Revolutionary War [Image source: W. B. Woolen]. [Massachusetts Historical Society]


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Revolutionary War

[Image source: W. B. Woolen]

[Massachusetts Historical Society]

[Image source: Microsoft Encarta 98]

[Atwater Kent Museum]

“Caesar had his Brutus; Charles

the First his Cromwell; and

George the Third - may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it!”

[Red Hill Shrine, Brookneal, Virginia]

[Red Hill Shrine, Brookneal, Virginia]

Townshend Acts

1. Suspended the New

York Assembly.

2. Imposed customs duties on colonial imports of glass, red and white lead, paints, paper, and tea. (The Revenue Act)

Protest of the Townshend


[Image source:



Mr. Mrs. J. William Middendorf, II, New York.


Rhode Island smugglers board and burn the

revenue cutter Gaspee 9th June 1772 after it had

run aground. [National Geographic Society Library.]


[Sketch by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company, Worcester, Massachusetts.]

Samuel Adams, “father of the Revolution.”

[City of Boston, Museum of Fine Arts]


[Painting by Charles Schuessele, Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery]

Boston Port Act

Included the following provisions:• the closing of Boston harbour to

commerce• Salem replaces Boston as capital• Boston replaced by Marblehead

as the port of entry

Colonel George Washington,

Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee

leaving a session of the First Continental Congress.

[Image source: Historical Society of Pennsylvania]

“The die is now cast, the colonies must either submit or triumph.”


[Painting by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Insurance Company]

“The regulars are out!”

[Painting by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Insurance Company]

[Image source: The Revolutionary War by Bart McDowell, pages 38-39.]

[[Painting by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Insurance Company]

[Painting by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Insurance Company]

19th April 1775

Battle of Lexington Green

[Image source:]

[The Dunfey Family]

“Fire, fellow-soldiers, for God’s sake, fire!”

[Painting by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Insurance Company]

[Painting by A. Lassell Ripley, The Paul Revere Insurance Company]

[The Dunfey Family]

Colonel William Prescott

[Painting by F.C. Yohn, circa 1910,The Continental Insurance Company]

[Painting by Howard Pyle, 1898, Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, Delaware Art Center].htm]

Martyrdom of Joseph Warrenton

[Painting “The Battle of Bunker’s Hill” by John Trumbull, 1786,Yale University Art Gallery]

[Fort Ticonderoga Museum]

“Surrender in the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress!”

Arnold invades Canada fall of 1775

[Engraving from Our Countryby Benson Lossing]

[Painting by Alonzo Chappel, Chicago Historical Society]

[Painting by Tom Lovell,Dixon “Ticonderoga” Pencil Collection]
