RESOURCES for PLANNINGs... · RESOURCES for PLANNING CHILDREN ... • Women play an important role...


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A Bit of Theology!

As you begin to do some forward planning for the new liturgical year it is good to get a clear overall

picture of Luke’s insight into the person and mission of Christ. This is essential if you are going to

communicate God’s word well.

So here is the kind of Jesus you will meet. In the Gospel of Luke Jesus is:

For All

People On the side of

the poor and

the outcast

Son of Mary





One who calls

the disciple to

totally follow


an urgent


On the move,



One whose

time is short


More about Luke’s Theology!

• Luke’s gospel begins with birth stories, these are more reflective than Matthew’s

• Women play an important role in plan of God: focus on Mary

• Mary is full of grace, hears and conceives the Word of God, proclaims the greatness of


• The Good News Jesus announces is to the poor

• Jesus reaches out to

• Public sinners

• The sick

• Those who society rejects

• Foreigners

• Ministry to women and their ministry to him, Luke stresses:

• The faith of Elizabeth and Anna

• The love of the forgiven woman

• The accompaniment and support of women, e.g. Mary Magdala

• The strength of women at the cross

• Special parables:

• The good Samaritan

• The Prodigal Son

• The Rich Man and Lazarus

• The encounter with Zacchaeus

• The Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost….

• In death Jesus reaches out with healing and forgiveness

• The stories of resurrection show the transforming healing power of the presence of the

Risen Lord:

• The disciples hearts burned within them


The Structure of Luke’s Gospel

The Gospel begins and ends in JERUSALEM

His version of the Good News is framed around a JOURNEY from Galilee to Jerusalem

The JOURNEY is completed by the journey of the Church from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth

in the Acts of the Apostles

For Luke the journey to Jerusalem is the way to glorification and suffering, but Jesus is not alone.

His disciples accompany him on the journey and are bound through him into a community.

What Luke’s Gospel demands of us is that we make the same journey with Jesus in the course of

this year.


This focuses on the origins and destiny of Jesus, even at the beginning of the Gospel Luke is keen

to help us realize that Jesus is for all people.

There are announcements and visitations, births and manifestations.

For children this portion of the Gospel is very accessible as Luke makes the various characters

come alive.


In this portion Jesus emerges as a man with a mission, he is baptized to proclaim Good News.

Central to his mission is calling others to join him, he then forms those he calls by teaching them

the be-attitudes. This portion of the Gospel ends with Peter’s declaration of faith in Jesus, his

words are the words that should be on the lips of all disciples: You are the Christ the Son of the

Living God!


As the journey to Jerusalem begins Jesus teaches his followers about the qualities they should

have as his disciples, they should be poor, humble, peacemakers and vigilant. The parables which

teach these qualities mirror the teaching of the be-attitudes and emphasise the cost of


This leads to a high point in Jesus’ teaching where he teaches parables about God’s mercy. This is

followed by a series of parables which emphasise the obstacles facing those who follow Jesus.


All of the above is preparing the disciples of Jesus for his entrance into Jerusalem where he will

suffer, die and rise to new life.

The journey of understanding what it all means continues for the disciples as they walk on the

road to Emmaus. When they recognize the Lord Jesus they journey back to Jerusalem to confirm

each other and spread the message that Jesus is Risen.




When reflecting on God’s word with children during advent we need to keep in mind that it is a

season in itself. It is a season that not only prepares us for the solemnity of Christmas where we

recall the first coming of the Son of God, but it also helps us to reflect about the second coming

of Christ.

Advent is not like a mini Lent! It is characterized more by the feeling of waiting for something to

happen. The colour purple and the use of the advent wreath helps children to get a feel for this.

There are two clear stages in the Advent journey from the first Sunday of Advent to December

16th we focus on the second coming of Christ. We shift gear from the 17th – 24th December where

we begin to directly prepare for the birth of Christ, each day the Church sings an ‘O antiphon’

which tells us more about the Christ who is to come. Making an ‘O antiphon’ prayer tree can help

the children get involved in the big build up.

As you prepare for Advent children’s liturgy you should keep in mind the overall picture of the

whole season. The chart below maps out the journey and also suggests liturgical music links and

prayer links for sessions.

GOSPEL Gospel Focus Liturgical Music Link Prayer Link

Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 Stay Awake Pray Constantly

Come Lord Jesus Come

Ways of praying all the time

Luke 3: 1-6 Prepare a Way for the Lord All People will know God’s saving love

Prepare ye the way of the Lord…..

How can we prepare our hearts?

Luke 3:10 - 18 What must we do? John proclaims the Good News about Jesus

Promised Lord and Christ is he

How do you share the Good News about Jesus

Luke 1: 39 - 44 Mary visits Mary waits Mary believes

The Angel Gabriel Holy Virgin by God’s decree

Explore the Hail Mary

At the end of your session you should use a response for the children’s bidding prayers which fits

the season .e.g., Come Lord Jesus come again………



In the Lectionary Luke’s Gospel is presented in bite sized portions for each Sunday, some of these

portions can easily be blocked into larger themes. When preparing for Children’s Liturgy these larger

portions should be kept in mind. The following provides you with a focus for each week as well as a

larger informing theme.

WEEK’S 1 & 2: Our Journey with Jesus begins

Week of Ordinary Time

LARGE THEME Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 1C Baptism of the Lord

Jesus the Messiah

Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22

Jesus is God’s beloved Son

Love, love Jesus is love B. Farrell

God loves you very much

Week 2C Jesus the Messiah

John 2: 1 -12 Jesus changes everything

Love, love Jesus is love

God invites us to be with him

The beginning of Ordinary Time in Year C seems a bit strange as we use Luke’s Gospel for the 1st Sunday

and then jump to John’s! However on both Sunday’s the emphasis is on the fact that the crowds

recognize who Jesus is, this is what you need to help the children to focus on.


Messiah is a big word for children. What does it mean? It means ‘God’s Anointed One’. In the first week

you could take time to anoint every child with oil, ask them how it feels to be anointed and tell them

that this happened to everyone at baptism. The priest anointed each one of us to live like God’s beloved

Son Jesus. Ask them ‘How do you want to live like God’s beloved Son Jesus?’


The suggested song is from Bernadette Farrell’s resource called ‘Share the Light’, this has many good

pieces of liturgical music which are very prayerful and can be used with accompanying actions, as you

begin the new liturgical year it would be well worth investing in her CD and songbook. You will use it

throughout the year.


WEEK’S 3 & 4: We visit Nazareth with Jesus

Week of Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 3C Jesus is sent Luke 1:1-4, 4:4-21

Jesus is sent to bring us Good News

God’s spirit is in my heart Or Share the Light B. Farrell

Lord help us to be Good News for others

Week 4C Jesus is sent Luke 4: 21-30 Jesus is sent to bring the message to all people

God’s spirit is in my heart Or Share the Light B. Farrell

Help us to include everyone


In this two week block you should help the children to explore the idea that God sent Jesus with a

message. This message is Good News for everyone.

In Week 3 you might want to explore what the message of Good News is and who it is for. As God’s

spirit is in our hearts, Jesus calls us to not only spread the message of his Good News but to actually be

Good News. You can explore with the children ways that we ourselves can be Good News.

In Week 4 it is important to help the children see that the Good News Jesus brings is not only for his

own village, or cousins or friends but for everyone in the world. This means that the Good News we are

all called to spread is not just for our friends and family but includes the whole world. We can do this by

‘sharing the light of Jesus’. Bernadette Farrell’s song ‘Share the Light’ is easily learned and could enable

the children to think big about how they can be Good News.


Week’s 5 – 12: We go to Galilee with Jesus

Week of Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 5C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 5: 1-11 Jesus calls his friends

You have called us by our name B. Farrell

Lord help us to follow you by…..

Week 6C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 6: 17, 20-26

Jesus teaches about real happiness

You have called us by our name

Pray for those described in the Gospel, e.g. poor, hungry, etc.

Week 7C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 6:27 – 38 Jesus teaches about kindness

God of mercy B. Farrell

Ask for God’s forgiveness for the times we were unkind

Week 8C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 6: 39 – 45 Jesus teaches about good- heartedness

You have called us by our name

Heart prayer: Get children to place hand on heart

Week 9C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 7: 1 - 10 Jesus finds a man with faith

You have called us by our name

Lord help us to show we trust you by

Week 10C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 7: 11 – 17 Jesus finds a woman with faith

You have called us by our name

Thanking and praising God for what he does for us

Week 11C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 7: 36 – 8:3

Jesus meets a woman who loves

God of mercy B. Farrell

Heart Prayer: Thanking God for his love

Week 12C Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

Luke 9: 18 -24 Peter puts his faith and trust in Jesus

You have called us by our name

Lord help us to show we believe in you by

The portion where Jesus ministers in Galilee is large but the connections are strong between the

characters in the stories, all of whom demonstrate great faith in Jesus. This leads to Peter publicly telling

everyone about his faith in Jesus. You should help the children to explore why, how and when they trust

Jesus, and how they show their faith in Jesus in their actions.


Week’s 13 – 23: The Qualities of those who follow Jesus

Week of Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 13C Following Jesus Luke 9:51-62 Follow Jesus straight away

There is Someone B. Farrell

Lord help me to follow you by…..

Week 14C Following Jesus Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

Be happy to work for Jesus

There is Someone

Lord I want to work for you by…..

Week 15C Following Jesus Luke 10: 25-37 Help everyone who is in need

There is Someone

Sorry prayer

Week 16C Following Jesus Luke 10: 38-42 Friends of Jesus not only serve him but spend time with him

There is Someone

Heart prayer

Week 17C Following Jesus Luke 11: 1-13 Friends of Jesus pray often

There is Someone

Our Father

Week 18C Following Jesus Luke 12: 13-21 Friends of Jesus are not greedy

The Peace of God B. Farrell

Sorry prayer

Week 19C Following Jesus Luke 12: 32-48 Friends of Jesus are ready to serve

The Peace of God

Lord help me to serve by….

Week 20C Following Jesus Luke 12: 49-53 Friends of Jesus bring light to the world

The Peace of God

Candle Prayer

Week 21C Following Jesus Luke 13: 22-30 Jesus invites everyone into his Kingdom

Though we are many B. Farrell

Praying for the world

Week 22C Following Jesus Luke 14: 1, 7-14

Friends of Jesus are humble

Though we are many

Heart Prayer

Week 23C Following Jesus Luke 14: 25-33 Friends of Jesus love God and others more than themselves

Though we are many

Lord help us to love you by….

The emphasis in all of the above is about Jesus teaching his disciples how they should be in the world.

He is also teaching the children how they should live. This should be a strong focus for exploration with

the children helping them to grow in discipleship.


Week 24: The Big Message about God’s kindness and mercy

Week of Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 24C The Key to the Whole Gospel

Luke 15: 1- 32 God’s amazing kindness and forgiveness

God of mercy B. Farrell

Sorry Prayer

This parable of God’s forgiveness is often used as the text for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you could

check out if it will be used for Children’s reconciliation in the parish and link up with the celebration.

You could purchase a poster of Rembrandt’s painting and use it in your focal point.

The focus of any sharing should be more about God’s goodness, kindness and mercy than on the

negative aspects of how we feel when we have done something wrong.

Emphasizing that God is always waiting for us with open arms is very important.

You should also keep in mind that this portion of the Gospel contains 2 other stories. All 3 stories focus on

how people who feel ‘lost’ can be found again by God. You could also explore with the children what it

feels like to be lost and how they felt when they were found again, there will be plenty of these stories,

e.g, getting lost in the supermarket!

The reason why this portion of the Gospel is so important is because Luke is teaching his reader’s about

new ways of approaching and thinking about God. If you have any negative image of God that you are

aware of, make sure that you don’t impose them on the children!

A very good way into exploring this Gospel is by using images.

Rembrandt’s image of the prodigal son is very helpful as it

enables the children to explore:

how the father felt,

how the returning son felt,

how the servant’s felt

and how the elder son felt.


Week’s 25- 31: The Problems Jesus’ Friends encounter on the way

Week of Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 25C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 16: 1-13 You cannot serve both God and money!

The Peace of God

Lord help us to follow you by

Week 26C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 16: 19-31 God gives good things to the poor

The Peace of God

For the poor of our world

Week 27C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 17:5-10 You’ve got to have faith

Share the Light of Jesus B. Farrell

Heart Prayer

Week 28C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 17: 11-19 A person of faith always thanks God

Share the Light of Jesus

Thanking Prayer

Week 29C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 18:1-8 God answers our prayers in his time

The Wonders I See B. Farrell

Help us to remember you are with us

Week 30C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 18: 9-14 God listens to the humble person

The Wonders I See

Sorry Prayer

Week 31C Problems in Following Jesus

Luke 19: 1-10 God’s love is for everyone

The Wonders I See

Signing the Song

Here Luke enables us to enter into the growing journey of the disciples with Jesus, where they are taught

that there are lots of obstacles to following him. Some of the concepts in this portion of the Gospel are

very sophisticated for children. The problems faced range from Jesus’ expectation that disciples are

single-hearted in their following of him, and also teaching the disciples that the Good News is for


In this section there can be a strong focus on justice and peace, where the children are enabled over the

course of the weeks to become more aware of the needs of the poor and the injustice in our world. There

are good resources for this in the Junior SCIAF section of the SCIAF website.

You should, however, remember that children’s liturgy is not about teaching the children a lesson, but

about breaking open the word of God for them so that it is accessible and alive!


Week’s 32 – 33: Jesus teaches in Jerusalem

Week in Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 32C He’s the God of the Living

Luke 20:27 -38 Everyone is alive

Love, love Jesus is love

Remembering those who are alive in God

Week 33C He’s the God of the Living

Luke 21: 5 -19 Those who are faithful and good will live forever

Love, love Jesus is love

Thanking God for those who lived good lives

As we come to the end of the liturgical year we focus more clearly on ‘end times’ where the big theme

of life after death emerges. This is a difficult concept for children, but Luke’s message is hopeful. As far

as God is concerned everyone is alive. It will be helpful for children to focus on remembering those they

have known who are now with God and to take time to name them, asking God to look after them for

us. In the following week you can emphasise the prayer of thanking, where the children are given the

opportunity to thank God for all the good people they have known in their lives. It is important in this

prayer that you enable the children to actually name the good things that people have done, also keep

in mind that there may be children in the group who have been recently bereaved.

Week 34: Jesus forgives everyone, He’s the Servant King

Week in Ordinary Time

Larger Theme Gospel Gospel Focus Music Link Prayer Link

Week 34C God is a Forgiving God

Luke 23: 35-43 Jesus shows us God’s forgiveness

The Servant King Or Jesus Remember Me

Symbolic Prayer around the cross

Much of Luke’s Gospel emphasises the kindness of God and how he comes back to us again and again

with his forgiveness. In this Gospel of the final week of the liturgical year we see how God’s forgiveness

becomes flesh in Jesus. Even as Jesus is being crucified he is reaching out in forgiveness to those around

him. The characters in the Gospel do not understand what kind of King Jesus is. We realize as we listen

to the story that he is not a King with a crown, but a King who serves even to the point of giving his life.

The kind of kingdom he wants us to build is summed up in the eucharistic prayer which talks about a

kingdom of truth and life, holiness and grace, justice, love and peace!

It might be helpful to have a huge cross on the floor with the children gathered around it as the focal

point for this final week in the year. You could shape a time prayer around the phrase ‘Jesus remember

me when…….’ Or place tea lights around the cross and help the children shape prayers around how they

will serve Jesus.



The season of Lent is a time of spiritual preparation where we journey together towards Easter. It might

be helpful to draw a picture of a road and introduce the children to the characters they will meet on the

journey. In week one of Lent we look at the notion of temptation, week two focuses on the

transfiguration, the following weeks emphasise repentance. Then on Passion Sunday you might consider

reading the simplified Gospel in parts for the Passion. Make sure that the children have an opportunity

to be a major part of the opening procession, you could then set up a focal point with a cross where the

children lay down their palms in homage.


Larger Theme

Gospel Gospel Focus

Characters we meet

Music Link Prayer Link

1 Journey towards Easter

Luke 4: 1- 13 The Spirit helps Jesus when he is tempted

The devil and Jesus

Share the Light of Jesus

Prayers to help us during Lent

2 Journey towards Easter

Luke 9: 28-36

When Jesus prayed his face shone like the sun

Jesus with Moses, Ellijah, Peter, James and John

Share the Light of Jesus

Candle Prayer

3 Journey towards Easter

Luke 13: 1-9 God gives us lots of chances to change

A patient gardener with a fig tree

God of mercy

Sorry Prayer

4 Journey towards Easter

Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32

God’s amazing kindness and forgiveness

A father, two sons and servants

God of Mercy

Sorry Prayer

5 Journey towards Easter

John 8: 1 -11 God doesn’t punish, he forgives us when we are sorry

A crowd of Pharisees, a woman and Jesus

God of Mercy

Sorry Prayer

6 Journey towards Easter

Luke 22: 14- 23, 56

Jesus shows us God’s love

Jesus, two criminals and the women

Love, love Jesus is love

Prayer around the cross



The fifty days from Easter to Pentecost should be celebrated as one big feast, this is sometimes called

the Great Sunday! As the whole Church rejoices, children should have as many opportunities to sing

alleluia. You could sing a longer version of the alleluia before the Gospel with verses. The readings in the

lectionary are from John’s Gospel, they help us to dwell at length on the great mysteries we celebrated

during the Easter Triduum.


Larger Theme

Gospel Gospel Focus

Characters we meet

Music Link Prayer Link

Easter Sunday

Jesus is Risen and with us

John 20: 1-9 Seeing and believing

Mary Peter Other disciples Risen Jesus

Alleluia, Listen to Jesus B. Farrell

2 Jesus is Risen and with us

John 20: 19-31

Not-seeing and believing

Thomas Apostles Risen Jesus

Alleluia, Listen to Jesus

3 Jesus is Risen and with us

John 21: 1-19

Believing is about loving

Peter Nathanael James & John The disciple Jesus Loved Risen Jesus

Alleluia, Listen to Jesus

4 Jesus is Risen and with us

John 10: 27 -30

Those who believe listen to Jesus

The Father and Jesus Some sheep

Alleluia, Listen to Jesus

5 Jesus is Risen and with us

John 13: 31-35

Those who believe in Jesus love one another

Son of Man Little Children

Love, love Jesus is love

6 Jesus is Risen and with us

John 14: 23-39

The gift of peace helps us to believe

The Father The Holy Spirit

The Peace of God

7 Jesus is Risen and with us

John 17: 20 - 26

Jesus prays for us who believe

The Father The Peace of God


TYPES of PRAYER After the Gospel is read and there has been a brief time of sharing the children should be invited to

respond to the word in prayer. This prayer can take many forms, although in Mass it is in the form of

General Intercessions. Below are examples of the kinds of simple prayer you can engage in with the


Thanking This is simply saying out loud what you want to thank God for, the catechists begins by encouraging the

children to begin the prayer by saying ‘Thank you God for…….’

Help We call this the prayer of petition, when we ask God for something.

Sorry We use this format at the beginning of Mass when we ask for God’s mercy and say sorry for our sins

Heart This is a good way of introducing silent prayer, where the children are invited for a very short period of

time to place their hand on their heart, close their eyes and listen to the silence or are invited to listen

to a phrase, e.g. Come Lord Jesus (in advent)

Candles These are good for prayer as children like to look at the light. Lights in a room can be switched off so

that everyone can focus on a candle in the middle of a circle. Another way of praying with a candle is by

passing it round, make sure any candle you use I big enough and safe enough for children to hold.

Silent Actions The gestures that we use at Mass are prayer gestures, these can be used at Children’s Liturgy so that

children connect more strongly with their meaning at Mass. So think about the use of standing, raising

hands, kneeling and bowing.


FOCAL POINTS The directory for Children’s Liturgy makes it clear that what children are invited to do is GATHER

AROUND THE WORD, so it is important that focal points are planned in such a way that all the children

participating can see it.

The focal point should be at a eye level, so if children are sitting on the floor with their legs in a basket

they should be organised in such a way that no one’s view is blocked

Not an altar – a place to honour God’s word For the Liturgy of the Word in Church the focus is on listening to God’s word and reverencing it. The

same should happen when children gather around the word. So the focal point should not look like a

altar, but more like a place where the word can rest and be viewed.

Liturgical Colours The children learn very quickly what the liturgical season is through colour. If you use cloth make sure it

is the right colour for the season:

GREEN for Ordinary Time




Icons/Images Children’s spirituality is very linked to their senses, this means that things they smell, touch and taste


Icons and good images are helpful as children can imagine these in prayer. Statues can be used

particularly is they are passed around for the children to touch and engage with.


The Liturgy of the Word with Children, Katie Thompson, Kevin Mayhew

Publishers, (CD included)


Share the Light, Bernadette Farrell, Decani Music

No pianist No Problem, a set of CD’s with backing tracks, Kevin Mayhew



Children’s Liturgy Planning Sheet

Gospel Text:


Setting up of Room:

Focal Point:

Music Link:

Prayer Link:

CD Player:




1) What words of Jesus do you remember?

2) What is Jesus asking you to do this week?

3) What prayer would you like to say?


