Research News, December 1949



Articles include A Maiden's Education; Logan College Continues to Grow; Were Their Faces Red? Irish in Wrong Church; Sabourin Requests Books for Library; Local Adjusting Taught at Logan College; Dr. Firth Publishes New Text on Diagnosis; Tells New Way to Deaden Pain; Exercycle is First Donation to Gymnasium; Dr. Vinton Logan Principal Speaker at State Meeting; Believes Editor Wrong on Re-Instatement; Dr. Anderson Has Beautiful New Office; Hoosier Chiros Unite to Fight Unjust Law; No Examinations to Practice in Mississippi; Little Convention is Held by Kansas Ass'n; Annual Public Relations Conference Planned; Dr. R.N. Sabourin, "Writingest Fellow"; State President Likes Research News; Positioning the Patient for X-Ray; How Many Kids are Really Health? Here are the Facts; Logan Basic Put Him Back into Practice; Small Beginnings; The Issue Must be Met; V.P. Outlines State Duties for the Year; Here's a Swell Idea that Comes from Florida; Just for Fun.

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