name of the project to which the PRC relates.

Halifax Water

Safety & Security Dept. PO Box 8388, RPO CSC

Halifax, NS B3K 5M1

c) An FBI record check is acceptable for residents of the United States.

4. The Safety & Security Department will notify the Halifax Water Project Manager who requested the PRC whether the contractor/consultant has received clearance.

5. If a contractor/consultant requires Card Access to a Halifax Water facility(s) the Project Manager will schedule an appointment with the Human Resources Department to have a Contractor Card created and access granted, based on the contractors/consultant’s needs.

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6. Certain contractors/consultants, depending on the work or services they are providing, may require afingerprint-based check. Halifax Water reserves the right to request fingerprints where applicable.

7. All contractors, consultants and their employees are required to renew their PRC every 3 years.
