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Choosing to Be Alcohol Free

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Avoid Alcohol: Avoid Unsafe Situations

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Strategies for Preventing Use of Alcohol

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Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use

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Short-Term Effects of Alcohol

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Call 911

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Alcohol, the Individual, and Society

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Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

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Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

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Symptoms Displayed by Alcoholics

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Steps to Recovery

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Where to Get Help for Alcohol Abuse

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Law enforcement officers use special machines that people breathe into to determine the blood alcohol level of the person being tested. How can a person’s breath show how much alcohol the person’s blood contains?

Alcohol is absorbed from many parts of the body directly into the bloodstream. As the blood passes through the lungs, a certain amount of alcohol moves from the blood to the lungs and is exhaled.

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Read the passage below and then answer the questions.

TAKS Test Practice

The amount of alcohol exhaled depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Under normal body temperature and cellular composition of the blood, the relationship between breath alcohol and blood alcohol is shown on the machine's graph.

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Read the passage below and then answer the questions.

TAKS Test Practice

1. What type of function is shown on the graph?

A. exponential

B. higher degree

C. linear

D. quadratic

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TAKS Test Practice

2. Marianne breathes into the machine and exhales 3150

mL of air. How many milliliters of blood are equivalent to this volume of air?

A. 1 mL

B. 1.5 mL

C. 3 mL

D. 2100 mL

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TAKS Test Practice

3. An increase in body temperature of 1.8°F results in an

increase of 7 percent in the machine’s test results. If a graph similar to the one shown were drawn for a person with a temperature of 100.6°F, would the slope be greater or less than the slope of this graph? Explain.

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TAKS Test Practice

Make this Foldable to help you organize what you learn about alcohol and about choosing to be alcohol free. Begin with four sheets of 8½” x 11” paper or four sheets of notebook paper.


Fold four sheets of paper in half along the short axis.

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Before you read


On each sheet, make a cut 1” from

the edge of the paper. Cut through the top flap only.

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Staple the four sheets together at the 1” tabs and label them: The Facts About Alcohol, Factors That Influence Alcohol Use, Avoid Alcohol: Avoid Unsafe Situations, and Being Alcohol Free.

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Short-Term Effects of Alcohol


Physical and mental impairment begin with the first drink of alcohol and increase as more alcohol is consumed.

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Comparing Beer, Wine, and Spirits

Each of these beverages contains the same amount of purealcohol—about 0.5 ounces.


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Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse


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Government Warning


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Steps to Recovery



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Where to Get Help for Alcohol Abuse

There are many places to get information about treatment for alcohol dependency. The goal of these programs is to provide support for alcoholics, family members, and friends affected by alcoholism.
