Revelation 20 Review Chapter 19 Part I and II Review Book Satan and agents VS. God and church Church...


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Revelation 20

Review Chapter 19 Part I and IIReview Book

Satan and agents VS. God and churchChurch Victorious In Christ

Satan and allies defeated and judgedChrist is victorious and the church vindicated

Six Steps of Millennialism

1. God reigned as King over Israel2. Jesus’ first coming was to establish the

Davidic Kingdom, but the Jews rejected Him3. At Jesus’ second coming He established the

church instead of the kingdom4. The righteous will be raptured at His 2nd

coming5. Jesus will establish the Millennial Kingdom6. Satan will be released after 1000 years and

judged2Revelation 20 in context

The Seven Divisions Of The Book

1. Christ Among The Seven Churches – 1-3

2. The Book Of Seven Seals – 4-8

3. The Seven Trumpets Of Judgment 9-11

4. Dragon Persecutes Woman And Man Child – 12-14

5. The Seven Bowls Of Wrath – 15-16

6. Fall Of The Great Harlot – 17-19

7. The Final Judgment Of The Dragon – 20-22

3Revelation 20 in context

The Unity Of The Revelation• Part 1 – Chapters 1-11• Conflict Between church and world

Ch 1-3 – Christ Among The Churches

– The churches are the light of the world

– Christ provides and protects His church

Ch 4-7 – Book With Seven Seals

– The world hates the light

– So the world persecutes the church

Ch 8-11 – Seven Trumpets of Judgment

– Judgment on the earth is earthly

– Only a partial judgment is given a third

• Christ Is Victorious

– The kingdoms of the world are God’s

– The righteous reign with Christ forever

– Living in the new heaven and new earth

– The Lamb is victorious

• Part 2 – Chapters 12-22• Parallels Greater Spiritual ConflictCh 12-14 – Dragon Tries To Destroy Child

• Struggle between church and world• Spiritual conflict between God and Satan• Dragon employs agents • Failing to destroy the man child• He turns to destroy the church

Ch 15-16 – The Seven Bowls Of Wrath• Trumpets warn of judgment• Bowls pour out God’s wrath on wicked

Ch 17-19 – Babylon Is Fallen• The great city of Rome will fall

Ch 20-22 – Satan Is Judged• Satan is completely bound• Satan, death and Hades cast in lake of fire

4Revelation 20 in context

Errors Of Premillennialism

• Invalidates The Kingdom Prophecies– Kingdom established in Roman Empire – Dan. 2:31-45– Kingdom established in the Last Days – Is. 2:2-4– These are the last days not some future time – Acts 2:16-17

• Limits God’s Power– The time is fulfilled – Mk. 1:14-15– Kingdom will come with power during their lifetime – Mk. 9:1– Power would come with the H.S. – Acts 1:8– H.S. came on Pentecost – Acts 2:4

• Dethrones Christ – He would sit and rule as Priest and King – Zech. 6:12-13– He is ruling now as king – Acts 2:29-36; Eph. 1:20-23

Errors Of Premillennialism

• Makes God’s Spiritual Kingdom A Material Kingdom– Premillennialists make same mistake as Jews – Li. 17:20-21– He reigns in a kingdom not of this world – Jo. 18:36-38

• The Church Is A Substitute Not In God’s Original Plan– The church was in God’s eternal purpose – Eph. 3:10-11– The church is the kingdom – Mat. 16:16-18

• N.T. Writers Are Confused

– Christians are already in God’s kingdom – Col. 1:13– Those washed in His blood are in the kingdom – Rev. 1:56; 5:9-10

• Christ’s Death Not In God’s Plan– His death foretold – Is. 53; Ps. 2– Planned and prophesied by God – Acts 2:23-36– His death and resurrection gives hope – 1 Cor. 15:17-22
