Rhetorical Strategies. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”


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Rhetorical Strategies

“The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Rhetorical Devices

use of language that is intended to have an effect on its audience

Style Appeals

Figurative language Here comes the Helen of our school – allusion

I would die if you asked me to sing in front of my parents – hyperbole

He smokes like a chimney – simile

More Examples


Rhetorical questions How did this idiot get elected? – implication of “idiot”


Diction Author’s choice of words

Syntax How words are organized

Tone The feel or sound of your writing







Logos Ethos Pathos


Appeal to logic or reason the argument itself; the reasoning the author

uses; logical evidence “Oh, that makes sense” or “Hmm, that really

doesn’t prove anything.” EX: facts, statistics, citations, quotes, examples,


Questions to ask for Logos:

Is the thesis clear and specific? Is the thesis supported by strong reasons and

credible evidence? Is the argument logical and arranged in a well-

reasoned order?


Appeal to character or ethics How the author builds credibility and

trustworthiness Reader or audience respects the author or his

views EX: author’s profession/background/publication,

appearing sincere or fair, conceding to opposition where appropriate, morally likable, appropriate vocabulary and language for audience and subject, correct grammar


What are the writer’s qualifications? How has the writer connected him/herself to the topic being discussed?

Does the writer demonstrate respect for multiple viewpoints by using sources in the text?

Are sources credible? Are sources documented appropriately?

Does the writer use a tone that is suitable for the audience/purpose? Is the diction (word choice) used appropriate for the audience/purpose?

Is the document presented in a polished and professional manner?


Appeal to emotion Words or passages and author uses activate

emotion Persuasion by emotion – evoking fear,

sympathy, empathy, and/or anger EX: emotionally loaded language, vivid

descriptions, emotional examples, testimonies or anecdotes, figurative language, emotional tone


Are vivid examples, details and images used to engage the reader’s emotions and imagination?

Does the writer appeal to the values and beliefs of the reader by using examples readers can relate to or care about?

Rhetorical Triangle
