Revelation Chapter Twelve - Clover ·...


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Metaphor – a figure of speech in which one thing is likened

to another, a different thing by being spoken

of as if it were that other.

Revelation 12:1-17

*The following questions will be answered concerning Revelation

Chapter 12 . . .

1.Who is the woman clothed with the sun, moon and stars?

2. Who is the great red dragon with 7 heads, 10 horns and 7


3. Who is the male child who is to rule the nations?

4. What is the wilderness in which the woman is nourished for

1,260 days?

5. When did the war in heaven take place?

6. How did the saints conquer Satan’s assaults upon them?

7. How is the woman and her offspring protected by God from


Point 1 Revelation 12:1-2; Galatians 4:26; Genesis 37:1-9;

Isaiah 61:19-20; 66:7; Galatians 6:16.

Point 2 Revelation 12:3-4; Ezekiel 28; Isaiah 14; I

Timothy 3:6; John 8:44; John 10:10; Genesis 1:31;

Revelation 5:6; John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11;

II Corinthians 4:4; I Timothy 5:21; John 13:26-30;

II Corinthians 11:14; Ephesians 6:10-18;

I Thessalonians 2:18; II Thessalonians 2:9; I Peter

5:8; II Corinthians 2:10-11; James 1:13; II Corinthians

11:3; Jude 1:3-4; I John 4:1-3; Ephesians 4:11-16;

I Timothy 4:16; Ephesians 4:3; Hebrews 3:1-12.

Point 3 Revelation 12:5; Psalm 2:9; Revelation 2:27; 19:15.

Point 4 Revelation 12:6; Deuteronomy 8:1-5; I Kings 19:3-8;

Galatians 1:17-18; Matthew 16:13-20; Matthew 6:33;

I Corinthians 10:4; Numbers 11:31-35.

Point 5 Revelation 12:7-10; Ephesians 6:10-18; Daniel 10:10-

14; 12:1; Job 1-42, Zechariah 3:1-2; Luke 10:18;

John 12:31.

Point 6 Revelation 12:11-12; Romans 8:1;37; Acts 22 & 26.

Point 7 Revelation 12:13-17; Exodus 15:12; Daniel 7:25; 12:7;

Exodus 19:4; Deuteronomy 32:11; Isaiah 40:31.

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 12:1-17

Metaphor—a figure of speech in which one

thing is likened to another, a different thing

by being spoken of as if it where the other thing.


He runs like a deer.

She protects her children like a bear.

Chapter 12 is filled with metaphors and is one of

the great chapters of the Book of Revelation.

The women clothed with the sun, with the moon under

her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head represents

the ideal church in heaven and the actual historical

church on earth. 1. The ideal church in heaven.

2. The historical church on earth.

Galatians 4:26

“But the Jerusalem above is free and she

is our mother.”

Ideal Church

Israel Israel

of of

Old New


Chapter Twelve (12)

Sermon Notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the Sermon on this chapter.

Chapter Twelve (12)

Dr. Beal wrote:

Again Dr. Beal Writes =

Number 12 = God’s People

A crown with 12 stars

12 Tribes of Israel

12 Apostles of the New Testament

Sun, Moon, Stars—Israel of Old (Genesis 37:1-9; Isaiah 61:19-20

Christ’s birth came through the people of Israel of old -

Isaiah 66:7; Galatians 4:4-6

The woman also represents the Israel of the New Covenant

Galatians 6:16


Historical Israel Historical Church

of Old of New


“In this respect, the woman with the 12 stars alludes to the continuation of true Israel in the 12 apostles and

the church they represent.”

“Chapter 12 presents the woman as incorporating the

people of God living both before and after Christ’s coming.

“And as for all who walk by this rule,

peace and mercy be upon them and

upon the Israel of God.”

Ideal Church = Woman

Chapter Twelve (12)

The great red dragon with 7 heads, 10 horns and 7

diadems represents Satan. Dragon = symbol for Satan

Chief Fallen Angel

*Ezekiel 28 *Isaiah 14 Satan fell because of pride—I Timothy 3:6 “Red” = Color of murder (John 8:44)

Satan is a murderer and a liar

John 10:10

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and

destroy.” 7 Heads = his desire for sovereignty

10 Horns = evil and the 4th beast of Daniel & the 10 Kings

7 Diadems = crown of a ruler Satan mimics Christ in everything he does—in Scripture

Satan is called . . .

(1) The ruler (prince) of this world—John 12:31; 14:30;

16:11. (2) The ruler of the power of the air—Ephesians 2:2 (3) the “god” of this world—II Corinthians 4:4

His tail swept down 1/3 of the stars of heaven and cast

them to the earth.

1/3 Stars = represent the angels that rebelled with Satan.

2/3 of the angels remained true to God.


Chapter Twelve (12)

Fallen angels are also called “Demons.”

Satan has been attacking the people of God throughout

the scriptures. Examples of Satanic plots against Christ and his people.

* Cain killed Able

* The Flood

* The Tower of Babel

* Moses’ dead body

* Ezra—inter-marriage

* Ester—Haman

* False prophets, etc., etc.,

* Herod—killing babies—Matthew 2

* Scribes./Pharisees—plot to kill Jesus

* Judas—betrayed Christ—John 13:26-30

* Pilate—mock trial—4 gospels

Satan is . . .

1. An enemy of Christ.

3 C’s = 2. An enemy of the Christian.

3, An enemy of the Church


Dr. William Shedd wrote that God gave an extra

measure of preserving grace to 2/3 of the angels

who are called God’s Elect—I Timothy 5:21 “Elect


Old Testament

New Testament

Chapter Twelve (12)

Satan has many schemes of destruction—

(II Corinthians 2:10-11)

Schemes/Designs = a carefully arranged and systematic

plan of action—crafty, trickery.

The following are some of his schemes:

1. Temptation (James 1:3)

2. Deception (II Corinthians 11:3)

3. False Doctrine (I John 4:1-3; I Timothy 4:1

4. Church splits (Ephesians 4:3)

5. Unbelief (Hebrews 3:11-12)

We defeat Satan by . . .

1. Prayer (Ephesians 6:10-18)

2. Putting on the whole armor of God

(Ephesians 6:10-18)

3. Resisting him (James 4)

4. Knowledge of scripture (Matthew 4)

5. Worship & Praise (Psalms)

The Male Child– represents the Lord Jesus Christ—God’s

“Anointed One” who is to rule forever.

Birth His Ascension

Prophetic Telescoping (item 1)


Satan is defeated foe and every Christian can

remain victorious over him.

Chapter Twelve (12)

The people of God of the Old Testament brought forth

the Messiah who will rule.

Psalm 2:9

Revelation 2:27 and Revelation 19:15

Jesus is presently ruling from heaven.

“Already” “Not Yet”

1. He calls attention to Satan’s defeat at the Lord’s

birth and ascension. 2. He links Jesus’ ascension to his rule over the nations. 3. He uses the ascension as a prelude to the next segment-

warfare in heaven. 4. John mentions 2 main redemptive facts: he stresses

Jesus’ birth “on earth” that includes his ministry and

his ascension into heaven that includes his majestic


“You shall break them with a rod of

iron and dash them in pieces like a

potter’s vessel.”

John telescopes Jesus’ earthly

life for several reasons

God is in control, for at the right moment he intervenes to

safeguard his Son and causes Satan’s strategies to collapse.

God is the agent in the passive voice of the phrase “the child

was snatched to God.” When Jesus took his rightful posi-

tion on God’s throne, Satan and his angel lost their place

in heaven. -6-

Chapter Twelve (12)

1. The Church is God’s agent to transact his business

in the world.

Woman = people of God no higher privilege

than to be a member of the body of Christ.

2. The Messiah Redeemer came through the people of


Woman was pregnant and gave birth = Messiah

3. Satan’s tactics was to destroy and kill the Messiah

Satanic Plots

Old Testament—New Testament

4. Satan hates Christ, Christians and the church.

5. His failure to destroy Christ means he is out to destroy

the church.

6. Christians must be prepared for spiritual warfare

Ephesians 6:10-18

7. Christ is Lord and he will destroy Satan an evil and

reign forever—he rules the nations.


Personal Application

Chapter Twelve (12)

The Wilderness = the desert Israel’s 40 year stay in the

Sinai Peninsula.

Deuteronomy 8:1-5

Several factors follow from fleeing to the wilderness:

1. It’s a place of protection.

2. It’s a place of provision.

3. It’s a place of training.

4. It’s a place of miracles.

5. It’s a place that’s temporary.


“The whole commandment that I command

you today you shall be careful to do, that

you may live and multiply, and go in and

possess the land that the Lord swore to give

to your fathers. And you shall remember

the whole way that the Lord your God has

led you these forty years in the wilderness,

that he might humble you, testing you to

know what was in your heart, whether you

would keep his commandments or not. And

he humbled you and let you hunger and fed

you with manna, which you did not know,

nor did your fathers know, that he might

make you know that man does not live by

bread alone, but man lives by every word

that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

Your clothing did not wear out on you and

your foot did not swell these forty years.

Know then in your heart that, as a man dis-

ciplines his son, the Lord your God disci-

plines you.

Chapter Twelve

Spiritual “Warfare” is a reality. (Daniel 10:10-14; 12:1;

Ephesians 6:10-18).

The Archangel Michael is a guardian over God’s people

and ethnic Israel in particular.

There was spiritual warfare in heaven and Satan

and his angels were thrown down to earth =

there was no place in heaven for them.

When Did This Happen?

In the Old Testament Satan had access to God’s

throne to accuse believers.

Job—Job 1-42

Joshua High Priest—Zechariah 3:1-2

Old Testament Saints / Israel of Old

With Christ coming and his victory over death and

ascension things changed.



40 Days

Cross Resurrection Ascension

Satan/Demons Cast

out of heaven

down to the Earth

His time is short!


Chapter Twelve (12)

Luke 10:18

John 12:31

Satan/Demons were cast out of heaven 2,000 years ago

Their Time is Short!



Time is Short

Eternity Eternity


The seventy-two returned with joy,

saying, “Lord, even the demons are

subject to your name!” And he said to

them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning

from heaven. Behold, I have given you

authority to tread on serpents and

scorpions, and over all the power of the

enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this,

that the spirits are subject to you, but

rejoice that your names are written in


“Now is the judgment of this world;

now will the ruler of this world be cast


Chapter Twelve (12)

How do the saints conquer Satan’s assaults against them.

Revelation 12:11-12

1. We conquer Satan by the blood of the Lamb.

“We have been redeemed.” 2. We conquer Satan by our personal testimonies.

Apostle Paul

Acts 22/26

3. We conquer Satan by being willing to die for Christ if necessary.

Martyr—one who gives their life for Christ.


When Jesus died, rose again and

ascended to heaven then there was

no place in heaven for Satan and

his angels.

And they have conquered him by the

blood of the Lamb and by the word of

their testimony, for they loved not

their lives even unto death. Therefore,

rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell

in them! But woe to you, O earth and

sea, for the devil has come down to you

in great wrath, because he knows that

his time is short.”

Chapter Twelve (12)

How does God protect the woman and her offspring.

Revelation 12:13-17

God supernaturally protects his people.

He carried them across the Red Sea. (Deuteronomy 32:11; Isaiah 40:31) Exodus 15:12

“You stretched out your right hand; the earth swallowed them.”


And when the dragon saw that he

had been thrown down to the earth, he

pursued the woman who had given birth

to the male child. But the woman was

given the two wings of the great eagle so

that she might fly from the serpent into

the wilderness, to the place where she

is to be nourished for a time, and times,

and half a time. The serpent poured

water like a river out of his mouth after

the woman, to sweep her away with a

flood. But the earth came to the help of

the woman, and the earth opened its

mouth and swallowed the river that the

dragon had poured from his mouth.

Then the dragon became furious with

the woman and went off to make war on

the rest of her offspring, on those who

keep the commandments of God and

hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he

stood on the sand of the sea.

Chapter Twelve (12)

The church since the resurrection of Christ for the

last 2,000 plus years has been supernaturally

protected from extinction.

Matthew 16:18

4. Satan will use all of his evil weapons to destroy

the church.




False prophets, etc.

5. But God will super-naturally protect his church.

“The gates of hell will not prevail.”

6. The church will be nourished and protected by

God in the wilderness until Christ’s return.

7. Satan will never stop assaulting Christ, the church

And Christians until Christ returns and defeats him.


“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on

this rock I will build my church and

the gates of hell shall not prevail

against it.”

Chapter Twelve (12)

1. Spiritual warfare is real but Christians are promised

victory. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

2. God’s spiritual weapons are powerful.

Bible Study/Prayer



Making Disciples

Fellowship of Believers Etc., Etc.,

3. We also defeat Satan by:

The blood of Christ

salvation and our identity The word of our testimony.

The laying down of our lives for Christ (Martyr).


Personal Application





Antichrist – anyone who denies that Jesus is God

and the final human ruler of the world.

Revelation 13:1-10

*The coming antichrist will be . . .

1. An evil ruler who is empowered by Satan.

2. Mortally wounded and healed as he blasphemes God

and exercises power for 42 months.

3. Determined to destroy the saints, rule the world

and receive worship from all mankind.

4. Worshiped by those whose names are not written

in the Book of Life.

5. The one who takes believers into captivity and

ultimately death.

I John 2 18

Point 1 Revelation 13:2; Daniel 7:1-8; 11:36-39;Matthew

24:15; II Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:2;

II Thessalonians 2:7-12; II Corinthians 11:3;

11:14; II Thessalonians 2:11

Point 2 Revelation 13:3-6;14; Daniel 7:23-25;

II Thessalonians 2:3-4

Point 3 Revelation 13:7-8; Matthew 24:9; Daniel 7:21

Point 4 Revelation 13:8; Philippians 4:3; Luke 10:20;

Revelation 20:12; 21-27; 13:8

Point 5 Revelation 13:10; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3;

Psalm 2:7; Revelation 19:12; 13:2; 12:10; John

5:21-23; 13:3; John 5:23; Hebrews 2:12; Daniel


Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 13:1-10

Antichrist—anyone who denies that Jesus is God

and the final human ruler of the world

who is Satan’s representative. Evil is becoming global, particularly with Muslim terrorists.

Globalism, nuclear threats, moral decay, terrorist and the

threat of a third world war make the Book of Revelation

very relevant.

I John 2:18

There are two (2) foundational truths of Christianity.

(1) Trinity—one God in 3 persons (Father, Son & Holy Spirit)

(2) Incarnation— The second person of the blessed Trinity

God the Son became a man.

The Last Hour 2nd Coming

of Christ

2000 years +

Antichrist—is both a spirit (false religion) and a person.

there have been many types foreshadows of the coming



Chapter 13:1-10

Sermon Notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermons on this chapter

Children, it is the last hour, and as you

have heard that Antichrist is coming,

so now many Antichrist have come.”

Chapter Thirteen (13)

* * * *

Nero Hitler Stalin The Antichrist


The coming Antichrist is a combination of the 4 kingdoms of the book of Daniel 7:1-8.





Daniel predicted the rise of the Antichrist.

Daniel 7:8


And I saw a beast rising out of the sea,

with ten horns and seven heads with

ten diadems on its horns and blasphe-

mous names on its heads. And the

beast that I saw was like leopard; its

feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth

was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the

dragon gave his power an his throne

and great authority.

4 Great Beasts

“I considered the horns, and behold,

there came up among them another

horn, a little one, before which 3 of the

first horns were plucked up by the roots.

And behold, in this horn were eyes like

the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking

great things.”

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Daniel 11:36-39

Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul predicted the rise

of the Antichrist (Matthew 24:15; II Thessalonians



“And the king shall do as he wills. He shall

exalt himself and magnify himself above

every god, and shall speak astonishing

things against the God of gods. He shall

prosper till the indignation is accom-

plished; for what is decreed shall be done.

He shall pay no attention to the gods of

his fathers, or to the one beloved by wom-

en. He shall not pay attention to any oth-

er god, for he shall magnify himself above

all. He shall honor the god of fortresses

instead of these. A god whom his fathers

did not know he shall honor with gold and

silver, with precious stones and costly

gifts. He shall deal with the strongest for-

tresses with the help of a foreign god.

Those who acknowledge him he shall load

with honor. He shall make them rulers

over many and shall divide the land for a


Chapter Thirteen (13)

Revelation 13 reveals a beast with 7 heads, 7 horns

and 7 diadems.

7 Heads = completeness

10 Horns = pure evil and 10 kings of Daniel 7

10 Diadems = Crowns that symbolize ruling

The Antichrist is linked to Satan.

Revelation 13:2

II Thessalonians 2:9


“And to it the dragon gave his power

and throne and great authority.”

“The coming of the lawless one is the

activity of Satan with all power and

signs and wonders.”

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Satan’s number one tactic is deception (II Corinthians

11:3; II Corinthians 11:14; II Thessalonians 2:9-11).

One of it’s heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but

its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth

marveled as they followed the beast.

He is wounded by a sword

(Revelation 13:14)

Satan mocks God who is Triune by having his unholy


(1) Holy Trinity:

God the Father

God the Son

God the Holy Spirit

(2) Unholy Trinity


Beast of Sea = Political Antichrist

Beast of Earth = False Prophet


Jesus was put to death and rose

from the dead.

Antichrist is put to death but comes

back to life.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

The Antichrist is a blasphemer (Daniel 7:23-25;

II Thessalonians 2:3-4) Blasphemer = to slander God’s name “He takes his seat in the temple of God . . . .

(II Thessalonians 2:4) Temple of God = the Church

(Ephesians 2:11-22)

(I Corinthians 3:6-17)

(I Corinthians 6:19-20)

The 42 Months = Symbolic of a time of trouble George Ladd writes:

Dr. Simon Kistemaker writes:


“The 42 months is a symbolic number for the entire period of

persecution of the church, but particularly the end of this

period—the time of great tribulation.”

Forty-two months or three and a half years is the same as

1,260 days. These references appeared earlier in two preceding

chapters where John noted that the Gentiles would trample the

holy city for forty-two months and the two witnesses would

prophesy for 1,260 days (11:2-3). And he related that the

woman (the church) would be cared for in the desert by God for

1,260 days or time, times and a half time, namely, three and a

half years (12:6,14). These references signify the entire period

during which the gospel is proclaimed, from the time of Jesus’

first coming to his promised return. In that period, Satan

through the beast blasphemes God’s name, bans the preaching

of his Word, and attempts to destroy the church.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

42 Months 2nd Coming

1,260 Days of

A.D. 30 Time, Times, 1/2 Times Christ


The Antichrist will determine to destroy the saints,

rule the world and receive worship from all mankind.

Revelation 13:7-8

Daniel 7:21


Also it was allowed to make war on the

saints an to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people

and language and nation, and all who dwell one earth will worship it, everyone

whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of

life of the Lamb who was slain. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

“As I looked, this horn (Antichrist) made

war with the saints and prevailed over


Whatever the church has experienced in

suffering, persecution and martyrdom in

the last 2,000 years will only be intensified

during the reign of the Antichrist.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

All those who take the mark of the beast and worship

him are lost and their names are not written in the

Book of Life.

Revelation 13:8

Book of Life—this book contains the names of all the

Saved/redeemed (Philippians 4:3; Luke 10:20; Revelation

20:12; 21:27). This book belongs to the Lamb

The coming Antichrist will be the one who takes

believers into captivity and ultimately death.

Revelation 13:10

John MacArthur: wrote


“And all who dwell on earth will worship

it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the

world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who was slain.”

If anyone is taken captive, to captivity he

goes; if anyone is slain with the sword, with the sword he must be slain. Here is a

call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

A call for believers to accept persecution from Antichrist with

perseverance and endurance. God has chosen some believers

to be imprisoned and executed which they must not resist (cf.

Matt. 26:51-54; 2 Cor. 10:4), but accept with patience and

such suffering as God ordains for them (cf. I Peter 2:19-24).

Chapter Thirteen (13)

George Ladd: wrote


Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

Final judgment is in the hand of God and will surely come.

Those who take up the sword against the people of God

will meet their just retribution, but endurance is required

in awaiting that day. Meanwhile, the beast will seem to have

unlimited power to bring the saints to death. This will

require of them unswerving faith that God is still God an is

still ruling, and that his Kingdom is over all.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Christ and Antichrist Contrast

The Beast is an image of Satan, who brought him forth (13:1),

just as Christ is the exact image of God, begotten by the Father

(Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3; Psalm 2:7). The Beast has ten crowns, while Christ has many crowns (19:12).

The Beast has blasphemous names written on him, while Christ

has worthy names (19:12). The Dragon has given the Beast his power, his throne, and great

authority (13:2), just as Christ has power (5:12-13), a throne

(3:21), and authority (12:10) from the Father (John 5:21-23). The Beast has a healed fatal wound, counterfeiting Christ’s resur-

rection (13:3). The Beast’s healing is one of the principal features

that attracts followers, just as the resurrection of Christ is one of

the principal points of evangelistic proclamation. Worship is directed both to the Dragon and to the Beast, just as

Christians worship both the Father and the Son (John 5:23).

The Beast attracts the worship of the whole world (13:3), just as

Christ is to be worshipped universally.

The Beast utters blasphemies, while Christ utters the praises of

God (Hebrews 2:12).

The Beast makes war against the saints, while Christ makes war

against the Beast (19:11-12). The song of praise to the Beast in

13:4 counterfeits the song to God, the warrior, in Exodus 15:11.

The striking juxtaposition of Christ and the Beast in 19:11-21

shows that they are the two main warriors in the battle. Christ is

the divine warrior, fulfilling the imagery of Exodus 15:3; Isaiah

59:16-18; 63:1-6; Habakkuk 3:3-15; Zechariah 9:13-15; 14:1-5.

The Beast is the unholy, counterfeit warrior, fulfilling the imagery

of Daniel 7:1-8.


Chapter Thirteen (13:1-10)

1. The spirit of Antichrist—Denying that Jesus is God has

been with us for 2,000 years.

2. The spirit of Antichrist will in the near future be manifested in a human being called in Thessalonians 2 “The Man of


3. Satan will be the real power behind the Antichrist whose main purpose is to receive worship.

4. The Antichrist will rule with great authority at the end

of history right before Christ’s return.

5. Christians will be severely persecuted and killed during the Antichrist rule.

6. The Antichrist rule will be global.

Revelation 13:7-8

7. All those who take the mark of the Beast and worship

him are doomed to destruction an a life separated from God in hell for eternity.

Personal Application

“And authority was given it (Antichrist)

over every tribe and people and

language and nation and all who dwell

on the earth will worship it (Antichrist).


False Prophet – a deceiver who leads people away

from worship of the true God and

his truth.

Revelation 13:11-18

*The false prophet of Revelation chapter thirteen (13) will . . .

1. Look like a lamb but be an embodiment of evil.

2. Cause the world of unbelievers to worship the antichrist.

3. Use deceitful signs and wonders to cause people to

make an image of the beast.

4. Make all unbelievers to receive a mark of 666 on their

right hand and forehead.

5. Be the third person of the unholy trinity.

Deuteronomy 13:1-5

Deuteronomy 18:15-22

Matthew 24:21-27

I Timothy 4:1

II Timothy 4:1-5

II Peter 2:1-3

I John 4:1-3

Jude 1:3-4

John 17:3; 14:6; 17:17

Point 1 Revelation 13:11; Daniel 8:3; Revelation 16:13;

19:20; 20:10.

Point 2 Revelation 13:12; Matthew 16:13-18; Hebrews 1:1-2;

II Timothy 3:16; Jude 1:3; Ephesians 2:18-22.

Point 3 Revelation 13:13-15; I Kings 18; II Kings 1:10,12;

Matthew 24:24; II Thessalonians 2:9-10;

Exodus 7:11; Acts 13:6-8.

Point 4 Revelation 13:16-18; Revelation 7 & 13.

Point 5 Revelation 13:11-18.

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 13:11-18

False Prophet—a deceiver who leads people away from

worship of the true God and his truth.

Moses warned Israel of the “Danger” of false prophets

Deuteronomy 13:1-5


Chapter 13:11-18

Sermon notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermon on this chapter

“Is a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises

among you and gives you a sign or a wonder,

and the sign or wonder that he tells you

comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go alter

other gods’, which you have not known, and

let us serve them, you shall not listen to the

words of that prophet or that dreamer of

dreams. For the Lord your God is testing

you, to know whether you love the Lord your

God with all your heart and with all your

soul. You shall walk after the Lord your God

and fear him and keep his commandments

and obey his voice, and you shall serve him

and hold fast to him. But that prophet or

that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death,

because he has taught rebellion against the

Lord your God, who brought you out of th

land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the

house of slavery, to make you leave the way

in which the Lord your God commanded you

to walk. So you shall purge the evil from

your midst.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Deuteronomy 18:15-22

Matthew 24:11

“Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”


“The Lord your God will raise up for you a

prophet like me from among you, from your

brothers—it is to him you shall listen—just as

you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on

the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let

me not hear again the voice of the Lord my

God or see this great fire any more, lest I die.’

And the Lord said to me, ‘They are right in

what they have spoken. I will raise up for

them a prophet like you from among their

brothers. And I will put my words in his

mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I

command him. And whoever will not listen to

my words that he shall speak in my name, I

myself will require of him. But the prophet

who presumes to speak a word in my name

that I have not commanded him to speak, or

who speaks in the name of other gods, that

same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in

your heart, ‘How may we know the word that

the Lord has not spoken? - when a prophet

speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word

does not come to pass or come true, that is

a word that the Lord has not spoken; the

prophet has spoken it presumptuously You

need not be afraid of him.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Other Scriptures that teach this truth (I Timothy 4:1;

II Timothy 4:1-5; II Peter 2:1-3; I John 4:1-3; Jude 1:3-4).

Who Is The True God?

The only true God is the one revealed in Jesus Christ

and Scripture.

John 17:3

The false prophet of Revelation 13 will look like a lamb

but be an embodiment of evil.

Revelation 13:11

Two (2) horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon.

Dr. George Ladd writes:


“And this is eternal life, that they know

You, the only true God and Jesus Christ

whom you sent.”

You can not know the true God until you

know his Son, Jesus Christ.

“Then I saw another beast rising out of

the earth. It had two horns like a lamb

and it spoke like a dragon.”

This beast had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a

dragon. He is the parody of Christ—religion prostituted for evil

ends. The second beast had the appearance of a lamb, but his voice belied his appearance: he spoke like a dragon. That the

second beast represents religion employed in support of the worship of the beast is seen from the fat that hereafter he is

called the false prophet (16:13; 19:20; 20:10). The first beast represents civil power, satanically inspired; the second beast

represents religious power employed to support civil power.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

(1) Antichrist = Civil Power, Government turned evil

(2) False Prophet = Religious power turned evil

* The false prophet speaks like a dragon.

* The true Lamb (Christ) speaks the Word of God.

The false prophet is mentioned 3 other times in Revelation:

Revelation 16:13

Revelation 19:20

Revelation 20:10

He stands in complete service to the Antichrist.

His purpose is to set the whole world against Christ,

Revelation and his people.

He is presented as . . .

* Harmless

* Lovable

* Attractive

But he is the embodiment of . . .

* Evil

* Deception (lies)

* Death


Chapter Thirteen (13)

The false prophet of Revelation 13 will cause the world

of the lost to worship the Antichrist.

Revelation 13:12

Joseph Smith is a false prophet and Mormonism is a Cult.


It exercises all the authority of the first

beast in its presence, and makes the earth

and its inhabitants worship the first

beast, whose mortal wound was healed.

An Overview of Mormon Doctrine

Much of the Mormon theology uses doctrinal words that

mimic Christian theology but carry vastly different meanings,

says Tal Davis of the HMB Interfaith Witness Department. A

closer look will reveal a different concept of God, salvation, and

Christ’s divinity; terms often sound right, but most have been


Mormons believe theirs is the only true church and ac-

cept the Bible only as far as it is correctly translated. Church

founder Joseph Smith made more than 600 “corrections” to the

King James Version and added three additional scriptures: The

Book of Mormon, The Doctrine an Covenants, and the Pearl of

Great Price. Following is a brief overview of Mormon doctrine.

God is an exalted man. There are infinite number of gods

in the universe, each of whom is the god of his own planet.

However, only God the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the

Holy Ghost—three separate and distinct gods—are worshiped.

God the Heavenly Father has a wife (or wives) and is the literal

father of every person in the spirit world. God has a father and

grandfather and he once lived on a planet as a mortal man

before attaining “godhood”, or “exaltation.”

Chapter Thirteen (13)

The false prophet of Revelation 13 will use deceitful signs

and wonders to cause people to make an image of the



Jesus is the “Son” of God, God the Father is the literal

father of Jesus, or Jehovah, in both the spirit world and on

earth. The virgin birth is redefined; Jesus was not begotten of

the Holy Spirit, Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers. After Jesus’

resurrection in Palestine, He appeared in the Western Hemisphere,

organized a church, and appointed apostles among the American


Males are gods in embryo, Adam’s fall was necessary to pro-

vide billions of preexistent spirits with mortal bodies. Humans

are basically good; they will be punished for their sins, but not for

Adam’s sin of disobedience. According to Lorenzo Snow, fifth presi-

dent of the LDS Church, men are potential gods; “as man is, God

once was; as God is, man may become.” Women may become

wives of gods. After the judgment, worthy Mormon men who were

married in the temple can progress to “godhood” and the celestial

kingdom and receive a planet to populate, as God the Heavenly

Father did before them.

Three kingdoms exist. At death, Mormons go to Paradise,

while non-Mormons are assigned to a temporary spirit prison-

hell to await resurrection and judgment. Jesus Christ will

return to reign at Independence, Mo., for 1,000 years before the

judgment, after which good Mormons will go to the celestial king-

dom, other people of good will go to the terrestrial kingdom, and the

wicked will go to the telestial kingdom (not hell).

Mormon doctrine is unbiblical and false

It is a cult

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Revelation 13:13-15

Jesus and the apostle Paul warned about the deceit of coming

false prophets (Matthew 24:24; II Thessalonians 2:1-10). In Moses’ days magicians in Egypt used tricks to deceive

people (Exodus 7:11). Magic, sorcery and deceit have been used by Satan to draw

people away from the worship of the true God.

The false prophet encourages unbelievers to make an

image of the beast who was slain and came back to life.

Revelation 13:11-15


It performs great signs, even making fire

come down from heaven to earth in front

of people, and by the signs that it is

allowed to work in the presence of the

beast it deceives those who dwell on

earth, telling them to make an image for

the beast that was wounded by the sword

and yet lived. And it was allowed to give

breath to the image of the beast, so that

the image of the beast might even speak

and might cause those who would not

worship the image of the beast to be


Then I saw another beast rising out of the

earth. It had two horns like a lamb and

it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all

the authority of the first beast in its

presence, and makes the earth and its

Chapter Thirteen (13)

Revelation 13:11-15 (continued)

The conflict in Revelation is not between one religion and

another but between Christ and Antichrist.

Dr. Kendell Easley wrote:


inhabitants worship the first beast, whose

mortal wound was healed. It performs

great signs even making fire come down

from heaven to earth in front of people,

and by the signs that it is allowed to work

in the presence of the beast it deceives

those who dwell on earth, telling them to

make an image for the beast that was

wounded by the sword and yet lived. And

it was allowed to give breath to the image

of the beast, so that the image of the beast

might even speak an might cause those

who would not worship the image of the

beast to be slain.

. . . cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

The demon spirit animating the statue not only speaks but

demands death for those “fool enough” to refuse to worship

Antichrist or his statue. This shows plainly enough the

terrible insolence of false religion: what began as following

the beast inevitably led to worshiping the beast; in turn this

led to killing those who rejected the beast. The text does

not specify that everyone refusing to worship the beast will

be murdered, only that the False Prophet has the power to

cause such killing. Although this pattern has been repeated

throughout human history, it will be played out one moe

time on a truly global scale.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

The false prophet will make all unbelievers receive a

mark of 666 on their right hand or their forehead.

Revelation 13:16-18

Revelation 7—the 144,000 were sealed from God’s wrath.

Revelation 13—those who worship the beast are branded on

the right hand or forehead. 2 Groups of People

Those “sealed” for God

Those “marked” for the Antichrist

The seal of believers is symbolic but the mark of the beast

is probably physical in some sense.

The mark of the beast is both:

1. Religious

2. Economic


Also it causes all, both small and great,

both rich and poor, both free and

slave, to be marked on the right hand

or the forehead, so that no one can

buy or sell unless he has the mark,

that is, the name of the beast or the

number of its name. This calls for wis-

dom; let the one who has understand-

ing calculate the number of the beast,

for it is the number of a man, and his

number is 666.

Chapter Thirteen (13)

The Antichrist wants total control.

The mark of 666 = fallen man

The number represents the Antichrist and his evil kingdom.

Whatever this number means will be absolutely clear to

the people taking it. No one will take this mark accidently

or without full knowledge.

The false prophet of Revelation 13 will be the third person

of the unholy trinity.

1. Dragon—Satan

2. Beast of Sea—Antichrist

3. Beast of Earth—False Prophet

In the same way that the Holy Spirit directs our attention and

worship to Christ so the false prophet causes unbelievers to

worship the Antichrist which cause the Dragon/Satan to

receive worship.


Most Governments Want Total

Control of People.

Dr. Hendriksen wrote:

“It (666) represents failure upon failure upon failure. It

is symbolic of the beast’s continuing failure to accomplish

his purpose. It is the trinity of imperfection.

Chapter Thirteen (13:11-18)

1. False prophets and false religions have existed for 2,000

years but will culminated in the end of history.

2. The false prophet will be another master piece of Satan

like the Antichrist to deceive the world.

3. The false prophet will perform signs and wonders to

deceive millions.

4. His prime purpose will be to get people (unbelievers) to

worship the Antichrist which brings worship to Satan.

5. He will cause unbelievers to receive the mark of the beast

on their right hand or forehead.

6. Only those with the mark of the beast can buy or sell.

7. Both the Antichrist and the false prophet are heading for

severe punishment of God.

Personal Application





Angels – created spiritual beings with moral

judgment and high intelligence but

without physical bodies.

Revelation 14:1-13

*Revelation chapter fourteen (14) verses 1-13 reveal . . .

1. The 144,000 redeemed standing on Mount Zion

with the Lamb.

2. The first (1st) angel flying overhead with the

eternal gospel.

3. The second (2nd) angel with a message for Babylon.

4. The third (3rd) angel with a warning to those who

take the mark of the beast.

5. The message of hope and reward for all those who

remain faithful to Christ.

Nehemiah 9:6

Point 1 Revelation 14:1-5; Psalm 2:6; Hebrews 12:22;

Revelation 14:3; John 4:24; Revelation 14:4;

I Corinthians 15:20; Jeremiah 1:18; Revelation

14:5; Zephaniah 3:13.

Point 2 Revelation 14:6-7; Ephesians 1:4; Revelation 1:20;

Revelation 13; I Peter 1:20; John 10:28-30;

Romans 8:35-39; Jude 1:24.

Point 3 Revelation 14:8; Genesis 2:10,14; 10:8; 11:5;

Genesis 24:3,4 & 10; 27:42: 3&4; Daniel 1:1, 2,

3:36, 38; Revelation 17 & 18.

Point 4 Revelation 14:9-12; John 3:36; Matthew 25:46

Point 5 Revelation 14:13; II Corinthians 5:8; Philippians

1:21, 23.

Scripture used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 14:1-13

Angels—created spiritual beings with moral

judgment and high intelligence but

without physical bodies.

Nehemiah 9:6

Revelation is a highly symbolic book.

Symbolic—using symbols to represent another thing.

Mt. Zion = is symbolic of heaven and the victory of the

Saints (Psalm 2:6).

Hebrews 12:22

144,000 = All the redeemed of God with particular

emphasis upon those living during the time

of the Antichrist. (complete totality).


Chapter Fourteen (14)

Sermon notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermons on this chapter.

“You are the Lord, you alone. You

have made heaven, the heaven of

heavens, with all their hosts

(angels) . . .”

“But you have come to Mount Zion and to

the city of the Living God the heavenly

Jerusalem and to innumerable angels in

festal gathering.”

Chapter Fourteen (14)


3 = Divine Number

7 = Perfect Number

10 = Number for Evil

12 = Number for God’s People

12 Tribes

12 Stars

12 Apostles

12 Gates

12 Foundations

A 5-fold identification of the 144,000 redeemed from the earth.

1. They are worshipers.

Worship—an active response to God whereby

we declare his worth.

2. They are undefiled (faithful).

Purity—spiritual dedication to Christ.

Dr. Ladd writes . . .

3. They are followers of the Lamb.

True Discipleship

“A believer and follower of Jesus Christ all their lives.”


“We conclude, therefore, that the one hundred and

forty-four thousand are virgins and undefiled in the

sense that they have refused to defile themselves by

participating in the fornication of worshiping the

Beast but have kept themselves pure unto God.”

Chapter Fourteen (14)

4. They are firstfruits.

2 ways to understand:

(1) Firstfruits—Israel harvested the 1st ears of the

grain harvest with a harvest to follow (I Corinthians

15:20). (2) Firstfruits— Refers to the entire entity, the

totality of God’s people.

Jeremiah 1:18

I believe the second interpretation is the meaning here. The 144,000 with the Lamb = the complete number of

the saved.

5. They are blameless.

Revelation 14:5

Blameless in the Old Testament used for unblemished


Zephaniah 3:13


“Israel was holy to the Lord, the first-

fruits of his harvest.”

“And in their mouths no lie was

found, for they are blameless.”

“Those who are left in Israel shall do

no injustice and speak no lies, nor

shall there be found in their mouths a

deceitful tongue . . . .”

Chapter Fourteen (14)

The eternal Gospel—the angel is preaching the Good News

concerning everlasting life and entrance

into the Kingdom of God.

Gospel = the Good News of God’s saving power and forgive-

ness of sins based on Christ’s death, burial and

resurrection. This gospel is eternal because . . .

1. It is rooted in the eternal council of the Triune

God (Ephesians 1:4).

2. It is rooted in the eternal Son of God (I Peter 1:20).

3. It is rooted in God’s promise that we are saved not

just temporally (time) but for (eternity)

(Romans 8:35-39).

Babylon—symbol of rebellion against God (paganism).

Revelation 18:2

“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great.”

Historical Babylon was an ancient Mesopotamian city

that was the political and religious capital of the world.


Change your allegiance from the

Beast/Antichrist the Lord Jesus


Chapter Fourteen (14)

Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very

significant country in the Bible. Here’s why.

* Eden was in Iraq. Genesis 2:10,14

* Adam & Eve were created in Iraq. Genesis 2:7,8

* Satan made his first recorded appearance in Iraq.

Genesis 3:1,6

* Nimrod established Babylon & Tower of Babel was built

in Iraq. Genesis 10:8, 97 & 11:1,4

* The confusion of the languages took place in Iraq.

Genesis 11:5, 11.

* Abraham came from a city in Iraq. Genesis 11:31 &

Acts 7:2,4

* Isaac’s bride came from Iraq. Genesis 24:3,4 & 10

* Jacob spent 20 years in Iraq. Genesis 27:42,45 & 31:38

* The first world Empire was in Iraq. Daniel 1:1,2 &


* The greatest revival in history was in a city in Iraq.

Jonah 3

* The events of the book of Esther took place in Iraq.


* The book of Nahum was a prophecy against a city in

Iraq. Nahum

* The book of Revelation has prophecies against Babylon,

which was the old name for the nation of Iraq.

Revelation 17 & 18

No other nation, except Israel, has more history and

prophecy associated with it than Iraq.


Chapter Fourteen (14)

God’s judgment is about to fall upon Babylon.

A third angel “warns” sinful mankind of the dire consequences

of worshiping the Beast and taking the mark of the Beast on

their right hand or forehead. They will suffer the wrath of


God’s wrath is his reaction of his holiness to man’s sinfulness

and rebellion.

“Love” “Wrath” Revelation emphasizes God’s wrath more than any other

book in the New Testament. John 3:36

The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and

they have no rest, day or night who worship the Beast.


Babylon is the symbol of paganism

and rebellion against God.


“He who does not obey the Son shall

not see life but the wrath of God

abides upon him.”

Unbelievers who take the mark of the Beast will be

tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the

holy angels and the Lamb.

Chapter Fourteen (14)

Hell is “real” and it is “eternal”

Matthew 25:46

The same Greek word for eternal ( ) is

used for both the lost and saved. Here is a call for the endurance of the saints.

Dr. Ladd writes . . .

All believers who remain faithful to Christ will be rewarded

and blessed because . . .

1. They enter into Christ’s presence in heaven (II Cor. 5:8)

2. They are at rest in Christ.

3. They are at rest waiting for their rewards.

A new glorified body.

Various crowns.

A new heaven and a new earth.


“And these will go away into eternal

punishment, but the righteous into

eternal life.”

Verse 12. Here is a call for the endurance of the saints,

those who keep the commandments of God and the

faith of Jesus. In view of the certain doom of the beast

and those who worship him. John inserts a call to patient

endurance on the part of those who are about to suffer at

the hands of the beast. The “faith of Jesus” is not the

faith he gives but an objective genitive: faith in Jesus.

Chapter Fourteen (14)

1. God’s redeemed are sealed and protected by God’s Spirit and everyone of them will make heaven.

2. We must continue to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus


3. The pagan world of Babylon is doomed for certain


4. All unbelievers will experience the full wrath of God.

5. All believers who die in Christ will be blessed and rewarded.

Personal Application

Galatians 4:4-5

Luke 21:25-28

Romans 11:26

Matthew 24:7; 37-39

II Timothy 4:3

II Thessalonians 2

Revelation 13

Point 1 Revelation 14:14-16; Daniel 7:13; Matthew 26:63-64;

13:36-43; 25:31-32; Matthew 17:5; 25:29-31;

Revelation 1:7; Galatians 4:4; Revelation 14:15;

Psalm 135:6; II Corinthians 12:2; I Thessalonians

4:16-16; I Corinthians 15:50-57.

Point 2 Revelation 17:20; Matthew 13:39; 24:29-31; Luke 3:17;

Isaiah 63:2-3; Joel 3:13; Revelation 19:11-16; 6:12-17;

Zechariah 14:4; Revelation 16:6.

Point 3 Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43; 47-50; Matthew 24 & Mark

13; I Corinthians 15:51, 52; Revelation 20:1-2;

Daniel 12:1-3; John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15; Revelation

20:1-6; II Thessalonians 2:1-4; 2:1-12; Matthew 24:43;

I Thessalonians 5:1-3; II Peter 3:9-10; Revelation 16:15;

II Thessalonians 2:7; Revelation 14:14-20; I Corinthians

15:20-28; Luke 17:22-37; Leviticus 23:4-44;

John 6:39-40; 44; 54.

Scriptures used throughout

this sermon

Revelation 14:14-20

Harvest—the time of the year when a mature crop

is reaped and gathered in.

Galatians 4:4-5

When full preparation was made—the full number of

days—God’s Exact Time

Luke 21:25-28


Chapter Fourteen (14)

Sermon notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermons on this chapter

“But when the fullness of time had

come, God sent forth His Son, born of a

woman, born under law to redeem those

under the law . . . .”

God’s Chronological Time

“And there will be signs in sun and moon

and stars, and on the earth distress of

nations in perplexity because of the roar-

ing of the sea and the waves, people

fainting with fear and with foreboding of

what is coming on the world. For the

powers of the heavens will be shaken.

And then they will see the Son of Man

coming in a cloud with power and great

glory. Now when these things begin to

take place, straighten up and raise your

heads, because your redemption is

drawing near.”

Chapter Fourteen (14)

Let’s consider some of the signs of the time.

1. The sign of Israel.

2. The sign of the Middle East conflict and potential

global war.

3. The sign of the rise of evil.

4. The sign of the rise of religious apostasy.

5. The sign of the rise of a future evil ruler.

II Thessalonians 2:3

“The man of lawlessness . . . The son of


Revelation 14:14-16


Then I looked, and behold, a white

cloud, and seated on the cloud one like

a son of man, with a golden crown on

his head, and sharp sickle in his hand.

And another angel came out of the

temple, calling with a loud voice to

him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your

sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap

has come, for the harvest of the earth

is fully ripe.” So he who sat on the

cloud swung his sickle across the

earth, and the earth was reaped.

Chapter Fourteen (14)

One like a son of man.

Daniel 7:13

The title Son of Man clearly points to the deity of

the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the Gospels Jesus refers to himself as

the Son of Man.

Matthew 26:63-64

Jesus also portrayed the end of times as the Son’s

mission to separate the righteous from the wicked.

Matthew 13:36-43


I saw in the night visions, and

behold, with clouds of heaven there

came one like a son of man, and he

came to the Ancient of Days and was

presented before him.

But Jesus remained silent. And the

high priest said to him, “I adjure

you by the living God, tell us if

you are the Christ, the Son of God.”

Jesus said to him, “You have said

so. But I tell you, from now on you

will see the Son of Man seated on

the right hand of Power and coming

on the clouds of heaven.

Then he left the crowds and went into

the house. And his disciples came to

him, saying, Explain to us the parable

of the weeds of the field.” He answered,

Chapter Fourteen (14)

Matthew 13:36-43 (Continued)

Behold a white cloud

White—symbolic of things of God (Matthew 17:5)

Revelation 1:7


“The one who sows the good seed is the

Son of Man. The field is the world, and

the good seed is the children of the

kingdom. The weeds are the sons of

the evil one, and the enemy who sowed

them is the devil. The harvest is the

close of the age, and the reapers are an-

gels. Just as the weeds are gathered

and burned with fire, so will it be at the

close of the age. The Son of Man will

send his angels, and they will gather

out of his kingdom all causes of sin and

all law-breakers, and throw them into

the fiery furnace. In that place there

will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Then the righteous will shine like the

sun in the kingdom of their Father. He

who has ears let him hear.”

“Behold he is coming with clouds, and

every eye shall see him . . . .”

Chapter Fourteen (14)

A sharp sickle in his hand—the instrument for harvesting


Grain—the righteous; the harvest is fully ripe. History is under God’s control (Galatians 4:4).

The earth is reaped = rapture of the church.

There is no judgment in this 1st harvest. This is

the rapture of the church (I Thessalonians 4:16-18;

I Corinthians 15:50-57).

An angel with a sharp sickle Sickle—to harvest, this time the harvest focuses on

judgment. Angels are used to gather the unrighteous for judgment.

Matthew 13:39

“The harvest is the close of the age, and the

reapers are angels.” The rapture/gathering of the church is at the end of

history just before the judgment upon believers.

Matthew 24:29-31

Revelation 14:17-20

“Immediately after the tribulation of

those days the sun will be darkened, and

the moon will not give its light, and

the stars will fall from heaven, and the

powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Then will appear in heaven the sign of


Chapter Fourteen (14)

Matthew 24:29-31 (Continued)

Luke 3:17

For its grapes are ripe

Grapes—symbol of judgment

Isaiah 63:2-3


the Son of Man, and then all the tribes

of the earth will mourn, and they will

see the Son of Man coming on the

clouds of heaven with power and great

glory. And he will send out his angels

with a loud trumpet call, and they will

gather his elect from the four winds,

from one end of heaven to the other.

“His winnowing fork is in his hand, to

clear his threshing floor and to gather

the wheat into the barn, but the chaff

he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

“Why is your apparel red, and your

garments like his who treads in the

winepress? “I have trodden the wine-

press alone, and from the peoples no

one was with me; I trod them in my

anger and trampled them in my

wrath; their lifeblood spattered on

my garments, and stained all my


Chapter Fourteen (14)

Joel 3:13

The great winepress of the wrath of God.

Revelation 19:11-16

The blood flowed from the winepress, as high as a

horses bridal, for 1,600 stadia.

184 miles—the entire length of Israel—4’ deep


Put in the sickle for the harvest is

ripe go in, tread. For the winepress

is full. The vats overflow, for their

evil is great.”

Then I saw heaven opened, and behold,

a white horse! The one sitting on it is

called Faithful and True, and in right-

eousness he judges and makes war. His

eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his

head are many diadems, and he has a

name written that no one knows but

himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped

in blood, and the name by which he

is called is The Word of God. And the

armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen,

white and pure are following him on

white horses. From his mouth comes a

sharp sword with which to strike down

the nations, and he will rule them with

a rod of iron. He will tread the wine-

press of the fury of the wrath of God

Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh

he has a name written, King of Kings

and Lord of Lords.

Chapter Fourteen (14)

Revelation 6:12-17

Zechariah 14:4

“On that day his feet shall stand on the

Mount of Olives . . . .”

Revelation 16:6

World War III—the last great battle on Earth of good and evil.


When he opened the sixth seal, I looked,

and behold, there was a great earthquake,

and the sun became black as sackcloth,

the full moon became like blood, and

the stars of the sky fell to the Earth as

the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when

shaken by a gale. The sky vanished like

a scroll that is being rolled up, and every

mountain and island was removed from

its place. Then the kings of the earth

and the great ones and the generals and

the rich and powerful, and everyone,

slave and free, hid themselves in the

caves and among the rocks of the moun-

tains, calling to the mountains and

rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the

face of him who is seated on the throne,

and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the

great day of their wrath has come, and

who can stand?”

“And they assembled them at the place

that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.”

Chapter Fourteen (14)

George Ladd

The language is symbolic of a literal truth—Christ

defeating Satan’s forces.

The fourteen (14) Biblical reasons for the post-tribulation

rapture and return of Jesus Christ.

III. The 14 Biblical reasons for the post-tribulational rapture

and return of Jesus Christ. 1. Because of Parables of “The Wheat and Tares” and “The

Net” teach that the rapture of the church is at the end of

history. (Matthew 13:24-30– 36-43; 47-50). 2. Because of the clear teaching of Matthew 24 and Mark 13

that Christ would return after the Tribulation (Matthew 24

& Mark 13). 3. Because of the return of Jesus Christ being at the last

trumpet (I Corinthians 15:51-52). 4. Because of the teaching concerning the first resurrection

found in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 20:1-6).

5. Because of the Old and New Testament teaching of only

two resurrections (Daniel 12:1-3; John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15;

Revelation 20:1-6). 6. Because of the teaching by the Apostle Paul that two events

(apostasy and the rise of the man of lawlessness (must

precede Christ’s return (II Thessalonians 2:1-4).

The thought is clear: a radical judgment that

crushes every vestige of evil and hostility to the

reign of God.


Chapter Fourteen (14)

7. Because of the difficulties of the restrainer in II Thessa-

lonians being the Holy Spirit who is taken out of the world

(II Thessalonians 2:1-12).

8. Because of the thief motif found in scripture harmonizing

with Christ’s post-Tribulation return (Matthew 24:43;

I Thessalonians 5:1-3; II Peter 3:9-10; Revelation 16:15).

9. Because of the teaching that the mystery of lawlessness is

already at work in the church age (II Thessalonians 2:7).

10. Because the teaching of Revelation fits a post-Tribulation

rapture (Revelation 14:14-20).

11. Because of the clear teaching of I Corinthians 15:20-28

concerning the return of Christ (I Corinthians 15:20-28) -

Christ’s resurrection/second coming/then the end.

12. Because the teaching of Noah and Lot fit into a post-

Tribulational return of Christ (Luke 17:22-37).

13. Because the teaching of the feast of Israel, particularly

The Day of Atonement, fits a post-Tribulational return of

Christ (Leviticus 23:4-44).

14. Because of the clear teaching that the rapture of the saints

coincides with the resurrection at the last day (John 6:39;

6:40; 44; 54).


Chapter Fourteen (14)

1. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ can look forward

with great joy the blessed hope and 2nd coming of

Jesus Christ to rapture us from the earth.

2. The unbelievers will in time experience the wrath of

God at the 2nd coming of Christ.

3. The New Testament overwhelmingly presents the rapture

and 2nd coming of Christ as one event at the end of


Personal Application


Harvest – the time of the year when a mature

crop is reaped and gathered in.

Revelation 14:14-20

1. The rapture of the church at the end of history


2. The revelation of God’s wrath upon the lost at the end

of history (14:17-20).

3. The 14 biblical reasons for the post-tribulation rapture

and return of Christ (Matthew through Revelation).





Heaven – the dwelling place of God, angels and

all the saints who have died.

Revelation 15:1-8

*In chapter fifteen we have a glimpse of heaven that reveals

to us . . .

1. The seven (7) angels with the seven (7) last plagues

of God’s wrath.

2. The saints who conquered the beast standing with

harps of God in their hands.

3. The saints singing the song of Moses and the Lamb.

4. The seven (7) angels clothed in their beautiful garments

who were given 7 golden bowls of God’s wrath.

5. The glory and power of a sovereign God that filled

the sanctuary.

II Corinthians 12:2-3

Luke 23:42-43

Point 1 Revelation 15:1; 10:7; Psalm 22:1; I John 4:10;

Matthew 25:41; 46.

Point 2 Revelation 15:2; Hebrews 12:29; Revelation 4:6.

Point 3 Revelation 15:3-4; Exodus 15:1-18; 19-21;

Genesis 1-2; John 4:23-24; Mark 7; Philippians 3:3;

Psalm 150; Revelation 21-22.

Point 4 Revelation 15:5-7; Hebrews 1:14; Luke 2:13-14;

Matthew 1:19-20; 2:13-15; Mark 1:12-13;

Luke 22:43; Acts 1:10; Mark 13; I Thessalonians 4.

Point 5 Revelation 15:8; Exodus 40:34-35; I Kings 8:10-11;

Ezekiel 44:4; Daniel 4:34-35.

Scriptures used throughout

this Sermon

Revelation 15:1-8

God’s dwelling place = Heaven

Heaven = Paradise; 3rd Heaven

The thief on the cross went to paradise

upon his death. God’s Wrath—means that he intensely hates all sin

and will bring his judgment upon it. The seven (7) bowls of judgment are the last judgments

of history. In them God’s wrath will be completed

(Revelation 10:7; 15:1).

Revelation 15:1

In scripture we learn three (3) things about the wrath

of God. 1. God’s wrath is revealed in history.

Adam/Eve—Lost Paradise


Sodom/Gomorrah –Fire & Brimstone

10 Tribes—722 B.C. Assyria (captivity)

2 Tribes—605 B.C. Babylon (captivity)

Jerusalem—A.D. 70 Romans (destroyed)

Romans 1—God’s wrath

Revelation 7 trumpets/7 bowls


Chapter Fifteen (15)

Sermon notes and significant thoughts

and ideas from the sermons on this chapter

I saw in heaven another great and

marvelous sign: seven angels with the

seven last plagues—last, because with

them God’s wrath is completed.

Chapter Fifteen (15)

2. God’s wrath was revealed at the cross.

Cup = God’s wrath

Psalm 22:1 “My God why have you forsaken me?”

I John 4:10

Because Jesus bore the wrath of God in our place

all who trust him as Savior and Lord will not experience

God’s wrath.

3. God’s wrath will be revealed throughout eternity in


Matthew 25:46

God is love but he is also wrath. His love and wrath

are like the two (2) winds of an airplane.

Both wings are absolutely necessary for flight and both -

wrath and love are necessary to biblically represent the

full nature of God.


“In this is love, not that we have

loved God but that he loved us and

sent his Son to be the propitiation (to

satisfy God’s wrath for our sins.”

“And these will go away into eternal

punishment, but the righteous into

eternal life.”

“Love” “Wrath”

Chapter Fifteen (15)

Revelation 15:2

I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with


“Sea of glass mingled with fire.” When we see a beautiful body of water it is . . .




“Mingled with fire”

Fire = Represents God

Hebrews 12:29

“For God is a consuming fire.”

This represents God’s “majesty”.

Also those who had conquered the beast and it’s image

and the number of its name.

They conquered the beast through their being put to death—they refused to bow to him and to receive his

number—666. They moved into God’s presence in heaven.


And I saw what appeared to be a sea

of glass mingled with fire—and also

those who had conquered the beast

and its image and the number of its

name, standing beside the sea of glass

with harps of God in their hands.

Chapter Fifteen (15)

Standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in

their hands.

Sea of glass = God’s throne in heaven.

Harps of God = expression of praise & worship

Harps = symbol of victory

Revelation 15:3-4

Both the Old Testament and New Testament saints sing

about God’s “deliverance” from their enemies (Exodus 15).

The song of Moses is the song of deliverance from Pharoh

and the Egyptian army at the Red Sea.

Red Sea Deliverance


And they sing the song of Moses, the

servant of God, and the song of the

Lamb, saying, “Great and amazing are

your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!

Just and true are your ways, O King of

the nations! Who will not fear, O

Lord, and glorify your name? For you

alone are holy. All nations will come

and worship you, for your righteous

acts have been revealed.”

Chapter Fifteen (15)

Exodus 15:19-21

Praise and worship is a natural response to God’s

deliverance in our lives.


1. Worship is the highest priority of our lives.

Genesis 1-2—Adam/Eve

John 4:23-24—God is seeking true worshipers.

2. Worship is only received when done from our hearts.

Mark 7—”This people honors me with their lips, but

their heart is far from me.”


For when the horses of Pharaoh with

his chariots and his horsemen went

into the sea, the Lord brought back

the waters of the sea upon them, but

the people of Israel walked on dry

ground in the midst of the sea. Then

Miriam the prophetess, the sister of

Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand,

and all the women went out after her

with tambourines and dancing. And

Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the

Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously;

the horse and his rider he has thrown

into the sea.”

“The dramatic celebration of God in supreme

worth in such manner that his “worthiness”

becomes the norm and inspiration of human


Chapter Fifteen (15)

3. Worship that is God honoring is empowered by the

Holy Spirit.

Philippians 3:3

“. . . . . Who worship by the Spirit of God. . . .”

Amos 4 “Away with your worship” Mechanical

4. Worship is the deepest privilege of every believer.

Psalm 150. 5. Worship is given to the triune God the Father, Son

and Holy Spirit through eternity.

Revelation 15:5-7

Angels—created spiritual beings with moral judgment and

high intelligence but without physical bodies. They are servants of God who minister to God’s people.

Hebrews 1:14

After this I looked, and the sanctuary

of the tent of witness in heaven was

opened, and out of the sanctuary

came the seven angels with the seven

plagues, clothed in pure, bright linen,

with golden sashes around their

chests. And one of the four living

creatures gave to the seven angels

seven golden bowls full of the wrath

of God who lives forever and ever.

Are they not all ministering spirits

sent out to serve for the sake of those

who are to inherit salvation?


Chapter Fifteen (15)

Angels ministry to Christ -

His birth—Luke 2:13-14

Joseph—Matthew 1:19-20; 2:13-15

His temptation—Mark 1:12-13

In the Garden—Luke 22:43

His Resurrection—the 4 Gospels

His Ascension—Acts 1:10

His Return—Matthew 13; I Thessalonians 4; Revelation

The seven (7) angels with the 7 plagues clothed in pure,

bright linen, with golden sashes around their chest.

The clothing of these angels is designed to enhance

the splendor of these celestial beings. * Pure, bright linen = holiness

* Golden sashes = Kings The 7 bowls complete God’s wrath and judgment

upon the earth.

Who lives forever and ever.

Forever and ever—a reminder that although evil may

seem to dominate affairs in human history, God is

the Eternal One whose purposes can not be frustrated,

even by Satanic and demonic evil.



Chapter Fifteen (15)

Revelation 15:8

The sanctuary was filled with smoke from the glory of

God and from his power.

Glory—splendor and magnificence.


In the Old Testament God manifested his glory in various

ways and no one could stand before it.

Exodus 40:34-35

The priests were unable to enter Solomon’s temple at

it’s dedication because the glory of God filled the house. I Kings 8:10-11

. . . and the sanctuary was filled with

smoke from the glory of God and from

his power, and no one could enter the

sanctuary until the seven plagues of

the seven angels were finished.

Then the cloud covered the tent of

meeting, and the glory of the Lord

filled the tabernacle. And Moses was

not able to enter the tent of meeting

because the cloud settled on it,

and the glory of the Lord filled the


And when the priests came out of the

Holy Place, a cloud filled the house of

the Lord, so that the priests could not

stand to minister because of the cloud,

for the glory of the Lord filled the

house of the Lord.


Chapter Fifteen (15)

Ezekiel fell on his face before the vision of the temple

filled with the glory of the Lord.

Ezekiel 44:4

Dr. Ladd writes

God’s glory in heaven will be beyond anything we can

imagine or conceive of. His power is unlimited and beyond our comprehension.

And no one could enter the sanctuary until the 7 plagues

of the 7 angels were finished. Dr. Kistemaker writes

Then he brought me by way of the

north gate to the front of the temple,

and I looked, and behold, the glory of

the Lord filled the temple of the Lord.

And I fell on my face.

“The emphasis is not so much the unapproach-

ableness of God as his “Majesty” and “Glory” in com-

parison to all that is human and mundane.”

The fierceness of God’s wrath is so intense that no

creature can enter his presence. The time of offering

prayers and petitions for mercy is past, for the hour of

judgment has come. No one may enter the inner sanc-

tuary until the bowls of wrath have been poured out

and the destruction of the wicked has been completed,

for God’s mercy is forgotten, his compassion withheld,

and his patience suspended.


Chapter Fifteen (15)

1. God’s judgment upon a Christ’s rejecting world is going

to be severe.

2. God’s people will experience great suffering and death

under the Antichrist.

3. The saints who are killed will enter into heaven to worship

and praise God for their ultimate victory.

4. The final wrath of God will be more intense than anything


5. God is sovereign and all powerful and his glory will one

day cover the earth.

Personal Application