Revista #3



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Why not vary for retro fashion nowadays use what we say, back to the years 70-80 well that's really fun is that people understand fashion?Well this is what we see in the streets, cities, states, country and etc. ... but always playing a kind of fashion style over another, and it is not anything to do, so if you play on a stamp quite another, and it is called is different fashion, but mixing a kind of fashion is not nothing to do huh, please, spare me!

Well that is what happens right now in Paris, France? That we can find by searching, I gave some good searched in INTERNET and saw that there are many different things like fashion, gastronomy, among other things.

The fashion in Paris, is very colorful, with colors yellow, red, green, orange, silver, blue, pastel colors, among several different colors, I think the Paris fashion could be the fashion world for being so full of life , more prints full color, with lots of interesting things for the fashion world it is different, and not always the same thing, such as blue, red, green, yellow, purple and these basic colors, colors with animal prints with floral, would look much more cheerful and very different.

"Only marriages are so perfect, husbands and wives, be sure who you want to marry, do not choose the wrong people, the right people are those that even in difficult times can re-animate it (a) does not want to marry a person who will betray you, watch the behavior of your wife or husband with a man or a woman.Be faithful people like loyalty to each other, do not lie, do not steal the money they saved was short and to another country.Do not let anyone disrupt her wedding, and most importantly be happy "

Fly with the birds, dream with the angels, and follow your happy life

Thank you