review akshay


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  • 8/7/2019 review akshay





    In most developed and developing countries, stricter environmental regulations, withregard to contaminants discharged from industrial operations, are being introduced. This

    means that industries need to develop on-site or in-plant facilities to their own effluents andminimize the contaminant concentrations to acceptable limits prior to their discharge. The

    discharge of these dye stuffs and metals from industries into rivers and lakes results in areduced dissolved oxygen concentration causing anoxic conditions, which subsequently

    affect aerobic organisms (1). Apart from the toxicological properties of dyes, their colour is

    one of the first signs of contamination recognized in a wastewater Biosorption is a technique

    that can be used for the removal of pollutants from water, especially those that are not easily

    biodegradable such as metals and dyes. A variety of biomaterials are known to bind these

    pollutants, including bacteria, fungi, algae, and industrial and agricultural wastes. There are

    three principle advantages of biological technologies for the removal of pollutants; first,

    biological processes can be carried out in situ at the contaminated site; Second, bioprocess

    technologies are usually environmentally benign (no secondary pollution) and third, they are

    cost effective. Of the different biological methods, bioaccumulation and biosorption have

    been demonstrated to possess good potential to replace conventional methods for the removal

    of dyes. In this review, the biosorption abilities of bacterial biomass towards dyes areemphasized (9).

    Water resources are of critical importance to both natural ecosystem and humandevelopments. Increasing environmental pollution from industrial wastewater particularly in

    developing countries is of major concern. Many industries like dye industries, textile, paperand plastics use dyes in order to colour their products and also consume substantial volumes

    of water. As a result they generate a considerable amount of coloured wastewater. Thepresence of small amount of dyes (less than 1 ppm) is highly visible and undesirable. Many

    of these dyes are also toxic and even carcinogenic and pose a serious threat to living

    organisms. Hence, there is a need to treat the wastewaters containing toxic dyes before they

    are discharged into the water bodies (18). Many researches have been investigated in order

    to remove dyes molecules before disposal of wastewater such as chemical coagulation and

    ozonation. Recent research works had proved thatadsorption method is becoming the most

    promisingalternative in this domain. The most common adsorbentis the activated carbon

    but its use remains quite expensive. This method do not show significant effectiveness and

    economic advantage and higher the quality greater the cost. Many low cost biosorbents were

    tested for the removal of dyes from aqueous solutions such as wheat bran (ieket al., 2007),

    Posidonia oceanica; agricultural waste, pine sawdust orange peel and rice husk(1)

    Many physico-chemical methods like coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, etc are

    available for the treatment of heavy metals and dyes. Major drawbacks of these methods are

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    high sludge production, handling and disposal problems, high cost, technical constraints, etc.

    The increasing awareness and concern about the environment motivated research for new

    efficient technologies that would be capable of treating inexpensively, waste waters polluted

    by dyes. This search brought biosorption to the foreground of scientific interest as a potential

    basis for the design of novel wastewater treatment processes. Several adsorbents are currently

    used which are by-products from agriculture and industries, which include seaweeds, molds,yeast, bacteria, crabshells, agricultural products such as wool, rice, straw, coconut husks, peat

    moss, exhausted coffee waste tea leaves, walnut skin, coconut fibres, etc.Thus

    adsorption/biosorption using low cost adsorbents could be technically feasible and

    economically viable sustainable technology for the treatment of wastewater streams (10).

    Structures of some majourly used dyes are as follows-



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  • 8/7/2019 review akshay




    KEYWORDS : Wastewater treatment, conventional methods, decolourization, biosorption,

    biosorbent, dye.

  • 8/7/2019 review akshay



    Dyeing industry effluents are one of the most problematic wastewater to be treated notonly for their high chemical oxygen demand, but also for high biological oxygen demand,

    suspended solids, turbidity, toxic constituents but also for colour, which is the firstcontaminant discernible by the human eye. Dyes may affect the photosynthetic activity in

    aquatic life due to reduced light penetration and may also be toxic to some aquatic life due tothe presence of aromatics, metals, etc. in them. Dyes usually have a synthetic origin and

    complex aromatic molecular structure, which make them more stable and more difficult tobiodegrade(19). Water soluble reactive and acid dyes are problematic; as they pass through

    the conventional treatment system unaffected, posing problems. Dyes have generated muchconcern regarding its use, due to its toxic effects. It has been reported to cause

    carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, chromosomal fractures, teratogenecity and respiratory toxicity



    India produces 64,000 tonnes of dyes, 2 per cent of which - 7,040 tonnes - are directlydischarged into the environment. There are around 700 varieties of dyes and dye

    intermediaries produced in India. In India only a third of the dyestuff producing industries are

    in organised sector (17).

    Dyes and colour pigments also contain metals such as copper, nickel, chromium,

    mercury and cobalt. Metals are difficult to remove from wastewater and may escape the

    capacities of the effluent treatment system. Moreover, the unused dyes and colour released in

    effluent from dyeing vats, interferes with the transmission of light in the water bodies that

    receives the effluent. This in turn inhibits the photosynthesis activity of aquatic biota besides

    direct toxic effects on biota. Several textile and food dyes have been linked tocarcinogenicity, such as dye intermediaries like Benz dines. Hence the ubiquitous colour

    needs to be regulated. But removing the colour from effluents is extremely difficult. There is

    no universally applicable technique for all conditions (18).


    Synthetic dyes often receive considerable attention from researchers interested in textile

    wastewater effluents treatment processes. As discharge standards are becoming more

    stringent, the development of technological systems for minimizing concentration of dyes and

    their break down products in wastewater are nowadays necessary. The following are

    generally used for the removal of colour from wastewaters (20).

    1) Physicochemical methods for dye removal2) Photo catalytic decolourisation and oxidation of synthetic dyes3) Membrane processing

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    4) Mi i l i l iti t ti) Enzymati mposition of synt ti dyes

    6) Adsorption



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    The bio sorption process involves a solid phase (sorbet or biosorbent; adsorbent;

    biological material) and a liquid phase (solvent, normally water) containing a dissolved

    species to be sorbed (adsorb ate, dyes). Due to the higher affinity of the adsorbent for the

    adsorb ate species, the latter is attracted and bound there by different mechanisms. Theprocess continues till equilibrium is established between the amount of solid-bound adsorb

    ate species and its portion remaining in the solution. The degree of adsorbent affinity for the

    adsorb ate determines its distribution between the solid and liquid phases. The pH of the

    solution is an important controlling parameter in the sorption process(3). Salt concentration

    also has an adverse effect on sorption process(6).

    Bio sorption has advantages compared with conventional techniques. Some of these are

    listed below:

    Cheap: the cost of the biosorbent is low since they often are made from abundant or waste

    Material. Dye selective: the dye sorbing performance of different types of biomass can be more or

    Less selective on different dyes. This depends on various factors such as type of biomass,

    Mixture in the solution, type of biomass preparation and physico-chemical treatment.

    Regenerative: biosorbents can be reused, after the dye is recycled.

    No sludge generation: no secondary problems with sludge occur with bio sorption, as is the

    Case with many other techniques, for example, precipitation.

    Competitive performance: bio sorption is capable of a performance comparable to the mostsimilar technique, ion exchange treatment. Ion exchange is, as mentioned above, rather

    costly, making the low cost of bio sorption a major factor.Bio sorption by seaweed has been demonstrated to be a practical alternative to

    conventional systems for the removal of dyes (7).


    A wide variety of micro organisms including bacteria, fungi and yeasts are used for the

    bio sorption of a broad range of dyes. Textile dyes vary greatly in their chemistries, andtherefore their interactions with micro organisms depend on the chemical structure of a

    particular dye, the specific chemistry of the microbial biomass and characteristics of the dyesolution or wastewater (11). Depending on the dye and the species of micro organism used

    different binding capacities have been observed. Magnetically modified yeast cells can thus

    be a promising magnetic affinity adsorbent which may be used to the removal of dyes (5).

    Decarboxylation is a good option for pre-treatment of the raw biomass to make effective biosorbents able to remove reactive dyes from dye-containing wastewaters, even at low


    There are certain inherent disadvantages of using micro organisms for the bio sorption of

    heavy dyes and they are as follows: the protein rich algal and fungal biomass projected as dye

    biosorbents have limitations as proteinious materials are likely to putrefy under moist

    conditions. Further, most dye sorption reported in literature is based on algal and fungal

    biomass, which must be cultured, collected from their natural habitats and pre-processed, if

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    available as discards and transported under special conditions, thus introducing the factor of

    additional costs (4).


    The disadvantages of using micro organisms can be overcome by using low costadsorbents. In general, a sorbent can be assumed to be low cost if it requires little

    processing and is abundant in nature, or is a by product or waste material from another

    industry (18), which has lost its economic or further processing values The by-products from

    the agriculture and industries could be assumed to be low-cost adsorbents since they areabundant in nature, inexpensive, require little processing and are effective materials (16).

    Palm kernel fibre, a very abundant agricultural by-production Nigeria has been shown to be agood sorbent for the anionic dye (2). Another agricultural solid waste, tamarind fruit shell is

    also a potential sorbent. (13).Commercially available activated carbons (AC) are usually derived from natural

    materials such as wood, coconut shell, lignite or coal, but almost any carbonaceous materialmay be used as precursor for the preparation of carbon adsorbents. Hazelnut shell, low cost

    material, also has suitable adsorption capacity to the remove dyes from its aqueous solution(15). Raw agricultural solid wastes and waste materials from forest industries such as sawdust

    and bark have been used as adsorbents. These materials are available in large quantities and

    may have potential as sorbents due to their physico-chemical characteristics and low-cost.

    Amino acid fermentation industry waste, Corynebacterium glutamicum, has been found to

    possess excellent bio sorption capacity (8).

    Water-pollution control thus is presently one of the major areas of scientific activity as

    effluent discharge from textile and dyestuff industries to neighbouring water bodies and

    wastewater treatment systems is currently causing significant health concerns to

    environmental regulatory agencies. So colour removal, in particular by bio sorption is a

    proven technique potentially for the removal of dyes from aqueous solution (12).


    Biosorption is a technique that can be used for the removal of pollutants from water,

    especially those that are not easily biodegradable such as metals and dyes. A variety of biomaterials are known to bind these pollutants, including bacteria, fungi, algae, and

    industrial and agricultural wastes. There are three principle advantages of biologicaltechnologies for the removal of pollutants; first, biological processes can be carried out in situ

    at the contaminated site; Second, bioprocess technologies are usually environmentally benign(no secondary pollution) and third, they are cost effective. Of the different biological

    methods, bioaccumulation and biosorption have been demonstrated to possess good potential

    to replace conventional methods for the removal of dyes. In this review, the biosorptionabilities of bacterial biomass towards dyes are emphasized.

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    1) A. M. Ben Hamissa; et. Al. (2008) Biosorption of metal dye from aqueous solutionontoAgave americana(L.) fibres,Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., (5)(4)(501-508)

    2) Augustine E. Ofomaja , Yuh-Shan Ho, (2007) Equilibrium sorption of anionic dyefrom aqueous solution by palm kernel fibre as sorbent,Dyes and Pigments, (4)(60-66)

    3) Augustine E. Ofomaja , Yuh-Shan Ho, (2008) Effect of temperatures and pH onmethyl violet biosorption by Mansonia wood sawdust, Bioresource Technology, (99)


    4) Hajira Tahir, Muhammad Sultan and Qazi Jahanzeb, (2008) Removal of basic dyemethylene blue by using bioabsorbents Ulva lactuca and Sargassum,African Journal

    ofBiotechnology, (7)(2649-2655)

    5) Ivo Safarik, et. Al. (2007) - New magnetically responsive yeast-based biosorbent forthe efficient removal of water-soluble dyes,Enzyme and Microbial Technology, (40)(15511556)

    6) Juan Mao,Sung Wook Won,Yeoung-Sang Yun, (2009) Biosorption of reactive andbasic dyes using fermentation waste Corynebacterium glutamicum: the effects of pH

    and salt concentration and characterization of the binding sites, World J Microbiol

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    7) K. Vijayaraghavan, Juan Mao, Yeoung-Sang Yun, (2008) Biosorption of methyleneblue from aqueous solution using free and polysulfone-immobilized Corynebacterium

    glutamicum: Batch and column studies, Bioresource Technology, (99)(28642871)

    8) K. Vijayaraghavan, Yeoung-Sang Yun, (2007) Biosorption of C.I. Reactive Black 5from aqueous solution using acid-treated biomass of brown seaweed Laminaria sp.,

    Dyes and Pigments , (76)(726-732)

    9) K. Vijayaraghavan, Yeoung-Sang Yun, (2007) Utilization of fermentation waste(Corynebacterium glutamicum) for biosorption of Reactive Black 5 from aqueous

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    10)K. Karthikeyan, K.Nanthakumar and P. Lakshmanaperumalsamy, (2009)Kinetic andEquilibrium Studies on In-situ Biosorption of Reactive Blue 140 Dye by Live

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    11)M.Safarkova, L.Ptackova, I.Kibrikova, I.Safark, (2005) Biosorption of water-solubledyes on magnetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae subsp. uvarum cells,

    Chemosphere, (59)(831835)

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    12)M C Somasekhera Reddy, (2006) ,Removal of direct dye from aqueous solutions withan adsorbent made from tamarind fruit shell,an agricultural solid waste,Journal of

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    13)Min Hee Han, Yeoung-Sang Yun, (2007) Mechanistic understanding andperformance enhancement of biosorption of reactive dyestuffs by the waste biomass

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    14)Mehmet Doan ,Harun Abak ,Mahir Alkan, (2008) Biosorption of Methylene Bluefrom Aqueous Solutions by Hazelnut Shells: Equilibrium, Parameters and Isotherms,

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    15)Azhar S.Saiful, (2005) Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution by using Adsorption onTreated Sugarcane Bagasse,American Journal ofApplied Sciences, (20)(1499-1503)

    16)S.Tunali Akar, T.Akar,A.abuk, (2009) Decolourization of textile dye,reactive red,198(RR198),by Aspergillusparasiticus fungal biosorbent, Brazilian Journal ofChemical Engineering, (26) (399-405)

    17)V.Jaikumar, (2009) Effect of Biosorption Parameters Kinetics Isotherm andThermodynamics for Acid Green Dye Biosorption from Aqueous Solution by

    Brewery Waste, International Journal ofChemistry, (1)(1-11)

    18)V.Jaikumar, (2009) Biosorption of Acid Yellow by Spent Brewery Grains in a BatchSystem:Equilibrium and Kinetic Modelling, International Journal ofBiology, (1)(1-


    19)Y.S. Ho,G. McKay, (2003) Sorption of dyes and copper ions onto biosorbents,

    ProcessBiochemistry, (38)(1047-1061)

    20)Yuh-Shan Ho, Tzu-Hsuan Chiang ,Yu-Mei Hsueh, (2005) Removal of basic dyefrom aqueous solution using tree fern as a biosorbent,ProcessBiochemistry, (40)
