Residential and Commercial Rate Level Indications...The total rate change achieved by TWIA may...


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  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

    Residential and Commercial

    Rate Level Indications

    September 4, 2020

  • i Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

    Willis Towers Watson Confidential

    Table of Contents

    Section 1 : Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................. 3

    Section 2 : Distribution .......................................................................................................................... 4

    Section 3 : Reliances and Limitations .................................................................................................. 5

    COVID-19 ........................................................................................................................................... 5

    Section 4 : Summary of Rate Level Indications .................................................................................. 7

    Section 5 : Residential Indication ......................................................................................................... 8

    Data Reconciliation ............................................................................................................................ 8

    Summary of Methodology .................................................................................................................. 9

    Earned Premium at Current Rate Level ............................................................................................. 9

    Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Loading .......................................................................................... 9

    Historical and Projected Trend Factors ............................................................................................ 10

    Projected Ultimate Non-Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio .................................................................. 11

    Projected Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio ......................................................................................... 11

    Fixed and Variable Expenses .......................................................................................................... 12

    Indicated Rate Level Change ........................................................................................................... 14

    Section 6 : Commercial Indication ...................................................................................................... 15

    Data Reconciliation .......................................................................................................................... 15

    Summary of Methodology ................................................................................................................ 15

    Earned Premium at Current Rate Level ........................................................................................... 15

    Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Loading ........................................................................................ 15

    Historical and Projected Trend Factors ............................................................................................ 16

    Projected Ultimate Non-Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio .................................................................. 16

    Projected Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio ......................................................................................... 17

    Fixed and Variable Expenses .......................................................................................................... 18

    Indicated Rate Level Change ........................................................................................................... 20

    Section 7 : Hurricane Model Evaluation ............................................................................................. 21

    Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 21

    Hurricane Fundamentals .................................................................................................................. 22

    Overview of Model Components ...................................................................................................... 22

  • Model Validation ............................................................................................................................... 24

    Stochastic Event Component ........................................................................................................... 24

    Hazard Component .......................................................................................................................... 28

    Vulnerability Comparison ................................................................................................................. 28

    Validation of Model Results against Actual Historical Losses.......................................................... 35

    Hurricane Near-Term & Long-Term Rates ....................................................................................... 36

    Hurricane Average Annual Loss (AAL) Comparison ........................................................................ 37

    Hurricane Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Comparison .................................................................. 42

    Storm Surge ..................................................................................................................................... 46

    Loss Adjustment Expense for the Reinsurance Provision ............................................................... 47

    Selection of Models for TWIA ........................................................................................................... 49

    Data Quality & Improvements for TWIA ........................................................................................... 52

    Data Quality & Wind Mitigation ........................................................................................................ 58

    Claims Data ...................................................................................................................................... 59

    Model References: ........................................................................................................................... 60

    References ....................................................................................................................................... 60

    Appendix I: Data Audit Report .......................................................................................................... 62

    Section 8 : Future Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 63

    House Bill 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 63

    Additional Considerations................................................................................................................. 63

    Section 9 : Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 65

  • i Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

    Willis Towers Watson Confidential

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  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 3

    September 4, 2020

    Section 1: Purpose and Scope

    Willis Towers Watson (“we” or “us”) was engaged by Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (“TWIA”

    or “you”) to assist TWIA in determining an indicated rate level change for TWIA’s Residential and

    Commercial business incepting during the January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 period.

    The purpose of this report is to assist TWIA management in determining rate level actions for the

    January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 underwriting year (UY 2021). This report is not intended or

    necessarily suitable for any other purpose. While there is technically a timing mismatch between the

    projected reinsurance expenses developed in Exhibit 11.2 (which reflects an expected reinsurance

    premium, effective June 1, 2021; exhibit is available in both the Residential and Commercial

    documents) and the assumed effective date of the rate indication (which is January 1, 2021), we’ve

    confirmed with TWIA Actuarial Committee that this is acceptable, as what we’re producing is an

    estimated indication, not one to be filed with the Texas Department of Insurance.

    The exhibits attached in support of our conclusions are an integral part of this report. These sections

    have been prepared so that our actuarial assumptions and judgments are documented. Judgments

    about the analysis and findings presented in this report should be made only after considering the

    report in its entirety. Our projections are predicated on a number of assumptions as to future

    conditions and events. These assumptions are documented in subsequent sections of this report and

    should be understood in order to place the actuarial estimates in their appropriate context. In addition,

    these projections are subject to a number of reliances and limitations, as described in subsequent

    sections of this report.

    We are available to answer any questions that may arise regarding this report. We assume that the

    user of this report will seek such explanation on any matter in question.

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    Willis Towers Watson Confidential

    Section 2: Distribution

    Our report is delivered under the following terms and conditions:

    ■ This report is provided to TWIA solely for the intended purpose, and may not be referenced or

    distributed to any other party without our prior written consent

    ■ This report has been prepared for use by persons technically competent in the areas covered and

    with the necessary background information

    ■ Draft versions of this report must not be relied upon by any person for any purpose

    ■ You shall not refer to us or include any portion of this report in any shareholder communication or

    in any offering materials or fairness opinion provided by your professional advisors prepared in

    connection with the public offering or private placement of any security

    ■ You shall not refer to us in any communications with state insurance regulators without our prior

    consent, and

    ■ This report may be shared with your affiliates, provided that you ensure that each such affiliate

    complies with the terms above and the applicable statement of work as if it were a party to them,

    and you remain responsible for such compliance

    We accept no responsibility for any consequences arising from any third party relying on this report. If

    we agree to provide this report to a third party, you are responsible for ensuring that the report is

    provided in its entirety, that the third party is made aware of the fact that they are not entitled to rely

    upon it, and that they may not distribute the report to any other party.

  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 5

    September 4, 2020

    Section 3: Reliances and Limitations

    Loss cost indications, and therefore indicated rate changes, are subject to potentially large errors of

    estimation, since the occurrence and ultimate disposition of claims is subject to the outcome of events

    that have not yet occurred. Examples of these events include employment, prevalence of occupational

    injuries, propensity to file a claim, medical treatment, jury decisions, court interpretations, legislative

    changes, public attitudes or statutory changes. Any estimate of future costs is subject to the inherent

    limitation on one’s ability to predict the aggregate course of future events. It should therefore be

    expected that actual loss experience will vary, perhaps materially, from any estimate. Thus, no

    assurance can be given that TWIA’s actual loss costs will not ultimately exceed the estimates

    underlying the indicated rates contained in its analysis. In our judgment, we have employed

    techniques and assumptions that are appropriate, and the estimates presented herein are reasonable,

    given the information currently available.

    Note that a quantification of this uncertainty would likely reflect a range of reasonable favorable and

    adverse scenarios, but not necessarily a range of all possible outcomes. Further, the proper

    application of any range is dependent on the context.

    Throughout this analysis, we have relied on quantitative and qualitative information supplied by TWIA.

    We have not independently audited or verified this information; however, we have reviewed it for

    reasonableness and internal consistency. We have assumed that the information is complete and

    accurate, and that we have been provided with all information relevant to the development of the

    indicated rate changes. The accuracy of our results is dependent upon the accuracy and

    completeness of the underlying data; therefore, any material discrepancies discovered in this data

    should be reported to us and this report amended accordingly, if warranted.

    Given the condensed timeline associated with delivering TWIA our results, we used TWIA’s internally

    developed rate indication workbook. While we have endeavored to ensure that all of the calculations

    within the workbook are accurate, we did not perform a technical review of every formula within the

    rate indication workbook in their entirety. We understand that the rate indication workbook was

    developed by technically competent personnel, and that those personnel consider the rate indication

    workbook as suitable for the purposes of developing the estimates therein.

    Additionally, we have not anticipated any extraordinary changes to the legal, social, or economic

    environment that might affect the cost, frequency, or future reporting of claims.


    Sudden unforeseen events such as the COVID-19 pandemic can have significant impacts on the level

    of economic activity, investment markets and TWIA’s business and its experience. Our rate level

    indications do not contemplate any impact due to COVID-19. At this point, it is not possible to reliably

    forecast and quantify these impacts, and whether they will affect policies issued during the prospective

  • 6 Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

    Willis Towers Watson Confidential

    underwriting period covered in our analysis. Sources of uncertainty related to the impacts of COVID-

    19 likely include the following. This list is not intended to or claim to be exhaustive.

    ■ Public, corporate and government responses to COVID-19, and the extent to which these

    responses impact commercial activity and economic conditions

    ■ Potential legislative changes or judicial decisions as regards coverage

    ■ Impact on expense ratios due to changes in volume of business

    ■ Impact on loss ratios due to changes in mix of business

  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 7

    September 4, 2020

    Section 4: Summary of Rate Level Indications

    We have prepared separate rate level indications by hurricane projection method. The following table

    presents the indicated rate level changes by projection method:

    Hurricane Projection Method

    Residential Indicated Rate Level Change

    Commercial Indicated Rate Level Change

    Actual Experience and Models (50%/50%)

    32% 42%

    Actual Experience 21% 34%

    Hurricane Models (25% AIR/ 75% RMS)

    42% 49%

    AIR Model 54% 54%

    RMS Model 39% 47%

    The total rate change achieved by TWIA may deviate from the selected rate level change due to

    variations in actual UY 2021 experience (e.g., amount/mix of business written, losses, expenses,

    investment income) from the assumptions in this report.

    Here is a summary of the major differences between the Willis Towers Watson indications and the

    TWIA indications:

    1. Storm surge provision: We removed the storm surge provision from the indication. More

    details can be found in Section 7.

    2. LAE: We developed separate LAE loads for non-hurricane and hurricane. For the

    development of both the non-hurricane ALAE and ULAE loads, we removed the hurricane

    year of 2017. For hurricane, we selected a combined ALAE/ULAE provision of 17.2% based

    on the loss and LAE data supplied for Hurricanes Ike and Harvey as well as TWIA’s estimated

    Hurricane Ike litigation cost reduction stemming from House Bill 3. Based on this same data, a

    LAE provision of 17.2% was used in the calculation of the reinsurance expense provision.

    3. Hurricane year frequency: For the hurricane loss ratio based on industry experience, we

    changed the frequency to be a measure of the frequency of hurricane years and not of


    4. Reinsurance provision: This provision reflects our recommendation that less reinsurance limit

    can be purchased, which is detailed in Section 7. We also differed the provision between

    commercial and residential.

  • 8 Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

    Willis Towers Watson Confidential

    Section 5: Residential Indication

    Data Reconciliation

    In performing the rate level indication, we relied on data provided by TWIA. The main data file we used

    is the 2020 Data workbook. This workbook contains both TWIA’s internal premium and loss data, and

    premium and loss data provided by TICO (Texas Insurance Checking Office, Inc.). The data provided

    by TICO includes both industry data and TWIA data.

    The TICO-provided experience consists of paid loss data for accident years ending September 30

    evaluated as of December 31, 2019, whereas TWIA’s internal experience reflects paid loss data for

    accident years ending December 31 evaluated as of December 31, 2019. Because of this difference,

    we expect some variation when comparing the two sets of loss data. We compared both hurricane and

    non-hurricane paid losses by year:


    TICO TWIA Paid Loss TWIA Paid Loss Difference = TWIA/TICO – 1

    Hurricane Loss



    Total Loss

    Hurricane Loss



    Total Loss

    Hurricane Loss



    Total Loss

    2008 1,711,578,878 2,802,388 1,714,381,266 1,706,313,221 2,754,253 1,709,067,474 -0.3% -1.7% -0.3%

    2009 6,521,624 6,521,624 8,479,585 8,479,585 0.0% 30.0% 30.0%

    2010 1,251,439 11,557,131 12,808,570 10,958,718 10,958,718 -100.0% -5.2% -14.4%

    2011 76,656,054 76,656,054 76,980,633 76,980,633 0.0% 0.4% 0.4%

    2012 50,467,223 50,467,223 52,332,695 52,332,695 0.0% 3.7% 3.7%

    2013 65,565,099 65,565,099 63,503,334 63,503,334 0.0% -3.1% -3.1%

    2014 5,013,683 5,013,683 6,114,172 6,114,172 0.0% 21.9% 21.9%

    2015 113,519,286 113,519,286 119,859,509 119,859,509 0.0% 5.6% 5.6%

    2016 33,096,128 33,096,128 32,984 25,856,315 25,889,298 0.0% -21.9% -21.8%

    2017 885,447,193 32,538,230 917,985,423 879,897,311 21,341,252 901,238,563 -0.6% -34.4% -1.8%

    2018 10,306,333 10,306,333 400,850 11,248,445 11,649,295 0.0% 9.1% 13.0%

    2019 14,549,172 14,549,172 12,384,305 12,384,305 0.0% -14.9% -14.9%

    Grand Total

    2,598,277,510 422,592,351 3,020,869,861 2,586,644,366 411,813,215 2,998,457,581 -0.4% -2.6% -0.7%

    In 2010, there is a $1.2 million hurricane loss recorded by TICO but not by TWIA. Despite fluctuations

    from year to year between the two sets of data, the total paid losses between the two datasets appear

    reasonably similar.

    We also compared the TICO-provided TWIA earned premium data from 2010 to 2019 to the TWIA

    earned premium provided by TWIA:

  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 9

    September 4, 2020


    EP TWIA EP Difference = TWIA/TICO -1

    2010 271,890,346 273,154,916 0.8%

    2011 286,281,776 292,239,327 2.1%

    2012 315,773,226 323,323,869 2.4%

    2013 340,251,357 346,955,938 2.0%

    2014 367,422,606 372,022,089 1.3%

    2015 394,735,548 403,803,905 2.3%

    2016 400,592,831 405,934,590 1.3%

    2017 382,767,033 376,421,384 -1.7%

    2018 347,747,840 341,468,875 -1.8%

    2019 325,328,865 322,259,386 -0.9%

    The TWIA-provided earned premium was consistently higher from 2010 through 2016 and consistently

    lower from 2017 through 2019. A recommendation for TWIA is to work with TICO and reconcile the


    Summary of Methodology

    Due to the condensed timeline associated with delivering TWIA our results, we used TWIA’s 2019

    Excel file as the starting point for our indication work. In deriving the indicated residential rate level

    changes for the January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 policy year, we first brought earned premiums

    to the current rate level. We developed separate loss adjustment expense (LAE) loadings for

    hurricane and non-hurricane losses. Next, we calculated the combined trend factors for non-hurricane

    losses and premiums to obtain the projected ultimate loss ratio. We also calculated hurricane loss

    ratios using an average of industry experience and modeled results. After adding in the respective

    LAE loadings, we combined the non-hurricane loss ratio and hurricane loss ratio to obtain the

    projected ultimate loss and LAE ratio. Fixed and variable expenses were calculated separately based

    on historical expenses. The indicated rate change to achieve TWIA’s target underwriting profit

    provision (which is break-even) was then derived by comparing the indicated loss and LAE ratio and

    fixed expenses with the permissible loss, LAE and fixed expense ratio.

    Earned Premium at Current Rate Level

    Exhibit 10.2 shows the derivation of the current rate level factors based on TWIA-provided data. The

    current rate level factors are based on the parallelogram method and are the same for every territory

    since the rates and historical rate changes are the same throughout. These current rate level factors

    are applied to the TICO-provided TWIA earned premium in Exhibit 10, Sheets 1a through 1d to bring

    the premiums for each territory to current rate level. These premiums are used in Exhibit 2, Sheets 2a

    through 2d in the calculation of the non-hurricane loss & LAE ratios.

    Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Loading

    The LAE loading was calculated as Schedule P Defense and Cost Containment (DCC) and Adjusting

    and Other (AAO) expenses combined as a percentage of loss. (Throughout this indication document,

  • 10 Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

    Willis Towers Watson Confidential

    DCC is labelled as ALAE and AAO is labelled as ULAE.) We used 2010 through 2019 paid losses,

    paid DCC and paid AAO from TWIA’s 2019 Schedule P for Residential and Commercial combined,

    and calculated the 10-year weighted average DCC to loss ratio and AAO to loss ratio. The selected

    non-hurricane LAE ratio is the sum of the average DCC to loss ratio and AAO to loss ratio.

    For hurricane LAE, TWIA provided the loss, ALAE, and ULAE amounts for two of the most recent

    hurricanes, Ike (2008) and Harvey (2017). This detail was not available for any other hurricanes.

    Additionally, TWIA provided the estimated Hurricane Ike litigation cost reduction stemming from House

    Bill 3. We restated the loss for Hurricane Ike by subtracting the estimated litigation cost reduction from

    the unadjusted Hurricane Ike loss. We then calculated the LAE ratio for each hurricane and selected

    the loss-weighted average as the hurricane LAE ratio.

    Exhibit 4, Sheets 1 and 2, provide details on the deviation of both the hurricane and non-hurricane

    LAE loadings.

    Historical and Projected Trend Factors

    The net trend factor is calculated as the loss trend factor divided by the premium trend factor. Both

    trend factors are calculated using a two-step trending method.

    The current premium trend factors are calculated as the ratio of the latest available average written

    premium to the historical written premiums, using written premium provided by TWIA. The details of

    such calculations can be found in Exhibit 2, Sheet 5. The selected prospective premium trend factor is

    0.1%, which is an average of the 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year exponential fitted trends. The premium

    trend data is very stable and there is little variation in these three trends. More details are provided in

    Exhibit 3, Sheet 2.

    TWIA provided three different indices for loss trend calculations: Boeckh Residential Construction

    Index (Statewide), Boeckh Residential Construction Index (Coastal), and Modified Consumer Price

    Index (CPI). For the purposes of trend calculations, we assigned 75% weight to Boeckh Residential

    Construction Index (Coastal) and 25% weight to Modified CPI.

    The current loss trend factors for accident years 2010 through 2019 are calculated using the

    September 30, 2019 index divided by the September 30 index of each respective year. We calculated

    trend factors for all three indices and used the weights mentioned above to arrive at the current loss

    trend factors for each year. We also calculated 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year exponential fitted trends for

    all three indices. The 5-year exponential fit factors are selected for the purpose of calculating

    prospective loss trend. The factors are weighted as mentioned above, and the selected prospective

    loss trend factor is 1.7%. The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibit 2, Sheet 5 and Exhibit

    3, Sheets 3a-d.

  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 11

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    Projected Ultimate Non-Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio

    In order to derive the projected ultimate non-hurricane loss and LAE ratio, we first calculated the loss

    development factors (LDFs) to bring the non-hurricane losses in historical periods to an ultimate basis.

    TICO provided statewide industry non-hurricane paid losses, and from there we selected the

    corresponding paid LDFs. (Note: It would be preferable to have this data for only the territories in

    which TWIA writes business). For loss development, we used the 5-year average paid LDFs shown on

    Exhibit 3, Sheet 1 since the data is relatively stable and reflects the most recent experience. The

    projected ultimate non-hurricane loss and LAE ratio can now be calculated as follows:

    1. Develop non-hurricane paid losses to ultimate using paid LDFs. 2. Apply the selected non-hurricane LAE loading to result of step 1 to obtain the ultimate non-

    hurricane loss and LAE. 3. Divide the result in step 2 by on-leveled earned premium to obtain the non-hurricane loss and

    LAE ratio. 4. Apply the combined premium and loss trend factors to obtain the projected non-hurricane loss

    and LAE ratio.

    The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibit 2, Sheets 1 through 4 and Exhibit 3, Sheet 1, on

    both an aggregated and by-territory basis.

    Projected Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio

    Two different projected hurricane loss ratios are calculated: one based on industry loss experience,

    and one based on hurricane models.

    Industry Loss Experience

    To develop the projected hurricane loss ratio, we looked at industry hurricane experience for the last

    54 years and 169 years, respectively. TWIA provided the industry seacoast dwelling extended

    coverage premium and losses for the 54-year period of 1966 through 2019. For years where sufficient

    information is available (2003 through 2019), the earned premium is brought to the current TWIA rate

    level using the parallelogram method. For years prior to 2003, we adopted the same methodology

    used by TWIA in the 2019 rate indication.

    We calculated the average loss ratio for every year from 1966 to 2019. We calculated an average loss

    ratio of 105.8% for the 14 hurricane years and an average loss ratio of 9.1% for the non-hurricane

    years. We subtracted the non-hurricane loss ratio from the hurricane year loss ratio to obtain the

    average hurricane loss ratio of 96.7%.

    Due to the infrequent nature of hurricanes, in addition to the 54-year frequency of 0.241, we also

    calculated a 169-year frequency of 0.320 (where frequency here measures the presence of at least

    one hurricane in a given year). We selected 0.320 as the frequency since a common belief is that this

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    longer-term average is more representative of the true hurricane year frequency. We then multiplied

    the average hurricane loss ratio of 96.7% by the 169-year hurricane year frequency to arrive at the

    projected hurricane loss ratio of 30.9%. Although intuitive, methods relying on actual industry

    hurricane loss experience often lack refinement and produce less credible projections as compared to

    hurricane models, particularly due to changes in land use, population densities, construction

    techniques and materials, engineering techniques and building codes over time, which can greatly

    impact loss costs. Such differences could render calculated industry loss ratios ineffective for

    projection purposes.

    The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibit 6 and Exhibit 9.

    Hurricane Models

    In addition to using industry loss experience, we also calculated the projected hurricane loss ratio by

    using results from more refined hurricane simulation models. TWIA provided the modeled average

    annual loss (AAL) results from both catastrophe modeling vendors Applied Insurance Research (AIR)

    and Risk Management Solutions (RMS). Both sets of modeled losses include impacts of demand

    surge but exclude storm surge and LAE. We validated the gross AAL by county output provided by

    TWIA. The RMS modeled loss ratio is 42.4% and the AIR modeled loss ratio is 52.4%. We selected a

    75% RMS/25% AIR weighting which results in a modeled projected hurricane loss ratio of 44.9%.

    For details, please see the Hurricane Model Results section of the report.

    The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibits 7 and 8.

    Projected Loss & LAE Ratio

    The last step is to add the hurricane LAE load of 17.2% to the hurricane loss ratios obtained from

    industry experience and modeled results. The projected loss ratios are 49.7% and 61.4% for RMS and

    AIR models, respectively.

    The details of the above calculations can be found in Exhibit 5.

    Fixed and Variable Expenses

    TWIA provided a combination of historical and prospective expense, Catastrophe Reserve Trust Fund

    (CRTF) contribution, and Class 1 public security interest and principal repayment schedule data. TWIA

    also provided underwriting contingency and uncertainty provision of 5%. Using this data, we

    developed both fixed and variable expense provisions. The total fixed expense provision (42.2%)

    includes general expenses (8.5%, details below), Class 1 public security interest and principal

    repayment (17.9%), and the reinsurance expense ratio (15.8%; details below). The total variable

    expense provision (17.9%) includes commissions (16.0%) and taxes, licenses and fees (1.9%).

  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 13

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    Per Note 13 of TWIA’s 2019 Annual Statement, TWIA “is required to use the net gain from operations

    of the Assocation to make payments to the CRTF, procure reinsurance, or use alternative risk

    financing mechanisms.” Given this requirement, we believe including a provision for a CRTF

    contribution will artificially inflate the rate indication (since the CRTF is ultimately used to pay TWIA’s

    catastrophe claims and help lower TWIA’s net payments). However, we do believe that including an

    undewriting contingency and uncertainty provision is appropriate, and we have selected 5%. This

    provision is effectively treated as a variable expense.

    The details of the above are presented in Exhibit 11, Sheet 1.

    General Expenses Breakdown

    General expenses come from TWIA’s Annual Statement U&IE Part 3 for the past 3 years. For each

    year, general expenses consist of values from Line 19: Totals (Line 3 to 18) in Column 2 (Other

    Underwriting Expenses) of U&IE, Line 24: Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous expenses in Column

    2, and Line 30: Total Expenses Paid in Column 3 (Investment Expenses). Aggregate write-in items for

    other underwriting expenses include IT expenses, HB3 Ombudsman Program expenses,

    Depopulation Service Fee, and miscellaneous expenses. Aggregate write-in items for investment

    expenses in general include bond issuance expenses, line of credit related expenses, and investment


    General Expenses from Annual Statement

    UW Expense Category 2017 2018 2019

    Total (excluding miscellaneous items below) $24,365,480 $25,792,502 $24,171,890

    IT Exp less Capitalization of HW/SW 2,200,127 2,482,613

    IT Systems Support & Product Development 4,876,568

    HB3 Ombudsman Program 113,028 110,701 132,297

    Miscellaneous Expenses 30,542 92,255 14,778

    Depopulation Service Fee -520,882 -248,371 -120,463

    Subtotal 26,188,295 28,229,700 29,075,070

    Investment Expense Categories 2017 2018 2019

    Bond Issuance Expense $171,536 $42,018 $563,706

    Line of Credit Issuance Expenses 1,436,569 526,856

    Line of Credit Fees 783,333 1,022,222

    Investment Expenses 195,557 274,082

    Less unpaid expenses - current year -69,324

    Add unpaid expenses - prior year 199,434 69,324

    Subtotal 301,646 2,526,801 2,386,866

    Total General Expenses $26,489,941 $30,756,501 $31,461,936

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    Projected Reinsurance Expense Ratio

    We revised the methodology to calculate the projected reinsurance expense ratio.

    As explained in Section 7, we developed 2021-2022 expected reinsurance premium and AIR and

    RMS expected average annual losses (AALs) by reinsurance layer. (Note: The expected layer AALs

    would likely be lower than the amounts shown due to negative exposure trend, while the expected

    reinsurance premium would likely be higher than the amount shown due to higher reinsurance costs.)

    We selected a total AAL based on a 50% RMS/50% AIR weighting and loaded LAE. We calculated the

    net cost of reinsurance by subtracting the projected AAL+LAE from the reinsurance premium. We then

    calculated the projected reinsurance expense ratio as the expected net cost of reinsurance divided by

    TWIA 2019 earned premium at present rates. The calculated ratio is 15.8%.

    The details are contained in Exhibit 11, Sheet 2.

    Indicated Rate Level Change

    Permissible Loss and LAE Ratio

    The permissible loss & LAE ratio is 77.1%, which equals 1 – total variable expenses – underwriting

    contingency and uncertainty provision.

    Dividing the projected ultimate loss, LAE and fixed expense ratio by the permissible loss & LAE ratio

    gives us the indicated rate level change.

    Details of this calculation can be found in Exhibit 1.

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    Section 6: Commercial Indication

    Data Reconciliation

    In performing the rate level indication, we relied on loss and premium data provided by TWIA. The

    main data file we used is the 2020 Data workbook. The paid loss data provided reflects loss data for

    accident years ending December 31 evaluated as of December 31, 2019. We reconciled the losses

    and premium provided to the 2019 Annual Statement. Both losses and premiums reconciled within a

    0.1% margin.

    Summary of Methodology

    Due to the condensed timeline associated with delivering TWIA our results, we used TWIA’s 2019

    Excel file as the starting point for our indication work. In deriving the indicated commercial rate level

    changes for the January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 policy year, we first brought earned premiums

    to the current rate level. We developed separate loss adjustment expense (LAE) loadings for

    hurricane and non-hurricane losses. Next, we calculated the combined trend factors for non-hurricane

    losses and premiums to obtain the projected ultimate loss ratio. We also calculated hurricane loss

    ratios using an average of industry experience and modeled results. After adding in the respective

    LAE loadings, we combined the non-hurricane loss ratio and hurricane loss ratio to obtain the

    projected ultimate loss and LAE ratio. Fixed and variable expenses were calculated separately based

    on historical expenses. The indicated rate change to achieve TWIA’s target underwriting profit

    provision (which is break-even) was then derived by comparing the indicated loss and LAE ratio and

    fixed expenses with the permissible loss, LAE and fixed expense ratio.

    Earned Premium at Current Rate Level

    Exhibit 10.2 shows the derivation of the current rate level factors based on TWIA-provided data. The

    current rate level factors are calculated based on the parallelogram method and are the same for

    every territory since the rates and historical rate changes are the same throughout. These current rate

    level factors are applied to the written premiums in Exhibit 10, Sheet 1 to bring the historical premiums

    to current rate level. These premiums are used in Exhibit 2, Sheet 1 in the calculation of the non-

    hurricane loss & LAE ratios.

    Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Loading

    The LAE loading was calculated as Schedule P Defense and Cost Containment (DCC) and Adjusting

    and Other (AAO) expenses combined as a percentage of loss. (Throughout the indication, DCC is

    labelled as ALAE and AAO is labelled as ULAE.) We used 2010 through 2019 paid losses, paid DCC

    and paid AAO from TWIA’s 2019 Schedule P combining both Residential and Commercial programs,

    and calculated the 10-year weighted average DCC to loss ratio and AAO to loss ratio. The selected

    non-hurricane LAE ratio is the sum of the average DCC to loss ratio and AAO to loss ratio.

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    For hurricane LAE, TWIA provided the loss, ALAE, and ULAE amounts for two of the most recent

    hurricanes, Ike (2008) and Harvey (2017). This detail was not available for any other hurricanes.

    Additionally, TWIA provided the estimated Hurricane Ike litigation cost reduction stemming from House

    Bill 3. We restated the loss for Hurricane Ike by subtracting the estimated litigation cost reduction from

    the unadjusted Hurricane Ike loss. We then calculated the LAE ratio for each hurricane and selected

    the loss-weighted average as the hurricane LAE ratio.

    Exhibit 4, Sheets 1 and 2, provide details on the deviation of both the hurricane and non-hurricane

    LAE loadings.

    Historical and Projected Trend Factors

    The net trend factor is calculated as the loss trend factor divided by the premium trend factor. Both

    trend factors are calculated using a two-step trending method.

    The current premium trend factors are calculated as the ratio of the latest available average written

    premium to the historical written premiums, using written premium provided by TWIA. The details of

    such calculations can be found in Exhibit 2, Sheet 4. The prospective premium trend factor of 1.0%

    was selected, by taking into consideration the 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year exponential fitted trends. In

    recent years, there appears to be a moderate increase in the premium trend data. More details are

    provided in Exhibit 3, Sheet 2.

    TWIA provided three different indices for loss trend calculations: Boeckh Commercial Construction

    Index (Statewide), Boeckh Commercial Construction Index (Coastal), and Modified Consumer Price

    Index (CPI). For the purposes of trend calculations, we assigned 75% weight to Boeckh Commercial

    Construction Index (Coastal) and 25% weight to Modified CPI.

    The current loss trend factors for accident years 2010 through 2019 are calculated using the

    December 31, 2019 index divided by the December 31 index of each respective year. We calculated

    trend factors for all three indices and used the weights mentioned above to arrive at the current loss

    trend factors for each year. We calculated an all-year exponential fitted trend for all three indices and a

    3-year, 4-year and 5-year exponential trend for the Modified CPI. For the purpose of calculating the

    prospective loss trend, we selected the all-year exponential fit factor for the Boeckh Commercial

    Construction Index (Coastal) and the 5-year exponential fit factor for the Modified CPI. The factors are

    weighted as mentioned above, and the selected prospective loss trend factor is 1.9%. The details of

    the calculations can be found in Exhibit 2, Sheet 4 and Exhibit 3, Sheets 3a to 3d.

    Projected Ultimate Non-Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio

    In order to derive the projected ultimate non-hurricane loss and LAE ratio, we first calculated the loss

    development factors (LDFs) to bring the non-hurricane losses in historical periods to an ultimate basis.

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    TWIA provided statewide industry non-hurricane paid losses, and from there we selected the

    corresponding paid LDFs. (Note: It would be preferable to have this data for only the territories in

    which TWIA writes business). For loss development, we used the 5-year average paid LDFs shown on

    Exhibit 3, Sheet 1 since the data is relatively stable and reflects the most recent experience. The

    projected ultimate non-hurricane loss and LAE ratio can now be calculated as follows:

    1. Develop non-hurricane paid losses to ultimate using paid LDFs. 2. Apply the selected non-hurricane LAE loading to the result of step 1 to obtain the ultimate

    non-hurricane loss and LAE. 3. Apply the combined premium and loss trend factors to the result in step 2 to obtain the

    projected non-hurricane loss and LAE 4. Divide the result in step 3 by on-leveled earned premium to obtain the non-hurricane loss

    and LAE ratio.

    The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibit 2, Sheets 1 through 2 and Exhibit 3, Sheet 1.

    Projected Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio

    Two different projected hurricane loss ratios are calculated: one based on industry loss experience,

    and one based on hurricane models.

    Industry Loss Experience

    To develop the projected hurricane loss ratio, we looked at industry hurricane experience for the last

    50 years and 169 years, respectively. TWIA provided the industry commercial extended coverage

    premium and losses for the 50-year period of 1970 through 2019 for each territory. For years where

    sufficient information is available, the earned premium is brought to the current TWIA rate level using

    the parallelogram method. For all other years, we adopted the same methodology used by TWIA in

    the 2019 rate indication.

    We calculated the average loss ratio for every year from 1970 to 2019. We calculated an average loss

    ratio of 140.7% for the 13 hurricane years and an average loss ratio of 7.0% for the non-hurricane

    years. We subtracted the non-hurricane loss ratio from the hurricane year loss ratio to obtain the

    average hurricane loss ratio of 133.7%.

    Due to the infrequent nature of hurricanes, in addition to the 50-year frequency of 0.240, we also

    calculated a 169-year frequency of 0.320 (where frequency here measures the presence of at least

    one hurricane in a given year). We selected 0.320 as the frequency since a common belief is that this

    longer-term average is more representative of the true hurricane year frequency. We then multiplied

    the average hurricane loss ratio of 133.7% by the 169-year hurricane year frequency to arrive at the

    projected hurricane loss ratio of 42.8%. Although intuitive, methods relying on actual industry

    hurricane loss experience often lack refinement and produce less credible projections as compared to

    hurricane models, particularly due to changes in land use, population densities, construction

    techniques and materials, engineering techniques and building codes over time, which can greatly

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    impact loss costs. Such differences could render the calculated industry loss ratios ineffective for

    projection purposes.

    The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibit 6 and Exhibit 9.

    Hurricane Models

    In addition to using industry loss experience, we also calculated the projected hurricane loss ratio by

    using results from more refined hurricane simulation models. TWIA provided the modeled average

    annual loss (AAL) results from both catastrophe modeling vendors Applied Insurance Research (AIR)

    and Risk Management Solutions (RMS). Both sets of modeled losses include impacts of demand

    surge but exclude storm surge and LAE. We validated the gross AAL by county output provided by

    TWIA. The AIR modeled loss ratio is 55.8% and the RMS modeled loss ratio is 51.0%. We selected a

    75% RMS/25% AIR weighting, which results in a modeled projected hurricane loss ratio of 52.2%.

    For details, please see the Hurricane Model Results section of the report.

    The details of the calculations can be found in Exhibits 7 and 8.

    Projected Loss & LAE Ratio

    The last step is to add the hurricane LAE load of 17.2% to the hurricane loss ratios obtained from

    industry experience and modeled results. The projected loss ratios are 65.4% and 59.8% for AIR and

    RMS models, respectively.

    The details of the above calculations can be found in Exhibit 5.

    Fixed and Variable Expenses

    TWIA provided a combination of historical and prospective expense, Catastrophe Reserve Trust Fund

    (CRTF) contribution, and Class 1 public security interest and principal repayment schedule data. TWIA

    also provided an assumed CRTF contribution and underwriting contingency and uncertainty provision

    of 5%. Using this data, we developed both fixed and variable expense provisions. The total fixed

    expense provision (44.3%) includes general expenses (8.5%, details below), Class 1 public security

    interest and principal repayment (17.9%), and the reinsurance expense ratio (17.9%; explained

    below). The total variable expense provision (17.9%) includes commissions (16.0%) and taxes,

    licenses and fees (1.9%).

    Per Note 13 of TWIA’s 2019 Annual Statement, TWIA “is required to use the net gain from operations

    of the Assocation to make payments to the CRTF, procure reinsurance, or use alternative risk

    financing mechanisms.” Given this requirement, we believe including a provision for a CRTF

    contribution will artificially inflate the rate indication (since the CRTF is ultimately used to pay TWIA’s

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    catastrophe claims and help lower TWIA’s net payments). However, we do believe that including an

    undewriting contingency and uncertainty provision is appropriate, and we have selected 5%. This

    provision is effectively treated as a variable expense.

    The details of the above are presented in Exhibit 11, Sheet 1.

    General Expenses Breakdown

    General expenses come from TWIA’s Annual Statement U&IE Part 3 for the past 3 years. For each

    year, general expenses consist of values from Line 19: Totals (Line 3 to 18) in Column 2 (Other

    Underwriting Expenses) of U&IE, Line 24: Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous expenses in Column

    2, and Line 30: Total Expenses Paid in Column 3 (Investment Expenses). Aggregate write-in items for

    other underwriting expenses include IT expenses, HB3 Ombudsman Program expenses,

    Depopulation Service Fee, and miscellaneous expenses. Aggregate write-in items for investment

    expenses in general include bond issuance expenses, line of credit related expenses, and investment


    General Expenses from Annual Statement

    UW Expense Category 2017 2018 2019

    Total (excluding miscellaneous items below) $24,365,480 $25,792,502 $24,171,890

    IT Exp less Capitalization of HW/SW 2,200,127 2,482,613

    IT Systems Support & Product Development 4,876,568

    HB3 Ombudsman Program 113,028 110,701 132,297

    Miscellaneous Expenses 30,542 92,255 14,778

    Depopulation Service Fee -520,882 -248,371 -120,463

    Subtotal 26,188,295 28,229,700 29,075,070

    Investment Expense Categories 2017 2018 2019

    Bond Issuance Expense $171,536 $42,018 $563,706

    Line of Credit Issuance Expenses 1,436,569 526,856

    Line of Credit Fees 783,333 1,022,222

    Investment Expenses 195,557 274,082

    Less unpaid expenses - current year -69,324

    Add unpaid expenses - prior year 199,434 69,324

    Subtotal 301,646 2,526,801 2,386,866

    Total General Expenses $26,489,941 $30,756,501 $31,461,936

    Projected Reinsurance Expense Ratio

    We revised the methodology to calculate the projected reinsurance expense ratio.

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    As explained in Section 7, we developed 2021-2022 expected reinsurance premium and AIR and

    RMS expected average annual losses (AALs) by reinsurance layer. (Note: The expected layer AALs

    would likely be lower than the amounts shown due to negative exposure trend, while the expected

    reinsurance premium would likely be higher than the amount shown due to higher reinsurance costs.)

    We selected a total AAL based on a 50% RMS/50% AIR weighting and loaded LAE. We calculated the

    net cost of reinsurance by subtracting the projected AAL+LAE from the reinsurance premium. We then

    calculated the projected reinsurance expense ratio as the expected net cost of reinsurance divided by

    TWIA 2019 earned premium at present rates. The calculated ratio is 17.9%.

    The details are contained in Exhibit 11, Sheet 2.

    Indicated Rate Level Change

    Permissible Loss and LAE Ratio

    The permissible loss & LAE ratio is 77.1%, which equals 1 – total variable expenses – underwriting

    contingency and uncertainty provision.

    Dividing the projected ultimate loss, LAE and fixed expense ratio by the permissible loss & LAE ratio

    gives us the indicated rate level change.

    Details of this calculation can be found in Exhibit 1.

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    Section 7: Hurricane Model Evaluation

    Executive Summary

    Willis Towers Watson (WTW) was chosen by Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) to perform an independent study of TWIA’s rate adequacy and use of hurricane models to estimate potential losses in its rate-setting process. This section of the report focuses on the hurricane modeling aspect of this engagement, particularly providing insights into the significant differences between the RMS and AIR North Atlantic Hurricane model outputs with respect to Average Annual Loss estimates and the 100-year probable maximum loss for TWIA’s portfolio. We are pleased to offer our summary of TWIA’s current approach and our recommended adjustments:

    We also outline a data improvement plan which develops a strategy to improve the data quality of TWIA’s policy information and historical claims data, and endeavor to outline an estimated range of financial impacts on the PML and reinsurance purchase. As an extension of the data quality initiative, we outline several secondary modifiers that could improve the accuracy of TWIA’s model loss and could potentially reduce TWIA’s reinsurance cost.

    Data Collection from TWIA

    The following includes data provided by TWIA and data limitations to consider in reviewing this report:

    ▪ Gross modeling output for RMS RiskLink v18.1 and AIR Touchstone v7, based on exposure data as of November 30, 2019. WTW also received the underlying exposure data, which allowed us to remodel the book in order to provide an in-depth study of TWIA modeled loss results (county-level gross AAL provided by TWIA was used in our rate indications work). This exposure file is the same file TWIA’s reinsurance broker received for the 2020 renewal.

    ▪ Modeling assumptions for the 2020 reinsurance program by TWIA and their reinsurance broker.

    Cat model approach for reinsurance and rate filings


    Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio

    (HuLR)1 or Reinsurance

    Spend part of Fixed

    Expenses2TWIA's Current



    Model Weight (RMS/AIR) Both 50% / 50% 75% / 25%

    Long-term / Medium-term Both Medium term Long term

    Loss Adjustment Expense Both 15% load 17.2% load5

    Storm Surge (flood) HuLR 10% load on AAL excluded

    Reinsurance excluded excluded

    1-100 yr (11/30/19 data) Reinsurance 3,600,000,000 3,180,000,000

    LAE Load 15.00% 17.20%

    1-100 yr w/ LAE (rounded) 4,200,000,000 3,740,000,000

    Assumed Reinsurance Limit (2020) 2,100,000,000 1,640,000,000

    Assumed Reinsurance Retention (2020) 2,100,000,000 2,100,000,000

    2020 Net Reinsurance Spend $4 102,066,436 85,227,815

    2020 Reinsurance Cost % for Rate Indication Residential 18.7% 15.8%

    Commercial 18.7% 17.9%

    2019 Earned Premium at Present Rates 384,669,667 384,669,6671 Hurricane Loss and LAE Ratio found in Indication Exhibit 52 Reinsurance Spend as a part of Fixed Expenses found in Indication Exhibit 113This f igure represents the methodology TWIA is currently using and the actual limit purchased.4 Current Net Spend = 107,500,000 gross spend less broker discount, depopulation policies and applicable commissions. See Indication Exhibit 11.25 Details on the calculation of the Loss Adjustment Expense for the HuLR can be found in Indication Exhibit 4.2

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    ▪ The total limit modeled is about 1.5% less than what TWIA used for the 2020 reinsurance purchase due to:

    o Our adjustment of building limit down to building value for instances where the limit is higher than value.

    o We excluded 1,831 policies that were marked as depopulated from modeling (approximately 0.9% of total TIV).

    ▪ Hurricane Ike and Hurricane Harvey claims data including bulk ULAE amounts. ▪ Individual losses from other historical hurricanes before 2008 were not available for review. ▪ 2008 policy level exposure information at the time of Hurricane Ike was not provided.

    Hurricane Fundamentals

    Tropical cyclones are non-frontal, low-pressure systems with closed wind circulation and deep convection to the top of the troposphere. In the northern hemisphere, the winds rotate counterclockwise around the low-pressure center, while in the southern hemisphere the winds rotate in a clockwise direction. Tropical cyclones with peak winds greater than 74 mph are called hurricanes in the North Atlantic and Eastern/Central Pacific oceans. The North Atlantic basin spawns an average of 12 tropical cyclones a year, 6 of which become hurricanes. On average the U.S. coastline (from Texas through Maine) will experience between 1 and 2 hurricane landfalls per year, but hurricane landfalls have an even stronger seasonal variance than the overall basin total. When a hurricane makes landfall, the force of strong winds can destroy buildings, bring down power lines and trees and blow vehicles off roads. High winds cause differential pressures acting on the building envelope, which includes roofs and walls and their associated components. A significant amount of the damage to structures associated with high winds is produced by windborne debris impacting the buildings and damaging the building exterior including roof covering, windows, and doors. Rainwater damage to a building’s interior will normally result after damage to the building envelope has occurred. Along the coast, storm surge is often the greatest threat to life and property from a hurricane. Storm surge is defined as the abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, above the natural astronomical tide. This abnormal elevation results from water being pushed towards the shore by the hurricane wind and the bump in the ocean level caused by the decreased air pressure found in the hurricane. As it relates to the timing of a landfall hurricane, a high tide or low tide could impact the amount of storm surge pushed onto shore as we have seen with Hurricane Harvey in 2017 (TX) and more recently with hurricane Isaias (2020, North Carolina). Riding on top of the storm surge are wind induced waves that increase the energy of the surge and its height, which in turn can significantly increase the damage at a location that experiences this type of flow. In addition to high winds and storm surge, hurricanes also threaten coastal areas with their heavy rains.

    Overview of Model Components

    Willis Re licenses several catastrophe models, but the two most widely used are RMS and AIR. Below is a brief overview of the model components applicable to both RMS and AIR that serve as base framework for the follow up discussion on catastrophe model results and understanding of the driving forces behind the significant loss differences between the models for the TWIA portfolio. A more complete examination of each model’s construct, key components, and underlying assumptions and methodologies as it pertains to TWIA can be found under the Model Validation & Selection for TWIA.

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    The chart below highlights the key building blocks found in both RMS and AIR catastrophe models:

    ▪ Stochastic Event Component (Event Database)

    This component contains events representing the full spectrum of likely events based on realistic meteorological parameters and historical data. Each stochastic event is described by its physical parameters, location, and frequency of occurrence. This component answers questions pertaining to chances of event occurring or frequency of events. Both AIR and RMS models provide two views of hurricane event rates for loss estimate. As such, results between models will depend on the view under consideration.

    ▪ Hazard Component

    This component assesses the level of physical hazard at a location against each of the stochastic event. Sources of hurricane data, wind speeds, and geocoding accuracy all play a factor in determining the hazard level at a location.

    ▪ Engineering / Vulnerability

    The calculation of mean damage ratio and associated uncertainty are influence by the characteristics of the location. Both models consider the same set of primary characteristics for calculating the damage ratio of a risk - the building’s construction type, occupancy type, building height (number of stories), square footage, and year built. However, their methodologies and views of the vulnerability of these risks are different and can vary greatly across each state. Other important building features, called secondary risk characteristics or modifiers, are also considered by the models and they act to modify the damage ratio computed from a combination of primary characteristics. Currently, TWIA does not capture any secondary risk characteristics or if it is captured, the data was not provided to Willis Towers Watson. See Data Quality & Improvement for TWIA on more detailed discussion.

    ▪ Financial component This last component is where the physical damage is converted into monetary loss by applying policy specific information such as deductibles and limits. Loss amounts to different stakeholders, from policyholder, to insurance company and reinsurers based on policy terms are assigned. The main financial perspectives available are:

    o Ground-up – loss irrespective of policy terms/ deductibles. This is generally not used by an insurance company.

    o Gross – loss to the insurance policy after application of deductibles, limits or coinsurance. This is generally used by TWIA in rate filing work and reviewing reinsurance options.

    o Net Loss Pre-Cat – loss after applying all non-cat treaties (e.g. per risk) and facultative reinsurance, but before any cat treaties.

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    o Net Loss Post-Cat – loss after applying all reinsurance but before corporate cat xol

    and stop loss treaties

    This report will focus on the gross loss, given that TWIA doesn’t purchase any inuring reinsurance to the current program. These perspectives are often given in the context of average annual expected losses and probable maximum loss.

    o Average Annual Loss (AAL) is the amount needed to cover loss over time. Actual loss sustained for any given year may be higher or lower than the modeled AAL.

    o Probable Maximum Loss (PML), usually stated on an occurrence or aggregate basis, refers to the probability that at least one event (occurrence basis, or OEP) or sum of all events (aggregate basis or AEP) will occur that causes loss of at least a certain amount in any given year. TWIA’s current program is placed on an aggregate basis.

    It is important to note that loss adjustment expenses, debris removal, and inflation of claims due to political pressure or litigation are examples of loss elements not included in catastrophe models. Loss adjustment expenses are often added on top of modeled results in rate filings and reinsurance buying process. We analyze storm surge (flood) throughout this report, but precipitation induced inland flooding is not included in either the wind or storm surge in RMS, while AIR allows for explicit modeling of this flood peril.

    Model Validation

    The next several pages provide a scientific background on catastrophe models, and unless referenced, will not directly relate to Texas or TWIA’s portfolio.

    Stochastic Event Component

    Both AIR and RMS models provide two views of hurricane activity rates for loss estimate. As such, results between models will depend on the view under consideration. Long-term view is based on historical average of hurricane landfall. Medium-term (aka Near-term) is often used synonymously between RMS and AIR but there is a subtle difference in definition. RMS utilizes historical average as baseline, however going further, it provides a 5-year forecast based on the understanding that hurricanes in the Atlantic are known to follow periods of heightened or diminished activity in terms of frequency of events, intensity, and landfall frequency. AIR on the other hand, measures hurricane risk based on years in which the sea surface temperature (SST) was above the historical mean, and therefore provides a measure of expected risk for any season/seasons in which the Atlantic is warmer than average. ➢ Seasonal Variability in Hurricane Activity and Forecast of Multi-year Hurricanes Rates

    The basin wide hurricane variability in the Atlantic is well correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), whose positive phases have been noted to be closely linked to active periods for Atlantic hurricanes (Figure 1). Positive AMO phases are characterized by above-average far North and tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature (SSTs). The most recent warm phase began in 1995. Before the last two active hurricane seasons (2017 – 2018), even though we had some eminent storms like Sandy and Matthew, the northern Atlantic hurricane activity had been relatively quiet for few years, which has led to some speculations as to whether we have entered into a new persistent period of low hurricane activity similar to what was observed from the early 1970s to mid-1990s (Klotzbach et al. 2015). However, there is low confidence in this occurring.

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    The low confidence arises from our incomplete understanding of the AMO, evidenced by competing theories for its driving mechanisms. Also, any cool phase could be warmer due to climate change.

    Even though the basin wide Atlantic hurricane activity is well correlated with SST and vertical wind shear (VWS), they are not good measures of the landfall frequency in the U.S. Some research studies indicate that during the period of warm SST and low VWS in the main development region (MDR), an enhanced hurricane activity in the basin is observed along with high VWS along the U.S. coast. VWS hinders hurricanes from maintaining the thermodynamic potential intensity. Therefore, higher VWS during the active period in the basin would weaken hurricanes that tend to approach the U.S. coastline. Prof. Kossin (2017) demonstrated that the probability of higher intensification of a hurricane near the U.S. coast during cold/inactive periods was higher than a hurricane near the U.S. coast during active periods.

    There are other environmental drivers of hurricane activity, such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which could drive seasonal hurricane activity. ENSO is an ocean-atmosphere interaction in the tropical Pacific that influences weather and climate patterns around the world. El Niño events are characterized by warmer than usual sea surface temperature (SST) in the eastern and central tropical Pacific, and La Niña events are characterized by cooler than usual SST in the eastern and central tropical Pacific. The impact of ENSO on hurricane activity has been well documented. Gray (1984) showed that El Niño conditions reduce hurricane activity in the North Atlantic basin due to stronger vertical wind shear and trade winds and greater atmospheric stability. Conversely, La Niña conditions, which are accompanied by weaker vertical wind shear and trade winds and less atmospheric stability, tend to increase hurricane activity in the Atlantic. The left plot in Figure 2 shows average number of hurricanes per year on the U.S. coast from 1950-2018 during years classified by average over July to September (JAS) index ENSO phases. The right plot shows the decreasing trend with increasing ENSO.

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    In summary, our incomplete understanding of the AMO and competing theories for its driving mechanisms prevent us from having high confidence on multi-annual prediction of AMO. On the other side, ENSO is also a good indicator of basin activity during a hurricane season but is not reliable for more than a few months in advance. As an example, during the 2017 hurricane season when Harvey hit the Texas coast, the ENSO forecast changed drastically from El Niño phase to Neutral over a couple of months before the hurricane season began, which basically enforced the Atlantic hurricane activity forecast to shift from below average to above average. In comparison to seasonal hurricane forecasts, the field of multi-annual forecasting is very much in its infancy (Caron et al., 2017). One should keep in mind that even a season with a few hurricanes can yield highly destructive storms, such as Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

    Given the challenges in making a reliable forecast of multi-annual average hurricane rates and the current state of the knowledge on multi-annual forecast of the hurricane activity, Willis Re suggests using the long-term rates (historical catalog) as the standard view for the risk assessment when modeling for hurricane in RMS. Medium-term rates should mainly be used for sensitivity analyses.

    AIR assumes SST is the major factor to influence Atlantic hurricane activity and ignores the impact of ENSO and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the development of their WSST catalog. Willis Re recommends using the Standard catalog for the risk assessment when modeling in AIR. AIR believes their Warm SST catalog should be used as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, its Standard catalog.

    ➢ Frequency Comparison

    From a risk perspective, the frequency of landfalling storms is important for assessing the probability of a given property’s exposure to different levels of damaging wind. WTW performed the validation of landfall frequencies by comparing actual annual frequency from HURDAT2 data (1900 – 2019) with the modeled annual frequencies from AIR and RMS.

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    Figure 3 above shows the AIR to RMS ratio of hurricane rates for each state by region. While the overall landfall frequencies are very similar between models at the country-level, variability exist at the state level.

    Figure 4.a) below shows comparison of Texas frequency while Figure 4.b) shows comparison of Texas frequency distribution by Cat size for historic data, and for RMS and AIR models. AIR generates a significantly larger rate of weaker and overall landfalling storms than the historic data while producing major hurricanes at a slightly lower rate. RMS meanwhile remains closer to the historic average but produces slightly less Cat 1-2 and overall hurricanes and slightly more Cat 3-5 hurricanes than historic average. Figure 4.a Texas Figure 4.b Texas

    Figure 5 to the right is a comparison of hurricane frequency distribution by county in RMS and AIR for Tier I Texas. Note this does not show the absolute frequency comparison between the models, but rather how each model distributes their total hurricane frequency by county. Both models distribute fairly similar proportion of their total TX frequency to the Galveston region, TWIA’s largest county. Brazoria, Cameron, and Aransas are also relatively similar. RMS assigned significantly more of

    Figure 3

    Figure 5

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    their total TX frequency to Matagorda and Kenedy relative to AIR. In fact, AIR assigned zero chance of a landfall to Kenedy County. Hurricane Hanna, the first Atlantic hurricane to make landfall in Texas for the 2020 season at the end of July, actually made its second landfall in Kenedy County. Kenedy was also subject to losses from Hurricane Brett in 1999, where it received most of the hurricane wind force, which was estimated to be as high as 115 mph over a small portion of the coast of Padre Island. Although TWIA’s exposure is insignificant for Kenedy, this comment is intended to highlight that RMS recognizes the chance of landfall in regions where it has been demonstrated to experience landfall while AIR does not. This comparison is meant to show the extent of regional variation at county level and should take into consideration the fact that there may be some tracks making landfall right around the county borderlines and mapped to its neighboring county which may influence the frequency distribution. And of course, hurricane force winds can cause damage many miles away from the landfall area.

    Hazard Component

    The source of hurricane data that forms the base for which the models built their hazard database is NOAA’s latest best track Atlantic hurricane database, also known as HURDAT2. HURDAT2 spans from 1851-2019 and contains hurricane related data including the six-hourly information on the location, maximum winds, and central pressure. The distribution is then smoothed to maintain areas of high and low risk while accounting for the possibility of future landfalls in regions where there have been none historically. Both models generate a wind-speed radial profile based on work by same source (Willoughby et al 2006). Factors influencing the wind speeds include distance to coast & surface roughness. Geological factors also affect rate of inland decay. Geocoding accuracy will play an important part in the hazard determination since putting a location in a wrong place would ultimately impact the estimated loss.

    The Radius of Maximum Wind (Rmax) influences the size of the hurricane wind footprint/swath. Figure 6 to the right shows the distribution of stochastic events in the model by Radius of Maximum Wind (Rmax) for the Gulf region. RMS produces a wider distribution of radii while more of AIR’s events fall within the 20 to 40-mile Rmax range. Large radii become more frequent for both models in the northeast region where the extra-tropical impacts of the high latitudes have the tendency to expand a storm’s wind field.

    Vulnerability Comparison

    Each model’s methodology for determining vulnerability (i.e. damageability) by different primary risk characteristics are discussed in this section. The 5 primary risk characteristics considered by both models are: occupancy, year-built, construction, number of stories, and square footage. The methodologies and assumptions implemented by the models for each of the five primary characteristics as discussed below have a direct impact on TWIA’s modeling results, particularly as it pertains to modeling differences and our recommendation. See Review of TWIA Modeled Loss Results section for a more detailed discussion.

    Figure 6

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    Since both models utilize their respective building inventory during the model validation and calibration process, an understanding of its key differences is an important part in understanding the loss results in and between each model. ➢ RMS has region-specific damage functions for buildings with unknown occupancy, construction,

    year built or number of stories. Each region can be from a group of states or just single state. Texas is a region on its own in RMS. Vulnerability regions in Texas are further subdivided into inland vs. coastal region. This is to recognize that coastal regions tend to have building codes that are designed to withstand stronger wind speeds and stricter enforcement practices. The entire TWIA portfolio falls under RMS’s coastal vulnerability region. RMS noted this in similar observations seen in Florida claims data and for context, Florida is separated into three regions (north, central, & south).

    ➢ AIR also has region-specific damage functions for buildings with unknown construction, occupancy or number of stories. In developing damage functions, AIR combines states with similar building inventory together. Texas belongs in a group that includes Louisiana and Mississippi. Note this does not mean AIR treats all Texas regions with same hazard view, only that AIR developed its damage functions and calibration using data from other states. Florida is its own region in AIR.

    TWIA captures data for all primary risk characteristics, but none of the secondary characteristics. Therefore, how each model utilizes their building inventory to determine damage functions for the “unknown”, particularly from the regional aspects, is an indicator for which model is better built for TWIA’s portfolio. To facilitate an understanding of each model’s assumptions and methodology for determining vulnerability by different primary risk characteristics, WTW completed the following sensitivity analysis on a sample Texas coastal portfolio. The results from this analysis will be referenced throughout this report as WTW Sensitivity Analysis, and the portfolio from which it is based will be referenced as notional portfolio. ➢ WTW Sensitivity Analysis Description – A notional portfolio was created with locations set at the

    postal code centroid from the entire Texas Coastal region. Each of these locations has exactly the same amount of values by coverages and deductible. We used hurricane long-term view, wind-only, include demand surge but exclude storm surge in both RMS and AIR. Each of these locations has a number of policies representing all possible combinations of primary building characteristics that are most representative of TWIA’s risk profile. For example, in terms of construction, only wood frame and brick veneer types were considered for the residential business while for commercial business, wood frame and masonry were considered in the sensitivity analysis. Therefore, results from this study are applicable to Texas Coastal region for a portfolio that resembles TWIA’s portfolio characteristics and ignores large commercial, energy and industrial type of risks. Note whenever charts are used as it relates to this analysis, we intentionally removed the average loss cost, as represented by the vertical axis, in order to protect the models’ intellectual property.

    ➢ Year Built

    A building’s vulnerability to loss increases over time, driven by property deterioration and changes to building codes and construction practices. There is not a separate damage curve for each year of construction in either RMS or AIR. Rather, years are categorized into bands, representing periods of time when building provisions and construction practices are similar. Below is a chart of the year-built bands in RMS and AIR applicable to the Texas region and for both Residential and Commercial business. Note the only band that is similar across these models is

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    the Before 1995 band, which reflect the period before hurricane Andrew era building codes came into effect.

    In RMS, buildings with different year-built falling under the same band will generate identical loss, all else equal. Relative to the newest year-built band, the modeled loss cost is about 100% higher for year-built Before 1995, 30% higher for 1995 – 2001, and about 10% higher for 2002 – 2008.

    In AIR, all buildings belonging to either Before 1995 and 2013 or Later have same vulnerability within their respective band. Vulnerability to loss decreases with each newer year from 1995 to 2012, however there is a marked decrease between 2003 and 2004 which is reflected by the model’s banding of the years for 1995 – 2003 and 2004 – 2012. Relative to the newest year-built band, the modeled loss cost is about 200% higher for year-built Before 1995, 95% higher beginning with year 1995, and then gradually decreasing with each newer year until it stabilizes at the newest year-built band. AIR noted the gradual change to vulnerability was implemented to reflect for example, continuous changes in building construction materials and practices, code enforcement and aging. For TWIA’s residential book, a key factor in the delta between modeling results is due to AIR being much more punitive than RMS for older homes. For residential, the results from WTW sensitivity analysis shows that given TWIA mix of characteristics and dynamics of different risk characteristics at play, AIR models higher than RMS for year-built before 2004, while RMS models higher for homes built in 2004 or after. 77% of TWIA residential homes are built prior to 2004. For commercial, WTW sensitivity analysis shows that RMS models higher than AIR across all year-built. This shows that even though AIR is more punitive than RMS for structures built before 2004, which is 71% of the TWIA Commercial book, there are other factors in the mix that could impact loss results. This includes the model’s methodology for the determining vulnerability for

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    other risk characteristics, which we will discuss further below. Note the above bands do not apply to mobile homes. Both models use a different set of year-built bands for mobile home that aligns with the building codes and construction practices as set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Since mobile home business represent a tiny portion of TWIA portfolio (less than 1,000 policies), its impact to the overall TWIA modeled loss results is negligible for the purpose of this report.

    ➢ Square Footage / Floor Areas

    As square footage of residential building increases, the mean damage ratio decreases. This is due to the size of the damage-causing corner vortex from wind not increasing proportionally with the total size of the building, which leads to smaller damage areas for larger buildings. In addition, larger homes tend to be more well-built and maintained.

    Residential RMS supports five floor area bands for residential single-family dwelling:

    Any risk that falls in the same band gets same vulnerability applied. Square footage from 1,507 – 2,507ft2 represents RMS’s view of the average size of residential homes. As the chart above shows, 41% of TWIA risk falls into this RMS default band. Between the RMS bands, homes under the smallest category models the worst, and it gets increasingly better for homes of larger size. AIR’s methodology for square footage-based vulnerability for residential business is divided into two key categories – small vs. larger homes. AIR considers homes with more than 3,000 ft2 of livable space to be large homes. The underlying assumptions that go along with being a large home is that it is high-valued and generally exhibit higher quality of construction, engineering and better maintained. As such, large homes are less vulnerable to wind damage than smaller homes. Based on AIR’s detailed study using detailed company claims data, they developed a vulnerability curve that is uniform across all homes below the 3,000 ft2 threshold; above this, a reduction factor is applied that decreases the vulnerability to wind damage linearly with the increase in size of homes. Under AIR’s methodology, 93% of TWIA residential risk is considered small and thus all get the same damageability treatment.

    Between the two models, AIR generally gives relatively lower credits for larger homes than RMS. The dynamic of RMS’s damage function that looks more like a decreasing step function combine with AIR’s damage

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    function that decreases more linearly above 3,000 ft2 leads to AIR being lower than RMS for smaller homes up to around the 2,000 ft2 to 2,500 ft2 breakpoint based on WTW sensitivity analysis for the notional portfolio. For relatively larger homes, AIR models higher than RMS at an increasingly higher rate as square footage increases. This relationship between RMS and AIR is summarized in the chart to the right. Given that most of the TWIA portfolio has property with less than 3,000 ft2, around where RMS models higher, yet AIR is still higher when considering the mix of all characteristics, it shows that square footage has a lower impact on losses than year-built (see year-built section above). Commercial RMS applies similar methodology for low rise commercial business as they do for residential, except there are fewer vulnerability banding.

    Although AIR noted that low-rise commercial structures are generally similar to single family homes, it does not currently have a square footage-based vulnerability function implemented for commercial business. This means that the size of commercial building, regardless of how big or small, will not have a direct impact on modeled losses.

    ➢ Construction Type Hurricane wind damage to building varies by construction type such as wood frame, brick veneer, masonry, light metal and others. Two of the most widely reported residential construction types in the TWIA residential portfolio are wood frame and brick veneer, while for commercial business, it is wood frame and masonry. The key difference between these construction types are the materials that provide support to the building structure against the gravity and wind loads from hurricane wind.

    WTW sensitivity analysis indicates that AIR models higher than RMS for both types of constructions by about 4% for residential single-family dwelling. RMS also gives slightly more credit to a brick veneer relative to a wood frame home (brick veneer is a wood frame structure with brick cladding / wall siding). For commercial business, the two most prevalent construction types are wood frame and masonry. Unlike brick veneer where the wood frame is actually providing the support, the material of support for masonry is of course, masonry. Masonry construction models significantly better than wood frame and this is clearly recognized in both models, although AIR gives more credit to the masonry than RMS.

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    ➢ Occupancy Type

    A model’s view of building damageability can vary significantly by occupancy type. The two relevant occupancy types for TWIA are Single Family Dwelling and General Commercial.

    Overall, TWIA commercial modeled loss cost is about double the residential loss cost in RMS and approximately 80% higher in AIR. Commercial business makes up approximately 10% of TWIA’s total limit but contributes 18% to gross modeled AAL in RMS and 16% in AIR. A given location with identical primary risk characteristics and coverage value will produce much larger loss if modeled as general commercial vs single family dwelling. One of the key reasons has to do with features around the building that are more prominent in commercial structures, which may include mechanical equipment, cladding materials, and more ornamentation, windows and doors that make it more prone to wind damage. A relatively small roof damage may cause big loss to the contents for commercial business. While these features are not directly captured by TWIA, the model accounts for it when they develop the damageability based on occupancy type. The models use other sources in the development of vulnerability for commercial business, including input from engineers and post disaster surveys.

    TWIA does not capture detail breakdown of its commercial business by occupancy type. As such, it was modeled as General Commercial to reflect a mix of different types of business. However, vendor models differentiate the vulnerability among various commercial occupancy classes, e.g., retail trade, restaurants, gas stations, large commercial offices, etc. For example, in RMS, the most vulnerable commercial subtype is gasoline stations, with the least being office build
