Resumes Pgs. 12-25. What is a resume? A word portrait of who you are as a potential employee A...


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ResumesPgs. 12-25

What is a resume?

• A word portrait of who you are as a potential employee

• A statement of facts that highlight your:– Accomplishments– Skills – Education/Training

What is the purpose of a resume?

• To gain a potential employer’s interest

• To obtain an interview


• Commercial to an employer

• The average resume gets skimmed for about 30 seconds at most

Types of Resumes• Print Resume

• Portable Document Format (PDF) Resume

• Scannable Resume

• Text (ASCH) Resume

• Web (HTML) Resume

Hire Me Please!


• Focus on the employer’s needs

• Show how you can make a contribution

• Always describe your skills honestly

• Do not crowd your resume

• Use action verbs

• Do not list your GPA unless 3.0 or higher

More Tips

• Never discuss salary• Use correct tense• Have someone else proofread it• Do not use abbreviations or contractions!• One page• Use 1 font (courier, times, arial) and 11 or 12



• Use keywords that match the job posting

• Follow the employer’s specific guidelines

• Do a test run: send to family or friends to read

E-mail Submission

• Use your name as part of file name• Subject line should include: name & position• Send yourself a blind carbon copy• Use a profession e-mail address• Never submit your resume without


Action Verbs

• Best way to describe your experiences!• Some good action verbs to use:

-Accelerated -Identified-Began -Maintained-Calculated -Negotiated-Economized -Observed-Facilitated -Performed-Gained -Worked


• Need to identify your own personal strengths and capabilities-Accounting -Layout -Bookkeeping -Maintaining-Calculating -Negotiating-Data processing -Organizing-Editing -Reading-Instructing -Selling


• Describe yourself using descriptive adjectives:

-Active -Fair-Broad-minded -Imaginative-Concise -Knowledgeable-Dedicated -Logical-Economical -Mature-Fair -Perceptive

Sections of a Resume

• These sections are included in a resume:– Heading– Objective– Strengths Summary– Education– Work Experience


• Create a heading that will be the same on both the cover letter AND resume

• Include:– Name– Mailing address– Telephone Number

Mykaila Z. Hayes5225 Windyridge Dr. Portage, MI 49002 ◦ 269.929.2833 ◦



• Should be specific• Reflect the employer’s perspective• Be concise

“To attain an entry-level position in a financial environment, in order to utilize my skills and

knowledge of accounting to further expand my understanding of the field.”


• List most recent education first– School name– City and state– Date of completion– Specific program of study

• Employability Essentials for Success pg. 68-75• Related Classes– “Course Studied”

Work Experience

• Most recent job first• List:– Title– Name of employer– City and state– Dates of employment

• Accomplishments-driven vs duties-driven

Volunteer Experience/Community Service

• Most recent first• List– Type of experience– Name of organization– City/state– Time period or number of hours volunteered

• Responsibilities and experience gained

Activities/Awards/Special Skills

• List skills acquired through your coursework– i.e. Proficient in Microsoft Word 2010

• List:– Clubs– Organizations– Special Awards– Certificates


• Do not list any references on your resume– “References available on request”

• Use three-five references

• Include past and present employers

• Get permission before you use anyone as a reference


• Click to open up student examples• Example 1 Example 7• Example 2 Example 8• Example 3 Example 9• Example 4• Example 5• Example 6
